OBHRM Module 10- Exit + Retention
OBHRM Module 10- Exit + Retention
OBHRM Module 10- Exit + Retention
Good organizations hire the best talents and know how to retain them for a more extended period. Employees
are the lifeline of any organization. When these skilled employees walk out of the door, it becomes challenging
to find suitable replacements. High turnover not only affects an organization’s bottom line but also is a costly
process. And it is often more challenging to train new employees. Studies say that for a new employee to fully
adapt to a new organization, it takes more than eight months of onboarding and sometimes even more. Even
with reasonable compensation and benefits, employees quit. The reason for this varies with many factors.
Employee retention refers to the strategies and processes an organization develops to keep its top talent and
mitigate turnover risks. Employee retention and turnover is a leading workforce management challenge for
many organizations and human resources (HR) professionals, creating significant operational costs for
employers and compromising their growth and profit.
Summary. Hearing the words “I quit” is rarely pleasant, but managers and HR
professionals can gain valuable knowledge for their firms by taking an evidence-
based approach to finding out why employees leave. Start by looking for patterns
among how people quit. Overall, do employees tend to follow company guidelines?
Is quitting more common in particular departments? Answering these kinds of
questions can help you identify problem areas. Next, see what coworkers who were
closest to the departing employee have to say. Although people will not always be
open to divulging their true reasons for quitting, in many cases their peers may
have insights. Finally, examine what departing employees do next, and learn from
their decisions. HR professionals can do this by tracking where their alumni go.
More employees are voluntarily leaving their jobs than at almost
any other time this millennium. When an employee quits, it can
feel like a gut punch, leaving managers scrambling both
emotionally and operationally. The loss can be particularly acute
when employees “ghost” their organization, simply not showing
up to work, sometimes only days after starting the job.
In his New York Times best seller, Principles, Ray Dalio argues
that setbacks, like losing a valued employee, provide an important
learning opportunity for organizations — as long as leaders are
willing to reflect on and identify the root cause of such losses. Too
often, though, managers and HR professionals are so busy doing
damage control that they fail to conduct a thorough autopsy to
help them understand what happened and what corrective action
is needed to prevent similar episodes from occurring in the
These styles often reflect how departing employees feel they were
treated by their organization and their manager prior to leaving.
Therefore, if many employees within a firm resign by expressing
gratitude and giving reasonable notice, this may signal that the
organization is a healthy place to work. On the other hand, if
bridges tend to get burned during employee resignations, leaders
should take this as a signal that they should investigate the cause
of these destructive departures.
Examine and learn from what the employee does after they
leave. HR professionals can do this by tracking where their
alumni go. If a large proportion of quitters return to school to
pursue graduate degrees, for example, there may be an
opportunity for the company to improve retention by offering
discounted or free education. If several employees leave to
become stay-at-home parents, perhaps more expansive work-
family programs would provide employees with healthier work-
life balance. If there is a trend of employees’ leaving to work for a
particular competitor, then it is certainly worth looking into that
firm’s culture, development programs, compensation, and
benefits to determine why your organization is losing talent to a
Anthony C. Klotz is an Associate Professor of
Organizational Behavior in the UCL School of
Management at University College London. His
research focuses on understanding employees’
relationship with work, through the lenses of
resignations, citizenship behavior, and
biophilic design.
Mark C. Bolino is the David L. Boren Professor
and Michael F. Price Chair in International
Business at the University of Oklahoma’s Price
College of Business. His research focuses on
understanding how an organization can inspire
its employees to go the extra mile without
compromising their personal well-being.
11/2/22, 4:02 PM What is Voluntary Employee Turnover? - Employee Cycle
Here are a few employee turnover statistics that may surprise you:
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11/2/22, 4:02 PM What is Voluntary Employee Turnover? - Employee Cycle
33% of employees quit their jobs within the first 90 days of employment
In this article, we will define voluntary vs. involuntary turnover briefly. Then
we’ll dig deeper into the voluntary employee turnover types and how they
impact your business.
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risk mitigation for this type of turnover is determining if you are paying your
employees enough for your industry, job role, and region. Or, you may
need to research and investigate your managers to see if there are
personality clashes, leadership conflicts, or other issues that need to be
A Work Institute report from 2020 shows 20% of employees leave their jobs
due to frustration over a lack of growth, job advancement, and development
opportunities. Using your HR data and analytics to drill down to the real
reasons your employees leave will help inform and direct your employee
retention and career growth strategies. And a reduction in employee turnover
will have a positive effect on your organization’s bottom line!
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Paying other employees overtime to handle the role while it’s unfilled
Recruiting costs
It’s been estimated that each employee that leaves costs their employer
about 33% of their annual earnings. SHRM has estimated that the average
cost to replace a salaried employee is six to nine months of that employee’s
salary. And if they were a senior-level manager, top performer, or had
specialized skills, costs could even reach many times the employee’s annual
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started with at that beginning range of time. The number is the percentage of
For example, if you start the year with 100 employees and during that year,
five employees left voluntarily, and seven left involuntarily, you end up with a
voluntary annual turnover rate of 5/100 or 5%. Your involuntary turnover rate
is 7/100 or 7%. When you add 5% and 7% together, you have an annual
turnover rate of 12%.
Reducing the employee turnover rate is one of the crucial tasks of team
leaders. Why? Because a high turnover rate implies that the organization is
incurring high costs of operations due to recruiting new employees, the costs
of training and development, the loss of productivity, and possibly even the
loss of business. In the long run, a company will likely lose its competitive
advantages in the marketplace.
Hire the Right People: Focus on hiring the right people for the right
positions right from the start. It is essential to write detailed job descriptions
and have a clear idea of the types of candidates you want for the role, but
it’s critical to use HR data to become more strategic in screening
candidates. Many companies also use personality, work environment
preferences, and leadership style assessments to determine if the
candidate possesses exemplary character and competencies for the
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position. When you get the right fit, there or more chances that the
Increase Job Satisfaction: Employees who feel valued and cared for tend
to have higher levels of commitment to their employer, are more dedicated
to their responsibilities, are more plugged in and engaged in the
organization, and are even more innovative. Reward that! And rewards
don’t necessarily always have to be monetary. Rewards can also be praise,
mentoring, professional development, managing special projects,
scheduling flexibility, etc. Get creative!
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Wrapping It Up
Bruce Marable
Bruce Marable is co-founder and CEO of Employee Cycle, a people dashboard
company that automates HR reporting and analytics. Bruce is a sought-after
speaker, podcast host, contributing writer for SHRM, and an HR tech veteran.
When Bruce is not helping HR executives better understand the story behind their
workforce data, he's serving as Board Chair of the non-profit youth coding program
Coded By Kids, making fun playlists on Spotify, and hunting down the best bread
pudding in whichever city he's in.
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11/2/22, 4:01 PM What Are The Different Types Of Employee Turnover? | GenesisHR Solutions
hether your company is losing employees
because they’re quitting or because you are
terminating them, you need to know why. In this
article, we’ll discuss voluntary vs. involuntary
employee turnover types and what they mean for your
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11/2/22, 4:01 PM What Are The Different Types Of Employee Turnover? | GenesisHR Solutions
Using this formula, you can track total turnover, which includes
all terminations and voluntary departures—anyone who has
left the company for any reason. However, in order to use this
information to make positive changes in your company, you
need to be able to sort turnover into two buckets, voluntary
turnover vs. involuntary turnover, and calculate the turnover
rate for each.
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11/2/22, 4:01 PM What Are The Different Types Of Employee Turnover? | GenesisHR Solutions
All turnover is not created equal. While many people think any
amount of employee turnover is an ominous sign, I want to
encourage business owners and leaders to view a certain
amount of employee turnover as a good thing. So what are the
numbers you should pay attention to?
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11/2/22, 4:01 PM What Are The Different Types Of Employee Turnover? | GenesisHR Solutions
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11/2/22, 4:01 PM What Are The Different Types Of Employee Turnover? | GenesisHR Solutions
There is a high chance that before you even think of resigning from your current
role, your team leader may ask you to join in a one-on-one interview to let you
know how important you are for the growth of the organisation.
You must have heard about exit interviews at companies but the practice of stay
interviews is now being used to retain top talent.
As companies grapple with high attrition especially among top talent that is in
demand post pandemic, stay interviews are a tool that help the HR to make the
employees feel that they are instrumental to company's growth.
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According to a Times of India report, a senior manager at CIEL was told about his importance for the success of the firm
and its future growth plans.
“We gave the manager a clear picture of where he stands and why he is important for our success now and in future. He
was appreciative of the path and that helped us in retaining this high-potential talent,” MD & CEO Aditya Narayan
Mishra said.
Ritu Rakhra, regional HR head at Dell Technologies, belives that the team leader has to step in and build a rapport with
every member of the team.
“Their priority is to build a personal rapport with every individual member. Whenever there are red flags and a high-
potential employee may be thinking of leaving, we expect the leader to step in and have that conversation and, if
required, pool in the skip-level leader. An additional level can help the team member understand the situation and it also
brings in a different perspective to the conversation. This is important for the team member to understand the
commitment the company is making in his or her career.”
Companies look for signs to understand if an employee feels unwanted in the team. The process kicks in with carrer chats
and interviews with team manager to let the employee understand his or her career path in the company. If need be the
next level manager is also roped in.
Stay interviews are a great tool to make the employee feel psychologically safe and build bonds with management and
help them understand want an employe really wants.
HR experts feel that the leadrs have to be empowered to take such decisions and other tools like counter offers don;t work
as they are deployed post resignation.
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