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The ground-state entanglement of a single particle of the N-harmonium system (i.e., a
completely integrable model of N particles where both the confinement and the two-particle
interaction are harmonic) is shown to be analytically determined in terms of N and the relative
interaction strength. For bosons, we compute the von Neumann entropy of the one-body reduced
density matrix by using the corresponding natural occupation numbers. A critical number, Nc, of
particles exists, and below it, for positive values of the coupling constant, the entanglement
grows when the number of particles increases; the opposite occurs for N > Nc . For fermions, we
compute the one-body reduced density matrix for the closed-shell spinned case. In the strong
coupling regime, the linear entropy of the system decreases when N grows. For fixed N, the
entanglement is found (a) to decrease (increase) for negatively (positively) increases values of
the coupling constant, and (b) to grow when the energy increases. Moreover, the spatial and spin
contributions to the total entanglement are found to be of comparable size.
Keywords: many-body systems, quantum information, entanglement, harmonium
information processing in various physical systems (see, e.g., previously computed [26]. We obtain for the first time an
[5, 11]) it also allows us to gain deeper insight into non- explicit expression of the one-body reduced density matrix for
classical correlations of atomic and molecular systems, and to the closed-shell spinned fermionic case. This study will allow
fully understand the course of their dissociation processes and us to show that some entanglement features of finite many-
chemical reactions [10–12]. particle systems can be understood to a certain extent by
The main difficulty, however, stems from the fact that the purely kinematical considerations. The N-particle harmonium
Schrödinger equation of most quantum many-body systems is a completely integrable system with an arbitrary number of
cannot be solved analytically. Even numerically, the deter- particles, N, where both the confinement and the two-particle
mination of the wavefunction is, in general, a serious pro- interaction are harmonic. This model has been implicitly used
blem. In the last three years, an intense effort has been made to a certain extent to study cold atoms [27], to determine area
to determine the entanglement of some real atomic and laws of the ground-state entanglement of some one-dimen-
molecular species, such as helium-like atoms [13–17], a few sional chains [28], and to gain further insight into numerous
processes of diatomic molecules [18], and elementary che- phenomena of a variety of physical systems up to black holes
mical reactions [19]. This research has basically focused on (see, e.g., [21, 29–35]).
the entanglement of bipartite systems, mainly because the The paper is structured as follows. First, in section 2 we
characterization of this phenomenon for systems of many briefly formulate the quantum-mechanical problem of the N-
indistinguishable constituents is much less known, even at the particle harmonium, showing its separability by using the
notional level of entanglement measurement [20]. appropriate set of normal coordinates [36] and fixing our
Thus, the quantification of the entanglement of bound notational settings. In section 3 we discuss the general
states for model systems enabling analytic solutions of the mathematical structure of the one-body reduced density
associated Schrödinger equation is a promising way to matrix in the bosonic case, obtaining its explicit expression.
investigate correlation phenomena. Indeed, entanglement Moreover, we compute and discuss the analytical expression
between the constituents of any bound system is most con- of the von Neumann entropy of the one-body reduced density
veniently analyzed in such models, enabling us to relate it to matrix for the N-boson harmonium. Further, in sections 4 and
bosonic or fermionic characteristics. Up to now, however, the 5, we obtain explicit expressions for the one-body reduced
density matrix of the spinned N-fermion harmonium, we and
entanglement of certain models of two bound electrons is all
analyze the linear entropy of the one-body reduced density
that has been determined. We refer to the two-harmonium (or
matrix, both with and without the spin degree of freedom. The
Moshinsky) [21–25], Crandall, and Hooke [13] atoms. In all
paper ends with concluding remarks and two appendices.
these models, the electron confinement is harmonic, and the
electron-electron interaction is of a harmonic (two-harmo-
nium), r12−1 (Crandall), or Coulombic (Hooke) type. All of
2. The N-harmonium problem
them show that when the spin degree of freedom and the
indistinguishability of electrons are taken into account, new The N-harmonium model is a system of N interacting parti-
entanglement aspects [24] are encountered as compared to the cles (fermions or bosons) which interact harmonically in a
model of distinguishable particles, although some further three-dimensional harmonic well. It is characterized by the
clarification is needed. Hamiltonian
It is also worth noting that some entanglement features of
the two-harmonium atom are also qualitatively reproduced by 1 2 k 2 δ
the other two models, which give a good description for
H= ∑ pi + ∑ ri + ∑ rij2, (1)
2 i=1 2 i=1 2i<j
certain two-fermion systems (e.g., two electrons in a quantum
dot is approximately described by the Hooke model)— where rij := | ri − rj |, k is the coupling constant of the har-
namely the growth of the entanglement when either the monic well, and δ is the coupling of the harmonic interaction
relative strength or the excitation energy is increases. It is between the particles. The treatment of harmonically inter-
most interesting that recently, the entanglement of some real acting bosons by means of this Hamiltonian represents the
helium-like atoms has been numerically shown to have an first exact solution of an N-particle system using only con-
increases dependence on the energy. This has been done both ditions on the reduced space of two-particle density matrices
by using very accurate one-electron Hylleraas–Kinoshita type [37]. This system can be expressed in a separable form (i.e.,
basis functions [14, 17] and some Gaussian or Slater-type as a system of uncoupled oscillators) using the set of normal
orbital basis sets [6, 15]. It is also observed from the models coordinates {ξ1 ,..., ξ N }, given by
that the entanglement decrease of these systems, in terms of N
the nuclear charge Z, can also be understood as the result of ξ N := ∑ri and
the relative decrease of the electron-electron interaction. N i=1
In this paper, we will analytically study the entanglement m
of the one-body reduced density matrix of the N-harmonium ξ m := ∑ ( ri − rm +1), (2)
m (m + 1) i=1
model for bosons and fermions. Von Neumann (for bosons)
and linear (for fermions) entropies will be used. The one-body with m ∈ {1, … , N − 1}. This is an orthogonal transforma-
reduced matrix for the spinless fermionic case has been tion of the position variables. A similar change of coordinates
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 (2014) 195503 C L Benavides-Riveros et al
for momenta results in a canonical transformation, preserving Let us propose that a critical value exists for the number of
the symplectic form. Let us call the new set of momenta {Ξm }. particles. Below this critical value (around 3.5), we will show
A direct calculation shows that that for positive values of the coupling constant, δ, the first
N −1 N N occupation number decreases (and consequently the von
∑ ξm2 = ∑ rij2 = ∑ rm2 − ξ N2 , (3) Neumann entropy grows) as the number of particles increases.
m =1
Ni<j m =1 Above this value, the first occupation number increases as the
number of particles increases. Moreover, the first occupation
so that the Hamiltonian (1) can be expressed in the following number tends to 1 (and the entropy tends to 0) in the limit
separable form: when the number of particles tends to infinity.
N −1 For fermions, we use the one-body reduced density
1 2 1
H = N + ∑ m, where N = ΞN + ω2ξ N2 and matrix to compute an explicit expression for both its purity
m =1
2 2
and its linear entropy. Let us propose that we will show that,
1 1 in the region of negative coupling δ, the entropy grows when
m = Ξm2 + μ2 ξ m2, (4)
2 2 the number of particles increases. A similar situation is
where ω2 := k , and μ2 := k + Nδ , depending on the number observed in the attractive case for small values of the coupling
of particles. Then, the physical solutions of the associated constant. For large values of δ k , the situation is the opposite:
Schrödinger equation (i.e., the wave functions Ψ (x1 , ⋯ , xN )), When particles are added to the system, the entropy decrea-
can be readily obtained. Here, let us first note that (a) there is a ses. In both bosonic and fermionic cases, we will show that it
ground state whenever μ2 > 0 , and (b) the particles are no is possible to calculate these two measures of entanglement as
longer bound if the relative interaction strength a function of the coupling constant, δ k , and the number of
δ 1
⩽− . (5)
k N
On the other hand, let us comment here that the entan- 3. The N-boson harmonium: von Neumann entropy
glement problem is formulated in terms of reduced density
matrices. Either directly from the resulting one-particle In this section, we determine the von Neumann entropy of the
reduced density matrix or, since the particles are assumed to N-boson harmonium ground state in terms of N and the
interact pairwise, in terms of the two-particle density matrix, relative interaction strength, δ k . Taking into account the
Gaussian character of the ground-state oscillator wave func-
ρ ( x1, x2 ; y1 , y2 ) := ∫ dx3 ⋯dxN Ψ ( x1, x2 , x3 , ⋯ , xN ) tion, the ground state distribution on phase space is char-
acterized by the Wigner N-body density function,
× Ψ ( y1 , y2 ,, x3 , ⋯ , xN ) , (6)
1 −2 N ω −2 ∑N −1 m / μ
which carries all the necessary information required for cal- Wgsb ( r1, … , rN ; p1 , … , pN ) = e e m=1
π 3N
culating the quantum-mechanical properties of the whole
1 ⎡ N
system. The symbol x stands for spatial and spin coordinates, = exp ⎢ −(ω − μ) ξ N2 − μ ∑ri2
x := (r, ς ). In particular, the ground-state energy of the π 3N ⎢⎣ i=1
system can be computed by minimizing a simple linear N ⎤
functional of ρ. In passing, let us mention that the N-repre- ω−μ 2 1
+ ΞN − ∑pi2 ⎥ . (8)
sentability problem for this matrix has proved to be a major ωμ μ i = 1 ⎥⎦
challenge for quantum chemistry [38]. The one-body density
matrix, which is the basic variable in reduced density matrix The energy of the ground state is the total sum of the con-
functional theory [39], is then given as tributions of each individual oscillator (i.e.,
Egsb = 2 [ω + (N − 1) μ]). On the other hand, the one-body
ρ1 (x ; y):= ∫ ρ ( x, x2 ; y, x2 )dx2 . (7) density factorizes as a product of two separable quantities:
By means of the spectral theorem, ρ1 (x ; y) can be decom-
posed in terms of its natural spin orbitals, {ϕi (x)}, and its
d1b (r ; p) := ∫ Wgsb ( r, r2, …, rN ; p, p2 , …, pN )
eigenvalues, {ni }; the natural occupation numbers: N
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 (2014) 195503 C L Benavides-Riveros et al
N ⎤ N
1 1 the Gaussian way as
− μ ∑ rm2 ⎥⎥ ∏ drm =
⎦ μ13 2 π 3(N − 1) 2 λ N3 2
m =2 m =2 d1b (U ) = e−λ N U , (16)
⎡ N −1 ⎤ π3
ω−μ μ⎛ ⎞2
N −1
× ∫ exp ⎢ − ⎜r + ∑ rm ⎟⎟ − μ ∑ rm2 ⎥⎥
N μ1 ⎜⎝
⎢ showing that it is actually a Gibbs state. Note that λ N ⩽ 1 for
⎣ m =2 ⎠ m =2 ⎦ all N, since ω + μ ⩾ 2 ωμ and N ⩾ N 2ωμ; also note that
N −1
1 1 λ N → 1 when N → ∞.
× ∏ drm = It is known that there is a unitary operator, associated
m =2 π μ13 2 3(N − 1) 2
with any symplectic transformation (say, SN), which acts on
⎡ N −1 ⎤ the Hilbert space [42]. Let us use this transformation to find
⎢ ω − μ1 μ ⎛ N − 1 ⎞2
× ∫ exp − ⎜ r + ∑ rm ⎟ − μ ∑ rm2 ⎥
⎟ the set of occupation numbers on the basis of the Wigner
⎢ N − 1 μ ⎜⎝ ⎥
⎣ 1 m =2 ⎠ m =2 ⎦ eigenfunctions of the harmonic oscillator. Since the one-body
N −1 ⎛ μ ⎞ quasidensity function factorizes completely, from now on we
× ∏ drm = (const.) Δr ⎜⎜ r , μ1, ω , N − 1⎟⎟ , (10) will work in one dimension. From the series formula
m =2 ⎝ μ1 ⎠ ∞
1 +t x
m N−m
(1 − t ) ∑L r (x ) e−x 2 t r = e− 1 −t 2 , (17)
where μm := ω + N
The constant (const.) will be
μ. r=0
determined by normalization so that it will depend on the
where Lr(x) is the Laguerre polynomial, it follows that
number of particles, as well as on the frequencies. Therefore,
⎛ μ ⎞ (−1)r
Δr (r , μ , ω , N ) = (const.) Δr ⎜⎜ r , μ1, ω , N − 1⎟⎟
d1b (U ) = ∑ π
( )2
L r 2U 2 e−U n r , (18)
⎝ μ1 ⎠
where the occupation numbers are equal to
⎛ μ ⎞
= (const.) Δr ⎜⎜ r , μ2 , ω, N − 2⎟⎟ = … 2λ N ⎛ 1 − λ N ⎞r
⎝ μ2 ⎠ nr = ⎜ ⎟ =: ( 1 − t N ) t Nr , (19)
1 + λN ⎝ 1 + λN ⎠
⎛ ω−μ μ 2 ⎞
= (const.) exp ⎜⎜ − r ⎟⎟ , (11) fulfilling ∑r nr = 1, as one should expect.
⎝ N μ N −1 ⎠
For the sake of completeness in figure 1 we plot the
and in addition numerical behavior of the one-body quasidensity function of
the N-boson harmonium for different values of the number of
Δ p (p , μ , ω , N ) ≡ Δr p , μ−1, ω−1, N , ) (12) bosons. We observe that, as the number of bosons grows, the
profiles of the position and momentum densities become
so that the expression (9) can be transformed as narrower and wider, respectively. This clearly indicates that
the more precisely the particles are localized in position
N 3 ⎛ ωμ ⎞ ⎛
d1b (r ; p) = ⎜
3 ⎝ ⎠
⎟ exp ⎜ − r2 space, the larger the localization in momentum space, as one
π N ⎝ (N − 1) ω + μ should expect, according to the position-momentum uncer-
N ⎞ tainty principle. There is no relevant difference for negative
− p2 ⎟ , (13) values of the coupling constant, δ, except that in this case, it
ω + (N − 1) μ ⎠
can be plotted only when δ k ⩾ − 1 N .
where N = [(N − 1) ω + μ][ω + (N − 1) μ]. Finally, we can compute the von Neumann entropy of the
Let us now diagonalize this expression by decomposing N-boson harmonium explicitly in terms of N and the relative
it into its set of natural orbitals, as well as into its occupation interaction strength δ k , obtaining the value
numbers. The task is made easier by noting that the one-body
t N log ( 1 − t N )
quasidensity is a linear combination of Laguerre polynomials, S (N ) := −∑n r log n r = −log ( 1 − t N ) −
which are the phase-space counterpart of the Hermite poly- r=0
1 − tN
nomials. To see that, let us define N + N ωμ ⎡ 2N ωμ ⎤
= − log ⎢ ⎥, (20)
2N ωμ ⎢⎣ N + N ωμ ⎥⎦
⎡ ω + (N − 1) μ ⎤1 4 N ωμ
γN := (ωμ)1 4 ⎢ ⎥ , λ N := , (14)
⎣ (N − 1) ω + μ ⎦ N which complements and extends a similar formula encoun-
tered by other means in a black-hole context [31].
as well as the symplectic transformation This entanglement measure is numerically examined in
figure 2 in terms of the number of bosons, N, and the relative
⎛ γN 0 ⎞ interaction strength, δ k . As stated in (5), the minimum value
S N := ⎜⎜ ⎟ and U := S N u where uT = (r , p). (15)
−1 ⎟
of this relative strength is − 1 N . There is a critical point
⎝ 0 γN ⎠ around Nc ∼ 3.5 where the entanglement acquires its max-
imum value. This is more clearly seen in figure 3, where the
Then, the one-body quasidensity function can be rewritten in explicit dependence of the von Neuman entropy on N is
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 (2014) 195503 C L Benavides-Riveros et al
1.0 1.0
4 4
0.5 0.5
2 2
0.0 0.0
-4 0
p -4 0 p
-2 -2
0 -2 0 -2
r 2 r 2
4 -4 4 -4
(a) (b)
1.0 1.0
4 4
0.5 0.5
2 2
0.0 0.0
-4 0
p -4 0
-2 -2
0 -2 -2
r 2 r 2
4 -4 4
(c) (d)
Figure 1. The one-body quasidensity function (13) is plotted for different values of the number of bosons. Since the one-body quasidensity
function factorizes completely, we plot it in one spatial dimension (two dimensions in phase space). The strength, δ k , is taken to be equal to
1. Note that as the number of bosons grows, the profiles of the position and momentum densities become narrower and wider, respectively.
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 (2014) 195503 C L Benavides-Riveros et al
Figure 3. Von Neumann entropy of the one-body reduced density matrix for the N-boson harmonium, whose explicit formula is given in
equation (20), is plotted as a function of the number of particles for eight different values of the relative interaction strength, δ k . Note that for
each value of the relative strength, there is a peak around the critical value, Nc.
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 (2014) 195503 C L Benavides-Riveros et al
Note that det Mi = −1 and M tM = 1. Any matrix function corresponding to the Gaussian one on the right-hand
⎛ cos ϕ sin ϕ ⎞ side of (27) is nothing but the Wigner N-body quasidensity
Mϕ = ⎜ ⎟ given by (8).
⎝ sin ϕ −cos ϕ ⎠
Let us now calculate the one-body density of the one-
is a reflection in the axis θ = ϕ 2. In our case, this means dimensional spinless N-fermion harmonium, which is defined
θ = π 2, π 6, and − π 6 (i.e., three reflection axes at 60- by
degree angles to each other). The rotations R (p3 ) and R (p5 )
are products of two reflections each. Thus, the eigenfunction ρ1 ( r ; r ′) = ∫ dr2 ⋯drN Ψ f ( r, r2, ⋯, rN ) Ψ f
transforms as follows:
× ( r ′, r2, ⋯ , rN ). (29)
Ψ gsf ( ξ1, ξ2, ξ3 )
6 For this purpose, it is convenient to rewrite the eigen-
= (const.) e − 2 ξ3 − 2 ( ξ1 + ξ2 )
ω 2 μ 2 2
∑( − )i+1ψ ( R ( pi ) ξ) function (27) as
ω −μ 2 μ
( r +r +r ) ∑( − )i+1ψ ( R ( pi ) ξ)
2 2 2 Ψ f ( r1, ⋯ , rN ) = (const.)
= (const.) e − 2 ξ3 − 2 1 2 3
μ μ−ω
× ( r1 − r3 )( r2 − r3 ). (25) with a = 2 and b N = 2N . Moreover, we will use the Hub-
bard-Stratonovich transformation
Note that the last equality was possible because
α ∞
1 1
eαζ =
π −∞
∫ 2
dz e−αz + 2αzζ , with
∑( − )i+1ψ μ R ( pi ) ξ
12 2 μ3 2 i = 1
( ) α ∈ and Re (α ) > 0, (31)
= −
( )
ξ13 − 3ξ1ξ22 = ( r1 − r2 )( r1 − r3 )( r2 − r3 ) (26) where ζ = r2 + ⋯ + rN and α = 2b N . Then, the one-body
density reads
is a Vandermonde determinant. This three-fermion result can 2
ρ1 ( r ; r ′) = k N e−( a − b N )( r )∫ 2
dz e−2b N z e(N − 1) 2a ( r + r ′+ 2z )
2 + r ′2 2
be extended to the N-fermion system. In fact, the general
results of the theory of antisymmetric functions ensure that
the wave function of a system of spinless fermions is equal to × ∫ dz2 ⋯dz N ( z ,z ,⋯,z r 2 N) ( z r′, z 2, ⋯ , z N )
the wave function of the corresponding bosonic system, N
multiplied by the N-variable Vandermonde determinant (see × ∏ e−z j , (32)
section 3.1 of [44]). So, the ground-state wave function of the j=2
spinless N-fermion harmonium described by the Hamiltonian
(1) has the form where kN denotes the normalization constant (to be calculated
later), and z j := 2a ⎡⎣ rj − 2aN (r + r ′ + 2z ) ⎤⎦ is a convenient
Ψ f ( r1, ⋯ , rN ) = (const.) ∏ ( ri − r j )
change of coordinates. A key observation [26] is that the last
expression on the right-hand side is the multiplication of two
⎡ ω−μ μ
N ⎤ Slater determinants, and therefore the computation of the
exp ⎢ − ξN2 − ∑ri2 ⎥⎥, (27)
⎢⎣ 2 2 i=1 ⎦ reduced density matrix can be completed using well-known
methods in quantum chemistry. Indeed, with the notation
where the product-like symbol on the right-hand side of this
expression denotes the Vandermonde determinant, β N := ,
(N − 1) ω + μ
1 ⋯ 1
q( r , r ′) := μ ⎡⎣ r − 2 βN2 ( r + r ′) ⎤⎦
r1 ⋯ rN
( r1, ⋯ , rN ) := ⋮ ⋱ ⋮
(μ − ω)2 N−1
r1N − 1 ⋯ rNN − 1 and cN := , (33)
(N − 1) ω + μ 2N
= ∏ ( ri − r j ). (28)
one can express the one-body density as
1 ⩽i < j⩽N
N −1
Concrete calculations [30, 34] have borne out this fact several
times. On the other hand, it has been pointed out by several
ρ1 ( r ; r ′) = k N e−a N ( r
2 + r ′2
) + 2c N rr ′
∫ du e−u ∑ 21jj! H j
authors that this function is actually a generalization of
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
Laughlinʼs wave function for the fractional quantum Hall × ⎣ q( r , r ′) − βN u⎦ H j ⎣ q( r ′, r ) − βN u⎦ , (34)
effect [45]. This is not surprising since, in the Hall effect, the
magnetic field can be understood as a harmonic potential with a N := a − b N − cN . This expression can be calculated
acting on the electrons. Let us also point out that the Wigner analytically with the help of the following general formula,
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 (2014) 195503 C L Benavides-Riveros et al
derived in appendix A: Keeping all this in mind and determining the normal-
∞ ization constant, kN, by imposing that ∫ ρ1 (r; r ) dr = 1, one
∫−∞ e−u Hk ( q( r,r′) − βN u) Hk ( q( r′,r ) − βN u) du
finally has the expression
k 1 1 ωμ
e−a N ( r + r ′ ) + 2cN rr ′
2 2
= ∑ ( 2β N )
n1, n 2 = 0
n1+ n 2 even
n1+ n 2
( )( )
n 2 H k − n1
ρ1 ( r ; r ′) =
π N
N − 1 2r
(N − 1) ω + μ
∑∑ctN, s r 2t−sr′s
( )
× − q( r , r ′) Hk− n 2 − q( r ′, r ) Γ ( ) ( n1 + n 2 + 1
2 ). (35) ×
t=0 s=0
Then, the integral on the right-hand side of (34) can be for the one-body density of the one-dimensional spinless N-
expressed as the following power sum: fermion harmonium.
N −1
Let us now quantify the entanglement of the system by
∫ du e−u ∑ 21jj! H j ⎡⎣ q( r,r′) − βN u⎤⎦ H j ⎡⎣ q( r′,r ) − βN u⎤⎦
2 means of the linear entropy associated with the one-body
density [46]:
SL = 1 − N Tr ⎡⎣ ρ12 ⎤⎦ ,
N − 1 2t
= π ∑∑ctN, s r 2t−sr′s , (36)
t=0 s=0
where ΠN = N Tr [ρ12 ] is the purity of the system. This
where the expansion coefficients, depend on both the crN, s , entanglement measure, which is a non-negative quantity that
frequencies ω, μ and the number of particles. When r + s is vanishes if and only if the state has Slater rank 1 and is
an odd number or is lager than 2(N − 1), crN, s = 0. By sym- therefore separable, has been recently used in various two-
metry it is clear that ctN, s = csN, t . In the one-fermion case, there fermion systems [13, 24] as well as for various helium-like
is only one coefficient c0,1 0 = 1. For N fermions, the rank of systems [14, 16, 17] in both ground and excited states.
the quadratic form of the cr, s is 2N − 1. In particular, when Moreover, in our systems it turns out that
N = 2, we have the expansion coefficients:
Tr ⎡⎣ ρ12 ⎤⎦ = ∫ ρ1 ( r; r′) ρ1 ( r′; r ) dr′ dr
c0,2 0 =
, c1,2 1 =
μ μ + 2μω + 5ω ( 2 2
) and
N − 1 2t 2e
μ2 (ω − μ) 65ω3 + 33μω2 + 9μ2 ω + μ3 ). (38)
values of the coupling constant (i.e., when the fermions attract
2 ( 2 ω + μ) 4 each other), we find that for very small values of δ k , the
entanglement grows again with increases N. In general, we
Except for the difference in the normalization and notation observe that for positive values of the strength, we have
conventions, these coefficients coincide with the ones found various regimes of dependence on N. In the strong-coupling
in [26]. regime, the linear entropy grows as the number of particles
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 (2014) 195503 C L Benavides-Riveros et al
Figure 5. Linear entropy of the one-particle density matrix of the N-fermion harmonium as a function of the coupling constant for five
different values of N. Note the change in behavior when the strength grows.
δ /k = ⎢ ⎥ − 1.
⎢⎣ N 2 − 1 ⎥⎦
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 (2014) 195503 C L Benavides-Riveros et al
Let us begin with the consideration of the simpler, non- the expression
interacting case; that is, when δ = 0 , and hence μ = ω. The
⎛ ρ ↑↑ r , r ′ ⎞
1 ( )
corresponding ground-state eigenfunction is then given by the 0
ρ1 (x , x′) = ⎜⎜ ⎟. (46)
) ⎟⎠
expression ↓↓
1 (
⎝ 0 ρ r , r ′
Ψ f ( x1, … , x N )
1 ⎡ 2N ⎤ Moreover, it is clear that
= ∑ ( − )J ⎢⎢ ∏ φi − 1 ( x J (i ) ) ⎥
2N ! J ∈ S2N ⎣ i=1 ρ1↑↑ ( r , r ′) = ρ1↓↓ ( r , r ′)
2N !
∑ ( − )J J = ∫ dx2 ⋯dx2N Ψ f ( r, ς1, x2, …, x N )
J ∈ S2N
⎡ N ⎤ Ψ f
( r ′, ς1, x2 , …, x N ) ς =↑
×⎢ ∏ ↑2i − 1 ↓2i ϕiω− 1 ( r2i − 1) ϕiω− 1 ( r2i ) ⎥ . (44) 1
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ 1 1
i=1 =
2N (N − 1)!
dr2 ⋯drN ∫
In the noninteracting case, the basis of the one-particle Hilbert
space is the set of Hermite functions whose degree is less than φ0 (r ) ⋯ φ0 ( rN )
N. Moreover, let us define × ⋮ ⋱ ⋮
φ N (r ) ⋯ φ N ( rN )
H = { j ∈ S2N : j fixes 1, … , N} ≃ S N
φ0 ( r ′) ⋯ φ0 ( rN )
K = { j ∈ S2N : j fixes N + 1 ,..., 2N} ≃ S N ,
× ⋮ ⋱ ⋮
where S˜N = H × K is the direct product of these two sub- φ N ( r ) ⋯ φ N ( rN )
groups. The set S2′N = S2N S̃N is the set of right cosets in S2N, N −1
giving the following equivalence relation: J ∼ J ′ if and only 1
= ∑ φi (r ) φi ( r ′). (47)
if there exists (j, j′) ∈ S˜N such that J ′ = (j, j′) J . 2N i=0
Therefore, we can reorganize the expression (44) in the
following form: The occupation numbers appear twice, which is a well-known
result for atomic and molecular scientists.
N 2N
1 Let us now consider the general interacting case, for
Ψ f ( x1, … , x N ) = ∑( − ) J ∏ ↑J (i ) ∏ ↓ J (i )
2N ! which δ ≠ 0 , and hence μ ≠ ω . The ground-state eigen-
i=1 i=N +1
function for the Hamiltonian (1) is similar to (22), except that
ϕ0ω ( rJ (1) ) ⋯ ϕ0ω ( rJ (N ) )
each spatial orbital is doubly occupied. For the same reasons
× ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ as in the spinless case, the collective mode, ξ2N , occupies the
ϕNω ( rJ (1) ) ⋯ ϕNω ( rJ (N ) ) Hermite function of degree zero. The other coordinates,
ϕ0ω ( rJ (N + 1) ) ⋯ ϕ0ω ( rJ (2N ) ) {ξm } 2mN=−11, occupy the other spatial orbitals in such a way that
the total wave function is totally antisymmetric under inter-
× ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ , (45)
change with coordinates {x m } 2mN= 1. The ground-state eigen-
ϕNω ( rJ (N + 1) ) ⋯ ϕNω ( rJ (2N ) ),
function schematically reads
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 (2014) 195503 C L Benavides-Riveros et al
× J [ ξ1ξ2 ] e− 2 ξ4− 2 ( ξ1 + ξ2 + ξ3 )
ω μ 2 2 2
× ∑( − )J ⎢ ∏ ↑J (i ) ∏ ↓ J (i ) ⎥ × 2 N 2N N
⎢⎣ i = 1 ⎥⎦
S2′N i=N +1 × r ,, 2 ,..., N r ′,2, … , N
× (J (1), … , J (N )) (J (N + 1), … , J (2N )) . (49)
= (const.) e −a( r )+b ( r +r′ )+d ( r + r ′)2
2 + r ′2 2 2
2N N
1 2
The corresponding energy is Egsf = 2 (ω + μ) + μ (N 2 − 1). gN 2
× ∫ dz e−2g z N
e(N − 1) 2a ( r + r ′+ 2z )
Let us define η = r + r2 + ⋯ + rN and η′ =
r ′ + r2 + ⋯ + rN . To compute the one-density, we use twice 2
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 (2014) 195503 C L Benavides-Riveros et al
Figure 8. Linear entropy of the one-body reduced density matrix for the spinless and spinned N-fermion harmonium as a function of the
number of particles for different values of δ k .
As in the spinless case, the entropy grows when the ground- In this work, we have shown that some entanglement features
state energy increases. For very large values of the dimen- of finite many-particle systems can be understood, to a certain
sionless energy, Egsf ω (i.e., very large values of the relative extent, by purely kinematical considerations. This is done by
strength δ k ), the gap between the spinless and spinned cases explicitly analyzing the entanglement of the N-boson and N-
decreases. fermion harmonium systems. This has been possible because
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 (2014) 195503 C L Benavides-Riveros et al
for these harmonic systems, we have been able to analytically Appendix A. Calculation of the
integral ∫ −∞ e−u H k (a − cu)H k (b − cu)du
calculate not only the one-body reduced matrix for bosons
and fermions, but also the von Neumann entropy in the
bosonic case and the linear entropy in the fermionic case. In In this section, we calculate the integral
doing so, we complement and extend to harmonic systems ∞
with an arbitrary number of particles the study of entangle- ∫−∞ e−u Hk (a − cu) Hk (b − cu)du,
ment recently done for various two-electron models
[13, 21–25], as well as some helium-like systems
where a, b, and c are real numbers and Hk(x) is the Hermite
[6, 14, 15, 17] and certain quantum complex networks [50].
polynomial of degree k. We use the following property of the
We have analytically determined the entanglement of
Hermite polynomials:
these harmonic systems for both spatial and spin degrees of
freedom in terms of the number of particles and the relative Hn (−z) = (−1)n Hn (z),
interaction strength (or coupling constant). We have used the
von Neumann entropy and the linear entropy as entangle- as well as the power series of these polynomials around
ment quantifiers in the bosonic and fermionic systems, z = z0,
respectively. We have found that for positive couplings, the
entanglement of the three-boson harmonium atom is bigger ⎛ n⎞
Hn (z) = ∑ 2k ⎜⎝ ⎟H k
n − k ( z 0 )( z − z 0) .
than the one in the two-boson system, but in general the
entanglement of the N-boson harmonium decreases when N
increases. Moreover, the entanglement of a given N-boson This expression allows us to rewrite each Hermite polynomial
system grows when the positive coupling constant increases in the following form:
that is, when the positive value of the strength of the
interparticle interaction relative to the confinement well Hk (a − cu) = ( −1)k
z 0 =−a
increases. On the other hand, globally speaking, the spatial k
entanglement of the N-fermion harmonium grows when N
increases for both negative and sufficiently small positive
× ∑ (2c)n
n1= 0
( )
k n1
n1 Hk− n1 ( −a) u . (A.2)
n1= 0
freedom. k
In summary, we have shown that in the repulsive and
attractive cases for relatively small values of the coupling
× ∑ (2c)n
n 2 =0
( )
n 2 H k − n 2 ( − b) u
Appendix B. The Gaussian integral, (n;m)
CLBR was supported by a Francisco José de Caldas scho-
larship, funded by Colciencias. He very much appreciates the In the following, we calculate the integral
warm atmosphere of the Departamento de Física Atómica
Molecular y Nuclear at the Universidad de Granada. IVT ∞ ∞
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