3rd Sem 2018-2019

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(Autonomous Women’s University)

In Partnership With


Integrated B.A & M.A Public Policy & Anthropology

With Civil Services Coaching

​ ​ ​ ​Syllabus

​ ​ ​ 2018-2019

Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh. 517502 Hyderabad, Telangana. 500020.


Number of Hours
- 60
Number of
Credits - 4
• To develop the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
of the students.
• To make them understand three different forms of writing,
namely, poem, drama and the short story; and also the
different linguistic styles used there.
• To make them learn the basics of grammar and to make them
apply these basics to their own use of English
• To make them enrich their vocabulary
• To make them use English confidently through different
classroom activities

UNIT-1: Poetry
1. Kitchen – Vimala ( from Women’s Writing in India vol.-II
ed. by Susie Tharu and K.Lalitha)
2. Refugee Mother and Child – Chinua Achebe
3. This is a Photograph of me – Margaret Atwood
UNIT-2: Drama
1. The Boor – Anton Chekhov
UNIT-3: Short Story
1. Draupadi - Mahasweta Devi
2. Not Just Oranges – Isai Tobolsky
UNIT-4: Grammar and Vocabulary
1. Types of Sentences
i. Simple Sentences
ii. Complex Sentences
iii. Compound Sentences
2. Degrees of Comparison
3. Word Formation Processes
i. Derivation
ii. Clipping
iii. Conversion
iv. Abbreviations and acronyms
v. Blending

UNIT-5: Class Room Activities

1. Information Transfer – Describing Images
2. Dialogue Practice (Oral)
3. Guided Writing
4. Reading Comprehension
Internal Assessment: Distribution of marks for the internal
assessment can be as follows:
Describing an image ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​-- 5
Role Play ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​-- 5 marks
Story Telling ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​-- 5
*Language Learning Diary
​ ​-- 5 marks

*The End Semester Exam for eighty marks covers only the
first Four Units as the fifth unit, which is completely practical in
nature, is covered in the internal assessment.


PAPER TITLE INBAPPA 303- Socio Cultural Anthropology

Number of Hours
– 60

Number of Credits- 4
• The student should understand how the production,
Distribution and Consumption is going on different
livelihoods and what is opinion of the Anthropologist and
economist on the economic life of the people
• The student should analyse on the various political
organisation in different Societies
• He should also focus on the different religious beliefs and
customs in various societies a part from Knowing about
different religious functionaries
UNIT-1: The Nature of Society

1​ . Concept of Society – Definition, Characteristics and

Types based on different criteria
​2. Society and Culture
​3. Social Institutions – Definition and Types
​4. Social groups – Definition, Types based on different
​5. Social stratification.

UNIT-2: The Nature of Culture

1. The concept of culture

2. Characteristics of culture
3. Concept of civilization
4. Characteristics of civilization
5. Difference between Culture and Civilization
6. Ethnocentrism vis-à-vis cultural Relativism.
UNIT-3: Economic organization

1. Meaning and scope of economic anthropology

2. Formalism
3. Substantivism
4. Distribution and exchange in different societies
5. Contributions of Karl Polanyi
UNIT-4: Political Organisation and Social Control

1. Band, tribe, chiefdom, kingdom and state

2. Concepts of power, authority and legitimacy
3. Social control, law and justice in simple societies.
UNIT-5: Religion

1. Anthropological approaches to the study of religion

(evolutionary, psychological and functional).
2. Forms of religion in tribal and peasant societies (animism,
animatism, fetishism, naturism and totemism)
3. Religion, magic and science distinguished
4. Magico- religious functionaries (priest, shaman, medicine
man, sorcerer and witch).
Learning Outcome:
By the time of completion of the subject , the students should
get a boarder picture of society, culture and its economic
organisation , political organisations , religious believes and
customs in different societies.
List of Reference Books:
1. Ember & Ember : Anthropology
2. Cultural Anthropology(A Global Perspective) - Raymond
Scupin(author); PEARSON (publisher)1998
3. Majumdar & Madan : An Introduction to Social
4. Dr. A. Ashok, IAS &Dr.P.V. Lakshmaiah- Anthropological
thought – Telugu Academy.
5. Dr. A. Ashok, IAS &Dr.P.V. Lakshmaiah - Socio-cultural
Anthropology – Telugu Academy.
PAPER TITLE - INBAPPA 304- Indian Administration
Number of Hours – 60

Number of Credits- 4
UNIT-1: Evolution of Indian Administration
1. Mauryan rule - Kautilya’sArthashastra
2. Mughal rule – administration
3. British rule - administration
4. Indianization of civil services, socio-economic context of
Indian administration
UNIT-2: Union Administration
1. Structure, functions and processes
2. Cabinet secretariat, prime minister’s office
3. Ministries and departments
UNIT-3: State administration
1. Profile of state administration
2. Role of Governor – Sarkaria commission, Puncchi
committee, ARC report.
3. Chief minister and council of ministers
4. Chief secretary, State secretariat and Directorate
5. ARC 15th Report
UNIT-4: District and local government
1. District administration and changing role of district
2. Rural local government and 73rd Amendment act
3. Urban local government and 74th amendment act
4. ARC 6th Report
UNIT-5: Constitutional and Extra
constitutional bodies
1. NITI Aayog, National
Development Council
2. Election commission, Finance commission
and Union Public service Commission
National Human Rights commission
3. Special commission on SC, ST, Minorities, BC and women
List of Reference Books:
1. Indian administration by Ramesh K arora and Rajnigoyal
2. Public administration by Laxmikanth
3. Indian administration by Awasthi and AwasthiLaxmiNarain
Aggarwal, Agra.
4. Public administration in India by Awasthi and Maheshwari
5. Basu, D.D. (2000), Introduction to the Constitution of
India, Wadhwa and Company, New Delhi.
6. Fadia and Fadia, Indian Administration (2012),
SahityaBhavan Publications, Agra.
7. Granville Austin (1999), The Indian Constitution – Corner
Stone of a Nation, OUP, New Delhi.
8. Maheswari, S.R. (2001), Indian Administration, Orient
Blackswan, Hyderabad
9. Maheswari, S.R. (2004) The Public Service of India:
Current Good Practices and New
PAPER TITLE INBAPPA 305- Introduction to Sociology
Number of Hours - 60

Number of Credits- 4
The course is meant to be a formal introduction to the discipline
of sociology. It introduces the student to the basic concepts in
sociology in order to show how sociology is premised on society
as an object of study.

Sociology: Nature, Scope and Significance Relationship with

History, Economics. Political Science, Anthropology and
Psychology, Careers Jobs for Sociology


Basic Concepts, Society, Community, Association, Social

structure status & Role Norms and Values, Fashion

UNIT-3: Social Groups & Processes:

Definition, Nature and types of Groups- Primary Secondary &

Reference Group: Processes- Co-operation. Conflict and
Accommodation, Group behaviour, Behaviour Modification.

UNIT-4: Social Institutions:

Marriage, Family, Kinship and Religion: Their Functions and

Features, Emerging trends


Child, Youth, Elderly Problems – Social Psychology – Marital

Counselling - Guidance clinics
List of Reference Books:

1. Ahuja, Ram (2001): Indian Social System, New Delhi:

Rawat Publication. Ahuja Ram (2003): Society in Indian.
New Delhi: Rawat Publication.
2. Dr. A. Ashok, IAS &Dr.P.V. Lakshmaiah- Anthropological
thought – Telugu Academy
3. Dr. A. Ashok, IAS &Dr.P.V. Lakshmaiah - Socio-cultural
Anthropology – Telugu Academy
4. Dr. A. Ashok, IAS & Dr.P.V. Lakshmaiah- Social Issues in
India – Telugu Academy.
5. Bottomore, T.B. (1972): Sociology: A Guide to Problems
and Literature, Bombay: George Allen and Unwin (India).
6. Berger, Peter. 1963. Invitation to Sociology: A Humanistic
Perspective. Chapter I Sociology as Individual Pastime.
New York: Anchor Books Doubley and co. Pp. 1-24.
7. inkeles, Alex. 1991. What is Sociology- Prentice Hall India
Ltd. New Delhi. (Three paths to a definition)

PAPER TITLE - INBAPPA 306- Indian Economy I
Number of Hours – 60

Number of Credits- 4

• To understand the nature, features and problems of Indian

Economy there by to provide awareness to students in
formulation of appropriate plan and policy for the
development of India in future
• To learn about aims and objectives of the Five Year Plans
and recent trends in Planning
• To know about the various development Policies initiated by
the government of India

UNIT-1: Structure of Indian Economy and Planning

Nature, Growth and Structure of Indian Economy – Major

Features of the Economy at Independence, National Income
estimations, Trends – Planning and Economic Development,
Role of Planning, Nehruvian and Gandhian perspectives,
Planning and Public Sector, present trends in Planning and Role
of NITI Aayog;

Banking Insurance, Information Technology, Education and

Health. Population and Human Development – HDI, Gender
Inequality index, green GDP, Gross National Happiness (GNH).
Demographic Trends and issues (Basic Demographic features –
size and growth of the population – Age and sex composition
Rural and Urban, Population Policy 2011).

UNIT-2: Indian Agriculture

Nature: Importance and Role of Agriculture, the Concept of

Poverty, Planning Commission’s estimates of Poverty
calculation of BPL Economic Reforms and Reduction of
Poverty, Inequality and Unemployment. Agriculture
Productivity, Agricultural Marketing, Food Security in India,
Agricultural Price Policies; Crop Insurance, subsidies;
Agriculture Credit and Banking, NABARD and its Role in Rural

UNIT-3: Indian Industries:

Nature, Importance and Role of Indian Industries, Types of

Industries, Structure and Growth of Indian Industry – Industrial
Policies of 1956, 1992, 2012 and Start-up India Initiative, 2016,
Growth and Problems of Small Scale industries. MSME Policy-

UNIT-4: Public Finance:

Public Revenue, Expenditure, Taxation, Classification of Taxes

– Tax incidence, Public Debt Classification of Public debt –
Methods of debt redemption – Theory of incidence, Alternative
concepts of incidence, benefit and ability to pay approaches –
theory of laffer curve, GST in India – An analysis.

UNIT-5: Globalisation and Foreign Trade

Foreign Trade and Balance of Payments. Indian Foreign Trade

Policy – 2015-2016, Effects of Globalisation on Indian

Learning Outcomes:

The students will get an overall idea about the Indian economy
and its structure. They will understand the functioning of various
sectors in our economy and the recent trends that have been
taking place as a result of globalization.

List of Reference Books:

1. Shankar Acharya, 2010, ―Macroeconomic Performance

and Policies in Shankar Acharya and Rakesh Mohan,
editors, India’s Economy: Performances and Challenges:
Development and Participation, Oxford University Press.

2. Rakesh Mohan, 2010, ―India‘s Financial Sector and

Monetary Policy Reforms, in Shankar Acharya and Rakesh
Mohan, editors, India’s Economy: Performances and
Challenges: Development and Participation, Oxford
University Press.

3. Pulapre Balakrishnan, Ramesh Golait and Pankaj Kumar,

2008, ―Agricultural Growth in India Since 1991, RBI
DEAP Study no. 27.

4. B.N. Goldar and S.C. Aggarwal, 2005, ―Trade

Liberalisation and Price-Cost Margin in Indian Industries,
The Developing Economics, September.

5. P. Goldberg, A. Khandelwal, N. Pavcnik and P. Topalova,

2009, ―Trade Liberalisation and New Imported Inputs,
American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings,

6. Kunal Sen, 2010, ―Trade, Foreign Direct Investment and

Industrial Transformation in India, ïn Premachandra
Athukorala, editor, The Rise of Asia, Routledge.
7. A. Ahsan, C. Pages and T. Roy, 2008, ―Legislation,
Enforcement and Adjudication in Indian
Labour Markets: Origins, Consequences and the Way Forward,
in D. Mazumdar and S.
Sarkar, editors, Globalization, Labour Markets and Inequality in
India, Routledge

PAPER TITLE – FC 01- Human Values and Professional

Number of Hours
- 30
Number of
Credits- 2
UNIT-1: Introduction to Value Education
1. Value Education, Definition, Concept and Need for Value
2. The Content and Process of Value Education
3. Self-Exploration as a means of Value Education
4. Happiness and Prosperity as parts of Value Education
UNIT-2: Harmony in the Human Being
1. Human Being is more than just the Body
2. Harmony of the Self (‘I’) with the Body
3. Understanding Myself as Co-existence of the Self and the
4. Understanding Needs of the Self and the Needs of the Body
UNIT-3: Harmony in the Family and Society and Harmony
in the Nature
1. Family as a basic unit of Human Interaction and Values in
2. The Basics for respect and today’s Crisis : Affection, Care,
Guidance, Reverence, Glory, Gratitude and Love
3. Comprehensive Human Goal : The Five dimensions of
Human Endeavour
UNIT-4: Social Ethics
1. The Basics for Ethical Human conduct
2. Defects in Ethical Human Conduct
3. Holistic Alternative and Universal order
4. Universal Human Order and Ethical Conduct
UNIT-5: Professional Ethics
1. Value Based Life and Profession
2. Professional Ethics and Right Understanding
3. Competence in Professional Ethics
4. Issues in Professional Ethics – The Current scenario
5. Vision for Holistic Technologies, Production System and
Management Models
List of Reference Books:
1. A.N.Tripaty, Human Values, New Age International
Publishers, 2003
2. Bajpai.B.L., Indian Ethos and Modern Management, New
Royal Book Co., Lucknow, Reprinted, 2004
3. Bertrand Russell, Human Society in Ethics and Politics
4. Corliss Lamont, Philosophy of Humanism
5. Gaur.R.R., Sangal.R, Bagaria.G.P., A Foundation Course in
Value Education, Excel Books, 2009
6. Gaur.R.R., Sangal.R, Bagaria.G.P., Teacher’s Manual,
Excel Books, 2009
7. I.C.Sharma, Ethical Philosophy of India, Nagin& Co.,
8. Mortimer.J.Adler, What Man has Made of Man
9. R.Subramanian, Professional Ethics, Oxford University
10. Text Book for Intermediate Ethics and Human Values,
Board of Intermediate Education & Telugu Academy,
11. William Lilly, Introduction to Ethics, Allied Publishers

PAPER TITLE – FC 02 -Information and Communication

Technology (ICT)
Number of Hours
- 30
Number of
Credits- 2

UNIT-1: ​ undamentals of Internet

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Networking Concepts, Data Communication – Types of
Networking, Internet and its Services, Internet Addressing –
Internet Applications – Computer Viruses and its types –
Browser –Types of Browsers.

UNIT-2: ​Internet applications ​

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Using Internet Explorer, Standard Internet Explorer Buttons,
Entering a Web Site Address, Searching the Internet –
Introduction to Social Networking: twitter, tumblr, Linkedin,
facebook, flickr, skype, yelp, vimeo, yahoo!, google+, youtube,
WhatsApp, etc.

UNIT-3: ​E-mail ​ ​
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Definition of E-mail - Advantages and Disadvantages – UserIds,
Passwords, Email Addresses, Domain Names, Mailers, Message
Components, Message Composition, Mail Management,Email
Inner Workings.

UNIT-4:: WWW- ​ ​
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Web Applications, Web Terminologies, Web Browsers,URL –
Components of URL, Searching WWW – Search Engines and

UNIT-5: ​Basic HTML ​

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Basic HTML – Web Terminology – Structure of a HTML
Document – HTML, Head and Body tags – Semantic and
Syntactic Tags – HR, Heading, Font, Image and Anchor Tags –
Different types of Lists using tags – Table Tags, Image formats –
Creation of simple HTML Documents.

List of Reference Books :

1. In-line/On-line : Fundamentals of the Internet and the World

Wide Web, 2/e - by
Raymond Greenlaw and Ellen Hepp, Publishers : TMH

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