3rd Sem 2018-2019
3rd Sem 2018-2019
3rd Sem 2018-2019
(Autonomous Women’s University)
In Partnership With
Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh. 517502 Hyderabad, Telangana. 500020.
UNIT-1: Poetry
1. Kitchen – Vimala ( from Women’s Writing in India vol.-II
ed. by Susie Tharu and K.Lalitha)
2. Refugee Mother and Child – Chinua Achebe
3. This is a Photograph of me – Margaret Atwood
UNIT-2: Drama
1. The Boor – Anton Chekhov
UNIT-3: Short Story
1. Draupadi - Mahasweta Devi
2. Not Just Oranges – Isai Tobolsky
UNIT-4: Grammar and Vocabulary
1. Types of Sentences
i. Simple Sentences
ii. Complex Sentences
iii. Compound Sentences
2. Degrees of Comparison
3. Word Formation Processes
i. Derivation
ii. Clipping
iii. Conversion
iv. Abbreviations and acronyms
v. Blending
*The End Semester Exam for eighty marks covers only the
first Four Units as the fifth unit, which is completely practical in
nature, is covered in the internal assessment.
Number of Credits- 4
• The student should understand how the production,
Distribution and Consumption is going on different
livelihoods and what is opinion of the Anthropologist and
economist on the economic life of the people
• The student should analyse on the various political
organisation in different Societies
• He should also focus on the different religious beliefs and
customs in various societies a part from Knowing about
different religious functionaries
UNIT-1: The Nature of Society
Number of Credits- 4
UNIT-1: Evolution of Indian Administration
1. Mauryan rule - Kautilya’sArthashastra
2. Mughal rule – administration
3. British rule - administration
4. Indianization of civil services, socio-economic context of
Indian administration
UNIT-2: Union Administration
1. Structure, functions and processes
2. Cabinet secretariat, prime minister’s office
3. Ministries and departments
UNIT-3: State administration
1. Profile of state administration
2. Role of Governor – Sarkaria commission, Puncchi
committee, ARC report.
3. Chief minister and council of ministers
4. Chief secretary, State secretariat and Directorate
5. ARC 15th Report
UNIT-4: District and local government
1. District administration and changing role of district
2. Rural local government and 73rd Amendment act
3. Urban local government and 74th amendment act
4. ARC 6th Report
UNIT-5: Constitutional and Extra
constitutional bodies
1. NITI Aayog, National
Development Council
2. Election commission, Finance commission
and Union Public service Commission
National Human Rights commission
3. Special commission on SC, ST, Minorities, BC and women
List of Reference Books:
1. Indian administration by Ramesh K arora and Rajnigoyal
2. Public administration by Laxmikanth
3. Indian administration by Awasthi and AwasthiLaxmiNarain
Aggarwal, Agra.
4. Public administration in India by Awasthi and Maheshwari
5. Basu, D.D. (2000), Introduction to the Constitution of
India, Wadhwa and Company, New Delhi.
6. Fadia and Fadia, Indian Administration (2012),
SahityaBhavan Publications, Agra.
7. Granville Austin (1999), The Indian Constitution – Corner
Stone of a Nation, OUP, New Delhi.
8. Maheswari, S.R. (2001), Indian Administration, Orient
Blackswan, Hyderabad
9. Maheswari, S.R. (2004) The Public Service of India:
Current Good Practices and New
PAPER TITLE INBAPPA 305- Introduction to Sociology
Number of Hours - 60
Number of Credits- 4
The course is meant to be a formal introduction to the discipline
of sociology. It introduces the student to the basic concepts in
sociology in order to show how sociology is premised on society
as an object of study.
PAPER TITLE - INBAPPA 306- Indian Economy I
Number of Hours – 60
Number of Credits- 4
Learning Outcomes:
The students will get an overall idea about the Indian economy
and its structure. They will understand the functioning of various
sectors in our economy and the recent trends that have been
taking place as a result of globalization.
UNIT-3: E-mail
Definition of E-mail - Advantages and Disadvantages – UserIds,
Passwords, Email Addresses, Domain Names, Mailers, Message
Components, Message Composition, Mail Management,Email
Inner Workings.
Web Applications, Web Terminologies, Web Browsers,URL –
Components of URL, Searching WWW – Search Engines and