TAXC371 - 2nd Opp 2020 Solution
TAXC371 - 2nd Opp 2020 Solution
TAXC371 - 2nd Opp 2020 Solution
Module TAXC371
Test Second Opportunity 2020 - Paper 1
Question 1
Part A
(i) Kagiso
Kagiso is an employee as he receives remuneration in the form of a salary from Khoza Logistics(employer) for services
rendered as Harriet's
suggests that bookkeeper.
he declared in writing that he has no other employment, therefore he is not in standard employment. He is
in part time employment.
(ii) Mr Sebata
A labour broker is included in the definition of an employee, the issue is whether there is an employee.
for a reward.
The drivers are provided in return for a fixed fee / remuneration of R50 000 for the month of November 2020
Since Mr Sebata in not in possession of an employees tax exemption certificate(i.e. IRP30), Khoza Logistics must withhold
employees tax from the payment made to Mr Sebata.
Khoza Logistics must withhold employee's tax from the amount paid to Mr Sebata at a rate of 18%
Part A (ii) Total
Part A Total
Part B
Amount to be withheld:
Annual equivalent excluding bonus [35 000 x 12]
Tax on annual equivalent excluding bonus [67 144 + ((420 000 - 321 600) x 31%]
Less Primary rebate
Part C
s80A determines the criteria that should be met for a transaction to be an "impermissible avoidance arrangement"
All of the following criteria have to be met for this transaction to be an "impermissible avoidance arrangement"
1. The must be an arrangement
An arrangement includes any transaction, operation, scheme, agreement, understanding and any holding or foregoing
involving the alienation of property (s80L),
The agreement that amends the original lease agreement that was entered into by Harriet and Khoza Logistics constitutes
an arrangement as defined.
Amended agreement:
In terms of the amended agreement, Harriet includes the R280 000 distributed as a dividend in her gross income in terms
of s1 par(k) of the gross income definition.
Although the dividend of R280 000 is included in Harriet's gross income, it is fully exempt in terms of s10(1)(k).
Although the dividend of R280 000 is exempt from normal tax, it is subject to dividends tax at a rate of 20%.
Normal tax (67 144 + ((355 000 - 321 600) x 31%) 77,498
Dividends tax (280 000 x 20%) 56,000
Total tax 133,498
3. The sole or main purpose of the arrangement was to obtain a tax benefit.
An avoidance arrangement is presumed to have been entered into for the sole or main purpose of obtaining a tax benefit
provided the party obtaining the tax benefit proves otherwise(s80G).
It is presumed that the restructuring of the rental receipts was done for the sole purpose of reducing Harriet's taxable
income and therefore her normal tax liability.
The onus to prove that the sole or main purpose was not to obtain a tax benefit rests on Harriet.
Harriet seems to have abused the provisions of the act as the restructuring of the rental receipt results in an exemption
that would have otherwise not been granted had the R280 000 been paid as rental income.
Part D
Low interest limit calculation
Market interest
rate 9.5%
Interest rate
charged to the
trust 0%
Difference 9.5%
Maximum to
accrue to donor in
terms of s7 R3 500 000 x 9,5% x 334/365 R 304,260
contribution to
pension fund s1 gross income def par (i) 2300 x 8 x 50%
Par 2(l) and 12D of the 7th
Market value on
Shares in Trend vesting date
Setters s8C (600 x 138) 82,800
Consideration paid
(600 x 100) (60,000)
Paragraph 7(8)
(4 500 x 1,584) (7,128)
Taxable benefit 61,765
exemption(20 000 x
s7(8) 25/45) (11,111)
Income 8,889
Rental annuity -
Reabetswe s1 Gross income definition 48 544 x 6/11
Shares in Trend
Setters not yet
vested s10(1)(nD)
Income 150,000
Other amounts
included in
taxable income
Taxable capital
gains s26A
Holiday Home 8th schedule par 35 Proceeds 3,500,000
8th schedule par 20 Base cost (2,200,000)
Capital gain 1,300,000
Portion of
donations tax=(M-
A)/M x D
((620 000-380
000)/620 000) x 104
000) (40,258)
Contributions to
retirement funds s11F
contributions (2 300 x 8) 18,400
contributions (2 300 x 8 x 50%) 9,200
Part E
Reason/Section Calculation
Gross income
s1 Gross income
Salary - Khoza Logistics definition par(c ) 50 400 x 9
Markers comment: Included 20 000 less amount included in part D (line 171)
Interest - Trust
s10(1)(h) not
applicable as >183
days in RSA during
12 months before
the interest was
received. Therefore
1 March 2020 - 28 February 2021 apply s10(1)(i) 22 603+7 397=30 000 limited to 23 800
Part E Total
Part F
Martin(purchaser) acquired an immovable property(house) situated in South Africa from a non-resident seller(Kagiso) for
total amount
amount of R3 000
payable 000(i.e
for the R2 500 000
immovable + 500 000) exceeds R2 000 000 (i.e R3 000 000 > R2 000 000) therefore s35A
will apply.
the house from the payment of R2 500 000 made after the non cancellable agreement to purchase the house was
Since Kagiso(seller) is a natural person, withholding tax on the R3 000 000(i.e R2 500 000 + 500 000) will be withheld at a
rate of 7,5%
The amount to be withheld will therefore be calculated as (R2 500 000 + 500 000) x 7,5% = R225 000
Since Martin is a resident purchaser, he must pay the R225 000 withheld to the commissioner by 14 March 2021 (i.e.
within 14 day after the date on which the amount was so withheld)
Upon paying the R225 000 withheld over to the commissioner, Martin must also submit a return to accompany the
Communication skill - application of the requirements of s35A and calculating the amount to be withheld
Part F Total
Student No.
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Marker Joani
Kagiso = employee
Salary = remuneration 1 0
mployer) for services Khoza Logistics = employer
ndard employment. He is
Part time employment 1 0
Works <22 hours a week 1 0
Employee's tax withheld
1 0
@ 25%
3 0
Mr Sebata = natural
1 0
445,000 445,000 1 0
105,398 105 398 (P) 1 0
(14,958) (14,958) 0.5 0
ce arrangement"
holding or foregoing
635,000 1 0
Use individual's tax table
1 0
er gross income in terms R280 000 = dividend
1 0
included in gross income
Dividends = exempt /
1 0
ms of s10(1)(k). s10(1)(k)
Subject to dividends tax @
1 0
355,000 1 0
Use individual's tax table
1 0
56,000 1 0
43 768 (P) 1 0
Avoidance arrangement 1 0
esults in an exemption
Misuse of the act 1 0
Impermissible avoidance
1 0
R 292,944
26,479 1 0
R 26,479
R 145,000 145,000 0.5 0
R 121,465 121,465 0.5 0
R 292,944
492,000 1 0
120,000 0.5 0
10,435 1 0
(5,000) 0.5 0
150,000 1 0
26,000 1 0
9,200 1 0
82,800 1 0
(60,000) 1 0
14,000 14,000 1 0
x11 1 0
(3,300) 1 0
(184 492) (P) 1 0
(7,128) 1 0
8,362 1 0
20,000 1 0
(11,111) 1 0
58,665 0.5 0
(32,592) 1 0
Dividend paid by way of an
1 0
annuity - Not exempt
19,200 1 0
1,300,000 1 0
620,000 1 0
(380,000) 0.5 0
(40,000) 0.5 0
@ 40% 0.5 0
18,400 1 0
9 200 (P) 0.5 0
34 0
453,600 0.5 0
(23,800) 1 0
s10(1)(i) 0.5 0
8.5 0
Acquired immovable
property in South Africa
1 0
from a non-resident
esident seller(Kagiso) for seller(Kagiso)
2 000 000) therefore s35A
> R2 000 000 1 0
se the house was S35A 0.5 0
Martin should withheld 1 0
7 0