E-ISSN: 2278-4136
P-ISSN: 2349-8234
https://www.phytojournal.com Formulation and evaluation of neutraceutical
JPP 2024; 13(2): 787-793
Received: 29-01-2024 powder
Accepted: 01-03-2024
the traditional Indian medicine date back nearly 3000 years. It improvements in adiponectin activity which improves
roots have been used as an Aphrodisiac, Narcotic, Tonic, steatosis.
Diuretic, Anthelmintic, and stimulant. There has been a
growing interest in type potential health benefit of Neurological Protection
Ashwagandha particularly in the areas of Stress management, The attenuation of neurological alterations, particularly the
Cognitive function, and physical performances. Tulsi (Ocimum biochemical changes observed in carriers of Alzheimer‘s
sanctum) belongs to the Family of Laminaceae are excellent disease.
source of potential drugs in the recent years there has been an
increasing awareness about the importance of medicinal plants. Pomegranate
Herbal plant extract are very useful and major source of Biological source: Punica grantum
medicine and plays a vital role in controlling various types of Family: Punicaceae
Pathogens. Synonyms: Genus Punica
Chemical Constituents: Myrtilli, Ellargic Acid,
Ingredient Cyanidin-3, 5-O-diglucoside, Punicalins, Urolithin
1) AMLA Metabolites, Gallagic Acid, Punicic Acid.
1. Biological source: Phyllanthus embolic L.
2. Family: Phyllanthaceae
3. Synonyms: Emblica
4. Chemical Constituents: 1, 6-di-o-galloylbeta-d-glucose,
kaempferol, Ellargic Gallic acid, corilagin, chebulinic
Fig 2: Pomegranate
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry https://www.phytojournal.com
Fig 4: Ashwagandha
Fig 3: Guava
Ashwagandha also known as Indian Ginseng is an Indian
Guava is an important fruit crop cultivated widely. It is winter cherry. The material used for medicinal purposes is the
considered one of the richest sources of vitamin C. Guava can root. Ashwagandha is derived from two words ‘Ashwa’
affect the Myocardium inotropes. Guava skin extract can meaning horse. One gains power similar to the horse after
control the level of diabetes after 21 days of treatment [14]. consuming this root. The second word is ‘Gandha’, which
means fragrance and refers to the characteristic smell of the
Role of Guava as Nutraceutical fresh root of the pant [23].
Antioxidant Activity
Sometimes environmental changes and hormones become Role of Ashwagandha as a Nutraceutical
reasons for free radicals’ production. These free radicals are Neuroprotective and Anti-Neurodegenerative effect
responsible for Oxidation reactions [15]. Pink guava also has Ashwagandha use in Alzheimer’s disease
high antioxidant activity [16]. Dementia is a syndrome with a multifactorial Etiology
characterized by the range of symptoms caused by brain
Antimicrobial activity disease, typically with a chronic and progressive course.
Guava leaf extract doses can reduce the amount of cough due Neurodegenerative disease destroys the CNS, resulting in
to its anti-cough activity. Aqueous, chloroform, and methanol irreversible damage. In Alzheimer‘s disease, an abnormal
extract of leaves can reduce the growth of different bacteria. deposition of β- amyloid protein in the brain is observed.
Guava leaf extract can inhibit the growth of S. aureus. Plant
leaves and Bark methanol extract can inhibit Bacillus and Ashwagandha use in Parkinson’s disease
Salmonella bacteria [17]. Ashwagandha improves biochemical parameters, in
Parkinson’s disease, its effects depend on the dose
Anti-diarrheal activity administered [24].
Guava leaves contain morphine-like compounds and control
muscular tone. Guava has high cytotoxicity [18]. It is used to Anti-inflammatory/Immunomodulatory Effect
treat diarrhea caused by E. coli or S. aureus toxins [19]. Ashwagandha is studied for the treatment of many diseases
Locomotor coordination can be improved by ethyl acetate associated with inflammation in the body, like Cardiovascular,
extract of Guava fruit [20]. diseases. Autoimmune diseases like diabetes, cancers, and
neurodegenerative diseases can also be treated with
Anti-inflammatory activity
Phenol is an important compound that is present in guava and
dependable for anti-allergy and anti-inflammatory activity [21].
Antibacterial Properties
Anti-parasitic activity Increased infection caused by drug-resistant strains has become
Guava is reported to have anti-parasitic medications used to a major problem. It is known that reckless and often
treat infection caused by ectoparasites, protozoa, parasitic unwarranted use of antibiotics has resulted in the development
fungi, and helminths among other things. Guava Leaf essential of drug-resistant strains, and in some situations, these drugs
oil performed effectively as a host for Toxoplasma Gondi in an have become completely ineffective.
in vitro anti-parasitic experiment [22].
Anticancer Effect
Ashwagandha Ashwagandha is effective against cancer such as breast cancer,
1. Synonyms: Withania somnifera, Indian winter cherry, colon, lung, prostate, and blood cancer [25].
Indian Ginseng.
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry https://www.phytojournal.com
Heart disorder
As Basil reduces the level of cholesterol it has a beneficial
effect on cardiac disease and weakness resulting from them [29].
Kidney stone
Basil has strengthened the effect on the kidneys. In case of
renal stone, the juice of basil leaves and honey, regularly for 6
months will expel them via the urinary tract [30].
Fig 5: Tulsi
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry https://www.phytojournal.com
Amla powder can be used in dry form. Amla powder is Basil powder can be isolated from the basil leaves and
already available in the market which can be used directly seeds. Basil leaves and seeds are rich in active
but may have artificial preservatives. So, by preparing in constituents.
the lab, we can get more and better products. Weigh about 10 to 15gm of basil leaves and its seeds.
First of all, take approximately 10 to 15 Amla fruits. Dry the min hot air over.
Wash them and cut them over the seeds. Now collect dry basil and convert into fine powder.
Now cut them into small pieces and grate or grind them Now extract it with Soxhlet apparatus.
coarsely without losing their water. Now collect the extract and dry it.
Now spread this over a clean butter paper. Convert the material into fine powder and pass it through
We can sun dry them or we can dry them into hot air oven. sieve
After complete drying they will leave moisture and
become completely dry.
Now grind them into fine powder.
Pass from the appropriate sieve.
Now assemble the Soxhlet apparatus by cleaning allots
Take vehicle as a water.
About 30gm of powder is taken and wrapped in filter
Now add this powdered drug entrapped in filter paper into
the thimble of the Soxhlet apparatus.
Place Dover a heating metal.
Now heat it and continue the cycles until men strum get
completely clear. Fig 11: Ashwagandha powder
Collect the extract from the round bottom flask.
Placed in evaporating dish and evaporate it until dry Ashwagandha powder can be used in powder form.
powdered drug is found. It is already available in the market so it can be used
This powder is then extracted using the Soxhlet extractor
Now this extract is converted to fine powder and passed
through the sieve.
This extract is used.