High Level Tcs Ach Tph Hdb 07112024 v0.1
High Level Tcs Ach Tph Hdb 07112024 v0.1
High Level Tcs Ach Tph Hdb 07112024 v0.1
Validate ability
Ability to
to recive
acceptmandates from ACH( ACTC
recived mandates MP : Accepted Technical Validation Completed ( Authentication and syntactica
Validate ability to recive and accept Mandate Report message ( which includes all accepted/cancelled confirmed mandates
instructions for today.)
In case of aaccepted mandates :
Validte ability to recive batch file ( Payment File) from ACH 003 with mandate ID
Validate ability to match the incoming direct debit batch transactions automatically with database to validate the payment thr
Validate the ability of system to check the customer accounts balances automatically in case of acceptance , the system Perfo
file )
Rejection on Payment Level : ( TC: Perform the transaction using the rejection reason)
Validate ability to reject the payment file & generate rejection file and validate the Rejection
Validate ability to reject the payment file & generate rejection file and validate the Rejection
Validate ability to reject the payment file & generate rejection file and validate the Rejection
Validate ability to reject the payment file & generate rejection file and validate the Rejection
Validate ability to reject the payment file & generate rejection file and validate the Rejection
Validate ability to reject the payment file & generate rejection file and validate the Rejection
Validate ability to reject the payment file & generate rejection file and validate the Rejection
Validate ability to reject the payment file & generate rejection file and validate the Rejection
Cancellation on Payment Level : ( TC: Perform the transaction using the Cancellation reaso
Validate ability to Cancel the payment file & generate Cancellation file and validate the Cance
Validate ability to Cancel the payment file & generate Cancellation file and validate the Cance
Validate ability to Cancel the payment file & generate Cancellation file and validate the Cance
Validate ability to Cancel the payment file & generate Cancellation file and validate the Cance
Validate ability to Cancel the payment file & generate Cancellation file and validate the Cance
Return for edit on Payment Level : ( TC: Perform the transaction using the Return reason)
Validate ability to Return the payment file & generate Return file and validate the Return cod
Validate ability to Return the payment file & generate Return file and validate the Return cod
Validate ability to Return the payment file & generate Return file and validate the Return cod
Validate ability to Return the payment file & generate Return file and validate the Return cod
Validate ability to Return the payment file & generate Return file and validate the Return cod
Validate ability to Return the payment file & generate Return file and validate the Return cod
Validate ability to Return the payment file & generate Return file and validate the Return cod
Validate ability to Return the payment file & generate Return file and validate the Return cod
Validate ability to Return the payment file & generate Return file and validate the Return cod
Validate ability to Return the payment file & generate Return file and validate the Return cod
Validate ability to Return the payment file & generate Return file and validate the Return cod
Direct Credit
Direct Credit Initiated by AAIB ( Outgoing)
Validate ability to create single payment and vaildate the existance of mandatory field
Validate the format is coorect according to standard XML .
Validate ability to send Single payment file.
Validate ability to Receive a reposnse from ACH with the status and validate the cancellation
Validate ability to edit and send the payment after editing in case of return for edit.
in case of acceptance : Validate the ability to generate file (PACS 008) with due date today an
Validate that the amount mentioned in the file (PACS 008) is holded.
Validate ability to create Bulk payments , validate the existance of mandatory field for all cus
Validate ability to send Bulk payments.
Validate the format is coorect according to standard XML .
Validate ability to Receive reposnse from ACH to bulk of payments with different status. ( Ask
in case of acceptance : Validate the ability to generate file (PACS 008) with due date today an
Validate that the amounts mentioned in the file (PACS 008) is holded.
TCs for different number of customers mentioned in bulk ( 50 - 100 - 200 - 500 - 1000 - 3000)
N. Perform debit transaction for the holded amount from teller. (Customer has only the holede
N. Perform debit transaction for the holded amount from ATM.(Customer has only the holede
N. Perform debit transaction for the holded amount from POS. (Customer has only the holeded
N. Perform FT transaction Using the holded amount (Customer has only the holeded amount i
N. Perform STO transaction Using the holded amount (Customer has only the holeded amoun
N. Perform Loan payment transaction Using the holded amount (Customer has only the holed
N. Perform credit card settlement transaction Using the holded amount (Customer has only th
Validate ability to cancel payment file before settlement day (in case of forward value date) ,
Validate ability to initiate STO for direct credit transaction for single payment , and validate fi
Validate ability to initiate STO for direct credit transaction for bulk payments , and validate fil
Direct Credit received by Bank (2.2.1)
Direct Credit Initiated By the Bank >> used to credit customer accounts at another banks using PA
Direct Credit Initiated By the Bank >> used to credit customer accounts at another banks using PA
Direct Debit on Customer (2.1.4)
Validate that the user has an access guranteed to log in to the portal in order to receive the mandate
Validate that the mandate includes the right account format full A/C ex. (GRD1562893961001) (Positive and negative scenari
Validate that the user is able to upload excel sheet extracted from mandate portal web system
Validate that the user will process the payment through checking the UMR (unified mandate record) code while the system a
Validate that the system will automatically check the validated customer account balances according to the sufficiency of fund
Validate that the system will accept the payment --> Integration
Validate that the system will reject the payments by giving the proper reasons stating "insufficient funds" >> Integration >> +v
Validate that the system will reject the payments by giving the proper reasons stating "closed account" >> Integration >> +ve a
Validate that the system will reject the payments by giving the proper reasons stating "Dormant account"> Integration >> +ve
Validate that the system will reject the payments by giving the proper reasons stating "GL Closed" >> Integration >> +ve and -v
Validate that the system will reject the payments by giving the proper reasons stating "Missing Account Number" >> Integratio
Validate that the system will reject the payments by giving the proper reasons stating "Insufficient Payment Details" >> Integra
Validate that the system will reject the payments by giving the proper reasons stating "Incorrect Account Number" >> Integrati
Validate that the system will reject the payments by giving the proper reasons stating "Invalid Currency" >> Integration >> +ve
Validate that the system will reject the payments by giving the proper reasons stating "Frozen or Blocked Account" >> Integrati
Validate that the system will reject the payments by giving the proper reasons stating "Rejected By Beneficiary" >> Integration
Validate that the system will reject the payments by giving the proper reasons stating "Regulatory Reason" >> Integration >> +
Validate that the system will reject the payments by giving the proper reasons stating "Invalid Credit Instructions" >> Integrati
Validate that the system will reject the payments by giving the proper reasons stating "Invalid Account Details" >> Integration
Validate that the system will reject the payments by giving the proper reasons stating "Duplicate Payment" >> Integration >> +
Validate that the system will automatically reject the payment process upon insufficiency of funds as well as sending PACS002
Validate that the system will drop payments which doesn’t contain pre-existed UMR (unified Mandate Record) in the data bas
Validating that the system once the outgoing payments are debited from customer accounts will be credited to ACH holdover
Validate that user can initiate outgoing transfer
Validate that the user filled all mandatory fields in the right (required) formats >> +ve and -ve scenarios
Validate that user has sufficient balace to cover transfer amount + fees (if applicable) +ve and -ve scenarios
Validate the receipt of appropriate message in case of insufficient funds (or other valid rejection reason)
Validate user has no posting restrictions and reciept of success message if so
Validate that the user will receive of appropriate message if posting restriction exists
Validate that correct amount is debited from customer's account and credited to ACH holdover account (GL)
Validate settlement of correct amount against CBE nostro account at the end of settlement window >> +ve and -ve scenario
Validate that standing orders can be initiated through ACH similar to SWIFT
Validate that system generates PACS008 with correct transaction data based on user's action
Validate that cancellation can be done within cancellation window and confirm generation of PACS006 by the system
Validate that user can perform a bulk outgoing ACH transfers such as payroll by uploading excel sheet directly to the system a
Direct Credit Initiated By the Bank >> used to credit customer accounts at another banks using PACS 0
Validate that the user is receiving the file (Batch) and load it to Temenos
Validate that the user (maker) can reject the payment and will drop any record doesn’t match the requirement in the repair qu
Questions/Concerns to be raised with the business
What kind of accounts types/Rejection reasons should be rejected >> Seeking the bank
support to share the list of those types of accounts/Rejection Reasons
No debit -ve
No credit +ve
Held accounts >> partial +ve
-ve all the amounts are held
Repair Queue >> Seeking more clarification
GLs >> Need more clarification about the workflow related GL hold over
Page 6:
3. Validation rules
>>> Validation rules should be provided by the bank
Need to seek the bank support and approvals for the validation rules as it varies
from a bank to another >> Very important
SN Module/Sub-module/CBS
1 Direct Credit received
2 Direct Credit received
4 Foreign Currency (Direct Credit and Debit)
6 Direct Debit
10 ACH
11 Window Timing (Settlement)
12 ACH
13 Customer E-Statement
14 Gap Sheet