Mukhtarali Sultanov
Associate Professor of Tashkent State Pedagogical University,
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Nodira Mukhiddinova
PhD., Associate Professor of Tashkent State Pedagogical University,
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Ulbosin Sultanova
Associate Professor of Tashkent State Pedagogical University,
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Lazzat Saidaliyeva
Teacher of Tashkent State Pedagogical University
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
methodology, Pedagogy is the most important in the system of sciences related to the development and formation of a person as an
didactics, individual. For such formation is practically impossible without education as a purposeful process of interaction with
modern science, a child, transferring social experience to him. Based on the achievements of all sciences about man, pedagogy studies
and develops the most optimal ways of formation of a person, his upbringing and education.
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The approach that has become the leading one in the 21st century into society. Competence is the ability to apply knowledge, skills
is focused on the student's performance, otherwise it is called the and personal qualities for successful activity in a certain area. Key
results-based approach. This is a model for planning and competencies allow solving complex problems that are
implementing educational programs. The key concept of this multifunctional in nature. Such problems require organization, for
approach is competence. example, the manifestation of intellectual and emotional
In 1984, John Raven's work "Competence in Modern Society" qualities, and require a certain set of skills. Such skills include:
appeared, it outlined ideas about the nature of competence, collaboration, understanding, argumentation, planning. There are
distinguished types of competence and provided their general cultural (universal, supra-subject) and professional
classification. (subject-specific, subject-specialized) competencies. The former
However, for us, of particular interest is the work of N. Chomsky (GC) are transferable and less rigidly tied to the object and
"Aspects of the Theory of Syntax", on the basis of which the subject of work. The latter (PC) reflect professional
concept of competence was introduced into use. Thus, in the 70s, qualifications. They differ for different areas of training
the transition to competence-oriented education took place. (specialties). In 1996, at the symposium "Key Competencies for
Competence is, first of all, the general ability and readiness of an Europe", their approximate list was presented. It included:
individual to act. The basis for such ability is rooted in the political and social competencies; intercultural; information
knowledge and experience acquired through training. competence; competencies that determine the ability to learn
Independent participation of an individual in the educational and throughout life. In many ways, the educational process has
cognitive process has as a consequence its successful integration acquired the characteristics of technology. The word technology
comes from the Greek word "techne", which means art, information is intentionally given, which must be identified and
craftsmanship, skill; and "logos" - science, law. Literally, cut off. It is necessary to enter the situational context of the case,
"technology" is the science of craftsmanship. identify the actors, select the facts and concepts required for
The term itself came to pedagogy from technical sciences. Based analysis, understand what difficulties may arise when solving the
on the etymology of the concept "technology" - it is a way of problem. Types of case analysis: comprehensive (detailed)
transforming something that provides for a certain sequence of analysis, analysis of the beginning, cursory analysis, integrated.
actions. The key link in any technology is a detailed definition of Case analysis allows you to activate learning, allowing the student
the final result and control over its achievement. A process only to make decisions independently, find conditions for
receives the status of technology when it is predicted in advance, implementing an idea or plan. The project method is essentially
the final properties of the product and the means for obtaining it based on the fact that there is a certain plan: from the idea to
are determined, the conditions for carrying out the process are the detailed development of the idea and its implementation. The
formed. Pedagogical technology, in the broadest sense, is a set of project method and the Case study method complement each
such psychological and pedagogical attitudes that are able to other.
determine a special set and arrangement of forms, methods, Let us note that the ideas of project-based learning arose in Russia
ways, teaching techniques, educational means 14. Pedagogical almost in parallel with the developments of American educators
technology is a systemic method of creating, applying and defining back in the early twentieth century. Under the leadership of the
the entire process of teaching and assimilation of knowledge, Russian educator S. T. Shatsky in 1905, a small group of employees
taking into account technical and human resources and their was organized that actively used project methods in teaching
interaction, which sets as its goal the optimization of forms of practice.
education (UNESCO). The following series of concepts serves as Later, already under Soviet power, these ideas began to be widely
the basis for designating the differentiation of the educational introduced into schools. By the decree of the Central Committee
process. Lesson - a minimum academic period, taking one of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) in 1931, the project
academic hour. A block of lessons is a set of lessons designed to method was condemned and since then, until recently, no serious
study a relatively autonomous topic of the course, the main attempts have been made in Russia to revive this method in
academic period within the educational process. practice. Today, the project-based learning method is one of the
An academic period is a period of academic time during which most popular in the world, since it allows for a rational
certain goals of training, education and development are combination of theoretical knowledge and its practical application
achieved. Traditionally, the following characteristics of the forms to solve real problem situations of the surrounding reality,
of organization of training exist: individual, paired, group, simulating joint activities. In the USA, Great Britain, Belgium,
collective (joint). Israel, Finland, Germany, Italy, Brazil, the Netherlands and many
Since the mid-80s, various lessons in the form of business games other countries where the ideas of the humanistic approach to
have become increasingly popular in schools: a lesson-court, a education by J. Dewey have found application, his project method
lesson-auction, a lesson-press conference, etc. has found wide distribution and gained great popularity. A kind of
All business games are the implementation of a model teaching justification for the project method is that this method reflects
method. Among them, the Case Study method, which is actively the desire to find a reasonable balance between academic
used in universities, colleges and schools, has gained the greatest knowledge and pragmatic skills.
popularity in the late 20th - early 21st centuries. The technologies used in the educational process are very diverse.
The birthplace of this method is the United States of America, or Along with the above, there are game (role-playing business
more precisely, the Harvard Business School. The cultural basis for games), search (project-based learning), case technologies
the emergence and development of the case method was the (method of specific situations), team work (work in small groups,
principle of precedent or case. The Case Study method is most trainings), problem-based learning (lectures, discussions,
widely used in teaching economics and business sciences abroad. brainstorming, debates), IT technologies (computer simulations).
At the early stage of its emergence, this method was widely used
in MBA postgraduate courses. Recently, it has become widespread
in the study of medicine, law, mathematics and other sciences. In • Amonashvili Sh.A. Reflections on humane pedagogy. –
Russia, the case method began to be used in teaching in the 80s, M., 1995.
first at Moscow State University, then in academic and industry • Bordovskaya N.V., Rean A.A. Pedagogy: Textbook. for
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The case study method makes it possible to demonstrate academic Fundamentals of pedagogy. – M., 2000. 4. Pedagogy / Ed. P.I.
theory from the perspective of real events. This method "allows Faggot. – M., 1998.
students to become interested in studying the subject, promotes • Pedagogy: Textbook. manual for pedagogical
active acquisition of knowledge and skills in collecting, processing students. institutions. /Y.K. Babansky, V.A. Slastenin and others
and analyzing information characterizing real situations" / Ed. Yu.K. Babansky.
The Case study method promotes the development of various • Pedagogical encyclopedia. T.1. – M., 1993; T.2, M.,
practical skills. It is a creative solution to a problem and the 1999. 7. Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy: new course: in 2 books. – M., 1999.
formation of the ability to analyze a situation and make a 8. Encyclopedia of Vocational Education. T.1. –M., 1998; T.2, 3. –
decision. Features of case analysis: identifying the key problem, M., 1999.
selecting the necessary information (the general rule for working • Slastenin V.A. Isaev I.F. Pedagogy. – M., 2000. 10. Ilyin
with cases is the prohibition of using information that is outside V.S. Formation of a schoolchild’s personality (holistic process). -
the scope), choosing a method of work (using concepts, M., 1984. 11. Ilyina T. A. System-structural approach to the
mathematical methods, assessing an alternative course of action). organization of training. - M., 1972. - P. 16. 12. Kapterev P. F.
First of all, it is necessary to identify the key problems of the case Pedagogical process // Izbr. ped. op. / Ed. A.M.Arsenyev. - M.,
and understand which information from the presented information 1989.
is important for their solution. It happens that redundant