● U nderstanding IoT Architecture: Exploring the architectureof IoT systems and the role of
sensors, actuators, microcontrollers, communication protocols, and cloud platforms.
● Introduction to IoT Communication Protocols: Studyof IoT communication standards
such as LoRa, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, ZigBee, and how data is transferred between devices.
● Data Acquisition with IoT Protocols: Introductionto IoT data collection and transmission
through protocols like LoRa, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and ZigBee.
● IoT-Based Smart Home Automation: Designing IoT-basedsystems for smart homes
(lighting control, smart security, temperature control).
● IoT-Based Smart Health Monitoring System: ImplementingIoT solutions for health
monitoring systems using sensors to track vitals like heart rate, temperature, and blood
● Sensor Interfacing with Microcontrollers: Interfacinganalog and digital sensors
(temperature, humidity, gas sensors) with microcontrollers for real-time data acquisition.
● Arduino, ESP8266, Raspberry Pi, Smart Health Sensors (e.g., pulse oximeter)
Module 4: Actuators and Security in IoT (7 hours)
● Interfacing Actuators: Connecting advanced actuatorslike RFID, smart cards, fingerprint
scanners, and iris scanners to microcontrollers for secure access control systems.
● IoT Security Fundamentals: Exploring security challengesin IoT systems, including
encryption, authentication, and the role of secure communication protocols (TLS, SSL).
● Secure Communication Protocols for IoT: Implementingsecure data communication
methods to prevent unauthorized access and ensure data integrity.
● Introduction to Cloud Integration for IoT: Overviewof cloud platforms for IoT, including
AWS IoT, Google Cloud IoT, and Microsoft Azure.
● Data Acquisition to Cloud-based Communication: Techniquesfor transferring data from
IoT devices to cloud systems using protocols like MQTT, HTTP, and CoAP.
● Remote Cloud Data Management: Managing and storingIoT data in the cloud, and
implementing remote data retrieval and analysis.
● C loud-based Data Analysis for IoT: Techniques foranalyzing large sets of IoT data in the
cloud, using tools for data aggregation and processing.
● Data Visualization: Using visualization tools (PowerBI, Tableau, Grafana) to create
interactive dashboards for IoT data.
● Techniques for Cloud Communication and Data Transfer:Efficient communication
strategies for large-scale IoT networks, such as edge computing and fog computing.
● L ow-Power Design for IoT Systems: Techniques to designpower-efficient IoT devices,
optimizing energy consumption in microcontrollers and communication protocols.
● Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) for IoT: Design andimplementation of Wireless Sensor
Networks (WSN) for environmental monitoring, smart agriculture, etc.
● Optimizing IoT Devices for Scalability: Methods toensure that IoT networks can scale,
from simple prototypes to large systems with hundreds or thousands of devices.
Tools & Technologies:
● IoT System Design Project: Hands-on IoT project wherestudents design, implement, and
test a complete IoT system. This could be a smart home system, health monitoring system, or
an environmental monitoring application.
● Project Execution: Students will apply all conceptslearned in the course, such as sensor
interfacing, microcontroller programming, cloud integration, and security protocols.
● Testing and Optimization: Focus on debugging, optimizing,and testing the IoT system in
real-world environments.
● Arduino IDE, Raspberry Pi, ESP32, Cloud Platforms (AWS, Google Cloud)