Super Reading Quest Preparation Guide
Super Reading Quest Preparation Guide
Super Reading Quest Preparation Guide
Super Reading
Preparation Guide
With Jim Kwik
Table of Contents
1. Don’t aim for perfection. Jim does not recommend you to spend hours
on the tasks to make them perfect. Instead, be playful and have fun with
it. The bare minimum is to read 10 minutes a day with the tools provided.
Journaling means writing down your thoughts and the first thing that
comes to mind. Write as little or as much as you like. You can always
come back and take more time on a particular task after you complete
the Quest. A task done is better than perfect, don’t you think?
2. Stay with the group. Even if you miss a task, continue the journey with
all the others who joined the Tribe. You can schedule time at the weekend
to catch up, or perhaps come back & revisit the more challenging days
after the Quest is over.
3. Set a clear time. Decide on a timeframe for watching the videos and
working on your tasks. Set a reminder in your phone or elsewhere. You
can also add a routine such as lighting a candle, making yourself a tea, or
even using scents to accompany and trigger an optimal learning space.
2. Low motivation
Remember why you started this Quest in the first place, apply what you have
learned immediately, and know that practice and celebrating the little victories
are key to keeping up momentum. Reward yourself after each completed day
and have a little celebration after each week you completed. Rewarding
yourself will teach your brain that learning is fun and something to look
forward to.
Another way to boost motivation is to straight away start teaching what you
learn each day. You will realize how far you have already come on your learning
journey. When in doubt, revisit your intentions and the commitments you made
at the beginning. As you will learn in this Quest, motivation is everything, so
make sure you have a solid intention and motivation to start with.
3. Resistance
You may have something happening in your life and may miss a day or two.
Don’t let that distract you, just take a breath, and continue where you are at.
You also have the opportunity to continue with the next cohort of students or
cycle back and complete tasks later on in the Quest. The important thing is to
show up and finish what you started.
When you are clear on what you want, you can live your life on purpose and
with purpose.
Deep change comes through tiny habits repeated over time. To create
motivation in changing, begin with the end in mind. It starts with intention. Set
your intentions now to create a powerful basis for the Quest ahead.
I want to be able to read more books, comprehend them better and remember what I reed.
Learning for me means becoming a better leader, public speaker and gainig insights for guiding others through their life jouorney,
Because my life purpose involves becoming my best version and helping others become their best version.
I also dream with connecting with the worlds most amazing minds and wanna be able to add amazing value in those relationships.
Step 2. Set your intention
It is important to start with knowing what you wish to get out of the experience.
Intentions help to create more clarity, especially when the seed is planted right
before you start.
Set the intention that this will be as simple, fun and effective as possible.
Write down who you want to become with this set of skills.
I wanna become a fats reader who reads a book a week and gets the most of what he reads.
I wanna be able to adquire allot of knoledge and create great lessons and trainnings from my readings to share with others.
‘’Whether you believe you can, or believe you can’t you’re right.’’
Henry Ford
Once you have your intentions clear and you know who you want to become,
consider the beliefs that align with that intention. Beliefs are the ultimate
cornerstone of success. Think of the beliefs that Jim Kwik or other speed
readers would have about themselves and their abilities, and begin to adopt
them immediately.
Write down 3-5 empowering statements about yourself and make them as
simple and clear as possible. Make sure they are in present tense, positive,
emotionally meaningful and in the first person. [ I, me, my ]
I am a super reader.
Think of it like a game: You can choose your difficulty level. But unlike a game,
you don’t have to be stuck on one level. You may change the way you feel
throughout. You will get more benefits at fuller engagement levels, but of
course this will require more from you.
Light Engagement
• Recommended if you just want an overview, if you want to get the ball
rolling, or if you don’t have much time.
Medium Engagement
• Go through the daily content fully and actively participate in the Tribe.
• Use your weekly workbook and W.P.M. tracker to document and deepen
your learning. This is a PDF provided within the Quest to document your
• You will benefit greatly from an accountability partner for this level.
• This is recommended if you’re ready to take your reading to the next
Full Engagement
• Complete it all: Do every daily lesson, complete all versions of the tasks,
take on some of the additional challenges (like learning how to juggle),
and be active in the Tribe.
• Measure your reading speed daily and do the speed drills each day once
they have been introduced.
• Partner with someone so you can teach them what you learn in this
• Recommended if you want to have massive change and are ready and
willing to make the time and effort to have this life changing experience.
Make a short introduction post. Introduce yourself to the online Tribe. Make
a video for best results or at least use a photo so others can see your pretty
When someone leaves a comment on your post, reply and get on a private
messenger chat to see if you are a good match.
Once you connect, get more specific.
Let them know what you need. Be as open and transparent as you can and
be clear about the things that you will need most help and encouragement with
from the start.
Tell them what you will bring to the table. Remember accountability is not
about coaching the other, Jim is your coach during this Quest. It is about
keeping each other in motion and recognizing they already have all the wisdom
they need.
Give a Deadline. Make clear agreements for when you start messaging each
other regularly, and get clear on your frequency. How often would you like to be
in touch? Is it once every day, twice every day, is it every 3 days? Are you open
to go back and forth freely?
Why do you want to do this Quest? Let your partner know why this is
important to you, so they can remind you to stay on track. If you find any point
in the Quest challenging and feel like giving up, this is a great way to bring your
focus back to why you are here in the first place. Give at least one clear &
measurable goal. For example; ‘’My goal is to enjoy reading, to read at least 1 book
per week, and to feel like I can remember the important details.’’
Post in the Tribe. You will talk with your partner in private of course, however,
make sure you always come back and post in the Tribe throughout so we all
benefit from the community power.
Always tag your partner in your posts. This is simple yet incredibly effective
at creating great momentum. Share your findings and stories in the Tribe and
tag your partner. Herewith, your partner will get directly notified and your post
can inspire others to find an accountability partner as well. This will increase
the collective success of the Tribe.
IMPORTANT: See each other from the perspective that each of you are already
incredible, talented, super people and you each have everything within to
succeed with ease. Always do your best to speak to your partner from that
How to Use Your Companion Workbooks
Each week you receive a companion workbook with additional notes and
support for each day. All workbooks are designed to use alongside your daily
lesson videos. You will find brief summaries, space for notes, daily exercise
instructions, and extra supporting materials in your workbooks.