© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020
Received: 7 April 2020 / Revised: 4 May 2020 / Accepted: 8 May 2020
Electrocatalytic water splitting offers a sustainable route for hydrogen production, enabling the clean and renewable alternative
energy system of hydrogen economy. The scarcity and high-cost of platinum-group-metal (PGM) materials urge the exploration of
high-performance non-PGM electrocatalysts. Herein, a unique hierarchical structure of Ni/V2O3 with extraordinary electrocatalytic
performance (e.g., overpotentials as low as 22 mV at 20 mA·cm–2 and 94 mV at 100 mA·cm–2) toward hydrogen evolution reaction
in alkaline electrolyte (1 M KOH) is reported. The investigation on the hierarchical Ni/V2O3 with a bimodal size-distribution also offers
insight of interfacial engineering that only proper Ni/V2O3 interface can effectively improve H2O adsorption, H2O dissociation as
well as H adsorption, for an efficient hydrogen production.
hydrogen evolution reaction, hierarchical materials, interface, electrocatalysis, vanadium oxide
1 Introduction [10, 11]. Other progresses have also been made, such as
improving the alkaline HER performances by introducing possible
The depleting fossil fuels and their associated environmental synergistic effect on nickel-vanadium oxides interfaces [12, 13].
issues urge the exploration of alternative energy system, As interfacial interactions such as charge transfer and synergistic
preferably renewable energies. For its high energy density and effect on the constructed interfaces are essential for interface
ideally zero CO2 emission, hydrogen is one promising clean engineering [14, 15], however, an in-depth understanding of the
energy carrier and the hydrogen economy is considered as synergistic effect in nickel-vanadium oxides interfaces is still
one of the most promising alternative energy systems [1]. missing. Moreover, as the structure-property relationship plays
Electrocatalytic water splitting in which H2 is produced via a vital role in catalytic processes [16–20], HER electrocatalysts
hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) is the key component to may be further improved by precisely tailored nanostructures
shape the future of sustainable hydrogen economy [2]. Despite to enable beneficial properties.
acidic electrolytes offer fast kinetics for HER, most catalyst Herein, we report a unique nanostructure of Ni nanoparticles
materials suffer from acid corrosion and unmatched conditions with bimodal size distribution (1.4 ± 0.3 and 17.1 ± 4.6 nm)
related to oxygen evolution reaction (OER) on the anode, embedded in hierarchically assembled porous vanadium(III)
impeding the industrial application of water-splitting in the oxide flakes (denoted as Ni/V2O3 thereafter). The hierarchical
acidic system [3]. Particularly, the future of water electrolysis may structures with exposed active Ni/V2O3 interface render an
depend on non-Pt-group-metal (non-PGM) electrocatalysts excellent HER performance in alkaline solution with over-
due to the cost and scarcity of PGM materials [4]. Therefore, potential as low as 22 and 94 mV for a current density of 20
developing high-efficiency and cost-effective HER electrocatalysts and 100 mA·cm–2, respectively, and a prominent durability at a
operated in the alkaline condition is highly desirable yet high current density of 100 mA·cm–2 for at least 20 h. The bimodal
challenging due to the sluggish kinetics. size-distribution of the samples also offers an opportunity to
In general, electrocatalytic materials are expected to have both closely look at the role of different types of Ni/V2O3 interfaces
optimal hydrogen adsorption and water dissociation to achieve in the HER process. With the help of density functional theory
a desirable alkaline HER performance [5, 6]. Transition metals, (DFT) calculations, it is found that only proper Ni/V2O3 interface
such as Ni, are usually efficient in hydrogen adsorption while can effectively improve H2O adsorption, H2O dissociation as
transition metal (hydro)oxides are good at cleaving HO–H well as H adsorption.
bond in H2O [5–7]. Additionally, as recent findings revealed
that Ni-based electrocatalysts may be desirable for HER [8, 9], 2 Experimental
vanadium and its derivatives with abundant vacant d orbitals
and/or strong electron-electron interaction may further ele- 2.1 Synthesis of hierarchical Ni/V2O3 heterostructure
ctronically modify Ni atoms for an improved HER performance Typically, nickel foams (NF) with a dimension of 3 cm × 2 cm
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