AT&CD-Question Bank
AT&CD-Question Bank
AT&CD-Question Bank
Question Bank
Qno Question Marks Section
1 Define Finite Automata? Explain Types of Finite Automata 8 Section-I
with an Example?
2 Convert the given CFG to CNF. Consider the given grammar 8 Section-I
G1: S → a | aA | B
A → aBB | ε
B → Aa | b
3 Convert (a|b)*abb to NFA and DFA 8 Section-I
4 Write major differences between the DFA and the NFA 8 Section-I
5 What is Derivation Tree? Show the derivation tree for string 8 Section-I
"aabbbb" with the following grammar.
S → AB | ε
A → aB
B → Sb
6 What is Regular Language? Explain operations on Regular 8 Section-I
7 Draw NFA for the Regular Expression a(a+b)*ab 8 Section-I
8 Define Context Free Grammar (CFG)? Construct a CFG for a 8 Section-I
language L = {wcwR | where w ∈ (a, b)*}.
9 Convert the given grammar into GNF 8 Section-I
S → XB | AA
A → a | SA
10 What is Ambiguity in Grammar? Check whether the 8 Section-I
grammar G with production rules − X→ X+X | X*X | X | a is
ambiguous or not.
11 Define Compiler? Explain Phases of Compilation Process 8 Section-II
with Example?
12 Write short notes on Recognition of Tokens? 8 Section-II
School of Engineering (CSE-IOT)
III Year B. Tech - I Semester
Subject Name: Automata Theory & Complier Design
Subject Code: MR22-1CS0519
F (E)/id
29 Construct CLR ( 1 ) Grammar for G: 8 Section-III
S → AA
A → aA
30 Construct LALR (1) Parsing for G: 8 Section-III
S → AA
A → aA
31 Explain Syntax Directed Definition (SDD) in detail? 8 Section-IV
32 Construct a syntax tree for the following arithmetic 8 Section-IV
expression- ( a + b ) * ( c – d ) + ( ( e / f ) * ( a + b ))
33 Explain different forms of Three Address code for the Given 8 Section-IV
Expression: a := (-c * b) + (-c * d)
34 construct Abstract Syntax Tree for the following grammar- 8 Section-IV
F (E)/a
35 Describe in detail about Intermediate representation 8 Section-IV
36 Explain in detail about Synthesized Attributes? 8 Section-IV
37 Explain Inherited Attributes with examples? 8 Section-IV
38 Define Syntax Tree? Explain Rules for constructing a syntax 8 Section-IV
39 Define Syntax Directed Definition (SDD)? Explain Types of 8 Section-IV
40 Explain SDT to Three address code? 8 Section-IV
41 What is a basic block in the context of compiler 8 Section-V
42 Discuss the principal sources of code optimization in a 8 Section-V
43 What are the key techniques used for loop optimization in 8 Section-V
44 Explain the concept of Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) 8 Section-V
representation of basic blocks.
45 Describe the working of a simple code generator in a 8 Section-V
School of Engineering (CSE-IOT)
III Year B. Tech - I Semester
Subject Name: Automata Theory & Complier Design
Subject Code: MR22-1CS0519
46 What is register allocation in compilers? Discuss different 8 Section-V
strategies for register assignment
47 What is peephole optimization? Describe common 8 Section-V
techniques used in peephole optimization with examples.
48 Design a simple code generator for a given intermediate code 8 Section-V
(like three-address code).
49 Describe steps for instruction selection, register allocation, 8 Section-V
and optimization?
50 Explain how flow graphs are constructed from basic blocks 8 Section-V
with an example