Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment
RA is a continuous
Base your everyday
decisions on RA
Risk Assessment
Perform RAs before working on any task, and for the following:
Routine operations
New operations and new/non-routine tasks (that may become routine tasks after their
Temporary, emergency, or permanent changes
Incidents (including accidents), serious near misses, etc. (when required)
Critical equipment maintenance or de-activation
PMS jobs postponement
New projects.
If a RA already exists: Review and update, if necessary, ensuring it reflects any changes in
equipment, procedures, etc.
Risk Assessment
4. Risk estimation
and presentation
NO Risk NO
Hazard Database
(aka Register
like a RA Library)
SIMOPS is any situation where 2 or more different activities are occurring close enough
to each other, and there is a risk of interference, clashing, or risk transfer. In this
respect, whenever involved in operations potentially running in parallel:
• Give SIMOPS consideration when 2 or more potentially clashing operations occur in the same
location simultaneously.
• Identify and assess potential combined hazards and implement proper control measures to
reduce the related risks to an ALARP level.
• Identify SIMOPS at an early stage before the operation commences to apply any required
corrective counter-action timely.
• Refer to the company procedures for conducting SIMOPS safely and efficiently, considering
the various factors involved.
• Ensure that adequate personnel for each SIMOPS are available during the operations.
• Separate crew participating each SIMOPS activity and ensure nobody undertaking dual
• Observe compliance with hours of work and rest.
• Take this into account, with special emphasis on SIMOPS of prolonged duration, because
you may need to split the duties and accountability of the persons in charge among 2
persons under an agreed rotation scheme.
• When Office approval is required, inform the Office in advance, asking in addition for
(as required on a case-by-case basis):
o Additional advice/instructions/resources
o Task coordination.
Management of Change
Safety Aspects related to Human Element
Human factors:
• Are the characteristics that affect human interaction with equipment, processes, and other
• Are "the ways in which the organization, the job, and the individual interact to influence
human reliability in hazardous event causation".
• Contribute to most incidents where people are involved in the design, construction, or
operation of equipment and processes.
RAs are an important part of safe operations/maintenance and must address the underlying conditions and to use
systems that influence human error, actions, and decisions.
Human Error and Error Risk Management
Human error is commonly the "failure of a planned action to achieve the desired
• All people experience errors daily. Most errors are harmless, although annoying. While
errors DO NOT always result in catastrophic outcomes, errors within hazardous environments
are more likely to result in significant negative consequences.
While it is inevitable that a workforce experiences errors, certain factors influence the rate of
error, either positively or negatively
• Individual factors
• Job factors
• Organisational factors
Human Error and Error Risk Management
Human Error and Error Risk Management
• Individual factors
include personality, competence and skill, mood, attitude, mental ability, and individual health
factors, such as fatigue, drugs and alcohol, physical capability, and psychological health.
• Job factors
include the physical working environment, human-machine interface, workload, availability,
quality of procedures, the equipment used, task requirements, and team member behaviour
• Organisational factors
include organizational priorities, decision-making, strategy, the culture of the company or team, the
availability of resources, communication systems, change management, leadership behaviour, and
relevant KPIs.
Impact of Error in control measures
A Safety Critical Task (SCT) is a task related to the ship's main hazards where human error,
action, or inaction may cause or fail to avoid a serious incident.
For the SCT, a specific formal safeguard is necessary because if one relies only on a human's
actions or decisions for protection against a serious incident, it is only a matter of time
before there is a mistake and an accident occurs.
SCT may include
o Berthing and mooring operations
o Cargo transfer operations
o Operations involving ship-shore interaction during cargo operations
o Double banking operations
o Non-cargo-related operations including tank cleaning, bunkering, storing,
tanker/terminal access, tending of mooring lines
o Navigation in confined waters
o Anchoring operations
o Critical equipment maintenance
o Works and operational activities requiring a work permit.
Safety Critical Tasks
Safety Critical Task Analysis
• identify possible errors, things that make errors more likely, and ways of making tasks more
resistant to error.
• determine what an individual or team must do to achieve a goal
• For tasks critical to safety, integrity, and environment, to facilitate the identification of
uncontrolled or poorly controlled error risk and drive the development of more robust control
measures to reduce risk to a level that is ALARP
• RAs are available for guidance in the RA Library, considering the possibility of human
error introducing a hazard or a control failure
Reducing error risk