7.0 Objectives
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Branding
7.2.1 Meaning and Importance
7.3 Packaging
7.3.1 What is Packaging?
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
You have already studied certain aspects of product mix i.e. definition of
product, classification of products, product line strategies, new product
development process and product life cycle. Besides the basic product design,
the way in which a physical product is presented to potential customers is
known as product presentation which is very much part of product itself.
Branding and packaging are the two major aspects relating to product
Product presentation. In this unit, we will discuss in detail about branding and
packaging. You will learn the meaning and importance of branding,
advantages and disadvantages of branding, and the process of selecting a
brand name. You will also study the meaning and importance of packaging,
functions of packaging and the legal dimensions of packaging.
7.2.1 Meaning and Importance
Most consumer products and many industrial products need brand name. The
brand name helps a consumer in instant recall and this serves an important
function for differentiating competing products of similar nature. A crucial
step in the branding strategy is deciding on a specific brand name for the
product that is being introduced. In the earlier times when the concept and
practice of branding was much less developed, very often the family
name/surname was used. Some of these are still very much alive for example,
Siemens or Ford. The other common method of branding was by way of
addressing the product range of the company. Two famous examples are
General Motors and General Electricals. It seems the function that brand was
supposed to perform either to indicate the source or the origin of the product
(family name) or indicate the product range. However, a brand name has
emerged one of the most important elements of the merchandising function in
the recent times and will become more and more crucial as the competition
becomes more severe in India. Let us understand, what is the conceptual
meaning of the term brand and brand name?
Brand Name: Brand name is that part of a brand consisting of a word, letter,
group of words or letters that can be vocalized. Comparing this definition
with that of a brand, it is found that the function remaining the same, brand
name is only one of the means that the brand can use for identification. Brand
name is a word or a combination of words/letters that is pronounceable, e.g.,
Colgate toothpaste, Dove soap, etc.
Brand Mark: Sometimes you must have also heard the word brand mark.
Since brand name is used in identification of a product amongst a competing
set, it is necessary that each brand must have only a unique identity. This
brings in the concept of brand mark. A brand mark is a symbol used for the
purpose of identification. It can be a mark, a design, a distinctive logo type
or a colouring scheme a picture etc. In other words, it is not a name but a
means of identification. For example, picture of an elephant in a distinct
126 frame used by the Department of Tourism, Government of India or the
famous star-circle of Mercedes Benz car, or T in circle which you must have Branding and
seen on buses and trucks made by TELCO.
Quite often, brand name and trade name are used synonymously. In fact there
is difference between these two terms. A trade mark is the legalised version
of a brand. Brand falls under the category of industrial property rights and,
therefore, subject to certain rules and regulations. It can be registered and
protected from being used by others. The American Marketing Association
defines a trade mark as a brand that is given legal protection because, under
the law, it has been appropriated by one seller. Therefore, we can define a
trade mark as a brand or a part that is given legal protection because it
is capable of exclusive appropriation.
Thus, trade mark is essentially a legal term. All trade marks are brands, but a
brand can be called as a trade mark only when it is legally protected and has
been appropriated by one seller. As all trade marks are brands, a trade mark
may include words, letters or numbers that can be pronounced and also may
include pictorial design (brand mark). When a brand is registered, it
becomes trade mark and such trade mark is shown by displaying the
letter R enclosed in a circle, shown as ®
Select five durable goods and five non-durable goods in your house. Identify
the brand name, brand mark and trade mark notice ®
Product 7.2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages and Disadvantages of branding can be analysed from three
different standpoints of buyers, sellers, and society. Let us discuss them now.
Advantages: Buyers, sellers and the society as a whole may derive the
following advantages from branding:
1) Since brand development costs money, product prices tend to go up. This
may lead to higher prices to consumers.
Sellers: To obtain the advantages, the sellers have to spend money for
developing and promoting brand name. It increases the cost of production
which ultimately leads to higher prices. Once the price is higher, seller may
find it difficult to achieve the targeted sales.
Even few years back, nobody could have thought of selling branded rice
or refined flour. But now several firms in the recent past have become
successful even in such product categories. The basic reason is that the
consumers are willing to pay more for uniform and better quality product
represented by the brand. When customers buy a branded product, they
get the same quality in whichever retail shop they buy. Many other
commodities, such as spices are also now being branded. There is no
doubt that this trend will become stronger in the coming years.
3) A very crucial decision is with regard to the quality and other attributes
to be built into the product. The matrix of such attributes will decide the
product positioning. A marketer has the option to position his product at
any segment of the market; top, bottom or the intermediate. For example,
Surf Excel and Ariel are positioned as a premium quality and high-priced
product. At the other end of the scale, Nirma and Tide is positioned as
low-priced, while products such as Rin is somewhere in between.
One basic advantage of using the family brand is that it reduces the
costs of product launching and promotional expenditure substantially.
The firm has to promote only one brand which, if successful, would be
able to sell the entire product line. Lining up the distribution channel
members also becomes comparatively easier. A family brand name has
been found to be very cost effective in tyre marketing. If one product
does exceptionally well, other products marketed under the same brand
may have positive impact.
is a product failure, its damaging effect will be limited to that particular Branding and
product only and will not extend to the entire product line.
5) A firm may decide several brands of the same product which to some
extent are with each other. The basic reason is that, at least in the
consumer products, various benefits and appeals and even marginal
difference between brands can win a large following.
1) Use the generic name of the product in association with the trade mark.
An example is Pearlpet where PET is the acronym for generic technical
product i.e. Polyethylene Terephthalate while Pearl is the brand
2) Designate the brand name as a trade mark by actual notice. If the brand
name is registered, the proper form of notice is the letter R enclosed in a
3) Display the mark with some form of special graphic treatment. A trade
mark is not a noun. Therefore it can be capitalised. It will be better if it
can be printed in some distinctive logotype.
4) Do not use the trademark in the wrong grammatical form. It should not
be used as a noun, verb, in the plural, or in the possessive.
Check Your Progress B Branding and
1) Differentiate between family branding and individual branding.
2) List four brand names which express the function of the product.
4) i) Write five family brand names and analyse the product sold under
each of these brands.
iii) Based on 4(i) and 4 (ii) above, analyse what kind of products have
family and individuals brands.
7.3.1 What is Packaging?
Packaging is a very important function as most of the products offered in the
market need package. Some marketers even call packaging a ‘fifth P’ along
with promotion and physical distribution. As stated earlier, however
marketers consider packaging as an element of product mix.
Packaging has been defined in both technical and marketing literature. One of
the most quoted definitions of packing is the art, science and technology of
preparing goods for transport and sale. This definition brings out two salient
aspects of packaging. These are:
According to Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong, the packaging may include
up to three levels of material. The primary package is the products
immediate container. If you take a shaving cream, the tube holding the
shaving cream is the primary package. The secondary package is the
material that protects the primary package and that is thrown away when the
product is about to be used. The hard paper box containing a shaving cream
tube is the secondary package. The shipping packaging is the packaging
necessary to store, identify and ship the product. A big cardboard box in
which several shaving cream tubes are packed is the shipping package.
Finally, labelling is a part of packaging and consists of printed information
appearing on or with the package.
Packaging Industry
Newer materials are constantly emerging in the packaging field and in many
cases have eliminated or threatened the older materials, such as wood and
steel, because of the relative cost advantage or better performance
In line with the diversified packaging materials, the packaging formation has
also undergone a revolution. The unit packages of consumer goods consist of
bewildering variety. The master cartons in which the unit packages are
packed are, however, getting increasingly standardised, especially due to the
necessity of using containers in order to facilitate physical handling and
shipment as well as to reduce packing costs and loss/damage to the goods
during transit.
This is the third function of a package. It must be able to perform the task for
which it is designed. This aspect becomes crucial in certain type of
packaging. For example, an aerosol spray is not only a package but also an
engineering device. If the package does not function, the product itself
becomes totally useless.
These days the last factor has been gaining importance due to increasing
concern with solid-waste disposal. This, however, becomes a matter of
importance while deciding on the transport packaging for export markets.
3) Packaging increases the product cost and this leads to higher prices to
consumers. But it is argued that effective packaging reduces the transport
costs and the losses due to spoilage. The benefits so derived may offset
the cost of packaging.
4) Health hazards occur from some forms of plastic packaging and some
aerosal cans.
7.3. 5LegalDimensions
While managing the packaging function, constant attention needs to be given
to the various regulations that the government has laid down in this respect.
Government regulations are many and encompass areas such as the use of a
specific packaging material for certain products, consumer protection,
transportation of hazardous cargo etc. The most pervasive among these is the
regulation relating to the information a manufacturer is obliged to provide in
the package itself on the product. This is commonly known as labelling
requirement and covers a host of commodities. Principal among these are
food products, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, etc.
A good label is one which helps a potential buyer to make his decision by
providing relevant and correct information. Apart from the information which
must be statutorily given, the label should therefore provide:
Check Your Progress D Branding and
1) What is multiple packaging? Give two examples.
3) What is the objective of odd size packaging? Give two examples where
this is adopted.
4) Given below is a list of products along with their old and new types of
For each of the product category which is the best packaging form in
your opinions. State the reasons.
i) Edible oil (a) in tin (b) in HDPE Polyjar and (c) transparent PET jar
ii) Vanaspathi/ghee (a), in tin and (b) in plastic pouch
iii) Fruit Juice (a) in bottle, (b) in tin and(c) in tetra pack (e.g., Frooti)
i) Shampoo in (a) glass bottle and (b) plastic bottle
The selection of brand name is an important decision. You can choose any
brand name you like as long as it is unique, easy to read, write, pronounce
and remember, and does not have any unfavourable or negative meanings
associated with it. You may choose a common family brand name for all your
products or give each product its own distinctive brand. Each choice has its
advantages and disadvantages and there are enough cases of success and
failure to justify your choice. Sometimes even the most difficult sounding
brand names succeed while catchy and simple brand names fail. In India
trade and merchandise marks can be registered under Trade and Marks Act,
(1999) to get legal protection for exclusive use.
The Indian market is today flooded with exciting new types of packaging
material which have replaced the traditional packages. These new packaging
materials have made it possible to market products such as potato wafers,
Product snacks, and other fragile food items. Good package must protect the contents
stored inside it, be attractive to the customer, be convenient to handle, store
and use and perform the functions required of it. Some people are very
critical of packaging because of the problems involved in the disposal of used
packages, cost of developing packages, health hazards, usage of scarce
resources, and possibility of misleading about quality of the product.
2) What are the brand strategy options open to a firm? Discuss their relative
strength and weaknesses.
Note: These questions will help you to understand the unit better.
Try to write answers for them. But do not submit your answers to the
University for assessment. These are for your practice only.