Port Timing Diagram of Two Stroke Cycle Pertrol Engine
Port Timing Diagram of Two Stroke Cycle Pertrol Engine
Port Timing Diagram of Two Stroke Cycle Pertrol Engine
Ex.No. : Date:
Aim :
To draw the port timing diagram of given two stroke cycle petrol engine .
Apparatus Required :
1. Two stroke petrol engine 2. Measuring tape 3. Chalk
Procedure :
1. Remove the ports cover and identify the three ports . 2. Mark the TDC and BDC position of the fly wheel . To mark this position follow the same procedure as followed in valve timing diagram . 3. Rotate the flywheel slowly in usual direction (usually clockwise ) and observe the movement of the piston 4. When the piston moves from BDC to TDC observe when the bottom edge of the piston . Just uncover the bottom end of the inlet port . This is the inlet port opening (IPO) condition , make the mark on the flywheel and measure the distance from TDC 5. When piston moves from TDC to BDC observe when the bottom edge of the piston completely covers the inlet port . This is the inlet port closing (IPC) condition . Make the mark on the flywheel and measure the distance from TDC . 6. When the piston moves from TDC to BDC , observe , when the top edge of the piston just uncover the exhaust port . This is the exhaust port opening [EPO] condition . Make the mark on the flywheel and measure the distance from BDC . 7. When the piston moves from BDC to TDC , observe , when the piston completely cover the exhaust port ,. This is the exhaust port closing condition [EPC] . Make the mark on the flywheel and measure the distance from BDC . 8. When the piston moves from TDC to BDC observe, when the top edge of the piston just uncover the transfer port . This is the transfer port opening [TPO] condition . Make the mark on the flywheel and measure the distance from BDC 9. When the piston moves from BDC to TDC , observe , when the piston completely covers the transfer port. This is the transfer port closing [TPC] condition . Make the mark on the flywheel and measure the distance from BDC .
Note : 1. 2. 3.
The inlet port opening distance and closing distance from TDC are equal . The exhaust port opening distance and closing distance from BDC are equal . The transfer port opening distance and closing distance from BDC are equal .
Result :
The port timing diagram for the given two stroke cycle petrol engine was drawn.