eca imp gopal
eca imp gopal
eca imp gopal
13. Explain four types of negative feedback amplifiers. Derive comparison parameter
14. Derive the expression frequency of oscillation and condition for sustainedoscillations of
a Colpitt’s oscillator. Explain the concept of frequency and amplitude stability of
15. Derive the expression frequency of oscillation and condition for sustained oscillations of
a Hartley oscillator.
b) In an Hartley oscillator, if L1=0.2mH, L2=0.3mH and C=0.003 µF, calculate
thefrequency of its oscillation.
16. A voltage-series negative feedback amplifier has a voltage gain without feedback
of A=500, input resistance Ri=3KΩ, output resistance of Ro=20KΩ and feedback
ratioβ=0.01, calculate the voltage gain Af, input resistance Rif, and output resistance
Rof of the amplifier with feedback.
17. Derive the expression for the frequency of oscillation of the BJT- RC phase-shift
oscillator with the necessary explanation.
18. With the help of a suitable circuit diagram, show that the maximum conversion
efficiency of a class B power amplifier is 78.5%. Write short notes on Thermal stability
and Heat sinks.
a) Explain the operation of the class B Push-Pull power amplifier.
b) What is a cross-over distortion and explain a remedy for it.
19. Compare single-tuned and double-tuned amplifiers
20. Explain the stagger-tuned amplifier.
21. Write short notes on the stability of tuned amplifiers.
22. What is a Q-factor, Derive the expression for the Q-factor of a capacitor.
23. Help with a neat diagram explaining single-tuned capacitive and inductive coupling
One-mark questions:
a. Importance of Emitter follower in CE amplifier?
b. Explain Distortion in the amplifier.
c. Advantages of RC coupled amplifier.
a. Write the expression for the input and output resistance of the voltage
feedback amplifier.
4. Draw the equivalent circuit of the Hartley oscillator
5. Two points compare Class A, Class B, and Class C power amplifiers
6. Draw the current series of feedback amplifiers
7. Discuss Thermal stability and Heat sinks.
8. Classification of tuned amplifiers.
a. What the advantages are of a stagger tuned amplifier?
9. Explain the limitations of the RC phase shift oscillator.
10. How the negative feedback improve stability?
a. Explain voltage shunt feedback amplifiers.