Summary classes 12-14 (1)
Summary classes 12-14 (1)
Summary classes 12-14 (1)
The liquid-vapor (or solid-vapor) saturation pressure ps(T) varies strongly with temperature -
the plot is log-linear and covers eight orders of magnitude! Note the Fig 5.11 above has strongly
non-linear scales to bring out certain features. The ‘real’ phase diagram for water can be found
on the next page:
Note that the slope of the solid-liquid transition line is negative (at atmospheric pressures),
meaning that, at temperatures slightly below freezing, you can melt solid ice by compressing it
(a lot)! This is unusual among substances, and will turn out to be related to the fact that liquid
water is denser than ice (i.e. ice floats)
Phase diagram of H2O
At 100kPa atmospheric pressure:
100% relative humidity @ 20C -> 3% molar fraction of air are H2O;
100% relative humidity @ 10C -> 1% molar fraction of air are H2O;
100% relative humidity @ -10C -> 0.1% molar fraction of air are H2O;
This explains why dew condenses as the temperature cools during the night, why your breathe
instantly condenses in winter, and why the cold air you bring into your house is so dry (even
after being heated up)! And since the temperature decreases rapidly with altitude as we've
seen in lecture 6, this also limits the amount of water (=clouds) that can be found high up.
We see that saturation curves ps(T) are important to explain many phenomena. We will now
learn how to compute their slope. To do this, we will make a slight detour.
There are clear engineering advantages to have a working substance undergo a phase
• High energy capacity (ie. the latent heat for vaporizing water is 5x the energy needed to
bring from 0 to 100C)
• Fast energy transfer (bubbles of steam in water quickly move away, by buoyancy)
• Temperature is automatically constant at a phase transition (providing the reversible
‘isotherms’ in Carnot's ideal cycle)
Let us thus contemplate an ideal refrigerator cycle that would exploit a phase change, and draw
it on both p-V and T-S diagrams.
The above cycle is ‘ideal’: being made of an isotherm and adiabat, it minimizes waste (Qh for a
refrigerator). However, eye-balling it, it is hard to see what's ideal about it. This motivates a
new set of axes on which to plot the state of a substance. With respect to T and S, an ideal cycle
is (by definition) a rectangle!
Because it is easy to eye-ball whether a T-S cycle is optimal, T-S diagrams are widely used
in engineering applications. They are also quite useful for formal theory:
How are we to compute net work (and ultimately, efficiency) from a T-S diagram? An amazing
fact comes from the first law, in the form relating state functions: dU = TdS - pdV . Since the
internal energy does not change under a closed cycle , this relate the work done and
heat input:
This equality can be applied to any cycle, and this yields interesting relations between various
state variables. These are simplest and most useful for infinitesimal cycles. To make areas easy
to compute, assume that in each diagram, two sides are parallel to one of the axes. For
example a small cycle with two isochores and two isotherms (constant V and constant T):
The parallel edges make both areas trivial to compute. Since they must be equal:
This is known as a Maxwell relation. (By the same argument one could get four variants of it,
that fix either p or V , and either T or S.)
Maxwell's relation holds for any system, and this will be interesting when we discuss the free
expansion of non-ideal gases (‘throttling’). For now, we focus under the saturation dome,
where the formula simplifies dramatically. There we have seen that
It predicts the slope of ps(T), e.g. the liquid-gas curve in the phase diagram, in terms of
measurable quantities: the latent heat and volume difference.
The first and second law will limit the COP, irrespective of the details
of the cycle. Since the working substance operates on a closed cycle,
DUsubstance = 0, energy balance gives Qout = Qin +Win -> Qr = Qc + W
Energy conservation alone does not limit the COP. We could have COP=1000 by taking Qc
huge (say 1000 in some units) and W small (say 1), and then we would still have energy
conserved and Qr positive. Such a device however would mostly move heat from cold to warm,
which ought to be restricted by the second law.
To apply the second law DStot ≥ 0, we must add the entropy changes from all components,
in principle three (interior, room, and working substance). The working substance operates on a
closed cycle, so immediately DSsubstance = 0 (entropy is a state function).
Let us finally return to the heat engine considered in lecture 10, which takes heat Qh at a hot
temperature Th and dumps Qc at Tc. The efficiency will be a one-line calculation using state
variables! Whatever the closed cycle is, we have DUsubstance = DSsubstance = 0 since these are
state variables; the first and second law then read:
These results apply to any closed cycle, and have nothing to do with the Carnot cycle: all we
used is the 1st and 2nd Law. The Carnot cycle just happens to realize the optimal efficiency.
Real molecules interact with each other, even from afar. Consider a sample of gas in a fixed
volume and given temperature. For an ideal gas, U and p/T wouldn't depend on volume, but
how about a real gas? Do interactions make p/T larger or smaller?
We will first answer the question about U by thinking about interaction energies; the answer
for p/T will follow using the magic of thermodynamics.
How does this affect energy and pressure in a real gas? Let's figure
out U first. The important thing is that intermolecular potential
decays very fast: each of N molecules only sees its immediate
neighbors within a distance rmax ~ few times s, where the potential
is of order -e. The number of visible neighbors is thus proportional
to s3 and the density, N/V , and summing over all molecules
The Lennard-Jones interatomic potential
[from Wikipedia]
The attractive force lowers energy, and the more so as the gas
becomes denser. This remains valid as long as the gas is not too dense to probe the repulsive
part of the potential.
How does this impact pressure? We return to Maxwell's relation:
Viewing all variables S and U as functions of independent
variables T and V , this reads, by definition:
This formula relates the energetics of the gas to its equation of state. Like Maxwell's relation, it
is valid for any substance, and follows just from the existence of entropy as a state variable.
An interesting application is to a substance which satisfies the ideal gas law. Then the right-
hand-side vanishes, so we have proven the following thermodynamics theorem, which we
had first motivated empirically:
Theorem: If a substance satisfies the ideal gas law, then its energy density depends only on
temperature and not on volume.
Throttling and cooling [parts of Schroeder 4.4]
Let us return to free expansion of a gas (‘Joule expansion’). We saw in chapter 1 that for an
ideal gas, the temperature does not change when it expands into a vacuum.
How about a real gas?
A closely related phenomenon is when we push a gas through a small plug, or constriction that
restricts its flow. This is called throttling or the Joule-Thomson process.
Any rectangle in a TS diagram is an ideal (Carnot) cycle: two isotherms and two adiabats. To
practically realize the isotherms, we would like fit the cycle under the saturation dome, e.g. to
stay in the mixed phase, where isotherms are easily realized since they're the same as isobars:
The first issue is usually addressed by doing the compression in the gas phase. The second issue
is addressed by just ‘letting the gas freely expand’ (similar to Joule expansion, e.g. removal of a
barrier). In practice this is achieved by throttling: passing the substance (mostly liquid then)
through a set of small holes, or cotton plug.
This process is not a continuous sequence of equilibria, so (as for Joule expansion) it is not clear
what path to draw. The solution: we will NOT DRAW any path! The system just disappears and
reappears at a lower temperature. S increases in the throttling step. Furthermore, in the actual
cycle the temperature overshoots in the right part of the cycle,
because in practice the pressure is held constant and T ∝ V at
constant pressure. In terms of schematics and pV diagram,
that cycle is: