Nothing much
Nothing much
Nothing much
Lesson 1.1: Features and Purposes of a Position Paper It is a good idea to have at least three main
points that defend your position.
What Is a Position Paper?
Each paragraph should contain a main point,
A position paper is another form of academic your educated and informed opinion on the
writing that is written after reading about and issue given this point, and support or proof from
discussing a particular issue. various sources that help defend your point.
It uses formal academic language and has an A paragraph on counterarguments could help
introduction, body, and conclusion. prove your point.
Standard rules for citing sources, paraphrasing, It should first summarize the counterclaims and
quoting, and avoiding plagiarism apply. provide information on them as well.
A position paper is not simply a reporting of the Then, refute the counterclaims and provide
issue at hand. It involves actively choosing a side evidence for your counterarguments, much like
and supporting it, even if it means encountering supporting one of your main points.
resistance and opposition.
Purposes of a Position Paper
The conclusion of your position paper
to generate support for a particular side on an should be brief, and it should mostly contain
issue. a restatement of your thesis statement.
to describe the side you have taken on an issue It should also give a plan of action given
and the rationale for that position. your position, but it should not introduce
Should be based on facts and evidence that any new information.
provide a solid foundation for your arguments.
Lesson 1.2: Making a Stand on an Issue
a critical examination of a side using relevant
evidence and inductive reasoning. Choosing an Issue and a Position
Features of a Position Paper You must first ensure that the topic you choose
is something that can be argued.
The issue you choose should be arguable
The introduction of your position paper should enough that sides are formed to debate about
accomplish the following: it.
You can ask the following questions to check if
Introduce the topic or issue. you have a good topic:
Provide background information on the issue to -Is it a real issue, with genuine controversy and
explain its importance. uncertainty?
Give and assert your thesis statement, which is -Can you identify at least two distinctive
your view or take on the issue. positions?
Body -Are you personally interested in advocating one
of these positions?
The body of your position paper contains your -Is the scope of the issue narrow enough to be
arguments in support of your chosen position. manageable?
This is also where the evidence supporting your It is usually still up to you to develop the stands
arguments can be found. regarding an issue.
It can also have a section or paragraph talking Make sure you understand the issue well
about counterarguments, where you address enough to know which sides to flesh out.
the point or points of the opposite side and Misunderstandings could cause holes in your
then refute them. research and reasoning.
One strategy is to first do research on the issue Ask yourself the following questions in
as a whole and list down the pros and cons of order to guide your planning and research:
both sides. Is your take on the stand interesting and
Once you see the pros and cons of the two sides original? Readers tend to be more
listed side by side, you’ll be able to confidently compelled to read an argument that they
choose a side to defend. have not yet heard before. On the other
The topic you have and the sides you have hand, they are more likely to ignore
defined for that issue should be narrow or arguments they have encountered a
specific enough to be manageable. hundred times before.
Broad topics have too many ideas and evidence Can your stand assert something specific,
to consider. prove it, and if applicable, suggest a plan of
Too specific and evidence will be hard to find. action? Defending your side must be
There are too many projects proposed because concrete and plausible and you must be
of the broad main idea. able to suggest a plan of action in your
Trying to explain all of these in your position conclusion, if it is applicable. Analyze the
paper would make it too broad and scattered. information you have gathered to confirm if
Your position will be open to attack from many you can build a proper case for your stand.
different angles. Do you have enough material or proof to
support your opinion? One or two good
Analyzing an Issue and Developing a Stand
sources usually are not enough to prove
It’s best to do further research on your topic your side is the superior one in the issue. A
and side. good position paper can make use of many
It is important to conduct additional research in sources to defend their points and refute
order to fully develop your stands and counterpoints. If you are having difficulty
arguments for your position paper. finding credible sources that support your
Many kinds of sources can be used to find side, you should consider revising your
evidence for your position paper. stand. A lack of sources could mean that
your side is still weak, as not many people
have studied or supported it in the past.
Who is my audience? How do they think?
While it is impossible to become a mind
reader and predict how your readers might
react to your position paper, it is best to try
and get an idea of what kind of people
would be interested in your issue or side.
Based on what you have researched, what
kind of people would also be more willing to
take the same side as yours? On the other
A position paper, much like most other hand, what kind of people would need extra
academic papers, requires you to provide convincing?
in-text citations whenever you use Tip: Because of the amount of research
information from your research and to add required to write a good position paper, it
a bibliography at the end of your paper. can take some time to accomplish. It is best
Correctly following the rules on citing to start early and pace yourself well when
sources adds credibility to your arguments. conducting research.
Also aims to analyze the observation of data and
categorize them into themes in relation to the
research study
Written/typed notes
Video and audio recordings
Illustrations and drawings
Lesson 2.1: Kinds of Reports Since interviews can be used as a reference for a field
report, some factors have to be considered in recording
Survey Report
and presenting these, especially when using a
Aims to collect data from a group of transcription. For example, if there is a grammar or
respondents to gain information and insights word usage error that may affect the meaning of the
about a topic statement, you may correct this after the transcription.
Steps for survey report:
Also, since transcriptions are exact statements, make
1. Decide on the content of the survey.
sure to include all of the words said by the interviewee,
2. Confirm the target audience.
even if it contains verbal fillers, to ensure the accuracy
3. Send out the survey through a channel.
of the recorded interview.
4. Analyze the survey results.
Different channels for survey report: Laboratory/Scientific Technical Report
-Pen and paper Two major aims: document findings and
-Phone interview communicate their significance
Data Collection
What Is a Survey?
Example 1
It is a method of data collection where the
How much time do you spend on homework in a day?
researcher provides people with a questionnaire
and the respondents’ answers give data to the
researcher towards answering a research
question. [ ] One hour or less
The purpose of a survey is to gather information [ ] Two to three hours
from a large number of people in a set amount
of time. [ ] Four to five hours
[ ] 2: Somewhat satisfied
Example 2
[ ] 3: Satisfied
Which part of the school fair did you enjoy the most and
[ ] 4: Very satisfied
[ ] 5: Extremely satisfied
Example 3
Example of a ranking question: ______________________________________________
Please rank the following school activities in order of ______________________________________________
preference, with 1 being your most favorite event and 4 ____________________
being your least favorite:
[]Other: Succinct
_____________________________________ A succinct questionnaire asks questions that are
straight to the point and only answer the
research objectives.
Note that it is partially structured because it is Any questions that are beyond the scope of the
an open-ended question that has some set research should be excluded.
These act more as suggestions or hypotheses, Dependent and Independent Factors
and that the “other” option is provided in case Setting the objectives of your survey is always
the respondent has a more specific answer to the first thing you do when you are preparing a
the question. survey questionnaire.
Remember that ideally, you should have already set Then, you also have to make sure that these are
objectives for your survey and already know what you aligned with your research question.
are looking for. Since non-structured or open-ended You must also take note of the “dependent” and
questions are for exploring new ideas, it is best not to “independent” factors you intend to investigate.
use too many of these in your questionnaire. The importance of these is to ensure that the
research covers all relevant variables and any
Lesson 3. 2: Designing a Survey irrelevant variables are excluded.
Valid This will answer the commonly asked questions,
like: “Did I miss any important questions in the
A valid questionnaire should ask for precisely questionnaire?” or “Should I include/exclude
what it intends to learn. this particular question?”
The questions should be written in a way that
the respondent will understand what the Asking the “Right” Questions
objective of the question is. Once you have established your question,
The questionnaire should be reviewed by an objectives, and factors, it is time for you to
expert on the topic during a pilot test. design the questions in such a way that it is valid
Reliable and reliable.
The researchers have to brainstorm and come
A reliable questionnaire should yield generally up with the preliminary questions.
the same answer if the same question is
repeatedly posed to the same respondent Structured or Non-structured Questions
within a short amount of time. Decide using your objectives and factors if you’ll
This can be achieved by administering the same be using structured questions, non-structured
questionnaire to a respondent more than once questions, or a combination of both.
and checking the consistency of their answers. The answers to open-ended questions should
Interesting be grouped together for analysis.
Remember: Choose structured questions if you are
already confident that your range of answers is well-
Order of Questions
known and you’d like to focus on those answers. Choose
non-structured questions if you are still unsure of the The order of the questions should follow a
information you have and would still like to explore logical sequence.
more options through the survey. A common rule is to start with simple questions
before moving on to more complicated
Designing a Questionnaire
Options Generally, you can start with the socio-
demography of the respondents, but if you will
When using structured questions, the options
include more personal questions then you can
given to the respondents for each question
opt to leave these questions for last.
should be as exhaustive as possible.
This will ensure that they can pick an option Double-barrelled Questions
that best suits their answer.
One mistake to avoid is asking a double-
When asking a factual question instead of a
barrelled question.
subjective question, it is important to include
Avoid asking two things in one question.
“Don’t know” as one of the answers.
This will make it more difficult for you to
Do not force respondents to take a guess, as it
interpret and analyze the data you’ve collected.
would not be an accurate representation of
what they know. Ambiguous Questions
Options on survey questions should also
observe parallelism. Avoid ambiguous questions and be as specific as
Make sure that the options all follow a format possible when asking a question.
so that it is easier for respondents to read and For example, terms such as “seldom,”
understand. “sometimes,” and “often” may mean different
things to different people.
Filtering Keep questionnaire items short, preferably less
than 20 words.
Some questions in a survey questionnaire don’t
have to be answered by the respondents, Keep Analysis in Mind
depending on previous responses.
In these cases, filtering is used to guide the Remember that the data you collect here will
respondents to answer only the questions that have to be analyzed afterward.
are relevant to them. For example, if your objective for asking the age
is to find out the average age of your
Example respondents, then your question should ask the
exact age.
1. During the last time that you had a fever, did you
But if part of your objective is to categorize your
consult a doctor?
respondents by age group, then specify options
that give different age groups.
[ ] Yes Tips: If you are still not sure of what analysis you will be
performing, it is always advisable to collect raw data,
[ ] No
rather than to immediately categorize them from the
start. This will help avoid problems with analysis after
data collection and ensure that all data collected are
If No, proceed to question 4. relevant and usable.
Pilot Test In telephone administration, the entire
survey has to be read to participants.
Holding a pilot test is a crucial step in the design
There must also be a standardized script
of a questionnaire before you start using it to
used by the administrators as they talk to
collect data.
the respondents while still trying to
This can help find any flaws in the questionnaire
establish a sense of rapport with them.
in terms of content, grammar, and format.
It’s one advantage over one-on-one
First, ask your teachers, classmates, family, or
interviews is that anonymity is easier to
friends to comment on the questionnaire.
maintain over the phone.
This will pick up any mistakes in terms of
content, grammar, and format. Postal Mail
If possible, this should then be followed by
This is when the researchers send the survey
asking a number of potential respondents to
questionnaires through mail.
answer the questionnaire and provide their
This lets them interact directly with the
For those questions that you feel may be
However, researchers put a lot of faith in the
confusing or sensitive, it is important to ask the
respondents that they will send the survey
respondents to comment specifically during the
questionnaire back.
pilot test.