Indian Logistics - EY-6-64
Indian Logistics - EY-6-64
Indian Logistics - EY-6-64
India’s projected GDP growth to US$26t by FY48 GOI acknowledges the issue of high dependence on
(US$6t by FY2030) and the impetus to accelerate road transportation and is exploring options to move
merchandise exports to US$1t by 2030 are key freight optimally with a focus on reducing logistics
drivers which will increase demand for India’s logistics costs and bringing it at par with the global standards.
As of FY22, India’s exports grew by 44.6% to
US$422b and imports grew by 55.4% to US$613b.
This growth has propelled the Indian transportation
and logistics sector, which has grown between
~US$160 and US$200b (INR13- 16 Lakh cr.) in 2022. This uneven distribution of modes of
transportation has led to low operational
efficiency; prompting the GOI to
India’s transportation and logistics landscape undertake multiple logistics specific
initiatives, such as GatiShakti, National
Logistics Policy and others. These
Modal split-freight movement in India in 2022
programs aim to streamline India’s
logistics sector by making it more green,
agile, transparent and integrated.
Road Rail Shipping Air
3.05 0.82 1,108 2,068
trillion trillion million million
ton-km ton-km metric ton ton- km India aims to reduce logistics cost from
66% 31% 3% 1% 13% to 14% of GDP, to 8% to 10% of
Infrastructure present GDP, by 2030. It is estimated that a
10% reduction in indirect logistics cost
Road Rail Water Airport will result in 5% to 8% rise in exports.
63.73 lac 1.08 lac 12 major, 131
km km 200+ airports
The transportation and logistics sector, and in
Support Infrastructure present particular the ports and shipping sector is grappling
with several structural challenges:
► The inter-state movement of goods takes a long
time due to complex regulations, delayed
Inland Container Multi 300m clearances and involves a significant amount of
Container Freight Modal sq. ft. paperwork.
Depot Station Logistics warehouse ► As the industry is fragmented, there are several
Park space
129 168 1* intermediaries in the ecosystem leading to
*Under construction multiple cargo exchanges, thereby increasing
costs and operational inefficiencies.
Source- PBI, Ministry of shipping, Ministry of civil aviation, Niti Aayog
► Lack of end-to-end supply chain visibility and
ability to track and trace the cargo remains a
challenge for the service providers and customers.
To address some of these challenges, there has been Although the above-mentioned initiatives are likely to
a recent spurt in development of associated transform and improve efficiency in the logistics
infrastructure, which is in line with the changing sector, some challenges continue to persist, which
business environment. The sector is witnessing a may limit its growth. A collaborative effort of industry
rapid development of infrastructure, greater thrust in and GOI may be required to resolve them. Thus, EY
digitalization, and enhanced focus on sustainable and BCCI suggest following strategies to accelerate
logistics. India’s competitiveness in global ports, shipping and
logistics sector.
Launch of multiple start- ups and GOI’s digital
initiatives such as “Make in India”, Unified Logistics
Platform (ULIP) etc. are helping to bring greater
transparency in the logistics sector. Digitization of
work processes to facilitate paperless processing of
documents and clearances and enhanced tracking of
Adopt advanced technologies
shipment helps to increase the speed of movement of and explore new business models
goods and reduce logistics cost.
There has been an enhanced focus on infrastructure
development, which is playing a significant role in
increasing the pace of movement of goods. India’s
road network has grown from 62.15 lakh km in FY21 Fast-track infrastructure
to 63.73 lakh km until Jan 2023. As part of Dedicated development
Freight Corridor (DFC) India has pledged ~US$38b
(INR 3 lakh cr. ) to develop exclusive rail tracks and
associated infrastructure for movement of goods
(MIV), GOI has pledged US$38b to
US$44b (INR 3-3.5 lakh cr.) across
ports, shipping, and in- land Focus on sustainable logistics
waterways, which will help unlock
US$2.5b (INR 20,000+ cr.) worth of
potential annual revenue for Indian
MIV targets to reduce the average vessel turnaround Adopt advanced technologies and explore
time (for containers) from ~22 hours in 2021 to <20 new business models
hours by 2030.
Recent supply chain disruptions and amplified focus
The proposed growth in the logistics sector requires
on sustainability have led to increased adoption of
major private and foreign investment to alleviate the
technology- enabled solutions. As a result, blockchain,
load on GOI’s finances. Initiatives such as National
big data, cloud computing, digital twins and others are
Infrastructure Pipeline, is one such lever which is
seeing widespread adoption, globally. Although the
expected to raise ~US$650b (INR 50 lakh cr.) worth
level of adoption is relatively low in India, the renewed
of investment. Additionally, GOI has rolled out
interest of the GOI has resulted in the launch of
multiple policies to facilitate PPP in ports, rail and
several digital solutions, such as ICEGATE and E-Logs.
road sector.
These solutions have helped to reduce inefficiencies,
To fulfill India’s commitment to the Net Zero improve transparency and increase the speed of
emissions by 2070, the logistics sector’s contribution movement of goods.
to decarbonization is essential. Several initiatives,
such as adoption of alternate fuel vehicles, increasing
share of renewable energy in ports, providing shore
power to dock ships and others, are being
incorporated. Maritime India Vision indicates specific
targets for Indian ports to promote sustainability in
the maritime sector.
Technological advancements and global supply chain Service providers and customers need to carefully
constraints have resulted in the development of new consider the adoption of digital technologies and
business models upgrade their legacy systems. Seamless
implementation of digital technologies is required
across multiple government bodies to avoid siloed
These will help increase competitiveness of India’s Although 100% FDI has been permitted in most
logistics sector globally, boost MSME (medium and transport infrastructure development initiatives, the
small manufacturing enterprise) growth and reduce sector requires establishment of processes to
ship turnaround time. accelerate clearances, simplification of regulations to
promote higher FDI inflows.
However, delayed land acquisition and clearances are
key challenges which need to be addressed. It has a
significant impact on project timelines and
profitability. A complete roll out of Nationwide single
window clearance system by government will go a 100% FDI allowed in
long way to resolve this.
• Air transport (including air freight)
• Port and harbor’s construction and maintenance
• Railways: under automatic route for
India will need to speed up dedicated construction, operation and maintenance of
suburban corridor projects through PPP
freight infrastructure connecting four
major metros. So far, only around
1,724 km out of planned 2,843 km
direct freight corridor got
Additionally, GOI is aggressively pushing Public
commissioned as of Jan 2023. DFC is
Private Partnerships to increase investments and has
an important part of National Rail Plan met with a significant success in the maritime sector.
2030, which aims to increase the rail
share from 26% to 45% over the next
10 years. Higher rail share will result
in significant logistics cost savings for
manufacturing companies. In addition,
new rail infrastructure can boost Proposed MMLPs will need an
industrial townships along the freight investment of over US$6.25b
corridor. (INR50,000 cr.) from the private
sector. The projects will include
warehouses, specialized cold chain
facilities, freight/container terminals,
Attract investment and investor interest
and bulk/break-bulk cargo terminals
Traditionally, GOI has been the main proponent and and will help in achieving better modal
financier for the development of infrastructure. mix in favor of rail. Interest from
However, it is increasingly adopting new policies to private sector is subdued so far due to
attract private and foreign investment as levers to the large investment size and
fast-track infrastructure development.
uncertainty in demand.
This includes 100% Income Tax exemption in any
consecutive 10-year period out of 20 years of
operations for road construction projects, volume-
based rebate scheme of up to 100% on rail tariff for
movement of empty containers from orts to
hinterland for its utilization in exports as offered by
CONCOR, among others. Stakeholders need to develop and build
expertise in Infrastructure asset
strategy, project financing,
In total, the investors have opportunity infrastructure M&A and deal structuring;
to invest in ~6,000 projects worth INR and adopt a collaborative approach to
52 lakh crore (~US$650b), which can design an optimal risk-sharing protocol
aid the transportation and that can enhance bankability of large
logistics sector. infrastructure projects.
Pressure from
Cost saving, regulatory compliance, and
Pressure from
25% pressure from partners are top
motivators for supply chain executives
to improve supply chain sustainability.
Ethics 21%
By FY48, India’s GDP is expected to grow to US$26t, with freight being the major driver in
achieving and sustaining this growth.
From 2023, India is expected to be a part of a India- GDP and freight projections
select group of three countries whose yearly GDP
growth exceeds US$300b. 25 14
In 2022, the US pipped China to register the highest 10.4 12
GDP growth in absolute terms. However, China is 10
expected to reclaim this position in 2024. Between 15
6 8
2022- 2027, India’s contribution to global GDP
growth is projected to average ~6.4% with the highest 10 4.3 6
being 7.6% in 2023. 2.9 4
0 0
India’s financial performance and global standing
2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
7th 30.2% 27.2% growth averages ~24% with the highest being 30.9%.
However, India’s projected growth of “Investment
percentage of GDP” at 33.7% in 2027, reflects India’s
position as a strong investment hub.
India’s “Investment as a percentage of GDP”
33.7% 27.6%
Freight Global share- Global share-
moved Imports- Exports-
(ton-km)- 2021 2021
Source- IMF 2020
Government spend1- General government expenditure
India’s high logistics cost as a share of GDP presents a unique opportunity to optimize
freight movement via efficient modes.
India’s high average lead freight distance (500 km) India plans to reduce its logistics cost
indicates a strategic misalignment of manufacturing as a share of GDP between 8% and
centers and consumption areas 10%, by 2030. This will be at par with
Despite having one-thirds the geographical area, international standards.
compared to the US, India has 37.5% more lead
freight distance. This significantly increases India’s
manufacturing cost and reduces the export potential. Sources: Business Standard, The Hindu
Vision@ 2047 is a guiding principle which is being supported by multiple regulatory and
government initiatives to revamp India’s logistics sector
Digitalisation of logistics
Road • Integrated digital systems
Multi-modal • Bharatmala scheme • Unified Logistics Interface
• GatiShakti Multi- Platform
Modal Cargo • Ease of logistics portal
Terminal Policy
• Multi-modal • National Civil
Aviation Policy
Logistics Park-
Scheme GATI
Shakti Logistics
Freight Corridor Airways
• Private Freight • National Rail Plan
Terminal Policy — • 100% railway
Dedicated Freight electrification Regulatory framework
Corridor Shipping • Transform logistics ecosystem
Corporation of • Sagarmala Scheme, to meet global regulatory
India Limited Inland Vessels Bill, Major standards
Port Authorities Act • Improve logistics services and
ease of doing business
The Government of India plans to invest ~US$1.2t NLP aims to develop a technology enabled, cost-
(INR 100 lakh cr.) in building a holistic infrastructure efficient, resilient and sustainable logistics
through GATIShakti. ecosystem
GATI Shakti aims to strengthen local manufacturing, Initiatives taken under NLP include- automating EXIM
push exports, and raise possibilities of new futuristic processes for paperless clearances (eSanchit- e-
economic zones, thereby making India a hub for Storage and Computerized Handling of Indirect Tax
world-class logistics infrastructure. Furthermore, the documents), building complimentary infrastructure
multi-modal connectivity plan aims to increase cargo related projects under Gati Shakti and reforming rail
handling capacity and reduce the turnaround time sector. NLP also focuses on improving seaport
across all the transport modes. quality, engaging with private and MSME sectors to
boost exports (for toys, textiles, chemicals) and
facilitating modal shift in first and last mile logistics.
India’s share of global “container port throughput” increased from 1.7% in 2016 to 2% in
2020. In contrast, China’s share exceeded 30% in 2020
India's rank in “container throughput” improved Also, India’s share of global “container throughput”
from 16 to 11 in 2016 and has since remained shrunk from 2.1% in 2019 to 2.04% in 2020. Though
constant. international maritime trade grew by ~3.2% in 2021,
Indian shipments grew by 5.9% (in FY22).
Although “container throughput” reduced by ~1% (in
2020) globally, for India, it reduced by ~4%.
0.30 0.90
Country wise throughput
Global Throughput in
(million TEU)
0.20 0.60
billion TEU
0.10 0.30
0.00 0.00
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
China US Singapore India World
Sources: UNCTAD
Despite the relatively smaller size of vessels at Average vessel size and median time in port-2021
Indian ports, their median time at port is much
35 1.4
Median port time
30 1.2
Avg. vessel size
25 1.0
(Trillion Ton)
India ranks 20th in “Max cargo carrying capacity for Maximum cargo/container carrying capacity-2021
ship” and 40th in “Max container carrying capacity
for ship” 450 30
375 25
Container capacity
(thousand TEU)
300 20
(`000 dwt)
TEU, a draft of 18 m to 20 m is essential. Not many
Indian ports have sufficient draft to accommodate 225 15
them. The lack of deep draft ports result in shipping 150 10
lines bypassing India, thereby reducing transshipment
75 5
0 0
Cargo moved by Indian ports increased by 5.5% in FY22, and has already exceeded the
pre-COVID-19 levels
Cargo moved via maritime transport is projected to Cargo moved by Indian ports in million ton:
increase by ~63.5% from FY22 to FY30 FY17- FY22
As of FY22, Kandla is the biggest Indian port handling
127.1 m ton cargo, followed by Paradip 116.1 million
ton. POL (Petroleum oil and lubricants) was the most 1,320 1,324
handled commodity by top Indian ports.
Share of cargo handled for “Top ports”
which average ~45% pre-COVID-19 has
increased to 54.4% in FY22
FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22
Source: Ministry of Shipping- India
FY22 numbers are provisional
SMP- Kolkata
Growth: -3.9%
Kandla Deendayal
Port Authority Kolkata SMP- Haldia
Growth: +8.1% Growth: -5.7%
Paradip Paradip port authority
Jawaharlal Nehru Mumbai Port Growth: +1.4%
Port Trust Authority Mumbai
Growth: +17.3% Growth: +12.3%
Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam port
Mormugao Port authority
Authority Goa
Growth: -1.2%
Growth: -16.1%
New Mangalore Port Authority Mangalore
Growth: +7.7% Chennai
Kamarajar Port Chennai Port
Limited Trust
Cochin Port Authority Growth: +49.6% Growth: +11.5%
Growth: +9.7% Cochin Chidambaranar Port Trust
Growth: +7.3%
Observation Observation
The total cargo handled by top Indian ports increased As of FY22, Kandla Deendayal port (267.1 million ton)
by ~7% from 673 million ton in FY21 to 720 million followed by Paradip (249 million ton) are the biggest
ton in FY22. However, the share of total overseas ports in India in terms of port capacity.
cargo handled by these ports decreased from 78% in
FY21 to 76% in FY22.
Port Name (In order of capacity Capacity Avg. output per ship Avg. turnaround
Port Location
utilization) Utilization % berth- day (Ton) time (days)
Top state maritime board- capacity utilization for other ports- FY22
State Maritime Board (In
Capacity Utilization % Port Capacity (million ton) Cargo handled (million ton)
order of capacity utilization)
As per international standards, ports should have an ideal surplus capacity of 30% for proper
functioning. However, Indian ports have a surplus capacity of 53.1% for top ports (total cargo
capacity- 1535 million tons) and 40.1% for other ports (total cargo capacity- 1007 million
tons). The surplus capacity is due to the plan of augmenting India’s port handling capacity and
be ready for the upcoming potential growth In the sector.
India’s rail, road and air freight sector is witnessing improvement. However, it needs
regulatory and technological interventions to match global standards
In 2022, cargo moved by Indian railways increased Rail share in traffic having lead distance of 300 km
by ~7.5% YoY to 1,497 million tons. reduced from 51.5% in FY2008 to 32.4% in FY2019.
Currently, the share of Indian railways in total cargo Development of new infrastructure and launch of
moved is ~31% and GOI aims to increase this to 44% super freight trains like 3.5 km long Super Vasuki is a
by 2051. To achieve this growth, challenges such as welcome step for improving rail freight efficiency.
low level of containerization, higher cost for
movement of lighter cargo and insufficient first and
last mile connectivity need to be addressed. Rail- Cargo moved and projection (billion ton-km)
6 1000
Rail freight performance-India and peers (2020)
Share- global rail freight (ton-km) 5 800
tonne- km)
US 21.2% 3
India 6.5% 2
EU 3.5% 1 200
0 0
Average goods train speed in India 2018 2024 2031 2041 2051
increased by 83.5% to 43.2 kmph from Freight moved Lead distace
FY20 to FY21. However, this pales in
Source: National Rail Plan
comparison to the high-speed freight
train (350kmph) running in China. With ~131 airports, India accounts for only ~0.3% of
the global air cargo. ~62% of Indian cargo was
Source: National Rail Plan international
Congestion due to poor road conditions and absence Airlines transported ~35% of global cargo (by value)
of city bypass network has significantly impacted but less than 1% of world trade by volume. Average
the average speed of trucks in India cargo load factor increased from 54% to 56% in 2021.
The highest load factor (76%) was for Asia- Europe
Indian trucks cover an average daily distance of 250 route in 2021. But, global freight in ton-km is
km to 400 km, which is very less compared to 700 km projected to reduce from 272 billion ton-km in 2021
to 800 km covered for trucks in the EU and the US. to 240 billion ton-km in 2023.
Moreover, India’s fleet is skewed toward smaller 16
ton to 25 ton trucks which tends to be less cost- Federal airlines leads the list of top 15 airlines/logics
effective. This coupled with high empty running services, by moving most cargo (20.6 ton-km)
percentage increases the total cost of ownership, globally in 2021. No Indian origin airlines/logistics
thereby increasing the cost of transportation service figures in this list.
Air- Cargo moved- India and the world
Road freight performance- India and peers- 2020
5 80
Empty running percentage
US 14.8%
India- Cargo moved
Global- Cargo moved
EU 20.2%
(million ton)
(million ton)
China 27.5%
India 35% 20
Stakeholders in shipping and logistics sector to revisit, elevate and resolve challenges and
fast-track growth
Policy Infrastructure
• Lack of time bound land acquisition • Captive logistics infrastructure is a
(coupled with diverse land acquisition deterrent to inter-connect them with
regulations) and clearances resulted in nationwide logistics infrastructure.
a delay of ~850 government run • Transition to hub and spoke model
projects (till Dec 2022). requires development of logistics
• Lack of dedicated skill enhancement parks, which are capital intensive.
policy for logistics sector employees is a • Arrival of bigger vessels at ports is
major impediment limited by lower draft in Indian ports.
• Effective implementation of National • Lack of modern equipment and
Logistics Policy requires a close processes increases vessel
coordination between central and state turnaround time.
government. Effective execution of NLP
requires establishment of ground level
• Uneven utilization of different modes
of transportation for freight
systems and processes for efficient
movement is a challenge.
Business Digital
• Involvement of multiple players and • Absence of a database to map goods
intermediaries results in several cargo moved by road makes it difficult to
exchanges, leading to cost escalation have a data-based policymaking
and inefficiency • Existing government backed digital
• Unorganized players choose labor over solutions have not been fully effective
technology because it is cheaper in offering end to end logistics
compared to investing in a forklift or visibility
hand-held computers • Lack of adoption of digital
• Diverse export and import commodities technologies results in inefficient
result in a general mismatch between route selection, manual processes and
type of containers used (40ft for import uninformed decisions, which increase
and 20ft for export). This results in cost of transportation
operational and financial challenges.
Manufacturing Manpower
• Due to dependence on imports, • Frequent labor unrests and
container availability is delayed unionization can impede the smooth
hindering freight movement and results functioning and infrastructure
in loss of revenue development
• Lack of shipping container • Lack of attractiveness of sector fails
manufacturing ecosystem in India to attract skilled personnel
creates a huge dependency for
containers on global container leasing
companies and Non-Vessel Owning
Common Carriers (NVOCCs)
1 2
4 3
COVID-19 pandemic, recent supply chain disruptions and increased focus on sustainability
have led to increased adoption of technology-enabled solutions.
Mandates resilience
Increasing Transition to
remote Automation and operational efficiencies
focus on ESG
management Improve productivity and decision making to
increase speed to market
Covid-19 Conflicts Inflation
COVID-19 pandemic and supply chain disruptions prompted logistics companies to monitor and gain visibility into their
supply chains minutely. As a result, logistics companies have accelerated the pace of adoption of digital technologies
across various modes of transportation and applications.
• Network
• Demand • Rail track
optimization • Real time
planning surveillance • Predictive
• Cargo tracking • Autonomous
Rail • Intermodal • Railroad maintenance
tracking • Delivery trains
monitoring Infrastructur of rail tracks
• Monitor track updates
system e inspection
• Demand • Network
• Order
forecast performance
management • Inventory
• Inventory analysis • Robotic
• Warehouse management
management • Dispatch application • Warehouse
Ware-house management • Order
• Anti-theft management for order simulations
• Multi- scanning and
solutions • Multi-channel management
channel collection
• Labour order
Management fulfillment
Adoption of blockchain, big data and cloud computing is transforming the operational
efficiency for logistics companies
Blockchain is being used by logistics companies and The Ministry of Finance, India, has piloted E- Cargo
ports globally to improve operations and reduce Tracking System (ECTS) for secure documentation and
unwanted costs GPS-tracking of containers
One such example is Maersk, which collaborated with Test run of ECTS was carried out at the Inland Container
Dutch customs and the US Department of Homeland Depot of the Tughlakabad Import Commissionerate.
Security to track cargo movement using blockchain. Post successful completion of the pilot, the initiative
Blockchain helps with digital documentation and smart may be launched across India after an assessment of
contracts and is being actively used in the ports of cost, time, and compliance. Also, the launch of Open
Antwerp, Rotterdam, and Singapore. Rotterdam port is Network for Digital Commerce by the Indian
using blockchain to make administrative and financial government in 2022 may lead the way for increased
streams paperless. adoption of blockchain in digital commerce.
Big data-based solutions help to optimize operations, Several Indian start-ups are using predictive data to
renew port assets while ensuring optimum cyber enhance operational efficiency
Additionally, they are using big data technology
In Singapore and Malaysia, ports utilize big data extensively for on-demand freight booking, increasing
analytics to create advanced inspection systems to fuel efficiency, pooling truck drivers, route optimization,
assess the history and cargo type of importers. Port of etc. A report by NASSCOM (National Association of
Cartagena uses multiple solutions for IoT analytics Software and Services) anticipates that India's big data
which help forecast equipment failures. To implement analytics market will reach US$16b by 2025, which
big data analytics, shipbuilders and shipping companies places it among the world's top 10 big data analytics
have been entering into partnerships with leading market.
technology suppliers and universities.
Cloud-based solutions streamline logistics through Indian Ports Association leveraged ERP to connect
fleet management, inventory management and cargo major ports to decrease turnaround time, and increase
tracking ease of doing business
Hamburg Port uses cloud-based data analytics tool Another major initiative taken by the Indian Ports
“SmartPort Logistics” to regulate vessel operations. Association is the introduction of NLP- Marine. It aims
Global logistics company DHL integrates logistics to be a centralized hub for the electronic flow of trade
marketplaces using cloud-based technologies for related information for all ports and ports related
transparent shipping options, shipment tracking, and entities. It is being replaced by NLP- Marine.
last-mile delivery.
Everything comes around the cost involved with the
digitization. Once this factor is addressed, digitization in
international trade will happen very rapidly.
Ravindra Rajwade,
Shipping & International
Logistics Professional
Autonomous vehicles and drones are expected to play a pivotal role in middle and last mile
logistics while digital twins help to pre-empt disruption in supply chain
Logistics companies are partnering with drone In India, the usage of drones for commercial
manufacturers to assess the feasibility of delivery by transportation is low, but recent government
drone initiatives are expected to change that.
FedEx Express is testing middle-mile autonomous drone The demand is expected to be spearheaded by
delivery through a partnership with Elroy Air to improve pharmaceutical and e- commerce industry. A typical
operational efficiency and safety. Drone can case of this is the delivery of vaccines in the Northeast
autonomously carry 300 500 pounds of cargo up to a by Health Ministry as part of Drone Response and
distance of 300 to 500 miles. In Europe, DHL has Outreach (i-Drone). Also, the passage of “Drone Rules
partnered with Dronomics to use drone for middle-mile, 2022” is a welcome step as it legalizes operation of
cross-border, and inter-city transportation. drones (up to 2 kg) for non-commercial purposes. In
addition, budget FY2022, as part of ‘Drone Shakti’, aims
to support drone start-ups.
Globally, digital twins help to identify potential
weaknesses from production to delivery
Indian companies do not have adequate data sets to
Ericsson and the port of Livorno in Italy are working to utilize digital twins to the fullest.
create a digital twin to remove the inefficiencies in
freight handling and loading and unloading of While these new-age tools can help companies, they
shipments. This is being achieved by creating a real- need historical and newer data to predict irregularities.
time digital replica of the port area using a 5G network, However, with the rapid adoption of Warehouse
smart sensors, LiDAR and advanced cameras. Management Systems or Transport Management
Systems, and Supply Chain Visibility Tools, the adoption
of a digital twin is set to increase.
Existing digital technologies have increased speed of movement of goods, and GOI is putting
significant efforts to ensure end-to-end supply chain visibility
e- Sanchit (ICEGATE)
2 ULIP integrates 24 systems, 78 APIs and
• eSanchit (e-Storage and computerized 1,454 fields across waterways, ports, shipping,
handling of indirect tax documents) civil aviation, railways, DGFT and customs and
supports paperless processing, uploading of road transport and highway
support documents
• It saves time and facilitates international
trade Leverage a network of 800+
toll plazas to gain visibility of
truck movements and control
E-Logs toll-based payments
• Portal was developed by logistics division of
DPIIT to facilitate time-bound resolution of Obtain granular
issues. Capable to track visibility over
• Additional functionality of registering, rail freight
coordinating and monitoring resolution of real-time ULIP’s
operations and
user issues is being developed movements and key traits
improve eliminate
efficiency wasteful
GHG Calculator demurrage
• Developed to promote sustainability in freight
transportation Check truck driver’s status
• It calculates and compares total cost of
operation and GHG emissions, thereby
promoting a shift to low-carbon modes of
Activities of NLP Marine are categorized into four Benefit for Logistics Service
distinct verticals: Provider (LSP)
Technological advancements and global supply chain disruptions have resulted in the
development of new business models
Factors driving new business models Key shifts in logistics priorities for new
business models
Labor Utilization of Labor
Changing customer preferences and the evolution of disruptive technologies have led to the introduction of new business
models. In addition, emergence of digital start-ups is also transforming the traditional logistics companies. They are
developing in-house digital solutions and/or are collaborating with logistics companies to form new business models.
Collaborative logistics/Asset sharing Circularity Model- Focus area and use cases
model- focus area and use cases
Combined usage of assets Sustainability
Global companies explore ways to utilize their Re-commerce returns shipment to in-country
distribution center fully, by providing storage, recycle and resell channels reduces the original
fulfillment services to others retailer's freight and storage cost
“Fulfillment by Amazon” is one such example of UPS enabled a circular economy through smart and
shared services or supply chain as-a service in retail sustainable logistics by integrating circular economic
distribution. Many parcel delivery companies, such as principles into its business model. This helps
DHL and UPS, have developed joint parcel stores to customers reclaim or refurbish products and
reduce warehouse cost. This is also helping materials for subsequent use. Also, FedEx introduced
companies, such as DB Schenker, who have partnered reusable packaging designed for shipments up to 2.5
with online freight exchange provider uShip to map kg. These shipments are resealable and facilitate
truck drivers and shipments efficiently. product return without the additional waste.
Although the usage of collaborative logistics model Globally, policymakers and regulators have identified
is low in India, the GOI is launching multiple circularity as focus area and remain a significant
initiatives to promote it initiative
One such initiative is ULIP, which is a technological To reduce wastage, the EU mandated that by 2025,
platform, currently in the testing stage. It textiles will have to be collected separately from
collaborates with ministries, trade bodies, and household waste. Moreover, to promote sustainability,
logistics companies to offer a common data platform the UK government has launched a joint initiative with
that enables optimum use of logistics modes, thereby the private sector to offer funding of ~US$200 million
saving cost and time. for research on new forms of packaging from plants,
wood chippings, and food waste.
In line with India's COP22 commitment to global climate change,
it is time to think differently and review our strategy, identify
sector-specific industrial clusters from the current model of
need to promote and facilitate industrial zones/clusters with
complementary industries and contribute to a circular economy
model, where one industry's input is the output of the other,
Capt. Ram Iyer,
thereby reducing carbon footprint. Sr. VP, Seahorse Ship
Agencies Pvt. Ltd.
Adoption of digital technologies in India’s logistics sector is in a nascent stage and will need
significant intervention by industry and GOI for higher effectiveness
Recognizing the importance of improving and building new roads, railways, ports infrastructure, etc., the government has
increased its budgetary allocations. Simultaneously, GOI is also undertaking measures to attract private capital and
implement administrative reforms to make the process for planning and executing infrastructure investments efficient.
GatiShakti National Master Plan — a holistic approach for optimal utilization of infrastructure and predictive decision
making for seamless intermodal logistics movement
Key components
Mapping of all
connectivity and Institutional framework
economic infrastructure Mapping of all Achieving
on a GIS-enabled platform infrastructure seamless and Empowered Group of
decision making
for enabling cost-effective Secretaries (E-GOS)
Whole of GOI approach. for planning and
multi-modal intermodal
Co-ordination with central optimal utilization
connectivity logistics Network planning group
ministries, states and UTs of infrastructure
Integrated planning and Technical support unit
implementation of
infrastructure projects
Below are key project investments undertaken by ministries across various modes of transportation and logistics.
• Capacity augmentation
Targets envisaged for Bharatmala Port
• New ports
Key Performance Indicator From To • Efficiency improvement
Highway corridors 6 50
MMLPs bring together road and rail: the two most important transport modes comprising
~90% of the country’s cargo movement
National Highways Logistics Management Limited MoRTH is currently implementing 37 MMLPs that will
under the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways be developed through Public Private Partnership (PPP)
(MoRTH) and the National Highways Authority of India in the Design, Build, Finance, Operate, and Transfer
(NHAI) are leading the development of Multi-Modal (DBFOT) mode with a capital allocation of US$6.25b
Logistics Parks (MMLP) in a hub-and-spoke concept to (INR 50,000 cr.). MoRTH minister Nitin Gadkari laid the
strengthen the nation's freight logistics sector. foundation stone of India’s first multi-modal logistics
park at Jogighopa, Assam in October 2020.
Complementary policies
• A comprehensive policy governing multi-modal freight transportation for
domestic freight movement needs to be developed.
Early involvement of all • Early involvement and alignment of all relevant stakeholders will be critical to
stakeholders ensure faster development of logistics parks.
Key benefits MMLPs improve the utilization and performance of inland container depots (ICDs) and
of MMLP container freight stations where they exist.
Proposed MMLPs will need an investment of over US$6.25(INR50,000 cr.) from the private
sector. The projects will include warehouses, specialized cold chain facilities, freight/container
terminals, and bulk/break-bulk cargo terminals and will help in achieving better modal mix in
favor of rail. Interest from private sector is subdued so far due to the large investment size and
uncertainty in demand. For this to take off, the government will need to bring in demand
enablers through preferential shifting of rail cargo handling to designated MMLPs.
To promote IWT, GOI has pledged an investment of These include several standards related to design and
~US$4.3b (INR 35,000 cr.) by 2047 to create a construction, labour, safety, digital solutions and
network of waterways. GOI has already initiated others. Standardisation of pallet size is another key
development on 14 inland waterways and 26 viable focus area which focuses on economies of space and
routes for cargo movement have been identified. To facilitation of automation. A special focus is on the
improve connectivity, GOI is also developing associated development of standards for racking to promote
infrastructure such as multi-modal terminals (one efficient storage. Elements of transportation and
terminal was recently inaugurated in Haldia). material handling have also been incorporated to have
end- to- end coverage.
To aid CS, GOI had reduced tariffs, given priority
berthing to coastal vessels and made green channels
Warehouse standards try to cover all the components
for faster cargo clearance. Recently GOI has also
associated with warehousing holistically.
announced PPP schemes for enhanced participation of
private sector.
However, challenges such as limited cargo availability
due to insufficient connectivity with production and Scope of
warehouse hubs, seasonality of Indian rivers and others warehousing
may require urgent action to ensure successful Warehousing Others
Palletization handling and
Improving warehousing transport
international markets.
Reduction in ships’ Turn Around Time (TAT)
Infrastructure Reducing the turnaround time for ships saves the
port time, which translates into savings in port
infrastructure expenditure for ports, ship capital
costs for carriers and inventory holding outlays for
Technology adoption
Boosting growth in MSMEs
It would also drive growth in the employment-
Skilled personnel intensive MSME sector, where better transportation
and logistics and reliable power are key ingredients
for improved competitiveness, especially in sectors
like apparel, footwear, furniture, and food
Simplified regulations processing.
Reduction in crop wastage
Every year, agriculture goods worth ~US$11.6b (INR
Thus, to facilitate seamless and efficient logistics, GOI
92,651 cr.) are lost in India due to a lack of storage
has launched new warehouse standards. These aim to
facilities and a poor transportation network. The
promote standardisation in warehousing and other
government's recent directive to establish Inland
related assets.
Container Depots (ICD), cold chain, and warehousing
facilities across the country, on the other hand, is
expected to attract private investment. The logistics
sector would be upgraded as a result of the capital
infusion, reducing industrial-scale food waste.
GOI aims to increase speed, agility and efficiency of freight movement in India with new
infrastructure development. However, several concerns limit its growth
For the development of the logistics sector, GOI is investing in ~100 infrastructure projects
for first and last mile connectivity with ports for coal, steel, fertilizer.
In FY24 budget, ~US$125b (INR 10 lakh cr.) has been Key assets to be monetized
allocated toward capital expenditure, which will
benefit the logistics sector. DFC Track- 673km
Road Length-
Apart from the 50 new airports and heliports, 100 26.7K km 400 railway stations
critical transportation infrastructure projects worth
~US$9b (INR 75,000 cr.) (including private investment)
will be crucial in improving first and last mile 31 projects - 25 airports
connectivity for ports, coal, steel, fertilizer, and food 9 major ports 21 MT warehouse capacity
grains. In addition to this, more than 39,000
compliances have been reduced and more than 3,400 Source: NIP, Niti Aayog
legal provisions have been decriminalized to improve
ease of doing business.
In total, the investors have an opportunity
~US$34b (INR 2.7 Lakh cr.) to invest in ~6,000 projects worth INR 52
Planned investment- road infrastructure
lakh crore (~US$650b), which can aid the
development- FY24 transportation and logistics sector. Road
sector accounts for the majority share
(~82%) of these projects.
~US$30b (INR 2.4 Lakh cr. )
Planned investment- rail infrastructure
development- FY24 Source: NIP | Note: Some investment may be common to passenger
and freight transport | Note: Investment does not include “common
infrastructure for industrial parks”
Source: PIB
Government is offering various tax incentives and financial support to boost private and foreign investment
Government offers the following subsidies: Indian Railway Finance Corporation Ltd is a PSU
• Duty-free import of high capacity and modern which mobilizes market borrowings to finance
road construction equipment capital expenditure in railways. The funds are
• 100% tax exemption in any consecutive 10 years invested in rolling stock and projects leased by the
out of 20 years after commissioning of the IRFC to the Ministry of Railways.
• Subsidy up to 40 % of the project cost to make
project viable
Government will cover the following costs: CONCOR (Container corporation of India) announced
• Environment clearance, cutting of trees and a volume-based rebate scheme of up to 100% on rail
shifting of utilities tariff for movement of empty containers from Ports
to hinterland for its utilization in exports. This
• Land for the right of way and wayside amenities helped to resolve the issue of shortage of containers
• Project Feasibility Study at the port.
58 projects worth ~US$5b (INR 40,000 cr.) are in various stages of implementation. Of these, 33
projects worth ~ US$3.4b (INR 27,000 cr.) are operational, whereas 25 projects worth over US$1.6b
(INR 13,000 cr.) are under implementation. 19 such projects with a total investment of ~US$1.1b
(INR 8,862 cr.) have been completed in 2021 alone.
Number of PPP airports is likely to increase from 5 in 2014 to 25 in 2025. AAI has formed JVs in
seven airports. Recently, AAI has awarded 6 airports — Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Lucknow, Guwahati,
Thiruvananthapuram, Mangalore — for operations, management and development under PPP for a
period of 50 years.
Government is reworking the terms of the PPP model, which will include a hybrid model in which the
government makes upfront payment of 40% of project cost to the developer under build operate
transfer mechanism.
Railways have invited private sector participation for GatiShakti Terminals. At present, the railways
are using the PPP route for modernization of 16 stations, including Anand Vihar and Vijayawada,
which is estimated to cost ~US$1.25b (INR 10,000 cr.).
India has a well-developed framework for Public-Private-Partnerships (PPP) in the highway sector.
Asian Development Bank has ranked India as the first spot in PPP operational maturity and has
designated India as a developed market for PPPs. NHAI continues to exploit a variety of contractual
structures in moving toward the PPP.
Government had planned to offer contracts for development of Multi Modal Logistics Parks (MMLP) at
four different locations through PPP mode in 2022-23. Reliance Industries Ltd. has been awarded
the project to build India's first MMLP in Chennai at the cost of ~US$180m (INR 1424 cr.).
Exports from SEZs dip to ~US$95b (INR 2.51 lakh cr.) JNPT is one of the first “Multi- purpose SEZs” in
in FY21- SEZs may not be having desired impact on India and is a key cog in the Ministry of Shipping's
Indian exports. Sagarmala vision.
One of the main reasons is the waning competitive JNPT offers access to upcoming multi-modal
advantage of Indian SEZs as other ASEAN countries are infrastructure projects including New Mumbai airport,
adopting policies to boost investment. Moreover, DFC rail corridor and trans-harbor road link. This aims
withdrawal of tax concessions and ineffective to slash cost and facilitate easy movement of goods
implementation of single window clearances are major to and from ports quickly and efficiently. Moreover,
impediments. Additionally, 100% import duty is levied formation of the SEZ enables industrialization of
during a domestic sale of goods made in SEZ units. This JNPT’s hinterlands, which is prompting an economic
makes SEZ goods unattractive in the domestic market. transformation.
Governments across the world are using multiple financial routes, such as sovereign wealth
funds, PPP models, to boost infrastructure development
Egypt is facilitating investment by deployment of JNPT has become the first 100% Landlord Major Port
sovereign wealth fund as a go-to partner for foreign of India and heralds India’s entry into the PPP model.
Currently, five container terminals are operated at
The Sovereign Fund of Egypt (TSFE) which was JNPT. Under the latest agreement, two berths of
established to attract private investments, is in talks with JNPCT will be handed over under the PPP contract.
AD Ports Group (subsidiary- Abu Dhabi sovereign Minimum Guaranteed Cargo (MGC) will help guarantee
investor ADQ) over development and operation of Suez private port operators' investment and is expected to
Port, known as Port Tawfiq. The contract would be the increase from 0.4 mil TEUs in the first year to 0.9
third signed by AD Ports to operate ports in Egypt. million TEUs, starting 10th year until the end of the
30-year contract.
Suez Canal Zone (SCZone) signed a US$3b
agreement to produce ~3,50,000 tons per Out of the five berths in JNPT- DP World
annum of green energy for fueling ships in
operates two terminals, APM Terminals and
Ain Sokhna with EDF Renewables and TSFE. PSA operate one each and the remaining
one will be operated by a Joint Venture
Dubai’s DP World signed an agreement to
between JM Baxi Ports and Logistics Ltd.,
build a US$80m port-centric logistics and CMA Terminals
services zone at Ain Sokhna Port. The facility
will cater to logistics, trading, distribution, JNPT charges a revenue share of around
value-added, and light industrial activities. 30% of the business. However, the Major
Port Authorities Act and model concession
AP Moller-Maersk signed a contract worth agreement allows terminal operators to fix
US$500b with Suez Canal Economic Zone market determined tariff rates.
to expand East Port Said’s port terminal
capacity by almost 40% Port received the highest royalty price
bid of ~US$56.5 per TEU against
minimum reserve price of ~US$22.5, by
Vietnam needs ~US$13.7b to develop modern ports
until 2030. Major funding is expected from non-budget JV of JM Baxi and CMA Terminals.
Seaports are experiencing high levels of FDI inflows.
Introduction of Investment Law and Enterprise Law is GOI has brought in market pricing
one of the key reason as it reduces administrative
investment procedures. Free trade agreements such as for major ports. This is much
EU-Vietnam FTA and Comprehensive and Progressive needed to bring a level playing
Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership are having a
substantial impact on bolstering maritime freight field between various terminals.
However, Indian port tariffs are
Mediterranean Shipping Company has too high to compete with
Colombo and Singapore. Port
partnered with Vietnam National Shipping
Lines and Saigon Port to build a “mega” port,
worth US$6b. With an annual capacity of 10- developers will need to identify
15 mil TEUs, the port will be able to receive
container ships of up to 24,000 TEUs
measures such as operational
capacity. efficiencies, larger scale, better
land monetization and achieve
Gemadept Corporation plans to launch two
deep water port worth US$264 mil in 2023. lower tariffs. Government may
They will have a capacity of 9,00,000 TEUs
and 5,00,000 TEUs per year, respectively. also need to step in with
incentives to bring Indian ports
In Vietnam ~US$8.8b was invested in at par with Global major ports.
seaports from 2011-2020, out of which
86% was from non-state budget capital
The Indian transportation and logistic sector has witnessed the emergence of several start-
ups which are being supported by GOI initiatives
Key government initiatives to support start-ups Ashdod port’s technology incubator – Israel
GOI through Sagarmala project is supporting start-ups In 2021, the port of Ashdod established an
in the maritime sector through various means, such as incubator to support early-stage start-ups in the
setting up incubation centers, providing seed funding, maritime and logistics industry, providing them with
creating networking opportunities, and offering access to resources, mentorship, and funding to
regulatory support. These initiatives are helping start- help them grow and succeed.
ups develop their products, invest in technology, hire
staff, and scale their businesses.
Enable Provide them Position itself
• Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority has established an entrepreneurs with the (Ashdod port)
incubation center to support start-ups and
understand the expertise of among the
entrepreneurs in the logistics sector. The center
needs of the professionals investors and
provides infrastructure, mentorship, and other
international with extensive owners of the
support to early-stage start-ups, with a focus on
port market. knowledge. start-ups.
developing innovative solutions for the industry.
• JNPT partnered with Invest India to establish a The Port's Technology Incubator aims to help start-
dedicated start-up portal that provides information ups from the earliest stages of development to grow
and resources for start-ups in the logistics industry. and scale their products. It provides an ideal
• Sagarmala Start-up and Innovation Initiative (S2I2) environment and infrastructure for start-ups to
— providing financial, institutional, infrastructure develop and refine their ideas, allowing them to turn
support, mentorship and new market access to their concepts into scalable products. By providing a
start-ups to create a Maritime Innovation Hub. range of resources and support services, the
incubator helps start-ups to accelerate their growth
and achieve their business goals.
Select initiatives across the world to support the The incubator offered a 12-month program for
start-up ecosystem selected start-ups, providing them with office
space, access to mentors and industry experts, and
funding of up to US$4,50,000.
Govt. support
Provide financial, regulatory support to start-ups, Success so far…
such as tax incentive, streamlined regulatory
Since its launch, the incubator has supported over
20 start-ups, with a focus on developing innovative
Accreditation@SGD program - provides government solutions for the shipping industry, such as AI-
funding and support in Singapore powered cargo tracking systems, blockchain-based
logistics platforms, etc.
Incubation programs
Rotterdam Port Authority has set up an incubation Key success factors
program called PortXL, which provides mentorship,
funding, and networking opportunities. Industry focus and support Funding
Technology partnerships The incubator Office space, Adequate
Port of Los Angeles partnered with General Electric program focuses funding, funding at
Transportation to develop a digital platform that on supporting access to early stages
optimizes cargo movement and reduces congestion. start-ups in the industry of product
maritime and experts, development
logistics enabling
Annual Start-up challenges industry, only them to
Provide opportunity to get market access, grants, in ensuring refine their
specific areas — smart ports, smart ships, green targeted ideas,
tech. solutions to the products,
specific sector and grow
Smart Port Challenge – Singapore. challenges businesses.
India’s shipping and logistics sector is poised to embrace sustainable practices and is relying
on policies and measures mandated by regulatory bodies for compliance
•InternationalConvention for Prevention of Pollution from ships Emissions Trading System (ETS) - EU
•*IMO - International Maritime Organization
•Note- emission related to transport includes emissions light-duty • ETS aims to reduce GHG emissions cost-effectively.
vehicles and heavy-duty trucks, rail, shipping and aviation. May include It works on 'cap and trade' principle. Cap limits
some passenger vehicles.
total GHG that can be emitted by installations.
Gradually, the cap is lowered to reduce emissions.
• Installations can buy or receive emission
allowances, which are limited. An installation must
surrender allowances for its emissions or face
• This helps promote investment in innovative, low-
carbon technologies
Multiple initiatives are being undertaken by the private sector firms and governments to
meet net zero targets and other regulatory obligations.
1 2 3
Low and zero-emission fuel Shore power Intermodal
Adoption of hydrogen is expected to It allows docking vessels to ‘plug-in’ to Transporting goods by rail is a low-
start with cargo-handling equipment power units within the port complex. It carbon alternative compared to fossil
and, in the future, move to powering reduces CO2 emissions by 60 metric fuel-powered trucks in terminal yards.
hydrogen-powered vessels. Dubai port tons during a 10-hour stay in port. Due to this, the port of Valencia is
piloted a Box Bay system, which Recently, Europe opened its largest investing heavily in intermodal transport
works on solar energy. Port of shore power plant in Warnemünde- and cut its carbon emissions by 30%
Singapore is buying 200 LNG trucks Germany. It can supply electricity to between 2008 and 2019 despite
(15% fleet) to reduce emissions. two cruise ships simultaneously. continuing to grow cargo throughput.
Adoption of alternate fuel vehicles Incorporation of eco- friendly Usage of digital tools to boost
packing materials sustinability
• Although many alternate • Companies are increasingly using • Multiple digital tools are being
powertrains are being considered recyclable, reusable and chemical adopted to monitor and
(LPG, Ammonia, Hydrogen, free packaging materials minimize transportation and
Biofuels) electric has the highest • BMW is using 25% recycled content storage related emissions
adoption in its expanded polypropylene • DHL’s Go green is a carbon
• Light- duty last mile application is (EPP) packaging, which saves transparency tool which helps
amongst the first to adopt 280T- CO2 annually. It plans to optimize green logistics and
electrification as it uses a ‘hub and increase the recycled share to improve carbon efficiency
spoke’ model, which is well suited, 100% by 2024 • UPS’s “Warehouse execution
considering the shorter duty cycle • Sealed Air uses automated boxing systems” defines specific
• Amazon has ordered 100,000 systems to produce shipping boxes customer requirements and
Rivian electric delivery vans, which to match the size of the shipped increases productivity by up to
is a key to achieve its net-zero items. This reduces waste and 50%. This makes distribution
carbon target by 2030 offers weight and space savings centers more energy efficient
(Alternate) blended fuels emit 99% less India plans to manufacture bio aviation
SOx and 92% less NOx, compared to fuel which is expected to reduce
traditional fuels. This is well within the emissions and cost of operation for the
guidelines of existing regulations. aviation industry.
Several initiatives are being adopted to boost ESG indicators can often be considered as ‘non-
sustainability in the shipping industry. financial’, but they may have major financial
Vessels need to meet specific criteria outlined by
organizations or standards such as the Climate Bonds Capital invested in companies that meet ESG criteria
Initiative, EU Taxonomy or Green Shipping Programme. grew by 170% from 2015 to 2021. In the same period,
This requires the Annual efficiency ratio or Energy capital invested in euro green bonds grew seven times.
Efficiency Operational Index to be below the defined Valuation of green bonds increased by 8x in 2020
decarbonization trajectories. EU Taxonomy also allows alone and grew to US$287b in 1Q21, which is twice as
use of Energy efficiency design index and defines much in the same period last year. Banks aim to meet
requirements for vessel retrofitting. ESG criteria for their investment and financing
decisions, as climate risk will soon be integrated by
European central bank into prudential supervision, to
reduce risk posed by non-sustainable investments.
India’s goalposts: COP26- Glasgow and FY23 capital India has submitted two commitments as part of
allocation to achieve it National determined contributions (NDC).
As part of NDC, which is at the heart of Paris
2030 1b tons of CO2 emissions reduced agreement, India has committed to reduce the
emission intensity of its GDP by 45% by 2030 from
2005 level. For the same period, India aims to have
2070 India @ net zero
about 40% electric power installed capacity from non-
fossil fuel-based energy resources. This will be
To achieve Net Zero target, FY-23 budget has a supported with low-cost international finance and
planned outlay of ~US$4.4b (INR 35,000+ cr.) for transfer of technology.
green initiatives
“ESG will play a very vital role and will eventually be implemented,
irrespective of whether it is cost-effective. If the customers have a
carbon reduction roadmap, they will prefer to on-board logistics
partners who understand and can help achieve that goal. Sustainable
practices in logistics is going to be the future Mr. Anil Radhakrishnan
Director, Accex Supply Chain &
Warehousing Pvt. Ltd.
Companies are emphasizing on adoption of ESG initiatives. However, some of them seem to
lack a strong business case for green technologies adoption.
EY view- “Global supply chain executives” on ESG. Motivators for improving supply chain sustainability
44% 33%
Sustainability and ”green skills” have become Indian private sector is committed to
a top priority for corporations, nations and accelerate decarbonization
individuals across the world
Corporates will be
Green talent demand will mandatorily required to
By 2026 surpass supply
1000 submit their Sustainability
Performance from FY23
Investor engagement on
500+ ESG Performance
Using EY ESG Compass platform, EY has developed an ESG performance analysis (including
third-party data) for global companies
Using EY ESG Compass, Indian logistics companies were compared with the global counterparts
in multiple ESG-related parameters.
Sustainability and ESG data model: emerging and evolving sectorization and future
forward looking insights
Enterprise vs. societal | Sectorization | Data-led performance
Addressing challenges such as, lack of business case, perception of high costs and
infrastructure limitations can fast-track the adoption of sustainable practices
• Lower draft and length of port • Bunker companies can deploy bunker
terminal limits berthing of bigger barges to allow refueling outside the
vessels for LNG refueling berth
• Dredging increases the content • GOI should adopt a sustainable
Infrastructure limitations of organic matter, contaminants dredging disposal mechanism
and heavy metal, which impacts including study (chemical and
water quality and aquatic life physical) and identification of suitable
disposal location
Key considerations for stakeholders in the ports, shipping and logistics sector
Note: Magnitudes in INR terms (except for EY Projections) have been converted to US$ terms using a common exchange rate of INR80/US$
This thought leadership has been prepared jointly by EY and Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) by
conducting primary research, focused group discussions, one-on-one interviews with industry leaders and subject matter
experts in the transportation and logistics industry, backed by secondary research from government sources, press
releases, research papers and statements from industry stalwarts.
Team members