Sharma 2021 IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci. 889 012010

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COSMEC 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 889 (2021) 012010 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/889/1/012010

Experimental Study on Stabilisation of Clayey Soil Using Cement

and Bagasse Ash

Tarun Sharma, Sandeep Singh

Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering, Chandigarh University, Gharuan-140413, Mohali, India,

Abstract. In order for the foundation of building to be strong, the soil around it plays a critical
role. So, researcher or engineer should have thorough knowledge about the factors affecting
behaviour of soil which can be altered by the process of soil stabilisation. This study aims to
investigate the applicability of SCBA (Sugarcane Bagasse Ash) to stabilize the clayey soil. Sugar
factories produce waste after extraction of sugarcane gets brunt and the ash, hence produced is
known as bagasse ash. Soil is treated with partial replacement of cement (3%, 6%, 9% and 12%)
and with bagasse ash (2%, 4%, 6%and 8%). A total of 45 specimens were prepared in this study.
Later those test specimens were evaluated for compaction properties. The results found after
thorough study was that there was increase in the compaction properties with percentage increase
in Sugarcane Bagasse Ash up to certain limit.

Keywords: Clayey soil, optimum moisture content, bagasse ash, standard proctor test, maximum
dry density.

1. Introduction
In order for the foundation of building to be strong, the soil around it plays a critical role. So, researcher
or engineer should have thorough knowledge about the factors affecting behaviour of soil which can be
altered by the process of soil stabilisation [1–4]. In recent time there has been a great change in
technology. There are many Stabilisation techniques available to improve soil properties like addition of
bitumen, cement, lime etc. [5–7] conducted the study on using agricultural wastes i.e. sugar cane bagasse
ash, groundnut shell and rice husk ash on the CBR value of the subgrade soil. In this investigation, soil
was treated with all the three wastes separately from 0% till 15% in steps of 3% increment. All these
mixes were subjected to grain size analysis, compaction and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests. [8–12]
examined the use of bagasse ash in the expansive clayey soil through series of laboratory tests. The
bagasse ash was replaced with soil in 0%, 3%, 5%, 7% and 10% by weight of dry soil. Those blends were
subjected to tests like Liquid Limit by Casagrande’s apparatus, Plastic Limit, Plasticity Index, Shrinkage
Limit, Free Swell Index and Swelling Pressure. It was also found that wet soils are dried due to presence
of bagasse ash and rapid strength increment in initial stage due presence of silica in it which is favorable
for construction in wet areas. This paper presents the systematic investigation on the effects of the
addition of Sugarcane Bagasse Ash in soft soil on their compaction properties. The practical application

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COSMEC 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 889 (2021) 012010 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/889/1/012010

of this study is that the disposal of wastes is today’s major concern and the addition of sugarcane bagasse
ash for stabilisation of soil is a fruitful way of utilizing it and hence reducing disposal problem.
2. Materials Used
2.1 Clay Soil
The soil sample for this study was obtained from a village Gharuan, Punjab as shown in figure 1. The
engineering properties of the soil sample are listed in table 1.

Figure 1. Sample
Table 1. Engineering Properties of Soil Sample
Parameters Values obtained
Liquid Limit 22 %
Plastic Limit 15.44%
Natural Moisture Content (%) 10.03
Optimum Moisture Content (%) 14 %
Plasticity Index 41.74%
Specific gravity 2.07
UCS (Kg/cm2) 0.94
Maximum Dry Density (g/cc) 1.85
Soil Type CI

2.2.Sugarcane Bagasse Ash

In this study, the Sugarcane Bagasse ash was collected from Morinda Co-operative Sugar Mills Ltd.,
Morinda, Punjab. It was of grayish black colour and comes in fibrous form as shown in figure 2. The
chemical properties of Bagasse ash after X-Ray fluorescence test is presented in table 2.

COSMEC 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 889 (2021) 012010 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/889/1/012010

Figure 2. Bagasse ash

Table 2. Chemical composition of Bagasse ash

Chemical element % by weight

Silica (SiO2) 64.27

Fe2O3 5.76

Al2O5 5.53

LOI 4.97

K2O 2.96

CaO 3.73

SO3 1.84

Mn 0.35

Zinc 0.46

Cu 0.18

2.3 Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) 53 grade

The OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement) used in this investigation was Ultratech OPC-53 grade cement
bought from the market. Under this study [13,14], OPC is used as a stabilizing material along with
bagasse ash because of its better pozzolanic characteristics [15–18]. The properties of OPC- 53 grade
obtained from supplier are shown in table 3.
Table 3. Chemical Composition of OPC-53 used in this study

COSMEC 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 889 (2021) 012010 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/889/1/012010

Constituents %age

Silica (SiO2) 18.23

Calcium Oxide (Cao) 69.84

Alumina (Al2O3) 4.72

Sodium Oxide (Na2O) 0.56

Iron oxide (Fe2O3) 1.37

Sulphur Trioxide (SO3) 2.34

Magnesium Oxide (MgO) 1.62

Other Oxides 1.32

3. Methodology
The experimental work consisted of the following steps:
· Particle size distribution by sieve analysis

· Determination of specific gravity and natural moisture content of soil

· Determination of soil index properties (Atterberg’s Limits)

· Determination of the compaction properties of the soil by Proctor compaction test.

The type of tests performed and composition of the sample is shown in table 4.

Table 4. Tests performed and sample design in the study.

Sample Design Tests Performed

No. Bagasse
Soil (%) Cement MDD OMC
Ash (%)

US 100 0 0 √ √

C3 97 0 3 √ √

C6 94 0 6 √ √

COSMEC 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 889 (2021) 012010 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/889/1/012010

C9 91 0 9 √ √

C 12 88 0 12 √ √

CBA 2 89 2 9 √ √

CBA 4 87 4 9 √ √

CBA 6 85 6 9 √ √

CBA 8 83 8 9 √ √

The Clayey soil was replaced with as 3%, 6%, 9% and 12% replacement and with Bagasse Ash i.e. 2% to
8% by weight of soil. The different samples were labeled as US, C3, C6, C9, C12, CBA2, CBA4, CBA6
and CBA8 representing Unstabilized Soil, Soil with different percentages of Cement and Bagasse ash as
shown in table 4. The stabilized soil samples were tested for Standard Proctor Test as per IS: 2720(Part

4. Results & Discussion

4.1 Unstabilized Soil

Before adding Bagasse Ash to the soil, firstly the laboratory tests on unstabilized soil were performed.
The results of the same are presented in this section as shown in figure 3, table 5, table 6, table 7, table 8
and table 9.
4.1.1 Particle Size Distribution by Sieve Analysis
Table 5. Particle Size Distribution by Sieve Analysis

Weight (gm)
%age retained Cumulative %age %age finer
Sieve Size (mm) Retained

4.75 0 0 0 100

2.36 40.20 8 8 92

1.18 84.60 16.85 24.85 75.15

0.6 90.20 17.96 42.81 57.19

0.3 106.40 21.19 64.00 36.00

0.15 108.80 21.66 85.66 14.34

0.075 59.40 11.83 97.49 2.51

COSMEC 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 889 (2021) 012010 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/889/1/012010

Seive Analysis
percentage passing %

10 1 0.1 0.01
seive size (mm)
Figure 3. Particle Size Distribution

4.1.2 Natural Moisture Content

Table 6. Natural moisture content of the given soil sample

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Sample No.

Wt. of container (gm) 47 47 47

Wt. of container + wet soil (gm) 150 154 158

Wt. of container + dry soil (gm) 140 144 146

Wt. of water (gm) 10 10 12

Moisture content (%)

10.7 10.3 9.1

The natural moisture content of soil sample calculated from table 6 is 10.03 %

4.1.3 Specific Gravity of the Soil

Table 7. Specific Gravity by Pycnometer Method

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Sample No.

COSMEC 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 889 (2021) 012010 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/889/1/012010

Empty pycnometer (M1) 633gm 633gm 633gm

Pycnometer with dry soil (M2) 828gm 828gm 828gm

Pycnometer filled with water (M4) 1405gm 1402gm 1406gm

Pycnometer with soil and water (M3) 1506gm 1502gm 1508gm

Specific gravity 2.07 2.05 2.09

Average value of Specific gravity (G) calculated from table 7 = 2.07

4.1.4 Liquid Limit of the Soil

Table 8. Liquid Limit by Casagrande’s Apparatus

Sample No. Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Wt. of container (gm) 44.9 46 44.6

Wt. of container + wet soil (gm) 78.3 81.3 76.8

Wt. of container + dry soil (gm) 70 75.30 74.10

Wt. of water (gm) 8.3 6 2.7

Moisture content (%) 33.07 20.30 10

No. of blows 17 26 34

COSMEC 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 889 (2021) 012010 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/889/1/012010

Liquid Limit Graph



Moisture Content




0 10 20 30 40
No. of Blows
Figure 4. Water Content v/s No. of Blows

From figure 4, At 25 Number of blows[19], Moisture content is 22%

Therefore Liquid Limit is equal to 22%

4.1.5 Light Compaction Tests

Table 9. Proctor compaction test for unstabilized soil

Water Content taken initially 6% 10% 14% 18% 22%

Weight of empty mould (g) 3673 3673 3673 3673 3673

Volume of mould(cm3) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

Weight of soil passing through 4.75mm

2816 2816 2816 2816 2816

Weight of soil + mould (g) 5572 5670 5785 5833 5764

Weight of compacted soil 1899 1997 2112 2160 2091

Density (g/cc) 1.899 1.997 2.112 2.160 2.091

Dry unit weight (g/cc) 1.79 1.81 1.85 1.83 1.71

COSMEC 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 889 (2021) 012010 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/889/1/012010

Unstabilised Soil
Dry Density

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
Moisture Content

Figure 5. Variation in dry density with moisture content for Unstabilized soil

Figure 5 shows that Maximum Dry Density of Unstabilized soil is 1.85 g/cc at optimum moisture content
of 14%[20]. Further the effect of addition of cement on the MDD and OMC of the soil is observed and
results are shown in table 10 and figure 6.

Table 10. Proctor compaction test Cement stabilized soil

Dry density of cement stabilized soil at different cement content
content 3% 6% 9% 12%

6% 1.68 1.68 1.63 1.60

11% 1.87 1.90 1.69 1.68

16% 1.82 1.75 1.74 1.67

21% 1.71 1.70 1.75 1.62

26% 1.69 1.68 1.71 1.60

31% 1.65 1.66 1.63 1.57

COSMEC 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 889 (2021) 012010 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/889/1/012010

Cement Stabilised soil

Dry Density

1.2 3%
1 6%
0.4 12%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
Water Content
Figure 6. Variation in dry density with moisture content for cement stabilised soil at different cement

On replacing the cement with soil at different percentages from 3% to 12%, we get the maximum value of
dry density as 1.90 g/cc when 6% of soil is replaced with cement and corresponding OMC comes out to
be 11% as shown in figure 6. So, taking an optimum value of 6% Cement, further proctor compaction test
was performed on 6% cement and varied percentages of Bagasse Ash from 2% to 8% replacement with
soil. The results of the same are presented in table 11.

Table 11. Proctor compaction test for 6% Cement and varied percentage of bagasse ash stabilized soil

Dry density for 6% cement and varied percentage of bagasse ash

Water content 2% 4% 6% 8%

6% 1.58 1.48 1.51 1.58

11% 1.81 1.52 1.66 1.62

16% 1.76 1.65 1.67 1.64

21% 1.64 1.68 1.57 1.52

26% 1.60 1.49 1.49 1.45

COSMEC 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 889 (2021) 012010 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/889/1/012010

6% Cement+ Bagasse ash Stabilised soil

Dry density

1.2 2%
0.6 6%
0.4 8%
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
Water content

Figure 7. Variation in dry density with moisture content for 6% cement stabilised soil at different bagasse
ash contents

Figure 7 show that maximum dry density achieves its peak value at 6% cement and 2% bagasse ash
replacement with soil. The MDD comes out to be 1.81 g/cc at an optimum moisture content of 11%.

5. Conclusion

This study examines the effect of Cement and Bagasse Ash on the compaction properties of clay soil. The
following interpretations are:
1. The MDD of soil increased from 1.85 g/cc for unstabilized soil to 1.90 g/cc for 6% cement
stabilized soil. However, further replacement of soil leads to MDD decrement.
2. The OMC of soil firstly increases from 14 % for untreated soil up to 21 % for soil replaced
with 9% cement and then it starts decreasing further replacement.
3. The maximum value of MDD on replacement of soil with 6% cement and varied percentage of
bagasse ash is achieved at 2% bagasse ash which comes out to be 1.81 g/cc at an OMC of 11%.
4. Thus an optimal mixture of 92% Soil / 6% Cement / 2% Bagasse Ash is advisable for
utilization in soil stabilization.

6. Limitations and Future Scope for studies

1. In this experimentation, Bagasse ash content of only up to 8% was taken, so the effect of bagasse
ash beyond 8% can also be studied.
2. The effect of bagasse ash on Durability and Shear strength (consolidation characteristics) can also
be tested in future.

7. Acknowledgement

I would like to show heartiest thanks to The Morinda Co-operative Sugar Mills Ltd., Morinda, Punjab for
providing Sugarcane Bagasse Ash free of cost.

COSMEC 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 889 (2021) 012010 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/889/1/012010

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COSMEC 2021 IOP Publishing
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Application Procedia Computer Science vol 70 pp 579–85

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