unit 4 cyber security_[3]
unit 4 cyber security_[3]
unit 4 cyber security_[3]
Unlike CMIP, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is easy to use. It is an industry
standard and follows the guidelines set by standard organizations.
Widely Implemented
The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) sets goals for network management, including
SNMP. In SNMP, managed objects are called scalar objects. It was originally designed for
Internet components but is now used for WAN and telecom systems. Its ease of use makes
SNMP the most popular network management system today.
Industry Standard
The Telecommunications Management Network (TMN) is made to manage telecom services.
It is a standard from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T) based on OSI
CMIP/CMIS. TMN expands management by handling both networks and their components,
focusing on service and business needs.
Web-Based Management
Evolving Technology
The final category is web-based management, which uses web technology, a web server for
the management system, and web browsers for network management. Since this technology
is still developing, there are currently no established standards.
Two popular technologies are Web-based Enterprise Management (WBEM) and Java
Management Extensions (JMX). A new group called the Desktop Management Task Force
(DMTF) is creating specifications for WBEM. The DMTF has adopted Microsoft's object-
oriented model, known as the Common Information Model.
Java Applets
JMX is based on a specific subset of Java applets developed by Sun Microsystems that
operate within network components.
1)Organizational model:
An organizational model in network management outlines the system's components, their
roles, and relationships. Key terms include:
Object: Network elements like hosts, routers, and bridges.
Agent: Software managing the objects.
Manager: Controls and monitors the agents.
Objects are classified as managed (under supervision) or unmanaged (outside control).
3) Communication Model:
The third model in OSI management is the communication model, which has three
components: management application processes that function in the application layer,
management between layers and layer operation within the layers.
4) Functional Model:
The functional model is the fourth component of OSI management, and it deals with the user-
oriented requirement of network management. OSI defines five functional application areas,
namely-configuration, fault performance, security and accounting. These are defined as
system management functions in OSI.
Security Plan:
A security plan identifies and organizes the security activities for a computing system.
The plan is both a description of the current situation and a plan for improvement.
Every security plan must address seven issues.
1. Policies.
2. Current State.
3. Requirements.
4. Recommended Controls.
5. Continuing Attention.
6. Accountability.
7. Time Table.
Security Analysis:
Who performs the security analysis, recommends a security program, and writes the security plan? As
with any such comprehensive task, these activities are likely to be performed by the committee that
represents all the interests involved.
The size of the committee depends on the size and complexity of the computing organization and the
degree of its commitment to security. Organizational behaviour studies suggest that the optimum size for
a working committee is in between five and nine members.
Sometimes large committee may serve as an oversight body to review and comment on the products of a
smaller working committee.
Following steps can be used to manage change control across the organization:
1. Identity and document the change: This step should include the type of equipment, system, or software
to be modified. It should also include when the change will occur, how long the change will last, and
who will perform the change.
2. Document the business reason, or driver, behind the change: Is this change in support of a new and
critical business application, or is to upgrade code on a firewall to fix an existing problem?
3. Estimate the impact of the change and determine if the impact is acceptable: Is this change likely to
bring down the Internet connection for an extended period, or is it a change that the users and
applications should not notice?
4. Document accurate back-out procedures in the event that the change does not succeed: In this situation,
the affected changes can be safely removed, enabling you to revert to your previous operational
5. Once the impact has been accessed and the change has been approved, the change should be
communicated to all relevant parties: Only then should the change to be executed.
This may appear to be lengthy process, but it does provide many benefits to the organization. By forcing the
implementers to document and access the impact of their changes, they think through the change more carefully.
It also forces them to design and document a rollback plan ahead of time.
What is CMM?
1991- Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Engineering Institute (SEI).
CMM is frame work that describes the key elements of an effective software process.
CMM model is more explicit than the ISO 9001 standard.
It provides organization with the capability to improve their software.
It defines the five maturity levels.
Prevent unauthorized access and data breaches.
Protect sensitive data from theft or manipulation.
Ensure system and network availability.
Maintain regulatory compliance.
Organizations should consider setting up a Configuration Control Board (CCB) to co-ordinate and
approve changes to a system’s baseline configuration. The CCB should have representatives from the
following areas:
1. Security
2. Systems support
3. Application development
4. Users.
Hardware changes
Software changes
Documentation for hardware, software and System operations.
Software Control :
Software control within a CCB refers to the processes and procedures for managing changes to software
components, ensuring their integrity, consistency, and documentation.
Ensures software integrity and reliability
Reduces software errors and rework
Improves software change management
Management Procedures:
System Monitoring:
System monitoring refers to the ongoing process of tracking, analyzing, and reporting on system
performance, security, and availability to ensure optimal operation and minimize downtime.
Eg. Network Monitor, Database Monitor.
Network Management :
Access to computers and networks should be closely managed to:
Disaster Recovery:
Disaster Recovery (DR) in Change Management refers to the process of quickly restoring critical business
operations and IT systems after an unexpected disruption or disaster, ensuring minimal impact on the
Access impact
Change Approved
Communicate change
Execute change
Organizations should develop and use procedures to protect all media, for
example tapes, disks and system documentation. Media should be protected
Unauthorized access
Virus or other software, or network, attacks
Inappropriate sanitization and/or disposal