12 Tall Tale Mini Books
12 Tall Tale Mini Books
12 Tall Tale Mini Books
New York Toronto London Auckland Sydney Mexico City New Delhi Hong Kong Buenos Aires
I would also like to thank my editor,
Sarah Longhi, who worked especially hard
to make this the best book it could be.
Scholastic Inc. grants teachers permission to photocopy the reproducible pages from
this book for classroom use. No other part of this publication may be reproduced in
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Scholastic Inc., 555 Broadway, New York, NY 10012.
Cover design by Kelli Thompson
Cover and interior illustrations by Margeaux Lucas
Interior design by Ellen Matlach Hassell
for Boultinghouse & Boultinghouse, Inc.
ISBN: 0-439-30963-8
Copyright © 2002 by Jeannette Sanderson
All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
Johnny Appleseed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Pecos Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Paul Bunyan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Davy Crockett. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Febold Feboldson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
John Henry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Mose Humphreys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Joe Magarac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Gib Morgan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Sam Patch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Slue-Foot Sue and Pecos Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Alfred Bulltop Stormalong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
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Two hundred years ago, Johnny Appleseed planted hundreds and hundreds of
apple trees along the early frontier. You may have eaten one of his apples and not
even known it. Why did he plant so many apple trees? He was on a mission. . . .
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12 Tall Tale Mini-Books © Jeannette Sanderson, Scholastic Teaching Resources
John Chapman was born in Leominster, Johnny was a good baby, so long as you knew how
Massachusetts, in 1775. The day he was born, a to keep him happy. And it wasn’t mother’s milk or
rainbow arched from one end of the sky to the lullabies that made Johnny smile. It was a branch
apple tree outside his house. When Johnny saw the of apple blossoms.
rainbow tree, he fell in love—with apples.
Don’t cry now.
Look at the beautiful rainbow! Look Here are your
how it colors the apple blossoms! apple blossoms.
Ga-ga ga-ga!
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Johnny decided he would help the settlers by
spreading apple trees all over the Midwest.
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Johnny collected thousands of seeds. He dried them in the
sun. Then he packed them into deerskin sacks, loaded them
onto canoes, and paddled down the Ohio River. He gave
apple seeds to settlers he saw along the way.
Thank you!
Apple seeds! Take them and
bless your land with beautiful,
sweet-smelling orchards.
Thank you!
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Johnny traveled across Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. He was a strange
sight with his cooking-pot hat, his old sugar-sack shirt, his bare
feet. But settlers and Indians alike befriended him. They called him
Johnny Appleseed. He planted apple seeds and he gave them away.
He also helped in the orchards.
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Johnny usually slept outdoors. One bitter, cold night he wanted
shelter. He started to crawl into a big, hollow log. A loud grunting Don’t be afraid, brother
and two big eyes told him it was already taken—by a bear! Johnny
wolf. I’ll help you.
apologized, backed out of the log, and slept under the stars that
night. Another night, Johnny heard a strange cry. He followed the
sounds until he nearly tripped over a huge wolf. Its leg was caught
in a steel trap. Johnny freed the wolf and bandaged its leg. The two
became best friends.
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Pecos Bill
Cowboys wouldn’t be cowboys if it weren’t for Pecos Bill. It was about 150 years
ago that Pecos Bill invented roping, branding, and all sorts of cowboy skills.
Why, he even invented cowboy songs. Who was this cowboy of all cowboys?
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Pecos Bill was born in eastern Texas in the 1830s. Right away he
stood out from his 17 brothers and sisters. He teethed on horseshoes
instead of spoons. He drank the milk of a mountain lion instead of
cow’s milk. And he wrestled bears instead of brothers. OK, OK. Bill, you go
easy on that bear!
Bill quickly found another family. He joined a pack Bill grew up thinking he was a coyote. He might
of coyotes. They taught him everything they knew. never have become a cowboy if Bowleg Gerber
He taught them everything he knew. hadn’t come along and set the ten-year-old straight.
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Bill rode into the cowboy camp toward nightfall. He slid off
his mountain lion and threw the rattlesnake, which he had
been using as a whip, over his shoulder. The other cowboys
stared at him with their mouths wide open.
One day Bill decided he wanted a horse. Not just any horse.
He wanted the wildest, strongest, most beautiful horse he
could find. It took a week to find him, a month to catch him,
and nearly a year to break him! But Bill did break him.
Widow Maker!
What? The cowboys loved Bill’s new horse. Texas Jack even tried
to ride him. But the horse threw him so fast and so hard,
the cowboy landed on top of Pikes Peak. Bill had to use
his lasso to get him off the top of the mountain.
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Bill and Widow Maker traveled all over the West
rounding up cattle. Bill’s ranch grew and grew. Then
came the terrible drought. The grass dried up. The
animals panted with thirst. The future looked bleak.
Bill roped that cyclone, pulled her down, and climbed onto her
back. The cyclone twisted and turned like a wild bronco across
four states, trying to throw Bill off. But Bill held on with his legs
while he squeezed all the rain out of her.
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Bill rode all over the Southwest thinking about
the problem. He kept looking for rain clouds. All
he saw was clear sky until he reached Oklahoma.
There he saw a big, whirling cyclone. The tornado
frightened Widow Maker.
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Paul Bunyan
Paul was so big that every time he rolled over in Paul’s father built a boat shaped like a cradle. He
his sleep he would knock down trees, barns, even tied a rope to it and let Paul float out to sea. That
houses. Paul’s folks were crazy about their new seemed like a good solution until Paul got the
baby so they hardly noticed the trouble this caused. hiccups. Then the boat rocked so hard it sent huge
The neighbors weren’t so forgiving. They told Paul’s waves crashing toward shore. The people who
parents they had to do something about him. weren’t drowned hurried to Paul’s folks.
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Paul Bunyan was born in Maine, at least most of
him was. He was such a big baby, some people say
he was born in several states and part of Canada.
Paul’s parents took him deep into the woods of Maine. They found
a huge cave for him to live in. Paul’s father gave him a giant cloth
sack. His mother gave him a giant sandwich and a kiss.
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Paul cried a river of tears when his folks left. When he
stopped crying, he opened the burlap sack. In it was the
biggest, shiniest ax he had ever seen. Paul picked up
that ax and swung it. He easily cut down three trees!
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Paul grew up to be the best
lumberjack in Maine. He loved his
work, but it was lonely having an
ax as his only friend. Then, during
the Winter of the Blue Snow, as You big, beautiful, blue babe!
Paul walked through the woods, I’m going to take you home
and care for you.
he heard a bellowing from the
frozen river. A baby ox had fallen
through the ice! Paul sat on the
riverbank and used his long arms
to pull the ox out of the water.
Paul noticed two things right
away about the ox: It was as blue
as the snow, and it was bigger
than a full-grown bull!
Paul even figured out a way to avoid having to carry trees to the
sawmill. He hitched Babe to a square mile of timberland and had him
pull it to the sawmill. Paul and his crew chopped down the trees right
there. Then Babe dragged the cleared land back into place.
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Paul also used Babe to fight forest fires. Whenever there was a
fire, Paul would take Babe to the river for a long drink. Then
Paul would tickle the animal in the ribs. Babe would laugh so
hard, the water would squirt out of his nose and put out the fire.
Once the Midwest was pretty well cleared, Paul and There aren’t many trees here, but
Babe headed west to find more work. As they passed I’m told there are a lot in California.
through Arizona, Paul let his giant ax drag behind
him. That’s how the Grand Canyon was made.
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The men at Paul’s camp worked
up big appetites! Making enough
hotcakes for so many loggers was
no easy task. Paul got a dozen
cement mixers to stir the batter.
He built a griddle as big as a
football field. And he hired 500
cooks to man the griddle. The
loggers ate at mile-long tables. There’s nothing a logger
Men on bicycles rode down the likes to eat better than
center of these tables delivering a pile of hotcakes!
the hotcakes while they were still
hot. The bicycle riders had to be
very careful not to skid on maple
syrup and molasses! Hurry, I like my
hotcakes steaming!
Stop here with
those hotcakes! Look out, maple
syrup spill ahead!
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Davy Crockett
Davy Crockett was the most famous frontiersman who ever lived.
The great Tennessean could shoot sharper, run faster, jump higher, squat
lower, dive deeper, and come out drier than any man in the whole country.
Davy’s childhood revolved around animals. He With all that fresh air and exercise, Davy grew fast.
loved to climb onto his sheepdog, Butcher, and By the time he was eight years old, he weighed
chase bears that had just woken from their naps. more than 100 pounds. He couldn’t ride Butcher
You’ve never seen bears run so fast! anymore, but he still liked to chase sleepy bears.
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12 Tall Tale Mini-Books © Jeannette Sanderson, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Davy Crockett was born in the mountains of Tennessee in 1786.
No one could agree if he was more like his mom or his dad.
Like his mom, Davy could leap over a seven-rail fence—backwards!
Like his dad, Davy could grin a hailstorm into sunshine.
He’s got your strength!
He’s got your smile!
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Davy was such a good shot that all the animals tried to stay
clear of him. Once a raccoon saw Davy walk by with his
favorite gun, Brown Bess, over his shoulder. The raccoon
called down to Davy not to shoot, that he surrendered.
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One night Davy was hunting and ran into the biggest, meanest
panther this side of the Mississippi. Davy wanted to fight this
fine animal fairly, so he dropped his gun, and the two began
to wrestle. Before long, the panther was begging for his life.
Stop! Stop!
Another day when Davy was out hunting he fell into an earthquake
crack. A big brown bear pulled him free. Davy was so happy he Off we go, Death Hug! This should
hugged the bear. The bear hugged him back. Next thing you know, be an adventure! I heard some of
Davy had saddled the bear and was riding him like a horse. them politicians are real animals!
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Davy rode Death Hug to the top of the tallest mountain. When the This’ll teach you to
comet got close enough, Davy reached out and grabbed the comet’s bother Americans!
tail. Then he swung it around and around and let it go. That comet
flew away from Earth faster than you can say, “Tennessee.”
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Febold Feboldson
Then drought set in. There wasn’t a drop of rain for weeks. The corn
shriveled up and the cows about did the same. Febold had to tie No, wait. Let me think on this.
weights to the cows’ tails to keep them from blowing away. Febold’s
family began to think it had been a mistake to settle in Nebraska.
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Febold Feboldson settled in Nebraska by accident. His family
was halfway across America, on their way to California, when
Grandfather took ill. While waiting for the old man to get
well, Febold built a house, plowed a field, and planted a crop.
In short, he made the Great Plains his home.
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Febold’s family didn’t have long to celebrate the Febold thought and thought about how to get rid
change in the weather. That’s because the ground of the fog. Then he lit on an idea. He parted the fog
was so hot after the drought that none of the rain with his hands to find his way to the barn. Once
hit the ground. It just turned to steam. Soon the there, he grabbed his giant pair of clippers and
Great Plains was covered with the greatest fog the began slicing the fog into long strips.
area has ever known.
What do you plan to
do with all that fog?
You’re going to have to do
something about this fog.
Why, I’ll just bury it by
the side of the road.
Now what? Let me think on it.
When the turkeys arrived, the grasshoppers ate them, gizzards and
all. Febold decided the only animals fierce enough to get rid of They’ll just get small and turn
these grasshoppers were wolves. He went up to Canada and into prairie dogs.Then they
brought back several packs and, sure enough, they did the job. won’t need much to eat.
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After the rain and the fog, Febold’s crops sprang back to
life. They grew so big so fast that Febold became known
as the best farmer in Nebraska. The next year his crops That’s not rain, those
looked even better. He and his family were out in the are grasshoppers!
fields admiring them when the sky turned black. What are we going to do?
Febold thought and thought about how to get rid of the Let me think on this. . . .
grasshoppers. It was hard to concentrate, because while he I have it, I’ll send back east
for a flock of turkeys.Turkeys
was thinking, the grasshoppers were munching away on
like to eat grasshoppers.
Febold’s beautiful crops. Finally, Febold lit on an idea.
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Febold thought and thought. Then he lit on an idea. He would
have to invent irrigation. He went all the way to the Platte River
and, with the help of his pet buffalo, dragged the river back to his
farm. Then he spread the water over his land through little ditches.
You did it
again, Febold! I just don’t know why I didn’t
invent irrigation sooner.
We’ll have the tallest
corn in Nebraska!
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12 Tall Tale Mini-Books © Jeannette Sanderson, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The night John Henry was born, lightning lit the sky and
thunder hammered the air. Folks wondered if this new
baby was going to be as big as the storm that welcomed
him. As it turned out, he was bigger!
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One evening, as John Henry was
I’ve dreamed of being a steel driver You can’t go, John Henry!
hammering down a few loose nails
on the railroad my whole life.
on the porch, a stranger named
Little Bill stopped by. John’s mother
gave the man something to eat and
asked him why he was traveling in
their neck of the woods. Little Bill
told them he was on his way to work
for the railroad. When John Henry
heard where Little Bill was headed,
he nearly dropped his hammer! This
was his chance to do what he’d been
dreaming of all his life.
You’re hired!
How did you do that?
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Little Bill took John Henry to West Virginia, where the
Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad was cutting straight through
a mountain to make the Big Bend Tunnel. John Henry First you have to show
and Little Bill went to the railroad boss to ask for work. me what you can do.
John Henry was the best steel driver in the whole country.
Little Bill had to use buckets of ice water to cool John’s
hammers down. When other steel drivers were sick, tired,
or hot, John Henry did their hammering as well as his
own. Sometimes he even used two hammers!
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For a long time, John Henry’s best friends were his hammer
and Little Bill. Then he met Polly Ann. When John Henry
looked into Polly Ann’s coal-black eyes, his heart pounded
I will!
like a hammer. When Polly Ann smiled at John Henry,
sparks lit the air around them.
The next day, folks came from all over to watch the contest
between John Henry and the steam drill. Polly Ann sat
right up front. She wore her best blue dress and the smile
John Henry loved. She tried not to look as scared as she
felt. The contest went back and forth all day. First the
machine was winning. Then John Henry. Then the
machine. John Henry sang to keep his rhythm.
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John Henry was very happy—he had work and a wife he loved.
Then one day a city man came to the worksite. He was trying
to sell a new invention, a steam drill, which he claimed could
drill faster than a whole crew of men.
That’s right!
My hammer, I need my hammer. Little Bill handed John Henry his hammer. John
Henry smiled one last time and died. Polly Ann,
Little Bill, and the whole crew wept as the four
strongest men carried John Henry’s body to a
hillside overlooking the train tracks. There they
buried John Henry just as he’d lived and died: with
a hammer in his hand.
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Mose Humphreys
New York City in the mid-1800s was home to a group of lively young men
called the Bowery Boys. The Boys had two jobs: fighting street gangs and
fighting fires. Their leader in both was a big guy named Mose Humphreys.
Mose and his Boys spent part of each day fighting After a muss, Mose usually headed over to his
gangs like the Plug Uglies and the Dead Rabbits. favorite soup house for a plate of pork and beans.
When fists weren’t enough to get the gangs to toe He was a big man and had a big appetite.
the line, Mose would hurl lampposts and paving
stones at them. The usual pork Yeah. But make it a large
and beans, Mose? piece of pork, and don’t
Ain’t I just doin’ stop to count the beans.
Thank you for
my duty?
saving me, Mose.
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12 Tall Tale Mini-Books © Jeannette Sanderson, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Mose was 12 feet tall. He had hands as big as hams and feet as big
as barges. He could swim the Hudson River in two strokes and
circle the island of Manhattan in six. When he wanted to get from
Manhattan to Brooklyn, he just jumped across the East River!
The only thing Mose loved better than fighting gangs was
fighting fires. He belonged to Engine Company No. 40
and spent much of his free time polishing the Lady
Washington, the fire company’s shiny pumper engine.
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Whenever the bell from City Hall tower sounded the fire alarm, all
the volunteers rushed to the firehouse. Mose was always there first.
After he put on his red shirt and hat, he would pull the pumper to
the fire, while the other men rushed to catch up.
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The streets of New York were busy and crowded, and the road
to the fire was not always clear. Sometimes a trolley blocked
the way. Whenever that happened, Mose just set the fire
engine down while he moved the trolley out of the way.
My baby! My baby!
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Mose quickly piled three whiskey barrels one on top of the other.
Then he put the ladder on top of the barrels. The ladder reached
high enough, but it looked mighty shaky.
Say good-bye to
the old pumpers.
When Mose saw how quickly the steam engine put out the
fire, he knew the men were right. But he couldn’t stand
the thought of the Lady Washington sitting around
collecting dust. So he picked up the old engine and, after
Your old pumper’s no
giving her one last kiss, tossed her into the Hudson River.
match for that machine!
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The ladder swayed and the crowd gasped while Mose made his way
to the fourth floor. He was just inside the window when the ladder
caught fire. Everyone gasped. Then Mose reappeared, fire hat
clutched to his chest, and leaped out of the window.
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Joe Magarac
Imagine mining inside a mountain and discovering a giant man of steel buried
beneath tons of iron ore! That’s what one Pennsylvania miner did some 100 years
ago: While mining for iron ore, he uncovered a steel giant named Joe Magarac!
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Joe climbed out of the mountain and hopped a freight train to
Pittsburgh. When he smelled stuffed cabbage, he jumped off the
train and followed his nose to a picnic. At first no one noticed him; I hope it’s Pete Pussick.
all eyes were on a platform where a man stood with his beautiful
18-year-old daughter.
Whoever does the best job lifting
these steel bars will marry Mary
this very afternoon.
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Pete tried to lift the bar, but nothing
happened. Then Mary smiled at him
and, in a burst of strength, he lifted
the bar two and a half inches. Eli
stepped up to the bar. Try as he might,
Ho ho ho.
he could only lift it an inch. All eyes
turned to the Johnstown man. The
Who is that laughing at me?
big stranger bent and reached for the
bar. He grunted and groaned but
couldn’t lift the bar off the ground.
He looked at the audience, as if daring
them to laugh. But nobody dared.
Nobody, that is, except Joe Magarac.
Mary knew a deal was a deal so, although she was still crying,
she walked over to Joe Magarac and offered him her hand.
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Joe was an amazing steelworker. The other men watched in
awe as he stirred boiling metal with his bare hands, tasted
hot steel for flavor, and squeezed warm steel between his
fingers to make eight perfect steel rails at a time.
All of the steelworkers put their furnaces on a slow Three days later, the mill boss called the
burn to keep them warm before heading home to steelworkers back to the mill. The men were happy
their families. All except Joe Magarac, that is. Joe to be back to work. They wondered what Joe had
sat and stared into number seven furnace, done while the mill was closed. They went to
dreaming of a bigger steel mill. number seven furnace to ask him, but he wasn’t
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Pete was right. Soon the mill yard was filled with rails. The
mill boss told the steelworkers that he had to close the mill
for a few days. The yard was too small to hold any more rails.
Pete and the others followed the voice to a big bucket ladle filled
with boiling steel. In the center of the giant pot was the smiling
head of Joe Magarac. I want you to use my
I think he wants to melt! steel to build the biggest
You’d better get out steel mill in America.
of there, Joe.
Before anyone could talk him out of it, Joe Magarac ducked
down and disappeared into the pool of molten steel. After his
bubbling laugh died away, the men poured the steel and
rolled it out. Soon Joe Magarac’s wish came true: He became
the foundation of the biggest steel mill in America.
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Gib Morgan
When Gib Morgan was 17 years old, the first oil well in the United States
was drilled near his home in western Pennsylvania. That’s a fact. As for the
stories about Gib’s life as an oilman, well, you can decide for yourself!
Back in the mid-1800s, when Gib was starting in Of course, divining rods were a better indication of
the oil business, most men looked for oil using wind than oil, and Gib Morgan knew that. He had a
divining rods. They believed that if the forked sticks better tool for finding oil—his nose! Gib prospected
they carried turned in a certain direction, it meant for oil by crawling across fields with his nose to the
they had found oil. ground.
I’ll get the fire going.
We’re going I don’t think so.
The stick turned! to be rich! This smells like a big one.
Looks like I’m going to
work up an appetite!
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12 Tall Tale Mini-Books © Jeannette Sanderson, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Gib Morgan was a complete oil gang all in one. This giant of a man
prospected for himself. He built his own derrick. He did his own
drilling. The only helper Gib Morgan needed was a personal cook,
because all the work he did made him really hungry.
Gib knew there were lots of snakes in the jungles of Gib tied the snake’s tail to the end of the cable.
South America. So he went in search of the longest Then he dropped the cable—and the snake—deeper
snake he could find. He soon came across a and deeper into the earth. When the snake was
sleeping snake that must have been a mile long. about halfway uncoiled, Gib hit oil!
Gib picked it up and carried it back to where he
was drilling.
Great job! Thanks to you,
Where did you find more
we’ve hit oil!
cable around here?
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Gib Morgan had drilled all over the United States As soon as they landed, Gib began drilling. He
when he got word that South America was dropped his cable lower and lower, but there was no
practically floating in oil. Gib packed up some sign of oil. Gib knew it was there, though, and he
supplies, then he and his cook sailed to South would keep drilling until he found it. The only
America. problem was, his cable ran out before he hit oil.
Gib returned to the United States richer than ever. So, when he smelled
the world’s biggest oil field right smack in the middle of Oklahoma, he
gave the field to his friends. Well, they drilled and drilled and drilled,
but found nothing. Finally, Gib had to take over. He went down one
mile, two, three, four. Finally, when his drill hit the fifth mile,
there was a deafening whoosh. Oil shot up to the sky and
covered the entire state, making everyone happy—and rich.
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12 Tall Tale Mini-Books © Jeannette Sanderson, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Sam Patch
Sam Patch jumped over the Passaic Falls, Niagara Falls, and
Genesee Falls the way most people jumped over a puddle. There was
no mistake in Sam Patch—he always knew how to make a splash!
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12 Tall Tale Mini-Books © Jeannette Sanderson, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Sam Patch showed an interest in jumping early on. As a baby, he
jumped from his mother’s arms into a basin of soapsuds. As a boy, George Washington, father of our
his favorite game was leapfrog. When Sam got to school, he country, fought in the . . . War.
skipped over hard words when reading. At the time, his teacher
thought he was lazy. When she read about him in the newspaper
years later, she realized he had just been practicing jumping.
I love to jump!
There’s no mistake
in Sam Patch!
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12 Tall Tale Mini-Books © Jeannette Sanderson, Scholastic Teaching Resources
After that, Sam Patch’s jumping career took off. He In Paterson, New Jersey, a man by the name of
leapt his way off bridges and cotton mills, into Timothy B. Crane was building a bridge that would
rivers, and onto headlines from Rhode Island to cross over the Passaic Falls. There was going to be
New Jersey. a big celebration the day the bridge was pulled into
place. Sam decided he would add to the festivities.
When the bridge had been pulled halfway across, the engineers lost
hold of one of the guide ropes. It fell into the river below the falls.
Sam knew this was his chance. He ran out from behind a tree,
shouted, and jumped. He came up holding the guide rope!
There’s no mistake
in Sam Patch!
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12 Tall Tale Mini-Books © Jeannette Sanderson, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The big day came. Mr. Crane worried that Sam Patch would
take attention away from his new bridge, so he asked the
police to keep Sam from jumping. Sam knew the police
were looking for him, so he hid in the woods above the falls.
Sam wondered if anything could top jumping into the Passaic Falls
and helping to pull the bridge into place. He tried jumping off the
bridge itself, but it just didn’t give him the thrill he was looking
for. He wanted something higher, something more exciting. Then
he thought of it—he would jump Niagara Falls!
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Some people might think a jump from Niagara Falls On the day of the jump, Sam drew his greatest
couldn’t be beat, but not Sam Patch. Less than a crowd ever. He made a short speech, which no one
month later, Sam decided to top his Niagara Falls could hear, then moved his handkerchief from his
jump with a 125-foot leap into the Genesee Falls in neck to his waist. He kissed the flag, then jumped
New York. Sam made posters announcing his jump. into the water. The people watched, and waited, for
Sam Patch to reappear.
Where is he?
They were both wrong. Sam Patch jumped and survived, but the
jump took him so deep that he popped up on the other side of the
world. He settled in Australia and became a teacher. His students
were kangaroos. Can you guess what he taught them how to do?
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12 Tall Tale Mini-Books © Jeannette Sanderson, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Slue-Foot Sue
and Pecos Bill
They say there’s someone out there for everyone. That may or may not be true.
But it was certainly the case for Pecos Bill and Slue-Foot Sue.
Of course, Pecos Bill had never met Slue-Foot Sue. Sue was
different from any other girl out West. Sure, she could kill a
rattlesnake with her bare feet. But she could do it while she was
shoeing a horse and singing a cowgirl song she wrote herself.
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12 Tall Tale Mini-Books © Jeannette Sanderson, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Before he met Slue-Foot Sue, Pecos Bill was just a famous cowboy.
He was so busy riding his horse Widow Maker, wrestling bears,
branding cows, and inventing roping, he had no time to think about
marrying. Besides, he’d never met anyone he wanted to marry.
When Pecos Bill first saw Slue-Foot Sue, she was doing
what she liked best. She was riding a giant catfish in
the Rio Grande. And she was riding it bareback!
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Bill waved and called to Sue. When Sue looked ashore, she nearly
fell off her catfish. Bill was the biggest, boldest cowboy she’d ever
seen. And Widow Maker was the handsomest horse. Sue steered Howdy! Name’s Pecos Bill.
her catfish to the riverbank. She slid off and nearly landed in
This here’s Widow Maker.
Where’d a girl pretty as you
Bill’s arms. Neither one seemed to mind much.
learn to ride like that?
Of course I will.
You don’t need to ask twice!
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12 Tall Tale Mini-Books © Jeannette Sanderson, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Bill fell so crazy in love he didn’t know what to with himself.
He was like a kid again, when he was raised by coyotes. He
went to Sue’s cabin every night, got down on all fours, and
howled under her window. Luckily, Sue understood Coyote.
If you don’t count bare feet and cowboy boots, Sue and
Bill had a fancy wedding. Sue wore a beautiful white dress What would you like for a wedding present?
with a steel-spring bustle. Bill wore a new buckskin suit. I’ll give you anything you want.
Everyone wore smiles. As soon as the ceremony was over,
Bill picked up Sue and gave her a big kiss. Their friends
whistled and cheered for them.
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You see, ever since the day Sue first saw Bill and Sue did not like to be told no. When Bill refused
his horse, Sue had wanted to ride Widow Maker. her request, she jumped out of his arms and
But it had been such a whirlwind courtship, she stormed off toward the riverbank. Bill felt like she
had never had a chance to ask Bill if she could ride had a lasso around his heart and was taking it with
him. Now she had her chance. her.
Sue bounced between the earth and the moon all day. Bill
kept running and trying to catch her. Finally, he got a better
idea. He took his lariat, which was as long as the equator,
give or take a couple of inches, and whirled it above his
head. He caught her and pulled her in.
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When Sue heard Bill’s words, she was back in a
flash. Bill hardly had time to ask Widow Maker to
go easy on his girl before Sue jumped on the horse.
As soon as she did, Widow Maker bucked so hard he
threw Sue as high as the new moon. Sue sailed
over the moon and then started falling back down
to earth. Bill ran to catch her. But before he got
there, Sue hit the ground on her steel-spring
bustle, and bounced straight back to the moon!
Sue! Sue!
The world is a mighty big place. I’ll go anywhere with you, sweet
I’m going to show it to you. Sue. Besides, the West was getting
a little tame for me.
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12 Tall Tale Mini-Books © Jeannette Sanderson, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Alfred Bulltop Stormalong
When sailors put “A.B.S.” after their names, it doesn’t mean “Able-Bodied Seaman,” as most people
think. Sailors use the letters to honor the greatest sailor who ever lived—Alfred Bulltop Stormalong.
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12 Tall Tale Mini-Books © Jeannette Sanderson, Scholastic Teaching Resources
When he was 12, Alfred Bulltop Stormalong went to
Boston Harbor to sign on as a cabin boy on the Lady
of the Sea. Stormy chose the biggest clipper afloat
because, at three fathoms—18 feet—high, he was a
big boy, and he was still growing!
Alfred Bulltop Stormalong.
What’s your name?
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12 Tall Tale Mini-Books © Jeannette Sanderson, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Stormy loved the seafaring life. He would have stayed on the
Lady of the Sea forever, except for one thing: He outgrew
her. He was too big to sleep in a hammock like the other
sailors; he had to sleep scrunched up in a lifeboat.
You can’t!
You have salt water
in your veins!
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12 Tall Tale Mini-Books © Jeannette Sanderson, Scholastic Teaching Resources
When Stormy reached the great open spaces of Despite his success as a farmer, Stormy couldn’t
Kansas, he settled down and became a potato stop thinking about the sea. He missed the smell of
farmer. That first year there was an awful drought. the salt air, the sound of the surf, the feel of the
Stormy worked doubly hard, watering his crops ocean breeze. The sea was his home; he couldn’t
with the sweat of his brow. He became the best stay away any longer. He sold his farm and returned
farmer in Kansas. to Boston.
The Courser sailed the world over. The ship was too big to
get into any harbor, but this wasn’t a problem. The Courser
was equipped with regular-sized ships for lifeboats, and
these were used to ferry cargo to and from the mother ship.
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Once, while sailing the English Channel between
the French coast and the dark cliffs of Dover, it
Now they’ll be called the
White Cliffs of Dover.
looked like the Courser might not make it. She
was too big. Stormy had his men soap the sides of
the boat. It worked! She slipped through the
channel, barely rubbing the cliffs.
Look at what
the soap did!
We made it!
The hurricane then blew the Courser to the Gulf of Mexico and
drove it straight toward the Isthmus of Panama. Stormy looked
over the jungle and saw water on the other side. He put on more
sail and plowed right through to the Pacific Ocean.
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The Courser made history again in the Caribbean. It was
hurricane season, which usually wasn’t a problem, since
hurricanes were like sunshowers to Stormy on his big ship.
But an especially violent hurricane surprised him, blowing
the Courser smack into an island.
The night before they reached Boston Harbor, Stormy died in his sleep.
His shipmates doused his body with buckets of saltwater tears as they
wrapped Stormy in hundreds of yards of Chinese silk. Then they buried
him in the only place he ever felt at home, the sea, and said good-bye to
their friend and hero Alfred Bulltop Stormalong, Able-Bodied Seaman.
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12 Tall Tale Mini-Books © Jeannette Sanderson, Scholastic Teaching Resources