6 validation
6 validation
6 validation
Scalability: Design the system to scale Action: User enters an incorrect OTP
efficiently with increasing user base and multiple times.
OTP requests.
Expected Behavior: System displays
3. Components: appropriate error messages and limits the
number of attempts.
OTP Generator Module: Responsible for
generating unique OTPs. Validation: Check if the system locks the
account after reaching the maximum number
Email Sender Module: Integrates with of attempts.
SMTP to send OTPs to users.
Security and Encryption:
User Interface Module: Provides a user-
friendly interface for OTP entry and Action: Monitor OTP transmission.
Expected Behavior: OTPs are encrypted
Database (optional): Stores OTPs and user during transmission and are not exposed to
information securely. potential attackers.
Action: User registers with their email Action: Simulate multiple users requesting
address. OTPs simultaneously.
Security Testing: Perform penetration User interface should clearly prompt users to
testing to identify vulnerabilities in OTP enter the OTP received via email.
generation, transmission, and storage.
Validate that the system correctly verifies
Performance Testing: Measure response the OTP entered by the user against the
times and scalability under load to ensure expected OTP.
the system meets performance requirements.
Implement error handling for incorrect OTP
VALIDATION entries and expiration of OTP validity.
Objective: Ensure OTPs are generated Objective: Verify the system's response to
correctly and securely. errors during OTP generation, delivery, and
Validation Criteria:
Validation Criteria:
OTPs should be of the correct length
(typically 6 digits). Test scenarios where OTP generation fails
due to system issues or lack of resources.
OTPs should be unique for each request.
Simulate network issues or SMTP server
Use cryptographic algorithms to ensure OTP unavailability during OTP delivery.
randomness and unpredictability.
Validate how the system handles incorrect
Email Delivery Validation: OTP entries and reaches the maximum
attempt limit.
Objective: Confirm OTPs are sent securely
to users' registered email addresses. Security Validation:
Objective: Ensure OTPs and user data are Document data handling practices and
secure throughout the authentication ensure transparency in user consent and data
process. access.
Validation Criteria:
Performance Validation:
Validation Criteria:
Validation Criteria: