Verbs Notes (LP)
Verbs Notes (LP)
Verbs Notes (LP)
Verb Definition:
"a word or group of words that expresses an action, event, or a state" (Action word)
Example: Go by, Lay off, Log in, Get off, Go all out, Taken aback (shock)
Danny is my brother.
In the above example, the verb ‘is’ is used to connect the subject ‘Danny’ as the ‘brother’ of the speaker. In this
sentence, the words ‘Danny’ and ‘brother’ are used to refer to the same person.
In Example 2, the verb ‘were’ is used to connect the subject ‘the children’ to the prepositional phrase ‘in the
In the above example, the verb ‘was’ is used to link the subject ‘Your presentation of the life cycle of a
silkworm’ to the adjective ‘excellent’.
Example 4: Connecting the Subject/Noun to the Predicate using Seem/Become
In this sentence, the subject ‘This book on a treasure hunt’ is connected to the adjective ‘interesting’ with the
linking verb ‘seem’.
Example 1: Example 2:
The dog / chased / the cat. The teacher gave me a new notebook.
The verb ‘chased’ in the above example is a transitive The verb ‘gave’ in the above example is a transitive verb
verb that demands an object. As you can see, the second that needs an object. In the second sentence, ‘The teacher
sentence, “The dog chased” does not seem complete. The gave’ sounds incomplete without the indirect object and
moment you say “The dog chased”, the people listening the direct object.
to you would definitely ask the question, “Chased
what?” That explains why ‘chased’ can be classified as a
transitive verb, and it follows the pattern SVO.
Example 1: Example 2:
The verb in the above sentence is ‘felt’, and it connects The verb in the above sentence is ‘is sleeping’ and does
the subject to the complement and does not require an not require an object to complete the sentence.