Assignment on
The effects of Globalization development and modern science technology on nature and people
Name : B. Ebenezer
Class : BD-II
Date : 10.03.2023
1. Introduction
2. What is Globalization?
3.1.2 Solar
5. Evaluation
6. Conclusion
1. Introduction:
Today we are living in a world which is fastly approaching towards the day-to-day
developments and also new inventions. And also, it is familiar that people are getting popular on the
Globalization of economic and also the different products and also the science and technology on the
nature and people. This Globalization is the fast growing and the familiar concept in this 20 th and 21st
century. Through this globalization development people are able to get everything everywhere. So that
people become update with the day-to-day developments of the world and its trade. When there is
Globalization development there is also a challenge that all the people are unable to use the technological
developments. As it is there in the case of money and many things are there. Where there is a development
there is a drawback also. Whenever a development in technology and science rise up, there same support
and opposition and sometimes it harms the people both physically, mentally and also ecologically. So,
Here, we are going to discuss the effects of globalization development and modern science and technology
on nature and people.
2. What is Globalization?
Globalization is the spread of ideas, knowledge, information, goods, and services throughout
the world. In business, the term is used in an economic context to describe integrated economies
characterized by free trade, free capital flows among countries, and easy access to foreign resources,
including labour markets, in order to maximize returns and benefit the common good. 1 It enables to easily
access the foreign goods in our countries and use it. Some products which are in High cost in local, the
same products we can get outside for cheap price, this is the possibility of Globalization.
According to Amrit Kumar Goldsmith “Globalization is generally understood as the
emergence of an international network of economic, social, political, cultural and other systems. With
regard to organization, the term refers to the process of an organization developing and operating world
Today one of the most worn words in financial realm’s is the off course globalization.
Globalization can be considered as the trophy of capitalism. There are many who advocate for it the same
time, there are few who are proclaimer of its demerits. Here, Globalization signifies the changes that had
taken place in the field of trade, commerce and international financial system i.e economy. It became the
process of integration of diverse economy of different nation as thereby it tries to create a related
economic system. Because of this course of Global amalgamation there is a free flow of goods, services,
investments, labour across national boundaries.3 Globalization is not limited in one place, rather it is a
worldwide trade.
Economical Globalization - The emphasis here is on international financial market integration and
financial exchange coordination. Economic globalisation is exemplified by free trade agreements
such as the North American Free Trade Agreement and the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Multinational corporations that operate in two or more countries contribute significantly to
economic globalisation.
Political Globalization - This category includes national policies that unite countries politically,
economically, and culturally. NATO and the United Nations are examples of political globalisation
Cultural Globalization - This aspect of globalisation focuses on the technological and societal
factors that cause cultures to converge. These include improved communication, the widespread
use of social media, and access to faster and better transportation.4
1 (Accessed on 06-03-2023).
Alphonsus D’Souza, O.L Snaitang and Limatula Longkumer eds., Globalisation and Response of the churches
(Guwhati: North Eastern Social research centre, 2014), 42.
Laji Chacko, Discerning the signs of the times (Kolkata: ESPACE, 2014), 27.
4 (Accessed on 06-03-2023).
2.2 Globalization development:
According to Robert Cox, “The Characteristics of Globalization includes the international
division of labour, new migratory movement from the south to north, the new competitive environment
that accelerates these processes and internationalizing of the states… making states into agencies of
Globalized world”. David Held said, “Globalization can be thought as a process (set of processes)
characterized by increasing inflow of trade, capital and information, as well as mobility of individuals,
across the borders, It is not a new phenomenon. Globalization has progressed throughout the course of
recorded history, although not in a steady or linear fashion”.5 Here it says about the products are
globalized and we can get those products anytime and anywhere, even we can also get in a cheap price.
The modern world is distinguished by two characteristics: on the one hand, social relations
(economic, political, and cultural) that connect widely dispersed units (globalisation), and on the other,
productivity levels unimaginable prior to the 1760s (development). Globalization and development
research focuses on the causes and consequences of these two processes. Some research in this field, for
example, looks into how imperialism, trade, and war have brought peoples together in a variety of ways.
Students working in this area may also be interested in the effects of free trade on state sovereignty, the
impact of economic competition on social stratification, the effects of the spread of imperial or neo-
imperial cultures and resistance to them, and the question of how material improvements in the human
condition (however defined) are achieved or thwarted.6
9 (Accessed on 06-03-2023).
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technology_introduction.htm (Accessed on 06-03-2023).
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Horticultural and green house engineering
Pre and post-harvest engineering
Root morphology sensing
Food, feed and fiber process engineering
Industrial crops and products engineering
Dryer design and optimization
Sensors and Instrumentation
Artificial intelligence and deep neural and convolutional Networks
Microwave moisture, permittivity and density sensing13
One of the modern technology in Agricultural sector is the Indoor vertical farming can boost
crop yields, overcome land-use restrictions, and even lessen the environmental impact of farming by
reducing supply-chain travel distance. Growing produce in a controlled, enclosed environment while it is
stacked one on top of the other is known as indoor vertical farming. In comparison to conventional
farming techniques, using growing shelves that are mounted vertically significantly reduces the amount of
land needed to grow plants. Because it can flourish in a small area, this type of growing is frequently
linked to urban farming. In some configurations, vertical farms are unusual because no soil is needed for
plant growth. Most are either hydroponic (vegetables are grown in a bowl of nutrient-rich water) or
aeroponic (water and nutrients are systematically sprayed on the plant roots). Artificial grow lights are
used in place of natural sunlight.14
13 (Accessed on 06-03-2023).
14 (Accessed
on 06-03-2023).
CvNMwVxBfE0BAZZ2L8aAux7EALw_wcB (Accessed on 06-03-2023).
16 (Accessed
on 06-03-2023).
3.1.3 Hydro-electric Power:
As another invention of technology people tried to find electricity power through water, that is
Hydro-electric power it was founded by James Francis in 1880.
One of the earliest and most significant sources of renewable energy, hydropower or
hydroelectric power uses the naturally occurring flow of moving water to produce electricity. Currently,
the United States generates 6.3% of its total electricity from hydropower and 31.5% of it from renewable
sources. Water flowing in on one side and out, far below, on the other is used by hydropower technologies
to create power by taking advantage of the elevation difference created by a dam or other diversion
structure. The "Hydropower 101" video from the Department of Energy explains the principles of
hydropower and highlights some of the work being done in this field by the Water Power Technologies
Office (WPTO). Hydropower facilities come in all shapes and sizes, despite the fact that the majority of
people may associate the energy source with the Hoover Dam—a massive structure that captures the
power of an entire river behind its wall. They can be small or very large, depending on the water flow in
irrigation ditches or municipal water facilities. With diversion facilities or "damless" facilities that send a
portion of a stream through a powerhouse before it rejoins the main river, they may even be possible.
Whatever the approach, hydropower is more accessible than most people realise and is used in a variety of
applications. In actuality, all states—apart from Delaware and Mississippi—use hydropower in some
capacity or another to generate electricity. For instance, in 2020, roughly 66% of the electricity used in the
state of Washington was the Hydro electric power.17
The first significant power plant in India was a 4.5 megawatt hydroelectric facility near the
Sivasamudram Falls of the Cauvery in Karnataka. Owned by a few British companies, it was set up by
General Electric of the US. It was put into service in 1902, and the majority of its output was intended for
the Kolar gold mines, which are situated about 90 miles away. In various regions of India, much smaller
power plants began operating earlier. In Darjeeling, the first 130 kilowatt small hydro power plant began
operation in 1897.18
17 (Accessed on 06-03-2023).
articleshow/1823353.cms (Accessed on 06-03-2023).
everyday-life.html (Accessed on 06-03-2023).
An electric appliance is a tool or apparatus that uses electrical energy to carry out a task in our
daily lives other than those that are industrial. It eases our lives, provides comfort, and buys us time. To
carry out its intended function, an electric appliance may use one or more distinct engineering branches of
technology. Mechanical, electrical, electronic, and instrumentation technologies are mainly used in electric
appliances. When performing certain types of works or tasks in our personal lives, electric appliances may
be referred to interchangeably as a tool, equipment, or device.Appliances reduce stress almost everywhere
when we consider the demands of our work schedules, whether they be in our home, office, or outside
work place. Lighting, Heating, Cooling, Mechanical Work, and Information & Knowledge Processing are
the five main functional categories that appliances fall under when it comes to serving a purpose in our
daily lives. A lightbulb performs lighting, a refrigerator performs cooling, an oven performs heating, a
hand mixer performs mechanical work, and a smart phone performs information and knowledge
processing, for instance. Home appliances, domestic appliances, or household appliances are pieces of
technology or furniture that help with daily chores like cooking, cleaning, preserving food, lighting, and
%20entertainment. (Accessed on 07-03-2023).
ectronics-in-daily-life (Accessed on 07-03-2023).
22 (Accessed on 07-03-2023).
travel independently and avoid taking public transportation opt for cars over all other forms of
transportation. Everything in the world has advantages and disadvantages, so you should weigh the pros
and cons if you want to make the best choice. The following are some benefits and drawbacks of driving. 23
Today we can see the updates among these motor vehicles advances like more than fuels like petrol or
diesel now days electric and solar vehicles coming to use by the people.
5. Evaluation:
The Globalization is the current trend and the fastest growing policy all around the world.
When we look at the products that are involved in our day-to-day life. In a deep analysis, we can find the
objects of the brush we are brushing in the morning till the night, all the products we use are Globalized
and everything are going through the global market. The Global market is the biggest trade business in
today’s context. Through this Globalization people are able to get all the products everytime and
everywhere. Sometimes people are urged to buy and use those products because of these globalization
policy. Whether they need or not, but they need to buy and use it. As we see in the life IT worker, he
needed to live in the city so that he could easily go to office and come back to home. If he lives in a city,
he need to hire a flat, eventhough it is highcost and if he lives in a flat and because of his worktiming, to
do all the household works soon, he needs to buy the electric and electronic appliances and so that he will
use the updated technology. This is the trick of the global market and globalization. But only the rich and
affordable people can use it, others can’t use it, because the main issue is the financial constrains in their
life. In this we have seen the effects of globalization and how it affects and people and the part of science
and technology on nature and also in the people’s life.
6. Conclusion:
In this we have seen about the Globalization and how it affects the human being. People may
think that they can enjoy all the opportunities through the Globalization, but its not possible for all the
people in the society. Some people are not able enjoy the policies of Globalization due to the financial
problems. And also the rise of Globalization leads the people to unemployment and because of this many
people are self-employed. Globalization leads to products in Global wave and because of that local
products are stagnant and local employees lost their jobs. And also the Development of science and
technology on nature leads to power for electricity as Solar Power, Electricity generated through water as
Hydro-electric power and also windmill is a new technology used for electricity. And also the
development of science and technology people leads them to empower their life with new technologies.
So, here we have discussed the positive and also negative aspects of globalization and development of
science and technology on people and also in the society.
Chacko, Laji. Discerning the signs of the times. Kolkata: ESPACE, 2014.
D’Souza, Alphonsus O.L Snaitang and Limatula Longkumer eds. Globalisation and Response of the churches
Guwhati: North Eastern Social research centre, 2014.
Jena, K.N eds. Globalised India and Development Issues. Delhi: Abhijeet Publications, 2009.
9780190277727-e-349 (Accessed on 06-03-2023).
technology_introduction.htm (Accessed on 06-03-2023).
%20people%20using%20digital%20devices,this%20further%20reduces%20climate%20chang (Accessed
on 06-03-2023).
(Accessed on 06-03-2023).
CvNMwVxBfE0BAZZ2L8aAux7EALw_wcB (Accessed on 06-03-2023).
(Accessed on 06-03-2023).
articleshow/1823353.cms (Accessed on 06-03-2023).
everyday-life.html (Accessed on 06-03-2023).
%20entertainment. (Accessed on 07-03-2023).