59th OD BDE Barracks SOP Finalv2

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SECTION 1: GENERAL ..................................................3
AND PROGRAMS ..........................................................4
AND WORK ORDER ....................................................12
QUARTERS ..................................................................14
COMMON AREAS OF BARRACKS .............................15
SECTION 7: SUMMARY . Error! Bookmark not defined.


1. TR 350-6 Enlisted Initial Entry Training (IET) Policies and Administration, 9

Aug 2019.

2. 59th Ordnance Brigade Serious Incident Report (SIR) and Commander’s Critical
Information Requirements (CCIR) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).

3. 59th Ordnance Brigade Power Policy letter # 9: Phasing, Privileges, and Conduct


1. Trainees. For the purpose of this standard operating procedure, Initial Entry
Training (IET) Trainees will be referred to as Trainee or Trainee’s.

2. Hold Overs. A Trainee who has completed training and waiting on additional
requirements to move to the next training class or assignment.

3. Hold Under. An individual who arrived and is waiting to start class or training.
Trainee does not have an ATRRS training reservation.

4. Cadre. For this SOP, cadre include all military personnel such as Squad
Leaders, Drill Sergeants, Instructors, First Sergeants, Commanders and any military or
civilian personnel that are permanent party status and assigned or attached to 59th
Ordnance Brigade. Cadre are personnel who command, supervise, plan, organize,
instruct, train, or directly support initial military training in support of IET Trainees.


1. The 59th Ordnance Brigade footprint is the interior and exterior of building
number 18017, 18018 and 18019.

2. The Battalion and barracks footprint are the entire interior and exterior of
buildings 18021, 18022, 18023, 18024, 18025, 18026 and 3005 on Fort Lee, Virginia.

3. It includes the front, back and east, west lawns of the buildings. The artificial
turf in front, back, or north of buildings is the designated formation area.

1. All Trainees to include the Trainees who are in hold over, hold under status.
This also applies to all cadre members assigned, attached, or temporarily operating in
the 59th Ordnance Brigade.

1-5 SCOPE.

1. Procedures established in this Brigade SOP is strictly to implement, enhance,

and sustain good order and discipline within the living quarters and living areas.

2. This SOP delineates the responsibilities of the Charge of Quarters (CQ) Non-
Commissioned Officer in Charge.

3. The CQ NCO represents and acts on the behalf of the Battalion Command
team in their absence.

1-6 Charge of Quarters (CQ) Locations and Phone Numbers:

1. 16th OD BN

a. Building 18024 E and D Co Desk: 804-734-8544

b. Building 18025 F and A Co Desk: 804-765-9904

c. Building 18026 B and C Co Desk: 804-765-9321

2. 832D OD BN

a. Building 18021 D Co Desk: 804-765-2835

b. Building 18022 A and B Co Desk: 804-734-5939

c. Building 18023 C and E Co Desk: 804-734-5991

d. Building 3005 F Co Desk: 804-734-6340


2-1 Battalion Command Team and Command Presence

a. Battalion commanders and CSMs are directly responsible for the safety and
security of the Trainees that reside in their respective barracks.
b. At a minimum command teams will: Appoint primary and alternate Building
Managers (BM) and Fire Marshals (FM) for each building. Submit additional duty
appointment orders to each Battalion. Ensure building complies with all the
requirements of AR 420-1, Fire and Emergency Services program. Ensure building has
fire evacuation plan and firefighting SOP, IAW AR 420-1.

c. Company Commanders and First Sergeants are required to ensure leader

presences in the barracks at all times; this is accomplished through Charge of Quarters
(CQ), duty Drill Sergeant, command team walk-throughs, and barracks inspections.

d. The CQ will be occupied by the appropriate Trainee battle buddy team during
the day or NCO at all times. CQ will post all Drill Sergeants office phone numbers for
both companies.

e. All Company First Sergeants will attend the Monthly Barracks Council
Meeting with the Barracks Facility Manager to discuss issues within the Barracks.

2-2 Building Managers

a. Appointed by the Battalion commander, responsible for a specific building.

b. Attend initial BM training conducted by the Brigade S4 Facilities Office.

c. Inspect facilities for needed repairs monthly.

d. For routine work orders non-emergency use the Army maintenance app at

e. Get required building materials from U-DO-IT Center BLDG # 6208; 804-765-
7988 or 734-4329; Open M-F 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

2-3 Building Fire Marshall

a. Appointed by the Battalion commander, responsible for their respective


b. Attend Fire Marshall Training provided by the Installation Fire Department

(FD). Contact the FD inspection section for training schedule.

c. Inspect all fire extinguishers in your building monthly, ensure that pin is in
place and check gauge. Annotate date and initials on Fort Lee Form 788 (Inspection
log). If a problem exists call the fire department, do not remove the fire extinguishers.

d. Ensure building is in compliance, post fire evacuation plan, routes and Fire
Fighting SOP is in highly visible areas IAW AR 420-1.
2-4 Security and Safety

1 Barracks Key Control

a. The Battalion command team is responsible for the barracks hard master
key. This key should be secured at all times and only the CQ NCO will sign for they key
upon assuming their duties. The key control laptop will be controlled by the building
manager appointed by the Battalion command team.

b. BN CDR will appoint a primary and alternate key control NCO on

appointment orders. Only the appointed NCOs will be allowed to utilize the key system.

c. Key control system will allow for 3 keys per room and will be maintained
in a binder. Binders with keys will be kept on their respective floors and maintained by
Drill Sergeants. A DA form 2062 will be used to issue room keys to the inbound IET
Trainees. The DA form 2062 will be utilized to retrieve all keys from outbound Trainees
to be used again.

d. Master keys will be created for the CO CDR, 1SG, XO, operations and all
Drill Sergeants.

2 Intrusion System

a. There is an Intrusion system installed in every barracks which has a

current service contract to repair any issues (Barracks 3005 not included under
contract). Contact the BDE S4 when there are any system issues. The intrusion system
is monitored and programmed by Lennel On guard software. The system laptop is
maintained by the BDE S4. Note: The current system does not meet TRADOC REG.
350-6 because once alarms are triggered the alarms do not report or signal the CQ
desk. Mitigation is to have AIT student Trainee fire guards on each floor during sleeping

b. Barracks alarms are located on the corridor double doors, back stairwell
doors and female corridor exterior door. There are 22 door alarms within each barracks.
These alarms are set for activation at specific times identified by the Battalion

c. The alarm deactivation key must be secured in the Battalion key control
box. (Refer to Annex D for location of alarms and locks).

d. When an alarm goes off on a specific floor, the AIT student Trainee fire
guard on duty will notify the charge of quarters (CQ) Drill Sergeant (DS), and in turn the
CQ DS will disengage the alarm. The CQ DS will investigate why alarm was engaged
and report the incident to the Battalion commander.
e. Exterior doors are required to be locked 24 hours a day per 59th OD BDE
CDR Guidance.

f. The CQ desk phone number is required to be posted on the front and

back exterior doors to allow DPW maintenance contractors to call for access.

3 Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Management

a. Commander and 1SG are responsible for ensuring the system is working
properly and report any camera, monitor, and DVR discrepancies to the brigade S4,
through the S4 daily.

b. The CCTV system consist of 32 cameras, 2 DVRs and 3 monitors.

c. If an incident occurs, ensure the DVR room (security room 113) is secured
and do not allow anyone into the room except the Brigade and Battalion leadership until
the footage of the recorded incident is reviewed and copied for evidence.

4 Charge of Quarters (CQ) NCO

a. The uniform for CQ is OCPs.

b. CQ tour of duty will be established in every barracks building. The duration

of duty for the NCO is listed below.

i. Weekdays: 1800hrs-0900hrs
ii. Weekends: 0900hrs-0900hrs
iii. RCT Weekdays: 1800hrs-0800hrs
iv. RCT Weekends: 0800hrs-0800hrs

Note: the CQ Duty Desk will be manned at all times.

c. Duty NCO will physically check all halls, common areas, and storage
areas no less than once before midnight and once after midnight, prior to wake up.
These checks will be annotate on the duty log (DA Form 1594).

d. CQ will ensure fire guards and CQ runners are in place and in proper
uniform (APFU) while on duty.

e. CQ duty requirements will be detailed and agreed upon by both occupying

command teams. The above requirements is the minimum standard for each building.

f. Extra duty task will be clearly outlined for extra duty personnel.

g. Upon completion of CQ tour of duty all events will be annotated on a DA

1594 and saved in the Duty Log shared portal for each Battalion.
5 Fire Guard

a. The primary duties of the fire guard personnel are to monitor the safety
and security of the barracks on each floor, report misconduct, and in the event of an
evacuation ensure all Trainees have cleared the floor and report status to the CQ or
duty Drill Sergeant. Fire Guards will be provided a copy of the room roster for the floor
they are pulling guard on.

b. Two fire guards will be present on every floor in each hallway of the
barracks. They will conduct their checks and any other responsibilities as a battle buddy

c. All fire guards will annotate all actions that take place during their shift on
the duty log, DA Form 1594.

d. Extra duty personnel will only pull their slotted time for duty and not
additional time on fire guard duty.

e. All Fire guards will cover down on the CQ desk while the DS’s conduct
bed checks. Female fire guards will assist DS’s conduct bed checks if no female DS in
on duty.

6 Accountability

Bed Check and Sleep Schedule Procedures

a. Bed check will be executed every day no later than 2200hrs to ensure and
maintain proper accountability. All Trainees residing in the barracks will be present on
their assigned floor no later than the prescribed time. Each DS on CQ will conduct an
open-door bed check before midnight and an open-door bed check after midnight
before 0300hrs. Bed checks should be varied during these windows to avoid

i. All CQ’s will contact Brigade Staff Duty prior to open door checks.

ii. Fire guards will accompany DS’s during open door inspections.

iii. Trainees must be physically seen by Cadre. Only authorized sleeping

uniform is summer APFU.

b. Accountability checks will include the following:

i. 100% accountability of all Trainees residing in the barracks.

ii. Military identification will be used to validate proper identification.
The bed check roster will be used to validate room and floor
iii. Trainees must be physically seen by the cadre.

c. Upon completion of bed check accountability, Trainees will return to their

rooms and secure their doors for lights outs.

d. Lights out terminology is used to describe when all lights, electronics,

visual, and audio equipment in the individual assigned room must be powered off.
Trainees must be in bed and asleep. The only exception to a powered-on electronic
device is an alarm clock. Lights out times per shift are as follows:

i.Day Shift- 2130hrs to 0430hrs Sunday-Thursday.

ii.Reverse Cycle Training (RCT) - 0300hrs to 1000hrs Monday-Friday.

iii.Weekend and Training Holidays for Day Shift- 2200hrs -0800hrs.

iv.Weekend and Training Holidays for Reverse Cycle Training (RCT) -

0300hrs to 1000hrs.

e. The lights out uniform will be the summer version of APFU as described in
AR 670-1 except the shoes are not worn and socks are optional. All Trainees residing in
building 18021, 18022, 18023, 18024, 18025, and 18026 will sleep in this uniform as

f. At no time will a Trainee be allowed to sleep without shirt or shorts.

Violations to this rule will be subject to UCMJ.

g. The Trainee uniform for bed check accountability formations will be the
Army Physical Fitness Uniform (APFU) as described in AR 670-1 and directed by the
Company commander.

h. Weekend accountability formation will be conducted upon arrival back

from liberty pass on both Saturday and Sunday in the appropriate duty uniform
prescribed by the duty Drill Sergeant.


3-1 Barracks Room Guest. Trainees are not allowed to have any guest in their
rooms. There are no exceptions to this rule. The only personnel allowed in the barracks
room are Trainees who are assigned to that room. Cadre members conducting official
business or the CQ runners conducting CQ checks with cadre members. The duty Drill
Sergeant or CQ runners will knock on the Trainees’ door prior to opening any Trainees

3-2 Prohibited Items in Barracks.

1. All firearms or items that resemble fire arms (lighters), to include BB guns, air
guns and paintball guns.

2. Explosive and or pyrotechnic devices (i.e., fireworks, smoke, etc.).

3. Ammunition, live or inert and expended "brass".

4. Any type of knives with blades.

5. Drugs that are not prescribed and not past the expiration date. Prescription
medication must have last name, last four SSN, and DODID number on the

6. Drug paraphernalia to include but not limited to water pipes, cigarette paper, and

7. Over the counter medication or supplements to include but not limited to

creatine, weight loss or gain, pill or powder, amino acids, growth hormones,
coricidin cough and cold tablets, protein powder and bars and energy drinks,
ephedrine, steroids, and prohormones. A multi-vitamin may only be authorized
by the Battalion commander.

8. Possession, purchase, use, ingestion, inhaling or distributing herbal incense

mixes and products to include but not limited to, SPIKE 99, SPICEY,
TRIP PILLS. Hemp/CBD based products are unauthorized IAW AR 600-85
(including THD Delta 8).

9. Fishing gear to include accessories and attachments for fishing.

10. Alcoholic beverages and or containers to include beer or wine.

11. Incense, candles, electric plug-in air fresheners.

12. Any type of weapon to include but not limited to ninja stars, brass knuckles.

13. Hot plates or coffee pots.

14. Microwaves.
15. Picnic coolers.

16. Any type of combustible fluids.

17. Pornographic or sexually suggestive material, to include graphics on DVD and

external hard drives or other types of media storage.

18. No more than one can or package of chew/dip or one pack of cigarettes for
phase 5 Trainees only.

19. Vapes and E-cigarettes.

20. Pets or plants of any size.

21. No food with the exception of Trainees on quarters, in quarantine or isolation

(To-go meals from the DFAC).

22. Mouth wash that contains alcohol.

23. Hand sanitizer that contains alcohol in it. (Other than military issue)

24. Any other dangerous items or anything that distract from good order and
discipline or that is detrimental to the training, health, morale, and welfare of any
Trainee or Soldier.

PHASE 5 Authorized Items:

1. Tobacco Products (in authorized smoking areas only to include chewing tobacco).

2. Hand-held gaming devices.

3. Laptops/Tablets

4. Civilian Attire

PHASE 5 Plus Authorized Items:

1. Battalion Commanders discretion.

3-3 Prohibited Conduct.

1. Trainees will remain professional at all times. The following activities are
prohibited in the barracks and the barracks footprint: running, skipping, hopping,
jumping, hanging off of the building, railing, stairways, balconies, windows, and doors,
wrestling, fighting, kicking, boxing, grappling, activities categorized as martial arts and
or performing Army Combatives without approval from the Battalion command team.
Playing on the SHARP phones, fire extinguishers or toys such as water guns, toy guns
or anything listed as a prohibited item. Additionally, Trainees will not consume cleaning
detergents and or cleaning substances.

2. Only authorized uniforms outside of barracks room will be complete ACU or


3. All social media video recording is unauthorized by trainee’s in 59th Ordnance

Brigade. Soldiers are reminded of the Army’s “Think, Type, Post” policy and
online misconduct prohibitions in AR 600-20.

3-4 Extra Duty.

1. The following are the schedules for extra duty Trainees.

Day Shift Start time Lunch Dinner Stop time

Weekday RCT 1300 1245 1700 1600
Weekday DAYS 1730 N/A N/A 2100

Day Shift Start time Lunch Dinner Stop time
Saturday RCT 0900 1200-1215 1700-1715 2100
Sunday DAYS 0900 1200-1215 1700-1715 2100

2. Extra Duty Trainees will be placed on a missed meal memo and will be
allotted 15 minutes to eat their meal in the MPR before returning to duties.

3. Trainees on extra duty will not be placed on the CQ Runner roster during
extra duty hours. However, Trainees on extra duty may be placed on fire guard and as a
CQ runner outside of their extra duty hours in accordance with the scheduled rotation.
Trainees will not pull extra CQ or fire guard.

4. CQ NCO will ensure to maintain accountability of Trainees on extra duty.

Ensure that all extra duty tasks are being completed. Ensure the Trainees on extra duty
are working in the correct uniform (OCPs) and at the appropriate work to rest ratio


4-1 Room Assignment.

1. Drill Sergeants or cadre members serving in a CQ NCO capacity are the
only personnel authorized to issue or assign rooms to the IET Trainees.

2. All newly arrived Trainees will be assigned a Company and barracks

based on the MOS and the current occupancy rate. Prior service Trainees that meet the
criteria IAW TR 350-6 will be assigned to the MOS-T barracks.

3. Trainees will not be assigned to a room by themselves. All efforts will be

made to accommodate Trainees with a roommate. In the event that this is not feasible,
contact the senior Drill Sergeant or the First Sergeant to arrange accordingly.

4-2 Room Out-Processing.

1. Trainees will be cleared to depart the unit after receiving a room

inspection by a Drill Sergeant. The cleaning expectations and requirements to out
process the barracks will be explained by a Drill Sergeant during the trainee’s out-
processing brief. Upon approval by the DS, the Trainees will receive the original copy of
their hand receipt and will sign out of the Battalion.

4-3 Lock-out Procedures.

1. In the event a Trainee is experiencing a lock-out the Drill Sergeant will

consult the barracks roster and confirm the Trainee’s identity prior of recreating a key.
At no time will Trainee remake their own keys. Drill Sergeants have responsibility to
safeguard the rekeying machine Personal Identification Number (PIN).The Drill
Sergeant will counsel the Trainee on a DA form 4856 on the importance of
accountability and security of their personal belongings when issuing the Trainee a new
room key.

4-4 Sign-out.

1. When leaving the Company Trainees will sign-out IAW Company

mandated times with the Drill Sergeant and must sign-in upon arrival to maintain

4-5 Barracks Hygiene

1. All bunks will be oriented head to foot. Respiratory diseases are

transmitted primarily via large virus-laden droplets propelled a short distance through
the air from a cough or sneeze. Arranging bunks so that Trainee’s heads and feet
positions are alternated increases the distance between breathing zones. The bunk
arrangement depicted in Annex A maximizes available floor space and the distance
between bunks while still maintaining egress routes and allowing for adequate
command and control.
2. A disinfectant solution will be utilized daily. A solution of household bleach
and water is recommended. Use ¼ cup bleach in one gallon of cool water, or one
tablespoon bleach in one quart of cool water. Disposable cloths, such as paper towels,
are recommended. After rinsing out the mop heads and buckets, allow mop heads to
dry before reuse by hanging the mop by the handle with mop heads facing up.


5-1 Assigned Room

1. Expectations of Cleaning Assigned Room:

a. Drill Sergeants and Squad Leaders will inspect all Trainees rooms prior to
first accountability formation during the duty week.

b. Trainees will not be required to purchase cleaning supplies.

c. High-touch surfaces, such as, doorknobs, handles, light switches, wall

areas around toilets, toilets, showers, and sinks will be cleaned and disinfected twice
daily with a bleach and water solution. This will prevent the buildup of scale and
microbial films which can harbor pathogens.

d. Horizontal surfaces, such as windowsills and floors, will be cleaned on a

daily basis with detergent and water and kept visibly clean as necessary. Walls and
blinds will be cleaned between training cycles or more frequently if they are visibly
soiled or dusty.

e. Windows will be cleaned, closed and streak free at all times. Ceilings and
walls will be free of black marks, cobwebs, dirt and grime. Vents, fans, smoke detectors,
and light fixtures will be cleaned of dirt, dust, insects and other debris marking. Windows
will remain down and locked at all times. Damaging of window rivets is considered
damaging of government property and will be subject to UCMJ.

f. All items will be stored and locked at all times when Trainees are not in the
room. No electronic devices will remain plugged in while Trainees are absent from the
room. No altering or touching of permanent fixtures to include but not limited to the
smoke detector, vents, and lighting.

g. Trash cans must be emptied before Trainees leave for training and will be
washed weekly or sooner if needed. A trash bag will be utilized at all times.

h. There will be no altering of the room to include curtains, flags, pictures, etc.
All rooms will be arranged IAW the room display Annex A in this SOP.

i. Trainees will be authorized to hang personal items to include family photos

and religious items inside their wall lockers.
2. Laundry Cleaning Cycle per TR 350-6

a. Weekly: Launder all soiled clothing laundry and linen.

b. Every three weeks: Turn in blankets, pillows and mattress covers for

c. End of training cycle: Turn in blankets, pillows and mattress covers

(sheets); wipe down mattresses with disinfectant solution.

d. Replace mattress, blankets, pillows and sheets if they become torn or


3. Bunks (reference Annex A for picture foot wear display in this SOP)

a. Bunks will be made first thing every morning. Blankets will be tightened so
that when the hand is drawn across them there are no ripples in the blanket. Pillows,
pillowcases and sheets will be used at all times while sleeping. Mattresses will have a
mattress sheet on them at all times.

b. Bunk legs will be serviceable and even on all four sides. Cadre and
Trainees will ensure that Trainees are not sleeping on bunks that are leaning up or
down. If bunk is unserviceable, it is the Trainee’s responsibility to report it to their Drill
Sergeant immediately.



6-1 Laundry Rooms.

1. Washers and dryers will be empty of laundry prior to lights out each night.
Washers will be free of laundry detergent and wiped down daily. Dryers will be cleaned
and lint traps pulled out for inspections.

2. The floors will be swept and mopped daily and trash taken out prior to
lights out. All sinks in the laundry rooms will be cleaned, and free of stains. All washer
lids will be left open for the inspection and dryer doors open with lint traps pulled out.

6-2 Cleaning Closets.

1. Mop buckets will be emptied, rinsed clean, and stored in the mop closet.
Mops will be rinsed, rung out and placed in the drying rack to dry. All mop heads will be
washed weekly and replaced as needed. Mop closet sink and floors will be cleaned,
swept, mopped and all stains removed daily

6-3 Cleaning Product Storage.

1. All cleaning products stored inside of the cleaning closet must have a
material safety data sheet inside of the closet. All cleaning products stored inside of the
cleaning closet must be appropriately labeled with the solution inside of the bottle. All
cleaning products, trash bags, and toilet paper stored inside of closet will be neatly
placed on the shelf provided.

6-4 Hallways and Stairwells.

1. Hallways and stairwells will be swept twice daily at a minimum.

2. All marks will be removed from the floor daily.

3. Platoon boards will be placed in the nearest entryway hallway.

4. All correspondence will be place on the bulletin boards or written on the

white boards.

5. Nothing will be stored in the hallway or stair well area to include mats,
shoes, chairs, desks, etc.

6. Stairwells and railings will be swept, mopped and cleaned to the next
lower level.

6-5 Barracks Walls (exterior and interior main area of the barracks

1. The hallway walls will be kept clean and free of marks.

2. There will be no paintings put on the walls without permission from the
Battalion command team.

3. All items hanging on the wall will be placed in a frame or hard document

4. Nothing will be taped to the wall with the exception of approved SHARP
and EO awareness information.

6-6 Day Rooms.

1. Trainees are only authorized to utilize the day rooms on their assigned

2. Trainees will respect the equipment in the day rooms and are responsible
for the maintenance and cleanliness of the room.
3. All Drill Sergeants assigned as a NCOIC to a floor will develop cleaning
rosters for the day room and other main areas of their assigned floor(s).

4. Trainees will not be allowed to be in day rooms during duty hours.

5. Unit gyms are authorized.

6-7 Summary

1. In summary, the barracks is a direct representation of our capability to

operate as a disciplined team. The Drill Sergeants, cadre members, and Battalion
command teams are overall responsible for ensuring the standards within this SOP are
executed accordingly. All Trainees who do not follow the guidelines of this SOP may be
subject to punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

2. The point of contact for this SOP is the 59th Ordnance Brigade Command
Sergeant Major at 804-892-9956 or at michael.v.cavezza.mil@army.mil.

CAVEZZA.MIC Digitally signed by

RAMTAHAL.EL Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.08.03 Date: 2022.08.03
T.1245007813 14:46:54 -04'00' L.1112277273 14:47:40 -04'00'
Command Sergeant Major Commanding

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