Bilingual interview
Bilingual interview
Bilingual interview
The interviewee is my wife who is 28-year-old trilingual and from Chile who
has been living in the United States for the past six years. Her first language
is Spanish, which she learned as a child and still uses frequently. She is fluent
in Portuguese and English and actively uses all these three languages.
My wife adapts her language use based on the people she interacts with, in
the case of social settings such as cafes or ethnic community centers present
a more variable linguistic landscape, switching between Spanish, Portuguese,
or English as needed. In organized groups, such as clubs or sports teams,
English is the default language, given that most people in these groups most
likely don’t know Spanish or Portuguese. An exception where she uses
Spanish in formal situation, due to her voice being very high pitched, which
makes it hard for the phone to pick it up, she prefers to speak in Spanish
when dealing with bureaucratic procedures such as insurance since people
struggle to understand her English over the phone.
Observations on Methodology
I took the questions from the textbook Exercise 2.9. The structure of the
questions made some answers be unclear, such as if she uses her languages
in ethnic events, or if in shops where there are English speakers. The format
of the questions encouraged systematic responses but occasionally led to
generalized answers where there could have been more detail, for example
in places, she would often answer “What language I’d speak in a shop,
depends on whom I am with”. This shows that in her case place has less of
an effect on her language choice, than who she is with and if they are
bilingual too.