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Annals of Plant and Soil Research 22(4): 390-395 (2020)

Management of Anthracnose of red chilli caused by Colletotrichum capsici

Applied Microbiology and Plant Pathology Laboratory, University Department of Botany
T.M. Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur-812007, Bihar, India

Received: August, 2020; Revised accepted: October, 2020

Anthracnose is the common name for plant diseases characterized by very dark sunken lesions,
containing spores. Colletotrichum capsici, the causal agent of red chilli anthracnose, is a major constraint in
chilli production leading to huge economic losses in the country. In the present study, an attempt was made to
evaluate eight chemical and botanical fungicides against C. capsici in vitro and in the field conditions at T.M.
Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur during the years 2017-2019. Results revealed that the fungicides
tebuconazole, hexaconazole, trifloxystrobin, mancozeb and saponin at 0.05 and 0.10% concentrations were
effective in inhibiting the mycelial growth and sporulation invitro over control, while carbendazim, neem oil,
azadirachtin were least effective. When evaluated by fruit dip method for uninjured and injured inoculated fruits
under laboratory condition, tebuconazole, hexaconazole and saponin significantly reduced fruit anthracnose. In
protective field spray condition, hexaconazole was found most effective in reducing fruit anthranose (PEDC
-1 -1
83.3%) and increasing fruit yield (225.50 q ha ) followed by trifloxystrobin (77.5%, 220.25 qha ), mancozeb
-1 -1 -1
(71.6%, 218.10 qha ) and carbendazim (68.2%, 214.32 qha ) as compared to control (0.0%, 122.10 qha .
Neem oil (1%) was least effective in reducing fruit anthranose (52.0%) and yield (177.50 q ha ).

Key words: Management, anthracnose, red chilli, Colletotrichum capsici

INTRODUCTION acervuli andfused lesions. Conidial masses may

occur under severe conditions. Several species
Chilli (Capsicum annuum Linn.) is one of of Colletotrichum etiologicallyassociated with
the major spice crops grown throughout the anthracnose diseases in chilli include C.
world and belongsto the family Solanaceae. acutatum, C. coccodes, C. dematium and C.
India is the second largest exporter of chillies in gloeosporioides in India (Sharma et al., 2011).
the world. In India, it is cultivated commercially in According to Kim et al. (2008), different species
summer in Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar infect chilli plants at different growthstages.
Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Colletotrichum capsici is found to be prevalent in
Pradesh and Rajasthan.It is not only used in red chilli fruits, whereas C. acutatum andC.
many cuisines but also found to have many gloeosporioides cause infections both in young
medicinal properties. In addition, chilli, can and mature chilli fruits (Than et al., 2008, Rashid
reduce the risk of cancer by preventing et al., 2015). Among these species, C.
carcinogens from binding to DNA and reduce gloeosporioides and C. acutatum are themost
calorie intake by increasing thermogenesis destructive and widely distributed (Sarath Babu
(Saxena et al., 2014). Many researchers have et al., 2011).Plant protections through chemicals
reported that Colletotrichum causes anthracnose contribute significantly to reduce losses due to
disease and post-harvest decay on a wide range diseases and thereby increase agricultural
of tropical, subtropical and temperate fruits, production. However, chemicals pollute and
crops and ornamental plants (Sharma et al., induce resistance amongst pathogen. Hence,
2011, Damm et al., 2012, Saxena et al., there is an urgent need to look for an alternative
2016).The chilli anthracnose disease drastically safer means for managing plant diseases.Use of
reduces the qualityand yield of chilli fruits botanicals for prevention of plant diseases has
resulting in low returns to farmers. In India, it been recorded in ancient Indian agriculture.
causes severe damage to fruits in the field as Several botanicals viz., leaves and oil of neem
well as in storage and takes heavy toll upto 84 (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) leaves of garlic
per cent (Saxena et al., 2014).Typical (Allium sativum L.), leaves and fruits of datura
anthracnose symptoms on red chilli fruits include (Datura stramonium L.), seeds of babool (Acacia
sunken necrotic tissues, with concentric rings of nilotica(L.) Delite.)and fruits of brhati (Solanum
1 2
*Correspondence E-mail: Government P.G. College, Rajgarh (Biaora), M.P,. Institute for
Excellence in Higher Education, Bhopal, M.P.
391 Management of Anthracnose of red chilli

indicum L.) have antimicrobial activities against affected and 5= more than 80% fruit area
some plant pathogens (Kumar and Yadav, 2007, affected. The percent disease index (PDI) as
Meena et al., 2007, Menaria et al., 2012). well as per cent efficiency of disease control
Hence, this study was conducted to evaluate (PEDC) were calculated as per the formula of
some commonly available systemic and non- Pathak et al. (1996).
systemic chemical fungicides, and neem-based
fungicides against the disease under laboratory Fungicides evaluation under field condition
and field conditions to develop a cost-effective
management method for anthracnose of red Five effective fungicides that were found
chilli. effective in in vitro evaluation were used in this
study. These weremancozeb (0.20%),
MATERIALS AND METHODS carbendazim (0.10%), trifloxystrobin (0.10%),
neem oil (1.0%) and hexaconazole
In vitro evaluation of fungicides (0.05%).Though tebuconazole was equally
againstColletotrichum capsici effective in in vitro studies but it could not be
evaluated in field condition as it is still under trial
Eight fungicides viz., mancozeb, for recommendation. Each treatment consisted
carbendazim, tebuconazole, hexaconazole, of three replications with a 3x2 m plot (20 plants
trifloxystrobin, saponin, neem oil (Nimbidin, 50 plot-1). Sixty-day-old chilli plants at flowering and
ppm Azadirachtin) and Achook (Azadirachtin fruiting stages were inoculated by the pathogen
1500ppm) were tested using the poisoned-food spore suspension (5x106 spores ml-1) and the
technique (Nene and Thapliyal, 1979) at two test fungicides were sprayed after 24hr. After 15
concentrations 0.05 and 0.10% a.i. along with a days of spray application, 10 plants were
control where no fungicide was added to the randomly selected from each plot to record
PDA medium.The data on fungal growth diam disease incidence. Yield was recorded on the
(mm) was recorded 7days after incubation at basis of numbers and weight of fruits per plant.
25+1OC when control plates were fully covered The data were statistically analyzed to determine
with mycelium. Per cent inhibition in each significant treatment differences. In vitro
treatment over control was calculated. evaluation of fungicides against C. capsici was
conducted in the Applied Microbiology and Plant
Datached fruit dip treatment technique Pathology Laboratory of T.M. Bhagalpur
University, Bhagalpur and field experiment was
Surface sterilized healthy fruits of red laid out in a randomized block design at the
chilli of nearly equal size were used. In uninjured University farm during 2017-2019.
inoculation treatment, the fresh fruits were
inoculated with spore suspension (5x106 spores RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
ml-1) for 24hr at 25+1OC and were then dipped in
the test fungicides for 5 min, while in the injured Efficacy of fungicides invitro
inoculation treatment, the fruits were first pin
pricked and inoculated with spore suspension The results (Table 1) clearly indicated
(5x106 spores ml-1) then treated with the test that almost all the fungicides tested were
fungicides after 24 hr of incuabation at 25+1OC. significantly superior to the control in inhibiting
Fruits dipped in sterilized distilled water served the growth of C. capsici. Out of 8 fungicides, two,
as control. The treatments were replicated thrice viz., tebuconazole (100%) and hexaconazole
having 3 fruits in each replication. To maintain (100%) proved to be most effective as they
high humidity the inoculated treated fruits with a completely inhibited the growth of the fungus at
piece of moistened cotton were kept in sterilized 0.05% and 0.10% concentrations in bioassay
polythene bags and were incubated at 25+1OC. test. The remaining fungitoxicants, although,
Fruit anthracnose development was recorded on inhibited the growth of fungus to varying degree
8th day of inoculation following a 0-5 rating scale but failed to exhibit complete inhibition and
where 0= no sysmptom; 1=1-20% fruit area therefore, these were considered to be partially
affected, 2=21-40% fruit area affected, 3=41- effective. Among the partially effective
60% fruit area affected, 4=61-80% fruit area chemicals, saponin (83.8%) and trifloxystrobin

(80.2%) gave maximum inhibition of fungal of growth was recorded with azadirachtin.
growth and were significantly superior to Tebuconazole and hexaconazole completely
remaining ones. Mancozeb proved to be the next inhibited sporulation of C. capsici, while
best followed by carbendazim and neem oil as trifloxystrobin and saponin showed poor anti-
they inhibited 76.7, 65.7 and 50.1% growth of sporulation activity (Table 1).
fungus, respectively. The least inhibition (41.9%)

Table 1: In vitro evaluation of fungicides against mycelial growth and sporulation of C. capsici

Mycelial growth (mm)* at Inhibition over control (%)

Fungicide conc. (%) Inhibition over control (%) Sporulation**
0.05 0.10 0.05 0.10
Mancozeb 40.3 25.0 59.5 76.7 ++
Carbendazim 56.0 33.9 40.9 65.7 ++
Tebuconazole 0.0 0.0 100 100 –
Haxaconazole 0.0 0.0 100 100 –
Trifloxystrobin 49.0 20.9 48.9 80.2 +
Saponin 24.2 17.8 76.5 83.8 +
Neem oil 66.0 47.9 30.0 50.1 +++
Azadirachtin 88.1 56.0 5.2 41.9 +++
Control 92.0 92.0 0.0 0.0 +++
CD (P< 5%) 3.1 1.7
*Average of three replications; **+++ = Abundant, ++ = Good, + = poor, – = Nil

Efficacy of fungicides by detached fruit dips disease control was moderately lowered in case
method of other fungicide treatments viz., saponin
(61.0%), neem oil (51.1%) and azadirachtin
The results on the effect of eight (46.1%), but they did not differ significantly from
fungicides on uninjured inoculation experiments the untreated check considering the results of
revealed that all the fungitoxicants helped in both the years (2017-18 and 2018-19).
reducing development of anthracnose symptom Tebuconazole was capable of more than 90%
on detached chilli fruits compared to untreated checking the disease development due to C.
control (Table 2). Significant decrease in fruit capsici infestation. At 0.10% concentration of
anthracnose was obtained in case of fungicides, maximum disease control was
tebuconazole (92.7%) followed by hexaconazole observed in tebuconazole (96.0%),
(88.5%), trifloxystrobin (78.0%), mancozeb hexaconazole (93.5%), trifloxystrobin (87.2%),
(65.0%) and carbendazim (62.9%) at 0.05% followed by mancozeb (77.0%) and saponin
concentration. Although, per cent efficacy of (70.1%).

Table 2: Effect of fungicides on uninjured inoculated fruit of red chilli

Fungicide conc. (0.05%) Fungicide conc. (0.10%)

Mancozeb 35.2 (36.9)** 65.0 (54.8) 22.8 (29.0) 77.0 (62.2)
Carbendazim 37.0 (38.1) 62.9 (53.0) 27.9 (32.0) 72.6 (59.0)
Tebuconazole 9.2 (17.9) 92.7 (74.5) 7.0 (15.3) 96.0 (77.1)
Haxaconazole 12.7 (22.0) 88.5 (69.6) 9.0 (18.5) 93.5 (74.0)
Trifloxystrobin 22.2 (29.1) 78.0 (62.9) 14.7 (22.9) 87.2 (69.2)
Saponin 39.0 (39.3) 61.0 (52.1) 30.2 (34.0) 70.1 (57.3)
Neem oil 48.1 (44.7) 51.1 (46.0) 15.1 (39.5) 61.0 (52.1)
Azadirachtin 59.1 (47.2) 46.1 (43.2) 44.7 (42.8) 54.1 (47.9)
Control 95.0 (76.1) 1.9 (11.8) 93.0 (74.9) 1.8 (11.7)
CD (P< 5%) 4.82 4.78 4.10 3.15
*Average of three replications; **Figures in parenthese are angular transformed values
393 Management of Anthracnose of red chilli

Per cent Disease Index (PDI)=[Sum of tebuconazole (92.5, 95.2%), hexaconazole

individual ratings)/(number of fruits assessed x (87.0, 93.5%), and trifloxystrobin (75.1, 86.0%)
maximum rating)] x 100. Per cent Efficacy of at 0.05 and 0.10% concentrations, respectively.
Disease Control (PEDC) = [(PDI in control–PDI While moderate disease control was noticed in
in treatment) / (PDI in control)] x 100.The effect mancozeb (62.1,70.9%), saponin (59.2, 69.0%)
of fungicides on injured inoculated fruits of chilli and carbendazim (52.0, 63.9%). The least per
is presented in Table 3.All the fungicides were cent efficacy of disease control at fungicidal
found significantly effective in reducing the fruit concentrations of 0.05 and 0.10% was recorded
anthracnose as compared to control. The with neem oil (48.2, 57.1%) and azadirachtin
maximum disease control was noticed in (40.2, 44.5%).

Table 3: Effect of fungicides on injured inoculated fruits of red chilli

Fungicide conc. (0.05%) Fungicide conc. (0.10%)

Mancozeb 37.8 (38.8)** 62.1 (52.1) 30.1 (33.9) 70.9 (58.1)
Carbendazim 45.9 (43.2) 52.0 (46.9) 36.5 (38.0) 63.9 (54.0)
Tebuconazole 10.5 (18.8) 92.5 (73.5) 8.0 (15.9) 95.2 (76.3)
Haxaconazole 15.0 (22.3) 87.0 (69.6) 8.9 (17.2) 93.5 (75.6)
Trifloxystrobin 25.9 (31.2) 75.1 (60.4) 16.0 (23.9) 86.0 (68.2)
Saponin 40.0 (39.8) 59.2 (51.3) 32.1 (35.0) 69.0 (56.8)
Neem oil 50.2 (45.9) 48.2 (44.9) 43.0 (41.2) 57.1 (50.2)
Azadirachtin 57.1 (50.0) 40.2 (40.0) 54.1 (48.1) 44.5 (42.2)
Control 92.2 (74.0) 0.0 (0.0) 94.0 (75.3) 0.0 (0.0)
CD (P< 5%) 4.85 7.95 4.15 4.25

Efficacy of fungicides under field condition mancozeb (71.6%, 218.10 q ha-1) and
carbendazime (68.2%, 214.32 q ha-1),
All the treatments were significantly respectively compared to control (0.0%, 122.10
effective in reducing fruit anthracnose severity q ha-1). Hexaconazole was at par with
and increasing fruit yield compared to control trifloxystrobin in relation to fruit yield. The effect
(Table 4). Hexaconazole was found highly of neem oil at 1% concentration was found less
effective in reducing fruit anthracnose (PEDC effective on the incidence of fruit anthracnose
83.3%) and increased fruit yield (225.50 q ha-1) (PEDC 52.0%) and fruit yield at harvest (177.50
followed by trifloxystrobin (77.5%, 220.25 q ha-1), q ha-1).

Table 4: Effect of fungicides on fruit anthracnose incidence and fruit yield of red chilli
Treatment Concentration (%) PDI* PEDC* Fruit yield (q ha )
Mancozeb 0.20 28.8 (33.0)** 71.6 (58.4) 218.10
Carbendazim 0.10 31.3 (34.8) 68.2 (56.3) 214.32
Haxaconazole 0.05 18.0 (25.1) 83.3 (66.2) 225.50
Trifloxystrobin 0.10 23.1 (29.2) 77.5 (62.1) 220.25
Neem oil 1.00 45.9 (43.2) 52.0 (47.0) 177.50
Control - 90.9 (72.4) 0.0 (0.0) 122.10
CD (P< 5%) 2.40 2.65 7.45 12.75
*Average of three replication; **Figures in parentheses are angular transformed values

The present findings corroborate with the tebuconazole and hexaconazole against red
earlier reports (Srinivas et al., 2006, Kumar and chilli anthracnose pathogen (Colletotrichum
Yadav, 2007) on Colletotrichum spp. infecting capsici) has not studied before but they are
betelvine and bell pepper. They reported that the known to inhibit the growth of Curvularia lunata
extract of Azadirachta indica was effective in under laboratory condition (Menaria et al., 2012)
inhibiting the conidial germination of C. which corroborate the result of present findings.
gloeosporioides and C. capsici. The efficacy of Jadon (2009) reported that carbendazim at

0.05% wasalso effective against blight and fruit application, (vi) use of chemicals as an eradicant
rot of bell peppercaused by D. bicolor. Sharma rather than preventative application, and (vii)
et al. (2004) tested different fungicides to control cross-resistance among single-site inhibitors as
die back and anthracnose of chilli and found that is the case with benzimidazoles.
bavistin, carbendazim and mancozeb were A critical appraisal of field experiments
highly effective in inhibiting growth of the revealed that there was an effective control of
pathogen. Similar observations were recorded anthracnose of chilli fruits when known
by Singh and Vishunavat (2010). However, no concentration of mancozeb (0.20%),
other information isavailable on C. capsici fruit carbendazim (0.10%), hexaconazole (0.05%),
anthracnose of red chilli and itsmanagement. trifloxystrobin (0.10%) and neem oil
The results revealed that hexaconazole was the (1%) were sprayed after 24 hr inoculation of
most effective, followed by trifloxystrobin and plants at flowering and fruiting stages with spore
mancozeb. suspension of C. capsici. Hexaconazole,
Ramdial et al. (2016, 2017) while conducting in trifloxystrobin, carbendazim and mancozeb gave
vitro bioassay experiments on fungicidal 83.3, 77.5, 71.6 and 68.2% control of
sensitivity among isolates of Colletotrichum anthracnose disease of chilli, respectively and
truncatum and Fusarium incarnatum-equiseti subsequently these fungicides increased almost
species complex infecting bell pepper in double fruit yield as compared to control. Similar
Trinidad, West Indies found that the to our results Singh (2007) had also suggested
development of fungicide resistance in a given that a single drenching of carbendazim (0.10%)
fungal population depends on a number and mancozeb (0.25%) consistently reduced the
ofinteracting factors including, (i) the fitness number of wilted plants of chilli and increased
advantage offered to resistant mutants, (ii) the marketable yields significantly. In the present
population size, reproductive rate and history of study, the ested botanicals were less effective
resistance of the target pathogen, (iii) repetitive than the chemical fungicides, but more diverse
and sustained fungicide use especially single- types of botanicals and resident biocontrol
site inhibitors, (iv) no integration with other agents need to be evaluated for developing eco-
complementary non-chemical control methods, friendly and sustainable management practice
(v) exceeding the dose rate and timing of for this malady.


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