JPME Volume 23 Issue 2 Pages 1-12
JPME Volume 23 Issue 2 Pages 1-12
JPME Volume 23 Issue 2 Pages 1-12
Abu Rudeis-Abu Zenima area (ARAZ) is located in rocks potential. Moreover, study the impact of the oils
the central province of the Gulf of Suez on the eastern geochemistry on the hydrocarbon migration and
side. October Field and Ras Budran Field surrounded entrapment and determining if the oils geochemistry
the ARAZ from the west and north directions in the ARAZ area consistent or not with the oils of the
respectively (Fig.1). Gulf of Suez basin.
Many authors studied the characteristics of oils
and source rocks in the Gulf of Suez and they Geological and tectonic setting
concluded that the source rocks of Duwi and Thebes The interplay of Arabian and African plates during
formations characterized by good to excellent organic Late Oligocene - Early Eocene resulted in the Suez rift
content and kerogen of type II and mixed II/III with in Northwest-southeast direction (Garfunkel and
maturity ranging from immature to peak oil window Bartov 1977 13). Large-scale zones of normal faults
(%Ro < 0.9) based on the analyzed pyrolysis data. surrounded both margins of the Suez rift and the rift
Based on the carbon isotopes of biomarker data, the subdivided into three main tectonic domains
source rocks deposited under anoxic conditions with attributed to the polarity changing of the block faults
mainly marine organic matter and minor terrigenous (Patton et al. 1994 14; Moustafa, 1996 15; Younes
higher plants. The chemical composition of the Gulf and McClay 2002 16). Three main basins of northern
oils are variable in API gravity and sulfur contents Darag, central Belayim and southern Amal-Ziet
mainly due to different thermal maturity levels recognized with a Zaafarana accommodation zone
(Alsharhan and Salah 1997 1; Wever, 1999 2, 2000 between northern and central basins and a Morgan
3; Alsharhan 2003 4; Younes and Philip, 2005 5; accommodation zone between central and southern
El Nady and Mohamed, 2016 6; Mohamed and El basins (Colletta et al. 1988 17).These
Nady, 2016 7; El Nady et al., 2016 8; Younes et al, accommodations resulted from half grabens and
2017 9; Mohamed and El Nady, 2019 10; El Diasty horsts related to large-scale normal faults (Bosworth
et al., 2020 11, Elmaadawy et al, 2021 12). 199518, 2015 19; Bosworth and Durocher 2017
Little published works studied the oil 20).
characteristics and source rock potential of the Abu Lithostratigraphically, the Suez rift basin
Rudeis-Abu Zenima (ARAZ), therefore, the current encompasses pre rift, syn rift and post rift major
work aims to assess the oils of selected wells in the sedimentary sequences (Patton et al. 1994 14;
ARAZ area to recognize the oil characteristics, organic Bosworth et al. 1998 21; Khalil and McClay 2001
matter types, depositional environments and source 22) (Fig. 2) and Peijs et al (2012) 23 classified the
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering In Press. DOI: 10.21608/jpme.2021.76044.1082
Figure 1 Location map of the Gulf of Suez and the well location map of Abu Rudeis-Abu Zenima area of the studied wells.
sedimentary cover into five major tectono- carbonates (Abu Zenima) to sandstones (Nukhul,
sedimentary sequences. The pre-rift succession Upper South Gharib and Zeit) and evaporites (Belayim
bottomed with shallow marine to fluvial clastics of and Lower South Gharib) and shale (Rudeis and
Nubia sandstones with age extending from Cambrian Kareem) (Scott and Govean, 1985 32; Smale et al.,
to Early Cretaceous. In subsurface, the Nubia 1988 33; Rouchy et al., 1995 34; Richardson and
Formation classified into units of A, B, C and D (Klitzsch Arthur, 1988 35; Rohais et al., 2016 36).
and Squyres, 1990 24; Klitzsch, 1990 25). These The pre Miocene source rocks of Duwi and Thebes
unites are cross-bedded sandstones with shale formations have average TOC contents of 3.63 wt%
interbeds (Darwish and El-Araby, 1993 26; Khalil and and 3.28 wt% respectively suggesting very good to
McClay 200122). An unconformity surface separates excellent potential and favorable conditions for the
the Nubia Formation from the overlying Cretaceous organic matter preservation during Late Cretaceous
deposits of Raha, Wata, Matulla, Duwi and Sudr Campanian and Late Eocene times (Robinson and
formations with an age extending from Cenomanian Engel 199337; El Diasty et al. 2014 38; El-Shafeiy et
to Maastrichtian composed of marine siliciclastics and al. 2017 39).
carbonate deposits (EGPC, 1964 27; Issawi, 1973
28; Webster, 1982 29; Sellwood and Netherwood, Dataset and methodology
1984 30; Alsharhan, 2003 4). The Paleocene
Geochemical and biomarker data
represented by the Esna Formation composed of
shale deposits and Eocene represented by the Thebes Seven oils from different reservoir intervals
and Mokattam formations composed of carbonate analyzed by the whole oil gas chromatography and gas
deposits (McClay et al. 1998 31). The syn-rift chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The
succession represented by seven formations of Abu geochemical data of six wells of AZSE-1, ARN-2, AR-8,
Zenima, Nukhul, Rudeis, Kareem, Belayim, South ARS-1, ARS-3 and S-9. The oils came from different
Gharib and Zeit with age extending from Early reservoir intervals at different elevations such Nubia-
Miocene (Aquitanian) to Late Miocene Messinian. The A, Matulla, Thebes and Nukhul reservoirs (Table 1).
lithology of the syn-rift deposits varies from
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering In Press. DOI: 10.21608/jpme.2021.76044.1082
Figure 2 Lithostratigraphic column of the study area based on the available studied wells.
The data of bulk oil composition include saturates % data comprise triterpenes (m/z 191) and steranes
and aromatics %, NSO % compounds, asphaltene %, (m/z 217) distributions, biomarker isomerization,
API gravity and sulphur % content (Table 2). Whole oil organic facies and depositional environment ratios
gas chromatography data of Normal alkane (Tables 3 & 4). In addition to stable carbon isotope
distribution (n-C18-C38), Pristane/Phytane (Pr/Ph) analysis of saturate and aromatic fractions with
ratio and C7-derived expulsion temperature. GC-MS vanadium and nickel contents for well Sidri-9 (Fig.3).
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering In Press. DOI: 10.21608/jpme.2021.76044.1082
Figure 3. Carbon isotope compositions of aromatics versus saturates for Sidri-9 well (Modified after Sofer, 1984 44).
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering In Press. DOI: 10.21608/jpme.2021.76044.1082
Table 5. Average maturity parameters for the pre-Miocene source rocks in Rudeis Field (Mostafa, 1993).
Figure 5 Thomson alteration plot for heptane versus isoheptane (a) and bulk oil composition (b).
The 20S % C29 sterane isomerization ratio as a maturity with different thermal maturity levels for oils (Moldowan
indicator is lower than 55% indicating that the oils reach et al. 1986 51; Hunt 1996 46; El Diasty and Peters 2014
approximately to the peak oil generation stage (0.85% Ro), 38).
which consistent to the maturity derived from C7 (0.7-0.8
% Ro). Organic facies and depositional environment
Trace elements Vanadium and nickel contents in in well GC-MS biomarker parameters for oils of the ARAZ area
S-9 oils are 96.4 ppm and 41.5 and the Vanadium / nickel indicate organic facies, thermal maturity and alteration
ratio is 2.32. These results suggest different source rocks degree (tables 3 &4).
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering In Press. DOI: 10.21608/jpme.2021.76044.1082
A, C19 Tricyclic; B, C20 Tricyclic; C, C21 Tricyclic; D, C22 Tricyclic; E, C23 Tricyclic; F, C24 Tricyclic; G, C25 Tricyclic-1&2; H, C24
Tetracyclic; I, C26 Tricyclic 1&2; J, C28 Tricyclic 1&2; K, C29 Tricyclic 1&2; L, 18αH-Trisnorhopane (Ts); M, 17αH-Trisnorhopane
(Tm); N, C30 Tricyclic 1&2; O, 17αH, 18αH, 21βH- Bisnorhopane; P, C31Tricyclic 1&2; Q, 17αH, 21βH-Norhopane; R, 17βH,
21αH-Normoretane; S, 18αH, 18βH-Oleanane; T, 17αH, 21βH-Hopane; U, 17βH, 21αH-Moretane; V, C33
Tricyclic1&2;W,17αH,21βH-Homohopane(22S);X,17αH,21βH-Homohopane (22R); Y, Gammacerane; Z, C34 Tricyclic 1&2; a,
17αH, 21βH-Bishomohopane (22S); b, 17αH, 21βH-Bishomohopane (22R); c, C35 Tricyclic 1&2; d, 17αH, 21βH-
Trishomohopane (22S); e, 17αH, 21βH-Trishomohopane (22R); f, C36 Tricyclic 1&2; g, 17αH, 21βH-Tetrahomohopane (22S);
h, 17αH, 21βH-Tetrahomohopane (22R); i,17H, 21βH-Tetrahomohopane(22S); j,17αH,21βH-Tetrahomohopane (22R).
The oils show little higher land plant and high sources of Duwi and Thebes limestones. Rohrback (1983
algal/bacterial derived organic material indicated by 52) stated that the oils of the Gulf of Suez approximately
triterpanes distributions showing a high Hopane content have the same origin and the variations in chemical
(64-72 %), low C19 and C20 Tricyclics / C23 Tricyclics ratios composition attributed to the level of maturity. API
(0.20-0.27) and low C27, C28 & C29 sterane (Fig. 10). The gravity, asphaltene and NSO contents of the oils
Hopane/steranes ratio is low ranging from 1.5 to 3.1 approximately are similar, while AZSE-1 and ARN-2 oils
suggesting that the algal source contribution is more than have higher asphaltene content increasing the viscosity of
the microbial contribution, while the bacterial both wells than the other wells. The maturity of oils is
contribution is greater in the oils of wells ARS-3 and ARN. relatively similar and with the depth, the oils are
The organic facies deposited under marine conditions progressively heavier and richer in asphaltene fraction
indicated by the C30 sterane (5%) and the high amount of (Fig. 11), which consequently is affecting on the
C31-C35 Hopanes (45-50%) and the relatively high hydrocarbon migration. The oils rich in NSO and
C35/C34 extended Hopane ratio (0.99 – 1.12) suggesting asphaltene fractions are heavy and migrate difficulty,
that the source rocks are carbonates. while the oils rich in saturates and aromatics migrate more
easily. The oils of northern AZSE-1 and ARN-2 wells are
The impact of oils characterization on hydrocarbon heavier than the other wells indicating low maturity level,
migration deep reservoirs and short migration path (Fig. 12).
A, C and D, βα diasteranes (20S); B & D, C27 βα diasteranes (20R); E, C28 βα diasteranes (20S); F, C28 βα diasteranes (20R);
G, C27 ααα (20S) + C28 αβ dia- (20S); H, C27 ααα (20R) + C29 αβ dia- (20S); I, C27 ααα (20S) + C28 αβ dia- (20R); J, C27 sterane
(20R); K, C29 βα diasterane (20S); L, C29 diasterane (20S); M, C28 ααα sterane (20S); N, C28 αββ sterane (20R); O, C28 αββ
sterane (20S); P, C28 ααα sterane (20R); Q, C29 ααα sterane (20S); R, C29 αββ sterane (20R); S, C29 αββ sterane (20S); T,
C29 ααα sterane (20R).
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering In Press. DOI: 10.21608/jpme.2021.76044.1082
Figure 10 Ternary plots showing relative abundance of C27, C28 and C29 steranes.
Figure 11 API gravity versus depth (a) and viscosity versus depth (b).
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