Laser KVRM

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cH 1 & t'4\4tn~n \Yl ' ~1'- r of t?J fll.

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Jt\\e. _3 l,~ '~h ll1ct,x t
(:I.JCl\ t ~t.ii~iY,j 4l-.Aor-'Jf, cl \rlCCi ~i c 111ul, t{ rn.

~ Pl'~h.,1 J'\if.(1i.,L'f:t. t 1J U (1 t,1 1{0,i /o J/('/cr.l.J,.J< rr:(Jc.{f-,(j

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fiM➔ -!c\rn invo\Vc!. pct..t1,lle,tl ¢ Yl d,,~_'.)e _s '
4,, i_. c-rLl,11 J cl1 c<,\.jC
cPI'Ht I~ die 1ee>1-.hic.11
Mcd~c \.

-r he .£< ( 01,d ,. \(~)Y\S \,rvo\VC,) { oY)c~C. ti OY. ckuJi3e Tbi·

cq)phc,1t1r -\ t i --r~~c, )"(\(,ft-til< ~>reN- ,i{J

fl.~,, 1-< ~L( t.stianJ Jhe ba.& k o&&t1rnptPr1 oP.. C< ss15-
111":j o. vc.J,Ml e a~ )< -:1 AA rhc uv~t tnfhJY
ij &vil]- "Nl,,Je • _ . _ ___ . _ .

:.. Jl p).,,.<,} e.:,.p&ie.J. . ~

pc,ssih~'<) o~ 1uo1nl-i2in; -tlie. .,,-,,de
- - - n~ ~-fus+u~-ri'<j ~o.d-- on osuffe.,{toJt oP- C$PI ~.Jte.qwe,-x'f i,
- 1i \)= (.cM!d ~VL -0~Lse 1te.-tL - VCJl~eL rrnhv cl ~E'~

-1~~e::_o,:,:~--~~* G: e~f-h;J h~-~ -~~

~.\- u-1.ud --os,v be: Fu»he.h d,'vld~.
~~nN !

j aX-u,,~ -c< ;P~j /~i~ - C<>Y\J\.t-ia n -h, ob~1\h +I-, e e.n <""':r} ot
. ~*~ u.hJ\tj 'YY\acle \n 1hV!rnw.. eq\.lc.di bYt,i 'UTT).
- ' l0e w\Jl '-\Se. +he &,l+-2mo hn dis+-.JtJl uti on NnCt1on 4<J
debr.Jti be the ene/2J) ci(sr..A.'1 ~ 'L{/1 on oP the oncxle&.
- -the___ '\/C,{l~e of -,,l,c eneh_J, G~ -:: 'YY'lhV- i-n fuoCff.O'IJ iYlfrEaj
~ of ~ cunt, '.YY\.lU tU vwJqb)e £ ..
P~:: ; ~-Tm )Ji7 --= - c e - m~\t-/)<T~----..., .-,::-C \} -

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\/Gdvt!- .oP- The ..Summc,t-rfov, _IY\ 1hC ' Y l ~ 'Y1\lm')')1f..-tMwh


Gn ,he Y<.~5ht- - AcinJ ~~,J~ of.. e~ 11 C ~) 1.s

[ (mh V-) e-~ VI k1 ~ -hv-- r 'rY) ety\ ~'\).I k7
1Y'::-o _ _ _ _ ..
-:: h\,l e-~\l/~1
{J - Eh~~,<~

T~\'s • ~ -to UY\- exp ~10 n . ~ rhe ctVt~ c._...L..!..:..:n>,£.UL..:S----

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( ; ( rh V/ k1-_ ))
,h,.s °r(~~11or1)h1p hc.0 C< '}'YY'~'.)L{Tf\'\-iTn o..t O t'_,rtt hc
t sci\{en, / /!-c.4 C< j\ven -l-en1fe/,..a{N/2t , ["" J b<ti-- .i-{,p
I"~ d{s;AJ,1.n
)~s.J~n iCJY1
oJ-·,. rrn C,,{Y1d
"".).?tte - \)(.J..j wr.tJ wtth--
;he ~hupe. c C
eJ<f eAiroevif
,b" e_xpAeJ~) oYl lu~= e hY\oe,v n al,
pit, Y\ k > Jv,
_ M a!u\t'q }-c.e:~c~h,rµ_ _ _ _
_ - .•:i:k - e,,~e ~::;:=·1L(.1tLJe1,uci bfs -rhe--ttJt:J,..J] densl+J
pfJl ~ui'r ~kCf '--' fY1 l i V- -HJ.Ji.- k-ldlq+f oYl CA-o"f- c(_;heb t w i,f-1,
I C,\Y\ f-'f'lc.ksJ Ce,vl+
1 _in n,&,mc.J'1 C<+
. -t-£:vv'\fl-9-icU NJie ---r •

I-r Cun i-K oe- wave.. +Aa{velinj lY\ cdA d,Jcctfc.. Y1

CLJ1t1,,;Y\ -rhe owJ\t, ·

- I! u. we wc.l'l½,.i .+o Cornf 1.Att' fh e +oitJ. f:-neJ,_Jy jt'rul'i-J 1/

,~ ~1Y\\-t1-ed cu- L1.l.,I.. ,P./2e4'-tf'Yl"f r Wt Cou1J o.f' c oll,LJC; ~)Wlp17
\nlf,Y,<-lft' ,the enelijy densh--y '-\NI J\/- oVM -11,~- flir'/V -_1
t'f\ cl Ch • o0
J \,{ LvJ dv

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f<..u Hf'\1
- ~ ( CU - OJ~) :::. r() -:: 1-j--L<> _:: e_7[ /), 1,C. ------
c., 6ove_ £'j"' -Sh.ou1c.L Tfie ---2,clcJJ~ 1 ~~/,c b', Yjvtn_~
-<:.0iJ.rl'- 6 '-<l Pw H';1 ' -/1, e Jc a<.'( _J",, , {1, c_ j Cr") '
-z;, .cJnJ 71iC- kc-ai,d-rt ·(J Ve o.P.. r ic,W,1'cctJlJ ..!4,L!dMi~
elect.hon .
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c~~~cal Q'Y"\clL,-sts is... )')o+ ~~ Co-mp )e+e oJh e1-,
Con.sfcl&i;Yl_} _ o{+vmic l)'lM.ctc+1on.,_ __ -.. . . -

_::r:.D --de:fzjmh11ry -il'\.{-f fl_JY\er..vk/J1. c..Jhe.-n ll-l+

e\e('t-?o-n ~J2.~cllC\~ ct11Uf dPLcj~P-.Aorn <AY\ '\.-ippeA
e"'~] }eN_e,{. \,l -h, u J.t1c,._1d) ~~Y\('A~f) l_e.veJ .f -.
- - -t-he -
The clqtbskcil cuid!-h fJ Ve. ,1 Y\a~ OY\\'j -At<24oJi. 11\C{,t- \5
-- -- -- ru~ac.l(.i tf'd_ Ith.
C}-) qYJ c{CLLlj~ \-t"e - JEkA {pti UY1 C t1 7h e -
oh~&tved em, ss,0Y1 CJJ'dth

u.., ~ 'Y\'"\ \,lM- +t¼-n --to Jhe t{ric&t¾rnlj p~'(\d~1e -+o ob~
cJ\u-r we ~ f--eJi ,to ct! tt,e -"nu hA)i.cU- .Q rnfSSKJY.l 1h'.lectll
0/t ~\)N' of- 7he
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:k ~~c elt~; Y!-f'f - ~ncipl; .s~1-ie +he1-r #le. 1..1 "1 c0)1<-l
~V\. deW.mtl'\i"°J .ftle f'rlel!JT -CJJiJ,11,,,. ')i;. at <1.'"' 0't,(:.4jj·
r ---ff-'J e11£L_:j:hq-1:__ h<½ --Cl-ln1-,:m;m._ _\!n~ lmnt:f.---b_ -f<Ll _Jj./.-
1,; T(1 i I- of! I) t- r.s cJli+t:1iY\e d t.,\o Y"1 -r/,e -J,eM,/ tto'lsh\ r· --
- . n t ~ 1;, ::. h., ====--..:.. -
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L~'l\.$ l J ~ I:Oj 0\ ~d_ j c.H-i V [ 1'-M \'\ s)~ QY\ f--MM e:n<¼
~ .+o enekj7 J_p»_el. .L 1 -rh e- .QenJe)i Qe,vd ~
hCA'-'e 01 ~n,re_~dlh J 3\vw--1:j . _.._
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~ a ~s ul: t , 11.e +clhAi e~ ve_ ene Aj) ~ ~~
1hf ,-fulo J.w..;ea cu,u-J_-be .
{)£7 ::. l!E\.f + 6E-1 ~ -k (yt.\ +Y.t_) -=- k( f Ptt~f_-r ffJJJ
_ _ _ _ (1,\)

~ c_ai n A<~ +e .f'hfs eri e)JJ vJ , ~ ~ e-1 -1-o ;f'he -

--- PAt:~\.(€V\t1 -CV\d~ of. 5¼4o-H\/e e"lY\\SS\ OY) -/h«-t- oCeA.(hes,
/';,f 1 - A_ ~c 0 u.t -:; k · ~ {\ ()\ut :: k. Dv\,(A ~ ( 1 -

---~' - (H' 1 1
_ '-() J\ 1Co.._l ~~~{ (~\.lcth I . Q~IJ h- ·, ...
1 - hcrnd
,, ,(1J,
e L ◄ ) .f.. ( J) I

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Jhe Y\C{-nJYt..,d.. L ern\.Ss Jon lLnec.dd.Jh -· 6v- w .su.d'-
+hctk· - -- - - - . , . ,
. - - - - - - - - - -- - -

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--- -~ - - - - - - - - - - - - ---· - --

c.s..:e at-a_ q_J.t u _ J..ePdne...... G -c.. _eic.p,16& (ion _ J1t.--' . -~ .7-he. -~

bi\n C J de.e.crj _2ou:te - 0 ~ :71ic- '\..\.fp&t 0\.V'\d_ . ..R.a oJeh Jevet
_ _ Suc.t~ _±hC4f:___ - - - - ----
- ..3J : : _I' tfi- + Tl_ - - ---=---- =:---- ( ~)

f Au.i +__f 8.,d ---- ( ~)

--rt{\'(\~j l"l'\to C{Ccottn+ . thi~ +vf4l Jcc~j 2c~+-c ~ ~:
cie..v,\'o\nJ the YY\ \ Y\1muW\ 6n\.S5;aY) -lineo~-11 J.~ , 0te
1.\.~hct.f.e Rtnc.ti OY"\ I, c come
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IC w)
1...f'- 7hc _c~~•cft t '(..Ut]A fC" e \ i1 y l,P\.\ n d ~ t( I\ f:
t'-'- c..i 1,-d SI ,1 u ,}/,q I h«\ n VWll'j ~ ''') .Ql Pd imc , H"'-"'
Jk kl, t [ c,n \.,.,,,,,, _Qi,,(uJ\d If~ h / u),l • -f{,e1~ cheAmi-.,,,J
),j -1/1t ( rn ~)j ,:.u\Ji f, of -1(,c '\.\ffdt ,U!vel slnc~

y~ ·~ (., .

• <t ,t C- ' E~ \Y) ~ ctde\Y J dv 1 e_ +o Y\ c"\'\ --9-w., d.ict-1-1 ve cl e.,u.-<J '

b , /'tY'I -in.Cl, ~lb e, ; r1 -rhc Ject1J ..,Ptltfe. ,,ft- ('-- p.llA-lr1° YI
hi ].ev [J._ u. ~e +o coJ.1_J'5\oY'l aJ. i>'\tlt-c{.Cf1cV\
.s U-Vt v '\\ ndt<lJ a-1-tiw) ex,~ cl~- dct:. <h iJ, r. J ,e.c-&'t Ci'e--"1
in 1h\s ckO.(p t-eJ2 , · fJi.0dMc~ IY10z 01-<-.tcd _ ~ c((iE_1-"Ll 1.1J,--tf'-,t-t"_
_ is ~Ptehcd +o cl!:, --r, _ h9te1 C{de~\\'j , ~ _ _ _

➔ rt c>J-e . Je~ne o-n ~Jd/+iuneul - decc1J- -fe<-1~ J'-1C +o-

._C olW,10'(1 s in ~~ o(l -r/,e__ JeCU] -Mm( T J. c \5 ,,, c Jq:lt:
'! cu l-th.. _ fho.S e_ C c1l,Us,toY) su..o.k -H"--cl+ Yi -= J-t 7i 1 fht- n ry
, 1""-fJ.4& +-1-e- h1c9>€£<.!ed , ' Jee'-'] ,' r" C fl. 0 •;pc'ti ft' c
_ 1.£" (3.. "\.l dAJ.e ,Jo ion s ct!

l,t - ~AJJ
Dat e _ _

POCJ"!. - -

Icda.L _ elY \,S S\U Yl flt\r'.rcc.1,d-1 1'.\. ~
C •.11-)(V"\ f
... (J k\ '<'j
- :f~ J-cclJ 6j tl~ \Y 'j 'i i1( Y~ QAncl /')\JvJ_

l {,\A ~ t t ) ; f,. 1\.J ~

Tb.c. _ ~\Y)L.:2!.t{Yj (') y\\ SS\OY\ JbY:ieu.1JiL._ _0i V\(.~ CP JY ' _ +htY1-k _
C-.1...~\i f\~ - CJ,~

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oJ, -r~ become sho),J-eJ, J+.a.1
.<t'l-- <l{e, ~ ·l c.{ ~V f decoj
_Q _ ji\L£n_ __le v_pj
J.e_ _coj,tl_sW)ld.L _J
- ~f -ft,\
___..__a_l\C\ \:n cJ #'
_ffC':J- ~ ~--rt' _1-t:Jt-- _b (>_j-1 TC }:U
_o \J (h__ +f"le. .Jcaj!CA-HVe dew)
~ <1.,( -ft oP Jh c..d: Jcvtl }
{ io-£ bJ \"'CJlecui,Y"j ~ e f~\S~ilcn Q tn ew \~
fl ·

i-he yY\Oh.e -~~riJ-dem) ~t f1if- -\.tfpeA - .0 ~ level

du£. to. -r1 _ be.a Yie.jci-Y!Ve
of The /µ,JM_ QrnpiJ.Pf&l ~
ef{ !,e a.. \.~r(JY\ ti\{ ff .fi c1en~
·f+ YteJt\Cf.J th e fo pu ie.. tt10Y\
\'<\ -rht Uf rct ~ !e A ..t
ei'<l\ss'ioY\ JjYJew\c~,rh
~vel ciY,J C<.i,60 ~ 1'\Ul€c(.)e&
' bo.}1"L ot cvh,c k hqve
q ~ \e1"tli \ltl~
~M-ec.-t ttron ft<leh. cJmfliEieh jC-t\Y1 • - _

_eu im p\ e ~ :~ ~ . T' (fr : of- d e a p d " 'J e c? h u ,, ,n _ j

-- -- -- - -

[ :.'\.fJl"I\) 1 ~1d 1,, (\.,cr.~k~n, Cl 'l'\ ,, ~I ¥n\tl0.+-td r e_yl\ sslo-r)
( °'~"1~ ..._(' c , rcii ('t:•\ Oo pp k>t e f f-eot •
,, , "\, h1 l i , 1tf'd In 7/.,e. \)W,,1,: at -fie n cc - Jc,'
l'-1Yi(H•n t JI) (\\) ~ {I 1'-,e C""ff'\1-t'A cf] 71'( f)oPP.}f>J7 -
)) ~t--~J t" )l,J en1,g()icr(1 lt11€ (~::: Vo) J ~C(;(- #1{ jCil'n
,~ /1fJht~t c{-t- +/20 .h,cciwYl • -r h~ we (..a,1r1
CL'_~d l£ j O ('J -:::: \.le ) _ -- _

. ...- j o C\)· =t\,) "joC-c~J '° ..'.\, o = JJ--n 2 .:i ~,.Jlv,l[~u -~ tJ, 7- -
- /£r13 ·- .600 iL _)_l

- L..WC..- 3.0- Js .s:ho.2t.:i-hu'1l._ iEYi & y,m &eM'dtnl:

~ Cit- Hi< c(i'U}-Ch o~ rhe _ e,niss.lan .llne ,
-+t - - - ~ - - - - - - - -

lt-'e /'\ cil!o u1ied _ ,H~e +«-c+ iu.:Y fri S 1 ~ uJh\ct )

f,Jive h,A Y)'\oJ+- _}l,,o..!eh in_ _c.Jh,cl Dopp/PA iii:.dc.1Je,) \))
Jom1n~-te!, - - -- _ __, ___ ~ ? - __

~ *
T1>e .f!«c-!C.h 'YlO.\ c<.Mud u teJ cv f/1.,_. -Jic jvpu..L<.tt/an ,
de:-<1..s\ti't~ ' Cl'Y'ld expJc ~~ed a.A °' .!H1n1LLe~(-\-ed elt1liS10Y)
, ~ nN)
C:h.fl!.S $fC1 l<J ri Lil

j cv) -:: rril Cv)f rJu - i.::J 1\.1 i] -:: _,..-J C:\l-1 DryuJ ---
1,- ... (2)

l, .,-n,y_.., 6:,llL L,._,J:njr1 , foJi. - ~

C€' Yl If~ ( ~' ,,, ) <..Ut' tt Vf / ~ ( fn Ll01,J j flJ Jr: f In ,i1io 'r) 0/
rftic s/1 )i) '--l tc \ l (d t ~v,,ss 10}7 dr (/))5 .SeC.fJIJ'f'> •
c () j•t\\f'\1 .:'\\c.l flu).. ~---_...,_.-{ 1)
ll t (. '\,) - - ICfl 1 A Vo

Ti"c <:.J 1n,v. l~ ue) tr<'l,5$ton CJrRJ~ s src 110Y1 (T uf (V-bJ /-oJl
- (Cf\'½'\ /.,_ ""' dd cn'iYlj o.;t- the c.e.n+<;> of I he e)11 ic111,,
~~i11e- LCJ Y) cLlio . he .RJ<-fJce!Jtd In £mp'~ ~Jtrr1-vi
- iu..U0(..L '1 - - -

--Cu .I

T-n --rh ,5- ~)mnJ;~--,;_vJ.° Cv\J ,s \n s9 ~ t_ me~ ;

.. .>-J.l k rn '«"'e+e..k5-:i-- /1u_ _l~ _in _ 14m.}-~t - ~1S£c.c~Y1J.lL.1
. 7 f.s dej,iee,.S kebJi'l'.l_i_ an_J___ _fY'lfl/ i:; Th-t _mc{J5 of- -rh_e
JI .sped@ · - PJt eq ~ u
r -ry t ~ :z:.._a,C_ J¼
YYl _pC!J,I, ~Y\j ,/d,}.n\Jh U, me Jtu'M'-"'c\:1- n~

-' lrJo.9i The Caje oP ooppleh ~~deYlirlj , be Yn:JJ1P(eJ

~Lcchdin.J ,to -nie e:ic,fheJ:,~1'on

:r_::. 1c, ej"cv..h :: To ea-JctLJ [f\M,., C.91.d3, JN,Jz. =- 1-o ea-tt.J1J(,v)o1

- ~ on3 ~e-e(r1c dcs~nce l me~w-u.heJ PJwM -rhe

pt\n>r ~< bt?4'1V) ente.M J-he -rnedt'Vm . -- - - - -- -·
wh.ehe .}c.efJi eu.x,-D _J'h.t,.. \n-re.n.5jfJ- oP -r he teg.{ m
l Cl/, rt enWJ ,H,e_ -med 1\1 rn UYl d 1- Mp.Jr. el. Cr)+ fh e_
- / lnrWJl!j 5ume.- dJs:t(,Ance z _J~ __d:h_e. me_Jivm •

- . 1J2 ~e '-"ll'<lL ol ~~ontt~u.L--is-- {},sil1-;_,l~ :-Jbe -

becrm wlu tY1ch~e. ]~ _ IY1+e.Y-LSlfJ--1'4Y1d .s0
Om pIUY ~ti on c01J.,t _CJL1.1.A • _ _ ___ _

Dat~ - -

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CcA) - foj\tl«t110Y) den.s't) -~-- (b)-=- f<J?vfaT
~ Y1. . ~etnJ~;

c\st.h+~lWYJ beto..2ee'Y) :1~ a:nd 1 ta& COJ '•

ce.i.) 11-ieJ,'YY\cil e..1 uul\ bJti '\.\m a Y\ J
_ ( ti) Cl '
fof~Hon ,lYLVeM\oY).
' -~- __ _____

_ OJ,_ ex,pu.ssed }n q d1P.(JeYJ }- oJQJ

-~ >1. - - - - - (3)
9 t1 1171

- -rhc GJ},t of --r-hr upppJi. .Q.eveJ le\nj yy,W,r -

. \b~J <Hiun ~e J!,@eh- hvd _j_s_ _ .A~J -1'i w
CJ. MU,Wt/on \Y1\)o,J\ u1'1 ) .$Jr'<Cf -r~ -r hi:d J,,e.t,Jti:,ns hif (5
Y)o+ r-no}imct,l \Jnd&t GniJit1hn of- -rhe.}irnt.u{ @9\.lu.ti 1-Jz]~h'J·

- The compu>.is \011 ot cJY1 inve9tttJ f1u.iP,!l1on · CJJ.,J,_

CA ~~Htfn iY\ tl,&,mal ~q\.luJ.lhJJl.(rn oJ- JoyY)e
Jc-rf\p.A-atl\lJie J. is _s"l-acv.n _1'_n _~ _ _ _ _ _ ....- _ ____.

-- -- A 1 111~- · · -- -, -- -- - ~. ~- ---
- - ~ ~A-lion -- tnv~hn__u. _ -ne-e~cvi_'j c.ond1t:1.crt1_ /l-t;).. ___..
~pl,P-t c,.mon -11L.Oo.tseh _,:.1c-tio11 ttJ ixr ti); 1 b1-tt,-1i---
s 'Y\dJ: CJ Su#k.1 €Yl,½- COY) rlJ Hon. --- -- -~- ,,,
--9i1H _ j E.>.p C, ( i,, J, "J I In 11' rf ()J<l,e,/\ L, m
c uJ \,l; n t:>f'-!J'c,,L I
(c1vi 0 .
~ --"~ c.Je: u'\ l.l ci b1 ,<I'() Cj p9r~51LM fc,~ ¼e dec~'j
ri •~t
.- ,tl,w or c, .el/,¼~ bccc m buu,.,clnJ L,,J q.,.J M
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