Class I Equipment
Single output: series AM...LM 1000
Dual output: series AM...LM 2000
Triple output: series AM...LM 3000
Class II Equipment (double insulation)
Single output: series CMZ/DMZ/LMZ 1000
Dual output: series CMZ/DMZ/LMZ 2000
Triple output: series CMZ/DMZ/LMZ 3000
The M-family of DC-DC (AC-DC) converters represents a to output isolation is provided. The modules are designed
broad and flexible range of power supplies for use in ad- and built according to the international safety standard
vanced industrial electronic systems. Features include high IEC 950 and have been approved by the safety agencies
efficiency, reliability, low output voltage noise and excellent LGA (Germany) and UL (USA). The UL Mark for Canada
dynamic response to load/line changes due to individual has been officially recognized be regulatory authorities in
regulation of each output. provinces across Canada.
The converter inputs are protected against surges and tran- The case design allows operation at nominal load up to
sients occuring at the source lines. An input over- and 71°C in a free air ambient temperature. If forced cooling is
undervoltage cut-out circuitry disables the outputs if the in- provided, the ambient temperature may exceed 71 °C but
put voltage is outside the specified range. Certain types in- the case temperature should remain below 95°C under all
clude an inrush current limitation preventing circuit break- conditions.
ers and fuses from being damaged at switch-on. A temperature sensor generates an inhibit signal which
All outputs are open- and short-circuit proof and are pro- disables the outputs if the case temperature TC exceeds the
tected against overvoltages by means of built-in suppres- limit. The outputs are automatically re-enabled when the
sor diodes. The outputs can be inhibited by a logic signal temperature drops below the limit.
applied to the connector pin 2 (i). If the inhibit function is not Various options are available to adapt the converters to in-
used pin 2 should be connected with pin 23 to enable the dividual applications.
The modules may either be plugged into 19 inch rack sys-
LED indicators display the status of the converter and allow tems according to DIN 41494, or be chassis mounted.
visual monitoring of the system at any time.
Case: aluminium, black finish, self cooling.
Full input to output, input to case, output to case and output Dimensions: 38.7 × 111.2 × 168.5 mm. Weight: 770 g.
Type Survey
Options see "Descriptions of Options"
General note
The type survey tables provide an overview of the basic input and output configurations. More than 500 different types
have been manufactured providing different output configurations and customized specialities. Please consult Melcher's
field sales engineers for specific requirements. The best technical solution will carefully be considered and a detailed pro-
posal submitted.
Table 1a: Class I equipment
Output 1 Output 2 Output 3 Input Voltage Range and Efficiency 1 Option
Uo nom I o nom Uo nom Io nom Uo nom Io nom Ui min...Ui max η min Ui min... Ui max η min Ui min... Ui max η min
V DC A V DC A V DC A 8...35 V DC % 14...70 V DC % 20...100 V DC %
5.1 8.0 AM 1001-7R 72 BM 1001-7R 74 FM 1001-7R 74 –9
12.0 4.0 AM 1301-7R 79 BM 1301-7R 80 FM 1301-7R 80 P
15.0 3.4 AM 1501-7R 79 BM 1501-7R 81 FM 1501-7R 81 D0...D9
24.0 2.0 AM 1601-7R 81 BM 1601-7R 83 FM 1601-7R 82 V0,V2,V3
48.0 1.0 AM 1901-7R 81 BM 1901-7R 83 FM 1901-7R 83 A
12.0 2.0 12.0 2.0 AM 2320-7 77 BM 2320-7 79 FM 2320-7 80 H
15.0 1.7 15.0 1.7 AM 2540-7 78 BM 2540-7 80 FM 2540-7 79 F
5.1 5.0 12.0 0.7 12.0 0.7 AM 3020-7 75 BM 3020-7 76 FM 3020-7 76 U
5.1 5.0 15.0 0.6 15.0 0.6 AM 3040-7 75 BM 3040-7 76 FM 3040-7 76
5.1 8.0 CM 1001-7R 74 DM 1001-7R 74 LM 1001-7R 73 –9
12.0 4.0 CM 1301-7R 80 DM 1301-7R 81 LM 1301-7R 79 E
15.0 3.4 CM 1501-7R 82 DM 1501-7R 82 LM 1501-7R 78 P
24.0 2.0 CM 1601-7R 82 DM 1601-7R 83 LM 1601-7R 81 D0...D9
48.0 1.0 CM 1901-7R 82 DM 1901-7R 83 LM 1901-7R 81 V0,V2,V3
12.0 2.0 12.0 2.0 CM 2320-7 79 DM 2320-7 80 LM 2320-7 77 A
15.0 1.7 15.0 1.7 CM 2540-7 80 DM 2540-7 80 LM 2540-7 78 H
5.1 5.0 12.0 0.7 12.0 0.7 CM 3020-7 76 DM 3020-7 77 LM 3020-7 73 F
5.1 5.0 15.0 0.6 15.0 0.6 CM 3040-7 76 DM 3040-7 76 LM 3040-7 71 U
12.0 2.0 12.0 2.0 CMZ 2320-7 79 DMZ 2320-7 80 LMZ 2320-7 77 A
15.0 1.7 15.0 1.7 CMZ 2540-7 80 DMZ 2540-7 80 LMZ 2540-7 78 H
5.1 5.0 12.0 0.7 12.0 0.7 CMZ 3020-7 76 DMZ 3020-7 77 LMZ 3020-7 73 F
5.1 5.0 15.0 0.6 15.0 0.6 CMZ 3040-7 76 DMZ 3040-7 76 LMZ 3040-7 71 U
1 Efficiency measured at Ui nom and I o nom
Notes: EM types with an input voltage range of 67...385 V DC are available upon request
Remarks: LM types may be operated in AC mode within a frequency range of 47...440 Hz and LMZ types within a fre-
quency range of 47...65 Hz.
If the output circuit of a DC-DC converter is operator-acces- the output circuit. However, it is the sole responsibility of the
sible according to the IEC 950 related safety standards, it installer or user to assure the compliance with the relevant
shall be an SELV circuit (Safety Extra Low Voltage circuit, and applicable safety standards.
i.e. a circuit, separated from mains by at least basic insula- Since the M-family DC-DC converters provide double or re-
tion, that is so designed and protected that under normal inforced insulation between input and output, based on an
and single fault conditions, the voltage between any two input voltage of 250 V AC and 400 V DC, only operational
conductors and between any conductor and earth does not insulation between the AC mains and the input of the DC-
exceed 60 V DC). DC converter is needed according to the following table.
In the following section an interpretation is provided of the If the table below is observed, the output of a DC-DC con-
IEC 950 safety standard with respect to the safety status of verter is considered to be an SELV circuit up to a nominal
output voltage of 36 V.
AM...LM types correspond to class I equipment, while the the fully assembled modules are individually tested for elec-
C/D/LMZ types correspond to class II equipment. tric strength and earth continuity (see "Supplementary
In class I equipment the connector protective earthing pin is Data"). All electric strength tests are performed as factory
leading while it is omitted in class II equipment (no protec- tests.
tive earthing is required). Class II equipment provides rein- The UL 1950 recognition limits the maximum ambient op-
forced insulation between input and output circuitry and erational temperature of the standard modules to TA =
also between input and case. There are two class II Y-ca- TA max –15 K. Option U allows the operation in applications
pacitors connected in series between input and output cir- where the full operational temperature range according to
cuitry instead of having Y-capacitors connected to the case. the relevant data sheet and UL 1950 recognition is re-
During the production process, all transformers and each of quired.
Important Advice
Electric strength tests should not be repeated in the field. Improper test methods, for example overshooting or oscillating
test voltages, voltage slopes exceeding 1 kV/µs, internal Y-capacitors not carefully discharged, etc. can cause severe
damage to switching devices and ICs. Melcher AG will not honour any guarantee/warranty claims resulting from high
voltage field tests.
Installation Instructions
Installation of the power supply must strictly follow the na- – Input to earth impedance is high or undefined
tional safety regulations. To observe the safety require- – Phase and neutral of the mains are not defined (AC-DC
ments according to EN 60950/IEC 950, the module shall be converters)
connected via the female connector type H11 (see section
Reverse polarity at the input of A...D/FM and C/DMZ types
"Accessories"). Other installation methods may not meet
will cause the fuse to blow. In E/LM and LMZ types a series
the safety requirements. A second fuse should be installed
diode will protect the module. A series diode is not incorpo-
in the wiring to pin 29 if:
rated in A...D/FM and C/DMZ types to avoid unwanted
– Local requirements demand an individual fuse in each power loss.
source line
Whenever the inhibit function is not required, pin 2 (i)
should be connected to pin 23 to enable the output(s).
Control input + 1 14 R 14 R
Control input – 17 G 17 G
Output voltage (positive) 20 Vo1+ 20 Vo1+ 20 Vo1+ 20 Vo1+ 20 Vo1+ 20 Vo1+
Output voltage (negative) 23 Vo1– 23 Vo1– 23 Vo1– 23 Vo1– 23 Vo1– 23 Vo1–
Protective earthing 2 26 26 26
AC input voltage 4 29 N 29 N 29 N 29 N 29 N 29 N
AC input voltage 32 P 32 P 32 P 32 P 32 P 32 P
1 This function is not simultaneously available with option P
2 Leading pin (pregrounding)
3 A/B/C/D/E/FM and C/DMZ types
4 LM/LMZ types
Degree of Protection
Condition: Female connector fitted to the unit
IP 40: All units, except those with options P, A, K, D or V with potentiometer adjustment.
IP 30: All units, except those with option P, D or V with potentiometer adjustment.
IP 20: All units fitted with options which include potentiometer setting.
Functional Description
The input voltage is fed via an input fuse, an input filter, a mary switching transistor. This signal is fed back via a cou-
rectifier 3 and an inrush current limiter 4 to the input capaci- pling transformer.
tor. This capacitor sources a single transistor forward con- The auxiliary outputs Uo2 and Uo3 are individually regulated
verter. Each output is powered by a separate secondary by means of secondary switching transistors. Each aux-
winding of the main transformer. The resultant voltages are iliary output's current is sensed using a current transformer.
rectified and their ripples smoothed by a power choke and If one of the outputs is driven into current limit, the other
an output filter. The control logic senses the main output outputs will reduce their output voltages as well because all
voltage Uo1 and generates, with respect to the maximum output currents are controlled by the same control circuit.
admissible output currents, the control signal for the pri-
Y Output 1
29 23
1 2 3
Forward converter
approx. 70 kHz
Input filter
Control Output 2
circuit filter
32 8
Control Output 3
circuit filter
Fig. 1a
DC-DC (AC-DC) converter block diagram, class I equipment
Output 1
29 23
1 2 3
Forward converter
approx. 70 kHz
Input filter
Control Output 2
circuit filter
32 8
Control Output 3
circuit filter
feature R
Characteristics Conditions min typ max min typ max min typ max Unit
Ui Input voltage range Io = 0…Io nom - - 85 264 V AC 1
TC min…TC max 44 220 67 385 88 372 V DC
Ui nom Nominal input voltage 110 220 310
Ii Input current Ui nom , Io nom 2 0.55 0.275 0.20 A
Pi 0 No-load input power: Ui nom
Single output Io1,2,3 = 0 1 1.5 1 1.5 1 1.5 W
Double output 7 9 7 9 7 9
Triple output 6 9 6 9 6 9
Pi inh Idle input power inhibit mode 1.5 1.5 1.5 W
I inr p 6 Peak inrush current Ui = Ui max 110 4 160 4 60 4 A
t inr r Rise time RS = 0 Ω 3 40 40 300 µs
TC = 25°C
t inr h Trailing edge half-life 250 240 900
Ri Input resistance TC = 25°C 2000 4 2400 4 6200 4 mΩ
Ci Input capacitance 140 270 140 270 140 270 µF
Ui abs Input voltage limits 0 400 5 - 400 400 - 400 400 V DC
without any damage
– – – – 0 284 V AC
1 In AC powered mode: LM types: 47...440 Hz; LMZ types: 47...65 Hz
2 With multiple output modules, the same condition for each output applies.
3 R = source resistance.
4 Value for initial switch-on cycle.
5 1 s max., duty cycle 1% max.
6 I
inr p = U i /(R s + Ri )
Input fuse
A fuse holder containing a slow-blow type fuse (Dimension: Table 6: Fuse types (slow-blow)
5 × 20 mm) is mounted in the converter's back plate. The
Series Schurter type Part number
fuse protects the module against severe defects. It may not
fully protect the module at input voltages exceeding AM 1000...3000 SPT 10 A 250 V 0001.2514
200 V DC. In applications where the converters operate at BM 1000...3000 SPT 8 A 250 V 0001.2513
DC source voltages above 200 V DC, an external fuse or a FM 1000...3000 SPT 5 A 250 V 0001.2511
circuit breaker at system level should be installed.
CM/CMZ 1000...3000 SPT 3.15 A 250 V 0001.2509
For applications where the fuse should be inaccessible:
see option F. DM/DMZ 1000...3000 SPT 2.5 A 250 V 0001.2508
EM 1000...3000
LM/LMZ 1000...3000
50; 250
FM 40; 200
30; 150 EM
20; 100 CM/CMZ
10; 50
U i DC
0.10 0 t [ms]
1 2 3 4 5 6 U i min DC
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 A…EM
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 LM
Fig. 2 Fig. 3
Typical input current versus relative input voltage at Typical inrush current at initial switch-on cycle and at
nominal output load Ui max [DC] versus time
u o dc Dynamic cross load U i nom, +10 +10 +10 +20 - mV
regulation 4 Io = -100 -75 -140 -200 -
1/0.33/1•I o nom 3
t dc Dynamic cross load 0.05 0.2 0.5 1 - ms
fig. 5
reg. time constant 4 0.5 0.3 0.7 2 -
α Uo Output voltage TC min...TC max ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.02 %/K
deviation versus
case temperature ±1.0 ±2.4 ±3.0 ±4.8 ±9.6 mV/K
1 With multiple output modules, the same condition for each output applies.
2 Condition for specified output. With multiple output modules, other output(s) loaded with constant current Io = Io nom .
3 Condition for non-specified output, individually tested, other output(s) loaded with constant current I = I
o o nom.
4 Multiple output modules.
Output Protection
Each output is protected against overvoltages which could In parallel operation, one or more of the main outputs may
occur due to a failure of the internal control circuit. Voltage operate continuously in current limit which will cause an in-
suppressor diodes (which under worst case condition may crease in case temperature. Consequently, a reduction of
become a short circuit) provide the required protection. The the max. ambient temperature by 10 K is recommended.
suppressor diodes are not designed to withstand externally Main or auxiliary outputs can be connected in series with
applied overvoltages. Overload at any of the outputs will any other output of the same or another module. In series
cause a shut-down of all outputs. A red LED indicates the connection, the maximum output current is limited by the
overload condition of the respective output. lowest current limit. Output ripple and regulation values are
added. Connection wiring should be kept as short as possi-
Parallel and Series Connection
Main outputs of equal nominal voltage can be connected in
If output terminals are connected together in order to estab-
parallel. It is important to assure that the main output of a
lish multi-voltage configurations, e.g. +5.1 V, ±12 V etc. the
multiple output module is forced to supply a minimum cur-
common ground connecting point should be as close as
rent of 0.1 A to enable correct operation of its own auxiliary
possible to the connector of the converter to avoid exces-
sive output ripple voltages.
Auxiliary outputs should never be connected in parallel!
IoL2,IoL3 uod
td uod
AM...LM and C/D/LMZ td
Io2,Io3 t
0.5 I o/I o nom
0 0 t
0.5 1.0 1.2 Io nom ≥10 µs ≥10 µs
Fig. 4 Fig. 5
Typical output voltage Uo1 versus output currents Io Control deviation of Uo versus dynamic load change
all types all types A...LM 2000 A...LM 3000 A...LM 3000
Uo1/2/3 nom [V] I o1 max [A] I o2 max [A] I o2 max [A] I o3 max [A] TA [°C ] TC [°C ]
5.1 8.0 4.0 1.8 (2.5 1 ) 1.5 –25...71 –25...95
12 4.0 2.0 1.5 1.2
15 3.4 1.7 1.2 1.0
24 2.0 1.0 0.7 0.5
2 5.1 10.0 4.5 2.1 (2.8 1 ) 1.8 –25...60 –25...90
12 5.0 2.5 1.7 1.5
15 4.0 2.0 1.5 1.3
24 2.5 1.3 0.9 0.7
5.1 11.0 5.0 2.4 (3.0 1 ) 2.0 –25...50 –25...85
12 6.0 3.0 2.0 1.7
15 4.6 2.3 1.7 1.5
24 3.0 1.5 1.0 0.8
1 Special high current components required, 2 U i min has to be increased
Inhibit (i Input)
The outputs of the module may be enabled or disabled by The reference for the inhibit signal is the negative pin of
means of a logic signal (TTL, CMOS, etc.) applied to the output 1.
inhibit input. If the inhibit function is not required, connect Iinh [mA]
the inhibit pin 2 to pin 23 to enable the outputs (active low Uinh= 0.8 V Uinh= 2.4 V
logic, fail safe).
Vi+ Vo+
i Iinh 0.4 Uo = on Uo = off
Uinh 0
Vi– Vo– -0.4
-0.8 Uinh [V]
-50 -30 -10 0 10 30 50
-40 -20 20 40
Fig. 6 Fig. 7
Definition of inhibit voltage and current Typical inhibit current I inh versus inhibit voltage U inh
0 t
tr tf
Ui th
0 t
U i DC
0 t 0.10
1 2 3 4 5 6 Ui min DC
Fig. 8 Fig. 9
Output response as a function of input voltage (on/off Typical hold-up time th versus relative input voltage at Io nom
switching) or inhibit control
Table 10: Output response time t r, values not applicable for modules equipped with option E
Type of Converter t r at Po =0 and t f at Po = Po nom t r and t f at Po = 3 / 4 Po nom t r at Po = Po nom Unit
typ max typ max typ max
A...LM 1001-7R and C/D/LMZ 1001-7R 5 10 5 10 10 20 ms
A...LM 1301-7R and C/D/LMZ 1301-7R 10 20 15 30 20 40
A...LM 1501-7R and C/D/LMZ 1501-7R 5 10 10 20 30 60
A...LM 1601-7R and C/D/LMZ 1601-7R 15 30 25 50 40 80
A...LM 1901-7R and C/D/LMZ 1901-7R 65 130 100 200 165 330
A...LM 2320-7 and C/D/LMZ 2320-7 20 40 30 60 50 100
A...LM 2540-7 and C/D/LMZ 2540-7 15 30 20 40 35 70
A...LM 3020-7 and C/D/LMZ 3020-7 55 110 85 170 145 290
A...LM 3040-7 and C/D/LMZ 3040-7 40 80 60 120 100 200
R input not used. For multiple output modules the figures indicated in the table above relate to the output which reacts
slowest. All outputs are resistively loaded. Variation of the input voltage within Ui min...Ui max does not influence the values.
Programmable Voltage (R Input) The value of R'ext should never be less than 47 kΩ to avoid
As a standard feature single output modules offer an damage to the unit! R inputs may be parallel connected, but
adjustable output voltage identified by letter R in the type 1/Rtot = 1/R1 + 1/R2 +.... should be considered.
designation. The control input R (pin 14) accepts either a
control voltage Uext or a resistor Rext to adjust the desired
The R-feature excludes option P (output voltage adjust-
output voltage. When not connected, the control input auto-
ment by potentiometer).
matically sets the output voltage to Uo nom. The control input
is protected against external overvoltage up to 8 V max.
a) Adjustment by means of an external control voltage Uext Vi+ Vo1+
29 20
between pin 14 (R) and pin 17 (G):
The control voltage range is 0...2.75 V and allows an
2.5 V 4 kΩ R
adjustment in the range of approximately 14
Uo = 0...110% Uo nom. +
control Uext
Uext ≈ –––––– • 2.5 V circuit
Uo nom G
b) Adjustment by means of an external resistor:
Depending upon the value of the required output volt- Vi– AM…LM 1000 Vo1–
32 23
age, the resistor shall be connected C/D/LMZ 1000
either: Between pin 14 and pin 17 (Uo < Uo nom) to
achieve an output voltage adjustment range of approx.
Vi+ Vo1+
Uo = 0...100% Uo nom 29 20
R ext ≈ 4 kΩ • ––––––––– R'ext
Uo nom – U o 2.5 V 4 kΩ R
or: Between pin 14 and pin 20 (Uo > Uo nom) to achieve
an output voltage adjustment range of approximately circuit
Uo = 100...110 % of Uo nom.
(U o – 2.5 V) 17
R' ext ≈ 4 kΩ • ––––––––––––––––––
2.5 V • (U o / Uo nom – 1)
Vi– AM…LM 1000 Vo1–
32 C/D/LMZ 1000 23
For output voltages Uo > Uo nom, the minimum input voltage
according to "Electrical Input Data" increases proportionally
Fig. 10
to Uo /Uo nom.
Output voltage control by means of the R input
Table 11a: Rext for Uo < Uo nom (conditions: Ui nom, Io nom, rounded up to resistor values E 96, Rext' = ∞)
Uo nom = 5.1 V Uo nom = 12 V Uo nom = 15 V Uo nom = 24 V Uo nom = 48 V
Uo [V] Rext [kΩ] Uo [V] Rext [kΩ] Uo [V] Rext [kΩ] Uo [V] Rext [kΩ] Uo [V] Rext [kΩ]
0.5 0.432 2.0 0.806 2.0 0.619 4.0 0.806 8.0 0.806
1.0 0.976 3.0 1.33 4.0 1.47 6.0 1.33 12.0 1.33
1.5 1.65 4.0 2.0 6.0 2.67 8.0 2.0 16.0 2.0
2.0 2.61 5.0 2.87 8.0 4.53 10.0 2.87 20.0 2.87
2.5 3.83 6.0 4.02 9.0 6.04 12.0 4.02 24.0 4.02
3.0 5.76 7.0 5.62 10.0 8.06 14.0 5.62 28.0 5.62
3.5 8.66 8.0 8.06 11.0 11.0 16.0 8.06 32.0 8.06
4.0 14.7 9.0 12.1 12.0 16.2 18.0 12.1 36.0 12.1
4.5 30.1 10.0 20.0 13.0 26.1 20.0 20.0 40.0 20.0
5.0 200.0 11.0 44.2 14.0 56.2 22.0 44.2 44.0 44.2
Table 11b: R'ext for Uo > Uo nom (conditions: Ui nom, Io nom, rounded up to resistor values E 96, Rext = ∞)
Uo nom = 5.1 V Uo nom = 12 V Uo nom = 15 V Uo nom = 24 V Uo nom = 48 V
Uo [V] R'ext [kΩ] Uo [V] R'ext [kΩ] Uo [V] R'ext [kΩ] Uo [V] R'ext [kΩ] Uo [V] R'ext [kΩ]
5.15 464 12.1 1780 15.2 1470 24.25 3160 48.5 6810
5.20 215 12.2 909 15.4 750 24.50 1620 49.0 3480
5.25 147 12.3 619 15.6 511 24.75 1100 49.5 2370
5.30 110 12.4 464 15.8 383 25.00 825 50.0 1780
5.35 90.9 12.5 383 16.0 332 25.25 715 50.5 1470
5.40 78.7 12.6 316 16.2 274 25.50 590 51.0 1270
5.45 68.1 12.7 274 16.4 237 25.75 511 51.5 1100
5.50 61.9 12.8 249 16.5 226 26.00 453 52.0 953
13.0 200 26.25 402 52.5 845
13.2 169 26.40 383 52.8 806
Electromagnetic Immunity
Table 12: Immunity type tests
In operation
mode 4
Impulse voltage IEC 255-4 III i/o, i/c, o/c 5000 Vp 1.2/50 µs 500 Ω 3 pos. and 3 neg. no
App. E4 6 +i/–i, +o/–o impulses per
(1976) coupling mode
High frequency IEC 255-4 III i/o, i/c, o/o, o/c 2500 Vp 400 damped 200 Ω 2 s per yes 1
Voltage surge IEC 571-1 3 i/c, +i/–i 800 Vp 100 µs 100 Ω 1 pos. and 1 neg. yes 1
D 1800 Vp 5/50 µs
E 3600 Vp 0.5/5 µs 100 Ω
F 4800 Vp 0.1/1 µs
G 8400 Vp 0.05/0.1 µs
Indirect coupled H i/c 1800 Vp 5/50 µs
transient J 3600 Vp 0.5/5 µs
K 4800 Vp 0.1/1 µs
L 8400 Vp 0.05/0.1 µs
Electrostatic IEC 801-2 4 contact discharge 8000 Vp 1/50 ns 330 Ω 10 positive and yes 1
Transient IEC 801-5 4 i/c 4000 Vp 1.2/50 µs 12 Ω 5 pos. and 5 neg. yes 1
Electromagnetic Emissions
Table 13: Emissions at Ui nom and Io nom (LM/LMZ at 230 V AC)
Types Level:
VDE 0871 VDE 0875 part 3 EN 55011, 1991 1 FCC: 47 CFR 15.xxx
6.78 12.88 EN 55022, 1987 2 15.107 15.103
≤ 30 MHz ≥30 MHz ≤ 30 MHz ≥30 MHz ≤ 30 MHz ≥30 MHz ≤ 30 MHz ≥30 MHz
AM 1000 B B N K B B B B
AM 2000 B B N K B B B B
AM 3000 B A N K B A B A
BM 1000 B B N K B B B B
BM 2000 B B N K B B B B
BM 3000 B A N K B A B A
CM 1000 B B N K B B B B
CM 2000 B B N K B B B B
CM 3000 B A N K B A B A
DM 1000 B B N K B B B B
DM 2000 B B N K B B B B
DM 3000 B A N K B A B A
EM 1000 B B N K B B B B
EM 2000 B B N K B B B B
EM 3000 B A N K B A B A
FM 1000 A B N K B B A B
FM 2000 A B N K B B A B
FM 3000 A A N K B A A A
LM 1000 B B N K B B B B
LM 2000 B B N K B B B B
LM 3000 B A N K B A B A
CMZ 1000 B A N K B A B A
CMZ 2000 - - - - - - - -
[dBµV] [dBµV/m]
100 100
90 90
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
Frequency [MHz]
Frequency [MHz]
Fig. 11a Fig. 11b
Conducted RFI at input according to EN 55011 (quasi peak) Radiated RFI according to EN 55011 (Distance 10 m)
Supplementary Data
Isolation Important Advice
Input to output electric strength tests, in accordance with Testing by applying AC voltages will result in high and
the safety standards IEC 950, EN 60950, VDE 0805 and dangerous leakage currents through the Y-capacitors
EN 41003 are performed as factory tests and should not be (see fig. 1). Melcher will not honour any guarantee/war-
repeated in the field. ranty claims resulting from high voltage field tests. Ref-
erence is also made to chapter: Safety and Installation
Table 14: Electric strength test voltage, insulation resistance, clearance and creepage distances
Characteristic Input/Output Input/Case Input/Case Output/Case Output/Output Unit
a) values according to IEC 950, Class I Class II
b) Product's performance a) b) a) b) a) b) a) b) a) b)
Electric strength DC: 1 s 4243 1 56001 2122 2800 4243 5600 707 1414 – 300 V
test voltage AC: 50 Hz, 1 min 3000 1 4000 1 1500 2000 3000 4000 500 1000 – 200
Insulation resistance at 500 V DC – ≥300 – ≥300 – ≥300 – ≥100 – – MΩ
Clearance and AM/BM 4.0 5.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 1.0 2.0 – 0.9 mm
Creepage distances C...LM and C/D/LMZ 4.0 8.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 1.0 2.0 – 0.9
1 Only subassemblies performance in accordance with IEC 950
leakage currents are added.
∼ LM 1000…LM 3000 LMZ 1000…LMZ 3000
– –
connection to case
MD 1500 Ω
150 nF
Fig. 12
V Definition of leakage currents and measurement proce-
dure by means of the measuring device MD
Description of Options
Table 16: Survey of options
Option Function of Option Characteristic
In order to avoid overload of the series resistor RI the on/off
switching cycle should be limited to 12 s if switched on/off
continuously. There should not be more than 10 start-up
Input Filter
cycles within 20 s at a case temperature of 25°C. Control
If CM and CMZ types are driven by input voltages below FET
35 V DC or LM and LMZ types below 100 V AC, the maxi-
mum case temperature should be derated by 10 K or the to- Rectifier
tal output power should be derated by 20%. EM, LM and (LM/LMZ types) RS RI Ci
LMZ units driven by DC input voltages do not need to be
derated within the full specified input voltage range. Fig. 14
Availability: Option E block diagram
Option E is available for C/E/LM and CMZ/LMZ modules
with a nominal output power of 51 W maximum.
Ii [A]
Ii [A] LM type
12 Ui = 230 V AC
Po = Po nom
Iinr p = Ui / (RS+RI)
10 Capacitor Ci
4 fully charged
CM type Normal operation
8 (FET fully conducting)
Ui = 110 V DC 2
Po = Po nom
6 EM type Capacitor Ci 0
Ui = 110 V DC fully charged
Po = Po nom Normal operation -2
(FET fully conducting)
2 Ii = Po /Ui • η
0 t [ms] t [ms]
0 10 20 t inr 30 40 0 20 tinr 40 60 80
Fig. 15 Fig. 16
Typical inrush current waveforms of a CM and an EM type Typical inrush current waveform of a LM type
Po = Po nom
Po = Po nom
nector pins by the voltage drop ∆Uti across input filter and
Po = 0
Po = 0
rectifier. The threshold level of the D0 and D9 options is fac-
tory adjusted at nominal output current Io nom and at TA =
25°C. The value of ∆Uti depends upon the input voltage
range (AM, BM, ...), threshold level Ut, temperature and in- UD low
put current. The input current is a function of the input volt- Ui
age and the output power. Fig. 19
Definition of Uti, ∆Uti and Uhi (JFET output)
ID low
0 t
UD high
UD low
0 t
th1 tlow min4 tlow min4 tlow min4 thigh min
Uo1 nom th1
0 t
Ui [V DC]
Uti +Uhi
0 t
Input voltage failure Switch-on cycle Input voltage sag Switch-on cycle and subsequent
input voltage failure
Output voltage monitoring
UD high
UD low
0 t
ID high
ID low
0 t
UD high
UD low
0 t
1 See "El. output data", for hold-up time.
tlow min4 2
Uo1 With output voltage monitoring the hold-up time t h = 0
3 The D signal remains high if the D output is connected to
Uo1 nom
Uto +Uho an external source.
Uto 4 t low min = 40...200 ms, typically 80 ms
0 t
Option V ACFAIL signal (VME) Formula for additional external input capacitor
Available for units with Uo1 = 5.1 V. This option defines an 2 • Po • (t h + 0.3 ms) • 100
C i ext = ––––––––––––––––––––– – C i min
undervoltage monitoring circuit for the input or the input and η • (U ti 2 – Ui min2)
main output voltage equivalent to option D and generates
where as:
the ACFAIL signal (V signal) which conforms to the VME
C i min = minimum internal input capacitance [mF], accord-
standard. The low state level of the ACFAIL signal is speci-
ing to the table below
fied at a sink current of IV = 48 mA to UV ≤ 0.6 V (open-col-
C i ext = external input capacitance [mF]
lector output of a NPN transistor). The pull-up resistor feed-
Po = output power [W]
ing the open-collector output should be placed on the VME
η = efficiency [%]
th = hold-up time [ms]
After the ACFAIL signal has gone low, the VME standard U i min = minimum input voltage [V]
requires a hold-up time t h of at least 4 ms before the 5.1 V U ti = threshold level [V]
output drops to 4.875 V when the 5.1 V output is fully
loaded. This hold-up time t h is provided by the internal input Remarks: The threshold level Ut i of option V2 and V3 is ad-
capacitance. Consequently the working input voltage and justed during manufacture to a value according to the table
the threshold level U t i should be adequately above the below. A decoupling diode should be connected in series
minimum input voltage Ui min of the converter so that with the input of A...D/FM converters to avoid the input ca-
enough energy is remaining in the input capacitance. If the pacitance discharging through other loads connected to the
input voltage is below the required level, an external hold- same source voltage. If LM or LMZ units are AC powered,
up capacitor (Ci ext) should be added. an external input capacitor cannot be applied unless an ad-
Formula for threshold level for desired value of t h : ditional rectifier is provided.
Table 20: Available internal input capacitance and factory potentiometer setting of Ut i with resulting hold-up time
Ci min 2.6 0.67 0.37 0.37 0.14 0.14 0.14 mF
Ut i 9.5 19.5 39 39 61 104 120 V DC
Option V operates independently of the built-in input under- voltage(s) exceed(s) Ut + Uh. The threshold level Ut is either
voltage lock-out circuit. A logic "low" signal is generated at adjustable by a potentiometer, accessible through a hole in
pin 5 as soon as one of the monitored voltages drops below the front cover, or is factory adjusted to a determined cus-
the preselected threshold level Ut. The return for this signal tomer specified value.
is Vo1– (pin 23). The V output recovers when the monitored Versions V0, V2 and V3 are available as shown below.
Table 21: Undervoltage monitor functions
V output Monitoring Minimum adjustment range Typical hysteresis U h [% of Ut ]
(VME compatible) of threshold level U t for U t min... Ut max
Ui U o1 U ti U to U hi Uh o
V2 yes no U i min...U i max 1 – 3.0...0.5 -
V3 yes yes U i min...U i max 1 0.95...0.98 U o1 2 3.0...0.5 "0"
V0 yes no U i min...U i max 3 4 - 2.2...0.4 -
yes yes U i min...U i max 3 4 0.95...0.98 U o1 2 2.2...0.4 "0"
1 Threshold level adjustable by potentiometer (not recommended for mobile applications). 2 Fixed value between 95 % and 98% of Uo1
(tracking), output undervoltage monitoring is not a requirement of VME standard. 3 Adjusted at Io nom.
4 Fixed value, resistor-adjusted (±2% at 25 °C) acc. to customer's specifications; individual type number is determined by Melcher.
Po = Po nom
Po = Po nom
rectifier. The threshold level of option V0 is factory adjusted
Po = 0
Po = 0
at Io nom and TA = 25 °C. The value of ∆U t i depends upon the
input voltage range (AM, BM, ...), threshold level U ti , tem-
perature and input current. The input current is a function of
input voltage and output power. U V low
Fig. 22
Definition of Uti, ∆Ut i and Uhi
UV low
0 t
UV low
0 t
th 1 th 1
5.1 V
4.875 V
2.0 V
0 t
Ui [V DC]
Uti + Uhi
0 t
Input voltage failure Switch-on cycle Input voltage sag Switch-on cycle and subsequent
input voltage failure
Output voltage monitoring
UV high
4 4
UV low
t low min 2
3 3
UV high
UV low
5.1 V
4.875 V
2.0 V
0 1 VME request: minimum 4 ms
2 t low min = 40...200 ms, typically 80 ms
Ui 3 U level not defined at U
V o1 < 2.0 V
4 The V signal drops simultaneously with the output voltage, if the
Uti + Uhi
Uti pull-up resistor RP is connected to Vo1+. The V signal remains
high if RP is connected to an external source.
Unit operating
Eb Continuous shock DIN 40046 part 26 Acceleration amplitude: 40 gn = 392 m/s2
(half-sinusoidal) IEC 68-2-29 Bump duration: 6 ms
MIL-STD-810D section 516.3 Number of bumps: 6000 (1000 each direction)
Unit operating
Fc Vibration DIN 40046 part 8 Frequency (1 Oct/min): 10...2000 Hz
(sinusoidal) IEC 68-2-6 Maximum vibration amplitude: 0.35 mm (10...60 Hz)
MIL-STD-810D section 514.3 Acceleration amplitude: 5 gn = 49 m/s 2
Test duration: 7.5 h (2.5 h each axis)
Unit operating
Fda Random vibration DIN 40046 part 23 Acceleration spectral density: 0.05 g2 /Hz
wide band IEC 68-2-35 Frequency band: 20...500 Hz
reproducibility high Acceleration magnitude: 4.9 grms
Test duration: 3 h (1 h each axis)
Unit not operating
Kb Salt mist DIN 40046 part 105 Concentration: 5% (30°C)
cyclic IEC 68-2-52 Duration: 2 h per cycle
(sodium chloride NaCl Storage: 40°C, 93% rel. humidity
solution) Storage duration: 22 h per cycle
Number of cycles: 3
Unit not operating
Thermal considerations
Table 23: Temperature specifications, values given are for an air pressure of 800...1200 hPa (800...1200 mbar)
Characteristic min max Unit
TA Standard operational ambient temperature range -7, (MIL-STD-810D sections 501.2 and 502.2) –25 71 °C
TA Extended operational ambient temperature range -9, (MIL-STD-810D sections 501.2 and 502.2) –40 71
TC Standard operational case temperature range -7, overtemp. lock-out (PTC) at TC > 95°C –25 95
TC Extended operational case temperature range -9, overtemp. lock-out (PTC) at TC > 95°C –40 95
TS Storage temperature range -7, (MIL-STD-810D sections 501.2 and 502.2) –40 100
TS Extended storage temperature range -9, (MIL-STD-810D sections 501.2 and 502.2) –55 100
Fig. 24
Output derating versus ambient temperature under con-
vection and forced cooling conditions
Table 24: MTBF
Values at specified Module Types Ground Benign Ground Fixed Ground Mobile Unit
Case Temperature 40°C 40°C 70°C 50°C
MTBF 1 A...LM 1000 and C/D/LMZ 1000 320'000 130'000 40'000 35'000 h
A...LM 2000 and C/D/LMZ 2000 255'000 105'000 32'000 28'000
A...LM 3000 and C/D/LMZ 3000 225'000 80'000 28'000 25'000
Device hours 2 A...LM 1000 and C/D/LMZ 1000 880'000
A...LM 2000 and C/D/LMZ 2000 720'000
A...LM 3000 and C/D/LMZ 3000 740'000
1 Calculated in accordance with MIL-HDBK-217E (calculation according to edition F would show even better results)
2 Statistical values, based on an average of 4300 working hours per year and in general field use, over 3 years
Mechanical Data
Dimensions in mm. Tolerances ±0.3 mm unless otherwise indicated. European
Male connector H 11 according to DIN 41 612
100 ±0.6
Front plate
M 3; depth = 4 mm
(chassis mount)
168.5 ±0.5
Mounting plane of
connector H11
(11.6) 88
111.2 ±0.8
Back plate
94.5 ±0.1
95 ±0.5
31.5 ±0.1
ø 3.5
ø 4.0
(operational) –40…71°C .............. -9
customer specific ........ -0...-6
Output voltage control input (single output modules only) R 2
Inrush current limitation (C/E/LM and C/LMZ only) ......... E
Potentiometers for fine adjustment of output voltages ..... P 2
Save data signal (D0...D9, to be specified) ..................... D 3
ACFAIL signal (V0, V2, V3, to be specified) .................... V 3
Output voltage test sockets .............................................. A
Increased electric strength test voltage (O/C) ................. H
Input fuse built-in (not accessible) ................................... F
UL recognized component for TA max ............................... U
1 EM types upon custom specifications available
2 Feature R excludes option P and vice versa
3 Option D excludes option V and vice versa
Example: CM 2540-7PD3A: DC-DC converter, input voltage range 28...140 V, providing output 1 with 15 V/1.7 A and
output 2 with 15 V/1.7 A; equipped with potentiometers, undervoltage monitor and test sockets.
Accessories: Front panels, female connectors, mounting facilities, etc. please refer to section "Accessories".
Class I Equipment
Single output: series LM 1000
Dual output: series LM 2000
Triple output: series LM 3000
Class II Equipment (double insulation)
Single output: series LMZ 1000
Dual output: series LMZ 2000
Triple output: series LMZ 3000
The M-family of AC-DC (DC-DC) converters represents a Full input to output, input to case, output to case and output
broad and flexible range of power supplies for use in ad- to output isolation is provided. The modules are designed
vanced industrial electronic systems. Features include high and built according to the international safety standard
efficiency, reliability, low output voltage noise and excellent IEC 950 and have been approved by the safety agencies
dynamic response to load/line changes due to individual LGA (Germany) and UL (USA). The UL Mark for Canada
regulation of each output. has been officially recognized by regulatory authorities in
The converter inputs are protected against surges and tran- provinces across Canada.
sients occuring at the Input. An input over- and under- The case design allows operation at nominal load up to an
voltage cut-out circuitry disables the outputs if the input ambient temperature of 71 °C in free air. If forced cooling is
voltage is outside the specified range. These types include provided, the ambient temperature may exceed 71 °C but
an inrush current limitation preventing circuit breakers and the case temperature should remain below 95°C under all
fuses from being damaged at switch-on. conditions.
All outputs are open- and short-circuit proof and are pro- A temperature sensor generates an inhibit signal which
tected against overvoltages by means of built-in suppres- disables the outputs if the case temperature TC exceeds the
sor diodes. The outputs can be inhibited by a logic signal limit. The outputs are automatically re-enabled when the
applied to the connector pin 2 (i). If the inhibit function is not temperature drops below the limit.
used pin 2 should be connected with pin 23 to enable the Various options are available to adapt the converters to in-
outputs. dividual applications.
LED indicators display the status of the converter and allow The modules may either be plugged into 19 inch rack sys-
visual monitoring of the system at any time. tems according to DIN 41494, or be chassis mounted.
Case: aluminium, black finish, self cooling.
Dimensions: 38.7 × 111.2 × 168.5 mm. Weight: 770 g
Type Survey
Options see "Descriptions of Options"
General note
The type survey tables provide an overview of the basic input and output configurations. More than 500 different types
have been manufactured providing different output configurations and customized specialities. Please consult Melcher's
field sales engineers for specific requirements. The best technical solution will carefully be considered and a detailed pro-
posal submitted.
Table 1: Class I equipment
Output 1 Output 2 Output 3 Input Voltage Range and Efficiency 1 Option
Uo nom I o nom Uo nom Io nom Uo nom Io nom Ui min...Ui max η min
V DC A V DC A V DC A 85…264 V AC/47...440 Hz %
(88…372 V DC)
5.1 8.0 LM 1001-7R 73 –9
12.0 4.0 LM 1301-7R 79 E
15.0 3.4 LM 1501-7R 78 P
24.0 2.0 LM 1601-7R 81 D0...D9
48.0 1.0 LM 1901-7R 81 V0,V2,V3
12.0 2.0 12.0 2.0 LM 2320-7 77 A
15.0 1.7 15.0 1.7 LM 2540-7 78 H
5.1 5.0 12.0 0.7 12.0 0.7 LM 3020-7 73 F
5.1 5.0 15.0 0.6 15.0 0.6 LM 3040-7 71 U
If the output circuit of an AC-DC converter is operator-ac- In the following section an interpretation is provided of the
cessible according to the IEC 950 related safety standards, IEC 950 safety standard with respect to the safety status of
it shall be an SELV circuit (Safety Extra Low Voltage circuit, the output circuit. However, it is the sole responsibility of
i.e. a circuit, separated from mains by at least basic insula- the installer or user to assure the compliance with the re-
tion, that is so designed and protected such that under nor- levant and applicable safety standards:
mal and single fault conditions, the voltage between any two If the AC-DC converter is installed according to the relevant
conductors and between any conductor and earth does not safety regulations its outputs are considered to be SELV
exceed 60 V DC). circuits up to a nominal output voltage of 36 V.
LM types correspond to class I equipment, while the LMZ During the production process, all transformers and each of
types correspond to class II equipment. the fully assembled modules are individually tested for elec-
In class I equipment the connector protective earthing pin is tric strength and earth continuity (see "Supplementary
leading while it is omitted in class II equipment (no protec- Data"). All electric strength tests are performed as factory
tive earthing is required). Class II equipment provides rein- tests.
forced insulation between input and output circuitry and The UL 1950 recognition limits the maximum ambient op-
also between input and case. There are two class II Y-ca- erational temperature of the standard modules to TA =
pacitors connected in series between input and output cir- TA max –15 K. Option U allows the operation in applications
cuitry instead of having Y-capacitors connected to the case. where the full operational temperature range according to
the relevant data sheet and UL 1950 recognition is re-
Important Advice
Electric strength tests should not be repeated in the field. Improper test methods, for example overshooting or oscillating
test voltages, voltage slopes exceeding 1 kV/µs, internal Y-capacitors not carefully discharged, etc. can cause severe
damage to switching devices and ICs. Melcher AG will not honour any guarantee/warranty claims resulting from high
voltage field tests.
Installation Instructions
Installation of the power supply must strictly follow the na- – Local requirements demand an individual fuse in each
tional safety regulations. To observe the safety require- source line
ments according to EN 60950/IEC 950, the module shall be – Neutral to earth impedance is high or undefined
connected via the female connector type H11 (see section
– Phase and neutral of the mains are not defined
"Accessories"). Other installation methods may not meet
the safety requirements. A second fuse should be installed Whenever the inhibit function is not required, pin 2 (i)
in the wiring to pin 29 if: should be connected to pin 23 to enable the output(s).
Control input + 1 14 R 14 R
Control input – 17 G 17 G
Protective earthing 2 26 26 26
AC input voltage 3 29 N 29 N 29 N 29 N 29 N 29 N
AC input voltage 32 P 32 P 32 P 32 P 32 P 32 P
Degree of Protection
Condition: Female connector fitted to the unit
IP 40: All units, except those with options P, A, K, D or V with potentiometer adjustment.
IP 30: All units, except those with option P, D or V with potentiometer adjustment.
IP 20: All units fitted with options which include potentiometer setting.
Leakage Currents and Insulation
Please refer to "Supplementary Data"
Functional Description
The input voltage is fed via an input fuse, an input filter, a mary switching transistor. This signal is fed back via a cou-
rectifier and an inrush current limiter to the input capacitor. pling transformer.
This capacitor sources a single transistor forward con- The auxiliary outputs Uo2 and Uo3 are individually regulated
verter. Each output is powered by a separate secondary by means of secondary switching transistors. Each auxili-
winding of the main transformer. The resultant voltages are ary output's current is sensed using a current transformer. If
rectified and their ripples smoothed by a power choke and one of the outputs is driven into current limit, the other out-
an output filter. The control logic senses the main output puts will reduce their output voltages as well because all
voltage Uo1 and generates, with respect to the maximum output currents are controlled by the same control circuit.
admissible output currents, the control signal for the pri-
P (option)
Y Output 1
filter 23
Forward converter
approx. 70 kHz
Input filter
Control Output 2
circuit filter
1 17
32 NTC 8
Control Output 3
circuit filter
Fig. 1a
AC-DC (DC-DC) converter block diagram, class I equipment
P (option)
Output 1
filter 23
Forward converter
approx. 70 kHz
Input filter
Control Output 2
circuit filter 17
32 NTC 8
Control Output 3
circuit filter
Input fuse
A fuse holder containing a slow-blow type fuse (Dimension: Table 5: Fuse type (slow-blow)
5 × 20 mm) is mounted in the converter's back plate. The
Series Schurter type Part number
fuse protects the module against severe defects. It may not
fully protect the module at input voltages exceeding LM/LMZ 1000...3000 SPT 2.5 A 250 V 0001.2508
200 V DC. In applications where the converters operate at
Inrush Current
DC source voltages above 200 V DC, an external fuse or a
circuit breaker at system level should be installed. The modules incorporate an NTC resistor in the input cir-
For applications where the fuse should be inaccessible: cuitry which (during the initial switch-on cycle) limits the
see option F. peak inrush current to avoid damage to connectors and
switching devices. Subsequent switch-on cycles within a
Input Under-/Overvoltage Cut-out short interval will cause an increase of the peak inrush cur-
If the input voltage remains below 0.8 Ui min or exceeds rent due to the warming up of the NTC resistor. Refer also
1.1Ui max (approx. values), an internally generated inhibit to option E description.
signal disables the output(s). When checking this function
the absolute maximum input voltage rating Ui abs must be
carefully considered (see table "Input Data").
Ii [A]
Ii [A]
____ 0 t [ms]
0.10 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 Ui min DC
Fig. 2 Fig. 3
Typical input current versus relative input voltage at Typical inrush current at initial switch-on cycle and at
nominal output load Ui max (DC) versus time
Output Protection
Each output is protected against overvoltages which could In parallel operation, one or more of the main outputs may
operate continuously in current limit which will cause an in-
occur due to a failure of the internal control circuit. Voltage
suppressor diodes (which under worst case condition may crease in case temperature. Consequently, a reduction of
become a short circuit) provide the required protection. The the max. ambient temperature by 10 K is recommended.
suppressor diodes are not designed to withstand externally Main or auxiliary outputs can be connected in series with
applied overvoltages. Overload at any of the outputs will any other output of the same or another module. In series
cause a shut-down of all outputs. A red LED indicates the connection, the maximum output current is limited by the
overload condition of the respective output. lowest current limit. Output ripple and regulation values are
added. Connection wiring should be kept as short as possi-
Parallel and Series Connection
Main outputs of equal nominal voltage can be connected in
If output terminals are connected together in order to estab-
parallel. It is important to assure that the main output of a
lish multi-voltage configurations, e.g. +5.1 V, ±12 V etc. the
multiple output module is forced to supply a minimum cur-
common ground connecting point should be as close as
rent of 0.1 A to enable correct operation of its own auxiliary
possible to the connector of the converter to avoid exces-
sive output voltage noise.
Auxiliary outputs should never be connected in parallel!
IoL2,IoL3 uod
td uod
Io2,Io3 t
0.5 I o/I o nom
0 0 t
0.5 1.0 1.2 Io nom ≥10 µs ≥10 µs
Fig. 4 Fig. 5
Typical output voltage Uo1 versus output currents Io Control deviation of Uo versus dynamic load change
Inhibit (i Input)
The outputs of the module may be enabled or disabled by The reference for the inhibit signal is the negative pin of
means of a logic signal (TTL, CMOS, etc.) applied to the output 1.
inhibit input. If the inhibit function is not required, connect Iinh [mA]
the inhibit pin 2 to pin 23 to enable the outputs (active low Uinh= 0.8 V Uinh= 2.4 V
logic, fail safe).
Vi+ Vo+
Iinh 0.4 Uo = on Uo = off
Vi– Vo– -0.4
-0.8 Uinh [V]
-50 -30 -10 0 10 30 50
-40 -20 20 40
Fig. 6 Fig. 7
Definition of inhibit voltage and current Typical inhibit current I inh versus inhibit voltage U inh
Output 1000.00
Uo nom
0.95Uo nom
0 t
tr tf 100.00
Ui th
0 t 10.00
U i DC
0 t 1.00
1 2 3 4 5 6 Ui min DC
Fig. 8 Fig. 9
Output response as a function of input voltage (on/off Typical hold-up time th versus relative input voltage at Io nom
switching) or inhibit control
Table 9: Output response time tr , values not applicable for modules equipped with option E
Type of Converter t r at Po =0 and t f at Po = Po nom t r and t f at Po = 3 / 4 Po nom t r at Po = Po nom Unit
typ max typ max typ max
LM/LMZ 1001-7R 5 10 5 10 10 20 ms
LM/LMZ 1301-7R 10 20 15 30 20 40
LM/LMZ 1501-7R 5 10 10 20 30 60
LM/LMZ 1601-7R 15 30 25 50 40 80
LM/LMZ 1901-7R 65 130 100 200 165 330 10.1
LM/LMZ 2320-7 20 40 30 60 50 100
LM/LMZ 2540-7 15 30 20 40 35 70
LM/LMZ 3020-7 55 110 85 170 145 290
LM/LMZ 3040-7 40 80 60 120 100 200
R input not used. For multiple output modules the figures indicated in the table above relate to the output which reacts
slowest. All outputs are resistively loaded. Variation of the input voltage within Ui min...Ui max does not influence the values.
Programmable Voltage (R Input) The value of R'ext should never be less than 47 kΩ to avoid
As a standard feature single output modules offer an ad- damage to the unit! R inputs may be parallel connected, but
justable output voltage identified by letter R in the type desi- 1/Rtot = 1/R1 + 1/R2 +.... should be considered.
gnation. The control input R (pin 14) accepts either a con-
trol voltage Uext or a resistor Rext to adjust the desired out-
put voltage. When not connected, the control input auto- The R feature excludes option P (output voltage adjustment
matically sets the output voltage to Uo nom. The control input by potentiometer).
is protected against external overvoltage up to 8 V max.
a) Adjustment by means of an external control voltage Uext
between pin 14 (R) and pin 17 (G): N Vo1+
29 20
The control voltage range is 0...2.75 V and allows an
adjustment in the range of approximately 2.5 V 4 kΩ R
Uo = 0...110% Uo nom. 14
Uo control
Uext ≈ –––––– • 2.5 V circuit
Uo nom –
b) Adjustment by means of an external resistor:
Depending upon the value of the required output volt-
P Vo1–
age, the resistor shall be connected 32 23
either: Between pin 14 and pin 17 (Uo < Uo nom) to
achieve an output voltage adjustment range of approx.
Uo = 0...100% Uo nom N Vo1+
29 20
R ext ≈ 4 kΩ • ––––––––– R'ext
Uo nom – U o 2.5 V 4 kΩ R
or: Between pin 14 and pin 20 (Uo > Uo nom) to achieve
an output voltage adjustment range of approximately Rext
Uo = 100...110 % of Uo nom.
(U o – 2.5 V) 17
R' ext ≈ 4 kΩ • ––––––––––––––––––
2.5 V • (U o / Uo nom – 1)
P Vo1–
32 23
For output voltages Uo > Uo nom, the minimum input voltage
according to "Electrical Input Data" increases proportionally
Fig. 10
to Uo /Uo nom.
Output voltage control by means of the R input
Table 10a: Rext for Uo < Uo nom (conditions: Ui nom, Io nom, rounded up to resistor values E 96); R'ext = ∞
Uo nom = 5.1 V Uo nom = 12 V Uo nom = 15 V Uo nom = 24 V Uo nom = 48 V
Uo [V] Rext [kΩ] Uo [V] Rext [kΩ] Uo [V] Rext [kΩ] Uo [V] Rext [kΩ] Uo [V] Rext [kΩ]
0.5 0.432 2.0 0.806 2.0 0.619 4.0 0.806 8.0 0.806
1.0 0.976 3.0 1.33 4.0 1.47 6.0 1.33 12.0 1.33
1.5 1.65 4.0 2.0 6.0 2.67 8.0 2.0 16.0 2.0
2.0 2.61 5.0 2.87 8.0 4.53 10.0 2.87 20.0 2.87
2.5 3.83 6.0 4.02 9.0 6.04 12.0 4.02 24.0 4.02
3.0 5.76 7.0 5.62 10.0 8.06 14.0 5.62 28.0 5.62
3.5 8.66 8.0 8.06 11.0 11.0 16.0 8.06 32.0 8.06
4.0 14.7 9.0 12.1 12.0 16.2 18.0 12.1 36.0 12.1
4.5 30.1 10.0 20.0 13.0 26.1 20.0 20.0 40.0 20.0
5.0 200.0 11.0 44.2 14.0 56.2 22.0 44.2 44.0 44.2
Table 10b: R'ext for Uo > Uo nom (conditions: Ui nom, Io nom, rounded up to resistor values E 96); Rext = ∞
Uo nom = 5.1 V Uo nom = 12 V Uo nom = 15 V Uo nom = 24 V Uo nom = 48 V
Uo [V] R'ext [kΩ] Uo [V] R'ext [kΩ] Uo [V] R'ext [kΩ] Uo [V] R'ext [kΩ] Uo [V] R'ext [kΩ]
5.15 464 12.1 1780 15.2 1470 24.25 3160 48.5 6810
5.20 215 12.2 909 15.4 750 24.50 1620 49.0 3480
5.25 147 12.3 619 15.6 511 24.75 1100 49.5 2370
5.30 110 12.4 464 15.8 383 25.00 825 50.0 1780
5.35 90.9 12.5 383 16.0 332 25.25 715 50.5 1470
5.40 78.7 12.6 316 16.2 274 25.50 590 51.0 1270
5.45 68.1 12.7 274 16.4 237 25.75 511 51.5 1100
5.50 61.9 12.8 249 16.5 226 26.00 453 52.0 953
13.0 200 26.25 402 52.5 845
13.2 169 26.40 383 52.8 806
Electromagnetic Immunity
Table 11: Immunity type tests
In operation
mode 4
Impulse voltage IEC 255-4 III i/o, i/c, o/c 5000 Vp 1.2/50 µs 500 Ω 3 pos. and 3 neg. no
App. E4 5 +i/–i, +o/–o impulses per
(1976) coupling mode
High frequency IEC 255-4 III i/o, i/c, o/o, o/c 2500 Vp 400 damped 200 Ω 2 s per yes 1
Voltage surge IEC 571-1 3 i/c, +i/–i 800 Vp 100 µs 100 Ω 1 pos. and 1 neg. yes 1
3000 Vp 5 µs
4000 Vp 1 µs
7000 Vp 100 ns
Supply related RIA 12 B +i/–i 1.5• Ubatt 1s 0.2 Ω 1 positive yes 1
Transient IEC 801-5 4 i/c 4000 Vp 1.2/50 µs 12 Ω 5 pos. and 5 neg. yes 1
1 Normal operation, no deviation from specifications 2 Normal operation, temporary deviation from specs possible
3 Will be replaced by EN 50155 4 i = input, o = output, c = case
5 In correspondence with DIN 57435 part 303 and VDE 0435 part 303 (1984-09)
Electromagnetic Emissions
Table 12: Emissions at U i = 230 V AC and Io nom
Types Level:
VDE 0871 VDE 0875 part 3 EN 55011, 1991 1 FCC: 47 CFR 15.xxx
6.78 12.88 EN 55022, 1987 2 15.107 15.103
≤ 30 MHz ≥30 MHz ≤ 30 MHz ≥30 MHz ≤ 30 MHz ≥30 MHz ≤ 30 MHz ≥30 MHz
LM 1000 B B N K B B B B
LM 2000 B B N K B B B B
LM 3000 B A N K B A B A
LMZ 1000 >A >A G K A >A >A >A
LMZ 2000 - - - - - - - -
LMZ 3000 A >A N N B >A A >A
1 Identical with CISPR 11 (1990-09) and VDE 0875 part 11 (1992-07)
2 Identical with CISPR 22 (1985) and VDE 0878 part 3 (1989-11)
100 100
90 90
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
Frequency [MHz]
Frequency [MHz]
Fig. 11a Fig. 11b
Conducted RFI at input according to EN 55011 (quasi peak) Radiated RFI according to EN 55011 (Distance 10 m)
Supplementary Data
Isolation Important Advice
Input to output electric strength tests, in accordance with Testing by applying AC voltages will result in high and
the safety standards IEC 950, EN 60950, VDE 0805 and dangerous leakage currents through the Y-capacitors
EN 41003 are performed as factory tests and should not be (see fig. 1). Melcher will not honour any guarantee/war-
repeated in the field. ranty claims resulting from high voltage field tests. Ref-
erence is also made to chapter: "Safety and Installation
Table 13: Electric strength test voltage, insulation resistance, clearance and creepage distances
Characteristic Input/Output Input/Case Input/Case Output/Case Output/Output Unit
a) values according to IEC 950, Class I Class II
b) Product's performance a) b) a) b) a) b) a) b) a) b)
Electric strength DC: 1 s 4243 1 5600 1 2122 2800 4243 5600 707 1414 – 300 V
test voltage 1 1
AC: 50 Hz, 1 min 3000 4000 1500 2000 3000 4000 500 1000 – 200
Insulation resistance at 500 V DC – ≥300 – ≥300 – ≥300 – ≥100 – – MΩ
Clearance and 4.0 8.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 1.0 2.0 – 0.9 mm
Creepage distances
1 Only subassemblies performance in accordance with IEC 950
∼ LM 1000…LM 3000 LMZ 1000…LMZ 3000
– –
connection to case
MD 1500 Ω
150 nF
Fig. 12
V Definition of leakage currents and measurement proce-
dure by means of the measuring device MD
Description of Options
Table 15: Survey of options
Option Function of Option Characteristic
–9 Extended operational ambient temperature range TA = –40...71°C
E Electronic inrush current limitation circuitry Extended inrush current limitation
P1 Potentiometer for fine adjustment of output voltage Adjustment range ±5% of U o nom, excludes R input
D 2 Input and/or output undervoltage monitoring circuitry Safe data signal output (D0...D9)
V23 Input and/or output undervoltage monitoring circuitry ACFAIL signal according to VME specifications (V0, V2, V3)
A Test sockets at front panel for check of output voltage Uo internally measured at the connector terminals
H Enhanced output to case electric strength test voltage 2000 V AC (standard: 1000 V AC)
F Input fuse built-in internally Fuse not externally accessible
U UL recognized full ambient temperature range Full temperature range according to temperature suffix
1 Function R excludes option P and vice versa 2 Option D excludes option V and vice versa
3 Only available if main output voltage Uo1 = 5.1 V
rent waveforms of units equipped with this option are 2 (FET fully conducting)
shown below.
Precautions: 0
In order to avoid overload of the series resistor RI the on/off
switching cycle should be limited to 12 s if switched on/off -2
continuously. There should not be more than 10 start-up
cycles within 20 s at a case temperature of 25 °C. -4
If the modules are driven by an input voltage below
100 V AC, the maximum case temperature should be -6
derated by 10 K or the total output power should be derated t [ms]
by 20 %. Units driven by DC input voltages do not need to
be derated within the full specified input voltage range. 0 20 tinr 40 60 80
Availability: Fig. 14
Option E is available with a nominal output power of 51 W Typical inrush current waveform of a LM type
Input Filter
Ui = 230 VAC typ max
Iinr p Peak inrush current 6 10 A
tinr Inrush current duration 35 50 ms
Rectifier RS RI Ci
Fig. 15
Option E block diagram
Option D Undervoltage Monitor
The input and/or output undervoltage monitoring circuit op- The threshold level Ut is either adjustable by a potentio-
erates independently of the built-in input undervoltage lock- meter, accessible through a hole in the front cover, or is fac-
out circuit. A logic "low" (JFET output) or "high" signal (NPN tory adjusted to a fixed value specified by the customer.
output) is generated at pin 5 as soon as one of the moni- Option D exists in various versions D0...D9 as shown in the
tored voltages drops below the preselected threshold level following table.
Ut. The return for this signal is Vo1– (pin 23). The D output
recovers when the monitored voltage(s) exceed(s) Ut+Uh.
Po = Po nom
Po = Po nom
drop ∆Uti across input filter and rectifier. The threshold level
Po = 0
Po = 0
of the D0 and D9 options is factory adjusted at nominal out-
put current Io nom and at TA = 25 °C. The value of ∆Uti de-
pends upon the threshold level Ut, temperature and input
current. The input current is a function of the input voltage UD low
and the output power. Ui
Fig. 18
Definition of Uti, ∆Uti and Uhi (JFET output)
Input voltage monitoring
UD high
3 3 3 3
UD low
0 t
ID high
ID low
0 t
UD high
UD low
0 t
th1 tlow min4 tlow min4 tlow min4 thigh min
Uo1 nom th1
0 t
Ui [V DC]
Uti +Uhi
0 t
Input voltage failure Switch-on cycle Input voltage sag Switch-on cycle and subsequent
input voltage failure
Output voltage monitoring
UD high
UD low
0 t
ID high
ID low
0 t
UD high
UD low
0 t
tlow min4 1 See "El. output data" for hold-up time.
Uo1 2
Uo1 nom With output voltage monitoring the hold-up time t h = 0
3 The D signal remains high if the D output is connected to
Uto +Uho
Uto an external source.
4 t low min = 40...200 ms, typically 80 ms
0 t
Fig. 19
Relationship between Ui, Uo1, UD, ID and Uo1/Uo nom versus time.
Option V ACFAIL signal (VME) If the input voltage is below the required level, an external
Available for units with Uo1= 5.1 V hold-up capacitor (Ci ext) should be added. If the units are
AC powered, an external input capacitor cannot be applied
This option defines an undervoltage monitoring circuit for
unless an additional rectifier is provided.
the input or the input and main output voltage equivalent to
option D and generates the ACFAIL signal (V signal) which Formula for additional external input capacitor
conforms to the VME standard. 2 • Po • ( t h + 0.3 ms) • 100
C i ext = ––––––––––––––––––––– – C i min
The low state level of the ACFAIL signal is specified at a η • (U ti 2 – Ui min2)
sink current of IV = 48 mA to UV ≤ 0.6 V (open-collector out- whereas:
put of a NPN transistor). The pull-up resistor feeding the C i min = minimum internal input capacitance [mF], accord-
open-collector output should be placed on the VME back- ing to the table below
plane. C i ext = external input capacitance [mF]
After the ACFAIL signal has gone low, the VME standard Po = output power [W]
requires a hold-up time t h of at least 4 ms before the 5.1 V η = efficiency [%]
output drops to 4.875 V when the 5.1 V output is fully th = hold-up time [ms]
loaded. This hold-up time t h is provided by the internal input U i min = minimum input voltage [V]
capacitance. Consequently the working input voltage and U ti = threshold level [V]
the threshold level U ti should be adequately above the mini-
mum input voltage Ui min of the converter so that enough Remarks:
energy is remaining in the input capacitance.
The threshold level Uti of option V2 and V3 is adjusted dur-
Formula for threshold level for desired value of t h: ing manufacture to a value according to the table below.
2 • Po • (t h + 0.3 ms) • 100 Option V operates independently of the built-in input under-
U ti = ––––––––––––––––––––– + U i min2
C i min • η voltage lock-out circuit. A logic "low" signal is generated at
pin 5 as soon as one of the monitored voltages drops below
Table 19: Available internal input capacitance and factory the preselected threshold level Ut. The return for this signal
potentiometer setting of Uti with resulting hold-up time is Vo1– (pin 23). The V output recovers when the monitored
voltage(s) exceed(s) Ut + U h. The threshold level Ut is either
Types LM/LMZ Unit
adjustable by a potentiometer, accessible through a hole in
Ci min 0.14 mF the front cover, or is factory adjusted to a determined cus-
Uti 120 V DC tomer specified value.
Versions V0, V2 and V3 are available as shown below.
th 8.18 ms
Po = Po nom
Po = Po nom
of option V0 is factory adjusted at Io nom and TA = 25°C. The
Po = 0
Po = 0
value of ∆U ti depends upon the threshold level U ti , tem-
perature and input current. The input current is a function of
input voltage and output power.
UV low
Fig. 21
Definition of Uti, ∆Uti and Uhi
UV low
0 t
UV low
0 t
th 1 th 1
5.1 V
4.875 V
2.0 V
0 t
Ui [V DC]
Uti + Uhi
0 t
Input voltage failure Switch-on cycle Input voltage sag Switch-on cycle and subsequent
input voltage failure
Output voltage monitoring
UV high
4 4
UV low
t low min 2
3 3
UV high
UV low
5.1 V
4.875 V
2.0 V
1 VME request: minimum 4 ms
Ui 2 t low min = 40...200 ms, typically 80 ms
3 U level not defined at U
V o1 < 2.0 V
Uti + Uhi 4 The V signal drops simultaneously with the output voltage, if the
pull-up resistor Rp is connected to Vo1+. The V signal remains
high if Rp is connected to an external source.
Output voltage failure
Fig. 22
Relationship between U i, Uo1, U V, I V and Uo1 / Uo nom versus time.
Thermal considerations
Table 22: Temperature specifications, values given are for an air pressure of 800...1200 hPa (800...1200 mbar)
Characteristic min max Unit
TA Standard operational ambient temperature range -7, (MIL-STD-810D sections 501.2 and 502.2) –25 71 °C
TA Extended operational ambient temperature range -9, (MIL-STD-810D sections 501.2 and 502.2) –40 71
TC Standard operational case temperature range -7, overtemp. lock-out (PTC) at TC > 95°C –25 95
TC Extended operational case temperature range -9, overtemp. lock-out (PTC) at TC > 95°C –40 95
TS Storage temperature range -7, (MIL-STD-810D sections 501.2 and 502.2) –40 100
TS Extended storage temperature range -9, (MIL-STD-810D sections 501.2 and 502.2) –55 100
Mechanical Data
Dimensions in mm. Tolerances ±0.3 mm unless otherwise indicated. European
12.1 ±0.5
Male connector H 11 according to DIN 41 612
100 ±0.6
Front plate
M 3; depth = 4 mm
(chassis mount)
168.5 ±0.5
Mounting plane of
connector H11
(11.6) 88
111.2 ±0.8
Back plate
94.5 ±0.1
95 ±0.5
31.5 ±0.1
ø 3.5
ø 4.0
Example: LM 2540-7PD3A: AC-DC converter, input voltage range 85...264 V, providing output 1 with 15 V/1.7 A and
output 2 with 15 V/1.7 A; equipped with potentiometers, undervoltage monitoring and test sockets.
Accessories: Front panels, female connectors, mounting facilities, etc. please refer to section "Accessories".