First Published 2017
Revised 2024
All rights reserves. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transcribed, in any form or by any
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S/No Learning Area Number of Lessons
1. English 5
2. Kiswahili / Kenya Sign Language 4
3. Mathematics 5
4. Religious Education 3
5. Science & Technology 4
6. Agriculture and Nutrition 4
7. Social Studies 3
8. Creative Arts 6
Pastoral Instruction Programme 1
Total 35
2. Promote social, economic, technological and industrial needs for national development
Education should prepare the learner to play an effective and productive role in the nation.
a) Social Needs
Education should instil social and adaptive skills in the learner for effective participation in community and national
b) Economic Needs
Education should prepare a learner with requisite competences that support a modern and independent growing
economy. This should translate into high standards of living for every individual.
Education should provide opportunities for the learner to develop to the fullest potential. This includes development of
one’s interests, talents and character for positive contribution to the society.
6. Promote respect for and development of Kenya’s rich and varied cultures
Education should instil in the learner appreciation of Kenya’s rich and diverse cultural heritage. The learner should value
own and respect other people’s culture as well as embrace positive cultural practices in a dynamic society.
7. Promote international consciousness and foster positive attitudes towards other nations
Kenya is part of the interdependent network of diverse peoples and nations. Education should therefore enable the
learner to respect, appreciate and participate in the opportunities within the international community. Education should
also facilitate the learner to operate within the international community with full knowledge of the obligations,
responsibilities, rights and benefits that this membership entails.
By the end of the Primary Education, the learner should be able to:
a) Communicate appropriately using verbal and or non-verbal modes in a variety of contexts.
b) Demonstrate mastery of number concepts to solve problems in day to day life
c) Demonstrate social skills, moral and religious values for positive contribution to society
d) Develop one’s interests and talents for personal fulfilment
e) Make informed decisions as local and global citizens of a diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.
f) Explore, manipulate, manage and conserve the environment effectively for learning and sustainable development
g) Acquire digital literacy skills for learning and enjoyment.
h) Appreciate the country’s rich, diverse cultural heritage for harmonious living
By the end of the Upper Primary Level, the learner should be able to:
a) Listen for the main idea and specific information from a variety of print and digital texts.
b) Speak, at the right speed, accurately, and with expression on a variety of subjects and genres.
c) Read a variety of texts fluently, interpretively, and with comprehension for lifelong learning.
d) Use grammatical forms to communicate ideas, opinions, and emotions appropriately in different settings.
e) Write texts for various purposes legibly, accurately, creatively, and cohesively for self-expression.
f) Apply Digital Literacy skills to enhance their language competency.
1. Listening and Speaking
2. Reading
3. Grammar in Use
4. Writing
In the Grade Five English Curriculum, the four language skills and Grammar in Use are presented through themes. The following
themes will facilitate the learning of English in context:
1. Child Rights and Responsibilities
2. National Celebrations
3. Etiquette -Table Manners
4. Road Accidents - Prevention
5. Nutrition - Traditional Foods
6. Jobs and Occupations - Various Occupations
7. Technology - Learning through Technology
8. The Farm - Cash Crops
9. Diseases - Communicable Diseases
10. Leisure Time Activities
11. Sports - Appreciating Talents
12. Environmental Pollution
13. Money – Savings and Banking
NB: Although the curriculum design includes fixed phrases, and phrasal verbs in the suggested vocabulary section, these terms
should not be introduced to learners because they are too complicated. Hence, learners may be exposed to appropriate examples
of fixed phrases and phrasal verbs but the terms should not be mentioned at all. Further, Upper Primary learners should only be
exposed to proverbs, similes, idioms, fixed phrases, metaphors, and phrasal verbs with straight forward meanings.
Preferably, one or two examples may be used. Metaphors will be introduced at Grade Six but even then, the term metaphor
should not be used. Rather, specific examples of metaphors should be incorporated into learning materials and during lesson
Suggested Vocabulary:
responsible, food, clothing, shelter, street, duties, punish, rest, respect, needs, abuse, exercise, violence, interest, harm, rights,
law, freedom, security, unfair, education, deny, protect, rescue, citizen, justice, community, equal, prison, jail, adopt, labour,
Fixed phrase: above all, all right, take care off, fall asleep,
Simile: work like a donkey; as busy as a bee,
Idiom: in safe hands,
Proverbs: All is well that ends well, Actions speak louder than words,
Phrasal verbs: breath in, care for, left behind,
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
1.1 1.1.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should
Listening Pronunciation strand, the learner should listen to an oral narrative in we say the
and and Listening be able to: pairs or groups, sounds in
Speaking Comprehension a) recognise sounds, words, identify words and phrases words,
and phrases correctly, containing the sounds /ʌ/ /ɑː / phrases, and
(2 lessons) b) use words and from a print or audio text, sentences
phrases related to the correctly?
say words and phrases related
theme in sentences
to the theme accurately,
c) listen for the main idea construct sentences using 2. How can we
and specific details for words and phrases with peers. improve our
effective communication, say tongue twisters containing pronunciation?
d) respond to information the selected sounds 3. Why should
from an oral text, collaboratively with peers, we listen
e) adopt attentive listening write sentences and phrases attentively?
for effective containing the selected sounds and
communication. words,
make an audio recording of a
poem containing the sounds /ʌ/
and /ɑː /,
play the audio recording and
obtain feedback.
Core Competencies:
Communication and Collaboration is developed as the learner works with peers to construct sentences.
Digital Literacy is enhanced when the learner uses of electronic devices to listen and record
themselves collaboratively.
Learning to Learn is enhanced as the learner adopts the use of correct pronunciation in various context for effective
Responsibility is realised as the learner learns about child rights and responsibilities and practises them while making an
audio recording of a poem containing the target sounds and playing the audio for effective feedback.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner can link the content of child rights when they learn about child rights and responsibilities in Social Studies.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
1.2 1.2.1 By the end of the sub strand, the Learner is guided to: 1. Why do
Reading Extensive learner should be able to: select appropriate print and you read
Reading: a) select relevant reference non-print reference materials books?
Use of materials on a variety of subjects, (dictionaries, junior 2. Which type of
Reference b) spell words correctly for encyclopaedias, and, subject- books do you
Materials effective communication, specific encyclopaedias), enjoy
c) read a variety of materials read selected reference reading?
(2 lessons) independently for information materials independently,
and pleasure, look for information related to
d) use reference materials to find the theme from reference
the required information, materials,
e) adopt the use of reference report and discuss what they
materials for lifelong learning. have read with peers,
visit a library to find reference
materials for information
related to the theme.
Core Competencies:
Digital Literacy-is developed as the learner manipulates electronic reference materials for information.
Learning to Learn-is advanced when the learner uses reference materials to get information and further their learning
Responsibility is developed as the learner does the assigned duty of selecting reading materials and reading independently.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
Life Skills Education: Interpersonal relationship is nurtured when the learner learns about child rights and responsibilities and
take upon their individual responsibilities both in school and at home.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner uses the skill to use reference materials in all the other learning areas as they all require searching for information.
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question (s)
1.3 1.3.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. How do you
Grammar Word Classes: strand, the learner should identify demonstrative determiners identify objects
in Use Demonstrative be able to: from a text such as this, these, that, that are near or
Determiners a) identify demonstrative those, far?
(2 lessons) determiners in a variety read sentences containing 2. How do we show
of texts, demonstrative determiners in print that objects being
b) use demonstrative or electronic materials, referred to are
determiners construct sentences using singular or more?
correctly, demonstrative determiners with
c) promote the use of the peers,
correct demonstrative make sentences containing
determiner to use demonstrative determiners from
during communication. a
substitution table,
use demonstrative determiners to fill
gaps in sentences,
search for more examples of
sentences containing demonstrative
determiners in print and digital
Core Competencies:
Self-Efficacy is enhanced as the learner uses demonstrative determiners in sentences correctly.
Communication and Collaboration is achieved as the learner works with peers in constructing sentences using
demonstrative determiners.
Digital Literacy is nurtured as the learner manipulates digital devices while searching for examples and usage of
demonstrative determiners.
Respect is developed as the learner respects opinion of others during activities involving peer engagement such as
constructing sentences using demonstrative determiners.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
Life Skills Education: self-esteem in the learner is developed as they learn how to communicate effectively using
demonstrative with peers.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner applies the knowledge gained in learning demonstrative determiners in learning Kiswahili and indigenous.
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
1.4 1.4.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why do we fill
Writing Functional strand, the learner search for sample forms from the forms?
Writing: should be able to: internet, individually, 2. Why is it
Filling Forms a) record specific details select the information to be filled in a important to fill
(2 lessons) in a variety of forms, form collaboratively, forms
b) design a form to fill a form related to the theme using accurately?
obtain the required the following details: personal 3. What details do
information, information, school information, we fill in forms?
c) acknowledge the parents/guardians details,
importance of filling religion/county information, favourite
forms correctly. sport, hobby among others,
discuss the importance of filling forms
correctly with peers,.
design a form to obtain information
with peers and upload it online.
Core Competencies:
Communication and Collaboration: the learner discusses with peers while filling in forms.
Digital Literacy as the learner manipulates digital devices to upload forms on the internet.
Creativity and Imagination is enhanced as the learner design forms.
Responsibility and social justice is developed as the learner design a form based on the theme with peers.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary
Life Skills Education- effective communication skills are developed through group discussions.
Social cohesion is enhanced as learners work in groups.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner applies the content related to child rights and responsibilities which learnt in Social Studies.
Fixed phrase: do your best, come to an end, far away, enjoy yourself, go to sleep,
Simile: as happy as a king, as happy as a lark,
Idiom: just around the corner, with open arms,
Proverbs: Practice makes perfect,
Phrasal verb: come along, get away; move on,
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
2.4 Listening 2.1.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Why
and Pronunciation the learner should be able to: identify words with these sounds: should we
Speaking and Vocabulary: a) identify words, phrases, /p/ /b/ from print materials such as listen
Listening and sentences containing newspapers, magazines, carefully?
Comprehension: the target sounds, listen to audio-visual recordings of 2. Why do
Dialogue b) construct sentences orally dialogue containing the sounds /b/ we take
using words related to the /p/, turns when
(2 lessons) theme, 8isualiz saying tongue twisters talking?
c) listen for the main idea and with the sounds /b/ /p/,
specific details for discuss with peers the vocabulary
effective communication, used in the text and construct
d) interpret a speaker’s sentences using the vocabulary,
feelings and emotions respond correctly to questions
(non-verbal cues) correctly based on the dialogue.
during an oral presentation, role plays the events depicted in
e) realise the importance of the dialogue,
non-verbal cues and interpret gestures, eye contacts,
appropriate word choice in and facial expressions
communication. correctly.
Core Competencies:
Self-Efficacy is enhanced as the learner role play and construct sentences using learnt vocabulary.
Learning to Learn is advanced as the learner takes short notes from the text they have listened to.
Digital Literacy is developed as the learner listen to audio-visual recordings of words containing sounds /b/ and /p/ in
real use.
Unity is nurtured as the learner collaborates with others to engage in role play and answers questions related to the theme.
Link to PCIs:
Life Skills Education: effective communication and self-awareness are 9isualiz as the learner differentiates the sounds /b/
and /p/ to communicate clearly.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner can relate the content in pronunciation and effective listening to similar concepts as sounds are learnt in Kiswahili.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
2.2 2.2.1 By the end of the sub strand Learner is guided to: 1. Why is the title
Reading Intensive Reading: the learner should be able make predictions of what a of a poem or a
Oral Narrative (about to: story is about; what story
400 words) a) identify characters, happens next in a story important?
Poem of about 5 places, and events in a using the title/pictures in a 2. How do we
Stanzas story for comprehension, story, predict events
b) predict events in a text for infer the meaning of words in a story or
(2 lessons) comprehension, from the context, poem?
use their imagination to
9isualize the events in a
c) respond correctly to draw pictures, diagrams, or 3. How do we tell
factual and inferential posters of events in the the meaning of
questions for story, unknown words
comprehension, read poems of not more than in a story?
d) use contextual clues to five stanzas.,
infer the meaning of read a narrative of up to 400
words for comprehension, words silently,
e) recommend appropriate retell a narrative or recite a
reading techniques to poem and create a video or
peers. audio recording of the
Core Competencies:
Creativity and Imagination is advanced as the learner participates in activities such as predicting the story by use of
pictures and visualizing the event in the story as well as drawing pictures and posters on the events in the story.
Learning to Learn is achieved as the learner retell a narrative or recite a poem and create a video of the recording of
the story.
Patriotism is enhanced as the learner shows love for their country when they sing songs or recite poems related to National
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Life Skills Education: effective communication is enhanced as the learner learns to communicate clearly via pictures or story-
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
2.3 Grammar 2.3.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. How do you
in Use Word Class: strand, the learner should identify reflexive pronouns and emphasise that
Collective Nouns/ be able to: collective nouns from print and digital you did
Reflexive a) identify collective nouns texts, something on
Pronouns and reflexive pronouns in watch a video clip in which collective your own?
(2 lessons) texts, nouns and reflexive pronouns (myself, 2. Which words
b) use collective nouns ourselves) have been used in sentences, do you use to
and reflexive pronouns pick out collective nouns and reflexive refer to a
in sentences correctly, pronouns, and list them as you work group of things
c) adopt the use of collective collaboratively with peers, or animals?
and reflexive pronouns to construct sentences using collective
use during nouns and reflexive pronouns,
communication. create and complete crossword puzzles
using collective nouns and reflexive
Core Competencies:
Communication and collaboration is enhanced as the learner works with peers to pick out collective nouns and reflexive
pronouns, and use them to construct sentences.
Digital Literacy as the learner watch a video clip featuring nouns and pronouns.
Unity is developed as the learner respects self and others’ opinions when answering questions and creating crossword puzzles
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
Life Skill Education – as the learner learns to communicate effectively using collective nouns and reflexive pronouns in real
Link to other Subjects:
The learner can apply the knowledge gained in learning collective nouns and reflexive pronouns to the same concepts taught in
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Questions(s)
2.4 2.4.1 Creative By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. How do we
Writing Writing: strand, the learner brainstorm and discuss possible points to express ideas
Open ended should be able to: include in their composition, on different
Compositions a) select relevant points write the first paragraph with peers while topics?
(2 lessons) when planning a observing correct punctuation and 2. Why do we
composition, spelling, share ideas?
b) write an open ended complete the composition individually of
composition about (100-150 words),
creatively, proofread their compositions
c) advocate for the use collaboratively,
Core Competencies:
Communication and Collaboration as the learner works collaboratively with peers to proofread compositions.
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving is advanced as the learner brainstorm on possible points to use when writing
compositions and when they complete the composition.
Responsibility is enhanced as the learner offers leadership and guidance to others as they collaborate to plan and create
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Life Skill Education is achieved as the learner expresses ideas effectively during discussion and in writing
Link to other Subjects:
The learner applies the skill of composition writing when learning other subject like Kiswahili.
Suggested Vocabulary:
neat, plate, cutlery, choke, chew, serve food, gesture, mouthful, order, host, restaurant, belch, lick, delicious, disgusting,
dining room, good manners, habit, set the table, dessert, appetizer, polite, table, napkin, dinner, table cloth, glass, saucer,
serviette, cloth,
pass the salt,
Fixed phrase: I beg your pardon, wash the dishes, good appetite, more than enough, feel at home, forgive me,
Simile: as hungry as a wolf, as greedy as a hyena,
Idiom: eat like a horse,
Proverbs: Courtesy costs nothing,
Phrasal verb: throw away,
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
3.1 Listening 3.1.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should
and Speaking Pronunciation strand, the learner listen to correct pronunciation of you use
and Vocabulary: should be able to: sounds, phrases, and expressions polite
Polite Words a) identify polite words, from the teacher, audio-visual expressions
Phrases and phrases, and recordings among others, when
Expressions expressions in oral practise saying the sound /ɔɪ/ in talking to
contexts, words. others?
(2 lessons) practise using polite words 2. Why should
and phrases with peers, you listen to
b) construct sentences role play the use of polite others
orally using words words, phrases, and expressions attentively?
related to the during meals, 3. Which
theme, access correct pronunciation of words,
c) listen for sounds, words, phrases, and phrases, or
specific sounds expressions from digital texts, expressions
in words, listen to/recite poems with do we use to
phrases, and words featuring the target show
expressions, sounds. politeness?
d) use polite words,
phrases, and
expressions to
compliment others,
e) recommend
appropriate words and
phrases for expressing
Core Competencies:
Self-Efficacy is nurtured as the learner engages in role play using polite words, phrases and expressions.
Digital Literacy is achieved as the learner use digital devices to listen to the pronunciation of target sounds, words and
Love is developed as the learner puts the interests of others first through role play as well as listening/reciting poems related to
the theme.
Home science - This learning area focuses on etiquette- table manners
Kiswahili and other language areas - Proper articulation of sounds is emphasized
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Experiences Question(s)
3.2 3.2.1 By the end of the sub strand, the Learner is guided to: 1. How do you get
Reading Intensive learner should be able to: make predictions on a story information
Reading a) relate events in the story with when reading, from a text?
Narrative of their life experiences, use their imagination to 2. Which things do
about 400 words) b) predict events in a text for visualise the events in a story, you predict or
comprehension, scan and skim texts for new visualize in a
(2 lessons) c) create mental images from the words and information with story?
events in a story, peers,
d) respond to factual and answer factual and inferential
inferential questions questions from the texts,
correctly, use digital devices to read
e) relate events in a reading text to online stories for
real life experiences. comprehension.
Core Competencies:
Self-Efficacy as the learner predicts and visualise stories from texts.
Communication and Collaboration as the learner works with peers to scan and skim the text and share information
Social justice is developed as the learner read stories/narratives featuring that involve sharing resources equitably as a way of
exercising table manners.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
Life Skills Education: the learner acquires the skills of living with others from reading texts on etiquette especially table
Link to other Subjects:
The learner can link the content derived from the theme of etiquette to what is learnt in Home science.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
3.3 3.3.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. How do you
Grammar in Language strand, the learner make sentences with too…to/for from identify
Use Pattern: Use of should be able to: a substitution table. For example, correct
too…to/for and a) identify sentences ‘The stone is too heavy for Nanjala to lift.’ sentences?
Use of featuring the construct sentences using : 2. Why is it
Must/Should with target language ‘must/should with an adverb/adverbial’ for important to
an patterns, example, We must brush our teeth every day, use sentences
Adverb/Adverbial b) use the language recite poems with the target language pattern. correctly?
patterns in discuss instances when the sentence patterns are
(2 Lessons) sentences correctly, used, in small groups,
c) Promote the use fill in blank spaces in sentences using the patterns,
sentence patterns
correctly for clarity
of communication.
search for examples of sentences with the
language patterns from the internet,
and magazines among others.
Core Competencies:
Learning to Learn- as learners search for examples of sentences in newspapers, internet, magazines among others
Respect is developed as the learner displays open mindedness and humility when peers make sentences using the given pattern.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
Life Skills Education: effective communication as the learner shows mastery of proper sentence structure which aids in their
Link to other Subjects:
The learner applies the knowledge of the basic sentence structure to learn in all other areas of learning in which English is the
language of instruction.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcome Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Experiences Questions
3.4 Writing 3.4.1 By the end of the sub strand, Learner is guided to: 1. Why should
Mechanics of the learner should be able to: copy words, sentences, and we write
Writing: a) identify text written in paragraphs in their books, legibly and
Handwriting: joined letters or cursive observe visuals/pictures and neatly?
Joined/ (cursive script, compose a story of about (120 2. How can
script) b) write legibly using joined -160 words), you improve
(2 lessons) letters/cursive script, discuss the importance of your
c) use visuals to create a writing legibly and neatly as handwriting?
story, a class in pairs,
d) recommend ways of search for information from
improving legibility the internet or print sources
neatness in written and make notes collectively in
communication. peers.
Core Competencies:
Creativity and Imagination - as the learner uses visuals to write notes.
Digital Literacy is enhanced as the learner uses internet resources to search for information on visual composition.
Respect is developed as the learner accommodates diverse opinions from peers as they search for material featuring the theme
and write compositions based on the characters, places or event.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
Life skills Education - self-esteem and confidence is enhanced as the learner becomes more proficient in self-expression.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner uses legible handwriting is to write in all learning areas as legible and neat handwriting is emphasized.
Proverb: Prevention is better than cure,
Phrasal verbs: run over, roll over,
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
4.1 4.1.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should
Listening Pronunciation and strand, the learner should recite a poem and apply the we
and Vocabulary: be able to: correct stress on words, pronounce
Speaking Word Stress a) list words whose listen/watch to an audio-visual words
(contrast between, meaning differs material on pronunciation, correctly?
nouns/verbs, verb according to list the words that are stressed, 2. Why do
/adjectives) pronunciation, classify the nouns, verbs, and words have
(2 lessons) b) construct sentences adjectives from the list, different
orally using words practise saying words using the meanings at
related to the correct stress, with peers for times?
theme, example; conflict (verb)/conflict
c) pronounce words using (noun), subject (verb) /subject
the correct stress, (noun)
d) use vocabulary related say words containing the sounds /t/
to the theme correctly, and /d/,
e) advocate for the construct sentences orally using
importance of the new vocabulary,
correct use of stress take part in a language game
in communication. involving word stress,
Core Competencies:
Communication and Collaboration is enhanced as the learner practises correct pronunciation of sounds and words in
small groups.
Self-Efficacy - as learners recite poems and stress words correctly
Peace is enhanced as the learner displays tolerance with peers struggling to distinguish between sounds /t/ and /d/ during
pronunciation and they as help one another to improve their pronunciation.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
Life Skill Education is achieved as the learner learns content on accident prevention.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner applies the knowledge derived from the theme accident and road safety to the concept of accidents is learnt in
such learning areas as Environmental Studies.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
4.2 4.2.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why do you
Reading Intensive strand, the learner should view pictures, illustrations, posters, like pictures?
Reading: be able to: videos, pictures maps mnemonics, 2. How can you
Comprehension a) list the visuals in the and symbols among others use pictures to
( Visuals) classroom, collaboratively with peers, communicate?
b) make predictions based describe and interpret visuals
(2 lessons) on visuals for correctly collaboratively with peers,
comprehension, preview and make predictions based
c) create mental images on pictures, illustrations, titles and
from text they have experiences,
viewed, read or heard,
d) answer factual and compose songs, stories, poems
inferential questions or dialogues based on visuals,
correctly, answer questions based on the
e) judge the visuals with peers,
appropriateness of represent own stories using pictures
visuals in conjunction or videos,
with peers. create visuals based on their
Core Competencies:
Self-Efficacy is developed as the learner read and interpret visuals.
Digital Literacy is achieved as the learner looks for or watches visuals in digital format.
Responsibility is enhanced as the learner composes poems and answers questions related to the theme collaboratively with
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
Life Skills Education: effective communication is enhanced as the learner learns how to read and interpret visuals and can
therefore communicate effectively using visuals.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcome Question(s)
4.3 Grammar 4.3.1 By the end of the Learner is guided to: 1. Why
in Use Word Class: sub strand, the engage in online/offline games involving should we
Possessive learner should be pronouns such as dice, goofy cards and use
Pronouns able to: word search collaboratively with peers, possessive
a) identify simulate, dramatise or role play a forms
possessive forms conversation featuring possessive forms, correctly?
(2 lessons) in print or digital watch videos/songs involving the use of 2. Which
texts, possessive pronouns/ belong to, words show
b) use possessive compose songs based on the use of something
forms correctly in personal and possessive pronouns, belongs to a
sentences, fill gaps in sentences correctly using person?
c) advocate the possessive pronouns and belong to,
correct use of create a list of sentences with possessive
possessive forms and personal pronouns for display with
among peers. peers.
Core Competencies:
Communication and Collaboration is enhanced as the learner engages in online games with peers.
Self-Efficacy: confidence and self-esteem is developed as the learner creates a list of possessive pronouns and
displays them in classroom.
Integrity is developed as the learner displays honesty while filling the gaps using possessive pronouns individually as
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
Citizenship - social cohesion and integration as learners play language games.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
4.4 Writing 4.4.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. How do you
Functional strand, the learner read a sample friendly letter with communicate
Writing : should be able to: peers and pick out the parts such as with people
A Reply to a a) identify the address, salutation, date, who are far
Friendly Letter components of a complimentary close among away?
friendly letter, others, 2. Why do we
(2 lessons) b) write a friendly write a reply to a sample friendly write letters?
letter using the letter using the correct format,
correct format, proofread/edit the letter
c) judge the collaboratively,
appropriateness of present the edited version to other
words, phrases and groups,
sentences used in search for more examples of friendly
friendly letters. letters on the internet while
collaborating with peers.
Core Competencies:
Learning to Learn is enhanced as the learner responds to letters.
Creativity and Imagination is promoted as the learner compose friendly letters.
Love is enhanced as learners read and write and reply friendly letters to each other.
Link to PCIs:
Life Skills Education: effective communication is enhanced as the learner learns how to write a friendly letter.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner applies the skills and knowledge derived from letter writing to similar concept learnt in Kiswahili.
Suggested Vocabulary:
dish, flavour, smell, delicious, appetite, nature, culture, herbs, grains, junk food, obesity, ugali, recipe, tasty, Kenyan, wild,
digest, home-made, cereals, mix, energy, berries, vegetables, healthy, diet, githeri, pilau, matoke, muthokoi, avocado, yams,
sweet potatoes, arrow roots, cassava, millet, porridge, nutrients,
Fixed phrase: more than, more and more, long ago, a long time ago,
Simile: as sweet as sugar, as sweet as honey, as bitter as herbs,
Idiom : in hot soup,
Proverb: Charity begins at home,
Phrasal verbs: hurry up, feed on,
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcome Question(s)
5.1 5.1.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should
Listening Listening strand, the learner should listen to a speech and pick out words we pronounce
and Comprehension: be able to: containing sound /e/, sounds
Speaking Sounds/ a) recognise sounds, interpret non-verbal cues such as correctly?
Adjectives words and phrases gestures, facial expressions and 2. Which words
correctly, eye contact collaboratively with do we use to
(2 lessons) peers, describe
b) listen for the main prepare and make a speech things, people
idea and specific while collaborating with peers, or events?
details for effective listen to correct pronunciation of
communication, sounds, words and phrases from
c) use adjectives to the teacher or audio-visual
construct sentences recordings,
orally, listen to a poem with various
d) respond adjectives describing traditional foods,
appropriately to a recite the poem with peers and pick out
speech related to adjectives,
the theme, search for examples of adjectives in the
e) display varied internet, newspapers and magazines.
emotions and
feelings during
an oral
Core Competency:
Citizenship is nurtured as the learner discusses and appreciate traditional foods from different communities.
Self-Efficacy is enhanced as the learner’s confidence is enhanced as they recite poems and make speeches while
collaborating with peers.
Patriotism is developed as the learner shows awareness of own culture and respect others’ culture as they listen to poems
describing traditional foods.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Effective communication is enhanced as the learner learns to interpret nonverbal cues such as gestures, faial expressions and
eye contact to communicate effectively.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Experiences Question (s)
5.2 5.2.1 By the end of the sub strand, the Learner is guided to: 1. What materials do
Reading Extensive learner should be able to: preview a text to determine you enjoy
Reading: a) select relevant reading suitability. reading?
Fiction and materials from a collection of skim through reading 2. Why is it
Non Fiction books, materials, necessary to read
Materials b) scan a text to obtain specific select fiction and non-fiction many books?
information, reading materials of
(2 lessons) c) skim through digital or print between 1000-1250 words
texts to establish appropriateness (both print and non-print),
and relevance, read selected materials
d) read a variety of materials for independently,
fluency, set up an after school reading
e) judge the appropriateness of a club where they meet
reading text on the basis of regularly,
language and interest.
share reflections on the books
read collaboratively.
Core Competencies:
Communication and Collaboration is enhanced as the learner sets up an after school reading clubs where they meet
regularly with peers to read.
Digital Literacy is attained as the learner sources for reading a variety of materials online.
Learning to Learn is developed as the learner engages in independent reading which enhances sourcing for
information and lifetime learning.
Unity is developed as the learner respects self and others’ opinions when selecting and reading fiction and nonfiction
materials collaboratively.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
Social justice is enhanced as the learner practises living together through establishment of an after school reading clubs.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner applies extensive reading in other learning areas like Kiswahili which emphasizes on the same concept.
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
5.3 5.3.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. How do we
Grammar Word Class: strand, the learner describe items using the compare
in Use Comparatives should be able to: comparative and superlative forms things, people
and a) identify comparative of adjectives or events?
Superlatives and superlative forms e.g. that window is bigger than this 2. Which words
forms of of adjectives in a one, are used to
Regular and text, change positive forms of regular describe
Irregular b) order adjectives in and irregular adjectives to their things or
adjectives. terms of size, shape comparative and superlative forms, people?
Order of and age with peers,
Adjectives appropriately, pick out adjectives of size, shape
c) use the comparative and age from a narrative or poem in
(2 lessons) and superlative forms collaboratively with peers,
of adjectives construct sentences featuring
accurately, adjectives of size, shape and
d) advocate the age,
importance of using fill gaps using adjectives in the
adjectives correctly correct order,
in communication. create a crossword puzzle using
Core Competencies:
Creativity and Imagination is enhanced as the learner creates crossword puzzles and make sentences based on
Digital Literacy-is achieved as the learner searches for various adjectives on the internet.
Peace is enhanced as the learner cooperate with peers to change positive forms of regular and irregular adjectives to
superlative forms with peers.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
5.4 5.4.1 Creative By the end of the sub Learners is guided to: 1. Why do
Writing Writing: strand, the learner brainstorm ideas for a narrative you enjoy
Narrative should be able to: composition collaboratively with reading
Compositions a) identify the parts of a peers, stories?
narrative read samples of narrative compositions 2. How do
composition, with peers, you make
(2 lessons) identify the parts of a narrative your
b) write coherently compose a narrative of (120 -160 words) composition
on different topics, individually or collaboratively, interesting?
c) create a narrative practise writing own narratives,
composition for self- listen or view a recording of a narrative
expression, and rewrite it in own words,
d) promote creativity in proof read each other’s work and
writing among give feedback.
Core Competencies:
Creativity and Imagination is enhanced as the learner creates and writes stories.
Learning to Learn is nurtured as the learner accesses digital resources.
Social justice and Patriotism are developed as learners create narratives compositions featuring traditional foods for different
communities showing respect for each other.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
Socio-Environmental issues – assertiveness is enhanced as the learner masters the art of creative writing and can freely
express themselves via writing.
Suggested Vocabulary:
job, occupation, accountant, actor, doctor, engineer, actress, banker, babysitter, captain, dentist, gardener, garbage collector,
hairdresser, butcher, chemist, cobbler, security officer, police officer, judge, teacher, lecturer, lawyer, mason, model,
musician, architect,
Fixed phrase: how much, make friends, by the way,
Simile: as busy as an ant, as sober as a judge, as free as a bird,
Idiom : call a spade a spade,
Proverb: A bad workman quarrels with his tools, The early bird catches the worm, Make hay while the sun shines,
Phrasal verbs: stand up; hurry up,
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
6.1 6.1.1 By the end of the sub Learners is guided to: 1. Why
Listening Pronunciation and strand, the learner should reproduce appropriate patterns of should we
and Vocabulary: be able to: stress and intonation in speech, pronounce
Speaking a) sort statements and sort the statements and questions sounds and
Stress and questions based on rising on the basis of rising or falling words
Intonation and falling intonation, intonation collaboratively with correctly?
(3 lessons) peers, 2. Why do we
raise our
b) pronounce words and practise saying words, phrases voices when
phrases with the target and sentences with the sounds /f/ asking
sounds correctly, and /v/, questions?
c) construct sentences say tongue twisters with the 3. How can you
orally using words sounds /f/ and /v/ change your
related to the theme, collaboratively, voice to
d) use stress and intonation watch a video of a dialogue in show
appropriately in which statements and questions different
statements and are used, meanings?
questions, recite a choral verse with peers,
e) advocate the need for use the right intonation on a role
correct stress and play on telephone conversation,
intonation in varied sing songs featuring stress and
contexts. intonation.
Core Competencies:
Communication and Collaboration is achieved as the learner reproduces speech in pairs or groups.
Self-Efficacy is nurtured as the learner role plays telephone conversations.
Respect is developed as the learner displays understanding and appreciation of others efforts as they practise saying tongue
twisters with the sounds /f/ and /v/.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner can apply the concept of stress and intonation to Kiswahili and other languages that expose learners to stress and
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
6.2 6.2.1 By the end of the sub strand, the Learners is guided to: 1. How do we
Reading Intensive learner should be able to: make connections between the tell the
Reading a) select unfamiliar words and characters in the text and the meaning of
phrases from a reading text, people they know, words?
Comprehension b) use contextual clues to infer the relate events in the dialogue 2. What makes
Dialogues meaning of words, to their experiences, you a good
c) respond to direct and inferential read and role play a dialogue reader?
questions for comprehension, of about about 400 words
d) relate events in the story to their collaboratively with peers,
own experiences. pick out main ideas from the
answer direct and inferential
questions based on the
infer the meaning of words
from the context (for example,
from words occurring before
or after).
Core Competencies:
Communication and Collaboration is achieved as the learner engages in role playing dialogues collaboratively with peers.
Unity is developed as the learners collaborates with peers to role play dialogues related to the theme.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
Learner Support Programmes - career guidance is emphasized when the learner discusses job occupations.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner can apply the skill of reading for comprehension to all other areas of learning as they all require reading.
Strand Sub Strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Key inquiry
6.3 6.3.1 By the end of the sub strand, the Learners is guided to: 1. Which
Grammar Word Class: learner should be able to: read a passage related to the words do
in Use Determiners: a) identify quantifying determiners in theme and identify quantifying we use to
Quantifiers: a variety of texts, determiners from the passage show
Few/ a few, b) use quantifying determiners collaboratively, amount or
little/ a little, appropriately in a variety of match quantifying determiners quantity?
a lot of/ lots contexts, with corresponding countable 2. Why is it
of, each, all, c) judge the appropriateness of and uncountable nouns, important
enough, most, quantifying determiners in oral list quantifying determiners that to tell the
least and written texts. can be used with both countable quantity of
(2 lessons) and uncountable nouns, something?
read sentences containing
quantifying determiners from
the internet with peers,
construct sentences using
quantifying determiners with
nouns with peers,
complete sentences by filling in
gaps using the correct quantifying
Core Competencies:
Self-Efficacy is nurtured as the learner uses quantifying determiners in sentences correctly and learns to apply them in
Communication and Collaboration is achieved as the learner reads the sentences with quantifying determiners
from the internet with peers.
Digital Literacy is developed as the learner uses the internet to look for sentences with quantifying determiners.
Respect is enhanced as the learner accommodates diverse opinions from peers as they complete tasks involving the use of
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Life Skills Education: effective communication is promoted as the learner practises using quantifiers correctly to enable them
communicate effectively.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner uses the knowledge of quantifying determiners to learn similar concepts in language areas such as Kiswahili.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
6.4 Writing 6.4.1 By the end of the sub Learners is guided to: 1. Why do we
Creative strand, the learner interpret pictures collaboratively with peers, enjoy looking
Writing: should be able to: match the pictures with the different parts of at pictures?
Pictorial a) choose possible a composition: beginning, middle and end, 2. What
Composition topics for pictorial watch a variety of animations, videos and messages do
compositions, sample write pictorial compositions pictures
(2 lessons) b) create a collaboratively with peers, communicate?
composition based arrange different pictures logically to
on the visuals or write a story coherently,
pictures, write a pictorial composition of about 120 -
c) judge visuals 160 words,
appropriately for proof read the pictorial composition,
creativity in display their compositions in the classroom.
Core Competencies:
Communication and Collaboration is enhanced as the learner works with peers to watch a variety of animations,
videos and sample write pictorial compositions.
Creativity and Imagination is nurtured as the learner interprets pictures and write stories.
Responsibility is achieved as the learner takes up assigned roles of creating and proofreading pictorial compositions.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Life Skill Education: effective communication is enhanced as the learner expresses themselves in writing.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner can apply this skills to similar concepts in Art and craft drawing is a skill in this learning area and
Social studies which features interpretation of maps and charts.
a) identify words, phrases take turns to read a 2. Why should you
Interactive or sentences with the dialogue collaboratively, give others a chance
Listening target sound, interrupt a to speak?
b) construct sentences conversation 3. How do you tell if
(3 lessons) orally using words appropriately, someone is happy or
related to the view a video of conversation and sad?
theme, list words or phrases used to
c) pronounce sounds interrupt politely,
correctly for accuracy say the target sounds as modelled
in speech, from a recording,
d) use words and non- make sentences with words
verbal cues to express containing the sound: /ə/ and the
different moods, diphthongs: /ɪə/ /eɪ/.
e) challenge others to
listen interactively for
Core Competencies:
Self-Efficacy is nurtured as the learner improves their pronunciation skills by pratising pronouncing the target sounds.
Digital Literacy is developed as the learner interacts with digital devices while watching a video.
Respect is enhanced as the learner exercises patience as they practise listening interactively, turn taking and correct use of
non-verbal cues.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Life Skill Education: effective communication is enhanced as the learner watches a video of conversation and sees how
people to interrupt politely in real life conversations.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner can apply correct pronunciation to learning in Kiswahili.
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
7.2 7.2.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. What kind of
Reading Extensive strand, the learner skim through reading materials to information do you
Reading: should be able to: obtain the main idea, find in books?
Fiction and Non- a) select relevant preview texts to determine suitability 2. Why is it necessary
Fiction Texts reading materials and relevance, to read many
(1000-1250 from a collection of scan materials for specific books?
words) books, details collaboratively, 3. What do you
Poems (not more b) read a variety select appropriate reading consider when
than 5 stanzas) of materials for materials from a library, choosing a
information and read the selected materials material to read?
(2 Lessons) pleasure, individually,
c) judge the share reflections on the books
appropriateness of read collaboratively,
reading materials keep a record of materials read.
on the basis of
interest, complexity
and subject.
Core Competencies:
Communication and Collaboration - enhanced by setting up after school clubs for reading purposes
Digital Literacy - reading materials from electronic sources
Learning to Learn - independent reading enhances sourcing for information on their own
Unity is enhanced as the learner cooperates and assists one another to select appropriate reading materials.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Effective Communication is realized in the learner as they practise extensive reading.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner applies the skill of extensive reading to select and read non-fiction materials in all the learning areas.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcome Questions
7.3 7.3.1 By the end of the Learner is guided to: 1. Which words do
Grammar Tense: sub strand, the pick sentences which express future time from we use to show
in Use Future Time learner should be a text, future time?
using able to: make sentences from a substitution table, 2. How do you tell
will/shall a) identify words answer questions on future time using the time
that indicate will/shall collaboratively, something
future time in construct sentences using will/shall happened?
(2 lessons) sentences, collaboratively, 3. What will you do
b) use will and role play activities they plan or wish to do in tomorrow?
shall to express future with peers,
future time watch videos offline or online and identify
correctly, sentences featuring future time with peers,
c) collaborate with use computers, tablets or mobile phones to
others to determine listen to audio materials featuring future
the correctness and time.
appropriateness of make predictions (events, weather among
the tense used in others using will and shall,
own or provided create display charts with sentences
texts. which feature will and shall.
Core Competency:
Communication and Collaboration is enhanced as the learner expresses future plans using will/shall in pairs.
Self-Efficacy is developed as the learner learns the skill of making sentences about activities they plan do in future.
Social justice is developed as the learner shows democracy when they engage in role play activities to plan or wish for what
to do in future.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Effective Communication is realized as the learner practises basic sentence structures that expresses the future that they will
use in their daily communication.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner uses the concept of in other language areas such as Kiswahili.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcome Questions
7.4 7.4.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Which
Writing Mechanics of strand, the learner read a short text and identify punctuation
Writing: should be able to: punctuation marks used collaboratively marks do
Punctuation- a) identify commas and with peers, you know?
Use of the double quotation use commas to show pauses between words, 2. Why do
Commas marks in written phrases or clauses, we
Use of texts, complete sentences using double quotation punctuate
Double b) use the comma and marks and commas, sentences?
Quotation double quotation pick out sentences with double quotation
Marks marks correctly in marks in newspapers, magazines, articles or
sentences, internet resources,
(2 lessons) c) advocate the use of play punctuation games with peers,
correct punctuation create posters or charts with sentences with
in written double quotation marks and commas and
communication. display them in class,
Core Competency:
Learning to Learn Digital literacy are developed as the learner explores internet resources on the use of the comma and
double punctuation marks.
Responsibility is enhanced as the learner takes up assigned duties and roles in creating posters with sentences with correct use
of punctuation marks.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Life Skills Education: effective communication is enhanced as the learner works collaboratively picking out magazines,
reading and identifying punctuation marks used.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner applies the concept of correct punctuation in writing in all learning areas but particularly in Kiswahili.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
8.1 8.1.1 Pronunciation By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should we
Listening and Vocabulary: strand, the learner listen to a narrative and pronounce
and should be able to: select proverbs and sayings, words
Speaking Oral Narrative a) list proverbs and match the vocabulary with their correctly?
Featuring Proverbs sayings in a meanings, 2. Which proverbs
and narrative, make oral sentences using and sayings do
Sayings b) construct sentences you know?
orally using words 3. Why are
(2 lessons) related to the practise saying words with proverbs and
theme, the sounds /k/ /g/ with peers, sayings
c) pronounce words create tongue twisters with the important in
with the target sounds /k/ /g/ with peers, speech?
sounds correctly, search for vocabulary, proverbs
d) use words, proverbs and sayings in the internet
and sayings collaboratively,
appropriately in listen and view stories of
oral communication, about 130 words and songs
e) anticipate what is featuring proverbs and
likely to happen as sayings,
a story unfolds,
f) display varied create posters and charts with
emotions and common proverbs and sayings
feelings when that the learners can relate to with
listening to an peers and display them in the
oral presentation. classroom.
Core Competencies:
Digital Literacy is developed as the learner searches for proverbs and sayings from the internet.
Learning to Learn is nurtured as the learner appreciate the need to use correct pronunciation in various contexts for
effective pronunciation.
Unity developed as the learner cooperates with peers to practise using proverbs which encourage cooperation and unity
among people.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Environmental Education is enhanced as the learner is exposed to information about cash crops.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner uses the knowledge gained from the theme to learn some concepts in Social Studies as learners are exposed to
information on cash crops.
(3 right speed for read a text in unison, as a class or small
lessons) fluency, group (choral reading),
c) recommend to peers participate in a reader’s theatre using a short
and parents to read text from a poem or short play,
accurately, at the o select a story or poem that can be
right speed and divided into parts or characters,
without hesitation. o assign a portion to each member
with peers,
o read a portion of the script orally for
o read the assigned parts with peers,
echo or imitate a model intonation and
expression as they read a short paragraph or
sentence at a time.
Core Competency:
Learning to Learn is promoted as the learner practices reading texts at the right speed and pace with the correct expression for
effective communication.
Respect and unity are enhanced as the learner reads a text and participate in reader’s theatre collaboratively.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Environmental Activities - as the learner interacts with information about cash crops through participating in readers’ theatre.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner can apply the skill of reading fluency in all other areas of learning as they both require reading but the skill is
particularly useful in Kiswahili which teaches reading fluency.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
8.3 8.3.1 Sentences: By the end of the sub Learners is guided to: 1. What are some
Grammar strand, the learner fill in gaps in sentences using double of your school
in Use Use of Double should be able to: imperatives, rules?
Imperatives: a) identify sentences select question tags from a 2. How do you
Question Tags with tag questions story, dialogue or poem, give
on the Verb to and double match statements with the correct instructions?
be imperatives from question tag to make a tag 3. Why do we
a text, question, ask questions?
b) use question tags practise giving instructions related
(3 Lessons) and double to the theme using double
imperatives imperatives such as: shut down your
correctly in tablets and listen to the teacher.
sentences, Type this word in your tablet and
c) advocate the look up its meaning,
correct use of role play giving and receiving of
double imperatives instructions at home using double
and question tags in imperatives,
communication. use double imperatives to make
rules for their classroom and display
them in charts or posters,
write correct sentences using double
Core Competency:
Self-Efficacy as the learner formulates school or class rules using double imperatives.
Respect is developed as the learner practises using question tags and giving of instructions in different contexts.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcome Question (s)
8.4 Writing 8.4.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. How do we make
Creative Writing: strand, the learner read narratives with formulaic our compositions
Narrative should be able to: expressions in print and digital interesting?
Composition a) identify similes format, 2. Which similes
(120 -160 and proverbs in a list similes and proverbs in texts and proverbs do
words) variety of texts, collaboratively, you know?
b) use similes and create a clear and coherent storyline
Similes and proverbs using proverbs and similes,
Proverbs correctly, engage in a dialogue to
(3 lessons) c) create a advance plot and storyline,
narrative compose a story featuring similes
composition and proverbs with peers,
featuring similes
and proverbs,
d) advocate the use of write creative compositions
similes and featuring similes and proverbs,
proverbs to individually,
enhance creativity create and display charts with
in writing. proverbs and similes, in pairs
small groups.
Core Competencies:
Self-Efficacy is enhanced as the learner becomes more proficient in writing when they write creative composition.
Creativity and Imagination is developed as the learner engages in a dialogue to advance a storyline and creates and
composes narratives on various topics related to the theme.
Responsibility is enhanced as the learner is taken through the use of similes such as ‘as busy as a bee’ ‘as faithful as a dog’
and proverbs such as ‘ The early bird catches the worm’.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues::
Life Skills Education is developed as writing compositions enhances effective communication skills in the learner.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner relates this aspect of creative writing to similar skills learnt in Kiswahili.
Suggested Vocabulary:
virus, hygiene, bacteria, tuberculosis, measles, pneumonia, cold, mumps, cholera, typhoid, parasite, infect, germs, illness,
symptoms, vomit, pharmacy, treat, dose, blood pressure, weight loss, injection, tablet, vaccine, fever, medicine, syrup,
laboratory, cure, outbreak, epidemic, immunity,
Fixed phrase: at last, from time to time, in future,
Simile: as helpless as a baby, as patient as job,
Idiom: spread like wildfire,
Proverb: An apple a day keeps the doctor away, Cleanliness is next to godliness,
Phrasal verb: pass away,
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
9.1 9.1.1 Speaking By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why is it
Listening Fluency: strand, the learner important to
and should be able to: listen to a poem or narrative and identify speak accurately
Speaking Narrative of a) list words with words with the /h/ sound, and express the
about 150 sound /h/ from an retell a narrative in own words right feelings?
words oral text, collaboratively, 2. How can you
(3 lessons) b) construct listen to graded texts with audio listen more
sentences orally recordings of whole narratives, attentively?
using words listen to music and pick out sounds and 3. Which words do
related to the vocabulary, you use to talk
theme, about diseases?
c) speak accurately, watch news at home for fun, and retell the
at the right speed interesting episodes to peers and friends in
and with the classroom,
expression on a practise delivering the news highlights in
given topic, the classroom,
d) use vocabulary respond to oral questions on given texts
related to the confidently and with speed,
theme correctly. make one-minute speeches on
e) display appropriate communicable diseases collaboratively
emotions and with peers,
feelings when recite poems on communicable diseases.
making an oral
Core Competencies:
Communication and Collaboration –is enhanced as the learner makes short speeches about communicable diseases,
Creativity and Imagination is developed as the learner creates speeches the theme.
Love and Responsibility are enhanced as the learner acquires and shares information about communicable diseases in one
minute speeches.
Link to PCIs:
Effective communication is developed in the learner as they watch news at home and learn real fluency in real
functional item. The learner practices that for pace and expression.
Health Related Issues: Communicable diseases- The learner’s knowledge on communicable diseases is advanced as they
listen to pieces of news about the same.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner links the skill of fluency in speaking to Kiswahili where the same is encouraged.
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Question(s)
9.2 9.2.1 By the end of the sub Learners are guided to: 1. How do you describe
Reading Intensive strand, the learner make connections between events things?
Reading: should be able to: in the text and their experiences, 2. How can you tell what
Descriptive a) identify the main idea retelling the story collaboratively will happen in a
Fictional or in each paragraph, with peers, story?
Non-Fictional b) visualise events, use illustrations, the introduction
Texts characters and and the title of a text to make
(about 400 descriptions in texts for predictions,
words) comprehension. describe collaboratively the
c) summarise the main characters, episodes and places in
(3 Lessons) points in a text. a text,
d) answers factual and scan a text for specific details,
inferential questions answer questions from a text,
for comprehension. state the main ideas from a text,
e) challenge others to watch a video related to the
focus on detail theme and pick specific
when reading a text. information.
Core Competency:
Learning to Learn is enhanced as the learner reads for information from a text.
Digital Literacy is enhanced as the learner watches a video related to the theme to pick out specific information.
Responsibility is developed as the learner read texts which feature these values and watches a video related to the theme and
does as assigned.
Link to PCIs:
Health Education is enhanced as the learner is exposed to information on communicable diseases.
Environmental Education is developed as the learner reads texts about diseases.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner can apply the knowledge obtained from reading texts on communicable diseases to other learning areas like
Physical and Health Education.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
9.3 9.3.1 By the end of the sub Learners is guided to: 1. How do we
Grammar Word Class: strand, the learner should identify and list adverbs from a describe when,
in Use Adverbs (manner, be able to: digital or print text how, where
time, place, frequency) a) identify adverbs of collaboratively, and how many
Use of could, would manner, time, place make sentences from a times an
and how many and frequency in a text, substitution table using the action takes
How b) use adverbs correctly in pattern how many…could/would, place?
many…could/would oral and written contexts, fill in blank spaces with 2. Which word
c) use the modals could and appropriate adverbs, or words do
would and the phrase how construct sentences using we use to ask
(3 lessons) many in sentences adverbs of manner, time questions?
correctly, place
and frequency,
d) judge the appropriateness recite poems containing
of adverbs used in oral adverbs with peers,
and written texts. create a crossword puzzle using
different types of adverbs.
Core Competency:
Self-Efficacy is enhanced as the learner recite poems containing adverbs and creates a crossword puzzle using different
types of adverbs individually.
Creativity and Imagination is achieved as the learner engages in creative activities like creating crossword puzzles using
different types of adverbs.
Responsibility is enhanced as learners use adverbs to talk about different actions.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Life skills: Effective Communication is enhanced as the learner constructs sentences using different types of adverbs. They
use this knowledge and skill to communicate effectively.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner can apply the knowledge gained in different types of adverbs to learn similar concept in Kiswahili.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcome Question (s)
9.4 9.4.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Which
Writing Mechanics of strand, the learner listen to a short oral text and write the text punctuation
Writing: should be able to: with the correct punctuation marks marks do you
Punctuation a) identify the underline the apostrophe and exclamation know?
Marks apostrophe and marks in a text with peers,
Apostrophe exclamation mark in construct sentences using the apostrophe 2. Why do we
Exclamatio sentences, and exclamation mark, punctuate
n Mark b) punctuate watch online videos or slides about the sentences?
sentences correctly correct use of the apostrophe and
(2 Lessons) using the exclamation mark,
apostrophe and the create and display charts or posters with
exclamation mark, sentences in which the apostrophe and
c) collaborate with exclamation mark are used collaboratively
others to with peers,
punctuate own or conduct a gallery walk and view the charts
provided made by each group of peers.
Core Competencies:
Communication and Collaboration as the learner conducts a gallery walk and view the charts made by each group
of peers and make comments.
Creativity and Imagination as the learner develops and displays posters and charts in the classroom for peers to review.
Learning to Learn-is developed as the learner searches for information on the internet and learns surfing skills.
Responsibility is developed as the learner creates and displays charts use different types of sentences and punctuate them
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Effective Communication is advanced as the learner watches online videos and slides about the correct use of
apostrophe and exclamation marks to understand their real life use on how to communicate effectively.
Health Education is learnt as the learner interacts with material on common communicable diseases both offline and
Link to other Subjects:
While punctuation marks is used in all areas of learning as the learner takes down notes, Kiswahili in particular is an area that
the learner can apply this concept as it teaches on punctuation as a skill.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcome Question (s)
10.1 10.1.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should
Listening Pronunciation and strand, the learner listen to a narrative and retell it while you interrupt
and Vocabulary: should be able to: expressing different moods or others
Speaking Interactive Listening a) identify feelings, politely?
different moods construct sentences orally 2. How do you
in a narrative or collaboratively with peers, show
Choral verse a choral verse, say words containing the sounds /s/ different
Narrative in b) use words and and /z/ with peers, moods and
Dialogue Format phrases with the watch a video of a conversational feelings
(Conversation selected sound in narrative or a choral verse online when
Narrative) sentences, or offline, listening to
c) interrupt politely take turns during a conversation, someone?
(3 lessons)
during a engage in a dialogue and 3. Which words
conversation, practise interrupting one another do you use to
d) challenge others politely. join an on-
to listen going
interactively conversation?
Core Competencies:
Communication and Collaboration is seen as the learner works with peers to construct sentences orally.
Creativity and Imagination is enhanced as the learner creates and role plays conversations and takes turn during a
Peace and responsibility are promoted as the learner recites of choral verses and narration of narratives featuring these
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
10.2 Reading 10.2.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why do we
Intensive strand, the learner should skim through a text and read books?
Reading be able to: obtain the main idea, 2. Why should
a) relate the ideas in a text scan through a text to obtain we make
Factual Texts of to their experiences, specific information, notes when
about 400 Words b) respond to factual and discuss and relate ideas to their reading?
inferential questions experiences collaboratively 3. What makes
(2 lessons) correctly, with peers, you a good
read a text independently reader?
and retell it in own words,
c) summarise the main ideas answer direct and
in a text for inferential questions from
comprehension, the text,
d) encourage others to pay watch a video on leisure time
attention to detail when and write the main points.
Core Competencies:
Learning to Learn is enhanced as the learner uses skimming and scanning skills to obtain information from a text.
Self-efficacy is developed as the learner answers comprehension questions correctly.
Responsibility is developed through reading different texts and retelling the stories in own words independently.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
Safety and Security: personal safety is nurtured as the learner acquires reading skills and uses them on proper utilisation of
leisure time to keep themselves safe from environmental dangers.
Link to other Subjects
The learner applies the skill of intensive reading to Kiswahili where such a skill is emphasised.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
10. 3 10.3.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why do you join
Grammar Word Class: strand, the learner should listen to a short dialogue and identify words and
in Use Conjunctions be able to: conjunctions, sentences?
a) identify conjunctions in make sentences from a substitution 2. How do you join
(3 lessons) texts for effective table using but, or, yet, because, words or sentences?
communication, since and also,
b) use conjunctions construct sentences using
correctly in conjunctions with peers,
communication, fill in blank spaces using conjunctions
c) judge the correctness and in sentences or paragraphs,
appropriateness of create a display chart of sentences
conjunctions in oral and containing conjunctions with peers,
written texts. conduct a gallery walk and
give feedback to each group.
Core Competencies:
Communication and Collaboration is enhanced as the learner constructs sentences using conjunctions collaboratively with
Creativity and Imagination is developed as the learner creates a display chart and conducts a gallery walk giving
feedback on the displayed charts.
Respect is enhanced through construction of oral and written sentences using various conjunctions and conducting a gallery
walk to give positive criticism of peers work.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
Life Skills Education is developed as the learner efficiently constructs sentences using conjunctions for effective
ESD - safety education is emphasised as the learner learns how to use leisure time in engaging activities like practice the
use of conjunction for lifetime communication.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner applies the knowledge on the use of conjunction to other areas such as Kiswahili that have similar concepts.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
10.4 10.4.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. How do we describe
Writing Creative strand, the learner read a sample composition things or events?
Writing: should be able to: from print or electronic sources, 2. Why is it important
Descriptive a) describe people or talk about people or things in the to describe things or
Composition things mentioned in a text, events clearly?
(120 -160 text, make sentences to describe
words) b) create a descriptive how they spent their leisure
composition related time collaboratively,
(3 lessons) to the theme, organise the sentences to make
c) collaborate with a paragraph collaboratively,
peers to critique a
composition on the write a descriptive composition
choice of words, individually,
creativity, relevance proof read the composition with
to theme and logical peers.
Core Competencies:
Communication and Collaboration is developed as the learner make sentences to describe how they spent their leisure
time collaboratively.
Creativity and Imagination is enhanced as the learner creates own compositions and proofreads the composition written
by peers.
Respect is developed as the learner writes descriptive compositions about various characters.
Suggested Vocabulary:
competition, cheer, score, award, medal, champion, guest, spectators, fans, courage, whistle, upper hand, walkover, celebrate,
sports, ability, gift, genius, artist, magic, skill, blessing, giant, adjudicator, talent show, athletic, discover, brave,
Core Competencies:
Communication and Collaboration is enhanced as the learner makes short speeches while collaborating with peers.
Self-Efficacy is developed as the learner picks out the target sounds from poems or stories.
Love and responsibility are enhanced as the learner prepares and makes speeches with peers.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
Life Skills Education is seen as the learner practises effective listening when they listen to their peers say tongue-
twisters and make short speeches, they acquire effective communication skills.
Learner Support Programmes: games and sports provides the context for learning listening and speaking as the
learner engages collaboratively.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Questions
Outcome (s)
11.2 11.2.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why is it
Reading Intensive strand, the learner infer the meaning of words from important to relate
Reading: should be able to: context, what you read to
a) relate ideas in the text make connections between town real life
Reading with to personal experiences and events in the experiences?
Technology experiences, reading text. 2. What digital
b) create mental images create pictures, mimes, videos or resources can you use
(2 Lessons) from the events, crossword puzzles in with peers, in your reading?
characters or places search and read texts from the 3. Why are digital
in a text, internet with peers, materials more
c) answer factual and dramatise or role play events or interesting to
inferential questions characters in stories they have read than print
correctly, read online, ones?
d) judge the print the visuals obtained from
appropriateness of online sources and share or
digital texts on the display in a gallery.
basis of word choice,
theme and interest.
Core Competencies:
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving is developed as the learner engages in research online.
Digital Literacy is enhanced as the learner uses digital devices to read online and offline.
Responsibility and integrity are developed as the learner avoids breach of confidentiality and security while they read using
technology and use technology responsibly.
Link to PCIs:
Safety and security is enhanced with the learner’s responsible use of internet while reading the online visuals intensively.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner relates intensive reading done here to similar concepts learnt in Kiswahili.
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(S)
11.3 11.3.1 Use of By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why do we
Grammar Interrogatives strand, the learner mention the words used to ask ask questions?
in Use should be able to: questions - how, what, when, 2. How do we
(3 lessons) a) identify why, who, ask questions?
interrogatives in use the wh- words and how to ask
sentences correctly, questions,
b) use construct questions using the pattern:
interrogatives how much more…,
accurately in when/who/why/what else with peers
sentences, for example, who else attended the
c) adopt the use of ceremony? how much more sugar was
interrogatives bought?
used in oral and use the interrogatives with: else, much
written texts. … to complete sentences,
use digital devices to
practice constructing
Core Competencies:
Learning to Learn as the learner learns to use interrogatives correctly.
Communication and Collaboration as the learner works collaboratively to construct questions using the target pattern.
Respect is enhanced through the use of interrogatives by the learner collaboratively with peers.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
Social cohesion is reinforced as the learner engages in collaborative activities with peers to use interrogatives as guided.
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(S)
11.4 11.4.1 Spelling: By the end of the sub The learner should be guided to: 1. Why do we
Writing Commonly strand the learner should discuss with peers words they find write words
Misspelt be able to: difficult to spell, correctly?
Words a) spell selected words make a presentation on 2. Which words do
Homophones correctly for correct spelling homophones you find
Homonyms effective and homonyms, difficult to
(2 lessons) communication, write?
b) use homophones and
homonyms in
sentences correctly,
c) advocate the use of write words from a dictation by 3. How do we
correct spelling of words the teacher or from an audio-visual learn to spell
among peers. recording, words?
play spelling games with peers; for
example, scramble or scrabble,
use a jigsaw puzzle to form words
correctly with peers,
make words from jumbled up
Core Competencies:
Communication and Collaboration is enhanced as the learner finds the spelling of words while collaborating with
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving is nurtured as the learner makes words from jumbled up letters, play spelling
games like scrabble or scramble with peers.
Learning to Learn- is enhanced as the learner spells words they find difficult to spell.
Unity, responsibility, love are promoted as learners write examples of different words and play spelling games such as
scrabble while working with peers.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
Life Skills Education - effective communication and interpersonal communication promoted as learners excel in spelling
words correctly.
Suggested Vocabulary:
environment, atmosphere, conserve, acid rain, recycle, sewage, poisonous, pollution, destroy, dirt, disaster, dump, erosion,
famine, poison, preserve, purify, sewage, waste, flood, dirty, chemicals, sick, cancer.
Fixed phrase: fresh air, keep a promise, excuse me,
Simile: as white as snow, as clear as glass, as clear as the sky,
Idiom: feel at home, fight for your life,
Proverbs: Cleanliness is next to godliness,
Phrasal verb: grow up,
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Outcomes Experiences Question(s)
12.1 Listening 12.2 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should we
and Speaking Pronunciation and strand, the learner should say words containing speak clearly and
Vocabulary: be able to: the sounds /f/ and /v/ confidently?
a) pronounce words with with peers, 2. Why do we make
Speaking selected sounds pronounce the words speeches?
Fluency (Content accurately for related to the theme
from other effective correctly,
Learning areas) communication, construct oral sentences
Making a Speech b) construct sentences using vocabulary learnt,
orally using words listen to a recorded
related to the speech from a
(3 lessons) theme, digital
c) speak accurately, device on environmental
without hesitation and pollution,
with expression, make short speeches
d) challenge others to using vocabulary learnt,
speak accurately, at the and appropriate non-
right speed and to verbal cues.
display appropriate
expressions during oral
Core Competencies:
Communication and Collaboration is achieved as the learner works with peers to say minimal pairs of sounds /f/ and /v/.
Self-Efficacy is achieved as the learner creates and makes short speeches using appropriate nonverbal cues.
Responsibility and patriotism are developed as the learner practises caring for the environment.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
Environmental Education as learners interact with content related to environmental pollution while they listen to the
recorded speech.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner can relate the content listened to in the lesson to concepts taught in Integrated Science on environmental
The learner applies the skills gained in public speaking (giving speeches) to all learning areas as they do involve
public speaking.
Strand Sub Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Strand Question(S)
12.2 12.2.1 By the end of the sub strand the Learner is guided to: 1. What can
Reading Intensive learner should be able to: watch a video on environmental you learn
Reading: a) creates mental images from pollution and answer questions, from poems
events, characters and places in read a poem or song and role play and songs?
Poems, a text, the events, experiences or 2. Which poems
Songs and b) infer information and meaning of characters in the text, and songs do
Tongue words from context, answer factual and inferential you know?
Twisters c) answer factual and inferential questions on the poem and song 3. How do you tell
questions correctly for they read, the meaning of
(2 lessons) comprehension, visualise events, characters or unfamiliar
d) relate events and characters in places mentioned in a text, words while
the reading text to personal role play events or characters in reading?
experiences. the poem collaboratively with
Core Competencies:
Communication and Collaboration is enhanced as the learner role plays events or characters.
Digital Literacy is developed as the learner watches a video on a poem about environmental pollution.
Learning to Learn is achieved as the learner recites poems.
Responsibility and integrity are promoted when learners read poems/listen to songs and answer questions.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
Environmental Education is enhanced as the learner interacts with content on environmental pollution.
Life Skills Education – communication skills are enhanced as the learner recites poems and sing songs.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner relates the content of songs and poems to what is learnt in Music.
The learner applies the content of Environmental Pollution to a concept learnt in in Integrated Science.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcome Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
12. 3 12.3.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why is it
Grammar Word strand, the learner should identify and underline nouns which only important to
in Use Class: be able to: occur in singular or plural sentences, use words
a) identify nouns which construct sentences with peers using correctly?
Nouns only occur in singular or nouns which only occur in singular or 2. Which singular
(which only plural from given plural such as news, dirt, waste and nouns end with
occur in sentences, rubbish, letter -s?
singular or b) use nouns which only practise a conversation using plurals
plural) occur in singular or of nouns which only occur in singular
(3 lessons) plural to make sentences, or plural collaboratively,
c) collaborate with others to watch videos on nouns which only
determine the correctness occur in singular or plural and answer
and appropriateness of questions,
nouns used in various create display charts on nouns which
texts. only occur in singular or plural in
Core Competencies:
Communication and Collaboration is developed as the learner uses words correctly to construct sentences with peers.
Digital Literacy is achieved as the learner watches videos.
Responsibility is enhanced as the learner constructs sentences related to the theme thereby enhancing their awareness about
the need to conserve the environment.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
Social cohesion is promoted as the learner engages in collaborative activities to create and display charts on nouns occurring
as either singular or plural.
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
12.4 12.4.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should we
Writing Functional strand, the learner should view a sample diary sample plan our activities
Writing: be able to: journal/and identify the components, in advance?
a) identify the key write journal/diary entries with peers, 2. What is the most
Appointment components of a create an appointment diary memorable
Diary diary/journal, collaboratively, experience in your
b) create a journal/diary create a three day journal with peers, life?
Journal to convey desired display their work in class and take
(3 days) information in the right a gallery walk,
format, give feedback to each group
c) collaborate with peers to about their work after the gallery
(2 lessons) create personal journals walk,
and diaries on varied search for examples of diaries or
topics. journals on the internet, textbooks or
the library,
create a diary or journal individually.
Core Competencies:
Communication and collaboration is enhanced as the learner works with peers write a journal and a diary and give feedback
after a gallery walk.
Creativity and imagination is developed as the learner creates diaries and journals.
Unity, integrity, responsibility and respect – enhanced as learners create diaries and journals related to the environment
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
Life Skills Education - effective communication enhanced as the learner uses the activities in suggested learning to improve their
writing skills.
Suggested Vocabulary:
debt, banker, teller, lend, customer care, banking hall, queue, ATM machine, safe, save, savings, account, balance, cash,
deposit, interest, internet, cheque, exchange, loan, value, credit, bank manager, a lot.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
13.1 13.1.1 By the end of the Learner is guided to: 1. Why should we
Listening Pronunciation sub strand, the listen to a dialogue from an audio-visual listen
and and Vocabulary: learner should be recording or read by the teacher and attentively?
Speaking able to: select words with the target sounds, 2. How can you
Intensive a) select words and tell someone is
digraphs and clusters,
Listening phrases with the attentive?
(Dialogue say words containing the sounds /m/ /n/
target sounds, /ŋ/ with peers,
containing digraphs and
similes) identify words featuring the
consonant clusters
target sounds,
from a text,
identify similes from an audio visual text,
(3 lessons) b) use similes and use similes and words in sentences
vocabulary with peers,
related to the discuss new words found in the dialogue
theme correctly in collaboratively,
sentences, construct sentences using the new words
c) judge the individually.
appropriateness of dramatise the dialogue with peers.
words, similes
and non-verbal
cues during an
oral presentation,
d) interpret a
speaker’s feelings
and emotions
correctly during
oral presentations.
Core Competencies:
Communication and Collaboration is enhanced as the learner identifies similes from audio material and
constructs sentences using those similes collaboratively.
Digital Literacy is achieved as the learner listens to dialogues from digital devices.
Love, peace, responsibility, respect are developed as learners familiarise themselves with words like saving, money and a
proverb like: ‘A fool and his money are soon parted’.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
Social-economic Issues- financial literacy is nurtured as the learner listens to dialogues based on the theme of money.
Life Skills Education - effective communication is enhanced as the learner engages in various language activities.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner can apply intensive listening in learning all areas as listening is a key skill of learning.
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(s)
13.2 13.2.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why do
Reading Extensive strand, the learner should select appropriate print and non-print you read?
Reading be able to: reading materials; newspapers, 2. How do
a) select suitable reading magazines, class readers or poems, you obtain
Variety of materials from a variety scan through a text for specific details specific
texts such as of texts, and skim through a material to obtain information
Newspapers, b) read a variety of the main idea, from a text?
magazines, materials independently read selected materials independently, 3. What
class readers for information and promote extensive reading among materials do
and poems. pleasure, peers and the greater community, you enjoy
c) use fluency strategies collaborate with peers to determine the reading?
(2 lessons) such as previewing, appropriateness of reading texts on the
skimming and scanning basis of interest, themes and complexity
strategies to find of language,
necessary information, make notes on a topic they read
d) judge the with peers,
appropriateness of a make an entry of what they have read
reading text on the basis in their creative writing diary,
of theme, interest and visit a library to read online and offline
language complexity. materials.
Core Competencies:
Digital Literacy is enhanced as the learner searches for online reading materials.
Learning to Learn is developed as the learner find new information from newspapers, magazines, class readers
and poems.
Responsibility and integrity are promoted as the learner reads materials about spending money wisely and the importance of
saving money.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
Socio-economic Issues - financial literacy is enhanced as the learner reads material containing topics on money.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner can apply the skill of extensive reading in all learning areas as learners read extensively for information.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcome Questions
13.3 Grammar 13.3.1 Word By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Which words
in Use Class: strand, the learner underline prepositions of time, place show direction
should be able to: and direction in sample sentences: and time?
Prepositions a) identify o time such as in, on, at) 2. Why is it
prepositions of o place such as :in, on, at important to
(2 lessons) time, place o direction such as : into, show time and
and direction towards, to, through direction?
in sentences, play preposition games and
b) use prepositions songs online/offline,
of time, place construct sentences using
and direction prepositions,
appropriately for watch videos and online material
effective on prepositions collaboratively,
communication, create display charts containing
c) collaborate with prepositions of time and
others to judge the direction,
accuracy, create crossword puzzles using
appropriateness prepositions,
and correctness of solve code words and
prepositions used crossword puzzles involving
in varied texts. prepositions,
search for prepositions online, from
newspapers magazines among
Core Competency:
Communication and Collaboration is enhanced as the learner sings and plays preposition games with peers.
Digital Literacy- as learners watch videos and online materials
Responsibility is enhanced as the learner displays correct use of prepositions in sentences.
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Outcomes Question(S)
13.4 Writing 13.4.1 By the end of the sub Learner is guided to: 1. Why should we
Spelling: strand the learner should identify homophones, words write words
be able to: with double consonants and correctly?
Homophones a) identify homophones, words with double vowels 2. Which words have
Words with words with double from a text, the same
double consonants and words listen to words read by the pronunciation but
consonants with double vowels teacher or from audio recording different spelling?
Words with correctly, for example:
double vowels b) spell homophones, - waist/waste
words with double - collect or dropped
consonants and words write down from a
(2 Lessons) with double vowels dictation correctly,
c) uses homophones, use a jigsaw puzzle to
words with double form words correctly with
consonants and words peers,
with double vowels in make words from jumbled up
sentences correctly, letters,
d) recommend to peers form sentences from the
ways of enhancing their words they have spelt,
spelling skills for clarity search for homophones, words
of communication, with double consonants and
e) collaborate with others words with double vowels
to judge the from the internet.
appropriateness of
words, phrases and
sentences used in own
or provided documents.
Core Competencies:
Communication and Collaboration is enhanced as the learner works in groups to find the spelling of words.
Creativity and problem solving is enhanced as the learner makes words from jumbled up letter.
Learning to Learn - as learners spell words
Unity, responsibility and love are developed as the learner creates puzzles and rearrange jumbled up sentences collaboratively
with peers.
Link to other Subjects:
The learner applies the skill of proper spelling in all learning areas especially Kiswahili that emphasizes such.
Strand Sub Strand Suggested Suggested Non Formal Activities Suggested Learning
Assessment Resources
1.1 Listening 1.1 a) Oral reading Participation in poetry recitations during Non Digital
and Pronunciation or dictation music and drama festivals. Resources
Speaking and recitations Readers’ theatres organised after classes course books
Vocabulary b) Role play where poems are read for fun. story books
c) Debates Engaging in public speaking contests poetry books
d) Oral where knowledge on pronunciation is pictures and
interviews applied. photographs
e) Dialogues Preparing speeches and delivering them newspapers
f) Oral during prize giving days, school magazines
discussions assembly, extravaganzas among others to junior
g) Oral enhance fluency. encyclopaedia
presentations Debating club contests journals
h) Public Taking part in the 4K club and young dictionaries
speaking farmers association to reinforce learnt
i) Teacher-made Christian union, Catholic action, flash cards
tests Muslim, Hindu associations could help word wheels
j) Peer nurture values in the learner and expand word puzzles
assessment their vocabulary on moral issues. code words
k) Self- Taking part in integrity clubs in schools charts and realia
assessment to help learners hone their speaking
and skills.
listening tests
Digital Resources
i) Peer other web
assessment resources
j) Self-
reading tests
k) Keeping a
record of
books read
3.0 3.1 Word a) Tasks such as Essay writing competitions on different
Grammar in Classes multiple topics.
Use 3.2 Sentences choice Debating club sessions to enhance their
3.3 Patterns b) Discrimination language competency.
3.4 Tense c) Gap-filling
d) Short-answer
e) Dialogue-
f) Role play
g) Simulation
h) Matching
i) Substitution
j) Word games
k) Puzzles
l) Teacher made
4.0 Writing 4.1 Creative a) Teacher-made Establishment of writers’ clubs,
Writing tests journalism clubs, and compiling articles
4.2 Functional b) Learner for the school magazine to nurture
Writing journals writing talent.
4.3 Mechanics c) Peer Spelling contests among schools.
of Writing assessment Set up an after school club where they
d) Self- meet on a regular basis to read books
assessment and do extensive reading activities
e) Portfolio
f) Standardised
writing tests