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Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Estimation and identification

Course III: Online estimation problems

Samy Labsir

Institut Polytechnique des sciences avancées

5th year SET - 2024/2025

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches


▶ In a plethory of applications: estimation problem is dynamic.
▶ Examples: target tracking–GNSS navigation–robotics.
▶ Question: how to define estimation methods taking into account a temporal
evolution of the unknown parameter ?

▶ Define a generic framework for online estimation problem ⇒ Bayesian filtering.
,→ Analytical approaches: Kalman filter-based approaches.
,→ Numerical approaches: Monte Carlo filter-based approaches.

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches


Sequential estimation: principle

At each instant k:
• existence of a hidden parameter xk ∈ Rp ,
• linked to a sensor measurement zk ∈ Rm .
Objective: perform a sequential estimation of xk from the set of measurements z1:k .

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches


Bayesian filter: principle

• Statistic framework: xk and z1:k are uncertain then random.
,→ xk characterized by its transition density p(xk |xk−1 ) ⇝ assumed to be a
Markov chain.
,→ zk defined by its likelihood p(zk |xk ).

• Bayesian filter consists in computing recursively the posterior distribution:

p(xk |z1:k ).

p(xk−1 |z1:k−1 ) =⇒ p(xk |z1:k )

k =⇒ k +1

• Calculation of the average of p(xk |z1:k ):

E(xk |z1:k ) ≜ bxk|k = xk p(xk |z1:k )dxk (1)

• Bayesian framework: optimal estimator in the sense of the MSE !

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Application examples

Application examples (1/2)

→ GPS/GNSS navigation :
▶ Mobile position
estimation xk with
measurements zk .
▶ Pseudo-distances
computed between
mobile and every GNSS

Figure: GNSS system operating principle

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Application examples

Application examples (2/2)

→ Radar tracking :
▶ Position estimation xk
of a target with radar
(distance, angle and
▶ Measurements
computed by a radar
receiver (distance,
arrival angle).

Figure: Radar operating principle

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Application examples

▶ Computation done in two steps:

Prediction step:

p(xk−1 |z1:k−1 ) =⇒ p(xk |z1:k−1 ) (2)

Correction step:

p(xk |z1:k−1 ) =⇒ p(xk |z1:k ) (3)

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Application examples

▶ Prediction step equation:

p(xk |z1:k−1 ) = p(xk , xk−1 |z1:k−1 )dxk−1
xk ∈Rp
= p(xk |xk−1 ) p(xk−1 |z1:k−1 )dxk−1
xk−1 ∈Rp

⇒ obtained with the Kolgomorov equation.

▶ Correction step equation:

p(xk |z1:k−1 ) p(zk |xk )

p(xk |z1:k ) =
p(zk |z1:k−1 )
⇒ obtained with the Bayes’ rule.

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Application examples

▶ Distributions p(xk |xk−1 ) and p(zk |xk ) are generally known.
▶ BUT, without assumptions on p(xk−1 |z1:k−1 ), p(xk |z1:k−1 ) and p(xk |z1:k ) are

1- Assume a non-parametric based on samples drawn from the distribution
p(xk−1 |z1:k−1 ) → Monte-Carlo numerical approaches: Particle filter based-
2- Assume a parametric distribution on p(xk−1 |z1:k−1 ) → Analytical approaches:
Kalman filter based-methods.

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Application examples

Online problem: Bayesian filter

Application examples

Bayesian filter: numerical approach

Monte Carlo and Bayesian filter
Particle filter

Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Extended Kalman filter
Iterated Extended Kalman filter

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Online problem: Bayesian filter

Application examples

Bayesian filter: numerical approach

Monte Carlo and Bayesian filter
Particle filter

Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Extended Kalman filter
Iterated Extended Kalman filter

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Monte Carlo and Bayesian filter

Online problem: Bayesian filter

Application examples

Bayesian filter: numerical approach

Monte Carlo and Bayesian filter
Particle filter

Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Extended Kalman filter
Iterated Extended Kalman filter

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Monte Carlo and Bayesian filter

Why Monte-Carlo approach ?

▶ Remind of Bayesian filter equations:
p(xk |z1:k−1 ) = p(xk |xk−1 ) p(xk−1 |z1:k−1 )

p(xk |z1:k ) ∝ p(zk |xk ) p(xk |z1:k−1 )

▶ Difficult to compute theoretically and numerically these two equations !!

▶ We propose to deal with the global posterior distribution p(x0:k |z1:k ) given by:

p(x0:k |z1:k ) ∝ p(zk |xk ) p(xk |xk−1 ) p(x0:k−1 |z1:k−1 ) (4)

such as: Z
p(xk |z1:k ) = p(x0:k |z1:k )dx0:k−1 (5)

▶ Idea: use a Monte-Carlo (MC) approximation of p(x0:k |z1:k ) to obtain a MC

approximation of p(xk |z1:k ).
Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Monte Carlo and Bayesian filter

Monte-Carlo and Bayesian filter

Theorem: Monte Carlo approximation of a probabily density
▶ Let a probability distribution p(x). If we got N samples {x(i) }N
i=1 drawn from p,
then a Monte-Carlo approximation of p is given by:

1 X
p(x) ≃ δ(x − x(i) ) (6)

▶ On the other hand, if we sample from an importance density q(x), then a

importance Monte-Carlo approximation is given by:

X p(x(i) )
p(x) ≃ δ(x − x(i) ) (7)
q(x(i) )

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Monte Carlo and Bayesian filter

Monte Carlo and Bayesian filter

▶ By using previous theorem, p(x0:k |z1:k ) can be approximated in the following

,→ Let {xk }N
i=1 ∼ q(x0:k |z1:k ): an approximation of p(x0:k |z1:k ) is given by:

N (i)
X p(x |z1:k ) 0:k (i)
p(x0:k |z1:k ) ≃ (i)
δ(x0:k − x0:k ) (8)
q(x0:k |z1:k )
▶ Then, we deduce an approximation of p(xk |z1:k ):
Z X (i)
p(x |z1:k ) 0:k (i)
p(xk |z1:k ) ≃ (i)
δ(x0:k − x0:k )dx0:k−1 (9)
q(x0:k |z1:k )
N (i)
X p(x |z1:k )
0:k (i)
= (i)
δ(xk − xk ) (10)
q(x0:k |z1:k )

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Monte Carlo and Bayesian filter

p(x0:k |z1:k ) (i)
▶ corresponds to the importance weights denoted wk and:
q(x0:k |z1:k )

X (i) (i)
p(xk |z1:k ) ≃ wk δ(xk − xk ) (12)

▶ From that, we can extract two weighted MC estimators of the mean and the
covariance of p(xk |z1:k ) given by:

X (i) (i)
bxk|k ≃ wk x k (13)
N   ⊤
X (i)
Pk|k ≃ wk bxk|k − xk(i) bxk|k − xk(i) (14)

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Particle filter

Online problem: Bayesian filter

Application examples

Bayesian filter: numerical approach

Monte Carlo and Bayesian filter
Particle filter

Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Extended Kalman filter
Iterated Extended Kalman filter

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Particle filter

Particle filter
How to choose the importance density ?

Particle filter: principle

▶ Particle filter : Bayesian Monte-Carlo filter approximating p(x0:k |z1:k ) by using
the following factorized importance density:

q(x0:k |z1:k ) = q(xk |x0:k−1 , zk ) q(x0:k−1 |z1:k−1 )

▶ A sample x(i) from q(x0:k |z1:k ) can be gathered by sampling xk (i) according to
q(xk |x0:k−1 , zk ).

▶ Recursion of the a posterior distribution based on the Bayes’ rule:

p(xk |xk−1 ) p(zk |xk ) p(x0:k−1 |z1:k−1 )

p(x0:k |z1:k ) = R
p(xk |xk−1 ) p(zk |xk ) p(x0:k−1 |z1:k−1 ) d x0:k

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Particle filter

▶ We make appear the factorized importance density :

p(x0:k |z1:k ) =
p(xk |xk−1 ) p(zk |xk ) p(x0:k−1 |z1:k−1 ) q(xk |x0:k−1 , zk ) q(x0:k−1 |z1:k−1 )
q(xk |x0:k−1 , zk ) q(x0:k−1 |z1:k−1 )
R p(xk |xk−1 ) p(zk |xk ) p(x0:k−1 |z1:k−1 ) q(xk |x0:k−1 , zk ) q(x0:k−1 |z1:k−1 ) d x0:k
q(xk |x0:k−1 , zk ) q(x0:k−1 |z1:k−1 )

▶ If we have {xk (i) }Ns samples drawn from q(xk |x0:k−1 , zk ), then the MC
approximation of p is:

Ns p(x (i) |x(i) ) p(z |x (i) ) p(x(i) |z )

P k k−1 k k 0:k−1 1:k−1 (i)
(i) (i)
δ(x0:k − x0:k )
i=1 q(xk (i) |x0:k−1 , zk ) q(x0:k−1 |z1:k−1 )
p(x0:k |z1:k ) ≃
Ns p(x (i) |x(i) ) p(z |x (i) ) p(x(i) |z )
P k k−1 k k 0:k−1 1:k−1
(i) (i)
i=1 q(xk (i) |x0:k−1 , zk ) q(x0:k−1 |z1:k−1 )

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Particle filter

Particle filter
We make appear:

(i) p(x0:k−1 |z1:k )
wk−1 = (i)
⇒ Importance weights computed at previous instant (16)
q(x0:k−1 |z1:k )

Ns p(x (i) |x(i) ) p(z |x (i) ) w (i)
P k k−1 k k k−1 (i)
δ(x0:k − x0:k )
i=1 q(xk (i) |x0:k−1 , zk )
p(x0:k |z1:k ) ≃
Ns p(x (i) |x(i) ) p(z |x (i) ) w (i)
P k k−1 k k k−1
i=1 q(xk (i) |x0:k−1 , zk )

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Particle filter

Particle filter

X (i) (i)
p(x0:k |z1:k ) ≃ wk δ(x0:k − x0:k )

(i) (i)
p(xk (i) |xk−1 ) p(zk |xk (i) ) wk−1
(i) q(xk (i) |x0:k−1 , zk )
wk =
Ns p(x (i) |x(i) ) p(z |x (i) ) w (i)
P k k−1 k k k−1

q(x (i) |x(i) , z )

i=1 k 0:k−1 k

▶ This equation defines a weight recursion between w (i) and w (i) which allows to
k k−1
recursively update the posterior distribution.
▶ Advantage: any distribution don’t need to be Gaussian !

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Particle filter

Particle filter: architecture

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Particle filter

Particle filter: algorithm

Algorithm 1: Generic particle filter
(i) (i)
Inputs: Samples (particles) and initial weights {x0 }Ns Ns
i=1 , {w0 }i=1 , N: instants
while k ≤ N do
→ Prediction step
while i ≤ Ns do
(i) (i)
Sample xk ∼ q(xk |x0:k−1 , zk )
→ Correction step
while i ≤ Ns do
Computation of the weights wk according to (17)
. → Extraction of the estimated mean of p(xk |z1:k ).

X (i)
bxk|k = wk xk (i)

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Particle filter

Particle filter: simplification

▶ Basically, it is challenging to sample from q(xk |x0:k , zk ).

▶ If q(xk |x0:k−1 , zk ) = p(xk |xk−1 ) then:

(i) p(zk |xk (i) ) wk−1
wk = (17)
P (i)
p(zk |xk (i) ) wk−1

▶ In this case, the particle filter is denoted SIS algorithm ( Sequential Importance

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Particle filter

SIS algorithm
Algorithm 2: SIS algorithm: summary
(i) (i)
Inputs: Samples (particles) and initial weights {x0 }Ns
i=1 , {w0 }, N : instants.
while k ≤ N do
→ Prediction step
while i ≤ Ns do
xk (i) ∼ p(xk |xk−1 )
→ Correction step
while i ≤ Ns do
Computation of the weights wk
. • Extraction of the estimated mean of p(xk |z1:k ).

X (i)
bxk|k = wk xk (i)

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Particle filter


▶ Major problem of the SIS algorithm: weight 0.035


degeneration. 0.025


• The variance of the weights continues 0.015

to increase with each iteration. 0.01

▶ Consequence: a single particle with a 0.005

non-zero weight is obtained. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

▶ Divergence.
Figure: Weight distribution:
Instant 1
0.4 1



0.2 0.5



0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Figure: Instant 2 Figure: Instant 50
Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Particle filter

▶ Solution:
1. resample the particles as follows:
X (i) (i)
x0:k ∼ wk δ(x0:k − x0:k )

→ preserves particles of significant weight.

→ is equivalent to drawing an index j according to a categorical law.
2. Make each resampled particle equiprobable → wk = N1 .
▶ Resampling performed when degeneration is too strong → need to use an
▶ Effective number of particles:
Neff =
Ns  2
P (i)

▶ SIR (Sequential Importance Resampling) algorithm.

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Particle filter

SIR algorithm
Algorithm 3: SIR algorithm: summary
(i) (i)
Inputs: Initial particles and weights {x0 }Ns Ns
i=1 , {w0 }i=1 , N: instants.
while k ≤ N do
→ Prediction step
while i ≤ Ns do
Drawn xk (i) ∼ p(xk |xk−1 )
. → Correction step
while i ≤ Ns do
Computation of the weights wk according to the equation (17)
. → Resampling
If Neff ≤ γ
(⋆,j) P (i) (⋆,i)
1. x1:k ∼ wk δ(x0:k − x0:k ).
(j) 1
2. wk = ∀ j ∈ {1, . . . , Ns }.
Ns Ns
P (i)
bxk|k = wk xk (⋆,i)
Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Online problem: Bayesian filter

Application examples

Bayesian filter: numerical approach

Monte Carlo and Bayesian filter
Particle filter

Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Extended Kalman filter
Iterated Extended Kalman filter

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

▶ Remind of Bayesian filter equations:
p(xk |z1:k−1 ) = p(xk |xk−1 ) p(xk−1 |z1:k−1 )dxk−1

p(xk |z1:k ) ∝ p(zk |xk ) p(xk |z1:k−1 )

1- Gaussian linear assumption on p(xk |xk−1 ) and p(zk |xk )

p(xk |xk−1 ) = NRp (xk ; Fk xk−1 , Qk ) ⇔ xk = Fk xk−1 + vk , vk ∼ NRp (0, Qk )

p(zk |xk ) = NRm (zk ; Hk xk , Rk ) ⇔ zk = Hk xk + nk nk ∼ NRm (0, Rk )

2- Gaussian hypothesis on the previous distribution p(xk−1 |z1:k−1 ):

p(xk−1 |z1:k−1 ) = NRp (xk ; x̂k−1|k−1 , Pk−1|k−1 )

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

With these assumptions, we can obtain:

• First, that the predicted distribution is Gaussian

p(xk |z1:k−1 ) = N (xk ; b

xk|k−1 , Pk|k−1 ) (18)

with b
xk|k−1 and Pk|k−1 expressed as a function of b
xk−1|k−1 , and Pk−1|k−1 ,
• Second, that the corrected distribution is also Gaussian:

p(xk |z1:k ) = N (xk ; b

xk|k , Pk|k ) (19)

with b
xk|k and Pk|k expressed as a function of b
xk|k−1 , and Pk|k−1 ,

xk−1|k−1 , Pk−1|k−1 } ⇒ {b
xk|k−1 , Pk|k−1 }
xk|k−1 , Pk|k−1 } ⇒ {b
xk|k , Pk|k }

,→ Kalman filter algorithm.

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Kalman filter: architecture

Figure: Kalman filter architecture

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Kalman filter equations


p(xk |z1:k−1 ) = NRp (xk ; x̂k|k−1 , Pk|k−1 )

p(xk |z1:k ) = NRp (xk ; x̂k|k , Pk|k )

Prediction step:

bxk|k−1 = Fk bxk−1|k−1
Pk|k−1 = Fk Pk−1|k−1 (Fk )⊤ + Qk

Correction step:
 x̂k|k = bxk|k−1 + Kk zk − Hkbxk|k−1

Pk|k = (I − Kk Hk ) Pk|k−1
 −1
Kk = Pk|k−1 (Hk )⊤ Hk Pk|k−1 H⊤

k + Rk

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Elements of proof

Prediction step:
p(xk |z1:k−1 ) = p(xk , xk−1 |z1:k−1 )dxk−1
xk−1 ∈Rp

• p(xk , xk−1 |z1:k−1 ) = p(xk |xk−1 ) p(xk−1 |z1:k−1 ) is Gaussian and

| {z } | {z }
N (xk ;Fk xk−1 ,Qk ) N p (x ;x
R k k−1|k−1 ,Pk−1|k−1 )
we show that:

xk|k−1 , Fk Pk|k−1 (Fk )⊤ + Qk )

p(xk |z1:k−1 ) = NRp (xk ; b
| {z }
Fk xk−1|k−1

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Correction step:

▶ Determination of the distribution p(xk , zk |z1:k−1 )

h i h i 
xk x̂k|k−1 Pk|k−1 Pk|k−1 (Hk )⊤
p(xk , zk |z1:k−1 ) = NRp ,
zk Hk x̂k|k−1 Hk Pk|k−1 Hk Pk|k−1 (Hk )⊤ + Rk

Let be a and b two Gaussian vectors on Rc and Rd such as:
h i h i h i
a ma Paa Pab
p(a, b) = NRc+d ,
b mb Pba Pbb

p(a|b) = NRc a; ma|b , Pa|b
ma|b = ma + Pab Pbb −1 (b − mb )

Pa|b = Paa − Pab Pbb Pba (21)

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Elements of proof

• We apply the theorem on:

p(xk |zk |z1:k−1 ) ≜ p(xk |z1:k ) = NRp xk ; b
xk|k , Pk|k

( −1
bxk|k = bxk|k−1 + Pk|k−1 (Hk )⊤ Hk Pk|k−1 Hk + Rk

zk − Hk b
xk|k−1 (22)
Pk|k = Pk|k−1 − Pk|k−1 (Hk )⊤ Hk Pk|k−1 Hk + Rk Hk Pk|k−1 (23)

• By noting Kk = Pk|k−1 (Hk )⊤ Hk Pk|k−1 Hk + Rk , we find correction step

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Extended Kalman filter

Online problem: Bayesian filter

Application examples

Bayesian filter: numerical approach

Monte Carlo and Bayesian filter
Particle filter

Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Extended Kalman filter
Iterated Extended Kalman filter

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Extended Kalman filter

Bayesian filter: linear approximation

▶ Classically, sensor and dynamic models are non-linear (but stay Gaussians !)

p(xk |xk−1 ) = NRp (xk ; fk ( xk−1 ), Qk ) (24)

p(zk |xk ) = NRm (zk ; hk (xk ), Rk ) (25)

▶ Not possible to compute exactly the moments of p(xk |z1:k−1 ) et p(xk |z1:k )
▶ Solution : linear approximation of the models:

fk (xk−1 ) = fk (b
xk−1|k−1 ) + Jfk xk−1 − b
xk−1|k−1 (26)

hk (xk ) = hk (b
xk|k−1 ) + Jhk xk − b
xk|k−1 (27)

Jfk : Jacobian of fk computed in b

xk−1|k−1 . Jhk : Jacobian of hk computed in b
xk|k−1 .

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Extended Kalman filter

1− It ensues a Gaussian linear approximation distributions p(xk |xk−1 ) et p(zk |xk ):

p(xk |xk−1 ) ≃ NRp (xk ; fk (b
xk−1|k−1 ) + Jfk xk−1 − b
xk−1|k−1 , Qk )

p(zk |xk ) ≃ NRm (zk ; hk (b
xk|k−1 ) + Jhk xk − b
xk|k−1 , Rk )

2− Furthemore, we assume that the previous distribution is approximated by a

Gaussian distribution;

p(xk |z1:k−1 ) ≃ N (xk ; b

xk|k , Pk|k ) (28)

• From that, Gaussian approximations of predicted and corrected distributions:


• p(xk |z1:k−1 ) ≃ NRp (xk ; fk (b
xk−1|k−1 ) + Jfk xk−1 − b
xk−1|k−1 , Qk )

p(xk−1 |z1:k−1 ) dxk−1

≃ NRp (xk ; b
xk|k−1 , Pk|k−1 )

• p(xk |z1:k−1 ) ≃ NRm (zk ; hk (x̂k|k−1 ) + Jhk xk − x̂k|k−1 , Rk ) × p(xk |z1:k−1 )
≃ NRp (xk ; b
xk|k , Pk|k ) (29)

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Extended Kalman filter

▶ Recursions of {b xk|k } and {Pk|k−1 , Pk|k } define the Extended Kalman

xk|k−1 , b
filter algorithm.

Prediction step
bxk|k−1 = fk ( x̂k−1|k−1 )
Pk|k−1 = Jfk Pk−1|k−1 Jfk + Qk

Correction step

 bxk|k = x̂k|k−1 + Kk zk − hk x̂k|k−1

Pk|k = (I − Kk Hk ) Pk|k−1
 ⊤ −1
Jhk Pk|k−1 J⊤

Kk = Pk|k−1 Jhk hk + Rk

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Iterated Extended Kalman filter

Online problem: Bayesian filter

Application examples

Bayesian filter: numerical approach

Monte Carlo and Bayesian filter
Particle filter

Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Extended Kalman filter
Iterated Extended Kalman filter

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Iterated Extended Kalman filter

Iterated Extended Kalman filter

Iterated Extended Kalman Filter (IEKF): principle
▶ IEKF: improvement of the EKF to obtain an approximation of p(xk |z1:k−1 ) and
p(xk |z1:k ) more precise.
▶ Based on the same non-linear models:

xk = fk (xk−1 ) + vk vk ∼ NRp (0, Qk ) (30)

zk = hk (xk ) + nk nk ∼ NRp (0, Rk ) (31)

▶ It determines a direct Gaussian approximation of

p(xk |z1:k−1 ) ≃ NRp (xk ; b

xk|k−1 , Pk|k−1 ) (32)
p(xk |z1:k ) ≃ NRp (xk ; b
xk|k , Pk|k ) (33)

in which the non-linearities of the models is preserved.

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Iterated Extended Kalman filter

IEKF: principle
How to derive this approximation i.e. means {b xk|k } and covariance matrices
xk|k−1 , b
{Pk|k−1 , Pk|k } ?
,→ Means obtained by computing the mode of both distributions.
,→ Covariance matrices are obtained by a second-order linearization around the
,→ Fitting a Gaussian with these new parameters.

IEKF: method
• Non-linearities of the models → finding the mode of these distributions is not
feasible !
• Must be computed by minimization of a non-linear least squares criterion.
,→ Estimation problem ⇔ Optimization problem.

▶ In the same way as the EKF, the algorithm is divided in two steps: prediction
and correction.

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Iterated Extended Kalman filter

Iterated Extended Kalman filter: equations

Prediction step: p(xk |z1:k ) ≃ NRp (xk ; b
xk|k−1 , Pk|k−1 )

• Computation of b
xk|k−1 :

▶ We want to resolve:

xk|k−1 = argmax p(xk |z1:k−1 ) (34)
 ⋆ ⋆
⇔ xk|k−1 , xk−1|k−1 = argmax p(xk , xk−1 |z1:k−1 ) (35)
xk ,xk−1


1 1
p(xk , xk−1 |z1:k−1 ) ∝ exp − ||xk − fk (xk−1 )||2Qk exp − ||xk−1 − xk−1|k−1 ||2P
2 2 k−1|k−1

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Iterated Extended Kalman filter

Iterated Extended Kalman filter

▶ Consequently, the maximization problem can rewritten as a minimization

⋆ ⋆
{xk|k−1 , xk−1|k−1 }= argmin − log p(xk , xk−1 |z1:k−1 )
x̃k ∈Rp ,x̃k−1 ∈Rp

= argmin ||xk − fk (xk−1 )||2Qk + ||xk−1 − b
xk−1|k−1 ||2P
xk ∈R ,xk−1 ∈R 2
p p k−1|k−1

Solutions of the optimization problem are trivial and are written as:
( ⋆
xk−1|k−1 =b
xk−1|k−1 (36)

xk|k−1 = fk (b
xk−1|k−1 ) ≜ b
xk|k−1 (37)

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Iterated Extended Kalman filter

• Computation of Pk|k−1

We define the function J as follows:

J(xk , xk−1 ) = −2 log p(xk , xk−1 |z1:k−1 ) = ||ϕ(xk , xk−1 )||2Bk , (38)
ϕ(xk , xk−1 ) = xk − fk (xk−1 ), xk−1 − b
xk−1|k−1 (39)
h i
Qk 0
Bk = (40)
0 Pk−1|k−1

▶ First order development of ϕ at x⋆ ⋆

and xk|k−1 :

⋆ ⋆
p(xk , xk−1 ) ≃∝ exp − ||ϕ(xk|k−1 , xk−1|k−1 ) + Jϕ δ x ||2Bk (41)
1 ⊤ ⊤ −1
∝ exp − δ J B Jϕ δ x (42)
2 x ϕ k

with Jϕ Jacobian matrix of ϕ computed at xk|k−1 and:
 ⋆ ⋆

δ x = xk − xk|k−1 , xk−1 − xk−1|k−1 (43)

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Iterated Extended Kalman filter

Iterated Extended Kalman filter

▶ Then, the covariance matrix of p(xk , xk−1 |z1:k−1 ) is:

Pak|k−1 = J⊤
ϕ Bk Jϕ = A−1

▶ As (magic..):
Q−1 −Q−1 Jfk
h i
Pk|k−1 ...
Ak = ⊤ k −1 ⊤
k and Pak|k−1 = (44)
Jf Qk Jf Qk Jfk + Pk−1|k−1 ... ...
k k

we obtain (magic..):
Pk|k−1 = Jfk Pk−1|k−1 J⊤
fk + Qk (45)
Jfk : Jacobian matrix of fk computed at ⋆
xk−1|k−1 .

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Iterated Extended Kalman filter

Correction step: p(xk |z1:k ) = NRp (xk ; b

xk|k , Pk|k )

▶ At the correction step, Gaussian assumptions + following update equation:

p(xk |z1:k ) ∝ p(zk |xk ) p(xk |z1:k−1 ) (46)

| {z } | {z }
N (zk ;hk (xk ),Rk ) N (x ;x
k k|k−1 ,Pk|k−1 )

allows to obtain:

1 1
log p(xk |z1:k−1 ) = C2 + ||zk − hk (xk )||2Rk + ||xk − b
xk|k−1 ||2P (47)
2 2 k|k−1

where C2 ∈ R is a constant.

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Iterated Extended Kalman filter

Computation of b
▶ We look for the mode of p(xk |z1:k ).
▶ It is obtained by resolving the following optimization problem:

bxk|k = argmin − 2 log p(xk |z1:k−1 ) (48)

xk ∈Rp

bxk|k = argmin ∥ϕ(xk )∥2Σk (49)

xk ∈Rp
h i
 ⊤ Rk 0
ϕ(xk ) = zk − hk (xk ), xk − b
xk|k−1 , Σk = (50)
0 Pk|k−1

▶ Solution not trivial ⇒ can be obtained with an optimization algorithm.

▶ Criterion: non-linear squares based ⇒ Gauss-Newton algorithm.

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Iterated Extended Kalman filter

▶ At each iteration l:
(l) ⊤ (l) (l) ⊤
x(l+1) = x(l) − ( Jϕ Σ−1
Jϕ )−1 Jϕ Σ−1
ϕ(x(l) ) (51)
k k k

which can be rewritten as:

(l) (l)
x(l+1) = b
xk|k−1 + Kk zk − (hk (x(l) ) + Jh (b
xk|k−1 − x(l) )) (52)

(l) (l)
Jh : Jacobian matrix of hk computed at x(l) , and Kk is the Kalman gain computed
at iteration l :
(l) (l) (l) (l)
Kk = Pk|k−1 (Jh )⊤ (Jh Pk−1|k−1 (Jh )⊤ + Rk )−1 (53)
k k k

Computation of Pk|k : Same method as in the prediction step !

Pk|k = J⊤
ϕ Σk Jϕ (54)

Jϕ : Jacobian matrix of ϕ(x(L) ).

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Iterated Extended Kalman filter

Iterated Extended Kalman filter: summary

Prediction step (same as the EKF):

bxk|k−1 = fk ( x̂k−1|k−1 )
Pk|k−1 = Jfk Pk−1|k−1 Jfk + Qk

Correction step:

bxk|k = argmin ∥ϕ(xk )∥2Σk ⇒ Gauss-Newton algorithm

xk ∈Rp

 h i
 ϕ(xk ) = zk − hk (xk ), xk − bxk|k−1 ⊤ , Σk = Rk 0

 (56)
0 Pk|k−1
⊤ −1
Pk|k = Jϕ Σk Jϕ (57)

 Jϕ : Jacobian matrix of ϕ(xk ) computed as the

last iteration of Gauss-Newton algorithm

Estimation and identification IPSA
Online problem: Bayesian filter Bayesian filter: numerical approach Bayesian filter: analytical approaches

Iterated Extended Kalman filter

A few references..

[1] Sarkka S., Bayesian filtering and smoothing, Cambridge, 2013.

[2] Doucet A., Freitas N., Gordon N., Sequential Monte-Carlo methods in practice,
Springer, 1997.

Estimation and identification IPSA

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