Annual Day Script 1

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Ritika Rathi: “A lamp of knowledge emits such light
That illuminates the paths of success bright”
Dear audience
The commencement of our gathering today is marked by a cherished
tradition, the lighting of the lamp. This ritual, steeped in profound
symbolism, represents our ascent from ignorance to knowledge, from
confusion to clarity, inviting illuminating wisdom into our midst.
It's our honor to invite ………….on stage to do the honors. We deeply
appreciate their presence, marking the auspicious beginning of our
proceedings today.
Witnessing the lamp being lit, may it inspire us all. The flame's upward
movement, defying gravity, stands as a symbol of our quest for
knowledge, upliftment, and the resolve to rise above all challenges. It
stands as a testament to the power of light over darkness, knowledge
over ignorance.
Abhimanyu Chandwani: Thank you sir/mam for leading this auspicious
beginning. As the lamp's light continues to radiate throughout the
event, let it remind us of our collective commitment to knowledge,
harmony, and progress.
With the blessings of the resplendent flame of wisdom, let's move
forward to commence the annual day with renewed zeal, optimism and
the quest for knowledge and truth."
Devina Anthony: “Music is the moral law. It gives soul to the universe,
wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, charm and gaiety to life”
Music is the explosive expression of humanity and the most
fundamental part of our evolution. We sang before we could utter
syntactically guided sentences.
Music permeates the very essence of the universe around us and
resonates deep in our soul. In a world torn apart by hatred and strife,
Music has the ability to create order out of chaos, and bring
compatibility to the incongruous.
Daksh- 1600 से 1750 के दशक में ओपेरा की नई शैली के विकसित
रूप को और कैस्ट्रा( orchestra) नाम दिया गया जो विभिन्न
वाद्य यंत्रों का एक बड़ा समूह है जिसका एकमात्र
उद्देश्य है प्रेम एवं सद्भाव का सामंजसयपूर्ण संगीत
में प्रदर्शन

Hritika-"चाहे दुनिया में कितनी अलग अलग भाषाएँ हो जाएँ,

लेकिन संगीत से अच्छी कोई भाषा नहीं हो सकती है, जिसे
संसार के सारे जीव समझते हैं
Adnan: Without further ado, I invite all to join us on this soulful journey
where the amalgamation of varied notes blends together to form a
beautiful chord and the magical notes unfold and seamlessly merge
with the universe.
Misheeta : Appreciation: Music has the power to evoke a range of
emotions, and tonight is no exception. As we move through various
performances, you will experience joy, nostalgia, excitement, and
perhaps even shed a tear or two. Each artist has poured their heart and
soul into their craft, and we are privileged to witness their talent
firsthand. So please put your hand together to show how pleased our
ears are.
Aanshi Ajitkumar: Our next performance promises to be a celebration
of diversity and cultural harmony. We have a special treat for you—a
vibrant ensemble that will take us on a rhythmic journey around the
Daksh- संगीत में वाद्य यंत्रों के अस्तित्व मैं आने से
बहुत पहले मानव आवास का उपयोग सुंदर संगीत बनाने के लिए
किया गया जिसे सुनकर कवि की वाणी कुछ ऐसी मुखर हुई
Siddhi- मानव आवास कितनी अदभुत है कि यह संगीत के स्वरों
के साथ मिलकर शाश्वत झरनों का प्रवाह बन जाती है
ऐसा कहा जाता है जहां शब्द खत्म हो जाते हैं वँहा संगीत
शुरू होता है आईए हम धुनो की दुनिया में गोता लगाए जहां
भावपूर्ण स्वर अवर्णनीय को व्यक्त करने के लिए मुखर हो
जाते हैं
Aanshi: To begin this auspicious music event, the talented school choir
come together and present before you all the CLASSICAL RAGAS IN
Aanshi: Appreciations: OMG, incredible, this was not just a song, it was
a testament to the power of music to bridge gaps, break down barriers,
and foster a sense of unity among us all. You all deserve a huge round
of applause for fostering a sense of unity among us all.
Daksh-नृत्य वो कला है
जो स्वयं शिव की अराधना है,
मुक्त होकर बंधनों से,
जब कोई भाव नृत्य में लीन हो जाता है
तब वो प्रसन्नचित होकर सदा के लिए शिव का हो जाता है।
इसलिए कहा गया है कि
Siddhi- शिव सत्य है, शिव अनंत है शिव अनादि है शिव भगवंत
है, शिव ओंकार है, शिव ब्रम्ह है शिव शक्ति है और शिव ही
भक्ति है।
Adnan: The Shiva Stuti, is a famous stuti composed by Narayana
Panditacharya in praise of the deity Shiva written in the Prithvi metre.
Stuti means eulogy, singing praise, panegyric and to praise the virtues,
deeds, and nature of God, so let’s invite the students to perform the
same to mix a sense of purity in our minds.

Appreciation: ------------------------------------------------

Gurman: We all are aware that the success of any educational
institution depends on the principal. The principal is the driving force
who manage, coordinate, guide and supervised various activity of the
educational institute. It’s my honor to welcome principal sir on stage to
address the student.
Thank you sir for coming on stage and sharing your valuable thoughts.
7. PRIZE DISTRIBUTION – FELICITATION OF meritorious students and
National level achievers
Zoya: I can see the audience enjoying as we move further with the
performances, and as we have already reached halfway let’s take a
moment to facilitate the meritorious students and national level
achievers of new diagamber public school. Let us appreciate these
talented and hardworking stars.
Once again, congratulations to all of you.
8. Address by Honorable Chairperson
9. Colors of India- Diverse Dance Forms of India - Bharatnatyam,
Sambalpuri Folk, Manipuri folk and classical, Shadow Dance
Siddhi- जीवन के कण में है नृत्य
खुशियों का स्रोत है नृत्य
नृत्य है क्रोध की भाषा
नृत्य है प्रेम की अभिलाषा
ऊर्जा से भरा योग है नृत्य
बिनाश का तांडव है नृत्य
नृत्य है आत्मा की आवाज
नृत्य है परमात्मा का साज
नृत्य है आदि नृत्य है अंत
Misheeta: As we all know, we Indians have a long and illustrious history
of dance and music. Bharatanatyam, Kathak, Kathakali, Kuchipudi,
Odissi, Sattriya (Assam), Mohiniyattam (Kerala), Chhau (West Bengal,
Jharkhand), Gaudiya Nritya, Ghoomar (Rajasthan), and others are
examples of classical or semi-classical dance. We should consider
ourselves fortunate that we are able to showcase our country's cultural
glory through these events, and on top of that let us welcoming the
dancers that represent Indian art forms, please give them a big hand to
show them how enthusiastic you all are.
Devina: What an exhilarating performance! Our talented dancers have
truly woven magic on stage tonight, embodying the vibrant essence of
Diverse Dance Forms of India.
Gurman: It's been an evening of rediscovering our roots, an artistic
voyage across the diverse scape of our traditions. I'm sure all of you will
felt extraordinarily devoted vibes after seeing these performances, so
please make some noise to show how our hearts palpitated with
powerful and strong positive emotions that ran through our hearts
after seeing the performance.

10. Incredible India! A multilingual Dance drama - Showcasing

cultural heritage of Indian States
Daksh- हिमालय का सरताज सिर पर,
दक्षिण में समुद्र - आगोश
सुन 'मानस' भारत माँ की जय,
उर में करे संचार का जोश ।।

अखंडता भारत की 'मानस',

और एकता हैं मिसाल |
हाथ थामकर, एक जानकर,
भेदभाव की गिरे दीवार ||
Abhimanyu: Our nation's way of life and ethnicity is something we
identify throughout our lives and until we die, based on that theme I
am pretty sure the upcoming performance will be considerably more
outstanding than what we have ever witnessed. So let’s welcome the
dancing champs to the stage, to not only dance but express our
incredible India by their multilingual dance drama Showcasing cultural
heritage of Indian States.

Misheeta: Appreciation: INCREDIBLE is all that I want to say, this dance

drama seriously rendered me speechless, we should count ourselves as
blessed that we are getting a chance to showcase our country's cultural
splendor through these events and that we have youngsters that can
represent Indian artistic expression through their strong dance

11. Ballet – Meringue Dance - Western Dance form

Ballet शब्द Francesi भाषा से आया है| Ballet नृत्य की एक
संकलित शैली है... जिसमें बहुत अभ्यास की आवश्यकता होती
उस लोकप्रिय नृत्य शैली की उत्पत्ति 15 वीं शताब्दी
में इतालवी नव जागरण न्यायालयों में हुई। आगे चलकर यहु
France, England और रूस में यह समारोह नृत्य शैली के रूप
में अधिक विकसित हो गया। इस नृत्य शैली शैली के माध्यम
से अपनी संस्कृति और समाज का भी प्रदर्शन किया जाता है।
Aanshi: Dear Audience, in the realm of dance, the feet find the beat,
the heart finds the rhythm, and the soul finds the song. Ladies and
Gentlemen, a rhythmic spectacle is about to unfold. As the dancers
assemble to cast a spell of enchantment, let's create a thunderous
applause to encourage them. The stage is all yours
Abhimanyu: Appreciation: Great ability and great flexibility, no wonder
these champs rocked the stage, --------------------------------------

12. Wah! Janab Wah! - Humorous poetic drama to portray issues of

today’s society
Siddhi-या तो दीवाना हंसता है या खुदा जिस तौफीक दे वरना
इस दुनिया में हंसता कौन है
इसीलिए जरा हंसी की डोर खींचे चेहरे पर मुस्कान खिलाओ
क्योंकि यह हंसी के फुहारे जिंदगी को खुशनुमा बना देती
खुशियाँ लेकर आते हैं, हंसी साथ लाते हैं, ये उत्सव के
क्षण और ऐसे में ये मकसद है, सबके दिलों को खुश और आँखों
में चमक लाना।
Ritika: Hey…., with changing time and developing society, there are also
certain challenges that have emerged, how do you deal with them?
Zoya: Oh yes, you are right, there are numerous problems, problems
like which shirt to wear while going to a friend’s birthday? Or how to
complete the entire syllabus one day before the exam?
Ritika: No!!! I am not talking about your silly problems, I am talking
about the problems of society
Zoya: Will you please elaborate?
Ritika: Fine, to understand better, I would like to invite ndpains to
present their Humorous poetic drama to portray issues of today’s
Please give them a huge round of applause
Gurman: Appreciation: WAH JANAB WAH!! Well, I don’t think I need to
elaborate anymore, I am pretty sure the drama was relatable enough,
and the applauses and giggles already describes how wonderfully the
students presented the magnificent drama.

13. Nukkad Natak - Bio diversity

Siddhi- गाड़ियों से जल्दी तुम्हें जाना कहा है हवा को
दुषित करके रहना कहा है.... बढ़ाकर ग्लोबल वार्मिंग का
स्तर मानव, अब रहने तुम्हें जाना कहाँ है?

daksh- है किचिंत तुमको सबर नहीं

क्या ये भी तुमको खबर नही
ये धरती तो बस धरती है
ये धरती कोई रबर नहीं
जब बोओगे पेड़ बुबुलों के
फिर आम कहाँ से खाओगें?

Last of nukkad natak

जैव विविधता हमारी राष्ट्रीय धरोहर है आइए आप और हम सभी
मिलकर इनका संरक्षण करें ताकि इस पृथ्वी पर जीवन
विभिन्न रूपों में मुस्कुराता रहें।

14. Robotics Dance - Western Dance

Adnan: In the spirit of inclusivity and diversity, we embrace the many
ways individuals express their faith. Today, we have the honor of
experiencing a Robotics dance performance, where the dancers will
gracefully communicate their devotion and reverence through the
artistry of movements. This dance will not just about entertainment. It
is also an expression of energetic movements that will fill you with
amusement and uplift our spirits.
hRitika - रोबोटिक डांस नृत्य की वह शैली है जिसे वाशिंगटन
के चार्ल्स रोबोट और उनके साथियों द्वारा पार्टियों
मैं सबसे पहले सामाजिक रूप मैं सामने लाया गया । 1960 के
दशक के उतरार्ध मैं नृत्य की यह शैली प्रचलन मैं आई
Devina: So let us welcome these wonderful dancers with open hearts
and minds. Let us embrace the spirit of the performance and allow it to
move us in ways we never thought possible. Please give a big hand to
the dancers.

Devina: Appreciation: This dance literally rendered me speechless, we

just witnessed perfectionists showcase a masterpiece, passion and zeal
was visible in each move, audience please show how lovely the
performance was by giving a big hand to their hard work.
15. Bhangra - Punjabi Folk Dance
Abhimanyu: There are a lot of things that would come to your mind
when speaking or thinking about Punjab. The state is known for its
agriculture, delectable cuisine, people’s love for dance and music and
always carrying a hearty big smile on their faces.
Adnan: One thing that comes to my mind when thinking about Punjab
is the energetic dance form of Bhangra. There is not a single person
who would not tap his feet or groove to the beats of this dance form. It
just feels that this dance form came into existence just to make the
celebrations even bigger, happier and special.

Misheeta: Bhangra is a type of traditional dance form that originates

from the Majha area of Punjab. The interesting fact is that even today,
for the Punjab-Sikh community in particular, every celebration still
continues Bhangra which is a very important aspect of their community
and is deeply connected at the community’s core.
Ritika: So I feel the audience is warmed up enough by now to hear
students feet bang on the stage floor as the beats of some energetic
song plays and vibrates through our bodies, so with a huge round of
applause please welcome the participants for the evergreen, loved by
all Punjabi folk dance. Please welcome them with a big hand.

Ritika: Appreciation: wow, I could see wide smiles and shaking

shoulders of the audience eager to leave the seats and join the dance,
we were all filled with energy and enthusiasm, and now as our souls
feel refreshed and hearts feel happy, we must say-
HINDI :Bhangra nas nas vich racheya.
Bhangre da jalwa her tha macheyaa
Bhangra roo vich ehsa kuleyaa.
Bhangra sunn k rohna puleyaa.
Bhangra alam khushmizazi.
Bhangra jida ishq di bazi.
Bhangre nu sari duniyaa Mann gee.
Bhangra Major di adat bann gee.


Zoya: Every journey has its end and every path stops somewhere. Now I
would request all, to kindly rise and stand in attention position for the

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