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For software versions DC0505

Replaces C0242121-03-06

EN The information contained in this document may be modified without prior notice.
No part of this document may be reproduced and/or disclosed to third parties or competitors.

April 2011


1 INTERFACING WITH THE BMS (MODBUS) ............................................................................................................ 5

1.1 Components required ....................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Installing the serial interface card ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Setting supervisor parameters ......................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Interface database ........................................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Meaning of variables ........................................................................................................................................ 7
2 INTERFACING WITH LONWORKS SYSTEMS ........................................................................................................ 9
2.1 Components required ....................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Installing the serial interface card to the LONWORKS system ......................................................................... 9
2.3 Setting up the supervisor network .................................................................................................................. 10
3 INTERFACING WITH THE BACNET SYSTEM ...................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Components required ..................................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Installing the serial interface card to the BACNET system ............................................................................. 11
3.3 Setting up the supervisor network .................................................................................................................. 12

Caution: The Sequencer controller software is protected by a digital signature.

This means that it can only work on boards supplied by Climaveneta and not on boards purchased from other




This document exclusively refers to CLIMAVENETA systems managed by the Sequencer electronic controller running on
DC05r00 software or later versions. It can manage Modbus, Lonworks or Bacnet interface systems.
Information on the version of the electronic controller is shown in the "Info" menu. Access instructions starting from the
main screen are shown below.

Water Inlet 12.4°C Main screen.

Water Outlet 08.7°C
Request 080%
Unit on EST

Press “esc” on the “main mask” and scroll the list of menus with the “up” or “down” buttons until the description
“  ” appears. Press “enter”.

Screen Description
Menu Selection Screen displaying the menus that can be selected.
Press “enter” to access the highlighted menu.

Screen Description
Screen displaying information on the software version of the sequencer.

Cod. DC 05.00 EN



1.1 Components required

Serial interface card PCOS004850.

1.2 Installing the serial interface card

The operations required to install and connect the components for interfacing the Sequencer electronic controller with the
BMS are shown below.
The card must not be powered during these operations.

Remove the “Serial Card” cover from the electronic

control card in the sequencer panel.

Fit the BMS serial interface card (if not present) into the

Put back the cover.

1.3 Setting supervisor parameters

The electronic controller may only be installed and programmed by adequately trained technical staff.

To communicate with the BMS, set the parameters as shown below.

Enter the user menu and scroll to the screen described below.

Supervision N Supervision enable

Identification N 001 unit identification number: from 001 to 200
Speed 19200 Communication speed: from 1200 baud to 19200 baud
Protocol Modbus Protocol: Modbus

The supervisor network must be set up as shown below.


R=120 Ω


GND Tx/Rx + Tx/Rx - Interface

Figure 1.3: Diagram showing a possible BMS supervision network layout

The serial connection cable between the BMS and the Sequencer must be shielded and twisted and have a cross-
section of 2x1mm² up to a length of 300 metres and 2x1.5mm² up to a length of 1000 metres.
The length of the cable running from the BMS to the last unit must not exceed 1000 metres.
The serial cable must be kept separate from the power cables.
A maximum of 200 Sequencers can be connected to the network.

1.4 Interface database

- Standard Type Flow Description
Modbus protocol
- Trend
- Bacnet
002 001 B IN / OUT On/off command from supervisor (0:Off - 1:On)
004 003 B IN / OUT Mode command from supervisor (0:Summer - 1:Winter)
007 006 B OUT Enable Demand Limit (0:Off - 1:On)
008 007 B OUT Enable time bands (0:Off - 1:On)

022 021 B OUT Unit 1 online
023 022 B OUT Unit 2 online
024 023 B OUT Unit 3 online
025 024 B OUT Unit 4 online
026 025 B OUT Unit 5 online
027 026 B IN / OUT Unit 1 enable
028 027 B IN / OUT Unit 2 enable
029 028 B IN / OUT Unit 3 enable
030 029 B IN / OUT Unit 4 enable
031 030 B IN / OUT Unit 5 enable

40001 000 A NOT MANAGED

40002 001 A OUT System inlet temperature
40003 002 A OUT System outlet temperature
40004 003 A OUT External air temperature

40006 005 A IN / OUT Summer temperature setpoint
40007 006 A IN / OUT Summer adjustment band
40008 007 A IN / OUT Winter temperature setpoint
40009 008 A IN / OUT Winter adjustment band
40010 009 A IN / OUT dhw setpoint

40012 011 A OUT Main active setpoint
40013 012 A OUT DHW active setpoint

40022 021 A OUT Unit 1 inlet temperature
40023 022 A OUT Unit 1 outlet temperature
40024 023 A OUT Unit 2 inlet temperature
40025 024 A OUT Unit 2 outlet temperature
40026 025 A OUT Unit 3 inlet temperature
40027 026 A OUT Unit 3 outlet temperature
40028 027 A OUT Unit 4 inlet temperature
40029 028 A OUT Unit 4 outlet temperature
40030 029 A OUT Unit 5 inlet temperature
40031 030 A OUT Unit 5 outlet temperature
Register/Coil Protocol Type Flow Description


Modbus protocol address:

- Standard
- Trend
- Bacnet
40032 031 A OUT DHW storage boiler temperature unit 1
40033 032 A OUT DHW storage boiler temperature unit 2
40034 033 A OUT DHW storage boiler temperature unit 3
40035 034 A OUT DHW storage boiler temperature unit 4
40036 035 A OUT DHW storage boiler temperature unit 5

Unit status (0:ON - 1:OFF from alarm - 2:OFF from supervisor

- 3:OFF from time bands - 4:OFF from digital input - 5:OFF
40130 001 I OUT from keyboard - 6:Manual mode)
40131 002 I OUT Active alarm code (with greater priority)
40132 003 I OUT Software release
40133 004 I OUT Software revision
40134 005 I OUT Thermoregulator demand (%)
40135 006 I OUT Thermoregulator active power (%)
40136 007 I IN / OUT Summer power limit (%)
40137 008 I IN / OUT Winter power limit (%)

40140 011 I OUT Unit 1 status (see relative manual)
40141 012 I OUT Unit 2 status (see relative manual)
40142 013 I OUT Unit 3 status (see relative manual)
40143 014 I OUT Unit 4 status (see relative manual)
40144 015 I OUT Unit 5 status (see relative manual)
40145 016 I OUT Active alarm code unit 1 (with greater priority)
40146 017 I OUT Active alarm code unit 2 (with greater priority)
40147 018 I OUT Active alarm code unit 3 (with greater priority)
40148 019 I OUT Active alarm code unit 4 (with greater priority)
40149 020 I OUT Active alarm code unit 5 (with greater priority)
40150 021 I OUT Summer demand unit 1 (%)
40151 022 I OUT Winter demand unit 1 (%)
40152 023 I OUT Summer demand unit 2 (%)
40153 024 I OUT Winter demand unit 2 (%)
40154 025 I OUT Summer demand unit 3 (%)
40155 026 I OUT Winter demand unit 3 (%)
40156 027 I OUT Summer demand unit 4 (%)
40157 028 I OUT Winter demand unit 4 (%)
40158 029 I OUT Summer demand unit 5 (%)
40159 030 I OUT Winter demand unit 5 (%)
40160 031 I OUT Power delivered unit 1 (%)
40161 032 I OUT Power delivered unit 2 (%)
40162 033 I OUT Power delivered unit 3 (%)
40163 034 I OUT Power delivered unit 4 (%)
40164 035 I OUT Power delivered unit 5 (%)
40165 036 I OUT Manual override DHW mode unit 1
40166 037 I OUT Manual override DHW mode unit 2
40167 038 I OUT Manual override DHW mode unit 3
40168 039 I OUT Manual override DHW mode unit 4
40169 040 I OUT Manual override DHW mode unit 5

this is the address of the supervision variable in the electronic controller; in the ModBus protocol, for whole variables add
128 to the address.
(e.g.: Software address 3 -> Modbus address 131 [128+3])

B: Boolean variable (Coils for the Modbus protocol)
I: Whole variable (Register for the Modbus protocol)
A: Analogue variable (Register for the Modbus protocol)

OUT: Read-only variable for the BMS
IN / OUT: Read/write variable for the BMS

1.5 Meaning of variables

Analogue variables are expressed with a decimal number (e.g.: 12.0bar -> 120; 33.8°C -> 338).
If a probe is in an alarm condition a value equal to -99.9 is sent.
If a probe or a parameter is not configured a value equal to -88.8 is sent.


Analogue variables, whole and digital with address 0 are considered as incorrect and throw the “ILLEGAL DATA
ADDRESS” error code.
All the addresses not indicated in the database must not be used.



2.1 Components required
The components required to interface CLIMAVENETA units with an electronic controller to the LONWORKS system are
described below.

Serial interface card to the LONWORKS


2.2 Installing the serial interface card to the LONWORKS system

The operations required to install and connect the components for interfacing the electronic controller with the
LONWORKS system are shown below.
The cards must not be powered during these operations.

Remove the “Serial Card” cover from the electronic

control card in the sequencer panel.

Insert the LONWORKS interface card for connection to

BMS into the relative slot.

Put back the cover.

To communicate with the LONWORKS system, set the parameters as shown below.

Supervision N It is necessary to set the parameters for connecting with the supervisor as
Identification N 001 indicated alongside.
Speed 4800
Protocol Lonworks  Protocol: Standard
 Communication speed: 4800 baud (*)
 unit identification number: from 001 to 200

(*) Speed of communication between Sequencer and GATEWAY.

The speed of communication towards the external BMS is always 78 kbps.


2.3 Setting up the supervisor network

The supervisor network is set up by LONWORKS staff.

NB: CLIMAVENETA will supply the serial files and some files necessary for LONWORKS technicians to configure the
network. A file in .NXE format and a file in .XIF will be supplied.
The card is programmed by the technician developing the integration.

The reference database for systems using the LONWORKS networks is shown below:

Address Type NV type Flow Description

001 B 95 IN / OUT On/off command from supervisor (0:Off - 1:On)
003 B 95 IN / OUT Mode command from supervisor (0:Summer - 1:Winter)
006 B 95 OUT Enable Demand Limit (0:Off - 1:On)
007 B 95 OUT Enable time bands (0:Off - 1:On)
B 95

001 A 105 OUT System inlet temperature

002 A 105 OUT System outlet temperature
003 A 105 OUT External air temperature
005 A 105 IN/OUT Summer temperature setpoint
006 A 105 IN/OUT Summer adjustment band
007 A 105 IN/OUT Winter temperature setpoint
008 A 105 IN/OUT Winter adjustment band
009 A 105 IN/OUT dhw setpoint
011 A 105 OUT Main active setpoint
012 A 105 OUT DHW active setpoint
031 A 105 OUT DHW storage boiler temperature unit 1
032 A 105 OUT DHW storage boiler temperature unit 2
033 A 105 OUT DHW storage boiler temperature unit 3
034 A 105 OUT DHW storage boiler temperature unit 4
035 A 105 OUT DHW storage boiler temperature unit 5

Unit status (0:ON - 1:OFF from alarm - 2:OFF from supervisor - 3:OFF from time
001 I 8 OUT bands - 4:OFF from digital input - 5:OFF from keyboard - 6:Manual mode)
002 I 8 OUT Active alarm code (with greater priority)
005 I 81 OUT Thermoregulator demand (%)
006 I 81 OUT Thermoregulator active power (%)
007 I 81 IN/OUT Summer power limit (%)
008 I 81 IN/OUT Winter power limit (%)
011 I 8 OUT Unit 1 status (see relative manual)
012 I 8 OUT Unit 2 status (see relative manual)
013 I 8 OUT Unit 3 status (see relative manual)
014 I 8 OUT Unit 4 status (see relative manual)
015 I 8 OUT Unit 5 status (see relative manual)
016 I 8 OUT Active alarm code unit 1 (with greater priority)
017 I 8 OUT Active alarm code unit 2 (with greater priority)
018 I 8 OUT Active alarm code unit 3 (with greater priority)
019 I 8 OUT Active alarm code unit 4 (with greater priority)
020 I 8 OUT Active alarm code unit 5 (with greater priority)
021 I 81 OUT Summer demand unit 1 (%)
022 I 81 OUT Winter demand unit 1 (%)
023 I 81 OUT Summer demand unit 2 (%)
024 I 81 OUT Winter demand unit 2 (%)
025 I 81 OUT Summer demand unit 3 (%)
026 I 81 OUT Winter demand unit 3 (%)
027 I 81 OUT Summer demand unit 4 (%)
028 I 81 OUT Winter demand unit 4 (%)
029 I 81 OUT Summer demand unit 5 (%)
030 I 81 OUT Winter demand unit 5 (%)



3.1 Components required

The components required to interface CLIMAVENETA units with an electronic controller to the BANCET system are
described below.

Serial interface card

As well as the BACNET MS/TP card (for
RS485 network) the BACNET TCP/IP serial
card is also available

3.2 Installing the serial interface card to the BACNET system

The operations required to install and connect the components for interfacing the electronic controller with the BACNET
system are shown below.
The cards must not be powered during these operations.

Remove the “Serial Card” cover from the electronic

control card in the sequencer panel.

Insert the BACNET interface card for connection to BMS

into the relative slot.

Put back the cover.

To communicate with the BACNET system, set the parameters as shown below.

Supervision N It is necessary to set the parameters for connecting with the supervisor as
Identification N 001 indicated alongside.
Speed 19200
Protocol Bacnet  Protocol: Standard
 Communication speed: 19200 baud
 unit identification number: from 001 to 200

(*) Speed of communication between Sequencer and GATEWAY.

The speed of communication to the external BMS may be 9600-19200-36400-76800.


3.3 Setting up the supervisor network

The supervisor network is set up by the technicians developing the BACNET interface.
The Modbus protocol database is used for interfacing

Climaveneta S.p.A.
Via Sarson 57/c
36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI)
Tel +39 0424 509500
Fax +39 0424 509509

Climaveneta France
3, Village d’Entreprises
ZA de la Couronne des Prés
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Tel +33 (0)1 30 95 19 19
Fax +33 (0)1 30 95 18 18

Climaveneta Deutschland
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Tel +49 2301 91222-0
Fax +49 2301 91222-99

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Tel +34 963 195 600
Fax +34 963 615 167

Climaveneta Chat Union

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New dev. zone 201419 Shanghai
Tel 008 621 575 055 66
Fax 008 621 575 057 97

Climaveneta Polska Sp. z o.o.

Ul. Sienkiewicza 13A
05-120 Legionowo
Tel +48 22 766 34 55-57
Fax +48 22 784 39 09

Climaveneta India
Climate Technologies (P) LTD
#3487, 14th Main, HAL 2nd stage
Indiranagar, Bangalore 560008
Tel +91-80-42466900 - 949
Fax +91-80-25203540

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