Competition and Fair Trading Act 2024
Competition and Fair Trading Act 2024
Competition and Fair Trading Act 2024
No. 17 of 2024
I assent
Short title
Amendment of s. 22 of No. 31 of 2018
a e
(b) by renumbering subsections (2), (3). (4), (5), (6) and (7) as
subsections (3), (4), (5), (6), (7) and (8), respectively;
(c) by inserting a new subsection (2) as follows—
“(2) A person who—
(a) holds a degree in law awarded by an institution
accredited to offer legal education in accordance with this
Act; and
(b) to qualify for award of the degree, passed courses
assessed by the Council as comparable in scope to those
offered by the Institute,
shall be exempt from the requirements to enrol with the
Institute and pass the Malawi Law Examinations.”;
(d) in subsection (5)(d), by deleting the words “(2)(b)(ii)”
and substituting therefor the words “(3)(5)(ii)”s and
(e) in subsection (7), by deleting the words “requirement
First Schedule under the section,” and substituting therefor
the words “requirements under subsection (1),”.
4. Section 29 of the principal Act is amended by deleting
ofs.29 ofthe subsection (3).
principal Act
with conditions.
(2) A legal practitioner admitted to practise with
conditions, shall practise as an employee, under the
guidance, supervision and control of a—
(a) prescribed legal practitioner;
(b) firm of legal practitioners of which at least one
partner is a prescribed legal practitioner; or
(c) legal department of a Government ministry,
local authority or a body established under any
written law, headed by a prescribed legal practitioner.
(3) A prescribed legal practitioner shall not, at any
time, exercise guidance, supervision and control over
more than two legal practitioners whose admission is
No. 17 Legal Education and Legal Practitioners (Amendment) 2
Clerk of Parliament
NBS Bank PLC and National Bank of Malawi PLC (Lake Malawi
No. 18 Water Supply Project) Loan (Authorization) (Amendment) 1
No. 18 of 2024
I assent
1. Short title
Amendment of long title to Act No. 20 of 2023
Amendment of s.1 of the principal Act
ee een
An Act to amend the NBS Bank Pic and National Bank of Malawi Ple (Lake
Malawi Water Supply Project) Loan (Authorization) Act, 2023.
ENACTED by the Parliament of Malawi as follows—
1. This Act may be cited as the NBS Bank Ple and National Short title
Bank of Malawi Ple (Lake Malawi Water Supply Project) Loan
(Authorization) (Amendment) Act, 2024.
2. The NBS Bank Pic and National Bank of Malawi Plc (Lake ee
Malawi Water Supply Project) Loan (Authorization) Act, 2023 7 on
(hereinafter referred to as the “principal Act”) is amended, in the of 2023
long title—
(a) by inserting, immediately after the words, “NBS Bank
Ple,”, the words “CDH Investment Bank Limited,”; and
\) by deleting the words, “one hundred and five billion
Clerk of Parliament
No. 19 Electricity (Amendment) 1
No. 19 of 2024
I assent
amended, by deleting
6. Section 45 of the principal Act is
section 45 as follows—
of s. 45 of the section 45 and substituting therefor, a new
principal Act any manner an
“Offences 45,—(1) A person who carries on in
ravention of
activity for the supply of electricity in cont of the
or decision
this Act, or fails to carry out any order
r this Act or
Authority or a licensee made or given unde Act,
the provisions of this
otherwise contravenes
ction, liable to a
commits an offence and is, upon convi ty
for twen
fine of K100,000,000 and to imprisonment
of a licensee to
(2) Without prejudice to the right y,
of electricit
recover for any illegal consumption
very, a person
including costs associated with such reco
connects electricity to premises without
written authorization of the licensee;
y meter
(b) disturbs or tampers with any electricit
or other measuring instrument or appa
iction, liable to
commits an offence and is, upon conv
a fine of K100,000,000 and to imprisonment for
twenty years.
ises for
(3) A person who denies access to prem
onne l of a licen see or the
inspections by authorized pers ,
upon conviction
Authority, commits an offence and is, for
to imprisonment
liable to a fine of K50,000,000 and
ten years.
Clerk of Parliament
No. 20 Competition and Fair Trading
No. 20 of 2024
I assent
1 Short title and commencement
2. Interpretation
3. Application
20. Accounts and audits
$1. Unfair. trading
a2. Unfair consumer contracts
33. Procedures and remedies for unfair trading practices
64. Annual reports :
65. Common seal
66. Disclosure of interests.
67. Oath of secrecy
68. Confidentiality
69. Protection of Commissioners and employees of the
. Offences and penalties
. Offences committed by bodies ese
. Limitation of time
Regulations, guidelines, notices and forms
. Guvernment to be bound
. Repeal and savings
. Transitional matters
Competition and Fair Trading No. 20
Short title and 1. This Act may be cited as the Competition and Fair Trading
commencement Act, 2024, and shall come into force on a date to be appointed by
the Minister, by notice published in the Gazette.
Interpretation 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—
“affiliated” means an association of any two enterprises where—
(a) one of the enterprises is a holding entity of the other
enterprise; or
(b) both enterprises are subsidiaries of the same holding
“agreement” includes any agreement, arrangement or
understanding, whether oral or in writing, or whether or not the
agreement is legally enforceable or is intended to be legally
“annual income” means the total amount in cash or otherwise,
including any capital gain, received by or accrued to, or in favour
of, a person or an enterprise in any year, from a source within
Malawi or deemed to be within Malawi;
“buyer power” means the influence exerted by an undertaking
or group of undertakings in the position of a purchaser of a
product or service to—
(a) obtain from a supplier more favourable terms; or
(5) impose a long-term opportunity cost including harm or
withheld benefit, which, if carried out, would be significantly
disproportionate to any resulting long term cost to the
undertaking or group of undertakings;
“Chairperson” means the Chairperson of the Commission
appointed pursuant to section 7(2);
No. 20 Competition and Fair Trading
11.—(1) The Commission may, for the purpose of performing its Committees
of the
functions under this Act, establish committees of the Commission,
and delegate to any such committees any of its functions as it
considers necessary.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the Commission shall
establish a Technical Committee which shall hear applications for,
and make recommendations to the Commission on, mergers and
acquisitions, cases of anti-competitive conduct and unfair trade
practices and any other function as the Commission deems fit.
(3) The chairperson of every Committee shall be a Commissioner
appointed pursuant to section 7 (1)(@).
(4) The Chairperson shall not be a member of a Comm’ cee.
(5) Subject to the general or special directions of the Commission
and to the provisions of this Act, every Committee shall have power
to determine its own procedure.
12. The Commission or its Committee may, at its discretion, Invited
invite any person with specific knowledge, information or expertise persons
Chief Executive 15.—(1) The Commission shall appoint, on such terms and
of the
Conditions as it may determine, a Chief Executive Officer of the
Commission who shall perform such duties as the Commission
assign to his or her office and ensure the effective administration
and implementation of this Act.
(2) Without derogation from the generality of the responsibilities
and duties of the Chief Executive Officer conferred under
subsection (1), the Chief Executive Officer shall be responsible for
the day-to-day administration of the Commission.
(3) The Chief Executive Officer shall be appointed through a
competitive process and on such terms and conditions as the
Commission shal! determine.
(4) A person shall not be appointed as Chief Executive Officer,
unless the person—
(a) possesses a minimum qualification of a master’s degree in
a relevant field from a reputable education institution accredited
or recognized under the National Council for Higher Education
Cap. 30:12 Act;
(b) has proven and demonstrable expertise in competition and
fair trading matters, consumer protection matters, economics,
law, finance, commerce, administration or any field relevant to
the functions and responsibilities of the Commission;
(c) has at least ten years’ experience in executive management;
(d) does not hold a political office,
Removal of 16.—(1) The Commission may terminate the appointment of a
aaa Chief Executive Officer on any of the following grounds—
Office: (a) incompetence in the execution of the functions of the
(5) incapacity to perform the functions of the office:
(c) being convicted of an offence and sentenced to a term of
(d) being declared or adjudged bankrupt by a competent court
of law;
(e) failure to declare a conflict of interest relating to any matter
under consideration by the Commission;
(f) disclosure or publication to any other person or entity, other
than in the course of duty, of any confidential information of the
Commission obtained in the course of duty or otherwise; or
No. 20 Competition and Fair Trading 15
18.—(1) The funds of the Commission shall consist of— Funds of the
(a) such sums as may be appropriated by Parliament for the
purposes of this Act;
(b) such sums of monies as may accrue to or be received by the
Commission by way of fees, subsidies, contributions,
subscriptions, charges, penalties, levies, rents, interest or
royalties from the Government or any person;
(c) monies paid to the Commission by way of grants or
(d) monies made available to, or borrowed by, the
Commission, for the purpose of the Commission; or
(e) any other monies which may in any manner become
payable to, or vested in, the Commission in respect of any matter
incidental to its functions.
16 Competition and Fair Trading No. 20
(7) register any order it may have made, with the Court.
(2) In exercising its powers under this Part, the Commission
(a) hear orally any person who, in its opinion, will be affected
by an investigation under this Act and shall so hear the person if
the person has made a written request for a hearing, showing that
he or she is an interested party, likely to be affected by the result
of the investigation or that there are particular reasons why he or
she should be heard orally; and
(b) require a person engaged in business or a trade or such
other person as the Commission considers appropriate, to state
such facts concerning goods and digital products manv ictured,
produced or supplied by him or her as the Commission ay think
necessary, to determine whether the conduct of the business in
relation to the goods, digital products or services constitutes an
anti-competitive practice.
22.—(1) For the purposes of resolving a matter deemed to be an Administra-
infringement of this Act, the Commission may issue any of the tive orders
following administrative orders—
(a) declare certain business practices to be abuses of dominant
(b) order enterprises to cease and desist from any form or
conduct that has, or is likely to have, as its object or effect the
lessening of competition;
(c) order the termination of an agreement;
(d) prohibit the making, or carrying out, of an agreement or the
putting into effect of any anti-competitive term or condition of an
(e) prohibit and remedy unfair trading practices:
(f) order a product refund or exchange;
(g) impose a monetary penalty for anti-competitive conducts or
unfair trading practices;
(h) issue an order for the recall of a product established to be
(i) require a person found to be in infringement of this Act to
publish a notice of the infringing conduct in any media or form
designated by the Commission;
(» make applications to the Registrar of the Court, for the
purpose of enforcing an order it has made; and
18 Competition and Fair Trading No. 20
B. No. 9
20 Competition and Fair Trading No. 20
Defences for 25. Section 24 (1) shall not apply if it is shown that the
tive agreement, decision or concerted practice contributes to improving
agreements the production or distribution of goods or digital products or to
promoting technical or economic progress, while allowing
consumers a fair share of the resulting benefit, and which does
(a) impose on the enterprises concerned, restrictions which are
not indispensable to the attainment of these objectives; or
(5) afford such enterprises the possibility of eliminating
competition for a substantial market for the goods, digital
products or services in question.
Prohibited 26._(1) An enterprise shall not, on the market, engage in any of
the following activities—
(a) price fixing;
(b) collusive tendering and bid-rigging:
(c) market or customer allocation agreements;
(d) collective action to enforce arrangements; or
(e) concerted refusals to supply goods, digital products or
services to potential purchasers.
(2) A vertical agreement between enterprises is hereby prohibited
per se, and shall be void, to the extent that the agreement involve
minimum re-sale price maintenance.
(3) This section shall apply to formal, informal, written and
unwritten agreements and arrangements.
(4) This section shall not apply where enterprises are dealing
each other in the context of a common entity, where they are under
common control or where they are otherwise not able to
independently of each other.
(5) An enterprise which contravenes this section shall be liable
an administrative order from the Commission.
(6) For the purposes of this section, “per se” in relation to
prohibited practice, means a practice which is prohibited in
circumstances so that it is not necessary for the Commission
demonstrate that it has anti-competitive effects.
Prohibition of 27.—(1) Without prejudice to section 26 (1), the following types
agreements of agreements between enterprises at the same level of product
between ion
enterprises and supply of any good or service, including agreements betwee
at the same members of a trade association, are declared to be anti-competitive
level of
trade practices and are prohibited and void
and supply
No. 20 Competition and Fair Trading 21
for anti- : ; : ‘ e :
comnenave (2) After consideration of any investigation report, written
conduct representations and any oral submissions made during a hearing, the
Commission may issue any of the administrative orders provided
for under section 22.
Advisory 33.—(1) A person may apply to the Commission for a non-
opinion binding written opinion regarding the application of one or more
provisions of the Act.
(2)An application under subsection (1) shall be—
(a) made in a prescribed form; and
(b) accompanied by—
(i) a prescribed fee; and
(ii) prescribed supporting documentation.
No. 20 Competition and Fair Trading 27
35.—(1) For the purposes of this Part, a merger occurs when one Merger
(2) A merger contemplated in subsection (1) may be achieved in
any manner, including—
(a) the purchase or lease of shares, acquisition of interest, or
purchase of assets of the other enterprise in question;
(b) the acquisition of a controlling interest in a section of the
business of an enterprise capable of itself being operated
independently, whether or not the business in question is carried
on by an enterprise;
(c) the acquisition of an enterprise under receivership by
another enterprise either situated in or outside Malawi;
(d) acquiring, by whatever means, the controlling interest in a
foreign enterprise that has a controlling interest in a subsidiary in
(e) in the case of a conglomerate enterprise, acquiring the
controlling interest of another enterprise or a section of the
enterprise being acquired capable of being operated
(f) vertical integration:
28 Competition and Fair Trading No. 20
(e) in the case of the enterprise being a trust, has the ability to
control the majority of the votes of the trustees or to appoint the
majority of the trustees or to appoint or change the majority of the
beneficiaries of the trust;
(f) in the case of the enterprise being a nominee enterprise,
owns the majority of the members’ interest or controls directly or
has the right to control the majority of members’ votes in the
nominee enterprise; or
(g) has the ability to materially influence the policy of the
enterprise in a manner comparable to a person who, in ordinary
commercial practice, can exercise an element of cont I referred
to in paragraphs (a) to (/).
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1)(a), the purchase or lease of
shares, acquisition of an interest, or purchase of assets of the other
enterprise in question shall not be deemed as acquisition of control
in the following circumstances—
(a) where the acquisition of shares or voting rights is by a
person acting as a securities underwriter or a registered
stockbroker of a stock exchange. on behalf of its clients, in the
ordinary course of its business and in the process of underwriting
or stock broking, as the case may be;
(5) where the acquisition is solely as an investment or in the
ordinary course of business in so far as the total shares or voting
rights held by the acquirer directly or indirectly, does not entitle
the acquirer to hold twenty-five per cent or more of the total
shares or voting rights of the company, of which shares or voting
rights are being acquired, directly or indirectly or in accordance
with the execution of any document including a share holders’
agreement-or articles of association, not leading to acquisition of
control of the enterprise whose shares or voting rights are being
(c) where the acquirer, prior to acquisition, already controls
fifty per cent or more shares or voting rights in the enterprise
whose shares or voting rights are being acquired, except in the
cases where the transaction results in transfer from joint control
to sole control;
(d@) where the acquisition is not directly related to the business
activity of the party acquiring the asset or made solely as an
investment or in the ordinary course of business, not leading to
co..‘tol of the enterprise whose assets are being acquired, except
where the assets being acquired represent substantial business
operations in a particular location or for a particular product or
service of the enterprise, of which assets are being acquired,
30 Competition and Fair Trading No. 20
(a) satisfy itself that parties are in the same position as they
were prior to the notification of the merger;
(5) notify the parties that the Commission has ceased its
investigation; and
(c) notify the parties that the filing fee paid in respect of the
merger has been forfeited.
49.—(1) The Commission may, at any time, revoke a formal Revocation of
approval of a merger issued under this Part, if a party to a merger—
(a) submitted materially incorrect or misleading information,
in support of the merger; or
(b) fails to comply with any condition of an approval of the
(2) The Commission shall, where it proposes to revoke an
approved merger under subsection (1), give notice, in writing, of the
proposed action to every party to the merger, and to any other
person who is likely to have an interest in the matter, and call upon
such party or person to submit to the Commission, within twenty
one calendar days of the receipt of the notice, any representations
which they may wish to make on the proposed revocation.
59.—(1) Any party to a merger transaction— Negative
(a) seeking clarification as to whether the proposed merger
requires the formal approval of the Commission; or
36 Competition and Fair Trading No. 20
the provisions under Part V, Part VI or Part VII may apply for an
appropriate order for compensation before a court of law.
55.—(1) The Commission or any person in whose favour, or for Enforcement
of orders of
whose benefit, an order has been made by the Commission, may the
Ic4ge a copy of the order, certified by the Commission or a person Commission
authorized by the Commission, with the Court and the Court shall
forthwith register the order as an order of the High Court.
38 Competition and Fair Trading No. 20
Annual 64.—The Commission shall, within three months after the end of
each financial year, prepare and submit to the Minister a report of its
activities during the preceding year and the Minister shall lay the
report before the National Assembly at its next sitting.
Common seal 65.—(1) The common seal of the Commission shall be kept by
the Chief Executive Officer and shall not be used, except in the
manner authorized.
(2) All deeds, instruments, contracts and other documents shall be
considered to be duly executed by or on behalf of the
(a) where they are required to be under seal, if sealed with the
common seal and authenticated by the Chairperson or any other
member nominated in that behalf by the Commission and the
Chief Executive Officer or any other officer authorized by the
Commission; or
(5) where they are not required to be under seal, if executed in
that behalf by a member authorized by the Commission for that
(3) A deed, instrument, contract or any other document executed
in accordance with subsection (2) shall, in law, bind the
Commission, its assignees and its successors and may be varied or
discharged in the same manner that it was executed.
(4) All courts and other persons acting in a judicial capacity shall
take judicial notice of the common seal of the Commission affixed
No. 20 Competition and Fair Trading 43
Clerk of Parliament
No. 21 Older Persons
No. 21 of 2024
I assent
. Short title and commencement
2. Interpretation
15. Recovery of older person’s grant
16. Appeals
17. False representation
39. Requirement for a licence
No. 21 Older Persons
40. Application for a licence
4]. Grant or refusal of application for licence
42. Particulars of licence
43. Annual returns
44, Cancellation of licence
45. Cessation of activities
46. Inspectors
47. Powers of inspectors
48. Obstruction of inspectors, etc.;
63. Implementation and monitoring of programmes
64. Director of Elderly Affairs
b2. Duties and functions of the Director
Older Persons No. 21
66. Oath of secrecy
67. Protection from personal liability
68. Annual reports
69. Offences and penalties
70. Regulations
Short title and 1. This Act may be cited as the Older Persons Act,
_ commence- 2024, and
shall come into operation on such date as the Minister
ment may appoint
by notice published in the Gazette.
Interpretation 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—
“abuse” means any conduct contemplated in section 22
“beneficiary” means a recipient of an older Pp person’s rant
under Part | V;
6.—(1) An older person shall, at all times, enjoy the rights Rights of
older persons
provided for under Chapter IV of the Constitution and, in particular,
shall not unfairly be denied the right to—
(a) participate in community life in any position ‘gpropriate to
interests and capabilities of the older person;
(6) participate in inter-generational programmes;
(c) establish and participate in structures and associations for
older persons;
(d) participate in activities that enhance income-generating
capacity of older persons;
(e) live in an environment catering for changing capacities of
older persons; and
(f) access opportunities that promote optimal level of social,
physical, mental and emotional well-being of older persons.
(2) An older person has the right, without discrimination on the
basis of age, to an adequate standard of living, for himself or herself
and his or her family, including—
(a) access to adequate food, water, clothing and housing; and
(b) the continuous improvement of living conditions.
(3) The Minister shall ensure equal access by older persons to —
(a) appropriate and affordable social services; and
(b) social support programmes.
(4) The Government shall provide appropriate health care
services to older persons, including services designed to minimize
and prevent the occurrence of communicable and non-
communicable diseases, and aggravation of disabilities in old age.
(5) The Minister shall, in collaboration with the Minister
responsible for health, take appropriate measures to ensure access
for older persons to health services that are age and gender sensitive,
and to health-related rehabilitation, and shall, in particular, prescribe
mcasures to—
(a) formulate and implement a programme to enable older
persons have access to free or affordable medical and
8 Older Persons
No. 21
(7) The Director shall, in accordance with this Act, create the
necessary conditions and take all necessary actions for promoting
awareness of the older person’s grant among the citizens of Malawi.
13.—{1) The Director shall, in consultation with local authorities, Payment of
older persons
establish centres throughout every traditional authority area in grants
Malawi as pay points where beneficiaries may receive their grant,
and for this purpose the Director shall endeavour to establish the
pay points at reasonable walking distances for older persons.
(2) A recipient of an older person’s grant (in this Part otherwise
referred to as the “beneficiary”) shall have the right ¢ d the duty to-
(a) present himself or herself for receipt of tr grant;
(b) verify with the Director, or its designated officers, the
amount he or she is supposed to receive; and
(c) request that any error or omission with respect to his or her
grant be corrected.
(3) The Director shall, on a monthly basis, or as otherwise
prescribed, pay the beneficiaries of an older person’s grant in such
amounts as the Minister may, from time to time, determine.
(4) Where a beneficiary is absent during a pay parade for any
reasons whatsoever, except where he or she is dead, the Director
shall carry forward the grant to the next pay parade.
(5) Where a beneficiary is unable to physically present himself or
herself at the pay point due to a medical condition, a disability or
frailty, the Director may nominate an adult person who is related to
the beneficiary, or a social worker, to receive an older person’s
grant, on behalf of the beneficiary, if the person so nominated
satisfies prescribed conditions.
14.—(1) Where, due to a medical, safety or family emergency, a Discontinua-
potential; and
(c) benefit from family and community care and protection in
accordance with the system of cultural values of society.
26.—(1) The Minister may, in collaboration with any other Community-
relevant Minister— programmes
(a) develop community-based programmes regarding— for older
(i) prevention and promotion, which shall ensure the
independent living of older persons in the community in which
the older persons reside; and
(ii) home-based care, which shall ensure that frail older
persons receive maximum care within the community through
a comprehensive range of integrated services, and
20 Older Persons No. 21
(2) Sub-section (1) does not apply to social welfare officers and
health care providers referred to in subsection (3).
(3) All social welfare officers and health care providers in the
oublic service providing care to older persons under subsection (1)
shall be registered with the Director.
22 Older Persons No. 21
(8) A person who has been registered under subsection (4) may
apply for a licence to operate a residential facility in accordance
with the provisions of Part VIII.
(9) Any person who contravenes this section, or of a condition
imposed thereunder, commits an offence and is liable, upon
conviction, to a fine of ten million Kwacha and to imprisonment for
five years.
(10) This section does not apply to a private residence in which
an older person is looked after by a family member.
34.—(1) If there is reason to believe that any of the conditions Compliance
prescribed under section 33 (3) have not been com’ ied with by the with
conditions for
operator, the Director may order specific measur’ . ¢o be adopted to registration of
facilitate compliance with those conditions. residential!
(2) The operator shall, at all reasonable times, report to the
Minister any circumstances which may result in his inability to
comply fully with any condition prescribed under section 33 (3).
(3) Where the registration of a residential facility has been
cancelled in accordance with section 33 (5), or if the operator
wishes to close down that residential facility, the operator shall—
(a) prior to any decision to close down that residential facility,
consult with the Director on the matter;
(5) furnish the Director with a full report on the
accommodation of the older persons concerned required under
section 33 (7); and
(c) hand over to the Director all assets bought with
Government funds.
(4) Any person who contravenes this section, or of a condition
imposed thereunder, commits an offence and is liable, upon
conviction, to a fine of ten million Kwacha and to imprisonment for
five years.
35.—(1) If more than ten older persons reside in a residential Establishment
facility, other than a shelter, the residents shall establish a residents’ of residents’
committee which shall represent the interests of the residents at the for residential
residential facility. facilities
time, and any social welfare officer or person designated by the registered
Director shall, if requested to do so by the Director— facilities
39.—(1) A person who is not licensed or permitted under this Act Requirement
or any other written law, shall not operate a resir ntial facility or for a licence
Inspectors 46.—(1) The Director may appoint or designate inspectors on
terms and conditions determined by the Director, to check and
verify compliance with this Act, and in this regard the Director may
designate any person employed by the Director or appointed under
any written law, as an inspector.
(2) The Director shall cause to be published
in the Gazette the list
of persons appointed or designated as inspe
No. 21 Older Persons 33
enter into any premises that the inspector has reas .able grounds to
believe that it is being used by a person licen~ 4, or ought to be
licensed, under this Act to commit an offence or act contrary to the
provisions of this Act, and the Director may—
(a) search the premises;
(b) search any person on the premises, if there are reasonable
grounds to believe that the person has possession of an article or
item that has a bearing on the investigation, except that the person
shall not be searched by a person of the opposite sex;
(c) take extracts from, or any copies from any book, document
or record that is on the premises and that has a bearing on the
(d) demand the production of relevant certificates and inspect
the same; and
(e) make any such inquiries as may be necessary in order to
ascertain whether this Act, or any other written law on which
there is an investigation, is being complied with.
(2) An inspector shall submit to the Director, a written report
containing all relevant matters relating to an inspection for the
information or action by the Director, as the case may be.
48. A person who— Obstruction
of inspectors,
(a) delays or obstructs an inspector in the performance of the etc.
inspector’s duties and functions under this Act;
(4) refuses to give an inspector reasonable assistance as he may
require for the purpose of exercising the inspector’s functions; or
(c) gives an inspector false or misleading information in
response to an inquiry made by the inspector,
commits an offence and is, upon conviction, liable to a fine of
five million Kwacha and to imprisonment for two years.
34 Older Persons No. 21
(a) take into account the provisions of the Gender Equality Act; Cap. 25:06
(b) have regard to the need for continuity in the membership of
the National Steering Committee so that at least two members of
the immediate past shall be retained.
(5) A member of the National Steering Committee, other than an
ex-officio member, shall not, by virtue of the appointment, be
deemed to be an officer in the public service.
(6) The Minister shall cause to be published, in the Gazette,
names of all members of the National Steering Committee, as first
constituted, and every subsequent change in the membership.
50.—(1) A member of the National S -ering Committee Tenure of
appointed under section 49 (2) (b) shall serve for a term of three office and
years from the date of appointment and shall be eligible for =—
re-appointment at the expiry of that period for another term ofthree
(2) The office of a member of the National Steering Committee
appointed under section 49 (2) (b) shall become vacant—
(a) on the expiry of the term of office of the member;
(b) upon the member being adjudged bankrupt,
(c) upon the member being sentenced to any term of
imprisonment for an offence, without the option of paying a fine,
against any written law;
(a) if the member is absent, without valid reason, from three
consecutive meetings of the Committee of which the member has
had notice;
(e) upon the member becoming mentally or physically ill,
where upon a suitably qualified medical practitioner certifies that
the member is no longer, by reason of the illness, capable of
performing duties of the office of member of the Committee;
(f) if the member resigns from office by giving one month’s
notice in writing to the Minister;
(g) in the case of a member appointed under paragraph (ii) or
(iii), if the member is no longer able to represent the relevant
sector; and
(h) upon the death of the member.
(3) A vacancy in the membership of the National Steering
Committee shall be filled by the appointment of a new member by
the Minister in accordance with the criteria set out in section 49
: (2)(4).
36 Older Persons No. 21
older persons;
(c) resource mobilization and allocation for elderly services;
(d) surveys, investigations and research concerning older
No. 21 Older Persons 41
Implementa- 63.—(1) The Ministry of Gender, Community Development and
ton and. Social Welfare shall deliver, implement and monitor elderly policy
monitoring of
programmes | PrOgramme under this Act in close collaboration with structures at -
district and local council level, which shall be responsible for
co-ordination all stakeholders in the implementation and monitoring
of programmes at district and local levels.
(2) For purposes of subsection, there shall be established, in each
(a) a District Technical Committee of Older Persons, which
shall include community-based organizations, faith-based
organizations, and other community and_ civil society
(6) a District Elders Committee, which shall include
representatives of Older Persons in the District; and
(c) Community Elders Committees, which shall include
representatives of Older Persons in the community.
Director for 64.—(1) There shall be a Director for Elderly Affairs (in this Act
ae referred to as the “Director”) whose office shall be a public office.
(2) The Director shall be responsible for all matters pertaining to
older persons.
Duties and 65.—(1) Without prejudice to the generality of section 65 (2), the
functions of | Director shall be responsible for and shall have power to—
the Director
(a) request the production by any person, of any document or
information which, in the opinion of the Director, is necessary for
the execution of its functions under this Act;
Annual 68.—(1) The Director shall, as soon as practicable, but not later
than three months after the end of each financial year, cause to be
prepared and submitted to the Minister an annual report detailing
activities implemented during the year.
(2) The Minister shall, as soon as practicable after the end of each
financial year, but not later than six months after the end of the
financial year, lay before Parliament a copy of the annual report
received under subsection (1).
Offences and 69.—(1) Any person who—
(a) hinders or obstructs any person in the performance of his
functions under this Act;
(5) refuses or fails to comply with a requirement or request
which the Director or an employee of the Director has lawfully
set or made in the performance of his functions under this Act;
(c) intentionally furnishes the Director, or an authorized
officer, with false or misleading information;
(d) has been subpoenaed under this Act and fails or refuses,
without sufficient cause—
(i) to appear at the time and place specified in the subpoena;
(ii) to remain in attendance, until excused by the person
presiding at the enquiry, from further attendance; or
(iii) to take an oath or to make an affirmation as a witness,
commits an offence and is, upon conviction, liable to a fine of
ten million Kwacha and to imprisonment for five years.
(2) Any person who contravenes this Act for which no specific
penalty has been prescribed under this Act shall be liable to a
of five million Kwacha and to imprisonment for two years.
Regulations 70.—(1) The Minister may make regulations regarding—
(a) any matter which shall or may be prescribed under this Act;
(4) the form of any application, authority, certificate, consent,
notice, order, register, process or subpoena which is to or may be
made, granted, given, issued or kept under this Act, and any other
form required in administering this Act:
(c) the procedure to be followed and the conditions which may
be imposed in connexion with the registration of residential
facilities, and the minimum standards with which such residential
Passed in Parliament this fifth day of April, two thousand and
Clerk of Parliament