sample (15)
sample (15)
sample (15)
1. Candidates must bring Matric Card and Course Confirmation Slip to the examination hall/room.
Candidates are strictly prohibited from bringing into the examination hall/room any of the following: bags, handbags, pencil cases, printed
matters, files, mobile phones, 'programmable' calculator or any other device or equipment.
3. Candidates are not allowed to bring out of the examination hall/room any answer books(used/unused) and question papers.
4. Candidates are strictly prohibited to communicate among each other during the examination.
Candidates are not allowed to leave the examination hall/room within the first half an hour after the commencement of the examination or
within the the kast fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination.
6. Candidates must completely fill in the required information on the cover page of every answer book and attendance slip.
Students who are caught breaching the Examination Rules and Regulations will be charged with an academic dishonesty, and if found
guilty of the offence, the maximum penalty is expulsion from the University.