(ix) Which practice would not support a student to prosper in school life ?
(a) Learning many subjects. (b) Developing a craving for sensual pleasures.
(c) Following the advice of role models. (d) Developing strength of mind.
(iii) King Suddhodana sent Minister to invite the Buddha to the
(iv) Even though the Venerable Thero was old, he was young in
(v) In the Jataka story, the seven year old son of the Bodhisatva
was eager to know the path to prosperity.
contd.....to page 4
Grade 6 Buddhism contd.....from page 3
(vi) The importance of refraining from harsh speech and using good words is explained in
the Jataka story.
(vii) The meditation on the recollection of the great qualities of the Buddha is called
' bhavana'.
(viii) The Buddha preached the duties of children towards their parents in
the Sutta.
(ix) The Sutta says that we should respect those who are worthy
of respect.
Instructions :
● You may answer in Pali or English.
(1) Write brief answers.
(i) Name the Noble Triple Gem.
(3 marks)
(ii) What are the three roots of unwholesome actions (Akusala Mula) ?
(3 marks)
(iii) What are the three roots of wholesome actions (Kusala Mula) ?
(3 marks)
contd.....to page 5
Grade 6 Buddhism contd.....from page 4
(iv) What are the three doors (outlets) through which act ?
(3 marks)
(v) Name two good qualities of Bhikkhu Rahula.
(2 marks)
(vi) Name two great qualities of the Buddha, that are mentioned in the gatha to worship
the Buddha. (Iti pi so ...)
(2 marks)
[Total = 16 marks]
(2) (i) How would you react towards impermanence (temporary nature) in each of the
following occasions ?
(a) If one of your favourite toys is broken :
(b) If your best friend is seperated from you, when you are promoted to a higher grade :
(3 marks)
(ii) What should we do if we observe the following at a temple ?
(a) There are faded and withered flowers on the 'Mal Asanaya' in the shrine room:
(b) There are dried Bo leaves fallen all over the sandy floor in the 'BoMuluwa' :
(c) There is litter such as polythene bags, josssticks boxes, match sticks, etc. in the
shrine room :
(3 marks)
contd.....to page 6
Grade 6 Buddhism contd.....from page 5
(iii) Write two things that we should do to prepare ourselves/the environment around us,
before starting meditation.
(a) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(b) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2 marks)
(iv) Write two thoughts/wishes of lovingkindness that you would concentrate on, when
practising the meditation of loving kindness.
(a) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(b) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2 marks)
(v) Write two benefits that you expect through meditation.
(a) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(b) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2 marks)
(vi) Mention two Buddhist programmes organised by your temple.
(a) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(b) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2 marks)
[Total = 14 marks]
Content Percentage Marks
Theory Paper 70%
Dhamma School attendance 10%
Dhammapada assignment 10%
Oral Test of Gatha and Kavi 10%
Total 100%
END Ref : NR