English Out Line

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BS English (Language and Literature)

(4 Years) Program


Department of English and Affiliated Colleges



BS English (Language and Literature)
Department of English
S. No. Course Code. Title of the course Credit Hours Course Type
1. ENG-301 Reading and Writing Skills 3(3-0) Foundational
2. ENG-303 Introduction to Literary Studies 3(3-0) Subject-specific
3. ENG-305 Introduction to Language Studies 3(3-0) Subject-specific
4. GEO-301 / Introduction to Geography / 3(3-0) General/Compul
ENV-301 Introduction to Environmental sory General
5. PST-301 Pakistan Studies 2(2-0) Compulsory
6. SOC-301 Introduction to Sociology 3(3-0) General
Total 17(17-0)

S. No. Course Code Title of the course Credit Hours Course Type
1. ENG-302 Composition Writing 3(3-0) Foundational
2. ENG-304 Introduction to Phonetics & 3(3-0) Subject-specific
Phonology Foundational
3. PST-608 Human Rights in Pakistan 3(3-0) Compulsory
4. IS-302 Islamic Studies/Ethics 2(2-0) Compulsory
5. STAT-301 Introduction to Statistics 3(3-0) General
6. SAR-301 Saraiki Language & Literature 3(3-0) General
Total 17(17-0)

S. No. Course Code Title of the course Credit Hours Course Type
1. ENG-401 Communication and Presentation 3(3-0) Foundational
2. ENG-403 Introduction to Women’s Writing 3(3-0) Subject-specific
3. ENG-405 Short Fictional Narratives 3(3-0) Subject-specific
4. ENG-407 Introduction to Morphology 3(3-0) Subject-specific
5. CS-301 Introduction to Information and 3(2-1) Compulsory
Communication Technologies
6. HIS-306 World History (History of Islamic 3(3-0) General
Total 18(17-1)

S. No. Course Code. Title of the course Credit Hours Course Type
1. ENG-402 Sociolinguistics 3(3-0) Subject-specific
2. ENG-404 Study Skills 3(3-0) Compulsory
3. ENG-406 Semantics 3(3-0) Subject-specific
4. ENG-408 Popular Fiction 3(3-0) Subject-specific
5. ENG-410 Academic Reading and Writing 3(3-0) Foundational
6. POLS-508 Theories and Concepts of 3(3-0) General
International Relations
Total 18(18-0)

S. No. Course Code. Title of the course Credit Hours Course Type
1. ENG-501 Drama-I -Classical Drama 3(3-0) Subject-specific
2. ENG-503 Classical Poetry 3(3-0) Subject-specific
3. ENG-505 Rise of the Novel (18th to 19th 3(3-0) Subject-specific
4. ENG-507 Literary Forms and Movements 3(3-0) Subject-specific
5. ENG-509 Foundations of Literary Theory & 3(3-0) Subject-specific
6. ENG-511 Pakistani Literature in English 3(3-0) Subject-specific
Total 18(18-0)
S. No. Course Code. Title of the course Credit Hours Course Type
1. ENG-502 Drama-II -Renaissance Drama 3(3-0) Subject-specific
2. ENG-504 Romantic and Victorian Poetry 3(3-0) Subject-specific
3. ENG-506 Discourse Studies 3(3-0) Subject-specific
4. ENG-508 Creative Nonfiction 3(3-0) Subject-specific
5. ENG-510 Grammar and Syntax 3(3-0) Subject-specific
6. ENG-512 Introduction to Stylistics 3(3-0) Subject-specific
Total 18(18-0)

S. No. Course Code. Title of the course Credit Hours Course Type
1. ENG-601 Research Methods and Term Paper 3(3-0) Subject-specific
2. ENG-603 Drama III. Modern Drama 3(3-0) Subject-specific
3. ENG-605 Modern Poetry 3(3-0) Subject-specific
4. ENG-607 Modern Novel 3(3-0) Subject-specific
5. ENG-609 Literary Theory and Practice 3(3-0) Subject-specific
Total 15(15-0)
S. No. Course Code. Title of the course Credit Hours Course Type
1. ENG-602 World Englishes 3(3-0) Subject-specific
2. ENG-604 Post-Colonial Literature 3(3-0) Subject-specific
3. ENG-606 American Literature 3(3-0) Subject-specific
4. ENG-608 Introduction to Translation Studies 3(3-0) Subject-specific
5. ENG-610 Introduction to Applied Linguistics 3(3-0) Subject-specific
Total 15(15-0)

Grand Total: 136 Credit Hours

Course Outline

Course Title: Reading and Writing Skills

Course Code: ENG-301
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)
Course Description
The course is designed to help students take a deep approach in reading and writing academic
texts which involve effective learning strategies and techniques aimed at improving the desired
skills. The course consists of two major parts: the ‘reading section’ focuses on recognizing a
topic sentence, skimming, scanning, use of cohesive devices, identifying facts and opinions,
guess meanings of unfamiliar words. The ‘writing section’ deals with the knowledge and use of
various grammatical components such as, parts of speech, tenses, voice, narration, modals etc. in
practical contexts.

Course Objectives
To enable students to identify main/topic sentences.
To teach them to use effective strategies while reading texts.
To acquaint them with cohesive devices and their function in the text

Course Contents
Reading Skills
Identify Main Idea / Topic sentences
Skimming, Scanning, and Inference / Find Specific and General Information Quickly
Distinguish Between Relevant and Irrelevant Information According to Purpose for Reading
Recognize and Interpret Cohesive Devices
Distinguish Between Fact and Opinion
Guess the Meanings of Unfamiliar Words Using Context Clues
Use the Dictionary for Finding out Meanings and Use of Unfamiliar Words
Practice Exercises with Every Above Mentioned Aspect of Reading
Writing Skills
Parts of Speech; Phrase, clause and sentence structure; Combining sentences; Tenses: meaning
and use
Use of active and passive voice; Reported Speech; Writing good sentences
Error Free writing; Paragraph writing with topic sentence; Summary writing.
Note: Teachers need to include practice activities, exercises and worksheets on the provided
Recommended Books:
Howe, D. H, Kirkpatrick, T. A., & Kirkpatrick, D. L. (2004). Oxford English for undergraduates.
Karachi: Oxford University Press.
Eastwood, J. (2004). English Practice Grammar (New edition with tests and answers). Karachi:
Oxford University Press.
Murphy, R. (2003). Grammar in use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Course Outline
Course Title: Introduction to Literary Studies
Course Code: ENG-303
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)
Course Description
This course introduces literature as cultural and historical phenomena. This entails a study of
history of various periods of English Literature from Renaissance to the present. The course also,
very briefly, touches upon different theoretical approaches to literature to introduce the student to
literary critique and evaluation. A general understanding of literary theory as a broad field of
philosophical concepts and principles is also crucial to the understanding of literary piece.
Course Objectives
To study the history and practice of English as a scholarly discipline.
To study the history and development of each genre through excerpts of literary texts.
To do close reading of texts and analyze them with different critical frameworks.
To analyze and criticize the works of literature in their cultural and historical contexts.
To assess the influence of literary movements in Britain on English literature from all parts of the
Course Contents
William Henry Hudson. Introduction to the Study of Literature (1913)
Andrew Sanders. The Short Oxford History of English Literature (1994)
Mario Klarer. Introduction to Literary Studies (1999)
J. H. Miller. On Literature (2002)
Note: The teacher will use Sander’s history with any one of the three books on literature as core
Recommended Books:
Albert, E. (1979). History of English Literature (5th ed.). Oxford, New York: Oxford University
Alexander, M. (2000). A History of English Literature. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Blamires, H. (1984). A Short History of English Literature. London: Routledge.
Carter, R., & McRae, J. (1997). The Routledge History of Literature in English, Britain and
Ireland. London: Routledge.
Chin, B. A., Wolfe, D., Copeland, J., & Dudzinski, M. A. (2001). Glencoe Literature: British
Literature. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Compton-Rickett, A. (1912). A History of English Literature. London: T. C. and E. C. Jack.
Daiches, D. (1968). A Critical History of English Literature. London: Martin Secker and
Warburg Ltd.
Fletcher, R. H. (1919). A History of English Literature. Boston: R.G. Badger.
Legouis, E., & Cazamian, L. (1960). A History of English Literature. London: J. M. Dent and
Course Outline

Course Title: Introduction to Language Studies

Course Code: ENG-305
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
Language is central to human experience. This course provides a comprehensive overview of
language origin, evolution of language as human faculty, and traces the history of English
language in order to provide an idea how languages developed. The part on the history of the
English language covers story of English language from beginning to the present. The course
also includes a brief introduction of the history of linguistics with special reference to various
schools of thought that have contributed significantly to the development of Linguistics.

Course Objectives
This course aims to: Give students a comprehensive overview of language as human faculty.
Familiarize students with different stories about the origin of language.
Provide students an overview of how a language develops through a comprehensive exposure to
English language development.
Enable students to identify major theoretical formulations in the development of linguistics.

Course Contents
Language Origin
Language as a divine gift
Natural sound source theories
Social interaction source theories
The Physical adaptation sources
The genetic source
Speech vs. Writing
Primacy of speech
Speech vs. Writing
Origin of writing
Types of writing systems
Language as Human Faculty
Human Language vs. animal communication
Characteristics of Language: Design features
Animals lack language: A controversy
Language Families
What is a language family?
Language Families in the World: A Brief Overview
Historical Linguistics
What is linguistics?
What is historical linguistics?
What does historical linguistics study? (phonological, morphological, syntactic, and
semantic changes)
Methods of Language reconstruction
Branches of Linguistics
Major concepts in Linguistics (Synchronic vs Diachronic, Syntagmatic vs Paradigmatic, Langue
vsParole, Competence vs Performance, Form vs Function)
Levels of Linguistic Analysis (Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics,Discourse,

Recommended Books:
Bough, A.C. & Cable, T. (2002).A History of English Language. London: Prentice Hall, Inc.
Campbell, L. (2001), ‘The history of linguistics’, in M. Aronoff and J. Rees-Miller(eds), The
Handbook of Linguistics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, pp. 81- 104.
Joseph, J.E. (2002), From Whitney to Chomsky: essays in the history of American linguistics.
Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Yule, George. (2006). The Study of Language: 4th/ 5th Edition, Cambridge University Press.
Course Outline

Course Title: Introduction to Geography

Course Code: GEO-301
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)
Course Contents:
Introduction, Origin, Relation with social sciences, Climate & weather, Continents, Seas, Rivers,
Plains, Natural Division of earth seven parts. Nature & Kinds of Earth, Mountains. Geography of
Pakistan, Physical features, Rivers, Mountains, Indus Plains.

Books Recommended
Introduction to Geography
Geography of Pakistan,
Geography of South Asia,
Course Outline

Course Title: Introduction to Environmental Science

Course Code: ENV-301
Credit Hours: 3 (3-0)

Course Objectives:
Provide orientation on the evolution and scope of this emerging discipline and to motivate them.
They must know the importance of Environmental Science in human life, its relationship with
various segments of society and sectors of development. Students are also expected to become
familiar with current national, regional and global challenges for sustainable development.

Course Outline:
An overview of Environmental Science; components of environment; environmental problems
and their sources: Soil, Water and Air pollution, and their impacts on ecosystem; Principles and
applications of treatment and management of pollution; Bioremediation and its significance;
Climate change; Global warming; Ozone depletion; Industrial development and environment;
Urbanization, poverty, and resource depletion; Introduction to environmental ethics.

Expected Outcomes:
Students will be mobilized for the importance worth of Environmental Sciences. They will be
well aware of its interactive role with the related fields of sciences, current environmental issues
and their mitigation in order to meet the goal of sustainable development.
Recommended Books:

1. William P. Cunnigham, W.P. and M.A. 2017. Cunningham Environmental Science: A Global
Concern. 14th Ed. McGraw-Hill Education, New York, USA.
2. Botkin, D.B. and E.A. Keller. 2014. Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet. 9th Ed.
John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA.
3. Ghafoor, A., G. Murtaza, M.Z. Rehman, M. Sabir, H.R. Ahmad and Saifullah. 2012.
Environment Pollution: Types, Sources and Management. Allied Book Center, Lahore.
4. McKinney, M.L., R.M. Schoch and L. Yonavjak. 2012. Environmental Science: Systems and
Solutions. 5th Ed. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Ontario, Canada.
Course Outline

Course Title: Pakistan Studies

Course Code: PST-301
Credit Hours: 2(2-0)
Develop vision of historical perspective, government, politics, contemporary Pakistan,
ideological background of Pakistan. Study the process of governance, national development,
issues arising in the modern age and posing challenges to Pakistan.

Course Contents:
1. Historical Perspective
a. Ideological rationale with special reference to Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Allama
Muhammad Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
b. Factors leading to Muslim separatism c. People and Land
i. Indus Civilization ii. Muslim advent iii. Location and geo-physical features.
2. Government and Politics in Pakistan
Political and constitutional phases:
a. 1947-58 , b. 1958-71 c. 1971-77 , d. 1977-88 , e. 1988-99 , f. 1999 onward
3. Contemporary Pakistan
a. Economic institutions and issues
b. Society and social structure
c. Ethnicity
d. Foreign policy of Pakistan and challenges
e. Futuristic outlook of Pakistan

Books Recommended
1. Burki, Shahid Javed. State & Society in Pakistan, The Macmillan Press Ltd 1980.
2. Akbar, S. Zaidi. Issue in Pakistan’s Economy. Karachi: Oxford University Press,
3. S.M. Burke and Lawrence Ziring. Pakistan’s Foreign policy: A Historical analysis.
Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1993.
4. Mehmood, Safdar. Pakistan Political Roots & Development. Lahore, 1994.
5. Muhammad Waseem, Pakistan Under Martial Law, Lahore: Vanguard, 1987.
Course Outline
Course Title: Introduction to Sociology
Course Code: SOC-301
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)
Course Objectives:
The course is designed to introduce the students with sociological concepts and the discipline.
The focus of the course shall be on significant concepts like social systems and structures, socio-
economic changes and social processes. The course will provide due foundation for further
studies in the field of sociology.

Course Outline:
An overview of Sociology; Introduction; Definition; Scope; and Subject Matter; Sociology as a
Science , Historical back ground of Sociology;
Basic Concepts: Group; Community; Society; Associations ; Non-Voluntary; Voluntary
Organization; Informal; Formal ;Social Interaction; Levels of Social Interaction; Process of
Social Interaction ;Cooperation; Competition; Conflict; Accommodation; Acculturation and
diffusion ;Assimilation; Amalgamation; Social Groups ;Definition & Functions; Types of social
groups; In and out groups ;Primary and Secondary group ; Reference groups; Informal and
Formal groups ;Pressure groups ; Culture ;Definition, aspects and characteristics of Culture
;Material and non material culture ;Ideal and real culture; Elements of culture; Beliefs; Values;
Norms and social sanctions; Organizations of culture; Traits; Complexes; Patterns; Ethos; Theme
; Other related concepts; Cultural Relativism ; Sub Cultures; Ethnocentrism and Xenocentrism;
Cultural lag ; Socialization & Personality ; Personality, Factors in Personality Formation ;
Socialization, Agencies of Socialization; Role & Status ; Deviance and Social Control; Deviance
and its types ; Social control and its need ;Forms of Social control; Methods & Agencies of
Social control; Collective Behavior; Collective behavior, its types; Crowd behavior; Public
opinion; Propaganda ; Social movements And Leadership

Recommended Books:
1. Anderson, Margaret and Howard F. Taylor. 2001. Sociology the Essentials. Australia:
2. Brown, Ken 2004. Sociology. UK: Polity Press
3. Gidden, Anthony 2002. Introduction to Sociology. UK: Polity Press.
4. Macionis, John J. 2006. 10th Edition Sociology New Jersey: Prentice-Hall
5. Tischler, Henry L. 2002. Introduction to Sociology 7th ed. New York: The Harcourt Press.
6. Frank N Magill. 2003. International Encyclopedia of Sociology. U.S.A: Fitzroy Dearborn
7. Macionis, John J. 2005. Sociology 10th ed. South Asia: Pearson Education
8. Kerbo, Harold R. 1989. Sociology: Social Structure and Social Conflict. New York:
Macmillan Publishing Company.
9. Koening Samuel. 1957. Sociology: An Introduction to the Science of Society. New York:
Barnes and Nobel..
10. Lee, Alfred Mclung and Lee, Elizabeth Briant 1961. Marriage and The family.New York:
Barnes and Noble, Inc.
11. Leslie, Gerald et al. 1973. Order and Change: Introductory SociologyToronto: Oxford
University Press.
12. Lenski, Gevbard and Lenski, Jeam. 1982. Human Societies. 4th edition New York: McGraw-
Hill Book Company.
13. James M. Henslin. 2004. Sociology: A Down to Earth Approach. Toronto: Allen and Bacon.
14. Choices in relationships an introduction to marriage & teh family 8/e (hb) by schacht, 2005
15. Culture and society an introduction to cultural studies (pb) by oswell, 2006
16. Sociology 9/e (hb) by stark, 2004
17. SOCIOLOGY: a down to earth approach (3/E) by HENSLIN, 1997
Course Outline

Course Title: Composition Writing

Course Code: ENG-302
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description:
The course focuses on the basic strategies of composition and writing skills. Good writing skills
not only help students obtain good grades but also optimize their chances to excel in professional
life. The course includes modes of collecting information and arranging it in appropriate manner
such as chronological order, cause and effect, compare and contrast, general to specific etc. It
enables the students to write, edit, rewrite, redraft and proofread their own document for writing
effective compositions. Because of the use of a significant amount of written communication on
daily basis, sharp writing skills have always been valued highly in academic as well as
professional spheres.

Course Objectives:
This course aims to:
● assist students identify the audience, message, and the purpose of writing
● develop rhetorical knowledge and critical thinking
● enable them express themselves in a variety of writing styles
● help students write well organized academic texts including examination answers with
topic/thesis statement and supporting details.
● make students write argumentative essays and course assignments

Course outcome:
By the end of the course, students are expected to:
● use different mechanics of writing to produce various types of compositions effectively
keeping in view the purpose and the audience
● demonstrate rhetorical knowledge
● demonstrate critical thinking in well-organized forms of academic texts

Course Contents:
1. Writing Process
● Invention
✓ Generating Ideas (collecting information in various forms such as mind maps, tables, lists,
charts etc)
✓ Identifying Audience, Purpose, and Message
● Ordering Information
✓ Chronology for a narrative
✓ Stages of a process
✓From general to specific and vice versa
✓From most important to least important
✓ Advantages and disadvantages
✓ Comparison and contrast
✓ Problem solution pattern
● Drafting
✓ Free Writing
✓ Revising
✓ Editing

2. Paraphrasing
3. Cohesion and Coherence
● Cohesive Devices
● Paragraph unity

4. Summary and Précis Writing

5. Creative Writing

6. Essay Writing
● developing a thesis
● organizing an essay
● writing effective introduction and conclusion
● different types of essays
● use of various rhetorical modes including exposition, argumentation and analysis

Recommended Books:
● Goatly, A. (2000). Critical Reading and Writing: An Introductory Course. London: Taylor &
● Hacker, D. (1992). A Writer’s Reference. 2nd ed. Boston: St. Martin’s
● Hamp-Lyons, L. & Heasley, B. (1987). Study writing: A course in written English for
academic and professional purposes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
● Howe, D. H, Kirkpatrick, T. A., & Kirkpatrick, D. L. (2004). Oxford English for
Undergraduates. Karachi: Oxford University Press.
● Kirszner, L.G &Mandell, S.R. (1989). Patterns For College Writing: Fourth Edition. USA: St.
Martin’s Press, Inc.
● Smazler, W. R. (1996). Write to be Read: Reading, Reflection and Writing. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Course Outline

Course Title: Introduction to Phonetics & Phonology

Course Code: ENG-304
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
This course explores speech sounds as physical entities (phonetics) and linguistic units
(phonology). In viewing sounds as physical elements, the focus is on articulatory description. In
this part of the course, the goal is to learn to produce, transcribe, and describe in articulatory
terms many of the sounds known to occur in human languages. In the next part of the
course, the focus is on sounds as members of a particular linguistic system.

Course Objectives
This course aims to:
assist students learn a number of technical terms related to the course
familiarize students with sounds and sound patterning, particularly in English Language
develop knowledge of segmental and supra-segmental speech
help students understand the features of connected speech

Course Contents
Basic definitions
Articulatory, Auditory & Acoustic Phonetics
Minimal pairs
Organs of Speech
Consonants (place and manner of articulation)
Vowels (vowel trapezium/quadrilateral)
Rules of Voicing
Rules of /r/
Rules of /ŋ/
Practice of phonemic transcription
Fluency Devices
Weak forms/Strong forms
Sound Values
Stress and Intonation
Practice of phonemic transcription
Phonological problems faced by Pakistani students while learning English as a foreign language

Recommended Books:
Collins, B. and Mees, I. (2003) Practical Phonetics and Phonology: A Resource Book for
Students. London & NY: Routledge (Taylor & Francis)
Clark, J and Yallop, C. (1995). An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology.2nd edition.
Cambridge, Mass: Blackwell.
Davenport, Mike & S. J. Hannahs.(2010). Introducing Phonetics & Phonology, 3rd edition.
Hodder Education
Roach, Peter. (2009). English Phonetics and Phonology: A Practical Course. 4th Edition.

Course Outline

Course Title: Human Rights in Pakistan

Course Code: PST-608
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)
Introduction / Objectives
This subject concentrates on the nature of the human rights, and endeavors to understand the
human rights environment in Pakistan. It guides the students to go through various concepts
regarding human rights, according to historical tradition, global norms and the UN Declaration.
Course Outline
1. Conceptual Foundation of Human Rights
a. What are Human Rights? Definition and explanation of Human Rights
b. Significance and importance
c. Rights and responsibilities at local, community, national and international levels
2. Islamic Concept of Human Rights
3. UN declaration of Human Rights, safeguards of Human rights under international law.
4. Agencies and sources of Human Right in Pakistan
a. Governmental legislative enactments and the Constitution
b. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s)
5. Specific areas of Human Rights enforcement in Pakistan
a. Crime risk management
b. Governance and social justice (management of public grievances)
c. Women rights and gender relations
d. Children rights and child abuse
e. Police and law and order, including traffic rights and social harmony
f. Legal justice
g. Crisis management
h. Health, education and poverty alleviation
i. Employment on merit
Recommended Books:
1. Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, State of H.Rights in Pakistan(1994 – 2000).
2. Brownlie, Ian. (ed.) Human Rights in the 21st century.
3. Davis, Peter. (ed.) Human Rights London, 1997.
4. Khutba-e-Hajja-tul-Wida
Course Outline
Course Title: Islamic Studies
Course Code: IS-302
Credit Hours: 2 (2-0)

Course Objectives: This course is aimed at:

1 To provide Basic information about Islamic Studies
2 To enhance understanding of the students regarding Islamic Civilization
3 To improve Students skill to perform prayers and other worships
4 To enhance the skill of the students for understanding of issues related to faith and
religious life.

Course Outline:
Theory: Introduction to Quranic Studies
1) Basic Concepts of Quran
2) History of Quran
3) Uloom-ul -Quran
Study of Selected Text of Holly Quran
1) Verses of Surah Al-Baqra Related to Faith(Verse No-284-286)
2) Verses of Surah Al-Hujrat Related to Adab Al-Nabi (Verse No-1-18)
3) Verses of Surah Al-Mumanoon Related to Characteristics of faithful (Verse No-1-11)
4) Verses of Surah al-Furqan Related to Social Ethics (Verse No.63-77)
5) Verses of Surah Al-Inam Related to Ihkam(Verse No-152-154)
Study of Selected Text of Holly Quran
1) Verses of Surah Al-Ihzab Related to Adab al-Nabi (Verse No.6,21,40,56,57,58.)
2) Verses of Surah Al-Hashar (18,19,20) Related to thinking, Day of Judgment
3) Verses of Surah Al-Saf Related to Tafakar,Tadabar (Verse No-1,14)
Seerat of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) I
1) Life of Muhammad Bin Abdullah ( Before Prophet Hood)
2) Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in Makkah
3) Important Lessons Derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Makkah
Seerat of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) II
1) Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in Madina
2) Important Events of Life Holy Prophet in Madina
3) Important Lessons Derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Madina
Introduction To Sunnah
1) Basic Concepts of Hadith
2) History of Hadith
3) Kinds of Hadith
4) Uloom –ul-Hadith
5) Sunnah & Hadith
6) Legal Position of Sunnah
Selected Study from Text of Hadith Introduction to Islamic Law & Jurisprudence
1) Basic Concepts of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence
2) History & Importance of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence
3) Sources of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence
4) Nature of Differences in Islamic Law
5) Islam and Sectarianism
Islamic Culture & Civilization
1) Basic Concepts of Islamic Culture & Civilization
2) Historical Development of Islamic Culture & Civilization
3) Characteristics of Islamic Culture & Civilization
4) Islamic Culture & Civilization and Contemporary Issues
Islam & Science
1) Basic Concepts of Islam & Science
2) Contributions of Muslims in the Development of Science
3) Quran & Science
Islamic Economic System
1) Basic Concepts of Islamic Economic System
2) Means of Distribution of wealth in Islamic Economics
3) Islamic Concept of Riba
4) Islamic Ways of Trade & Commerce
Political System of Islam
1) Basic Concepts of Islamic Political System
2) Islamic Concept of Sovereignty
3) Basic Institutions of Govt. in Islam
Islamic History
1) Period of Khlaft-E-Rashida
2) Period of Ummayyads
3) Period of Abbasids

Social System of Islam

1) Basic Concepts of Social System of Islam
Recommended Books:
1) Hameed ullah Muhammad, “Emergence of Islam”, IRI, Islamabad
2) Hameed ullah Muhammad, “Muslim Conduct of State”
3) Hameed ullah Muhammad, ‘Introduction to Islam
4) Mulana Muhammad Yousaf Islahi,”
5) Hussain Hamid Hassan, “An Introduction to the Study of Islamic Law” leaf
Publication Islamabad, Pakistan.
6) Ahmad Hasan, “Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence” Islamic Research Institute,
International Islamic University, Islamabad (1993)
7) Mir Waliullah, “Muslim Jurisprudence and the Quranic Law of Crimes” Islamic Book
Service (1982)
8) H.S. Bhatia, “Studies in Islamic Law, Religion and Society” Deep & Deep Publications
New Delhi (1989)
9) Dr. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, “Introduction to Al Sharia Al Islamia”
AllamaIqbal Open University, Islamabad (2001)
Course Outline
Course Title: Introduction to Statistics
Course Code: STAT-301
Credit Hours: 3 (3-0)

Course Objectives:
 To have introduction of statistics as a field of knowledge and its scope and relevance to
other disciplines of natural and social sciences.
 To equipped and prepare students for advance courses in the field of statistics.
 To achieve the capability of critical thinking about data and its sources; have idea about
variables and their types and scale measures.
 Be able to calculate and interpret descriptive statistics (able to classify, tabulate, describe
and display data using software).

Course Contents:
The nature and scope of the Statistics, Variables and their types, Data and its sources,
Scales of measurements, Tabulation and classification of data, Graphs and Charts: Stem-
and leaf diagram, Box and Whisker plots and their interpretation. Measures of Central
Tendency, Quantiles, Measures of Dispersion: Their properties, usage, limitations and
comparison. Moments, Measures of Skewness and Kurtosis and Distribution shapes.
Rates and ratios, Standardized scores.
Index numbers: construction and uses of index numbers, un-weighted index numbers
(simple aggregative index, average of relative price index numbers), weighted index
numbers (Laspayer’s, Paasche’s and Fisher’s ideal index numbers), Consumer price
index (CPI) and Sensitive Price Indicators
Expected Outcomes:
 Acquire the basic knowledge of the discipline of Statistics.
 Understand and differentiate between the types of data and variables.
 Evaluate and Interpret basic descriptive statistics. Display and Interpret data graphs.

Recommended Books:
1. Clarke, G. M., & Cooke, D. (1978). A basic course in statistics (No. 519.5 C53).
2. Chaudhry, S.M. and Kamal, S. (2008), “Introduction to Statistical Theory” Parts I & II,
8th ed, Ilmi Kitab Khana, Lahore, Pakistan.
3. Mann, P. S. (2010) Introductory Statistics. Wiley.
4. Spiegel, M.R., Schiller, J.L. and Sirinivasan, R.L. (2000) “Probability and Statistics”,
2nd ed. Schaums Outlines Series. McGraw Hill. NY.
5. Walpole, R.E., Myers, R.H and Myers, S.L. (1998), “Probability and Statistics for
Engineers and Scientist” 6th edition, Prentice Hall, NY.
6. Zaman, A. (2016), “Introduction to Statistics” Online access for book and related data
Course Outline

Course Title: Saraiki Language & Literature

Course Code: SAR-301
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)
Course Contents:
Origin of Saraiki Language, Various Names of Saraiki Language, Evolution of Saraiki
Language, Indus Valley & Civilization, Saraiki Tales, Specific Saraiki words, Saraiki
Language & its Kinds.Saraiki region,Saraiki Phrase , Prose, Poetry, Specific Study of
Classical & Modern Poets Baba Farid Ganj Shakar, Sultan Bahu, Sachal Sarmast, Khawaja
Ghulam Farid, Ahmad Khan Tariq, Shakir Shuja Abadi, Aziz Shahid, Barbat Taunsvi, Iqbal

Recommended Books:
1. C.Shakle, Saraiki the central language of Pakistan,London,1991.
2. Faizi Bahawalpuri, Saraiki Khazan, Bahawalpur.2014.
3. O,Braien, A Glossary of Multani Language, Oxford,1966.
4. Saad Ullah, Saraiki Dictionary, nd.
5. Hukam Chand ,Tareekh-e-Dera Ghazi Khan , Indus Publication, Karachi,2005.
Course Outline

Course Title: Communication and Presentation Skills

Course Code: ENG-401
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
For professional growth and future development, effective presentation skills and interactive and
interpersonal communicative skills are very important. This course offers methods, techniques,
and drills significant and useful in optimizing communication and presentation skills of the
learners, enabling them to face divergent groups of audience with poise and confidence. The
course has been divided into modules relating to the essentials, contents, gestures, technology,
and variety associated with communication and presentations skills. The presentation skills part
focuses on preparing students for long-life skill of preparing and giving presentations.
Communication is a vital part of our daily routine. The communication skills part focuses on
developing good communication skills among students.

Course Objectives
The course aims to:
help students identify essential components of a presentation
develop the awareness, knowledge, skills and attitudes required to deliver effective academic
presentations and communicate clearly help students learn various presentation and
communication styles and techniques provide techniques to facilitate effective interpersonal and
interactive communication guide how to build stronger relationships through powerful

Course Contents
Understanding the purpose of Communication
Analyze the Audience
Communicating with words as well as with body language
Writing with a Purpose
Presentation skills
Delivering your presentation
Speaking with Confidence
Communicating Effectively
Job Interviews and Communicating Skills
Communicating with Customers
Communication in a Team

Recommended Books:
Carnegie, Dale. ( ). How to Win Friends & Influence People?
Giblin, Les. Skill with People.
Newton, Paul. How to communicate effectively.
Tracy, Brian. Speak to Win.
Course Outline

Course Title: Introduction to Women’s Writing

Course Code: ENG-403
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
Works written by women writers have come to hold a unique place in literatures around the
world. This course is designed to familiarize students with an array of women’s writings
belonging to diverse cultures and located within multiple waves of feminism. The rationale of
selecting such a wide variety of writers belonging to different ages is to highlight and underscore
issues that women face in different geographical, cultural, and temporal locations. The course
instructor would do well to either situate the works of selected writers in the three waves of
feminism or otherwise see if certain texts do not correspond to any set feminist paradigm. The
teacher will also need to discuss the reasons for such deviations. The course is therefore aimed at
providing students with a complete background for understanding literature produced by female
authors. Geared toward the construction of female selfhood vis-à-vis constrictions of patriarchal
discourse, women’s writings are associated with extensive social and political changes across
time and space, the phenomena of colonization / decolonization, postcolonial, feminist, and
postfeminist theory. Some of these changes are radical, even revolutionary for the re-definition
of women’s roles in both private and public domains. The students will also study how gender
roles have changed, developed and evolved over time, how women’s views of themselves are
reflected in their writings, and how race, ethnicity, gender, and socio-economic status contribute
to / intercept women’s reaching their subject positions.

Course Objectives
The objectives of this course are to: 1. Enable the students to become familiar with the
contribution of women writers to English literature and investigate the nature of this
contribution. 2. Understand the themes of women writers in their writing. 3. Encourage students
to appreciate the aesthetic, emotional, symbolic, and intellectual language used by women
writers. 4. Create intellectual foundation for the students who may wish to further pursue
advanced courses in this domain. 5. Encourage the students to see women’s writings as a distinct
literary tradition that operate in interesting ways in the context of contemporary debates in
feminism. 6. Develop critical thinking of students to be able to respond individually to the texts.
7. Enable the students to develop academic writing and research skills.

Course Contents
1. “No Coward Soul is Mine” by Emily Bronte
2. “When I am Dead-My Dearest” by Christina Rossetti
3. “This is a Photograph of Me” by Margaret Atwood
4. “A Phenomenal Woman” by Maya Angelou
5. “Be Nobody’s Darling” by Alice Walker
6. “Fearful Women” by Carolyn Kizer
1. Their Eyes were watching God (1937) by Zora Neale Hurston
2. Little Women (1868) by Louisa May Alcott
3. The Blue Room (2009) Nafisa Rizvi
4. How it happened Shazaf Fatima Haidar
1. “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
2. “I Stand Here Ironing” by Tillie Olsen
3. “The Gatekeeper’s Wife” by Rukhsana Ahmed
4. “A Pair of Jeans” by Qaisra Shahraz
5. “The Optimist” by Bina Shah 6. “Rubies for a Dog: A Fable” by Shahrukh Hussain
6. A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Wolf
Note: Two of the last four stories may be used for class assignments/ presentations and the rest
may all be taught.

Recommended Books:
1.Boland Eavan. Object Lessons. NY: W.W. Norton, 1996
2. Outside History, Selected Poems 1980-1990. NY, London: W.W. Norton, 1991
3. Davidson, Cathy N. and Linda Wagner Martin, The Oxford Companion to Women’s Writing
in the United States. N.Y. Oxford UP, 1995
4. Dicker, Rory and Alison Piepmeier. Catching a Wave: Reclaiming Feminism for the 21st
Century. Northeastern University Press, 2003
5. Hooks, Bell. Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center. Pluto Press, 2000
6. Eagleton, Mary. Feminist Literary Theory: A Reader. Wiley Blackwell, 2011
7. Gilbert, Sandra and Susan Gubar, The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the
Nineteenth Century Literary Imagination. Yale Note: 2000
8. Kaplan, Cora. ‘Language and Gender’ in Sea Changes: Essays on Culture and Feminism.
London: Verso, 1986
9. Ling, Amy. “I’m Here: An Asian American Woman's Response”. New Literary History, Vol.
19, No. 1, Feminist Directions (Autumn, 1987), pp. 151-160. The Johns Hopkins University
10. Robbins, Ruth. Literary Feminisms. St. Martin’s Press, 2000 11. Woolf Virginia. A Room of
One’s Own. Penguin, 1979

Course Outline

Course Title: Short Fictional Narratives

Course Code: ENG-405
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
This course is a fertile field for students to broaden their vision with respect to English literature
in general and short fiction in particular, written in different cultures and languages. It focuses on
students’ critical engagement with different texts that represent a variety of cultures. The short
stories in this course have been selected from a wide range of cultures with a view to
highlighting the similarities and differences in the writings of different short story writers and
how different writers reflect the social and cultural events through their writing with a variety of
themes in different styles. The authors included in this course belong to different parts of the
world so the works included are quite diverse not only in their form and language but also in
themes. The issues and themes reflected or implied in these stories are illusory love, conformity,
poverty, the power of words, transformation of identities, feudal structure of rural Punjab, racism
in the backdrop of Civil War, political imprisonment, appearance vs reality, feminism, female
violence, insanity, women’s emotional complexity, and slavery, to mention a few.
In this course, students will concentrate on seminal short fictions in English written by writers
from the different regions of the world who have contributed significantly to literature in English
through their
narrative form and structure, thematic content, and articulation of human experience.
Narrative studies prepare students for the development and evaluation of original content for
short fictions and other narrative platforms. To recognize a good story, to critique, to help shape,
realise and transform requires a background in the history of narrative, cross-cultural and
contemporary models.
The selection of the primary texts will take into consideration that they are united by their
engagement with the struggle for the expression of human identity. Consequently, the selection
of the short fictions will keep two things in the foreground: representation of diverse regions and
narrative structure.

Course Objectives
The objectives of this course are
To provide an exposure to some classics in short fiction both in theme and form
To familiarize students with short fiction in English literature by the most recognized and
awarded authors
To nurture the ability to think critically and promote intellectual growth of the students
To develop sensitivity towards cultural diversity through a critical study of the selected works
and involve them on a personal and emotional level by relating the stories with their own
To make them experience a genuine language context through these stories from different parts
of the world

Course Contents
The Nightingale and the Rose Oscar Wilde
The Three Strangers Thomas Hardy
The Cask of Amontillado Edgar Allan Poe
The Darling Anton Chekhov
Hearts and Hands O’ Henry
The Necklace Guy De Maupassant
The Secret Sharer Joseph Conrad
The Other Side of the Hedge E. M. Forster
Eveline James Joyce
The Three Questions Leo Tolstoy
A Hunger Artist Franz Kafka
A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Two Words Isabel Allende
A Cup of Tea Katherine Mansfield
Everything that Rises Must Converge Flannery O'Connor
The Story of An Hour Kate Chopin
The Richer The Poorer Dorothy West
The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses Bessie Head
Lamb to the Slaughter Roald Dahl
Bingo Tariq Rahman
The Kingdom of Cards Rabindranath Tagore
The Martyr Ngũgĩwa Thiong’o
A Watcher of the Dead Nadine Gordimer.
Revelation Flannery O’Connor
Nawabdin Electrician Daniyal Mueenuddin

Recommended Books:
Chekhov, Anton P, and Ralph E. Matlaw. Anton Chekhov's Short Stories: Texts of the Stories,
Backgrounds, Criticism., 1979.
Ellmann, Richard. James Joyce. New York: Oxford University Press, 1959.
Ellmann, Richard. Oscar Wilde; a Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice-
Hall, 1969.
Forster, E M, Mary Lago, Linda K. Hughes, and Elizabeth M. L. Walls. The Bbc Talks of E.m.
Forster, 1929-1960: A Selected Edition. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2008.
Hardy, Thomas, Michael Millgate, and Florence E. Hardy. The Life and Work of Thomas Hardy.
Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1985.
Long, E H. O. Henry, the Man and His Work. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,
Maupassant, Guy, Clara Bell, Florence Crew-Jones, and Fanny Rousseau-Wallach. The Works
of Guy De Maupassant. New York: Printed privately for subscribers only, 1909.
Maupassant, Guy, George B. Ives, and Guy. Maupassant. Guy De Maupassant., 1903.
Poe, Edgar A. The Cask of Amontillado. Charlottesville, Va: University of Virginia Library
Electronic Text Center, 1993. Internet resource.
Rubenstein, Roberta, and Charles R. Larson. Worlds of Fiction. Upper Saddle River, N.J:
Prentice Hall, 2002.
Symons, Julian. The Life and Works of Edgar Allen Poe., 2014. Print
Tolstoy, Leo, and Robert Court. Leo Tolstoy Collected Short Stories. Mankato, MN: Peterson
Pub, 2002.
Wilde, Alan. Art and Order: A Study of E.M. Forster. New York: New York University Press,
Wilson, Kathleen. Short Stories for Students: Presenting Analysis, Context, and Criticism on
Commonly Studied Short Stories. Detroit: Gale, 1997. Print
Course Outline

Course Title: Introduction to Morphology

Course Code: ENG-407
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
The key aim of the course is to introduce the students to the basic word structure in Pakistani
languages. It engages them to have an understanding of words and parts of words. It will help
them to understand word structure in Pakistani languages. Syntax is concerned with sentence
structure - how words are combined to form phrases, how phrases are combined to form larger
phrases, clauses and sentences, and how clauses are combined to form complex sentences.
Ability to identify constituents and agreement constraints helps students to improve and correct
their academic writing. The course is practical in focus and aims to teach students essential skills
for the linguistic description and analysis of a language. The course also includes basic syntactic
Course Objectives
The course aims to:
acquaint students with basics of syntax enable students to identify various parts of speech
through structural signals introduce the major syntactic structures of the English language to
students Syntax is concerned with sentence structure - how words are combined to form phrases,
how phrases are combined to form larger phrases, clauses and sentences, and how clauses are
combined to form complex sentences. Ability to identify constituents and agreement constraints
helps students to improve and correct their academic writing. The course is practical in focus and
aims to teach students essential skills for the linguistic description and analysis of a language.
The course also includes basic syntactic theories.

Course Contents
Introduction to morphology (with examples from Pakistani languages) free morphemes: roots
and stems bound morphemes: affixes: prefixes, suffixes, infixes, inter-fixes, circumfixes
morphological productivity: productivity of affixes, prefixes, suffixes, infixes Basics of Phonetic
Transcription of Words Inflectional Morphology Pluralization, Degree Marking, Verb Forms
Derivational Morphology
Formation of Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs and Adverbs Minor processes of derivation: blending,
clipping, backformation, acronym, Reduplication derivation by compounding: endocentric,
exocentric and copulative compounds derivation by modification of base Morphology of
Pakistani Languages word forms in Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto and other Pakistani languages
Descriptive analysis of word forms in Pakistani languages Morpho-Semantics- semantic change
in word formation processes Morphology Interface with Phonology and Syntax Morphology-
Syntax Interface

Recommended Books:
Aronoff, M. (1994). Morphology by itself. MIT Press, Cambridge.
Bauer, L. (2003). Introducing Linguistic Morphology--Edinburgh University Press
Booij, G. (2005) The Grammar of Words--An Introduction to Linguistic Morphology
David et al. (2009). Urdu Morphology. Oxford University Press, London
Mangrio, R. A. (2016). The Morphology of Loanwords in Urdu: The Persian, Arabic and
English Strands, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne.
McCarthy, A. C (2002). An Introduction to English Morphology- Words and their Structure,
Edinburgh University Press. Edinburgh
Plag, I. (2002). Word Formation in English -Cambridge University Press. Cambridge
Ayto, J. (1999). Twentieth Century Words, Oxford: OUP.
Bauer, L. (2001). Morphological Productivity, Cambridge University Press
Halpern, A. (1995). On the placement & morphology of clitics. CSLI Publications, Stanford
Yu, A. C (2006) A Natural History of Infixation. Oxford University Press, Chicago
Zwicky, A. (1985b). 'How to Describe Inflection.' Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistics
Society 11: 372-386. Berkeley, California.
Zwicky, A and Pullum, G. (1992). A misconceived approach to morphology. In Proceedings of
WCCFL 91, ed. D. Bates. CSLI, Palo Alto, 387-398.
Miller, Jim. (2002). An Introduction to English Syntax. Edinburg University Press.
Prasad, Tarni. (2012). A course in Linguistics. New Delhi: PHI Publications.
Sells, Peter & Kim, JongBok. (2007). English Syntax: An Introduction
Tallerman, M. (2015). Understanding syntax(4thed). Rutledge, London.
Wekker, H., & Haegeman, L. M. (1985). A modern course in English syntax.Croom Helm.
Valin, Jr., Robert. (2001). An Introduction to Syntax. Cambridge University Press.

Course Outline

Course Title: Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies

Course Code: CS-301
Credit Hours: 3(2-1)

Course Outlines:
Basic Definitions & Concepts, Hardware: Computer Systems & Components. Storage Devices,
Number Systems, Software: Operating Systems, Programming and Application Software,
Introduction to Programming, Databases and Information Systems, Networks, Data
Communication, The Internet, Browsers and Search Engines, The Internet: Email, Collaborative
Computing and Social Networking, The Internet: E-Commerce, IT Security and other issues,
Project Week, Review Week.
MS Office complete in all aspects

Recommended Books:
1. Introduction to Computers 6th International Edition, Peter, N. McGraw-Hill Using Information
2. A Practical Introduction to Computer & Communications, 6th Edition. Williams, S. McGraw-
3. Computers, Communications & information: A user's introduction, Sarah, E. Hutchinson. Stacey,
C. Sawyer.
4. Fundamentals of Information Technology, Alexis L Mathewsleon Leon Press.
Course Outline
Course Title: World History (History of Islamic Civilization)
Course Code: HIS-306
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Contents:
Society and Culture , Nature of Political Administration and Social Conditions under Ummayads
, Society under the Abbasides: Developments in Science and Literature, The Concept of Khilafat
and Imamat, Islamic Concept of State or Sultanate, The Institution of Vizarat , Department of
Justice or Qada, Ihtisaab and Muhtasib, Baitul Mal, Sources and Income in Islamic State, Status
of Dhimmis, Women, Slaves. Muslim contribution in sciences as chemistry, medicine,
Historiography, Philosophy, geography, mathematics and Physics.
Recommended Books:
1. Abu Raihan Al-Beruni 973-1048) ,Abu Al-Naser Al-Farabi (870-950 AD)
2. Abu Ali Hassan Ibn al-Haitham (965-1040 AD) ,Ibn Rushd (1128-1198 AD)
3. Ibn-e- Sina (980-1037 AD) ,Jabir bin Hayyan (died 803 AD)
4. Yaqub ibn-e-Ishaq Al-Kindi (800-873 AD) ,Mohammad ibn Zakariya Al-Razi (864-930 AD)
5. Al-Khwarizmi ,Shah Fateh Allah Shirazi
Course Outline
Course Title: Sociolinguistics
Course Code: ENG-402
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
This course provides a general introduction to Sociolinguistics. It examines language use in
society, with a particular focus on the connections between language and different aspects of the
society. In particular, this course is intended to provide the students with two general topics, i.e.
micro-level and macro-level analysis of the relationship between language and society. The
micro-level analysis includes various functions of language in society, solidarity and politeness,
code-switching, kinesics, style, bilingual individuals, etc.; the macro-level analysis incorporates
speech community, language planning, social and regional variations, bilingual community, etc.
In addition, this source also gives the students information about methodological concerns in
investigating sociolinguistic phenomena.

Course Objectives
The course aims at bringing about awareness of the dynamics of language and its social
operations. The course will focus on the contemporary developments in sociolinguistics and the
new dimensions of research in the area. The objectives of the course are to:
Develop an understanding of the social, political and utilitarian dimensions of linguistics
Explore modern trends and practices in sociolinguistics
Link sociolinguistic theories with societal practices and ongoing global transformations

Course Contents
Scope and ramifications of sociolinguistics
Theories of sociolinguistics
Language in culture and culture in language
Societal multilingualism
Bilingualism & Effects of Bilingualism
Language shift and maintenance
Language and Gender
Language in education planning
Language Varieties
Language, culture and thought
Linguistic inequality in social paradigms
Social practices and ongoing global processes
Language planning and societal issues
Language conflicts and politics in south Asia
Global language practices

Recommended Books:
Blommaert, J. (2010). The sociolinguistics of globalization. Cambridge University Press.
Chaika, E. (1994). Language: The social mirror (3rd Edition). Boston, MA: Heinle&Heinle
Chambers, J. K. (1995). Sociolinguistic theory: Linguistic variation and its social significance.
Oxford: Blackwell.
Chambers,J.K.(1994).Sociolinguistic theory: Language variation and its social significance.
Oxford: Blackwell.
Coulmas, F. (ed.) (1998). The Handbook of Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Blackwell.
Coupland, N., &Jaworski, A. (2008). Sociolinguistics: a reader and course book. Palgrave.
Fasold, R. (1987). The Sociolinguistics of society. Oxford: Blackwell.
Fasold, R. (1990). The sociolinguistics of language. Oxford: Blackwell.
Hudson, R.A. (1980). Sociolinguistics. Cambridge: CUP.
Lantolf, J. P. (Ed.) (2000). Socio-cultural theory and second language learning. Oxford
University Press.
Trudgill, P. (1983). Sociolinguistics: An introduction to language and society. Harmondsworth:
Course Outline

Course Title: Study Skills

Course Code: ENG-404
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
The main purpose of this course is to guide students in their first year of learning and
impart basic study skills. It is designed with the view to enable them to take
immediate control of their learning. The course will enable students to devise and
follow “study systems” and equip them with the ability to think critically and adopt
effective learning strategies. With the help of various study techniques and styles and
other available resources, the students will be able to improve their academic

Course Objectives
● To help students learn basic self-management and study skills
● To enable them to use combination of skills to minimize risks of failure
● To make them become confident and successful in the new learning

Course Contents
1. Seeking Success in University
● Knowing your campus and its resources
● Form An Academic Support Group
● Know Where to Find Help
● Stay Informed
● Get Involved
2. Motivating Yourself to Learn
● Assess Academic Strengths and Weaknesses
● Discover and use your learning style
● Develop Critical Thinking & Study Skills
● Adapt learning style to teaching method
3. Using Critical Thinking Strategies
● Examine Your Assumption
● Make Predictions
● Read With A Purpose
● Sharpen Your Interpretations
● Find Implications in What You Learn
● Read and Understand Graphics
● Evaluate what you learn
4. Setting Goals and Solving Problems
● Set goals for success in college
● How to develop a positive attitude
5. Sharpening Your Classroom Skills
● Prepare for Class
● Become an Active Listener
● Develop A Personal Note-Taking System
● Guidelines for Note Taking
● The Informal Outline/Keywords System
● The Cornell Method
● Matching Note-Taking Style and Learning Style
● Learn To Make Effective Presentations
6. Making the Most of Your Time
● How to Grab Some Time
● Scheduling Your Time
● Time Management and Learning Style
● Procrastination
7. Creating Your Study System
● SQ3R: The Basic System
● Devising Your Study System
8. Organizing Information for Study
● Memorization
● Concept or Information Maps
● Comparison Charts
● Timelines
● Process Diagrams
● Informal Outlines
● Branching Diagrams
9. Controlling Your Concentration
● Concentrations
● Eliminate Distractions
● Use A Study System
● Strategies to Improve Concentration
10. Preparing for Tests
● How To Prepare for Tests: Three Steps
● Develop a Test-taking Routine
● Master Objective Tests
● Know How to Answer Essay Questions
11. Becoming an Active Reader
● Reading Actively
● Find the Main Idea, Details, and Implications
● Using a Textbook Marking System
12. How to use a dictionary?
13. Building Career Skills
● Working in the New Economy
● Where the Jobs will be
● Choosing Your Future
● Your course of Study
● Your Plan
● What Employers Want
● Career Skills to Develop
● Workplace Ethics
● From University to Work
● Your Resume and Cover Letter
● The Interview

Recommended Books:
● Bain, Ken. (2012). What the best college students do.?
● Kanar, Carol C. (2001). The Confident Student. Houghton Mifflin Co.
● Mcmillan, Kathleen. (2011). The Study skills book. Pearson.
● Pauk, Walter. How to Study in College.
● Wallace, M.J. (1980). Study Skills in English.
Course Outline

Course Title: Semantics

Course Code: ENG-406
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
This course introduces students to the basic concepts of semantics and pragmatics with the aim
to help them conceptualize the relationship between words and their meanings, and to understand
the factors that govern choice of language in social interaction and the effects of these choices.

Course Objectives
The objectives of the course are to:
Enable students to differentiate between semantic and pragmatic meaning. Introduce the
theoretical concepts related to Semantics and Pragmatics. Help students internalize sense relation
and Lexical relations along with types of meaning. Enable students to understand Deixis, Speech
Act theory, Cooperative Principle and Politeness.

Course Contents
Theories of Semantic and Pragmatics
Types of meaning
Semantic field
Sense Relations and Lexical Relations (Hyponymy; Synonymy; Antonymy; Homonymy and
Syntactic Semantics (Contradiction, Ambiguity, Semantic anomaly, Entailment, Presupposition)
Speech act theory
Conversational Implicature
The Cooperative Principle

Recommended Books:
Burton-Roberts, N. (Ed.), (2007). Pragmatics. Palgrave Macmillan.
Cruse, A. (2011). Meaning in Language: An Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics. (Third
edition). Oxford Textbooks in Linguistics.
Cutting, J. (2002). Pragmatics and Discourse: a resource book for students. Routledge.
Davis, S. &Gillon, S. B. (2004). Semantics: A Reader. Oxford University Press.
Davis, S. (Ed.), (1991). Pragmatics: a reader. Oxford University Press.
Frawley,W. (2002).Linguistic Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Griffiths, P. (2006). An Introduction to English Semantics and Pragmatics. Edinburgh University
Press Ltd.
Grundy, P. (2000). Doing Pragmatics. Arnold.
Howard, G. (2000). Semantics: Language Workbooks. Routledge.
Hurford, R. J., Heasley, B. & Smith, B. M. (2007). Semantics: a course book. (Second edition)
Cambridge: CUP.
Kearns, K. (2000). Semantics. Palgrave Modern Linguistics. Great Britain.
Lyons, J (1996).Linguistic Semantics: An Introduction. Cambridge: University of Cambridge.
Riemer,N.(2010).Introducing Semantics. Cambridge Introductions to Language and
Saeed, I. J. (2009). Semantics. (Third edition). Wiley- Blackwell.
Horn. R. L., & Ward, L. G. (Eds.), (2005). The handbook of pragmatics. Wilsey-Blackwell.
Course Outline
Course Title: Popular Fiction
Course Code: ENG-408
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
This course helps students understand different popular texts in the genre of fiction and the
subgenres of fiction, across the world. This course will broaden students’ vision with respect to
English literature in general and popular fiction in particular, written in different cultures with
different language use. The popular fiction texts in this course have been selected from a wide
range of cultures so that students can experience different cultures as well as writing styles in
these texts. This course makes an interesting read for the students as they will come across
different writers’ interests, stories, characters, conflicts/issues and themes etc. Responding to
these diverse texts will be challenging to the students as well making them think critically and
formulate their own meanings and ideas as they come across each text. The works selected for
this course have been taken from different writers who belong to different parts of the world and
communities. This diversity is reflected in these authors’ work though they reflect other
communities as well, the ones they have not lived in. These works fulfill the needs of the modern
day reader to read a good literary piece of work that they can relate to as these works are related
to contemporary themes and elements. For example, suspense, mystery, crime, love, trust deceit,
destiny, redemption, guilt, friendship, death etc. These works can also be analyzed through
different critical theories like Female Violence, Psychological Violence, Magical Realism,
Feminism, and Cultural Hybridity etc. These works can make students think critically and
motivate them to do further research and studies related to the selected works.
Course Objectives
The objectives of this course are
To expose the students to what is popularly read and appreciated worldwide in the genre of
To familiarize students with popular fiction in English literature written by the most recognized
To construct the ability to think critically and promote intellectual growth of the students
To nurture sensitivity towards cultural diversity through a critical study of the selected works

Course Contents
A Reader Comprising the core text will be provided to the students.
And Then There Were None (1939) Agatha Christie (1890-1976)
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (1997) J. K. Rowling (1965-)
3.The Hobbit (1937) J. R. R. Tolkien (1892-1973)
Shutter Island (2003) Dennis Lehane (1965-)
Burnt Shadows (2009) Kamila Shamsie (1973-)
Frankenstein (1818) Mary Shelley (1797-1851)
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (1979) Douglas Adams (1962-2001)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886) Robert Louis Stevenson (1850- 1894)
Cinder (2012) Marissa Meyer (1984-)
The Diary of a Social Butterfly (2008) Moni Mohsin (1963-)

Recommended Books:
Anatol, Giselle L. Reading Harry Potter: Critical Essays. Westport, Conn: Praeger, 2003.
Bloom, Clive. Bestsellers: Popular Fiction Since 1900. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2002.
Christie, Agatha. Agatha Christie, an Autobiography. New York, N.Y: Harper, 2011.
Gelder, Ken. Popular Fiction: The Logics and Practices of a Literary Field. London: Routledge,
2004. Internet resource.
Glover, David, and Scott McCracken.The Cambridge Companion to Popular Fiction. Cambridge,
UK: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Gupta, Suman. Re-reading Harry Potter.Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hapshire: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2003.
Highfield, Roger. The Science of Harry Potter: How Magic Really Works. New York: Viking,
Hinckley, Karen, and Barbara Hinckley. American Best Sellers: A Reader's Guide to Popular
Fiction. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989.
Hogle, Jerrold E. The Cambridge Companion to Gothic Fiction. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2002.
Joosten, Melanie. Burnt Shadows by Kamila Shamsie: Notes. Mebourne: CAE Book Groups,
McCracken, Scott. Pulp: Reading Popular Fiction. Manchester: Machester University Press,
Morgan, Janet P. Agatha Christie: A Biography. New York: Knopf, 195.
Nash, Walter. Language in Popular Fiction. London: Routledge, 1990.
Neimark, Anne E, and Anne E. Neimark. Mythmaker: The Life of
J.r.r. Tolkien, Creator of the Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Boston: Harcourt Children's
Books, 2012.
Shapiro, Marc. J.k. Rowling: The Wizard Behind Harry Potter. New York: St. Martin's Griffin,
Shippey, T A. J.r.r. Tolkien: Author of the Century. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001.
The Poetics of Murder: Detective Fiction and Literary Theory Paperback – June, 1983 by Glenn
W. Most (Editor), William W. Stowe (Editor)
Tolkien, J R. R, and Peter S. Beagle. The Tolkien Reader. New York: Ballantine Books, 1966.
Watt, James. Contesting the Gothic: Fiction, Genre and Cultural Conflict, 1764-1832.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Internet resource.
Course Outline

Course Title: Academic Reading and Writing

Course Code: ENG-410
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
This course aims at inculcating proficiency in academic writing through research. It guides
students to develop a well-argued and well documented academic paper with a clear thesis
statement, critical thinking, argumentation and synthesis of information. This course also teaches
students how to use different systems of citations and bibliography. It allows students to become
independent and efficient readers armed with appropriate skills and strategies for reading and
comprehending texts at undergraduate level.

Course Objectives
To enable the students to:
● Improve literal understanding, interpretation & general assimilation, and integration of
● Write well organized academic texts including examination answers with topic/thesis
statement and supporting details.
● Write argumentative essays and course assignments

Course Contents
Reading and Critical Thinking
1. Read academic texts effectively by:
● Using appropriate strategies for extracting information and salient points according to a given
● Identifying the main points supporting details, conclusions in a text of intermediate level
● Identifying the writer’s intent such as cause and effect, reasons, comparison and contrast, and
● Interpreting charts and diagrams
● Making appropriate notes using strategies such as mind maps, tables, lists, graphs.
● Reading and carrying out instructions for tasks, assignments and examination questions
2. Enhance academic vocabulary using skills learnt in Compulsory English I course
3. Acquire efficient dictionary skills such as locating guide words, entry words, choosing
appropriate definition, and identifying pronunciation through pronunciation key, identifying part
of speech, identifying syllable division and stress patterns
4. Writing Academic Texts:
1. Plan their writing: identify audience, purpose and message (content)
2. Collect information in various forms such as mind maps, tables, charts, lists
3. Order information such as:
▪ Chronology for a narrative
▪ Stages of a process
▪ From general to specific and vice versa
▪ From most important to least important
▪ Advantages and disadvantages
▪ Comparison and contrast
▪ Problem solution pattern
5. Write argumentative and descriptive forms of writing using different methods of developing
ideas like listing, comparison, and contrast, cause and effect, for and against
▪ Write good topic and supporting sentences and effective conclusions
▪ Use appropriate cohesive devices such as reference words and signal markers
6. Redraft checking content, structure and language.
7. Edit and proof read
8. Grammar in Context
▪ Phrase, clause and sentence structure
▪ Combining sentences ▪ Reported Speech

Recommended Books:
● Eastwood, J. (2004). English Practice Grammar (New edition with tests and answers).
Karachi: Oxford University Press.
● Fisher, A. (2001). Critical Thinking. C UP
● Goatly, A. (2000). Critical Reading and Writing: An Introductory Course. London: Taylor &
● Hacker, D. (1992). A Writer’s Reference. 2nd Ed. Boston: St. Martin’s ● Hamp-Lyons, L. &
Heasley, B. (1987). Study writing: A course in written English for academic and professional
purposes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
● Howe, D. H, Kirkpatrick, T. A., & Kirkpatrick, D. L. (2004). Oxford English for
Undergraduates. Karachi: Oxford University Press.
● Murphy, R. (2003?). Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
● Smazler, W. R. (1996). Write to be Read: Reading, Reflection and Writing. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
● Wallace, M. (1992). Study Skills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
● Yorky, R. Study Skills.

Course Outline
Course Title: Theories and Concepts of International Relations
Course Code: POLS-508
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

The course is designed to focus on the dynamics of International Relations, national interests,
power factor and state behavior as a guide to understand the nature of real politick. The course
will enable the students to analyze the basic approaches and fundamental concepts of
International Relations.

Course Outline:
1. Introduction, Nature and Scope of International Relations;
2. Approaches to the Study of International Relations:
a) Realism, neo realism
b) Idealism (Liberalism)
c) Behaviouralism
3. Concept of Nationalism
4. Modern State System and Sovereignty
5. Doctrine of Power in International Relations:
a) Elements of Power
b) Balance of Power.
6. National Interests in International Relations
7. Concept of Diplomacy
8. Huntington theory of Clash of civilization Fukuyama theory of
End of History

Recommended Books:
1. Bruce Russett, Grasping the Democratic Peace: Principles for post Cold War World,
Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1993.
2. Chris Brown, Understanding International Relations, London, Palgrave, 2005.
3. Hans J. Morgenthau, Politics Among Nations, New York, McGraw Hill, 1993.
4. J. Steans and L. Pettiford, International Relations: Perspectives and Themes, Harlow,
Pearson Education Press, 2005.
5. James E. Dougherty and Robert L. Pfaltzraff Jr. Contending Theories of International
Relations: Comprehensive Survey, Ed (New York), Harper and Row Publishers, 1981
6. John Baylis and Steve Smith, The Globalization of World Politics: An introduction to
International Relations, Oxford University Press, London, 2005
7. John T. Rourke, International Politics on the World Stage, Boston, Boston University Press,
Course Outline

Course Title: Drama-I-Classical Drama

Course Code: ENG-501
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
The purpose of this course is to explore the nature, function, and themes of Classical Greek and
Roman in their theatrical, historical and social contexts. Through a detailed study of the texts by
the selected dramatists such as Aeschylus, Sophocles and Seneca, the course traces the
development of the key features of tragedy and comedy. Ancient opinions on drama, in
particular, the views of Plato and Aristotle and their influence on classical drama will also be
investigated. A comprehensive and critical background to mythology, drama and society is given
in the beginning of the course to prepare students to undertake close reading and analyses of the
selected texts.

This section of the course will focus on representative classical plays which have influenced the
development of drama as a genre. It will introduce students to the history of Classical Greek and
Roman drama and motivate them to explore how selected texts can be interpreted in a modern
context. A comprehensive and critical background to Greek drama and society is given in the
beginning of the course to prepare students to undertake a close reading and analysis of the
selected texts. Special emphasis will be given in the seminars to examine the role and
significance of mythology in Greek drama, the importance of festivals in Greek society, the
structure of Greek tragedy, and the difference between tragedy and comedy.

Course Objectives
Students will be taught to demonstrate:
Knowledge of the myths, history, conventions, and major personages of classical theatre through
readings of the plays and secondary sources.
An insight into the culture, society and political events of the classical periods under study.
An understanding of the main objectives, themes and ideas underlying Classical Drama.
Sound knowledge of the works of a range of classical dramatists and the ability to relate the
primary texts to their socio-cultural and historical contexts.
The ability to carry out close reading and literary commentaries on the primary texts.
Critically assess the inherent nature of the human condition - its paradoxes, complexities, and

Course Contents
Aeschylus – Prometheus Bound
Sophocles – Oedipus Rex
Aristophanes – The Birds
Seneca – Hercules Furens (The Mad Hercules)

Recommended Books:
Aeschylus. (1961). Prometheus Bound, The Suppliants, Seven Against Thebes, The Persians,
translated by Philip Vellacott. Penguin Books.
Aristophanes. (1962).The Complete Plays of Aristophanes. Edited by Moses Hadas. A Bantam
Skylark Book.
Bloom, Harold. (1987). John Webster’s The Duchess of Malfi.Chelsea House Pub (L).
Cheney,Patrick.(2004).The Cambridge Companion to Christopher Marlowe. Cambridge:
Dover, K.J. (1972).Aristophanic Comedy. University of California Press.
Frazer, James G. (1922).The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion. MacMillan.
Gregory, Justina. (2005).A Companion to Greek Tragedy. Blackwell.
Herington.(1986). Aeschylus. Yale.
Kitto, H. D. F. (2005).Greek Tragedy. London and New York: Rutledge.
Ley, G. (1991).A Short Introduction to the Ancient Greek Theatre. University of Chicago Press.

Course Outline

Course Title: Classical Poetry

Course Code: ENG-503
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
This course focuses on the study of poetry from Geoffrey Chaucer to Alexander Pope. The term
‘classical’ understandably refers to the lasting appeal and artistic pleasure of the poetical works
selected for this course. Though belonging to different poetical genres, the poetry of Chaucer,
Shakespeare, Donne, Milton, and Pope have stood the tests of time and no further study in this
genre of literature is possible without studying these bench marks of English poetry. The
teachers of classical poetry need to inculcate a spirit of studying the aesthetic concerns of the
times of these poetical masterpieces along with giving a holistic understanding of different
genres of poetry, namely epic, ballad, sonnet, lyric, and elegy etc. Offering a study of the
congenial humor and gentle satire of Chaucer’s Prologue to Canterbury Tales (c. 1389), the
puritanical strain of Milton’s epic Paradise Lost (1667), the fiery quality of Love and divine
poetry of the metaphysical poet John Donne, some sonnets of William Shakespeare and famous
mock epic of Alexander Pope, this course is designed to cover the classical aspects of English
poetry. By teaching the fundamentals of poetry that this course entails, the teachers may
introduce a diversity of poetic expressions that will help the students further their inquiry into
this genre in the coming semesters.

Course Objectives
This course aims to:
Trace the generic specific historical development of classical poetry, but also to develop a keen
awareness of poetic language and tone of the period.
Introduce various forms and styles of the genre of poetry for creating an in-depth understanding
of this genre.

Course Contents
A selection of characters from the prologue:
The Knight, The Monk
The Miller, The Friar
The wife of Bath
William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? (Sonnet 18)
Let me not to the marriage of true minds (Sonnet 116)
One day I wrote her name upon the sand…………..Spenser Amoretti 75
John Donne (1572-1631)
Love Poems:
The Sun Rising
The Good Morrow
Holy Sonnets:
Thou hast made me, and shall thy work decay?
Death be not proud, though some have called thee
John Milton (1608-1674)
Paradise Lost. Book I (1667)
Alexander Pope (1688-1744)
Rape of the Lock (1712)

Recommended Books:
Abbs, P. & Richardson, J.The Forms of Poetry. Cambridge: Cambridge UP. 1995.
Barnet, Sylvan. A Short Guide to Writing about Literature (7th Edition). New York: Harper and
Collins. 1996.
Boulton, Marjorie. The Anatomy of Poetry. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1977.
Kamran, Rubina and Syed FarrukhZad. Ed. A Quintessence of Classical Poetry.National
University of Modern Languages, Islamabad.
Kennedy, X. J. Gioia, D. An Introduction to Poetry: (8th Edition). New York: Harper Collins
College Publishers. 1994.
Course Outline

Course Title: Rise of the Novel (18th to 19th century)

Course Code: ENG-505
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
This course aims to introduce the students to the origin and development of relatively late-
emerging genre of novel. It has been designed with a view to developing their understanding
how novel is different from other genres of literature, poetry and drama. The students are given
an in- depth understanding of the making and mechanics of a novel, the role of narrator, narrative
styles and techniques, and the art of characterization. The teacher is also expected to explain how
a full-length fictional prose narrative is different from flash fiction, short story and novella.
Discussing the emergence of novel since eighteenth century, this course brings out the
significance of this genre as discussed, for example, in great detail in Ian Watt’s seminal book,
Rise of the Novel (1955). While teaching novel, teachers are supposed to consult and have a
sound understanding of some of the ground breaking books as Rise of the Novel (1955) by Ian
Watt, Aspects of the Novel (1927) by E M Forster, and The English Novel (1953) by Walter
Allen. With a deeper understanding of the elements of fiction, the teachers will be able to impart
a holistic definition of this genre starting from the basic “long fictional prose narrative” to a
relatively complex definition of novel as can be extracted from, say, Ian Watt’s book. An
understanding of ingredient elements that constitute a novel will enable the students to develop
an all-round understanding of this genre and equip them to grasp the complexities of modern
fiction course in the coming semesters.

Course Objectives
This course will enable the students
To have a full understanding of 18th and 19th century novel which is rich in diversity as well as
To closely study the English society of these centuries and its impact upon human lives, and its
complex psychological phenomena.
To develop an insight into various factors responsible for the appeal of the subject matter of
these novels which was not only enjoyed by readers of the centuries in which they were written
but by Victorian readers or even for modern readers of contemporary times.
Course Contents
Henry Fielding Joseph Andrews (1742)
Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice (1813)
Charles Dickens Tale of two Cities (1859)
George Eliot The Mill on the Floss (1860)
Thomas Hardy The Return of the Native (1878)

Recommended Books:
Bloom, Harold. (1988) George Eliot's the Mill on the Floss (Bloom's
Modern Critical Interpretations).Chelsea House Pub.
Allen, Walter The English Novel
Ashton, Rosemary. George Eliot: A Life. London, 1996.
Battestin, Martin C. The Moral Basis of Fielding’s Art: A study of Joseph Andrews
Beer, Gillian. George Eliot. Brighton, 1986.
Butt, John Fielding
Church, Richard The Growth of the English Novel.
Collins, Philip, Dickens: The Critical Heritage, 1971
Copeland, Edward and McMaster, Juliet, The Cambridge Companion to
Jane Austen, 1997
Elliot, Albert Pettigrew. Fatalism in the Works of Thomas Hardy,
Forster, E.M. Aspects of the Novel.(Pelican Paperback)
Gard, Roger. Jane Austen’s Novels: The Art of Clarity, 1998
Hardy, Barbara. The Novels of George Eliot. London, 1959.
Kettle, Arnold Introduction to the English Novel (vol. .I & II)
Lubbock, P. The Craft of Fiction. Jonathan Cape,
Mac Donaugh, Oliver, Jane Austen: Real and Imagined Worlds. 1993
Neill, Edward. (1999). Trial by Ordeal: Thomas Hardy and the Critics (Literary Criticism in
Perspective). Camden House.
Neill, Edward. The Politics of Jane Austen, 1999
Smith, Grahame, Charles Dickens: A Literary Life, 1996
Thomas, Jane. Thomas Hardy, Femininity and Dissent, 1999
Watt, Ian The Rise of Novel. Chatto Windus, London, (1955-7)
Course Outline

Course Title: Literary Forms and Movements

Course Code: ENG-507
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)
Course Description
This course covers two foundational schemes regarding the study of literature: 1) Forms, and 2)
Movements. The term “forms” refer to the study of literary genres and their subtypes in such a
way as to introduce the students to their structures and styles with its focus on the following:
1) Poetry; 2) Fiction; 3) Drama; 4) Prose/Non-fiction; and 5) Short Story.
The term “movement” is rather loosely used to characterize literary texts produced in different
cultures under the influence of or for the propagation of certain ideas as their
hallmarks/signatures. The course has been designed to intellectually groom the students for a
broad understanding of the major literary movements in the history of world literature, especially
British and American: Idealism (Greek), Renaissance/Early Modern, Neoclassicism,
Enlightenment, Romanticism, Victorianism, Raphaelitism, Realism, Transcendentalism,
Modernism, Colonialism, Symbolism, Imagist and post-Colonialism, Feminism and post-
Course Objectives
Building students’ capacity for grasping the meaning of a literary text in terms of a given
historical period/dominant idea
Develop their ability for understanding the major ideas that played a key role in shaping the
works of different groups of writers.
Provide them with a workable tool for interpreting and analyzing a literary text.
Course Contents
 Literary terms
 Genres
 Poetry
 Drama
 Novel
 Short Story
 Prose
 Movements 16th to 18th century
 Renaissance
 Reformation
 Neoclassicism
 Romanticism
 19th Century
 Naturalism
 Art for Art’s Sake
 20th Century
 Expressionism
 Impressionism
 Imagism
 Stream of Consciousness
 Structuralism / Post-structuralism
Suggested Readings
Berman, Art. Preface to Modernism. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1994.
Dirks, B Nichols. Colonialism and Culture. Michigan: Michigan Univ Press. 1992.
Fowler, Alastair. Kinds of Literature: An Introduction to the Theory of Genres and Modes.
Oxford: Clarendon, 2002.
Galea, Ileana. Victorianism and Literature. California. Dacia, 2008.
Gura, Philip. American Transcendentalism. NP: Farrar, 2008.
Hooks, Bell. Feminist Theory. London: Pluto Press, 2000.
Hudson, William Henry. An Introduction to the Study of Literature. New Delhi :Rupa, 2015.
Marcuse, J Michael. A reference Guide for English Studies. Los Angeles: Univ. of California
Press, 1990.
Osborne, Susan. Feminism. NP: Product Essentials, 2001.
Jerry, Andrew Ladd, and K H Meyers. Romanticism and Transcendentalism. New York: DWJ
Books: 2010.
Tandon, Neeru. Feminism: A Paradigm Shift. New Delhi: Atlantic, 2008.
Course Outline

Course Title: Foundations of Literary Theory & Criticism

Course Code: ENG-509
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
This course introduces some of the most vital debates in the tradition of English literary criticism
from Plato and Aristotle in the Greek times to T.S. Eliot in early twentieth century. Equipped
with the ability of analyzing and appreciating this literary tradition through all these centuries,
the students would be able to grasp arguments in classical and romantic schools of literary
criticism, represented by critics like Samuel Johnson, Mathew Arnold, T. S. Eliot, and F. R.
Leavis on the one hand, and Philip Sidney, Wordsworth, and Coleridge on the other. That would
help students be conversant with ‘practical criticism’ / ‘close reading’ and ideas-led’ criticism
respectively. By concentrating on this rich canonical tradition, students will be able to learn how
each generation of critics has responded to critical theorizing and creative works of not only their
own times but also the ages preceding them. What is likely to excite and engage the students is
debates like Plato’s theory of imitation and his standpoint on poets, challenged not only by his
contemporary and disciple, Aristotle, but also by Philip Sidney and others. Similarly, the import
of Mathew Arnold’s view---one needs to study poetry of at least two different cultures, the more
different the better---will be transformative for students of literature. Moreover, this course will
ground the students in familiar critical concepts and thus prepare them to grasp the complexities
of literary and cultural theory in later semesters.

Course Objectives
It is an intensive course in literary criticism focusing on the following aspects
It would prepare the learners of literature and language to understand the historical background
to literary criticism, exploring its developmental changes from Plato till T.S Eliot
It would focus on the poetic and dramatic forms in order to highlight some significant trends and
concepts in world literature in general and English literature in particular.
It would also provide a brief introduction to the contemporary literary theories.

Course Contents
Aristotle to Modern Times
The Greek Critics
Plato (427-347 BC): Selections from The Republic (c. 380 BC)
Aristotle (394-322 BC): The Poetics (c. 335 BC)
Renaissance to Eighteenth Century Critics
Sir Philip Sidney (1554-1586): An Apology for Poetry (1595)
b) John Dryden (1631-1700): Essay on Dramatic Poesy (1668)
The Romantic Critics
William Wordsworth (1770-1850): Preface to Lyrical Ballads (1798-1802)
The Victorian Critics
Matthew Arnold (1822-1888):
The Study of Poetry (1880)
Function of Criticism at the Present Time (1865)
Modern Critics
T.S. Eliot (1888-1965): “Tradition & the Individual Talent” (1921)
A Brief Introduction to Contemporary Literary Theories

Recommended Books:
Barry, P. Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory. Manchester:
Manchester UP, 1995
Booker, Keith M. A Practical Introduction to Literary Theory and Criticism. New York:
Longman Publishers, 1996.
Kamran, Robina and Farrukh Zad. Ed. A Quintessence of Literary Criticism. National University
of Modern Languages, Islamabad.
Leitch, Vincent B. (General Editor). The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. New York
& London: W. W. Norton and Company, 2001 (or later editions
Lodge, David. Ed. Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader. Longman, 1988.
Newton, K. M. ed. Twentieth Century literary Theory: A Reader. Second Edition. New York: St.
Martin‘s, 1998 (or later editions)
Selected Terminology from any Contemporary Dictionary of Literary Terms.
Selden, R. &Widdowson P. A Reader‘s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory (3rd Edition).
New York: Harvester, 1993.
Course Outline

Course Title: Pakistani Literature in English

Course Code: ENG-511
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
The works of Anglophone Pakistani writers constitute an important part of the contemporary
English literature. The use of English language has flourished in our region as the legacy of
colonial times and today English language is used broadly all over Pakistan. Pakistani literature
in English is a unique blend of local themes and issues and projects the version of reality as
perceived by Pakistanis, expressed in the English language which establishes the academic and
cultural relevance of teaching this literature. The contribution of Pakistani authors to English
literature is acknowledged internationally in terms of the awards won by them and these works
are taught in various international universities as well. This makes the study of this literature
crucial for a Pakistani scholar. This course is carefully designed to incorporate various writings
since the creation of Pakistan to the present in order to trace the history and development of
Pakistani literature in English.

Course Objectives
To introduce students to local themes and issues.
To enable students to compare and relate Pakistani writings in English with English writings
from other parts of the world in order to enhance critical thinking.
To understand and appreciate the Pakistani variety of English through this study.
To provide the scholar with a wide basis for research in terms of Pakistani issues and conflicts as
this is a relatively new and unexplored area of English literature.

Course Contents
Bapsi Sidhwa: An American Brat, Ice Candy Man
Kamila Shamsie: Burnt Shadows
Mohsin Hamid: How To Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia
Mohammad Hanif: Our Lady Of Alice Bhatti
Nadeem Aslam: The Blind Man’s Garden
Zulfiqar Ghose: Disturbed Nights, Evidence of Genocide
Salman Tarik Kureshi: Cottage, Housewarming, End of The Climb
Adrian A. Hussain: A Rosary of Ants, Autumn Tree
Moen Farooqi: Unfamiliar Morning, Winter Visit, The Still life of Apples.
Taufiq Rafat: Wedding in the flood, Kitchens, Gangrene, Snake, Grave in the park, Reflections,
Time to Love, Arrival of the Monsoon
Farida Faizullah: On being offered a Rose by a Student
Screen Plays
Hanif Qureshi: My Son the Fanatic
Zulfiqar Ghose: Orwell and I
Intizaar Hussain: The Problems of Pakistani Identity
Bapsi Sidhwa: Launching the Angels
Rukhsana Ahamd: The Price of freedom
Shahid Suhrwardy: The Responsibility of Writers in Pakistan

Contemporary Short Stories

Muneeza Shamse: That Heathen Air, And the World Changed
Aamer Hussain: The Keeper of the Shrine, A Needlewoman’s Calender
Kamila Shamsie: Hasan and The Sky, 9/11 Stories: Our Dead Your Dead
Daniyaal Muenudin: Nawab Din Electrician
Bapsi Sidhwa: The Trouble-Easers
Zaibunisa Hamidullah: Maa

Recommended Books:
Ahmad, Aijaz. In Theory:Classes, Nations,Literatures (London, 1992)
Ahmed, Rehana, Peter Morey, AminaYaqin. Culture, Diaspora, and Modernity in Muslim
Writing (Routledge, 2012)
Aroosa ,Kanwal. Rethinking Identities in Contemporary Pakistani Fiction.Beyond 9/11. (
Plagrave Macmillan UK, 2015 )
Chambers, Claire. British Muslim Fictions: Interviews with Contemporary Writers (Palgrave
Macmillan, 2012)
Cilano, Cara. Contemporary Pakistani Fiction in English: Idea, Nation, State. (Routledge, 2013)
Clements, Madeline. Writing Islam From a South Asian Muslim Perspective (Springer 2015)
DaniyalMueenuddin: In Other Rooms Other Wonders.Bloomsbury Publishing, 2010.
Hashmi, Alamgir. “Ahmed Ali and the Transition to a Post-Colonial Mode in the Pakistani
Novel in English.”Journal of Modern Literature, Vol 17. No 1 (Summer 1990) PP. 177-182
IftikharArif. Pakistani Literature.Pakistan Academy of Letters, 2002.
IftikharArif: Modern Poetry of Pakistan. Dalkey Archive Press, 2010.
IftikharArif: Modern Poetry of Pakistan. Dalkey Archive Press, 2010.
J. Sell. Metaphor and Diaspora in Contemporary Writing ( Palgrave Macmillan 2012)
Jajja, Mohammad Ayub. “The Heart Divided: A Post-Colonial Perspective on Partition” Pakistan
Journal of Social Sciences (PJSS) Vol. 32, No. 2 (2012), pp. 297-307
Nor Faridah, Abdul Manaf, and SitiNuraishah Ahmad. “Pakistani Women’s Writings: Voice of
Progress.” International Research Journal Of Arts and Humanities [IRJAH] [Vol 34] ISSN 1016-
Ranasinghe, Ruvani. Contemporary Diasporic South Asian Women’s Fiction: Gender, Narration
and Globalisation (Palgrave Macmillan 2016)
Rehman, Tariq. A History of Pakistani English Literature ( Lahore, 1991)
Shamsie, Muneeza. A Dragonfly in the Sun: An Anthology Of Pakistani writing in English
(Oxford 1998)
Course Outline

Course Title: Drama-II -Renaissance Drama

Course Code: ENG-502
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
The purpose of this course is to explore the nature, function, and themes of Elizabethan drama in
their theatrical, historical and social contexts. Through a detailed study of the texts by the
selected dramatists such as Shakespeare and Marlowe the course traces the development of the
key features of tragedy and comedy.
This section focuses on the selective plays of William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe.
Through a critical scrutiny of the recommended plays, students will be made to appreciate the
variety and imaginative exuberance of drama written in the age that popularized cultural
profundity, humanist tendencies, philosophical excavations and artistic excellence. Qualities
such as the poetic richness, absorbing plots, and vivid portrayal of characters will be highlighted
to catch the true spirit of Renaissance. Through a selection of plays, this section highlights the
characteristic features of various dramatic forms like tragedy, comedy, and history, and their

Course Objectives
Students will be taught to demonstrate: Knowledge of the myths, history, conventions, and major
personages of classical theatre through readings of the plays and secondary sources. An insight
into the culture, society and political events of the classical periods under study. An
understanding of the main objectives, themes and ideas underlying Classical Drama. Sound
knowledge of the works of a range of classical dramatists and the ability to relate the primary
texts to their socio-cultural and historical contexts. The ability to carry out close reading and
literary commentaries on the primary texts. Critically assess the inherent nature of the human
condition - its paradoxes, complexities, and conflicts.

Course Contents
1: Marlowe…………….Dr Faustus
2: Shakespeare…….. King Lear & Hamlet
3: Shakespeare……. As you Like It

Recommended Books:
Bloom, Harold. (1999). Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human.London: Fourth Estate.
Cheney,Patrick.(2004).The Cambridge Companion to Christopher Marlowe. Cambridge:
Dover, K.J. (1972).Aristophanic Comedy.University of California Press.
Eagleton, Terry. (1986). William Shakespeare. New York: Blackwell.
Erikson, Peter. (1991). Rewriting Shakespeare, Rewriting Our- selves. Berkley: University of
California Press.
Frazer, James G. (1922).The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion. MacMillan.
Gregory, Justina. (2005).A Companion to Greek Tragedy. Blackwell.
Hackett, Helen. (2012). A Short History of English Renaissance Drama. I.B. Tauris& Co Ltd..
Kitto, H. D. F. (2005).Greek Tragedy. London and New York: Routledge.
Kuriyama,Constance B.(2002).ChristopherMarlowe:A Renaissance Life. Ithaca: Cornell
University Press.

Course Outline

Course Title: Romantic and Victorian Poetry

Course Code: ENG-504
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
This course analyzes representative examples of British poetry of the nineteenth century, that is,
from the French Revolution to the first stirrings of modernism in the early 1900s. It comprises
the poetry of two eras which came one after each other, namely Romantic and Victorian age. The
first half of this module extends from the mid-1770s to the 1830s, a period marked by what
Wordsworth referred to as those ‘great national events’ which were ‘almost daily taking place’:
the American and French revolutions, the Napoleonic wars, imperial expansion, industrialization,
and the growth of the political reform movement. The production and consumption of books
took on a heightened political significance in these decades and this selection includes selection
from the ‘big six’ Romantics (Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Keats, P.B. Shelley, Byron). The
second half of this course includes the poetry of the poets who are called as ‘cunning terminators
of Romanticism’ by some critics. This era, marked by the coronation of Queen Victoria in 1837,
known as Victorian age, spans till her death in 1901. The Victorians saw the virtues attendant
upon a strong will as central to themselves and to their culture, and Victorian poetry strove to
find an aesthetic form to represent this sense of the human will. Through close study of the
metre, rhyme and rhythm of a wide range of poems - including monologue, lyric and elegy - the
technical questions of poetics are related, in the work of these poets, to issues of psychology,
ethics and social change.

Course Objectives
The aim of this module is to introduce students to the literary culture of this rich and exciting
period, which, in the first half, begins in the year of America’s declaration of independence and
ends with the British reform act of 1832 and from there onwards till the first decade of the
twentieth century.

Course Content
The Longmans Anthology of British Literature vol2A ,2B
William Blake:-
A Poison Tree
The Tygre
William Wordsworth:-
The World is Too Much with us
We Are Seven
S.T . Coleridge:-
Dejection: An Ode
Kubla Khan
John Keats:-
La Belle Dame Sans Mercy
A Thing of Beauty
Ode on Melancholy
Ode to Nightingale
Ode on the Grecian Urn
Lord Byron:-
She Walks in Beauty
When We Two Parted
P.B. Shelly:-
Ode To The West Wind
Love’s Philosophy
Alfred Lord Tennyson:-
The Lotos Eaters
Tears Tears Idle Tears
Robert Browning : -
Porphyria’s Lover
My Last Duchess
Mathew Arnold :-
Lines Written in Kensington Garden
Dover Beach
Cristina Rossetti
After Death
In an Artist’s Studio

Recommended Books:
Aidan Day, Romanticism (1995)
Anne Mellor, Romanticism and Gender (1993)
Cynthia Chase, ed., Romanticism (1993)
Harold Bloom, The Visionary Company: A Reading of English Romantic Poetry (1961)
Iain McCalman, An Oxford Companion to the Romantic Age (1999)
Isobel Armstrong, Victorian Poetry: Poetry, Poetics, and Politics(1993)
Joseph Bristow, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Poetry (2002)
Linda K. Hughes, The Cambridge Introduction to Victorian Poetry(2010)
M. H. Abrams, The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic theory and the Critical Tradition (1958)
Margaret Homans, Women Writers and Poetic Identity (1980)
Marilyn Butler, Romantics, Rebels and Reactionaries (1982)
Paula Feldman and Theresa Kelley, ed., Romantic Women Writers(1995)
Richard Cronin et al, ed., A Companion to Victorian Poetry (2002)
Stephen Copley and John Whale, eds. Beyond Romanticism: New Approaches to Texts and
Contexts 1780-1832 (1992)
Stuart Curran, Poetic Form and British Romanticism (1986)
Course Outline

Course Title: Discourse Studies

Course Code: ENG-506
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description:
Simply defined as ‘language in use’, discourse is something concerned more with ‘use behind
language’. With such political implications, discourses are important to comprehend and
appreciate. The present course is designed for a basic level introduction to ‘Discourse Analysis’
as well as ‘Critical Discourse Analysis’ for under-graduate students. It introduces the main and
most widely used approaches to discourse analysis. It aims to develop learners’ critical thinking
about how discourses are used in context and how they reflect and shape our world. The course
draws upon students’ prior understanding of basic linguistic concepts and provides learners with
analytical tools and strategies to explore features of written and spoken texts.

Course Objectives
This course aims to:
introduce discourse analysis as a method of text analysis and a research enquiry in language
teaching and other contexts relevant to Applied and Socio-Linguistics
familiarize learners with practical applications of discourse analysis techniques to real world
to acquaint students with a wide variety of discourses
To introduce learners to practical applications of critical discourse analysis techniques to real
world discourses
Course Contents
Section 1: Beginning with Discourse Analysis
Introduction to Discourse
What is Discourse?
Features of Discourse
Text and Discourse
Types of Discourse: Written, Spoken, Media, Political etc.
Discourse Analysis
What is Discourse Analysis?
A Short History of Discourse Analysis
Major Contributors
Grammatical Analysis of Discourse
Cohesion & Coherence
Cohesive Devices
Theme & Rheme
Thematic Progression
Pragmatic Analysis of Discourse
Language in context
Speech Act Theory
Co-operative Principles
Conversational Implicature
Politeness Theory
Analysis of Conversation as Discourse
Conversation as Discourse
Structure of conversation
Analyzing a conversation
Section 2: Proceeding with Critical Discourse Analysis
Discourse and Ideology: Beginning Critical Discourse Analysis
What is ideology?
Ideology in Discourse
What is critical Discourse Analysis?
A brief history of CDA
Foucault & CDA
Systemic Functional Linguistics: A Brief overview
Fairclough and CDA
Language and Society
Relational-Dialectal Approach-Basics
Van Dijk and CDA Language and Power
Socio-Cognitive Model- Basics
Doing Analysis
How to conduct research
Choosing a Discourse
Choosing a perspective
Choosing a suitable method
A Tool for Analysis: choosing DA, CA or CDA

Recommended Books:
Alba-Juez, Laura. (2009). Perspectives on Discourse Analysis: Theory and Practice. Cambridge.
Blommaert,J. (2005). Discourse.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
Bloor, M., & Bloor, T. (2007).The practice of critical discourse analysis.An introduction.
London: Hodder Arnold.
Caldas-Coulthard, C. R., &Coulthard, M. (Eds. ().An Introduction to Critical Discourse Analysis.
London: Continuum.
Gee, James Paul. (1999). An Introduction to Discourse Analysis: Theory and Method.
Locke, T. (2004).Critical Discourse Analysis. London: Continuum.
Paltridge, Brian. (2006). Discourse Analysis. London: Continuum
Rogers, R. (Ed.). (2011). An introduction to critical discourse analysis in education. Second
Edition. London: Routledge.
Schiffrin, D., Tannen, D., & Hamilton, H. (Eds.). (2001). Handbook of Discourse Analysis.
Oxford: Blackwell.
Wodak, R., & Meyer, M. (Eds.).(2009). Methods of critical discourse analysis. Second revised
edition. London: Sage

Course Outline
Course Title: Creative Nonfiction
Course Code: ENG-508
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
Creative non-fiction is currently undergoing rapid change and reformation. Instead of the old
‘cradle to grave’ narratives of well-known literary or political figures, our best writers are now
experimenting with new forms and subjects. Nature writing, the personal essay, food journalism,
art criticism and memoir are all part of this exciting, emerging mix.
The course focusses on a variety of sub-genres of creative/imaginative nonfiction such as
autobiography and memoir, literary journalism, and the essay (including non-traditional forms
like the lyric or graphic essay). This course will provide students with the tools to read, analyze,
think critically, and write about creative nonfiction and to communicate their insights in oral and
written forms. The course takes an integrated approach to teaching the skills of reading, critical
thinking and writing specific to the interpretation of creative nonfiction, drawing on literary
criticism and interpretive methods specific to life narrative to explore fundamental elements of
the creative nonfiction sub-genres, including: plot and its relationship to thematic focus; the
development of narrative personae and other aspects of characterization; style; setting;
authentication, “evidence” and truth, and other issues of representation.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, students should be able to understand/grasp:
the various forms/genres of creative expression
the theory or methods behind the creative expression(s)
the social, cultural, and/or historical context of the creative expression(s)
Course Contents
The Art of the Personal Essay: An Anthology from the Classical Era to the Present, edited by
Phillip Lopate
The Touchstone Anthology of Contemporary Creative Nonfiction, edited by Williford &
The Literary Journalists, edited by Norman Sims.
This Boy’s Life by Tobias Wolff

Recommended Books/Websites:
Creative Nonfiction
Brevity: Website that includes personal narrative or memoir essay
Literary Nonfiction: Resources for Creative Nonfiction
McSweenye's Internet Tendency: fiction, art, comics, creative nonfiction, columns, opinions, and
much more
Narrative Magazine
Sweet: A Literary Confection of Poetry and Creative Nonfiction
The Poets & Writers Magazine: Magazine for poets and writers
UCI Literary Journalism Excellent Links and Resources on Literary Journalism.
Creative Nonfiction: The Lyrical Essay
The Lyrical Essay: The Seneca Review: Description and examples of the lyrical essay at Seneca
Creative Writing
McSweenye's Internet Tendency: fiction, art, comics, creative nonfiction, columns, opinions, and
much more
Writers Net: How to publish and other advice BLOGS
McSweenye's Internet Tendency: fiction, art, comics, creative nonfiction, columns, opinions, and
much more
Reading 100 All Time Novels: Blogger reads, summarizes, and comments on Time Magazine’s
list all time novels
The Path of Possibility: Get inspired to write
The Urban Muse Writer: Excellent blog about different aspects of creative writing
Unedit My Heart: Writing about the Arts
Writing Time: Turning Your Life into Story Magazines
Harper's Magazine
Reader's Digest: Lifestyle and well-being
The Atlantic Magazine: Covers breaking news, analysis, current events, fiction, issues in the
public eye, and more
The New Yorker Magazine: Read about poetry, fiction, and nonfiction
The Saturday Evening Post
The UTNE Reader: Independent press
The Walrus Magazine: Covers Politics, Environment, Art, Culture, Sports, Poetry, and Fiction
Additional Reading:
Tell It Slant: Creating, Refining, and Publishing Creative Nonfiction, (2nd Edition) by Brenda
Miller and Suzanne Paola
Writing True by Sondra Perl and Mimi Schwartz
Creative Non-fiction: A Guide to Form, Content, and Style with Readings by Eileen Pollack
To Tell the Truth: Practise and Craft in Narrative Nonfiction by Connie D. Griffin
You Can’t Make This Stuff: The Complete Guide to Writing Creative nonfiction from Memoir to
Literary Journalism and Everything In Between Up by Lee Gutkind
Telling True Stories: A Nonfiction Writer’ Guide, edited by Mark Kramer and Wendy Call
On Writing Well by William Zinsser
The Elements of Style by Strunk and White
The Writer’s Personal Mentor by Priscilla Long

Course Outline

Course Title: Grammar and Syntax

Course Code: ENG-510
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
Syntax is concerned with sentence structure - how words are combined to form phrases, how
phrases are combined to form larger phrases, clauses and sentences, and how clauses are
combined to form complex sentences. Ability to identify constituents and agreement constraints
helps students to improve and correct their academic writing. The course is practical in focus and
aims to teach students essential skills for the linguistic description and analysis of a language.
The course also includes basic syntactic theories.

Course Objectives
The course aims to:
● acquaint students with basics of syntax
● enable students to identify various parts of speech through
structural signals
● introduce the major syntactic structures of the English language to
● enable students to recognize various grammatical constructions
● familiarize students with some elementary syntactic theories

Course Contents
World Classes
Phrases and Type
Clauses and Types
Sentence analysis
Subjects, Predicates, Complement, Adjunct
Modals and Modality
Syntax Different approaches towards syntax
i) Traditional ii) structural iii) phrase structure iv) transformational generative v) systemic
Systemic functional analysis
Introduction to Government and Binding theory
Tree diagram.

Recommended Books:
Wren and Martin (2002) High School English Grammar and Composition S, Chand Publishing.
Martinet and Thomson (1960) A Practical English Grammar:
Swan,M. (1995) Practical English Usage OUP
Martin Hewings (2013) Advanced English in Use CUP
Prasad, Tarni. (2012). A course in Linguistics. New Delhi: PHI Publications.
Sells, Peter & Kim, Jong-Bok. (2007). English Syntax: An Introduction.
Eastwood. John
Course Outline

Course Title: Introduction to Stylistics

Course Code: ENG-512
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
This is an interdisciplinary course which deals with some of the ways in which texts, particularly
literary texts, can be examined from a linguistic perspective. Text is the focus of this course. It
will be seen how a text may be handled to examine the specific language that reflects the
determinant elements of the communication: the speaker/ writer; the recipient (listener/ reader),
the occasion which led to producing the text. This course aims to assist students in exploring
(primarily literary) texts. The course also covers the topics related to the ways and means writers
opt for in the process of producing the text and expressing it in the way they deem to best serve
their purpose.

Course Objectives
The course aims to:
assist students understand style and stylistics
explain what is involved in a stylistic analysis of a literary text
describe the methods of each type of stylistics and stylistic analysis
define the concept of foregrounding
assist students to learn the techniques involved in stylistic analysis of various types of texts
Course Contents
What is stylistics?
Historical Evolution of Stylistics
The Nature of Stylistics
The Goals of Stylistics
The concept of style and stylistics: Meaning of stylistics and its approaches
Style as choice
Style as the Man
Style as Deviation
Style as Conformity
Style as Period or Time
Style as Situation
Types of Stylistics I
Features of Linguistic Stylistics
Lexical Repetition
Semantico-Syntactic Level
Semantic/Grammatical Level
Phonological Level
Graphological Level
Types of Stylistics II
Reader-Response Stylistics
Affective Stylistics
Pragmatic Stylistics
Pedagogical Stylistics
Forensic Stylistics
Levels of Linguistic Analysis: The Lexico-Semantic Level
Lexical Relations
Types of Words
Denotative/Connotative Meanings
Idiomatic Meaning
Levels of Linguistic Analysis: The Syntactic Level
Units of Grammar
The Group
The Clause
The Sentence
The notion of Rank shifting
Meaning of Foregrounding
Types of Foregrounding
Stylistic analysis: Practical Application
Sample stylistic analysis of poem
Sample stylistic analysis of short story
Sample stylistic analysis of novel
Sample stylistic analysis of authentic texts:

Recommended Books:
Chapman, R. (1973). Linguistics and Literature: An Introduction to Literary Stylistics, Rowman
and Littlefield, London.
Short, Mick. (1996). Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose. Longman
Leech, Geoffrey & Mick Short (1981). Style in fiction: A linguistic introduction to English
fictional prose. London/New York: Longman Group Ltd.
Semino, Elena & Jonathan Culpeper (1995).Stylistics.In JefVerschueren, Jan-Ola Östman& Jan
Blommaert (Eds.), Handbook of pragmatics (pp. 513-520). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John
Benjamins Publishing Co.
Wales, Katie (1989). A dictionary of stylistics. London/New York: Longman.
Widdowson, H. G. (1975). Stylistics and the teaching of literature. London: Longman.
Course Outline

Course Title: Research Methods and Term Paper Writing

Course Code: ENG-601
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
The course introduces the basics of the research to the undergraduate students. It includes
language of research, ethical principles and challenges, and the elements of the research process
within quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches. It is designed to assist students
understand the difference between different forms of research writings like book, thesis and
research paper.

Course Objectives
This course aims to enable students to:
develop an understanding of research terminology
create awareness of the ethical principles of research, ethical challenges and approval processes
differentiate among quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods approaches to research
learn the steps involved in research process
identify the components of a literature review process
understand the difference between research paper, thesis and book writing
develop knowledge about different components of a synopsis and a research paper

Course Contents
Introduction to Research: The Wh-Questions of Research (What? Why? Who, Where? How?)
Research process overview
Research methods: Qualitative, Quantitative, Mixed method research
Types of Qualitative and Quantitative researches
Thinking like a researcher: Understanding concepts, constructs, variables, and definitions
Problems and Hypotheses: Defining the research problem, Formulation of the research
Reviewing literature
Data collection
Data processing and analysis
Difference between research paper, thesis and book writing
Parts of a synopsis
Research ethics and plagiarism
Research paper formatting: MLA and APA
Note: The division of marks for this subject is 40% -60%. 40 % marks for the exams; whereas,
60% marks are for practical work including quiz, class performance, assignments, exercises,
practical activities, final term paper/ synopsis writing, mock thesis etc. as explained in the
beginning of this document.

Recommended Books:
Bhattacherjee, Anol. (2012). Social Science Research: Principles, Methods and Practices.
University of South Florida.
Bryman, Alan & Bell, Emma (2011). Business Research Methods (Third Edition), Oxford
University Press.
Chawla, Deepak & Sondhi, Neena (2011). Research methodology: Concepts and cases, Vikas
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Delhi.
Creswell, J. W. (2014) . Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods
approaches. 4th Ed.. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Kerlinger, F.N., & Lee, H.B. (2000). Foundations of Behavioural Research (Fourth Edition),
Harcourt Inc.
Rubin, Allen &Babbie, Earl (2009). Essential Research Methods for Social Work, Cengage
Learning Inc., USA.
Pawar, B.S. (2009). Theory building for hypothesis specification in organizational studies,
Response Books, New Delhi.
Neuman, W.L. (2008). Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches,
Pearson Education.
Walliman, Nicholas. (2001). Your Research Project.Sage Publications.

Course Outline

Course Title: Drama III. Modern Drama

Course Code: ENG-603
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
Modern day dramatic performances live as well as those treated in different mediums of film and
television, owe a lot to the genre of drama of antiquity. Building upon the prior knowledge of the
key elements of the literary terms and techniques of drama learnt by students in the course of
Classical Drama, this course will present some modern plays of the late nineteenth and twentieth
century which have influenced the development of English drama. (Though the knowledge of
literary terms acquired in Classical Drama will be of great help, yet this course can be studied as
an entirely independent module). The dramas suggested for this course lend a considerable
amount of variety to different forms of tragedy and comedy. The course is designed to impart,
discuss, evaluate, and above all enjoy the spirit of modern drama. The socio-cultural aspects of
society reflected in the drama of the selected age will also be highlighted along with its
significance in our modern world.

Course Objectives
An overview of some of the most influential dramatists of modern age and their works with
reference to their themes and dramatic techniques. An emphasis on how certain dramatists are
related to new ideas about the role of the theatre and its method. A number of literary texts are
read together with critical and theoretical discussions.

Course Contents
Ibsen, Henrik A Doll’s House, (1879)
Shaw, G. B.Man and Superman (1905)
Beckett, Samuel Waiting for Godot, (1953)
Brecht, Bertolt Life of Galileo (1943)
Note: The teachers may choose any four as the core texts with taking Ibsen, Shaw and Beckett as
compulsory writers and any other one writer from the list. Additionally, they may assign class
assignments and class projects from any other if they so choose.

Recommended Books:
Billington, Michael. Harold Pinter. Faber and Faber. 1996
Esslin, Martin The Theater of the Absurd. New York, Doubleday Anchor Books 1961.
Evans, T. F. George Bernard Shaw. Routledge. 2013
Fraser, G.S. The Modern Writer and His World.Rupa and Co. Calcutta, 1961.
Kenner, Hugh Samuel Beckett: A Critical Study. New York, Grove Press, 1961.
Mayor, Laura Reis.Four Major Plays of Ibsen. Penguin Group USA. 2008
Rayfield Donald. Anton Chekov: A Life. Northwest University Press. 1997
Tornquist, Egil. Ibsen’s The Doll’s House. Cambridge University Press. 1995
White, John J. Bertolt Brecht’s Dramatic Theory.Camden House. 2004
Williams, Raymond Drama from Ibsen to Brecht. Penguin in association with Chatto and
Course Outline

Course Title: Modern Poetry

Course Code: ENG-605
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)
Course Description:
This course aims at teaching critical analysis of modern poetry and, thus, developing an
understanding of the aesthetic and intellectual contexts in which it was produced. The beginning
and ending of modernist period are arbitrary, however, it is generally agreed that works written
between 1890 and 1950 in North America and Western Europe follow the modernist tradition.
The course will examine the roles of poets like T.S. Eliot and Ezra Pound, who are credited with
radical shifts in style and content from their predecessors, to introduce modernist aesthetics in
poetry. The students will do close reading of poems to discern differences in poetic style and
idiom of authors.

Course Objectives:
to identify and critically examine form, style and themes in modernist poetry.
to study historical and cultural developments in which modernist poetry evolved and later gave
way to confessional and other forms of poetry.

Course Contents/Core Texts

T. S. Eliot The Hollow Men The Waste Land
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Ezra Pound, In a Station of the Metro, A Girl and An Immortality
W.B. Yeats: Among School Children Second Coming
Easter 1916
W.H Auden: Sep 1st, 1939. As I Walked Out One Morning, The Unknown Citizen
Ted Hughes: That Morning, Hawk Roosting, Thought Fox, Hawk’s Monologue
7. Philip Larkin : Mr. Bleaney Church Going

Course Outcomes:
Students are expected
to demonstrate understanding of aesthetics of modernist poetry.
to do a critical analysis of poems through close reading of the text.

Recommended Books:
Blair, John G. The Poetic Art of W.H. Auden (n.p., n.d.).
Drew, Elizabeth T.S. Eliot: The Design of his Poetry.(London, 1950)
Gardener, Helen. The Art of T.S. Eliot. (London, 1968)
Jeffares, A.N. W.B. Yeats, Man and Poet.(London, 1949)
Leavis, F.R. New Bearings in English Poetry. (London 1961 ed)
Macneice, Louis The Poetry of W.B. Yeats.( London, 1967)
Spears, Monroe K. The Poetry of W.H. Auden. (New Jersey, 1981)
Unterecker, J. W.B. Yeats: A Reader’s Guide (London, 1988).
Ferguson, M. Salter, M. J., Stallworthy, J. (2005). The Norton Anthology of Poetry. New
York: W.W. Norton & Co.
Untermeyer, L. (2011). Modern British Poetry. Whitefish, MT: Literary Licensing
Course Outline

Course Title: Modern Novel

Course Code: ENG-607
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
With a background knowledge of the types of fictions, the diversity in the art of characterization,
i.e. round, flat, and stock characters etc. and all the associated details students have learnt in the
course of classical novel, this course focuses the novels of 20th century. Through this course on
Modern fiction, the students are able to grasp different techniques used and art/literary
movements used in novel writing. For instance, questioning modes of imperialism in the Heart of
Darkness (1902), stream-of-consciousness technique used in Woolf and Joyce’s works and,
similarly, questions about cultures and humanity at large are raised in the novels of Forster and
Golding respectively. The basic questions raised against imperialism in works of Conrad will aid
the students to study postcolonial novel in the later semesters. Students will appreciate the fact
novel is the leading genre of modern literature that caters to the literary needs of modern readers.
The diversity of themes explored in the novels of this course will excite the students to think
critically and make them realize the importance of this genre of literature which, as is apparent
from its nomenclature, has the capacity to incorporate any level of ingenuity of thought in its

Course Objectives
This course will survey the work of novelists who represent the artistic and cultural aspects of
modern narratives.
The students are to examine different aspects of modern novels considering the style, point of
view, tone, structure, and culture which contribute to the development of modern fiction.
Emphasis in this course is not on teaching the students a few modern novels but to enable them
for reading and analyzing a modern novel.
The students will be acquainted and familiarized with the changing social and literary trends of
20th century as an aftermath and effects of WWI and later World War 2.

Course Contents
Joseph Conrad: The Heart of Darkness (1899-1902)
E.M. Forster: A Passage to India (1924)
Virginia Woolf: To the Light House (1927)
William Golding: Lord of the Flies (1954)

Recommended Books:
Allen, Walter The English Novel 1954.
Baker, R. S. The Dark Historical Page: Social Satire and Historicism in the Novels of Aldous
Huxley, 1921-1939. London, 1982.
Bedford, Sybille. Aldous Huxley, 2 vols. London, 1973-4
Bowering, Peter. Aldous Huxley: A Study of the Major Novels. London, 1969.
Beer, J. B. The Achievement of Forster.London, 1962.
Burgess, Anthony. Joysprick: An Introduction to the Language of James Joyce (1973), Harcourt
(March 1975).
Caramagno, Thomas C. The Flight of the Mind: Virginia Woolf's Art and Manic-Depressive
Illness. Berkeley: University of California Press, c1992 1992.
Cavaliero, Glen. A Reading of E. M. Forster.London, 1979.
Church, Richard The Growth of the English Novel. 1951.
Das, G. K. and Beer, John (ed.) E. M. Forster: A Human Exploration. London, 1979.
Ellmann, Richard. James Joyce. Oxford University Press, 1959, revised edition 1983
Course Outline

Course Title: Literary Theory and Practice

Course Code: ENG-609
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
Literary texts remain integrally woven within the socio-political substratum; therefore, literary
theory and its philosophical sub-text is used as the primary tool to decode the meanings both
within texts and without them. Since literary theory contextualizes both meanings as well as the
practices of decoding these meanings, it operates as available tool in enabling students to
independently comprehend literary texts. Keeping this in mind, this course has been designed to
introduce the students to key literary theories, their major concepts and basic jargon. This is so
that they are initiated into the process of understanding the usage of these elements in their
assignments and discourses. It also generates critical thinking that integrates the readers, texts
and contexts in all their interactive paradigms.

Course Objectives
This course is pivoted on the following major objectives:
To introduce the students to the history and evolution of literary theory
To enable them to develop a deeper understanding how different theories may be blended to
create different theoretical frameworks for analyzing different texts
To be able to offer critiques, not only of the literary texts, but also of the theories under
To provide preliminary training to students so that they may be able to engage in independent
theorizations, should they pursue higher degrees in the field.

Course Contents
Defining Literary Criticism, Theory and Literature
What is a text?
Who is a critic and what is literary criticism?
What is literary theory?
How to read and interpret texts
The purpose of literary theory
How to extract multiple, but cogent meanings, from a single text
Tracing the Evolution of Literary Theory and Criticism
Plato to Plotinus
Dante Alighieri to Boccaccio
Sidney to Henry James
Bakhtin and modern literary criticism
Russian Formalism and New Criticism
Russian Formalism: Development and Key terms
The application of Russian Formalism on a literary text
Differences between Russian Formalism and New Criticism
Major tenets and methods
Critiques of Russian Formalism and New Criticism
Reader-Oriented Criticism
Major ideas and methods (The steps involved)
Critiques of Reader-Oriented Criticism
Understanding Modernity and Modernism
The Development of Structuralism
Assumptions (The structure of language, langue and parole, Suassure’s definition of a word,
narratology and its types, themes, binary opposition, narrative functions as propounded by Propp,
Campbell, etc)
Methodologies of Structuralism
Applications on different literary texts
Critiques of structuralism
Movement from Structuralism to Post Structuralism
The development of Deconstruction
Major assumptions (Transcendental signified, logocentrism, opening up binary oppostions, the
Derridean argument of phonocentrism as propounded in Of Grammatology, Metaphysics of
Presence, Arché Writing, Supplemtation and Deifferánce)
Application of deconstructive theory on literary texts
Developments in Deconstructive theory: Deleuze and Guattari and the concept of the rhizome
Critiques of deconstruction
The development of psychoanalytic criticism
Sigmund Freud and his basic terminology, including id, ego, superego, Models of the human
psyche, neurosis, cathexes, Freudian slips, Oedipus and Electra complexes (infantile stage,
phallic stage, castration complex, pleasure principle)
Northrop Frye and archetypal criticism
Lacan and the major concepts of the imaginary order and the mirror stage, the Ideal-I, objet petit
á, symbolic order, the real order
Historical development
The First Second and Third Waves of Feminism: Virginia Woolf, Simone de Beauvoire,
Showalter, Kate Millett, Betty Friedan. Elaine Showalter, Kate Millett, Betty Friedan, Butler)
French Feminism (Luce Irigaray, Julia Kristeva, Helene Cixous)
Third World Feminism (Gayatri Spivak, Sara Suleri, Chandra Talpade Mohanty, etc) and its
relation with the contemporary socio-political scenario
Development of Marxism
Major Marxist theorists (Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, George Lukács, Antonio Gramsci, Louis
Althusser, Frederic Jameson and Terry Eagleton)
Key terms: dialectical materialism, base, superstructure, interpellation, false consciousness,
proletariat, relations with the market, hegemony, Ideological State Apparatus, political
Cultural Poetics or New Historicism
Differences between Old Historicism and New Historicism
The development of New Historicism
Cultural Materialism
Major assumptions
Major theorists (Michel Foucault, Clifford Geertz)
Major terminology (discourse, poetics of culture, inter-discursivity, irruption, etc)
Colonialism and Postcolonialism: Historical Dvelopment
Major assumptions
Major theorists (HomiBhabha, GayatriSpivak, Frantz Fanon, Edward Said, Aijaz Ahmed, Sarah
Ahmed, TalalAsad, and any other of the teacher’s choice)
Key concepts and binaries, such as hegemony, center/ periphery, Us/Other, marginalization,
double voicedness, Third Space, liminality, hybridity, assimilation, ecological mimeticism, the
minoritization of the English language through code-switching and code-mixing etc.
Postcolonial theory and the diasporic experience
Critiques of postcolonialism

Recommended Books:
Ashcroft, Bill, Gareth Griffiths & Helen Tiffin, Eds. The Post- Colonial Studies Reader NY:
Routledge. 1995.
---. Key Concepts in Postcolonial Studies. NY: Routledge, 1998.
Beauvoir, Simone de.The Second Sex. 1949. Trans. Constance Borde& Sheila Malovany-
Chevallier. NY: Random House, 2009.
Bloom, Harold et al. Deconstruction and Criticism. (1979) NY: The Continuum Publishing
Company, 2004.Bhabha, Homi K. The Location of Culture. London & New York: Routledge,
1994. Pdf.
Brannigan, John. New Historicism and Cultural Materialism. NY: 1998.
Brooks Cleanth. Understanding Fiction. New Jersey: Pearson, 1998.
---. The Well Thought Urn: Studies in the Structure of Poetry. NY: Harcourt, 1956.
Castle, Gregory. The Blackwell guide to Literary Theory. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2007
Culler, Jonathan. Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction. NY: Oxford University Press,
Derrida, Jacques. “Structure, Sign, and Play in the discourse of the Human Sciences”. Writing
and Différance.Trans. Alan Bass. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1978.
Eagleton, Mary Ed. A Concise Companion to Feminist Theory (Concise Companions to
Literature and Culture). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2003.
Eagleton, Terry. Literary Theory: An Introduction. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota
Press, 1996.
---. Making Meanings with Texts: Selected Essays. NY: Reed- Elsevier, 2005.
Hamilton, Paul. Historicism. NY: Routledge, 1996.
Rosenblatt, Louise M. Literature as Exploration. NY: Noble, 1996.
Williams, Patrick and Laura Chrisman, eds. Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory: A
Reader. NY: Columbia University Press, 1994.
Course Outline

Course Title: World Englishes

Course Code: ENG-602
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Objectives
This course is designed for students who are interested in the linguistic differences among the
varieties of English around the world. They will look at the sociolinguistics that surrounds
English in various settings. They will look first at inner circle English, where the users are native
speakers. Then they will look at outer circle English, where the users use English as a second
language in former colonies of the USA and Britain. Then they will look at a new circle created
by English based pidgins and creoles.

Course Objectives
The students should:
be familiar with the current debate in linguistics regarding the future of English as an
International Language understand that there is a repertoire of models for English; that the
localized innovations have pragmatic bases; and that the English language now belongs to all
those who use it.
be familiar with general characteristics of and issues related to Pakistani, Indian, Malaysian,
Singapore, and Nigerian, Chinese, Japanese, and Hong Kong English
At the end of the course, students should be able to describe the spread and the diverse functions
and statuses of English in the world. They should further be able to describe and recognize
selected varieties of English, saying how they differ from the traditional dictionary norms and
from each other. Finally, they should know the debate(s) going on concerning the various
English in the world, and on the legitimacy of New English in particular.

Course Contents
Introduction to the course & historical background
Interrelationship of World Englishes to Sociolinguistics
Major Trends in World Englishes specifically in ESL situation
English, both globalizing and nativizing
World English versus World Englishes
Basic notions in World Englishes
Language Variation
Levels of language variation
Language change and language contact
Ecology comes first
Ecology comes first
Categorizing World Englishes
Historical Background European colonization
Types of colonization:
Motives and consequences for communicative patterns
A Short survey of British colonization
America Jumps in: the growth and impact of superpower
Internationalization and localization: post-independence developments
Types of varieties on historical grounds
The spread of global English: some numbers
British English: roots of English and early expansions
Building a New World: American English
Caribbean English: Plantation wealth and misery
Comparative view of British, American and Caribbean varieties of Englishes
Settlers and locals: Southern hemisphere Englishes Pride in being down under: Australia and
New Zealand
Nation building with language(s): South African Englishes
Language Developments: a general perspective
The mechanism of producing new varieties of English
Widespread outcomes
Issues and attitudes in World Englishes Getting ahead with english: the tension between elitism
and grassroots spread
English as a killer language or denial of access?
Pedagogical strategies and considerations
Discussion on the practicality of training in language teaching methods for teachers and learners
with special reference to World Englishes

Recommended Books:
Bamgbose, A. (1998). “Torn between the norms: innovations in world Englishes”, World
Englishes 17 (1), 1-14.
Crystal, D. (1997a). English as a Global Language. Cambridge: CUP.
Graddol, D. (1997 b).The Future of English? London: British Council.
Jenkins, J. (2003). World Englishes: A resource book for students. Routledge.
Kachru, B. (1992). The Other Tongue (2nd Ed). Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
Kachru, B. (1986). The Alchemy of English: The Spread, Functions and Models of Non-native
Englishes. Oxford: Pergamon Press, reprinted 1990, Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
Kachru, B., Yamuna Kachru& Cecil L. N. (2006). World Englishes in Asian Contexts. Hong
Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
Kachru, B., Yamuna, K., & Cecil L. N. (Eds.), (2006). The Handbook of World Englishes.
Malden, MA; Oxford: Blackwell.
Kirkpatrick, A. (2007). World Englishes: Implications for International Communication and
English Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press.
Penny Cook, A. (1996). English in the world/The world in English.In J.W. Tollefson (1996)
Power and inequality in language education. (pp.34-58). Cambridge: Cambridge University
Simo, B, A. (2001). “Taming the madness of English”. Modern English Teacher, Vol.10, No 2,
Course Outline

Course Title: Post-Colonial Literature

Course Code: ENG-604
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
This course is based on a study of some seminal and significant postcolonial literary texts
(selected poetry, drama and fiction) in order to introduce the student to the colonial project and
see how the colonial experience helped shape literature as a result of military, political, social
and cultural encounters between the colonizers and the colonized. The postcolonial literature(s)
can be roughly divided into three overlapping phases. The first type comes from the period of
contact between the colonial powers and the colonized, the second type is the response of the
natives to the colonizers, and the third is contemporary literature which comes from the parts that
were earlier colonized, and also from the diasporic authors. This study is also useful in assessing
the developments which have taken place in this field over time and relate with the material
conditions of the contemporary world and, consequently, with relevant theoretical concepts as
well. An introduction to the key concepts and terms related to Postcolonial Studies is also part of
this course.

Course Objectives
To develop an understanding of the key concepts and terms related to the postcolonial studies.
To study the selected literature employing the postcolonial concepts in order to analyze this
To see how these readings, relate with the contemporary realities, issues and debates of the world
and to understand the importance of this field of study in the developments taking place
in the world.

Course Contents
Derek Walcott. A Far Cry from Africa (1962)
Louise Bennett. Selected Poems (1983)
Wole Soyinka. Mandela’s Earth and Other Poems (1988)
A.K. Ramanujan. Collected Poems (2011)
(Note: Four to five poems, out of each of these collections, may be selected by the concerned
Wole Soyinka. A Dance of the Forests (1963)
Derek Walcott. Dream on Monkey Mountain (1970)
Jack Davis. Honey Spot (1985)
Chinua Achebe. Things Fall Apart (1958), a novel
Jean Rhys. Wide Sargasso Sea (1966), a novel
Rohinton Mistry. Tales From Firozsha Baag (1987), a collection of short stories
Ngugi Wa Thiong’o. Devil on the Cross (1982), a novel
(Note: Two short stories from this collection may be selected by the concerned teacher.)
Recommended Books:
Ashcroft, B., Griffiths, G., & Tiffin, H. (1989). The Empire Writes Back. London: Routledge.
Ashcroft, B., Griffiths, G., & Tiffin, H. (1995). The Post-Colonial Studies Reader. London:
Ashcroft, B., Griffiths, G., & Tiffin, H. (1998). Post-Colonial Studies
- The Key Concepts. London, New York: Routledge.
Bhabha, H. K. (1994). The Location of Culture. London: Routledge.
Fanon, F. (1963). The Wretched of the Earth. (C. Farrington, Trans.) New York: Grove
Innes, C. L. (2007). The Cambridge Introduction to Postcolonial Literature in English.
Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press.
Loomba,A.(1998).Colonialism/Postcolonialism.London: Routledge.
Said, E. W. (1978).Orientalism. London: Routledge.
Said, E. W. (1994).Culture and Imperialism. London: Vintage Books.
Spivak, G. (1988). Marxism and Interpretation of Culture: Can the Subaltern Speak? (C. Nelson,
& L. Grossberg, Eds.) Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press.

Course Outline

Course Title: American Literature

Course Code: ENG-606
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
American literature has traversed and extended from pre-colonial days to contemporary times.
Historical, Political, societal and technological changes—all had telling impacts on it. This
course is designed to give an in-depth study of the American experience as portrayed in the
works of major writers of American literature. The course focuses on both historico-political
literary themes. Furthermore, it also emphasizes connecting the diverse Western movements
such as Realism, Naturalism, Romanticism, Transcendentalism, Modernism, etc. as they
influence multiple trends in American literary heritage and nationalism with reference to the
representative writers chosen. It considers a range of texts - including, novels, short stories,
essays, and poetry - and their efforts to define the notion of American identity. There may be
several ways to access American literature---by either following simple chronology or
connecting through themes and genres. This course aims at exposing the students to various
literary trends in American literature by grouping them under different genres.

Course Contents (Subject to elimination)

Essays and Short Stories
Thomas Paine (1737-1809) Excerpts from Common Sense
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) Excerpts from the Declaration of Independence as Adopted by
Congress (July 4, 1776)
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) Excerpts from Nature Self-Reliance
Walt Whitman (1819-1892) Excerpts from Preface to Leaves of Grass
Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) My kinsman, Major Molineux / Young Goodman Brown
Herman Melville (1819-1891) Bartleby, the Scrivener
Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) The Fall of the House of Usher
Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) Success is counted sweetest Because I could not stop for death
This is my letter to the world, I heard a Fly Buzz
Ezra pound (1885-1972) Mr. Housman's Message Portrait D’une Femme In a Station of the
Metro The River- Merchant’s Wife: A Letter
T.S. Eliot (1888-1965) The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Excerpts from The Waste Land
Robert Frost (1874-1963) Mending Wall The Road not Taken
Birches Fire and Ice After Apple Picking Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Edward Estlin Cummings (1894-1962) O Sweet spontaneous, The Cambridge ladies who live in
Furnished Souls Anyone lived in a pretty how town
Hart Crane (1899-1932) From The bridge (To Brooklyn Bridge)
Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896)/ Frederick Douglass (1817-1895) Uncle Tom’s Cabin/
excerpts from Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
F Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) The Great Gatsby
Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) A Farewell to Arms
William Faulkner (1897-1962) The sound and the Fury Drama
Eugene O’ Neill (1888-1953) Long Day’s Journey into Night
Arthur Miller (1915-2005) Death of a Salesman/The Crucible

Recommended Books:
Gustafson, S. M., & Levine, R. S. (2017). The Norton anthology of American literature.
Bennett, H. G. (1953). American literature. American Book Company.
Course Outline

Course Title: Introduction to Translation Studies

Course Code: ENG-608
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Description
Translation studies is an academic interdisciplinary dealing with the systematic study of the
theory, description and application of translation, interpreting, and localization. This course
examines the theory and practice of translation from a variety of linguistic and cultural
perspectives. The course covers a wide range of issues and debates in translation studies and
aims to provide students with an overview of the history of translation studies, different
translation theories and various approaches to translation. The basic premise of this course is, if
translators are adequately aware of the theoretical and historical dimensions of the discipline
they will be able to produce better translations. Besides, this course also focuses on the
application of various methods and approaches to different texts.

Course Objectives
The course aims to:
impart knowledge of the notable translation theories to students prepare them to critically reflect
on different translation theories enable students to apply the methods and strategies discussed in
the theories of translation acquaint them with the ideological and political nature of translation
enable them to produce grammatically and stylistically appropriate translations

Course Contents
What is translation?
A brief look at the history with special focus on the 20th and 21st centuries
The problem of equivalence at word level and beyond
Kinds of translation: word-for-word, sense-for-sense
Translation and cultural issues
Translating idioms and metaphors
Translation, genre and register
Foreignization and domestication
Functional theories of translation
Polysystem theories of translation
Postcolonial theories of translation
Translation and neologism: Confronting the novel
Translation and literature
Translation in the era of information technology
Translation, ideology and politics
Translation and interpretation
Translation and globalization
Research issues in translation

Recommended Readings
Baker, Mona, and Gabriela Saldanha, eds. (2009). Routledge encyclopedia of translation
Bassnett, Susan. (2013). Translation studies.Routledge.
Munday, Jeremy. (2016). introducing translation studies: Theories and applications. Routledge.
Snell-Hornby, Mary. (1988). Translation studies: An integrated approach. John Benjamins
Venuti, Lawrence. (2012). The translation studies reader. Rutledge.
Course Outline

Course Title: Introduction to Applied Linguistics

Course Code: ENG-610
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Objectives
This course is a gateway to the field of applied of applied linguistics. It will introduce students to
different methods adopted throughout the
tradition of language teaching to teach language at the same time probing into the approaches,
linguistic or psychological, that backed them. The knowledge of this will prepare the students to
cope with the other subjects. This course further aims at introducing fairly advanced ideas related
to syllabus designing and implementation. It offers a review of dominant and competing
syllabuses in the 20th century focusing especially on the milieu of their rise and the cause of
their decay both. The theory will go in this course hand in hand with practice: the students will
review different syllabus for applying the concepts they learn.

Course Contents
Theories of language learning
The nature of approaches and methods in language learning
The Direct Method
The Audio-lingual Method
The Natural Approach
The Eclectic Approach
Error Analysis
Nature and purpose
Causes of errors
Inter-lingual errors
Intra-lingual errors
Literal translations
Contrast between Behavioristic and Mentalistic attitude to errors
Stages of error analysis
Definition and scope of syllabus
Considerations common to all syllabuses
Relationship between theory of language, language learning and language syllabuses
Dichotomies of Syllabuses '
Product vs. Process-oriented syllabuses
Analytical Synthetic syllabuses
Product-Oriented Syllabuses
Grammatical Syllabus
Theoretical bases
Selecting and grading contents
Notional Functional Syllabus
Theoretical bases
Selecting and grading contents
Process Oriented Syllabuses

Suggested Readings
Allen, J. P. B. & Corder, S P. (eds) (1974). Techniques in applied linguistics. The Edinburgh
course in applied linguistics (Vol. 3). Oxford: OUP.
Brumfit, C. (ed.) (1986). The practice of communicative teaching. Oxford: Pergamon.
Chomsky, N. (1959). A review of B. F: Skinner's Verbal Behaviour. In Krashen, S. D. (1982).
Principles and practice in second language acquisition. New York: Pergamon.
Harmer, J. (1991). The practice of English language teaching. Harlow: Longman
Johnson, K. (1996). Language teaching and skills learning. London: Blackwell.
Larsen-Freeman, D. (1986). Techniques and principles in language teaching. London: OPU.
Munby, J. (1978). Communicative syllabus design. Cambridge: CUP.
Norrish, J. (1987). Language learners and their errors. New York: Macmillan.
Nunan, D (1988). Syllabus design. Oxford: OUP.
Omaggio, A. C. (1 986). Teaching language in context. New York: HHP
Prabhu, N. S. (1987). Second language pedagogy: A perspective. Oxford: OUP.
Richards & Rodgers. (1986). Approaches and methods in language teaching: A description and
analysis. Cambridge. CUP
Richards, J. C (1980). Error analysis. London: Longman.
Steinberg, D. D. (1988). Psycholinguistics. London: Longman
Ur, P (1996). A course in language leaching Cambridge: CUP.
Course Outline
Course Title: English-I Functional English
Course Code: ENG-307
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Objectives
The course aims to:
• Enhance language skills through grammar, phrases and sentence making.
• Develop skills for English writing and translation.
• Enhance listening and speaking skills for wider use.

Course Contents:
Basics of Grammar: Parts of speech and use of articles, Sentence structure, Active and passive
voice, Practice in unified sentence, Analysis of phrase, clause and sentence structure Transitive
and intransitive verb, Punctuation and spelling.
Comprehension: Answers to questions on a given text.
Discussion: General topics and every-day conversation (topics for discussion to be at the
discretion of teacher keeping in view the level of students)
Listening: To be improved by showing documentaries/films carefully selected by subject
Translation skills: Urdu to English
Paragraph writing: Topics to be chosen at the discretion of the teacher
Presentation skills: Introduction to presentations and deliberations
Note: Extensive reading is required for vocabulary building

Books Recommended:
1. Thomson, Al., Martinet, A.V. 1997. Practical English Grammar and Exercises 3rd Ed.
Oxford University Press.
2. Boutin, M-C., Brinand, S., Grellet, F. 1993. Writing. Intermediate and Supplementary
Skills. Oxfor. Fourth Impression.
3. Tomlinson, B., Ellis, R. 1992. Reading. Upper Intermediate. Oxford Supplementary
Skills. Third Impression.
Course Outline
Course Title: English-II Communication Skills
Course Code: ENG-308
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Objectives:
The purpose to introduce this course is to develop the ability to communicate effectively, to
enable the students to read effectively and independently any intermediate level text, to make the
experience of learning English more meaningful and enjoyable and to enable the students to use
grammar and language structure in context. The focus will be on teaching of language skills
rather than content using a variety of techniques such as guided silent reading, communication
tasks etc. Moreover, a process approach will be taken for teaching writing skills with a focus on
composing, editing and revising drafts both individually and with peer and tutor support.

Course Contents:
1: Listening and Speaking Skills*
Towards the end of the successful completion of the course, the following objects have to be
achieved: [To develop the ability to]:
 To understand and use English to express ideas and opinions related to students‟ real life
experiences inside and outside the classroom.
 To give reasons (substantiating) justifying their view
 To understand and use signal markers
 To extract information and make notes from lectures
 To ask and answer relevant questions to seek information, clarification etc.
 Oral presentation skills (prepared and unprepared talks)
 Preparing for interviews (scholarship, job, placement for internship, etc.)
2: Reading Comprehension Skills
To enable the students to read a text to:
 identify main idea/topic sentences
 find specific information quickly
 distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information according to purpose for reading
 recognize and interpret cohesive devices
 distinguish between fact and opinion
3: Vocabulary Building Skills
To enable the students to:
 guess the meanings of unfamiliar words using context clues
 use word formation rules for enhancing vocabulary
 use the dictionary for finding out meanings and use of unfamiliar words
4: Writing skills
To enable students to write descriptive, narrative and argumentative texts with and without
stimulus input
 Writing formal letters
 Writing different kinds of applications (leave, job, complaint, etc.)
 Preparing a Curriculum Vitae (CV), (bio-data)
 Writing short reports

5: Grammar in context
 Tenses: meaning & use
 Modals
 Use of active and passive voice

Note: Listening and Speaking skills will be assessed informally only using formative
assessment methods till such time that facilities are available for testing these skills more

Recommended Readings:
Eastwood, J. (2004). English Practice Grammar (New edition with tests and answers). Karachi:
Oxford University Press.
Ellen, K. (2002) Maximize Your Presentation Skills: How to Speak, Look and Act on Your Way
to the Top
Hargie, O. (ed.)Hand book of Communications Skills
Howe, D. H, Kirkpatrick, T. A., & Kirkpatrick, D. L. (2004). Oxford English for
undergraduates. Karachi: Oxford University Press.
Mandel, S. (2000) Effective Presentation Skills: A Practical Guide Better Speaking
Mark, P. (1996) Presenting in English. Language Teaching Publications.
Murphy, R. (2003). Grammar in use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Course Outline

Course Title: English-III Technical Writing and Presentation Skills

Course Code: ENG-409
Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Course Objectives
The course aims to:
 Enhance language skills
 Develop critical thinking

Course Contents:
Presentation skills:
Essay writing: Descriptive, narrative, discursive, argumentative
Academic writing: How to write a proposal for research paper/term paper How to write a
research paper/term paper (emphasis on style, content, language, form, clarity, consistency)
Technical Report writing:
Progress report writing:
Note: Extensive reading is required for vocabulary building

Books Recommended:
1. Langan, J. 2004. College Writing Skills McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
2. Kirszner. L.G., Mandell, S. R. Patterns of College Writing. 4th Ed. by St. Martin's Press.
3. White, R. 1992. Writing.Advanced.Oxford Supplementary Skills.Third Impression
(particularly suitable for discursive, descriptive, argumentative and report writing).
4. Neulib, J., Cain, K. S., Ruffus, S., Scharton, M. (Editors). Reading. The Mercury
Reader.A Custom Publication.Compiled by norther Illinois University. (A reader that will
give students exposure to the best of twentieth century literature

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