Operator’s Manual 1700209 F 04 00 B

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Document number: 1700209-F-04-00 Revision: B Issue date: October 10, 2019

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B 10-10-2019 Updated RWI PBO GHK / HBO FJO JSC

A 02-04-2019 Final RWI PBO GHK / HBO FJO JSC
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Document number: 1700209-F-04-00 Revision: B Issue date: October 10, 2019

Customer :-

Manufacturer: SMST Designers & Constructors BV

Client reference: -
User manual Telescopic Access Bridge
Document number 1700209-F-04-00
Revision B


PREFACE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -VII
RECORD OF CHANGES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -VII
COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VIII
IMPORTANT NOTICE- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IX
CONTACT INFORMATION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X
WARNINGS AND NOTES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - XI
CONVERSION TABLE SI - IMPERIAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -XII
UNITS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -XII
TERMINOLOGY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -XII
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - XIII

1 QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1-1

2 INTRODUCTION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-1

2.1 Intended Use - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-1

2.2 Technical Specifications - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-1
2.2.1 Speeds and Limitations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-1
2.2.2 Environmental conditions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-2
2.2.3 Power supplies (E/H) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-2
2.2.4 Dimensions and Weights - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-2
2.2.5 Interfaces- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-2

3 SYSTEM OVERVIEW - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3-1

3.1 Nomenclature - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3-1

3.2 Parts Description - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3-1

4 SAFETY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4-1

4.1 General Safety Instructions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4-2

4.2 Safety Precautions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4-3
4.2.1 Emergency stop system- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4-3
4.2.2 Auto disconnect- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4-3
4.2.3 Emergency disconnect - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4-3

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4.2.4 Operational warning system - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4-4

4.3 Alarm and Warning Signals - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4-4
4.3.1 Horn / beacon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4-4
4.3.2 Traffic light - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4-4
4.4 Safety Instructions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4-5
4.5 Evacuation of Injured Person - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4-5
4.6 Nitrogen Check- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4-6

5 TRANSPORT AND STORAGE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5-1

5.1 Safety - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5-1

5.2 Transport Provisions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5-1
5.3 (Un)Loading - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5-1
5.4 Normal Storage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5-2
5.5 Storage Preservation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5-2

6 INSTALLATION & COMMISSIONING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6-1

6.1 Before Start - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6-1

6.2 Foundation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6-1
6.3 Preparation- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6-1
6.4 Installation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6-2
6.5 Commissioning - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6-3

7 OPERATION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-1

7.1 Safety - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-1

7.1.1 Emergency stop- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-2
7.1.2 Auto disconnect - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-3
7.1.3 Emergency disconnect - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-3
7.2 Emergency Procedures - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-4
7.3 Start Up - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-5
7.4 Understanding the Various Operating Modes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-6
7.4.1 Deployment / Retrieval mode - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-6
7.4.2 Motion Compensation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-6
7.4.3 Prepare connect / disconnect - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-6
7.4.4 Transfer allowed / forbidden - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-7
7.4.5 Winch mode- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-7
7.5 Operation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-8

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7.6 Lifting Operation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-10

7.6.1 Winch safety - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-10
7.6.2 Winch operation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-11
7.6.3 Winch load control- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-15
7.6.4 Manual Overload Protection System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-15
7.6.5 Automatic Overload Protection System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-17
7.6.6 Emergency lowering - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-17
7.7 Miscellaneous - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-18
7.7.1 Floodlight - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-18
7.7.2 Gangway light - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-18
7.8 Shut Down - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-18

8 WALK AROUND BOX - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-1

8.1 Safety - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-1

8.2 WAB Lay Out - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-1
8.3 Controls On The WAB - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-3
8.4 Display - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-6
8.4.1 Main page - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-7
8.4.2 Message page - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-8
8.4.3 Status page - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-9
8.4.4 Adjust settings page - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-10
8.4.5 Announcement page - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-11
8.5 Joystick Operation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-12
8.6 Enable the WAB - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-12
8.7 Wireless Operation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-13
8.8 Wired Operation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-13
8.9 Other WAB Functions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-14
8.9.1 Horn- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-14
8.9.2 Day / night light - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-14
8.9.3 Front panel light- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-14
8.10 Charge the Batteries - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-15
8.11 Alarms, Warnings and Invalid Commands - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-15
8.12 Disable the WAB - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8-15

9 MANUAL MOVEMENTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9-1

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9.1 Manual Slewing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9-1

9.2 Manual Luffing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9-2
9.3 Manual Telescoping - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9-2

10 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-1

10.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-1

10.1.1 Safety- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-1
10.1.2 Cleaning - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-3
10.2 Maintenance Supplies- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-4
10.3 General Directives - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-4
10.3.1 Remarks- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-4
10.4 Mechanical Construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-5
10.4.1 Maintenance overview - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-5
10.4.2 Steel structure - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-5
10.4.3 Stainless steel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-5
10.4.4 Shafts - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-6
10.4.5 Bolts and nuts - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-6
10.4.6 Greasing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-6
10.4.7 Bearings and sliding pads - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-7
10.4.8 Wheels - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-7
10.4.9 Gearboxes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-7
10.4.10 Brakes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-7
10.4.11 Slew bearing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-7
10.4.12 Stairs and platforms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-7
10.4.13 Shock absorber - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-8
10.4.14 Winch- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-8
10.4.15 Hoisting block - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-8
10.4.16 Steel wire ropes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-9
10.5 Electrical System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-9
10.5.1 General instructions- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-9
10.5.2 Maintenance overview - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-10
10.5.3 Cabinets and junction boxes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-10
10.5.4 Electrical connections - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-11
10.5.5 Sensors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-11
10.5.6 Encoders - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-12

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10.5.7 Emergency stop system- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-12

10.5.8 Emergency disconnect system - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-12
10.5.9 MOPS Test - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-13
10.6 Hydraulic System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-13
10.6.1 General instructions- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-13
10.6.2 Piping - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-15
10.6.3 Hoses- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-15
10.6.4 Hydraulic oil- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-15
10.6.5 Cylinders - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-16
10.6.6 Filters- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-16
10.6.7 Hydraulic motors and pumps - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-16
10.6.8 Valves - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-16
10.6.9 Bladder accumulator - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-17
10.6.10 Piston accumulator - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10-19

11 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11-1

11.1 Maintenance Schedule Explained - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11-1

11.2 Maintenance Schedule - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11-2

12 GENERAL FAULT FINDING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12-1

12.1 Troubleshooting - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12-2

12.2 Abnormal Noise - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12-3
12.3 Insufficient Power, Pressure and Torque - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12-3

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User manual Telescopic Access Bridge
Document number 1700209-F-04-00
Revision B

This manual describes the operation of the Telescopic Access Bridge, type TAB-M.

The TAB-M was designed and manufactured by SMST.

Rev Description Name Date
B Chapter 1 Sequence E-stop / E-disconnect changed. RWI 10-10-2019
Par. 4.4 Safety instructions deleted, reference to quick safety cards added.
Par. 7.1.2 Joystick movement for take over auto disconnect changed.
Par. 7.2 Sequence E-stop / E-disconnect changed.
Par. 7.6.1 Sequence E-stop / E-disconnect during MOPS use changed.
Par. 7.6.2 Maximum telescopic stroke changed.
Par.10.5.8 Sequence E-stop / E-disconnect changed.
Par. 11.2 Interval for fender check changed to daily.

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It must be stressed that the fitting of spare parts, other than those supplied by SMST, or the
alteration of existing equipment (software or hardware) without the manufacturers permission, could
render invalid the SMST guarantee. Only competent, qualified and certified personnel are allowed
to work on or with this equipment.

All information contained in this manual is supplied solely as a guide to assist those responsible for
the operation and / or maintenance of the designated equipment.

Every effort is made to ensure that the content of this manual is accurate. SMST does not
guarantee that the information will be kept up to date. In no event will SMST be liable for any
damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use of this manual.

This document and all of its content is confidential. The copyright therein is vested in SMST
Designers & Constructors BV.

© All rights reserved. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed
to any third party or reproduced, stored in any form or by any means (electronic,
mechanical, reprographic, recording or otherwise), without the prior written consent
of the copyright owner.

SMST Designers & Constructors BV.

User manual Telescopic Access Bridge
Document number 1700209-F-04-00
Revision B

This manual covers the technical description, the operating instructions and the (daily) maintenance
requirements of an SMST device.

Operation and maintenance must be performed by qualified personnel. All operators must have
followed a basic training and must be approved by SMST.

All persons who will be working on or with the Telescopic Access Bridge must read and become
familiar with the content of this document, prior to starting up and working with the equipment.

Maintenance instructions, lubrication schedules and inspection checks must be followed up, since
performance and safety may be influenced by environmental conditions, such as dust,
contamination, seawater, leaking connections, damages, corrosion or other imperfections.

No welding or modification to the equipment may be done without prior consent of SMST and
Certifying Authority.

For information and service, please contact the head office.

Page IX
User manual Telescopic Access Bridge
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For information, questions or service please contact the manufacturer SMST at the address below.

SMST Designers & Constructors BV

De Steven 53
9206 AX Drachten
The Netherlands

Phone: +31(0)512-59 10 00
Telefax: +31(0)512-59 10 50
E-mail: info@smst.nl
Internet: www.smstequipment.com

For Emergency Support after office hours (17:00-7:00 GMT+1) and weekends:

Phone: +31(0)655-37 12 72
E-mail: aftersales@smst.nl

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User manual Telescopic Access Bridge
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In this manual, the following symbols and indications are used to highlight important parts of

Indicates a hazardous or potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in serious injury or death and/or considerable mechanical damage.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor
injury or mechanical damage.

NOTE Indicates important information of the system or the documentation which requires
special attention.

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SI Conversion factor Imperial
1 mm 0.0394 inch
mm 25.4 1 inch
1N 0.225 lbf
N 4.448 1 lbf
1 bar 14.504 psi
bar 0.0689 1 psi
1 N/m² = 1 Pa 0.000145 psi
Pa 6 894.76 1 psi
1 m/s² 39,37 in./s²
m/s² 0,0254 1 in./s²
1 mt (metric ton) (t) 2204.6 lbs
mt (metric ton) (t) 0.000454 1 lbs
1 mt (metric ton) (t) 1.1 sht (short ton)
mt (metric ton) (t) 0.91 1 sht (short ton)

Unit Description
kW kilo Watt (1000 Watt)
kVA kilo Volt Ampere
t / mt metric tonne (1000 kg) (tonne) (mt)
m meter
bar bar (pressure)
deg / ̊ degree (angle)
̊C degree Celsius (temperature)
s seconds
m/min meters per minute

Luffing The upward or downward movement of
the (tip of the) bridge.
Telescoping The extending or retracting movement
(longitudinal direction) of the bridge.
Slewing The rotating movement (CW or CCW)
of the TAB above the slew bearing.
Elevation (optional) The upward or downward movement of
the TAB.
Hoisting The upward movement of the hook of the (optional) winch.
Lowering The downward movement of the hook of the (optional) winch.

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Abbreviation Meaning
AC Alternating Current; Anti Condensation
AFT Stern side of vessel (“after”); Aft side
AOPS Automatic Overload Protection System
MC Motion Compensation
COG Center of Gravity
CCW Counter Clock Wise
CP Constant Push
CW Clock Wise
DC Direct Current
E-stop Emergency stop
FWD Front side of the vessel ("forward"); Fwd side
HMI Human Machine Interface
HPU Hydraulic Power Unit
I/O Input / Output
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
MOPS Manual Overload Protection System
MRU Motion Reference Unit
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
PS Port side
QC/QD Quick Connect / Quick Disconnect
RH Relative Humidity
SB Starboard side
SWL Safe Working Load
TAB Telescopic Access Bridge
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
WAB Walk Around Box (= wireless remote control unit)

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This quick reference guide is a short summary of the operational steps. For safe use of the
equipment under all circumstances it is essential that the complete manual is read and understood.
2 6 5 6

9 1 3

Figure 1-1: WAB 4 10 7 11 8

To operate the TAB: (the numbers between brackets () refer to Figure 1-1)
1. Enable the Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU). Refer to the applicable HPU manual for information.
2. Check nitrogen pressure and refill if necessary.
3. Pick up the Walk Around Box (WAB). Secure the straps properly.
4. Turn and release the ’Stop’ button (1) to energize the WAB.
5. If a ‘Battery’ indicator (2) flashes red: Change the respective battery for a fully charged one.
6. Press the (Re)start pushbutton (3) with 1 short pulse followed by 1 long pulse until the WAB
screen appears.
7. Switch the ’System on/off’ switch (11) to the ’On’ position.
8. Switch the ’Controls on/off’ switch (4) to the ’On’ position.
9. Operate the joysticks (6) to move the TAB outside the vessel deck.
10. Enable Motion Compensation (MC) (7) if desired.
- WARNING: Do not enable MC mode when the tip of the bridge is above deck.
- Bring the TAB in the centre of the operational area before activating MC.
11. Operate the joysticks (6) to move the tip close to the landing zone.
12. Switch on ’Prepare connect’ (8) and check if connection is allowed (WAB vibrates).
13. Operate the joysticks (6) to connect the tip smoothly with the landing zone (no hard bangs).
14. The TAB automatically switches over to connected mode when the tip detects a connection.

Chapter 1 Quick Reference Guide | Page 1-1

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15. Verify the connection during the verification time of one minute.
- Proceed with the next step if there are no signs of incorrect connection during this time.
- The traffic light can be set to green when the WAB gives a message and vibrates 3-4 times.
16. Switch on ’Transfer allowed’ (10) to set the traffic lights to green.

To stop operation
1. Check if the controls are on (the ’Controls on’ indicator must be on).
2. Make sure no personnel are on the gangway.
3. Switch on ’Transfer forbidden’ (10) to set the traffic light to red.
4. Switch on ’Prepare disconnect’ (8) and check if disconnection is allowed.
5. Operate the joysticks (6) to retract the TAB from the landing zone as fast and far as possible.
6. Operate the joysticks (6) to move the TAB to the parking support.
- First luff up completely (25 degrees) before moving to the parking support.
7. Switch the ’Controls on/off’ switch (4) to the ’Off’ position.
8. Switch the ’System on/off’ switch (4) to the ’Off’ position.
9. Press the ’Stop’ button (1).

In an emergency situation

TAB not connected: Press the Emergency stop button to stop all movements.

TAB connected:

1. Press the Auto disconnect button on top of the right joystick.

If this does not work:
2. Press and hold the Emergency disconnect button, immediately followed by:
3. Press the Emergency stop button.

For more information on the auto or emergency disconnect functions refer to Paragraph 7.1. For
information on emergency procedures refer to Paragraph 7.2 or the Quick Safety Card for Operator.

Instructions for personnel on the gangway

Personnel on the TAB must know how to react to the different alarm signals. The operator must give
instructions in a registered toolbox meeting.

When the emergency alarm sounds, auto disconnect or emergency disconnect is activated. The
telescopic bridge starts to move. Personnel on the TAB need to do the following:

- Stop walking and brace themselves immediately, the telescopic bridge is going to move.
- Personnel on the main bridge must step on the telescopic bridge when it moves in.
- Hold on to the hand railings with both hands while the telescopic bridge is moving.
- Walk to the TAB platform when the movement stops.
- Always keep (audio-visually) contact with the operator and follow up his instructions.

Personnel on the tip must immediately walk two steps backward or forward (pending on walking
direction) until they are on the telescopic bridge and then follow the procedure for personnel on
telescopic bridge. For detailed safety instructions refer to Paragraph 4.4 or the Quick Safety card.

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This chapter describes the intended use and the technical specifications of the Telescopic Access
Bridge (TAB), type TAB-M. The TAB is often referred to as ’gangway’.


The Telescopic Access Bridge is a device for transfer of personnel to and from an object at sea, for
instance a wind turbine or an offshore platform.

The TAB is designed for a controlled transfer flow of people during a limited time period. The
operator is always responsible for the operation and decides if and when a person can cross the
TAB. When transfer is released, only one person is allowed on the TAB at the same time.

With an optional winch The TAB can also be used for lifting purposes. The winch can be mounted to
the tip. With this winch the cargo can be hoisted to and from the object at sea.

Do not use the TAB for any purpose it is not designed for. Never use the TAB if it stands loose or is
not properly mounted. Mounting and installation has to be checked and released by SMST and / or
certifying authority before the first use.


Device type : Telescopic Access Bridge, type TAB-M
Certification authority : DNVGL
TAB design : DNVGL-ST-0358, 2015: Certification of offshore gangways for personnel transfer
Manufacturer : SMST Designers & Constructors BV
SWL : 150 kg
Control : With Walk Around Box


Tip speed is at nominal bridge position (horizontal).
Tip speed Nominal : 2 m/s
Maximum : 3 m/s
Peak : 4 m/s
Slewing angle Maximum : 360 degrees (1 revolution)
Operational : Depending on the set up, refer to the applicable interface drawings.
Luffing angle Minimum : -20 degrees
Maximum : +25 degrees
Telescope distance Minimum : 13 m
Maximum : 21 m

Chapter 2 Introduction | Intended Use Page 2-1

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Minimum / maximum operating temperature : -20 °C / +45 °C
Design temperature : -20 °C
Relative humidity : Up to 100%
Operating area : Worldwide, except arctic areas
Area classification : Non-hazardous area
Environment : Marine (saline environment)
Maximum operational wind speed : 20 m/s (8 Bft)
Maximum deployment / retrieval wind speed : 25 m/s
Maximum survival wind speed : 63 m/s
Maximum operational sea state (indicative) : 4-5
Significant wave height (indicative) : 2.5 - 4 m
Maximum operational heel : 5 degrees
Maximum operational trim : 2 degrees

De-icing systems are not integrated, use suitable biodegradable chemical solutions if required.


Electrical TAB supply : 1 phase 230 Vac; 50/60 Hz; 16 A; 3.5 kVA
Hydraulic Maximum flow rate : 220 l/min @ 60 Hz
Working pressure : 300 bar
Design pressure : 320 bar
Oil type : Mineral oil, ISO VG 46


Overall dimensions (L x W x H) : 14022 x 2438 x 3361 mm
Base foundation (L x W) : 6058 x 2438 mm

Telescopic Access Bridge : 6.5 t

Pedestal 3 t
Base foundation : 4.5 t
Total weight : 14 t

The necessary (interface) drawings can be found in the appendix.

Page 2-2 Introduction | Technical Specifications Chapter 2

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This chapter describes the location and nomenclature of the main components.

The Telescopic Access Bridge comprises the following parts:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

12 11 10 9 8
1. Tip 7. Parking support with platform and (foldable) railings
2. Telescopic bridge (moving part) 8. HPU cabinet
3. Telescopic drives 9. Base foundation
4. Main bridge (fixed part) 10. HPU
5. Luffing cylinders (2x main / 2x dynamic) 11. Slew bearing with slew drives (not visible)
6. Access platform 12. Winch (optional)

Please note that this picture is for indication only, due to the modular construction of the equipment.


Slew System

The slew system allows the TAB to rotate in the horizontal plane.

The total operational slewing angle depends on the set up of the TAB on the vessel. See the
applicable interface drawing for more information.

The maximum slewing movement is 360°.

The slewing angle is displayed graphically on the WAB display.

Chapter 3 System Overview | Nomenclature Page 3-1

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Luffing System

The luffing system allows the TAB to adjust the height of the tip.

The luffing angle is displayed graphically on the WAB display.

Telescope System

The telescope system allows the TAB to extend and retract (move out and move in).

The telescope position is displayed graphically on the WAB display.


The tip of the TAB makes the connection to the landing zone. A bumper is present to enable a soft
landing. The tip has tip sensors (contact detected / connected detected). The tip detects if the TAB
is in contact with or is connected to the landing zone.

Platforms and Stairs

The TAB is provided with an access platform and a parking support platform for easy access to the

Additional platforms and stairs can be provided, pending on the position of the TAB on the vessel.

Walk Around Box

All movements of the TAB are controlled by a Walk Around Box (WAB). The WAB is a wireless
remote control unit and is described in Chapter 8.

During deployment the operator can walk around freely and choose a position with the best view on
the working / landing area. However, it is advised to stand on the left side of the access platform
close to the Emergency stop / Emergency disconnect buttons.

When the TAB is connected, the operator must always stand on the access platform. Refer to
Paragraph 7.5 for more information.


LED lights are mounted to illuminate the gangway area.

Floodlights are mounted to the tip, to illuminate the landing zone / operating area.


An optional winch can be mounted below the tip to hoist loads to and from a fixed object at sea.

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This chapter provides general safety instructions.

All operators must have followed a basic training and must be approved by SMST.
All persons working with the system must have a sufficient level of education and/or
training and must have read and fully understand the contents of this manual.

Do not operate the TAB if it stands loose or is not properly mounted on the deck.
Mounting and installation has to be checked and released
by SMST and / or certifying authority before first use.

Observe the ’Maximum load’-stickers on the platform. Never exceed the maximum
load and / or maximum allowed number of persons on the platform or gangway.

The operator must give a warning signal if people stand in the operational area.
No persons are allowed under or in the vicinity of a moving gangway.


Do NOT activate MC mode when the (tip of the) gangway is above deck.

Mind your step when walking from the (fixed) main part onto the (moving) telescopic
part of the gangway.


Wear a safety harness when working above 2 meters from ground or platform level.

Always wear personal protection equipment including life jacket.
Follow the safety regulations of the region and of the company.

Completely retract the telescopic bridge and place the TAB in the parking support
when not in use.

When TAB access is released, only a single person is allowed on the gangway.
Walk in normal pace when crossing the gangway.
Do not run, stop or stand still on the gangway.

Chapter 4 Safety | Page 4-1

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- Prior to operating, maintaining or repairing the system, all personnel who will be working with
the equipment must have read and fully understand the instructions and safety regulations in
this manual. All operation, maintenance and service personnel must be approved by SMST.
- The operating specifications as well as the environmental conditions as described in this
manual may NOT be exceeded. It is strongly advised to STOP operation of the equipment
before the limits are reached. In case of any doubt on the definition of the operating
conditions, do not hesitate to consult SMST. SMST does not accept any liability due to
neglect or disregard of the procedures and specifications stated in this manual.
- No persons are allowed near or in the operating area, without prior knowledge and consent
of the operator.
- The system may only be operated by an authorized and approved operator, who is well
trained and experienced in operating the equipment, and who has full knowledge and
understanding of the contents of this manual.
- Regular maintenance, service and inspection are required in order to guarantee safe use of
the system.
- The operator must have a clear view on the system and its direct vicinity during operation.
- Do not leave the WAB unattended while it is switched on, to prevent misuse by unauthorized
persons. Always switch off the WAB when the job is done.
- In storage position the telescopic bridge must be retracted and the TAB must be placed in
the parking support.
- During sea travel, or when the maximum operating conditions are exceeded, the TAB has to
be placed in the parking support.
- No persons are allowed near or on the system during maintenance activities, without prior
knowledge and consent of the supervisor in charge.
- The system may only be maintained by an authorized and approved maintenance or service
engineer, who is well trained and experienced in maintaining similar equipment, and who
has full knowledge and understanding of the contents of this manual.
- A designated person is identified in writing by the employer as being appropriately
trained to perform a specified checkout procedure.
- A qualified person has a recognized degree or certificate or has extensive knowledge,
training and experience to solve problems relating to the mechanical, hydraulic and / or
electrical system.
- Before starting maintenance or repair activities, make sure that:
- All components are in a safe position.
- All movable parts that could present a risk of injury or damage are properly secured.
- All electrical power is disconnected.
- Mind the UPS, the battery can still provide power.
- The system is de-pressurized.
- Welding, heating, grinding or cutting activities to the equipment are not allowed.

Page 4-2 Safety | General Safety Instructions Chapter 4

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The Telescopic Access Bridge is designed to access offshore constructions at sea. Safety during all
types of use is of the utmost importance.

The operational degrees and freedom of movement from the TAB are limited. For safe use of the
TAB, several safety precautions and alarm systems are present.


The TAB is equipped with an emergency stop system. The emergency stop system is stand alone
for the TAB. No other equipment and / or (parts of) the vessel will be stopped when a TAB
emergency stop button is pressed.

Refer to Paragraph 7.1.1 for a description of the emergency stop system and the location of the
emergency stop pushbuttons.


The TAB has an auto disconnect function. During auto disconnect, the telescopic bridge is
immediately retracted from the landing zone.

Refer to Paragraph 7.1.2 for a description of the auto disconnect function.


The TAB has an emergency disconnect function. During emergency disconnect, the telescopic
bridge is immediately retracted from the landing zone.

Emergency disconnect is a back up function, which functions without any intervention of normal
control systems. Use emergency disconnect only if auto disconnect does not work.

Refer to Paragraph 7.1.3 for a description of the emergency disconnect function.

Chapter 4 Safety | Safety Precautions Page 4-3

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The TAB is equipped with a three level warning system. The operational,
warning and emergency ranges are visualized on the WAB display. The
colors of the text for slewing / luffing / telescoping show the current level
according to the table below.

The warning system is always active.

Level Range Color State

1 Operational Green The TAB is within the safe operating area.
2 Warning Amber The TAB reaches the boundaries of its operational limits.
3 Emergency Red The TAB is at risk of exceeding the boundaries of its operational limits.
Alarm or emergency actions are depending on the operation.

- The Operational range is the safe operating situation.

- The Warning range is the transitional phase between Operational and Emergency range.
- In the Emergency range the limits of operation are almost reached. Whether alarm or
emergency signals are given depends on the operation.

The Quick Safety Cards show the respective visual and audible signals for each state and which
actions have to be taken.



The horn sounds and the beacon flashes during an alarm or emergency situation. For more
information refer to Paragraph 4.4.


Two traffic lights are present: One is mounted at the entrance of the main bridge and one at the end
of the telescopic bridge. The signal lights of the traffic lights are visible from both sides.

The traffic lights have two signal states:

- Green: Safe to use the TAB.

- Red: Not safe to use the TAB.


It is not allowed to cross the TAB if the traffic lights are off.

Page 4-4 Safety | Alarm and Warning Signals Chapter 4

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All personnel on the TAB must know how to react to the different alarm and warning signals.
Transfer over the TAB is only allowed for personnel that have attended the safety instructions
meetings and have watched the safety video. The operator must give instructions in a registered
toolbox meeting to all personnel crossing the TAB. The quick safety cards can be used during these

- The quick safety card for personnel (E0000470) describes how personnel on the TAB must
react to different alarm signals.
- The quick safety card for operator (E0000471) describes in short how the operator must
react to the different warning and alarm messages / signals.


In emergency situations where an injured person has to be evacuated over the TAB, a maximum of
three persons are allowed to transfer at the same time. This makes it possible for two persons to
support an injured person or to transport a person on a stretcher.

NOTE Be aware that the evacuation procedure is an emergency measure. During normal
operation no more than one person is allowed on the TAB at the same time.
NOTE It is preferred to keep hands on the railing as far as practically possible.

No special operation procedures for the TAB are required. Make sure that the TAB is properly
connected to the landing zone and that transfer is allowed. During evacuation the operator must
closely monitor the connected state of the TAB and the persons on the TAB.

To perform an evacuation procedure over the TAB:

1. Inform the operator about the situation.

2. Make clear agreements on the evacuation between all involved persons and operator.
3. The operator must temporarily switch the traffic light to red.
4. The operator determines when to start the evacuation.
- Make sure that all involved persons are properly instructed.
- Make sure that the TAB is clear.
- Switch the traffic light to green to start the evacuation.

When transporting an injured person on a stretcher across the TAB, observe the following:

- Follow the normal first aid rules for stretcher transport, such as:
• Make sure the person on the stretcher is properly strapped, to avoid falling off.
• Transport the person on the stretcher with his feet forward.
• The person at the rear of the stretcher gives the commands (lift, walk, stop, etc.).
- All persons must walk in the same (normal) pace over the TAB.
- Be aware of auto disconnect: All persons must walk over the tip as fast as possible.
- Be aware that the telescopic bridge slides in and out: Mind your step.
- Walk to the position where the telescopic bridge slides over the main bridge.
- Wait until the telescope is maximum in, then walk as fast as possible across this point.
- Continue walking over the main bridge in normal pace.

Chapter 4 Safety | Safety Instructions Page 4-5

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The nitrogen filled accumulators are essential for operation. Visually check all nitrogen pressure
gauges daily with the TAB in the parking position. Register the nitrogen pressure values in a weekly
log, so pressure loss can be detected in time and action can be taken. Refer to Paragraph 10.6.10
for more information.

Do not operate the TAB if the nitrogen pressure is
below the recommended threshold.
Contact SMST for assistance.

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This chapter provides instructions for safe transportation and (long time) storage of the device.

The following documents can be used for reference during installation:

- Lifting arrangement.
- Transport arrangement.

Before start, refer to the safety measures in Chapter 4 first. Make sure no persons are present in the
(un)loading area.

Make sure that all local rules for safe transportation and accident prevention are followed.

Always use correct and undamaged rigging equipment, such as slings, chains, shackles, et cetera.


For safe transportation of the TAB (on a truck), the following actions need to be done:

- Completely retract the telescopic bridge.

- Place the TAB in the parking support.
- Switch off and disconnect electric power supply.
- De-pressurize the hydraulic system.
- Place the traffic lights in storage position.
- Dismount any (side) entrance platform and stairs.

If a separate HPU is used:

- Dismount and unplug the HPU.

- Disconnect all hydraulic hoses.
- Plug off all openings.

For more information, refer to the Transport arrangement.

The base foundation can be fastened on a truck with standard container twist locks.

Handle the equipment according to the lifting arrangement. The main dimensions and weights can
be found in Chapter 2.

After unloading, check the TAB for transport damage. Contact SMST if any damage is found.

Chapter 5 Transport and Storage | Safety Page 5-1

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Store the TAB in the parking position when the TAB is not in use or during (sea) travel.


If the equipment is not to be used for a longer period of time, it is required to carry out special
preservation to keep the equipment in good shape. Doing this will result in less effort to set the
equipment into operation again after a long standstill time.

The best way to store the equipment for a long time period is in a dry and warm place, for instance
a warehouse. If the equipment must be stored outdoors, cover it by a tarpaulin.

The electric power to the equipment has to be connected and switched on at all times. Connect the
230 Vac electric power supply to the inlet socket of the TAB. This has the following advantages:

- The anti-condensation heating is switched on.

If for some reason the power to the equipment must be switched off for a long time period, place a
local heater or a separate anti-condensation device in the cabinet(s).

No special preservation is required if the equipment is not used for a period of one month or less.
Just perform the 1-monthly inspection points as mentioned in the maintenance schedule.

Extra preservation is required if the equipment is not used for a period of up to 3 months. Perform
the 1-monthly and 3-monthly inspection points as mentioned in the maintenance schedule.

Cover all exposed components from rain or direct sunlight. Check the cabinet(s) regularly for water
ingress and damages.

NOTE Perform all inspections at least once a year if the device is in a long standstill period.

Page 5-2 Transport and Storage | Normal Storage Chapter 5

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This chapter provides instructions for safe installation and commissioning of the TAB.


The following documents can be used for reference during installation:

- Lifting arrangement.
- Transport arrangement.
- Interface drawings.
- Grease schedule.

These documents can be found in the appendix.

No special unpacking actions are necessary.

Make sure the working area around the foundation is free of obstacles, tools, et cetera before
placing the TAB on the foundation.

The TAB will be placed on the vessel deck. Proper mounting provisions are necessary for safe use.
Standard container twist locks are needed for easy mounting of the TAB. These twist locks have to
be welded to the deck of the vessel. Refer to the mechanical interface drawing.

To place the TAB on the vessel:

1. Hoist the TAB to the mounting position.

- Check the lifting arrangement for the location of lifting lugs.
2. Fasten the TAB on the mounting position.
- Refer to the mechanical interface drawing.

For extra operation height stacking modules can be used between the vessel deck and the base
foundation of the TAB. Contact SMST for more information.

The TAB has certain provisions to prevent damage during transport, as described in Paragraph 5.2.
Restore these provisions before the TAB is put into operation. Refer to the transport arrangement
for more information.

Chapter 6 Installation & Commissioning | Before Start Page 6-1

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The TAB is a stand alone unit. To function properly, the equipment needs electrical and hydraulic
power supply.

The electrical interface is by one 230 Vac 50/60 Hz power supply. The power supply connection is
mounted to the pedestal (see Figure 6-1).

To connect the TAB to the power supply of the vessel, use a power line with inlet socket CEE type
16A, 3 pole 6h, according to IEC 60309 (see Figure 6-1).

The power lines for connection to the vessels power supply are not supplied by SMST.

Power supply
connection TAB

Inlet socket

Figure 6-1: Power supply connection and plug

The hydraulic connections are located in the base frame, just below the access platform.

The TAB can be fed through a dedicated HPU. In exceptional cases, the vessels hydraulic supply
system can be used. Due to the specific requirements of the hydraulic system of the TAB, this must
always be in consultation with SMST.

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Perform the following checks before first start up:

1. Check if the equipment is free to operate.

2. Check the equipment for (transport) damage.
3. Check overall appearance of the equipment.
4. Check if all electrical power lines are connected.
5. Check if all hydraulic lines are connected.
6. Check for hydraulic oil leaks.
7. Check if the oil and other liquid levels of the device meet the prescribed values.
- Oil levels must be in sight of level gauges.
- Refer to the grease schedule.
8. Check the nitrogen pressure at the luffing system with the TAB in the parking position.
- Refer to the Hydraulic diagram.
- Refer to Paragraph 10.6.10 for the nitrogen filling procedure.
9. Grease all grease points (nipples).
- Refer to the grease schedule.
10. Check if MRU directions are set correctly conform the TAB position on deck.
- Consult SMST if the settings are not correct or need to be changed due to a different
11. If applicable: Set the maximum available flow from the HPU.
- Refer to Paragraph 8.4.4.
- Not applicable if the HPU is supplied by SMST.
12. If applicable: Set the operational areas.
13. Check if no alarms are active.

When these checks are completed, perform a functional test of all movements before first use.

Mounting and installation have to be checked and released by SMST and / or
certifying authority before first operation of the TAB.

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This chapter describes the operational functionality of the Telescopic Access Bridge. It provides
information on the control system and the operational procedures.


All operators must have followed a basic training and must be approved by SMST.

Clear and demarcate the operating area.
Make sure no unauthorised personnel are present in the operating area.
No persons are allowed under or near a moving TAB.


Always wear personal protection equipment including life jacket.


Never overload the telescopic access bridge and its components.

Do NOT activate MC mode when the (tip of the) TAB is above deck.
DO not activate MC mode during transit.

Watch all movements carefully.
Avoid abrupt movements during operation.

Provide sufficient authorized crew and instruct them adequately.
The responsible person(s) must monitor and ensure a safe operation of the device.
Use a radio to communicate.


Ensure that the crew is familiar with the advised safety instructions.

When TAB access is released, only a single person is allowed on the gangway.
Walk in normal pace when crossing the gangway.
Do not run, stop or stand still on the gangway.

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The telescopic access bridge is equipped with emergency stop pushbuttons. The
emergency stop buttons are located at the following positions on the TAB:

- 1 x Left side of access platform, near the entrance to the main bridge.
- 1 x Outside of base foundation, near the MRU cabinet.

To operate the TAB, all emergency stop buttons must be in the released (not
pressed) position by turning/pulling the knob.

Press an emergency stop button when a dangerous situation occurs that could seriously injure
people. The emergency stop system will stop all movements immediately.

Pressing the TAB emergency stop button will only stop the TAB itself.
Any other device, like an HPU, will NOT be stopped by a TAB emergency stop.
Refer to the applicable HPU manual for specific information.

Pressing an emergency stop button when the TAB is connected
could cause damage to the TAB and / or the landing zone.

If an emergency stop button is pressed when the TAB is connected all movements will freeze and
motions are no longer compensated. The auto disconnect function will be disabled, but emergency
disconnect is always available.

Perform the emergency procedures as described in Paragraph 7.2 if a dangerous situation occurs
when the TAB is connected and the operator is no longer able to control the TAB.

After an emergency stop:

1. Make sure that the situation is safe before starting up again.
2. Solve the problem(s).
- Check for the reason why the emergency stop button is pressed.
3. Turn all emergency stop buttons in the released position (not pressed).
4. Reset the Emergency stop system.
- Take the WAB and make sure it is activated and enabled.
- Press the ’Restart’ button (3) on the right side of the WAB (see Figure 8-4).
- The TAB emergency stop system is reset and released.

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Pressing the auto disconnect button immediately starts a retract movement of the
telescopic bridge. Visible and audible warning signals are available to warn
personnel on the gangway that auto disconnect is activated.

The TAB has an auto disconnect function. During auto disconnect, the telescopic bridge is
immediately retracted from the landing zone at a fixed speed (limited). The auto disconnect function
is a separate system function, which is controlled and executed by the PLC. During auto disconnect
warning signals are available.

The auto disconnect function will be started automatically when the TAB protection system is active
(for example when operating limits are exceeded or at loss of connection).

For a fast disconnect, the operator can manually start auto disconnect. Press
the pushbutton on top of the right joystick to activate auto disconnect. To stop
or take over the movement, move the right joystick to telescope in or out.
Taking over can be necessary, for instance to increase the retracting speed.
It is the responsibility of the operator to take over joystick control if necessary.


Pressing the emergency disconnect button immediately starts a retract movement of
the telescopic bridge. Visible and audible warning signals are available to warn
personnel on the gangway that emergency disconnect is activated.

WARNING Push and hold the button as long as necessary.

With the gangway at a negative angle it is possible that the telescope will slowly
extend again when the hydraulic accumulator is empty.
Release the emergency disconnect button immediately if this happens.
NOTE Emergency disconnect is a back up function.
Use emergency disconnect only if auto disconnect does not work
NOTE The operator must always be in direct (radio) contact with the DP officer on the
vessel bridge to sail away and create a safe distance if necessary.
NOTE Emergency disconnect can even be used during an emergency stop situation.

The TAB has an emergency disconnect function. During emergency disconnect the telescopic
bridge is immediately retracted from the landing zone. The speed of the movement depends on the
angle of the gangway.

The emergency disconnect function is a separate, independently operating system function. The
function is not controlled and executed by a PLC or software. During emergency disconnect warning
signals are available.

Emergency disconnect can be activated manually with the black pushbutton on the control stand.
The control stand is located on the left side of the access platform, near the entrance to the main

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The button is push and hold to run, which means:

- Keep the button pressed to retract the TAB.

- Release the button to stop the movement.

The emergency disconnect function can at all times be activated, even if:

- There is a critical alarm.

- An emergency stop button is pressed.
- The HPU has stopped.
- There is a network or PLC failure.
- There is a hydraulic failure.
- There is a total power black out.

There can be situations where the operator has to use emergency disconnect without the applicable
pop-up. In the following situations the system is not able to generate the pop-up because it does not
detect the failure or cannot display the pop-up:

- Control system failure (control system stop / Emergency stop).

- Telescope retract failure (not detected by the system but observed by the operator).
- Power blackout (control system stop).


In case of emergency safety of personnel is the most important.
Always warn people and check their safety before starting emergency procedures.

The operator is responsible for safe operation and for starting emergency procedures if necessary.

During operation a failure could occur which stops the TAB-M or certain operating functions. In case
of a failure, first the equipment and the personnel have to be brought to a safe position.

The safe position of the TAB is:

- Not connected to any object. 1.

- Telescopic bridge retracted.

To reach this safe position do the following in an emergency situation:

1. Press the auto disconnect button on top of the right joystick. 2.

If this does not work:

2. Press and hold the emergency disconnect button, immediately

followed by: 3.
3. Press the emergency stop button.

Refer to Paragraph 7.1.2 and Paragraph 7.1.3 for more information on the auto
disconnect and emergency disconnect functions.

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This paragraph describes the start up procedure of the TAB.

Initially the electrical and hydraulic power supplies are available and properly connected to the TAB.

Before starting up:
Check if all safety guards are in place and that all tools are removed.
Visually check all nitrogen pressure gauges for the correct pressure.


Be aware of interlocks. Be aware of clashes.

Start up procedure
1. Check if the TAB is free to operate.
2. Enable electrical power supply.
- Switch on main switch 1 and 2 on the HPU cabinet.
3. Start up the hydraulic system.
- Press the ’Main pump 1’ pushbutton on the cabinet door.
- Press the ’Main pump 2’ pushbutton on the cabinet door.
4. Start the off-line filter unit.
- Press the ’Off line filter start’ pushbutton on the cabinet door.
5. Check nitrogen pressure gauges for the correct pressure.
- Refill the nitrogen if the pressure is low.
- Refer to Paragraph 10.6.10 for the nitrogen filling procedure.
6. Check if no alarms are active.
- Alarms are shown on the WAB display, see Paragraph 8.4.

NOTE The TAB is ready to operate if the electrical and hydraulic power are enabled.
NOTE If the HPU is delivered by SMST, the WAB can be used to start and stop the HPU
pumps. Refer to Chapter 8 for more information.

TAB control

The TAB is controlled with the WAB. Chapter 8 describes how to start up and use the WAB.

If the WAB fails when the TAB is connected and the connection has to be terminated, press the
emergency stop and the emergency disconnect button to retract the telescopic bridge.

If the WAB cannot be used and the TAB has to be moved to another position for maintenance or
service purposes, the TAB can be operated manually. Refer to Chapter 9 for Manual Movements.

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The operating modes of the telescopic access bridge are described in the next Paragraphs.


In ’Deployment / retrieval’ mode the TAB is moving from the parking position to the landing zone, or
vice versa. The movements are operated with the joysticks on the WAB.


Motion Compensation (MC) mode can be used to connect the TAB to the landing zone in a
controlled manner. When positioning the tip towards the landing zone, the motions of the ship are
compensated during MC mode. The tip is kept at a constant reference relative to the landing zone.

For a properly functioning MC mode, the telescope length, slewing angle and luffing angle should at
least be within the operational area (green zone).

During MC mode the tip of the TAB will always try to maintain a fixed position. Be aware that
Dynamic Positioning (DP) changes could result in extra motions of the compensated axis.

Activate MC mode only when the TAB is in a position where it is safe to activate MC.

Do NOT activate MC mode when the (tip of the) TAB is above deck.
Do not activate MC mode during transit.

During calm seas it is possible to connect the TAB without the use of MC. However, this depends on
the sea state, the operator skills and whether or not other alarms are present.


Be sure that the counter structure / landing zone is capable of handling all forces that
are working on it when the TAB is connected.

The ’Prepare connect’ function must be switched on before the tip reaches the landing zone. In this

- The TAB is prepared for a connection to the landing zone.

- The ’Prepare connect’ indicator on the WAB is on.
- A ’Connection allowed’ message is shown on the HMI.
- The WAB vibrates during the ’Connection allowed’ state.

When both tip sensors detect a proper connection, the TAB automatically switches over to
connected mode. In connected mode the tip is located on or against the landing zone. Several
functions are available to keep the tip in position.

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Constant Push (CP) is one of the functions that keep the tip of the bridge connected to the landing
zone. With CP active the telescopic drives deliver a continuous force on the telescopic bridge, so
that the tip is constantly ’pushed’ against the landing point. The telescope slides in and out with the
motions of the vessel.

CP is activated automatically when the TAB switches from ‘connection allowed’ to ‘connected’.

With the potentiometer on the WAB (26 in Figure 8-4) small adjustments to the CP force can be
made. The value of the CP force is visible on the Status page of the WAB, see Paragraph 8.4.3.

The ’Prepare disconnect’ function must be switched on just before the TAB is retracted from the
landing zone. In this mode:

- The TAB is prepared for disconnection from the landing zone.

- The ’Prepare disconnect’ indicator on the WAB is on.
- The WAB vibrates when the ’Prepare disconnect’ function is selected.
- A ’Disconnection allowed’ message is shown on the HMI.


The operator can use the transfer allowed / forbidden switch (22 in Figure 8-4) to set the traffic lights
to green or red.

Transfer allowed can be switched on if the TAB is properly connected to the landing zone and the
connection has been verified for at least one minute. With transfer allowed on:

- The ’Transfer allowed’ indicator on the WAB is on.

- The traffic lights are set to green.

NOTE Only after the control system has checked if the TAB is in the operational area the
operator can set the traffic light to green to show that transfer is allowed.

Transfer forbidden can be switched on if the operation must be stopped and the telescopic bridge
must be retracted from the landing zone. With transfer forbidden on:

- The ’Transfer forbidden’ indicator on the WAB is on.

- The traffic lights are set to red.

NOTE The traffic light is automatically set to red if the TAB is in the warning / emergency
range or if the operator uses the auto disconnect / emergency disconnect function.


Winch mode is only available if a winch is mounted to the TAB. Winch mode can be enabled and
disabled from the WAB.

Operation of the winch is described in Paragraph 7.6.2.

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Read the warnings concerning operation before operating the TAB.

The default operating position when the TAB is connected is on the left side of the access platform
near the entrance to the main bridge. In this position the operator has:

- A good view on the gangway and the landing area.

- The best position to regulate the transfer flow of personnel over the gangway.
- Direct access to the emergency stop and emergency disconnect buttons.

However, in some cases the operator may have a better view on the gangway and the landing area
when standing beside the TAB. In these cases someone else must stand on the access platform
instead. This person can then regulate the number of persons on the gangway and activate
emergency buttons if necessary. Note that the operator is always responsible for correct operation.

In case of emergency, the operator can also start auto disconnect from the WAB.

The operator is always responsible for the operation.
The operator and the person on the platform must always be
in direct contact with each other (by radio and / or visual).

Follow the next steps to operate the TAB. The numbers between brackets refer to Figure 8-4:

1. Enable the WAB as described in Paragraph 8.6.

2. Switch the ’System on/off’ switch (29) to the ’On’ position.
- The HPU starts up (if not already on).
- The ’HPU on’ indicator (27) is on.
3. Operate the joysticks (6 & 7) to move the TAB outside the vessel deck.
- First luff up completely (25 degrees) from the parking support before slewing out.
4. Enable Motion Compensation (MC) (24) if desired.
- Extend the telescopic bridge to the centre of the operational area before activating MC.
- The position of the TAB and the operational areas are visible on the HMI.
- MC mode is not instantly available but has a fade in period of approximately 5 seconds.
- The ’MC on’ indicator (25) is on when MC is activated (blinks during fade in / fade out).


Do not enable MC mode when the (tip of the) TAB is above deck.

5. Move the tip close to the landing zone.

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6. Switch on ’Prepare connect’ (32) and check if connection is allowed.

- The ’Prepare connect’ indicator (30) is on.
• Check conditions if the indicator is not on.
- The WAB vibrates when ’Connection allowed’ is active.
7. Operate the joysticks (6 & 7) to connect the tip with the landing zone.
- Make sure no persons are in or close to the landing zone.
8. The TAB automatically switches to connected mode when the tip sensors detect a connection.
- The vibrating of the WAB stops when the TAB is connected.
- If the tip sensors are overruled, refer to ’Tip sensor overrule / Manual connect’.
9. Verify the connection during the verification time of one minute.
- A timer is started right after the TAB is connected.
- If the connection is not correct: Retract the TAB and make a new attempt to connect.
(Auto disconnect can also be used, but then warning signals go off).
- If there are no signs of incorrect connection after this time: The WAB gives a message
and vibrates 3-4 times to indicate that traffic light can be set to green.
10. Switch on ’Transfer allowed’ (22).
- The ’Transfer allowed’ indicator (23) is on.
- The traffic lights are set to green.

After the last step the TAB is connected and transfer of personnel is allowed. During this stage it is
not allowed to switch off the controls. However, if the WAB should fall or make a hard impact when
the TAB is connected the WAB protection system automatically:

- Switches off the controls.

- Sets the traffic light to red.
- Switches to ’prepare disconnect’ state.

If this happens, the TAB is still connected but the WAB controls are off and transfer is not allowed.
Do the following to restore the situation and take back control:

a. Press the Re(start) button for a few seconds to reset the WAB.
b. Switch on ’Prepare connect’.
c. Switch on ’Transfer allowed’.

To stop operation
1. Check if the controls are on.
- The ’Controls’ indicator (21) must be on.
2. Make sure no personnel are on the gangway.
3. Switch on ’Transfer forbidden’ (22).
- The ’Transfer forbidden’ indicator (31) is on.
- The traffic lights are set to red.
4. Switch on ’Prepare disconnect’ (32).
- The ’Prepare disconnect’ indicator (28) is on.
- The WAB vibrates during prepare disconnect.

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5. Operate the joysticks (6 & 7) to retract the telescopic bridge from the landing zone as fast
and far as possible.
- Start the retract movement when the telescopic movement is at maximum in position.
- The vibrating of the WAB stops when the TAB is disconnected.
6. Operate the joysticks (6 & 7) to move the TAB to the parking support.
- First luff up completely (25 degrees) before moving to the parking support.
7. Switch the ’Controls on/off’ switch (20) to the ’Off’ position.
8. Switch the ’System on/off’ switch (29) to the ’Off’ position.
9. Press the ’Stop’ button (1).

Tip sensor overrule / Manual connect

If the TAB does not switch over to connected mode automatically, the tip sensors could be
defective. In this case it is possible to overrule the tip sensors on the HMI and manually make a
connection to the landing zone with the ’Connect’ button (15 in Figure 8-4) on the WAB.

To connect manually, first follow the normal steps for operation and move the tip against the landing
zone. When the tip is connected correctly to the landing zone, press the ’Connect’ button on the
WAB and the TAB switches over to connected mode.

For safety reasons, this button must only be pressed if the TAB is properly positioned against the
counter structure / landing zone.

WARNING Do not press the ’Connect’ button if the tip is not properly positioned against the
counter structure. If the ’Connect’ button is pressed in open air:
Luffing will fall down (supported by nitrogen pressure).
The CP function extends the telescope bridge at full speed.
When the emergency area is reached, Auto disconnect retracts the telescope bridge.


This paragraph is only applicable if an optional winch is installed.

With an optional winch the TAB can be used to lift loads from the vessel to the landing area and vice
versa. During winch operation, MC mode (see Paragraph 7.4.2) can be used to keep the load in the
hook steady relative to the landing zone.

Always use the corresponding load chart during lifting operations. Never exceed the maximum
allowable loads from the load chart.


During lifting operations the operator must always stand on the access platform near the control
stand, to be able to press the emergency buttons.

When the winch mode is selected the auto disconnect button on the right joystick is automatically
disabled. This will prevent swinging loads if the button is accidentally pressed.

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If the controls fail, for example through a non functioning PLC, a dangerous situation could occur
because all movements will freeze and motion compensation will stop. The TAB and / or the load
could clash with the fixed object, possibly combined with an entangled hook.

Do the following if the controls fail during winch mode with an 2

entangled hook:

1. Press the MOPS button, immediately followed by: 1

2. Press (and hold) the emergency disconnect button,

immediately followed by: 3

3. Press the emergency stop button.

The MOPS function is described in Paragraph 7.6.4. For information on the emergency disconnect
function refer to Paragraph 7.1.3.

An emergency lowering function is also available, refer to Paragraph 7.6.6 for more information.


If winch mode is enabled all functions for personnel transfer are disabled.
Personnel transfer is not allowed during winch mode.

Clear and demarcate the operating area.
Make sure no unauthorized personnel are present in the operating area.

Winch controls

The winch movements and speeds are operated with the right joystick on the
WAB. Two movement directions and two speeds are available:

- A movement forward lowers the load (down).

- A movement backward hoists the load (up).
- The first 75% joystick deflection activates the slow hoisting / lowering speed.
- The last 25% joystick deflection activates the fast hoisting / lowering speed.

The winch mode can be enabled and disabled with the ’Winch enable / disable’
selector switch. When winch mode is enabled the indicator is on.

Winch mode can only be enabled if the following conditions are met:

- The TAB must not be connected for personnel transfer.

- The winch must be ready for operation.
- The winch must be within one of the applicable winch areas.
- There must be no load in the hook.

It is possible to enable winch mode during MC. To do this the previous movements during MC have
to be within the allowed winch area. This includes all minimum and maximum movements.

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Winch mode can only be disabled if the following conditions are met:

- There must be no load in the hook.

- The hook must be in the highest position.
- MOPS or AOPS must not be active.

Operating areas

The winch has two load settings (low / high load) with different operating areas.The operating areas
are shown on the load chart and have the following ranges:

Area 1 Area 2
SWL (kg) 300 150
Maximum telescoping stroke (m) 5 7
Maximum luffing angle (°) 15 18
Minimum luffing angle (°) -15 -18

The winch automatically detects the low or high load situation and sets the corresponding area. Soft
stops are available to stop the winch if the boundaries of the respective area have been reached.

Operation sequence

Follow the next steps to operate the winch (the numbers between brackets () refer to Figure 8-4):

1. Fold down the foldable railings on (one side of) the parking support platform.
2. Make sure the WAB is enabled.
- Refer to Paragraph 8.6 for more information.
3. Push the ’Winch’ selector switch (34) to ’Enable’.
- The ’Winch mode’ indicator (33) is on.

Do not disable winch mode with a load in the hook.
Load control / overload protection is no longer active: Risk of overload!

4. Operate the joysticks (6 & 7) on the WAB to move the TAB out of the parking position.

In winch mode the maximum luffing angle is limited to 18 degrees and the sector
limitation for the parking support platform railing is switched off.
Watch all movements carefully to avoid a collision between the TAB and the railings.

5. Operate the joysticks to position the winch above the load.

- Make sure the winch is within the respective operating area.
6. Lower the hook just above the load.
7. Connect the hook to the load.
- Use appropriate and undamaged slings or chains.
8. Hoist the load as close to the winch as possible.

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9. Luff the TAB up to raise the load further.

10. Slew the TAB outboard into the operational slewing area.
- Make sure to have sufficient clearance between the load and railing of the landing zone.
11. Enable Motion Compensation (MC) (24) if desired to keep the load steady.
- Bring the TAB in the operational luffing / slewing / telescoping areas when using MC.
- The position of the TAB and the operational areas are visible on the HMI.
- MC mode is not instantly available but has a fade in period of approximately 5 seconds.


Do not enable MC mode when the (tip of the) TAB is above deck.

WARNING A motion compensated device will always try to maintain a fixed position.
Dynamic position (DP) changes during motion compensation are not advised.
Be aware that DP changes during MC mode could result in an extra motion of the
compensated axis with an increased risk of a moving load.

12. Operate the telescopic function to move the load above the landing area.
- Make sure no personnel and / or objects are present in the landing area.
13. Lower the load onto the landing area with the winch.
- Release the hook when the load is in position.
- Hoist the hook maximum up.
14. Move the TAB away from the landing zone.
15. Switch off MC mode when sufficient distance is created.
16. If applicable: Repeat from step 5 for the next lifting operation.

If no more lifting jobs have to be done and with no load in the hook:

17. Push the ’Winch’ selector switch (34) to ’Disable’.

- The ’Winch mode’ indicator (33) is off.
- The TAB is back in personnel transfer mode.
18. Put the foldable railings on the parking support platform in the ’Up’ position.
19. If applicable:
- Connect the TAB for personnel transfer, or
- Move the TAB back to the parking position.

Reverse operation

Follow the next steps to hoist loads from the landing zone to the ship:

1. Fold down the foldable railings on (one side of) the parking support platform.
2. Make sure the WAB is enabled.
- Refer to Paragraph 8.6 for more information.

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3. Push the ’Winch’ selector switch (34) to ’Enable’.

- The ’Winch mode’ indicator (33) is on.

Do not disable winch mode with a load in the hook.
Load control / overload protection is no longer active: Risk of overload!

4. Operate the joysticks (6 & 7) on the WAB to move the TAB out of the parking position.

In winch mode the maximum luffing angle is limited to 18 degrees and the sector
limitation for the parking support platform railing is switched off.
Watch all movements carefully to avoid a collision between the TAB and the railings.

5. Operate the joysticks to move the TAB outboard.

- Make sure the winch is within the respective operating area.
6. Enable Motion Compensation (MC) (24) if desired to keep the load steady.
- Bring the TAB in the operational luffing / slewing / telescoping areas when using MC.
- The position of the TAB and the operational areas are visible on the HMI.
- MC mode is not instantly available but has a fade in period of approximately 5 seconds.


Do not enable MC mode when the (tip of the) TAB is above deck.

WARNING A motion compensated device will always try to maintain a fixed position.
Dynamic position (DP) changes during motion compensation are not advised.
Be aware that DP changes during MC mode could result in an extra motion of the
compensated axis with an increased risk of a moving load.

7. Operate the telescopic bridge to move the hook above the landing area.
- Make sure no personnel are present in the landing area.
8. Lower the hook onto the landing area above the load.
9. Connect the hook to the load.
- Use appropriate and undamaged slings or chains.
10. Hoist the load as close to the winch as possible.
11. Move the TAB away from the landing zone.
12. Switch off MC mode if sufficient distance is created.
13. Move the TAB inboard to the desired cargo location.
14. Lower the load onto the cargo location with the winch.
- Release the hook when the load is in position.
- Hoist the hook maximum up.
15. If applicable: Repeat from step 5 for the next lifting operation.

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If no more lifting jobs have to be done and with no load in the hook:

16. Push the ’Winch’ selector switch (34) to ’Disable’.

- The ’Winch mode’ indicator (33) is off.
- The TAB is back in personnel transfer mode.
17. Put the foldable railings on the parking support platform in the ’Up’ position.
18. If applicable:
- Connect the TAB for personnel transfer, or
- Move the TAB back to the parking position.


The winch has an overload protection system based on load measurement. In case of overload:

- The horn sounds alternating and the beacon flashes.

- The WAB buzzer sounds.
- A message appears on the HMI.
- Load increasing movements are blocked.

In an overload situation it is not allowed to disable winch mode. TAB and winch movements are

Function Allowed Not allowed

Luffing Luff down Luff up
Telescoping Telescope in Telescope out
Slewing Slew CW / CCW -
Winch Lower Hoist

During MC the overload protection system also stops the winch operation automatically if the load in
the hook is too high.

If load control has a failure the buzzer sounds and an alarm message is shown on the HMI. It is
possible to temporarily overrule the winch load control and finish the current operation at reduced
speed. For load control overrule logging on as engineer is required.

During a load control overrule the AOPS can still be activated by the system when
the load peaks are higher than the AOPS setting.

The status of the winch and the load is shown on the Main page of the WAB. For more information
on the Main page refer to Paragraph 8.4.1.


The following emergency situations can occur:

- Overload due to the hoisting block entangled.

- Overload due to motion compensation not working properly.
- Other overload situations which may lead to TAB structure collapse.

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The winch is provided with a Manual Overload Protection System (MOPS). This system will pay out
the steel wire above a pre-set tension. MOPS is always available, even during:

- Failures in the HPU / power supply.

- Failures in the control system (PLC).
- An emergency stop situation.

Use MOPS only in case of entanglement of the hoisting block.
The use of MOPS can cause damage to the equipment.

During MOPS all end stops are omitted. The weak link plate in the steel wire
connection to the winch drum will prevent entanglement when the steel wire is
spooled off completely.

Activation / De-activation

The controls for the MOPS function are located on the control stand on the left side of the access

When the MOPS function is in standby (available), the indicator light in the 'MOPS activate/
available' pushbutton is on.

In an overload situation:

- The display shows a ’MOPS warning’ message.

- The WAB buzzer sounds.
- The horn sounds alternating and the beacon flashes.

To activate MOPS (indicator is on):

- Lift the protection cap over the button.

- Press the button.

When MOPS is active:

- The ’MOPS active’ indicator is on.

- The display shows a ’Protection system’ pop-up message.
- The WAB buzzer sounds.
- The horn sounds sweep and the beacon flashes.

To de-activate MOPS:

- Press the button again.

- ’Active’ indicator is off.
- Close the protection cap over the button after use.


Perform a thorough check of the winch and the TAB after MOPS usage.

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MOPS is an important safety feature.
Test the working of MOPS on a regular basis.


The following emergency situations can occur:

- Overload due to the hoisting block entangled.

The winch is provided with an Automatic Overload Protection System (AOPS). AOPS is available
during lifting operations:

- When there are no failures in the HPU / power supply.

- When there are no failures in the control system (PLC).
- When there is no emergency stop active.
- When MOPS is not active.

During AOPS all end stops are omitted. The weak link plate in the steel wire
connection to the winch drum will prevent entanglement when the steel wire is
spooled off completely.

NOTE AOPS and MOPS can never be active at the same time.
The MOPS state will always overrule any other winch state including AOPS.

Activation / De-activation

AOPS will be activated automatically. In case an overload is detected the winch will start to lower.
When the nominal load is reached again the lowering stops and AOPS will be deactivated
automatically. The winch can be operated normally without further intervention.

When AOPS is active:

- The display shows a ’Protection system’ pop-up message.

- The ’AOPS active’-indicator is on.
- The WAB buzzer sounds.
- The horn sounds sweep and the beacon flashes.


Emergency lowering can be used to safely lower the load when normal lowering operation fails due to:

- Control system failure.

- Power loss.

Emergency lowering can be activated locally from the TAB-M platform. An

emergency lowering button is located at the winch control cabinet on the main bridge.

- Start emergency lowering: Press and hold the emergency lowering button.
- Stop emergency lowering: Release the emergency lowering button.

During emergency lowering visible and audible signals are available (horn and beacon).

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The following items are present on the TAB:

Two floodlights are mounted below the tip to illuminate the landing zone / operating
area. The floodlights can be switched on / off with the pushbutton on the power
distribution cabinet on the side of the main bridge.


LED lights are mounted on one side of the main bridge and telescopic bridge, to
illuminate the gangway area. The gangway lights can be switched on / off with the
pushbutton on the power distribution cabinet on the side of the main bridge.


Follow the next steps to shut down the TAB:

1. Disable the WAB.

- Refer to Paragraph 8.12.
2. Disable the hydraulic power supply.
- Refer to the applicable HPU manual.

NOTE If the HPU is delivered by SMST, the WAB can be used to start and stop the HPU
pumps. Refer to Chapter 8 for more information.

It is advised to keep the electrical power supply switched on at all times.

For specific operational procedures, refer to the applicable drawings and procedures.

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This chapter describes the Walk Around Box (WAB) for the Telescopic Access Bridge.

The WAB does not have an emergency stop button. For safety reasons, the operator must always
stand on the access platform near the emergency stop / emergency disconnect buttons (refer to
Paragraph 7.5). The WAB has an auto disconnect button on top of the right joystick.

Operation of the TAB will not stop if the WAB is off or shut down when the TAB is connected and / or
MC is active. The traffic lights are forced to red, indicating that personnel transfer is no longer

WAB protection system

The WAB has a ’Shock off / Roll detect / Zero-G’ protection system. This safety system prevents
uncontrolled command outputs and protects personnel from unintended movements of the TAB.

Any unexpected movement, like a hard impact, rolling, falling or even throwing from one operator to
another, will immediately deactivate the controls of the WAB.

If the WAB protection system is activated, this will be visible on the WAB display.

To unlock the WAB protection system, press and hold the (Re)start button for a few seconds.


The WAB is shown in Figure 8-1.

Figure 8-1: WAB lay out

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1 2 3 4 5
Figure 8-2: Multiple views of the WAB

The views in Figure 8-2 show the:

- Cable connection (1) for wired operation as described in Paragraph 8.8.

- Pushbuttons (2) as explained in Table 8-1.
- Stop pushbutton (power up / shut down the WAB) (3).
- Key with the frequency communication settings (4) as described in Paragraph 8.7.
- Two battery compartments (5).

The WAB has two battery mounts. The battery management system switches automatically
between the batteries, see Paragraph 8.10. The WAB has LED indicators to show which battery
needs to be exchanged and charged. Do not remove both batteries at the same time, this will shut
down the WAB.

The base unit for the WAB (receiver) is mounted on the outside on the right of the main bridge. The
two antennas are fitted on both sides of the main bridge.

The accessories of the WAB are shown in Figure 8-3. From left to right:

- The antenna connection (1) on the receiver (2).

- The antennas (3) with an end resistor (4).
- The extension cable (5) for wired operation.
- The battery charger (6).

1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 8-3: Accessories of the WAB

Operating a (portable) VHF / UHF device at extremely close range from the WAB,
the WAB base unit or the antennas can cause interference on the WAB operation.
Do not use such communication devices within one meter of the WAB equipment.

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Figure 8-4 shows the arrangement of the controls on the WAB.

7 8 14 13 12 35 11 10 9 6

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

15 16 17 18 19 2 3 4 5

36 1
Figure 8-4: Controls on the WAB

Table 8-1 lists all the controls on the WAB.

# Control Type Operates Explanation

1. Stop Stop pushbutton WAB Press the button to shut down the WAB.
Turn and release the button to power up the WAB.
2. Spare Pushbutton - -
Table 8-1: WAB controls

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# Control Type Operates Explanation

3. (Re)Start Pushbutton WAB The (Re)Start pushbutton has three functions:
1. To activate and enable the WAB.
- Press the button with one short push and one
long push.
2. When the WAB is activated and enabled:
- Press the button to reset the emergency stop
3. To reset the WAB protection system.
- Press and hold the button for a few seconds.
4. Day / Night Pushbutton LED Press the button to toggle between intense and
light dimmed LED lights for day or night use.
5. Attention horn Pushbutton Horn Press the button to sound the horn.
6. Joystick Joystick Telescopic Right = Telescopic bridge moves out.
(Right) movement Left = Telescopic bridge moves in.
Winch Forward = Lower the load.
Backward = Hoist the load.
Pushbutton on Auto Press the button to activate the auto disconnect
top of joystick disconnect function.
7. Joystick (Left) Joystick Luffing Forward = Bridge (tip) moves down.
movement Backward = Bridge (tip) moves up.
Slewing Right = Slew the TAB in CW direction.
movement Left = Slew the TAB in CCW direction.
8. Battery Indicators LED Blinking green = OK, the battery has enough charge.
(Green/Red) Blinking red = Not OK, change the battery for a fully
charged one.
The WAB has a dual battery system, to be able to
change a battery without losing control.
9. Connected Indicator LED (Green) On = TAB is connected to the counter structure.
Off = TAB is not connected to the counter structure.
10. CP active Indicator LED (Green) On = Constant Push mode is active.
Off = Constant Push mode is not active.
11. Alarm active Indicator LED (Red) Flashing = Unacknowledged alarms are active.
Continuous = Acknowledged alarms are active.
12. Spare Indicator LED (Green) -
13. Spare Indicator LED (Green) -
14. System on Indicator LED (Green) On = The system is enabled.
Off = The system is disabled.
15. Connected Pushbutton Connected Use this button to connect the TAB if the tip sensor is
mode overruled.
16. Scroll Pushbutton Display Press the button to scroll through the text buffer on
the display. Another push shows the next message.
17. Front panel Pushbutton Display Switch the front panel light of the display on / off for
light better night view.
18. Alarm Pushbutton Any alarm To acknowledge and reset an alarm or warning.
acknowledge To acknowledge and reset the announcement page.
19. Frequency key Connector key Frequency WAB will not start up if the key is not firmly
settings connected.
Table 8-1: WAB controls

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# Control Type Operates Explanation

20. Controls on/off Selection switch Controls On = WAB controls are enabled.
(spring return) Off = WAB controls are disabled.
21. Controls Indicator LED (Green) On = The controls are enabled.
Off = The controls are disabled.
22. Personnel Selection switch Traffic lights Allowed = Crossing the bridge is allowed, traffic
transfer (spring return) lights are green.
Forbidden = Crossing the bridge is not allowed,
traffic lights are red.
Transfer allowed / forbidden is depending on the
software state.
23. Personnel Indicator LED (Green) The indicator is on when personnel transfer is
transfer allowed. This function is software controlled.
24. MC on/off Selection switch MC mode On = Motion Compensation is on.
(spring return) Off = Motion Compensation is off.
MC on / off is depending on the software state.
25. MC Indicator LED (Green) The indicator is on when MC is active.
26. Telescope CP Potentiometer Constant Can be used for small adjustments of the push force
setting (scale 0-100%) Push mode value for the CP function of the telescopic bridge.
27. HPU Indicator LED (Green) The indicator is on when the HPU is on.
28. Spare Indicator LED (Green) -
29. System Selection switch System and Use this switch to enable the system and to start or
(spring return) HPU stop the HPU pumps (only with an SMST HPU):
On = Enable system and start both HPU pumps.
Off = Disable system and stop both HPU pumps.
30. Prepare Indicator LED (Green) The indicator is on when the TAB is prepared for
connect connection to the landing zone.
31. Prepare Indicator LED (Green) The indicator is on when the TAB is prepared for
disconnect disconnection from the landing zone.
32. Prepare Selection switch Connection Prepare connect = To prepare the TAB for
connect / (spring return) mode connection to the landing zone.
disconnect Prepare disconnect = To prepare the TAB for
disconnection from the landing zone.
33. Winch Indicator LED (Green) The indicator is on when the winch mode is enabled.
34. Winch enable/ Selection switch Winch mode Enable = The winch mode is enabled.
disable (spring return) Disable = The winch mode is disabled.
This function is only applicable if an optional winch is
35. Display LCD Display Shows information about the TAB. The information is
divided into several pages.
Paragraph 8.4 explains the display views.
36. Wire option Connector Cable Connection for extension cable, to be used for wired
connection operation.
Table 8-1: WAB controls

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The display on the WAB shows information about the TAB, for example:

- Status of the WAB.

- Status of the E-stop system.
- Alarms / Warnings / Messages.
- Battery status.
- Signal strength.
- Positions.

The lay out of the WAB display is shown in Figure 8-5.

Status line

Sk1 Sk4

Sk2 Sk5

Sk3 Sk6

Bottom line
Figure 8-5: WAB display

The status line is visible on every page. The status line shows the:

- Signal strength of the receiver.

- Time and date.
- Active alarm indicator.
- Battery status of the active battery.

Six soft key buttons (Sk1 — Sk6) are located near the display to operate the display content. The
soft key functions are described in Table 8-2.

Page --- Soft keys Sk1 Sk2 Sk3 Sk4 Sk5 Sk6

1 Main Prev. page - - Next page - -

2 Message Prev. page TAB - Next page HPU messages (if an -
messages SMST HPU is used)
3 Status Prev. page - - Next page - -
4 Adjust settings Prev. page Change Confirm Next page Return to default Increment
value value value value
5 Announcement - - - - Return to mem page -
Table 8-2: Soft key functions

The bottom line shows the page name. The different pages are described in the next paragraphs.

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The Main page gives a complete overview of the system. Figure 8-6 shows the Main page.



Figure 8-6: Main page

The Main page has the following information:

# Information Description
1 TAB state Shows the state of the TAB (refer to Paragraph 7.4 for more information):
- Deployment / Retrieval.
- Prepare connect.
- Connection allowed.
- Connecting.
- Connected (forbidden).
- Connected (allowed).
- Prepare disconnect.
- Auto disconnect.
- Winch mode (if a winch is installed).
2 Axis state Shows the current angle / length of the axis (= position of the TAB).
The colour indicates the current zone:
- Green = Normal operation zone.
- Orange = Warning zone.
- Red = Danger zone.
3 System pressure Shows the system pressure in [bar].
4 Alarm line Two alarm lines show the latest alarms, warnings or messages.

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Figure 8-7 shows the Message page.

Figure 8-7: Message page

The Message page shows all currently active alarms, warnings or messages. Scroll through the
messages with the ’Scroll’ button (16 in Figure 8-4) on the left side of the WAB.

If the HPU is delivered by SMST, the Message page can show all related messages of the TAB or of
the HPU. To select the required message page:

- Press button Sk2 to show all messages of the TAB.

- Press button Sk5 to show all messages of the HPU.

If the selected message is solved:

- Press the ’Alarm acknowledge’ button (18 in Figure 8-4) on the left side of the WAB.
- The acknowledged message disappears from the screen.
- The message list is updated.
- The two latest active message lines at the bottom of each page are updated.

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There are two Status pages. The Status page 1 and Status page 2 are shown in Figure 8-8.

Figure 8-8: Status page 1 and 2

The Status pages have the following information:

# Page name Information Description

1 Status page 1 Pressure enable Shows the status of the pressure enable valve: Open / Close.
- General valve
System pressure Shows the actual hydraulic system pressure in bar (0.0 - 600.0).
2 Status page 1 Prop. valve sp. Shows the proportional valve set point (-1.0 - +1.0).
- Telescoping Brake state Shows the state of the telescopic brakes: Applied / Released.
Constant push mode Shows the state of the constant push mode: Active / Not active.
CP setpoint (%) Shows the Constant Push set point as set by the potentiometer
(26 in Figure 8-4) in percentage (0 - 100%).
3 Status page 2 Supported mode Shows the state of the supported mode: Active / Not active.
- Luffing Prop. valve sp. Shows the proportional valve set point (-1.0 - +1.0).
4 Status page 2 Prop. valve sp. Shows the proportional valve set point (-1.0 - +1.0).
- Slewing Brake state Shows the state of the slewing brakes: Applied / Released.
Threshold mode Shows the state of the threshold mode: Active / Not active.
Threshold CW sp. Shows the threshold clockwise set point in bar (0 - 100).
Threshold CCW sp. Shows the threshold counter clockwise set point in bar (0 - 100).

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There are two Adjust settings pages. Figure 8-9 shows the Adjust settings page 1.

Figure 8-9: Adjust settings page

On the Adjust settings page 1 the HPU parameters (oil flow in l/min) can be changed.

Use the soft key buttons on the display as described in Table 8-2 to change the settings.

NOTE If an SMST HPU is used, changing the oil flow settings has no influence.
The SMST HPU automatically determines the required oil flow.

To set or change the maximum HPU flow:

1. Press button Sk2 to change the value.

- Red rectangles appear around each digit.
- A red triangle appears below the first digit to show that it is selected.
2. Press button Sk6 to increment the value of the selected digit.
3. Press button Sk3 to confirm the new value of the selected digit.
- The rectangle around the selected digit changes from red to green.
- The new value is confirmed.
4. Repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 to change the value of the next digit.
- A red triangle appears below the selected digit.

On the Adjust settings page 2 the elevation frame parameters can be changed. The Adjust settings
page 2 is only visible if the elevation frame option is mounted on the TAB.

The procedure to change the elevation frame parameters is the same as described above.

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Figure 8-10 shows the Announcement page.

Figure 8-10: Announcement page

The Announcement page shows pop up messages when an alarm or warning is active. The pop ups
inform the operator in three stages on the severity of the situation. With this information the operator
can decide which actions must be taken. The pop ups and respective actions are shown in the table

The Announcement page is automatically reset after some time (x seconds) or can be reset
manually with the ’Alarm acknowledge’ pushbutton (18) on the WAB.

Pop up Explanation
This pop-up appears on the operator panel when a general alarm or critical warning
is active. The operator and personnel will be informed by visible and audible
signalling. The operation should be finished.
- Personnel on the TAB can finish the current transfer.
- Operator must pay extra attention and be ready for necessary actions if required.
- The traffic light must be set to red after the last transfer has finished.
- Retract the TAB if necessary and solve any problem before the next sequence.
This pop-up appears on the operator panel when a critical alarm is active. The
operator and personnel will be informed by visible and audible signalling. The
operation must be aborted as soon as possible.
- The traffic light must be set to red.
- The system switches to ’Prepare disconnect’ state (quick disconnect is possible).
- Personnel must return to the ship or get into a safer position (operator decision).
- Retract the TAB if necessary and solve any problem before the next sequence.
This pop-up appears on the operator panel when the (auto) protection system is
activated or emergency procedures are required. The operator and personnel will
be informed by visible and audible signalling.
If the protection system is not working properly, the operator needs to perform the
emergency procedures in Paragraph 7.2 as a back up measure.
- Personnel has to follow the emergency procedures in the quick safety card.

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TAB movements during deployment and retrieval are actuated by operating the joysticks on the
WAB. The TAB reacts to the joystick commands according to:

- The left joystick controls the slewing and the luffing movements:
- A movement to the left equals slewing counter clockwise.
- A movement to the right equals slewing clockwise.
- A movement forward decreases the bridge luffing angle (tip moves down).
- A movement backward increases the bridge luffing angle (tip moves up).
- The right joystick controls the telescoping movements:
- A movement to the left decreases the length of the bridge (telescoping in).
- A movement to the right increases the length of the bridge (telescoping out).
- A movement forward lowers the load (only applicable if a winch is installed).
- A movement backward hoists the load (only applicable if a winch is installed).

The joysticks have proportional speed control. The speed of the movement is determined by the
deflection of the joystick.

The joysticks are spring return. If the joysticks are released they return to their center position.


Follow the next steps to start up the WAB (see Figure 8-4 and Table 8-1 for the position numbers):

1. Take the WAB.

- Make sure the (correct) frequency key is placed at position 19.
2. Turn and release the Stop button (1).
- The WAB has now power.
3. If a ‘Battery’ indicator (8) flashes red: Change the respective battery for a fully charged one.
4. Press the (Re)start pushbutton (3) with 1 short pulse followed by 1 long pulse.
- The display (LCD screen) on the WAB becomes operational.
- The radio link to the base unit is established.
- The WAB is now active.
- Some functionality of the WAB is available (display and basic functions).
- The ’System on’ indicator (14) is on.

The controls are not fully enabled yet, all TAB controlling functions are still disabled:

- Joysticks (6 / 7).
- Transfer allowed / forbidden (22).
- MC assist on / off (24).
- Prepare connect / disconnect (32).
- ’Connect’ button (15).

To activate and enable full control of the WAB:

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5. Switch the ’Controls on/off’ switch (20) to the ’On’ position.

- The ’Controls on’ indicator (21) is on.
- The WAB controls are fully active.
- The WAB is ready to operate.

The WAB is now in the normal operating mode, unless alarms are active. In general, operating a
joystick will cause a movement of the TAB. Operating a switch will activate the required function.


Watch all movements carefully.

Operating a (portable) VHF / UHF device at extremely close range from the WAB,
the WAB base unit or the antennas can cause interference on the WAB operation.
Do not use such communication devices within one meter of the WAB equipment.

Note that it is possible to switch off the controls when the TAB is connected. However, this is not
advised: Safety can no longer be guaranteed because the operator cannot react quickly. The traffic
lights are set to red to indicate that safe transfer is not possible.


The WAB can only operate wirelessly if the correct key with the frequency communication settings
(frequency key, (19) in Figure 8-4) is inserted.

If it is necessary to exchange the WAB, just change the frequency key from the actual WAB to the
new WAB. Insert the key firmly. When in place, proceed with Paragraph 8.6 to enable the WAB.

The key with the frequency communication settings is shown in Figure 8-2 (position 2).

NOTE Wireless operation of the WAB is not possible without the correct frequency key.


When (disturbance free) wireless communication is not possible, use the supplied extension cable
(L = 20m) to connect the WAB with the receiver.

The extension cable also provides power to the WAB. If the battery runs out of power and a spare
battery is not available, the extension cable can be used.

To connect the extension cable:

1. Disable the WAB as described in Paragraph 8.12.

2. Take the extension cable. See item (5) in Figure 8-3.
3. Do one of the following:
a. Disconnect the antenna of the WAB receiver, position (1) in Figure 8-3.
b. Connect one side of the extension cable to the free antenna connection of the receiver.

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a. Disconnect the end plug of the antenna, position (4) in Figure 8-3.
b. Connect one side of the extension cable to the empty plug connection of the antenna.
- Do not forget to replace the end plug after use of the extension cable.
4. Connect the other end of the extension cable to the WAB, position (36) in Figure 8-4.
5. The WAB is ready to use.

Disable the WAB before the extension cable is disconnected from or connected to the WAB.


The WAB will switch off when connecting or disconnecting the extension cable.

The receiver is on the main bridge of the TAB. Make sure the extension cable runs
freely when operating the TAB with the WAB in wired operation.


The numbers between brackets () mentioned in the next paragraphs refer to Figure 8-4.

8.9.1 HORN
The horn can be activated manually when attention of person(s) on deck or on the bridge is needed.

1. Press (and hold) the ‘Attention Horn’ pushbutton (5) to sound the horn.
2. Release this pushbutton to stop sounding the horn.


Use the ‘Day/night light’ pushbutton (4) to intensify or reduce the illumination of the LED indicators.

1. Press the ‘Day/night light’ pushbutton once to intensify the LEDs (day vision).
2. Press the ‘Day/night light’ pushbutton again to reduce the LEDs (night vision).


The front side handle bar has LED lights to illuminate the WAB controls. Operate the front panel
lights with the ‘Front panel light’ pushbutton (17).

1. Press the ‘Front panel light’ pushbutton to turn the LED lights on.
2. Press the ‘Front panel light’ pushbutton again to turn the LED lights off.

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The WAB has a dual battery system. Two batteries are located in the battery compartment. The
WAB runs on one battery only, the other battery is spare. The battery management system
automatically chooses a battery with sufficient charge.

The dual battery system makes it possible to change a battery without losing the connection
between the WAB and the receiver.

When one of the battery indicators (8) on the WAB blinks red, replace the respective battery by a
fully charged battery. The status of the active battery is also visible on the status line of the WAB

Insert the empty battery into the battery charger compartment and charging will start automatically.


The ‘Alarm active’ indicator (11) on the WAB flashes and the buzzer gives a short signal when a new
alarm occurs.

All active alarms are organized in a circular buffer.

Press the ‘Scroll’ pushbutton (16) on the WAB to scroll through the alarm buffer on the WAB display
(see Paragraph 8.4.2).

Press the ‘Alarm acknowledge’ pushbutton (18) on the WAB to acknowledge an alarm. An
acknowledged and no longer active alarm disappears from the list.

If all alarms are acknowledged, but an alarm is still pending, the ‘Alarm’ LED lights up continuously.


Initially, the WAB is fully enabled, refer to Paragraph 8.6.

1. Switch the ’Controls’ selector switch to the ’Off’ position.

- The ’Controls’ indicator light (21) is off.
- The WAB controls (joysticks, switches) are disabled.
- The visual functions (display, battery LED) remain active.
2. Press the stop pushbutton on the WAB.
- The WAB is switched off.
- The radio link to the base unit is disabled.
3. Store the WAB in a safe and dry place.
4. If necessary: Change empty batteries of the WAB for fully charged ones.
- Place the empty batteries in the battery charger.

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This chapter describes the manual movements of the TAB. Manual movements can be needed if:

- The control system or PLC has a failure.

- There is a complete power black out.
- The WAB does not function anymore.

Before performing manual movements, make sure the TAB is not connected to any object. If
necessary, press the emergency disconnect button and / or sail away first to create a safe distance.

The following manual movement procedures are available:

- Manual slewing.
- Manual luffing.
- Manual telescoping.

Manual slewing, luffing and telescoping requires the use of an external hydraulic supply, for
instance an emergency HPU. Consult SMST for emergency HPU specifications.


Use an external HPU for the manual slewing procedure.

- Release the hydraulic disc brake of the slew drive system.

- Connect an external hydraulic power supply to quick connector 5.60.
- Set 3-way ball valve 5.61 in ’manual’ position.
- Close ball valve 5.66.
- Pressurize the brake to approximately 70 bar.

Check the brake pressure during slewing.
The pressure must be at least 70 bar to keep the brakes released.

- Connect the external HPU to the A and B port of the hydraulic motor.
- Open ball valves 5.65 A/B to pressurize the slew drive.
- Pump hydraulic oil in line A and out of line B to slew CW.
- Pump hydraulic oil in line B and out of line A to slew CCW.

After manual slewing:

- Close ball valves 5.65 A/B.

- Release the pressure on quick connector 5.60.
- The brake will be applied.
- Open ball valve 5.66.
- Set 3-way ball valve 5.61 in ’normal’ position.

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Use an external HPU for the manual luffing procedure. Connect the external HPU to ball valves 8.70

- Manual luffing up:

- Open the ball valves.
- Pump hydraulic oil in line A and out of line B.
- Manual luffing down:
- Open the ball valves.
- Pump hydraulic oil in line B and out of line A.


Use an external HPU for the manual telescoping procedure.

Watch the telescopic part carefully when the bridge has an inclined position.
The telescopic part can slide in and out freely when the brakes are released.

- Luff the telescopic bridge down to a negative angle.

- Secure the telescopic bridge with a chain hoist and / or straps.
- Release the hydraulic disc brake of the telescopic drive system:
- Connect an external hydraulic power supply to quick connector 7.61.
- Set 3-way ball valve 7.60 in ’manual’ position.
- Pressurize the brake to approximately 70 bar.

Check the brake pressure during telescoping.
The pressure must be at least 70 bar to keep the brakes released.

- Move the telescopic bridge in/out (by hand and / or chain hoist) to the required position.

After manual telescoping:

- Release the pressure on quick connector 7.61.

- The brake will be applied.
- Set 3-way ball valve 7.60 in ’normal’ position.

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This chapter describes the maintenance and inspection points which are to be carried out by the

This TAB is a rental version. Extensive maintenance tasks will be performed by SMST. However,
some maintenance and inspection points have to be carried out by the user during the rental period
to guarantee the reliability and safe operating conditions of the equipment.

This chapter gives information on how to inspect and maintain the equipment.

Maintenance and inspections must always be carried out by authorized, trained and qualified
personnel. In case of questions or doubt, please consult SMST.

Applicable drawings and maintenance documents, like Grease schedule, can be found in the

The maintenance schedule can be found in Chapter 11. The prescribed intervals stated in the
maintenance schedule are SMST guidelines.

To ensure the efficiency, reliability and lifetime of the device, only genuine parts must be used.

For more information please contact the service department of SMST at aftersales@smst.nl.

10.1.1 SAFETY
For safe operation, follow up on the checks. Check all components on a regular basis.

Maintenance and inspection always have to be carried out by qualified personnel.
Maintenance and service personnel have to be approved by SMST.

WARNING Only persons who have read and fully understand the contents of this manual may
operate and maintain the telescopic access bridge.
All operators, maintenance engineers and other personnel working with the system
must have a sufficient level of education and/or training.
Maintenance personnel must have read and fully understand all safety prescriptions
stated in this manual before starting maintenance work.


Always use personal protection equipment.

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Wear a safety harness when working above 2 meters from ground or platform level.

Always keep safety for yourself and the people around you in mind during
maintenance and inspection.

Clear and demarcate the operating or maintenance area.
No unauthorized personnel are allowed in the marked area.

WARNING Before starting maintenance or repair activities:

- Place the TAB in the boom rest.
- Apply the emergency stop.
- Shut down electric and hydraulic power supply.
-Secure all movable parts in a safe position.
- Place safety locks and/or warning signs on main electrical switch(es) and/or circuit
breakers to avoid accidental use (use loto procedure if necessary).
WARNING Electrical parts can be under (high) voltages.
Mind the warning text on the electrical cabinets and junction boxes:
Cabinets are powered from multiple supplies. Before carrying out any electrical work,
refer to the electrical drawing and manual.
Qualified personnel only.

Switch off the power in the cabinet before doing maintenance in the cabinet.

Use warning signs and/or disconnect the power supply.
Wait 15 minutes after disconnecting the power supply.
The cabinet(s) must be absolutely de-energized before opening.

WARNING To make certain checks possible, the main electrical switch must be switched on.
Follow the next steps to do this safely:
- Make sure no other person is working on the system.
- Make sure no unexpected movements can occur.
- Temporarily remove the safety locks.
- Perform the necessary tests or checks.
- Re-apply the safety locks as soon as the tests are completed.
Hydraulic system is under high pressure. Depressurize before maintenance and
isolate the electrical and hydraulic system.

Make sure the device cannot be operated by unauthorized personnel during
maintenance and inspection.

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Any welding to the TAB is prohibited.

No pressure setting or any other fail-safe-item may be changed without written
approval from SMST.
Adjusting settings without approval can cause dangerous situations and is prohibited.

Use by the customer of parts from third parties, for maintenance, assembly,
installation, modification or repair of the system, is prohibited.

No modification to the equipment may be done without prior (written) permission of
SMST and certifying authority.

CAUTION Whenever the hydraulic system is opened for replacement / repair of any
component, always clean adjoining ports before (dis-)assembly.
New or repaired parts must be clean and filled with applicable clean unused
lubrication oil before re-assembly.

Hydraulic components can be hot.

NOTE Grease, oil, bearings, seals and other parts must be disposed of according to waste
guidelines of the company and local regulations.
NOTE Return broken parts to SMST for investigation.
NOTE Check all telescopic access bridge components visually on a regular basis.

When using the pressure washer / cleaner do not point the nozzle directly on to
bearings, electrical parts, electrical cabinets and electric wiring.


Use non aggressive solvents.


After cleaning, apply grease to all the grease nipples (in the cleaned area).

NOTE When cleaning with cleaning agents or solvents, prevent agents or solvents from
getting into contact with bearings or seals.

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Look at the Lubrication scheme / Grease chart in the appendix for the grease points, type and
amount of lubricants.

Other brands can be used, but only after consultation and approval of SMST. Never mix up the
different brands, because not every brand can be mixed with each other.


Maintenance consists of inspections, cleaning, tightening, filling and greasing.

Inspect equipment for missing parts, damages and deformation. Visible signs can be: corrosion,
broken electric wires, distortions, insufficient clamping and signs of excessive wear. When
inspecting a part, check if it is properly mounted, check for clearance or loose items and check for
contamination. Pay special attention to bearings, seals, fasteners and cylinders.

Report any damages or missing parts to SMST.

The following actions can be done by the client:

- Tighten loose bolts. Check if a tightening torque is prescribed, see Paragraph 10.3.1.
- Replace missing bolts.
- Tighten (or replace) leaking hydraulic connections or fittings.
- Replace non-functioning lamps, circuit breakers and batteries.
- Fasten loose electric parts or cable connections.
- Clean and dry electrical cabinets if they are humid on the inside. Look for the cause and
if necessary adjust thermostatic switch.
- Replace worn or loose Denso tape.

The following situations must be reported to SMST:

- Mechanical damage to any part of the equipment.

- Sudden occurrence of strange, unknown sounds.
- Missing or unreadable signs or tag plates.
- Leaking components or seals.
- Damaged electric cables and / or Roxtec inlets.
- Damage to the control system or electrical system.
- Damaged hydraulic hoses.

10.3.1 REMARKS
- When tightening (stud)bolts, observe the torques given by SMST. Use the torques specified
in SMST drawings. Contact SMST if no torques are mentioned.

- Put grease in all grease nipples until fresh grease appears around the whole circumference
of the bearing gaps and seals, unless mentioned differently on the Grease schedule.
- Do not make welding repairs to any component. Contact SMST if welding is necessary.

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- Clean hydraulic lines are very important during operation, inspection and maintenance.
- Fluid cleanliness requirements 15/13/10 according to ISO 4406/99, or Class 4 according to
NAS 1638.
- Do not loosen or tighten any fitting while the hydraulic system is under pressure.
- Shut down the device if leaks are found on fittings.
- Thoroughly clean the surroundings before unscrewing any fittings.
- Seal all openings with protective caps or plastic stoppers, to prevent hydraulic fluid spillage
and / or contamination in the system.
- Replace damaged pipes or hoses immediately.
- Contact SMST to obtain the correct pipes or hoses.
- Always flush pipes / hoses before installation.
- Perform a pressure test after installation of pipes / hoses.

NOTE After maintenance, put Denso tape on hydraulic valves that are located in open air.


All moving and rotating parts of the TAB require regular inspection and maintenance.

Grease moving or rotating parts according to the Grease schedule.


The regular inspection and maintenance intervals are indicated in the maintenance schedule in
Chapter 11. In addition, all items have to be inspected after an accidental overload.


Check the steel structure regularly for wear, tear and cracks. Check the mechanical end stops for

Stop all operations immediately when cracks or damage are found. Consult SMST about the correct
action to take.


Check the surface condition of stainless steel constructions, parts and piping regularly.

Stainless steel parts which are not painted are protected by means of tectyle. Tectyle degrades over
time. To prevent corrosion the tectyle needs to be re-applied from time to time. See the
maintenance schedule for the prescribed interval. Do the following:
- Remove the old tectyle.
- Clean surface corrosion spots with a suitable stainless steel cleaner.
- When ready, thoroughly rinse the surface with a stainless steel preservation fluid.
- Re-apply the tectyle protection.

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Severely corroded surfaces, especially on piping, must be inspected on severity (penetration depth
of the corrosion) and treated immediately to prevent leakage and / or malfunctioning.
If the corrosion damage is too deep, immediate repair of the affected part is needed.

10.4.4 SHAFTS
Shafts are detachable items, which have to be checked regularly. The main item to be checked is
the locking construction. Repair the locking construction immediately if the locking of a shaft is not
correct. Consult SMST about the correct action to take.

Inform SMST if any damage is found. SMST will then recommend the correct action.


Check the bolts and nuts in the structure regularly on tightness. For some bolts, a tightening torque
(pre-tension) is specified on the reference drawings. These bolts have to be tightened with the
prescribed torque. Consult SMST for assistance.

Pre-tensioned bolted connections can be checked visually by inspecting the paint on the connecting
surfaces. A displacement of both surfaces indicates insufficient pretension. In case pre-tensioned
bolts have loosened, consult SMST about the correct action to take.

All grease points and oil types are indicated in the Grease schedule. The lubrication intervals are
indicated in the maintenance schedule.

All grease points are accessible. Provide each item equipped with a grease nipple regularly with a
little quantity of water resistant grease.

- Apply fresh grease generously into the bearing.

- Rotate the bearing during lubrication.
- Remove excessive grease, but let a grease collar remain around the circumference of
the bearing gaps and lip seals.

Increase the amount of grease and/or shorten the lubrication intervals in extreme environmental

The pinions of the gearboxes and the gear ring of the slew bearing, as well as the teeth of the rack
and pinion, must be greased sufficiently with lubricant relative to both the application and the duty.


Avoid lubricants dripping down into walkways.

NOTE It is essential to use the lubricants indicated on the Grease schedule.

If the client prefers another lubricant, consult SMST first.

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Inspect bearing and sliding areas of the telescopic access bridge to assure that there is no wear or
damage to either the rotating or stationary load bearing members.

Lubricate bearings and shaft connections regularly by means of the grease nipples. The bearing
must not run too heavily. The grease points are indicated on the Grease schedule.

10.4.8 WHEELS
Wheels require regular inspection. Check the surface of the wheels for damage or flattening of the
PU coating. Report any damage to SMST, so that the correct action can be taken.

The wheels need to be adjusted when the play tolerance is exceeded. Consult SMST for the correct
adjustment procedure.

The gearbox is provided with a level plug or level gauge, which gives an indication. However,
always follow up the given quantity of lubrication oil, to avoid damage to the drive. Do not remove
the breather plug on top of the gearbox to (re)fill.

When a gearbox is mounted vertically, an air bubble can form in the upper part during filling. The air
must be eliminated by means of bleeding.

The gearbox lubrication points and the (preferred) lubricants are shown on the Grease schedule.

10.4.10 BRAKES
All drive systems are equipped with a parking brake which requires regular inspection. Contact
SMST for information about lubrication oil changes of the gearbox brake.


Adequate greasing of the slew bearing assures a correct functioning of the seals. Visually check the
slew bearing seals where possible. Contact SMST if the seals are damaged.

Remove possible dirt. When cleaning the TAB avoid that detergent will get into contact with the
seals or will penetrate the raceway.


Regular inspection and maintenance on stairs, platforms and hand railings, is required to ensure
safety of personnel and equipment.

Check for wear and tear, damage, corrosion and tightness of bolts. Repair or replace damaged
parts as soon as possible.

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Lubricate the spring, spring seats and cylinder rod regularly with penetrating oil, such as WD-40
Multi-Use aerosol. See the maintenance schedule for the lubrication intervals.

Inspect the cylinder rod of the shock absorber damper regularly on leakage, corrosion or other
contaminations. Imperfections on the rod will damage the seals and cause leakage of the damper.

Always inspect the shock absorbers thoroughly if they have been activated during an emergency

Contact SMST if any imperfections and / or leakage are found.

10.4.14 WINCH
This paragraph is only applicable if an optional winch is installed.

Inspect the general condition of the winch. Also inspect the manner in which the steel wire spools
onto the winch.

Examine the connections of the end flanges with the drum to detect corrosion and possible cracks.
Check the condition of the steel wire end fastenings. The tightening torque of the bolts of the steel
wire clamp on the winch can be found on the related drawings in the appendix.

Inspection criteria for the winch are:

- Minimum number of 3 safety windings to remain on the winch.

- Good condition of the winch surface.
- Good condition of flanges at the ends of the winch.
- Condition of steel wire end attachment.
- Correct spooling of the steel wire.
- Steel wire condition.

Examine the steel wire for kinks or other damage when loose or irregular spooling has been
observed. Drum spooling must be checked during operation.

When a winch is put back into operation after a long standstill period, the winch and steel wire must
be given a thorough inspection. The winch gearbox must be drained and refilled to the correct oil
level. Refer to the supplier manual for more information.


This paragraph is only applicable if an optional winch is installed.

Avoid that the hoisting block touches the deck or other structures. The steel wire could be buckled.

The safety latch on the hoisting block must work properly and must not be dismounted. Welding to
the hoisting hook is not allowed.

Regularly grease the sheave / bearing and hook-shaft through the grease nipples.

Do not use the equipment if cracks or heavy gouges appear. Contact SMST about the correct action
to take. Replace an item if it is grooved and reduced by more than 5%. If the holes in cross head,
side plates, becket, eyes or jaws are enlarged by more than 5%, replace the respective part by a
new one.

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Repair any damaged paintwork by grinding and repainting.


This paragraph is only applicable if an optional winch is installed.

Proper maintenance and inspection of steel wire ropes is important for safe use of the winch.
Regular greasing can extend the lifetime of the wire rope. Greasing intervals highly depend on the
intensity of use of the winch. For guidelines on inspection intervals and more information, refer to
the supplier manual in the appendix.

Always keep the steel wire clean and free from contamination. If the steel wire has been in contact
with sea water, thoroughly rinse the steel wire with fresh water after use and if necessary re-grease
the wire.

For guidelines on inspection intervals, follow the ISO 4309 and IMCA SEL 022 / M 194 guidelines.


Mind the warnings on the electrical cabinets.

Electrical cabinets can be powered from multiple supplies.
Before carrying out any electrical work refer to the electrical drawings and manual.
Qualified personnel only.

Disconnect main power before removing any covers.
Qualified personnel only.


Always take the following precautions before starting maintenance (refer also to Paragraph 10.1.1):

- Ensure that all electrically and hydraulically actuated systems are in a safe position
(boom rest) and secured if necessary.
- Ensure that all electrical power is cut off before carrying out any repair/maintenance
work on the system. Mind the discharge time and the UPS.

If working on an activated system is inevitable:

- Wear proper protective clothing.

- Use only proper measuring equipment and tools.
- Do not touch any live parts.
- Stand or sit on an unearthed (isolating) underground.


Ignoring these important safety precautions can cause fatal injuries.

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Electrical maintenance is mainly a matter of visual inspection, measuring insulation resistance and
checking the mounting torque of bolts and screws. Some components need cleaning or
replacement on a regular basis.

The regular inspection and maintenance intervals are indicated in the maintenance schedule in
Chapter 11. In addition, all items have to be inspected after unusual events, such as:

- Mechanical damage to the system.

- Internal water damage.
- Overload of electrical instruments.


Regular inspection of cabinets and junction boxes prevents the electrical system from
malfunctioning. Check for damage that can cause a failure or short-circuit in the electrical system.
Also check for the presence of water inside, either caused by condensation or leakage.

NOTE Always remove dust with a vacuum cleaner. Never use compressed air.
NOTE Always keep the cabinet doors closed to prevent ingression of foreign material.

Regular inspection and adjustment of cabinets and junction boxes includes:

- Sealing of cabinet doors.

- Mounting:
- Looseness, play (action: adjust).
- Ingression of dust or foreign material (action: clean).
- Connections:
- Loose connector (action: tighten).
- (Ambient) environment; Check the environment in the cabinet for:
- Temperature (0 to 55°C).
- Humidity (10 to 90% RH).
- Refer to ‘Anti-condensation heating’.
- Distribution rails:
- Check that the bolts of the distribution rails are not loose.
- Check for loose screws and covers to prevent malfunctioning and short circuit.
- Earth failures:
- Check by pressing the concerned button.
- Heating:
- Check by sense or by measuring the current.

Anti-condensation heating

Check the functioning of the anti-condensation heating of the cabinets regularly. Do the following:

1. Remember (or write down) the original set point value of the hygrostat and thermostat.
2. Set the hygrostat to the minimum set point and the thermostat to the maximum set point.
3. Check if the heater starts to warm up.

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4. Set the set point of the hygrostat to the maximum. Wait for the heater to cool down.
5. Set the thermostat to the minimum set point.
6. Check if the heater starts to warm up.
7. Set the set point of the hygrostat and the thermostat to the original value.


Electrical connections which are placed outside must be filled with DOW CORNING® 4 Electrical
insulating compound after installation of the cable.

The contacts of connectors can easily get corroded. Therefore the contacts of most connectors
have to be greased with DOW CORNING® 4 electrical insulating compound. This is to prevent
corrosion of the contact surfaces.

New connectors and connectors that have been opened, must be (re-)greased:

1. Remove possible dust, contamination, water, corrosion, old grease, et cetera.

2. Put minimal 1 mm thick layer on all sides of all contacts and the screw of the connector.
3. Plug the connector and tighten the screw.
4. Remove grease on the outside of the connector with a cloth.

Profibus/Profinet/Ethernet and optical connectors must not be greased.

10.5.5 SENSORS
Replace a damaged or non-functioning sensor as soon as possible to ensure correct device
operation. A non-functioning sensor can also indicate broken electric wiring.

Report a damaged or non-functioning sensor to SMST, so that the correct action can be taken.

Never change the position of the sensor manually. Always put the sensor
(mechanism) into the position it was found. Failure to do so can result in mechanical
damage which may lead to serious injury or death.

NOTE Pay attention to the sensor connectors.

Clean sensors regularly with a damp cloth to avoid any build-up of contamination.

Do not remove dust with compressed air as this may cause the dust to penetrate into the contacts,
which can affect the switching capacity.

NOTE Always remove dust with a vacuum cleaner. Never use compressed air.
NOTE The cap type sealing of the protective housing has to be replaced after opening of
the cap and/or after a long operation time.
NOTE Do not use benzene or any other solvent to clean the sensors and switches.

Tighten loose sensors and make sure the operating distance is maintained. Sensor mounts and
supports must be fixed properly. Repair or replace damaged supports. Tighten bolts where

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When a sensor is suspected to be faulty, replace this sensor and check if the problem is solved.

Replacing sensor

Do not try to repair damaged sensors. Replace a damaged sensor as soon as possible, especially
when the sensor is critical for operation. Contact SMST when a sensor needs to be replaced.

Make sure sensors are installed according to the installation instructions.

- Remove or dismount parts that obstruct the sensor.

- Pay attention to the sequence of dismounting the obstructing items.
- Look at the position and/or fitting of the old sensor in the structure. In most cases the
sensor is fitted onto the structure by means of bolts or screws.

Replacement sequence:

1. Disconnect the power.

2. Disconnect the connector (if present), or disconnect the sensor cable from the junction box.
3. Remove the sensor.
4. Clean the socket or surroundings.
5. Place the new sensor.
6. Connect the connector, or connect sensor cable in the junction box.
7. Check if the sensor operates correctly according to the system.
8. If necessary calibrate / adjust the sensor.

Repair or maintenance work that requires opening the encoder has to be carried out by the
manufacturer. Contact SMST if an encoder is not functioning.


To check the emergency stop system, for each emergency stop pushbutton do the following:

1. Start up the TAB (refer to the Paragraph 7.3 if necessary).

2. Push the emergency stop pushbutton.
3. Check if:
- All movements of the TAB stop immediately.
- The ’Restart’-button on the WAB resets the emergency stop system.

Contact SMST if the emergency stop system is not functioning correctly.


To check the emergency disconnect system, do the following:

1. Start up the TAB (refer to the Paragraph 7.3 if necessary).

2. Slew the TAB outboard in horizontal position.

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3. Extend the telescopic bridge almost maximum out.

When the TAB is extended:

4. Press and hold the emergency disconnect pushbutton.

5. Press the emergency stop button.
6. Check if the telescopic bridge is immediately retracted for at least half the maximum stroke.

Contact SMST if the emergency disconnect system is not functioning correctly.

10.5.9 MOPS TEST

This paragraph is only applicable if an optional winch is installed.

Since MOPS is an important safety feature, the system needs to be tested from time to time. SMST
advises a testing interval of six months.

To perform the MOPS test for the winch, first read the following instructions and then execute the
tests as described:

1. Connect the hook to a load of approximately 100% SWL, or to a rigging point on deck.
2. Apply tension to the steel wire of approximately 40% SWL.
3. Press (activate) MOPS as described in Paragraph 5.8.5.

The load will be reduced and the winch will pay-out when luffing up. Maximum tension is
approximately 10% - 25% of the SWL.

4. Press (deactivate) MOPS as described in Paragraph 5.8.5.

Contact SMST if the load is not being reduced after MOPS is activated / gangway is moved up.


All components of the hydraulic system require regular inspection and maintenance. This section
provides general guidelines for maintenance on the hydraulic system.


Rust will reduce the strength of components. Safety cannot be guaranteed if the system is not well
maintained. Regularly inspect the condition of piping, couplings, valves, cylinders, motors et cetera.
Piping, couplings and most components may be painted. Moving parts like ball valves and QC/QD
couplings are best treated with greasy seawater resistant tape, such as Denso tape.

Keep the exterior of a hydraulic installation clean, to be able to:

- Detect leaks and inspect the condition of piping and various components.
- Open the hydraulic system for service or repair, without allowing dirt into the system.

NOTE If high-pressure steam cleaning is used, make sure that tank covers, pipe glands,
shaft seals, electric equipment, et cetera are able to withstand the high pressures.

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Before starting any repairs or maintenance on the hydraulic system, always:

Secure system.
Make sure all hydraulically actuated systems are in a safe position and secured if

Press the emergency stop.
Disable the hydraulic power unit by pressing an emergency stop button and
switching off all main switches.

Relieve pressure.
Make sure all pressure is relieved before opening hydraulic equipment.
Use the available Minimess connections (with hose) to relieve any residual pressure.

Clean surroundings.
Before opening the hydraulic system, clean the external surroundings near screw
connections, couplings, valves, et cetera to prevent dirt from entering the system.

Pay special attention to the following during maintenance or repairs on the hydraulic system:

Work cleanly

The hydraulic system is extremely sensitive to dirt. When carrying out repairs or maintenance,
always work as cleanly as possible. Before opening the hydraulic system, clean the external
surroundings of the screw connections, couplings, valves, et cetera.

Cover up all openings with protective caps and covers when the system is open, to prevent dirt from
entering the hydraulic system.


Always take care that new O-rings and seals are clean and undamaged. Apply a thin layer of
hydraulic oil or acid free Vaseline before placing the seal, to prevent damage.

Protection caps

Make sure all protection caps of Minimess plugs, quick connection couplings, et cetera are
remounted after use.

Position of ball valves

Ensure that after repair, maintenance or emergency operation all ball valves are in the correct
position. This must be checked prior to start-up. It is advisable to note or mark all positions before
starting maintenance.

Leakage test

After repair or maintenance of the hydraulic system and before starting operation, test the system
for leaks at maximum pressure.

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10.6.2 PIPING
Examine the condition of all piping and repair when necessary. Contact SMST if couplings or piping
are severely rusted. Inspect all couplings for leaks. If any leaks are found, de-pressurize the system
first, then try to re-tighten the coupling.


Do not overstrain the coupling.

If the leaking does not stop, the seal may be damaged. Replace the seal if it is damaged.

Clean all piping, valves, et cetera after an oil spill. This is necessary in order to detect (new) leaks.

10.6.3 HOSES
Examine the condition of all hoses. Repair leakage of couplings or flanges by re-tightening or
replacing the O-rings.

Replace damaged hoses. Contact SMST for the correct type of hose. Make sure hoses are clean
(flushed) before installation.

If a hose is damaged, there are two possibilities:

- Only the outer rubber layer is damaged. There is no immediate danger for rupturing.
However, it is advisable to repair such defects as soon as possible, in order to prevent
damage or rust of inner steel wire layers.
- Inner steel wire layers are damaged or rusted. There is an immediate risk of rupture! Repair
or replace the hose as soon as possible. If a hose is seriously damaged, it is not permitted to
operate the system until this hose has been replaced.


Hydraulic fluid in the TAB is supplied through an external HPU. Refer to the respective HPU manual
for detailed information.

The hydraulic system has to comply with contamination class:
15/13/10 according to ISO 4406/99.
Class 4 according to NAS 1638.


Retract all cylinders (where possible) before draining or filling the system.

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Secure the moveable constructions connected to the cylinder
before depressurizing or dismounting.

Inspect the cylinder rod thoroughly for burrs or damages. Report any damage to SMST. Damage to
the rod will damage the seal, which will cause leakage.

Inspect the cylinder rod visually for leakage. Do this by extending the cylinder. A wet cylinder rod
during extending or even little leakage (dripping) indicates that the cylinder seals must be replaced.

Dirt in the system can cause leakage of the piston seal. It is very important to keep the system
clean. Damage of the piston seal cannot be seen immediately. Repair leakage of hydraulic
connections immediately.

NOTE Be very careful not to damage the cylinder thread.

Be very careful not to allow dirt in the cylinder.

Contact SMST when seals must be replaced.

10.6.6 FILTERS
Filters are equipped with optical and electrical indicators.

Inspect filters regularly for clogging. The inspection interval depends on the number of operating
hours and dirt intake, especially in a heavily polluted environment. It is advised to check every 200
operating hours or at least once every month when the system is in use.

Change filter elements when they are clogged. Contact SMST for information on the type of filter
element to be used. The system is equipped with ball valves, to exchange filter elements with a
minimal oil spillage.

Inspect contaminated filters for the presence of metal particles, as this may be an indication of
internal damage to the hydraulic parts in the system.


Check for excessive, abnormal sounds. Regular inspection of outward temperature is
recommended. Report any abnormalities to SMST.

When the hydraulic motor is heavily damaged, check the system thoroughly for cleanliness and
small particles. Information on this matter can be requested at the SMST service department.

10.6.8 VALVES
Contact SMST when valves are damaged or leaking. SMST will recommend the correct action.

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Check valves and pre-fill valves

The main problem with this type of valve is internal leakage due to damaged valve seats. Foreign
objects or erosion nearly always cause such damage.

Directional control/spool valves and pressure valves

Apart from fitting new seals or new solenoids, it is practically impossible for the operator or
maintenance crew to repair most directional valves.

Control, proportional or servo valves

Repair of flow control valves is limited to the renewal of seals. Do not attempt any other repairs to
proportional or servo valves.

NOTE Maintenance personnel working on proportional valves and servo valves have to be
trained by the manufacturer before working on actual installations.



Only qualified and trained personnel shall refill the nitrogen gas.

The hydraulic system is supplied with nitrogen filled bladder accumulators. A regular check of the
nitrogen pre-charge pressure is necessary for a properly functioning hydraulic system.

To test the nitrogen pressure:

1. Switch off the HPU.

- Wait approximately five minutes before continuing with the next step.
2. Unscrew the protective cap on the top side of the accumulator.
3. Use a suitable pressure gauge to measure the nitrogen pressure.

After testing:

4. Remove the pressure gauge from the accumulator.

5. Replace the protective cap on the top side of the accumulator.

Nitrogen filling


Only qualified and trained personnel shall refill the nitrogen gas.


Prior to each testing, topping up or re-charging of nitrogen:

1. Switch off the HPU.

Chapter 10 Maintenance and Inspection | Hydraulic System Page 10-17

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2. Release the hydraulic pressure on the fluid side of the accumulator.

3. Unscrew the protective cap on the top side of the accumulator.
4. Remove the O-ring from the nitrogen connection.
5. Place a Hydac FPU-1 charging unit onto the accumulator.
- Ensure that the release valve of the FPU-1 is closed.

1. Turn the top spindle of the FPU-1 clockwise to open the accumulator valve.
- When the needle of the gauge begins to move, give the spindle another complete turn.
- The gauge now shows the charging pressure in the accumulator.
2. Check if the pre-charge nitrogen pressure is set at the correct value.
- The respective values are mentioned in the hydraulic diagram.
- The values are given at an ambient temperature of 20 °C.

Reducing the pre-charge pressure

1. Turn the top spindle of the FPU-1 clockwise to open the accumulator valve.
- When the needle of the gauge begins to move, give the spindle another complete turn.
- The gauge now shows the charging pressure in the accumulator.
2. Open the release valve at the FPU-1 carefully.
- The nitrogen escapes into the atmosphere.
- Make sure the area is properly vented.
3. Close the release valve when the correct pre-charge pressure is reached.

Increasing the pre-charge pressure

Only use nitrogen gas which meets specification of at least class 4.
Never use oxygen! Danger of explosion!

1. Connect a flexible charging hose between the nitrogen bottle and the FPU-1 connection.
- Place a gas pressure reducer on the nitrogen bottle if the gas pressure is higher than
the maximum operating pressure of the accumulator.
2. Turn the top spindle of the FPU-1 clockwise to open the accumulator valve.
- When the needle of the gauge begins to move, give the spindle another complete turn.
- The gauge now shows the charging pressure in the accumulator.
3. Open the valve on the nitrogen bottle and slowly release nitrogen into the accumulator.
4. When the pre-charge pressure is increased with approximately 1 bar, open the valve on the
nitrogen bottle further to enable faster charging.
5. Interrupt the charging process occasionally to check if the pre-charge pressure is reached.
6. Repeat this process until the required gas pre-charge pressure as shown on the hydraulic
diagram is reached.

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7. Check the pre-charge pressure again after temperature equalization has taken place.
- Adjust the pre-charge pressure if necessary.

After testing or filling

1. Turn the top spindle of the FPU-1 counter clockwise to close the gas valve.
2. Discharge any residual pressure via the pressure release on the FPU-1 unit.
3. Remove the FPU-1 unit from the accumulator.
4. Replace the O-ring on the nitrogen connection.
5. Screw the protective cap nut on the top side of the accumulator.



Only qualified and trained personnel shall refill the nitrogen gas.


Place the TAB in the parking position before the accumulator pressure is discharged.

Piston accumulators are mounted on the main luffing cylinders. These accumulators are filled with
nitrogen. A regular check of the nitrogen pre-charge pressure is necessary for properly functioning.

Before daily start up and with the TAB in the parking position:

- Visually check the pressure gauges every day.

- Register the pressure values in a weekly log.

Refill the piston accumulator according to the procedure below if the nitrogen pressure is low.

Nitrogen filling procedure

1. Bring the TAB in the parking position.
2. Set 3-way valve 8.75 to drain position.
3. Open needle valve 8.76 completely to drain the oil side of the piston accumulator.
4. (Re)fill the nitrogen side of the piston accumulator.
- Fill nitrogen via nitrogen block 8.54.
- Refer to the hydraulic diagram for the correct pressure.
- Refer to ’Increasing the pre-charge pressure’ below.
5. Set 3-way ball valve 8.75 to fill position.
- The oil side of the piston accumulator will be pressurized.
- Refer to the hydraulic diagram for the correct pressure.
6. Close needle valve 8.76 when the oil-side is pressurized.
7. Leave 3-way ball valve 8.75 in fill position.

Chapter 10 Maintenance and Inspection | Hydraulic System Page 10-19

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Revision B

Increasing the pre-charge pressure

Only use nitrogen gas which meets at least grade 4.0 specifications (99.99%).
Never use oxygen! Danger of explosion!

1. Connect a flexible charging hose between the nitrogen bottle and the FPU-1 connection.
- Place a gas pressure reducer on the nitrogen bottle if the gas pressure is higher than
the maximum operating pressure of the accumulator.
2. Place a Hydac FPU-1 charging unit onto the F+P block, item 8.54 A/B.
- Ensure that the release valve of the FPU-1 is closed.
3. Turn the top spindle of the FPU-1 counter clockwise to open the piston accumulator valve.
- When the needle of the gauge begins to move, give the spindle another complete turn.
- The gauge now shows the charging pressure in the accumulator.
4. Open the valve on the nitrogen bottle, and slowly release nitrogen into the accumulator.
5. When the pre-charge pressure is increased with approximately 1 bar, open the shut-off valve
on the nitrogen bottle further to enable faster charging.
6. Interrupt the charging process occasionally to check if the pre-charge pressure is reached.
7. Repeat this process until the required gas pre-charge pressure as shown on the hydraulic
diagram is reached.
8. Check the pre-charge pressure again after temperature equalization has taken place.
- Adjust the pre-charge pressure if necessary.

Reducing the pre-charge pressure

1. Place a Hydac FPU-1 charging unit onto the F+P block, item 8.54 A/B.
- Ensure that the release valve of the FPU-1 is closed.
2. Turn the top spindle of the FPU-1 counter clockwise to open the piston accumulator valve.
- When the needle of the gauge begins to move, give the spindle another complete turn.
- The gauge now shows the charging pressure in the accumulator.
3. Open the release valve at the FPU-1 carefully.
- The nitrogen escapes into the atmosphere.
- Make sure the area is properly vented.
4. Close the release valve when the correct pre-charge pressure is reached.

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The maintenance schedule is a table containing all maintenance tasks with their most important
information. The maintenance tasks are listed by discipline and component or component group.
The components are easily recognizable in the maintenance schedule.
1 2 3 4 5

For each maintenance task the following information is given:

1. Ref.: If applicable, in this column a reference can be made to the paragraph in the manual
with more information on the maintenance task.
2. Maintenance task: Brief description of the maintenance task.
3. Maintenance interval: The numbers in the different maintenance interval columns
represent the interval in number of days, months, years or operating hours for carrying out
that maintenance task. When both operating hours and calendar time are given for an
interval, the task has to be performed at the interval which occurs first.
4. Remark: In this column extra information can be found for clarification, et cetera.
5. These fields show the respective discipline and component group.

Annual maintenance is recommended when the device is out of service for more than 12 months.

NOTE Before performing any maintenance make sure to be completely familiar with the
warnings concerning maintenance and observe the instructions.

Chapter 11 Maintenance Schedule | Maintenance Schedule Explained Page 11-1

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Maintenance interval

Ref. Maintenance task Remark

10.4.6 Grease structure 1 100 See grease schedule
10.4.2 Inspect steel structure, welds, mechanical 3
end stops for damage.
10.4.4 Check bolt connections, shafts, lock plates, 3 500 Torque up if necessary.
10.4.5 etc.
10.4.3 Check and clean stainless steel parts, 3
piping, et cetera
Check tectyle condition, clean up / re-apply 3
Check state of Denso tape 3 Replace if damaged or worn
Slew bearing
10.4.6 Grease slew bearing teeth 1 50
10.4.11 Grease slew bearing rollers 1 50
Inspect and clean slew bearing 3
10.4.6 Grease slew gearbox pinion 1 50
10.4.9 Check for leakage and oil level 1 Top up if necessary.
Inspect and clean exterior 3
Check brake 3
10.4.6 Grease wheel bearing 1 100
10.4.8 Inspect wheel 3 Check for damage, wear,
flattening, play, etc.
Tip + tip support
10.4.6 Grease all moving parts 7
Check rigging eyes 3
Check fender, rubber lining and pin 1 Check for damage, wear,
connection flattening, play, etc.
Shock absorber
10.4.6 Lubricate shock absorber 1 50 Spray with WD-40.
10.4.13 Inspect shock absorber 3 Check for damage, wear,
leakage, rust, etc.
10.4.5 Check bolt connections 3

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Maintenance interval

Ref. Maintenance task Remark

10.4.14 Inspect and clean exterior 3
Check spooling behavior 6
Inspect drum structure 1
Inspect winch drive 1
Check specified torque for wire rope end 1
Hook block (Hoisting block)
10.4.15 Grease hook block 1 100
Inspect and clean hook block 3
Inspect crane hook bearing 1
Wire rope
10.4.16 Grease wire rope 1 1000
Inspect wire rope 3
Spelter socket
Inspect socket for corrosion, wear, 1
damage, paint cracks, et cetera.

Inspect and clean exterior 3
Inspect, clean and test cooling fan 3
Inspect and clean the WAB 1
Electrical cabinet
10.5.3 Inspect and clean the cabinet 1
Grease door hinges 1
Test electrical cabinet heating element 3
Inspect cables, cable glands, connections, 3
circuit breakers, relays, earth faults, Roxtec
inlets, breathers, etc.
Safety systems
10.5.7 / Inspect and test functioning of E-stop 1
7.1.1 system
10.5.8 / Inspect and test functioning of emergency 1
7.1.3 disconnect system
10.5.9 Test MOPS 6 Also a pre-use test (for each
new winch mount).
8.9.1 Inspect, clean and test horn and beacon 3

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Maintenance interval

Ref. Maintenance task Remark

Inspect, clean and test traffic light 3
Battery (UPS)
Inspect and clean battery 3
Encoder / Proximity switch
10.5.6 Inspect and clean housing 3
Cables, Connections and Junction boxes
10.5.3 Inspect and clean junction box 1 Check for water tightness
Inspect cables and connections, Roxtec 3 Damage, missing tags,
inlets, et cetera. proper mounting, etc.
10.5.5 Clean and inspect sensors 1

Inspect and clean manifold / manifold box 3
Inspect cables and connections 3
10.6.6 Check filter clogging 1 200
Inspect and clean filter housing 3 Check for damage, leaks.
10.6.5 Clean cylinder rod and seal 1
10.4.6 Grease cylinder hinges 3 100
10.6.5 Inspect cylinder 3 Check for damage, leaks.
Hydraulic pumps / motors
10.6.7 Check general condition 1
Inspect and clean exterior 3 Check for damage, leaks.
Hydraulic hoses + piping
10.6.2 Inspect and clean hydraulic hoses + piping 1 Check for damage, leaks.
Bladder accumulator
10.6.9 Check nitrogen pressure of accumulator 3 Refill if necessary.
Inspect and clean accumulator 3
Piston accumulator
10.6.10 Check nitrogen pressure of piston 1 Register the values in a
accumulator weekly log. Fill if necessary.
Inspect and clean piston accumulator 3

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Maintenance interval

Ref. Maintenance task Remark

10.6.8 Clean and inspect valves 3 Check for damage, leaks.
Check readings of the gauge 1 Register the values in a
weekly log.
Clean and check the gauge 1
Pressure transmitter
Clean and check the pressure transmitter 1
Hydraulic swivel
Grease hydraulic swivel bearings 1 100 See grease schedule

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Although the telescopic access bridge is designed for a long and trouble free operation, failures can
always occur with the equipment.

By experience, the PLC system, software and I/O modules are very rarely the reason for a failure.

In the next paragraphs some general hints are given to solve any problem.

When a problem occurs, always check the alarm screen on the WAB display first. The message on
the screen can give an indication on the location of the problem.

When a possible location is determined, check the following:

- Are all items properly mounted?

- Are there no external leaks?
- Are the imposed mechanical loads on the actuators within the design criteria?
- Are the pressure switches, limit switches et cetera functioning correctly?
- Is electric power available?
- Are all indicators functioning correctly?

If applicable, always check corresponding solenoid / sensor for defects or broken electric wiring.

If the problem cannot be solved, please contact the SMST service department at

For more contact information refer to Contact information in the Preface.

Chapter 12 General Fault Finding | Page 12-1

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# Problem Probable cause Remedial action
1. HPU does not Main switch(es) OFF Turn main switch(es) ON
start-up No power available Check power source
Oil level too high or too low Top up or drain
Oil temperature too high See item 5 of this table
Return oil valve not completely open Check and open return valve
Circuit breaker tripped Look for the cause, repair and reset
Emergency stop is activated Check for the reason. Reset if it is safe.
Motor thermal overload Try to cool of / check motor fan
2. TAB operation HPU is not running Start HPU
does not start No power on solenoids Check secondary power
when a control is
activated A safety switch is active Check safety switches
Brake is not lifted Check / repair
3. Insufficient power Error in control unit Check, correct
or pressure Spool sticks of solenoids Clean or replace
Solenoids defective Replace
Moisture in relief valves Clean the valves
Control defective Repair or replace
Boost or return filter clogged Replace filter element
Pump defective Repair or replace
Internal leakage Replace worn parts
Valve seat contaminated Clean or replace
4. Juddering motion Brake Adjust brake valves
Air in hydraulic system Release air
Coupling(s) loose / defective Fasten / replace coupling
5. Operating Control defective Repair or replace
temperature too Return / boost filter clogged Replace filter element
Cooling capacity of power unit Check functioning of air coolers or
insufficient circulation pump (HPU)
Not enough hydraulic fluid in the Top up oil tank (HPU)
Ambient temperature too high Stop the HPU, try cooling off
Constant overflow of safety relief Adjust relief valve according to active
valve setting on hydraulic plan

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# Problem Probable cause Remedial action
1. Equipment Mounting drive / motor Tighten loose bolts
Pump or motor defect Repair or replace
Relief valve Check relief valve settings
2. Pressure lines Pressure line leaking Tighten fitting
Pipe mounting loose Tighten
Air in system Release air
3. Return lines Pipe mounting loose or missing Supplement or tighten
Air in system Release air
4. Pressure valves Valve seat flutters Replace
Insufficient damping Replace orifice
5. Directional valves Valve flutters Check solenoid
Valve defective Replace
Solenoid does not apply Check current
No function Check solenoid


# Problem Probable cause Remedial action
1. Pressure lines Valve closed off Open valve(s)
Pressure line leaking Tighten fitting
Leakage Eliminate
2. Pressure valves Internal leaking Replace
Spring broken Replace spring
3. Directional valves Solenoids defective Replace
Spool sticks Clean / replace

Chapter 12 General Fault Finding | Abnormal Noise Page 12-3

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Page 12-4 General Fault Finding | Insufficient Power, Pressure and Torque Chapter 12

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