Gyn 2
Gyn 2
Gyn 2
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
Exocrine Dry mouth, salivary hypertrophy
features Xerosis
Raynaud phenomenon
Cutaneous vasculitis
Extraglandular Arthralgia/arthritis
features Interstitial lung disease
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Voice deepening is a common (and possibly irreversible) sign of frank virilization as excess
androgens (eg, testosterone >150 ng/dL, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate [DHEAS] >700 µg/dL)
lengthen and thicken the vocal cords, thereby changing their acoustic frequency and changing the
voice. Other clinical features of virilization include male-pattern baldness (eg, temporal hair
loss), increased muscle bulk, and clitoromegaly.
Patients with virilization require evaluation for ovarian and adrenal sources of androgen
production with total testosterone, 17-hydroxyprogesterone, and DHEAS levels. This patient's
virilization and ovarian mass are most likely due to a Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor, a type of sex
cord–stromal tumor that secretes high testosterone levels.
Because they are safe and have few contraindications, progestin-only contraceptive pills are
commonly used in women who are breastfeeding. However, they do not consistently inhibit
ovulation and have a high failure rate (eg, 6%) because of a short half-life that requires strict
adherence to a daily schedule (eg, >3 hr late requires backup contraception).
All patients with mixed incontinence generally require bladder training with lifestyle changes
(eg, weight loss, smoking cessation, decreased alcohol and caffeine intake) and pelvic floor
muscle exercises (eg, Kegels). Patients who have limited or incomplete symptom relief with
bladder training may benefit from pharmacotherapy or surgery, depending on predominant type:
Breast cancer
Progestin-releasing Active pelvic infection
0-120 hr >99%
intrauterine device Severe uterine cavity distortion
Ulipristal 0-120 hr 98%-99%
Oral levonorgestrel 0-72 hr 92%-98%
Oral contraceptives* 0-72 hr 75%-89%
*Combined estrogen/progestin oral contraceptive pills containing levonorgestrel or norgestrel.
This patient's clitoromegaly (eg, clitoris protruding from the clitoral hood) and large adnexal
mass are most likely due to a Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor, a testosterone-secreting sex cord–
stromal tumor. Sertoli and Leydig cells are normally found in the testes but can develop in the
ovaries and produce testosterone, particularly after malignant transformation and cell
proliferation. The testosterone excess results in the clinical features often associated with this
tumor, including:
Sertoli-Leydig cells are typically diagnosed at an early cancer stage, and management includes
surgical removal. Those with metastatic disease may require additional chemotherapy.
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is any type of physical, psychological, or sexual harm
committed by a partner or spouse. It affects all genders, ages, races, and sexual orientations and
is highly prevalent, with a lifetime risk of approximately 1 in 3 for women and 1 in 4 for men.
IPV results in significant morbidity (eg, physical injury, mental health disorders) and mortality,
accounting for nearly 15% of all homicides.
Screening commonly includes questions, both open ended (eg, "How safe do you feel in your
relationship?") and specific (eg, "Have you ever been hit, slapped, or kicked by your partner?"),
to improve disclosure rates. Patients who screen positive should be further assessed for
immediate safety and given additional resources (eg, local shelter referral) for long-term
In patients age ≥30, the preferred cervical cancer screening is a Pap test with human
papillomavirus cotesting, and it should be performed every 5 years. Alternately, a Pap test alone
should be performed every 3 years. This patient's Pap test was normal 2 years ago.
This patient's unifocal, firm, white vulvar plaque is concerning for vulvar squamous cell
cancer. A risk factor for vulvar cancer is lichen sclerosus, as seen in this patient's prior
symptoms that resolved with corticosteroid cream. Patients with chronic lichen sclerosus have
continued inflammation and hyperplasia of the vulvar epithelium that can result in malignant
transformation and development of a neoplastic lesion. This lesion typically develops over the
labia majora and can become pruritic, friable, and ulcerated.
In patients with lesions concerning for malignancy, the best next step in management is vulvar
biopsy, which distinguishes between benign (eg, lichen sclerosus) and neoplastic disease. In
those with neoplastic changes, biopsy further determines the depth of invasion and differentiates
between noninvasive (ie, vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia) or invasive (ie, vulvar cancer) disease.
Patients with noninvasive disease can be treated with either medical therapy (eg, imiquimod) or
laser ablative therapy (Choice B). Those with invasive disease require surgery (eg, wide local
excision ± lymph node dissection) and possible chemoradiation.
Elevated estrogen and testosterone with LH/FSH imbalance (eg, high LH, normal FSH) occurs
with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), in which rapidly pulsating GnRH causes increased LH
production. LH stimulates ovarian theca cells to produce androgens that are subsequently
aromatized to estrogen in the periphery (ie, adipose tissue). Therefore, signs of
hyperandrogenism (eg, acne, hirsutism) are common.
This patient has benign-appearing endometrial cells on Pap testing. Pap test reporting varies
by age:
In women age <45, endometrial cells are not reported on Pap test results because this is a
common, benign finding, particularly during the first 10 days of the menstrual cycle (as
in this patient).
In women age ≥45, endometrial cells are reported because this finding is more
concerning for endometrial hyperplasia or cancer, particularly in patients who are
postmenopausal, symptomatic (ie, abnormal uterine bleeding), or at high risk (eg,
unopposed estrogen from obesity, chronic anovulation).
During fetal AIS development, the testes produce anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) and
testosterone. AMH acts on Müllerian structures (ie, uterus, upper one-third of vagina) and
causes their regression. In contrast, testosterone has no activity on peripheral tissues, and male
external genitalia (eg, penis, prostate) do not develop, defaulting to female external genitalia (eg,
lower two-thirds of vagina). Therefore, these patients appear phenotypically female at birth.
Pubertal patients with AIS typically have primary amenorrhea (ie, no uterus and a blind
vaginal pouch) and some secondary sexual characteristic development. Although the testes
produce normal male pubertal-range testosterone levels, patients have no acne and minimal to
no axillary and pubic hair due to peripheral androgen resistance. However, the increased
testosterone is aromatized to estrogen and results in breast development and tall stature.
Vulvar lichen planus is a chronic inflammatory disorder that can present with multiple glazed,
erythematous vulvar erosions bordered by white striae (ie, Wickham striae). Patients often have
associated vaginal and oral lesions. Treatment is with topical corticosteroids.
Human papillomavirus
Disease associations Cervical cancer
Vulvar & vaginal cancers
Anal cancer
Penile cancer
Oropharyngeal cancer
Anogenital warts
Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis
*Including those with a history of genital warts, abnormal Pap cytology, or positive
human papillomavirus DNA test.
This patient has pelvic organ prolapse (POP), the herniation of the pelvic organs (eg, bladder,
uterus, rectum) into the vagina due to weakened pelvic floor muscles (ie, levator ani complex)
from chronic increased intraabdominal pressure. Risk factors include increasing parity, obesity,
and advancing age. Women with anterior vaginal wall prolapse (ie, cystocele), such as this
patient, can have pelvic pressure and urinary symptoms (eg, retention, stress urinary
incontinence). However, many patients with POP are asymptomatic and incidentally diagnosed
on routine examination.
o Symptom/menstrual diary
o Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
Neonatal withdrawal bleeding
o In utero: maternal estrogen stimulates fetal endometrial
Physiology o After delivery: withdrawal of maternal hormones →
endometrial sloughing in neonate
o Clinical diagnosis
Diagnosis & o Reassurance for parents
management o Resolves on its own within days
This 5-day-old girl has mucoid vaginal discharge with streaks of blood, the classic
findings of neonatal withdrawal bleeding. This benign condition is the most common
cause of vaginal bleeding in neonates and is due to withdrawal of maternal hormones.
In utero, maternal estrogen crosses the placenta and stimulates fetal endometrial
proliferation. At birth, withdrawal of maternal progesterone and the absence of the
trophic effect of maternal estrogen cause endometrial sloughing and light vaginal
bleeding, as seen in this patient. Bleeding typically occurs within the first 2 weeks of life
and is self-limited (<5 days). Other physiologic effects resulting from exposure to
maternal estrogen in utero include leukorrhea (thin, white vaginal discharge), labial
swelling, breast hypertrophy, and galactorrhea.
Pubertal gynecomastia
Imbalance of estrogens & androgens during midpuberty
Etiology (Tanner stages 3-4)
Advanced maternal age
Risk factors Prior complete hydatidiform mole
Pubertal gynecomastia is a benign, physiologic condition characterized by gradually enlarging,
glandular breast tissue in adolescent boys. It most commonly occurs in boys age 12-14 during
midpuberty (Tanner stage 3-4) due to transiently increased testicular production of estrogen
compared with testosterone and peripheral conversion of prohormones to estrogen. Patients
typically have a small (<4 cm), firm, unilateral or bilateral, subareolar mass that may be tender to
the touch.
Primary ovarian insufficiency
Amenorrhea at age <40
Hypoestrogenic symptoms (eg, hot flashes)
Clinical features ↑ FSH
↓ Estrogen
Turner syndrome (45,XO)
Fragile X syndrome (FMR1 premutation)
Autoimmune oophoritis
Major causes
Anticancer drugs
Pelvic radiation
The treatment of lichen sclerosus is aimed at improving symptoms (eg, vulvar pain and pruritus)
and to possibly prevent further disease progression. The first-line treatment is with
superpotent topical corticosteroids (eg, clobetasol), which decreases the chronic inflammation
associated with lichen sclerosus. In addition, continued topical corticosteroid therapy may also
prevent disease progression to vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia or vulvar cancer. Patients may
also use topical emollients for daily symptom management.
Infectious genital ulcers
Painful Herpes simplex virus Pustules, vesicles, or small ulcers on
erythematous base
Tender lymphadenopathy
Systemic symptoms common
This patient's painful, vesicular lesions with associated tender lymphadenopathy are due to
genital herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection. Primary HSV outbreaks are often associated with
systemic symptoms (eg, fever, headache), more painful lesions that persist for a longer duration,
and concomitant urinary retention.
Without treatment, most immunocompetent patients with primary HSV have spontaneous
resolution of symptoms within a week. However, many patients will experience disease
recurrence, particularly during the first year after primary infection. Afterward, recurrence
becomes less frequent due to improved cell-mediated immunity. Antivirals (eg, acyclovir,
valacyclovir) are used to reduce symptom duration and frequency of recurrences but do not
eliminate recurrences.
In patients with no contraindications to estrogen, menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) is first-
line treatment.
Combination oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) can be used in patients with symptomatic uterine
fibroids to decrease heavy menstrual bleeding. However, OCPs are less preferred in those
desiring future fertility because they do not decrease the risk of fibroid-related pregnancy
complications. In addition, this patient's migraine with aura is a contraindication to OCPs due to
increased stroke risk.
This patient with pelvic pain, bloating, and a decreased appetite has a complex adnexal mass
(ie, solid components and thick septations) with ascites on imaging, which is worrisome for
advanced-stage epithelial ovarian carcinoma (EOC).
The ovary is composed of multiple different cell lineages, each of which can result in different
malignancies (eg, granulosa cell tumors arise from stromal cells, yolk sac tumors arise from
germ cells). EOC is the most common subtype of ovarian cancer and is thought to arise from the
ovarian surface epithelium.
Recent studies have revealed that the majority of EOC tumors are most histologically and
molecularly similar to fallopian tube epithelium. For most cases, epithelial ovarian
carcinogenesis is thought to originate from the dysplastic/malignant tubal epithelium that
spills secondarily onto the surface of the ovary (creating the appearance of ovarian origin), the
peritoneum, and the omentum. Salpingectomies remove the entire tube (not just a portion) and
markedly reduce the risk of EOC (up to 40% risk reduction). For other cases of EOC, the
ovarian surface epithelium is thought to undergo malignant transformation after sustained
damage with persistent ovulation, which is why suppression of ovulation (ie, oral contraceptive
pills, pregnancy) protects against the development of EOC.
Patients with long-term intrauterine devices (IUDs) are at increased risk for Actinomyces
infection because this bacterium can ascend to the upper genital tract to colonize an indwelling
IUD. However, there is not a strong association between IUD use and recurrent vulvovaginal
Interstitial cystitis (bladder pain syndrome)
More common in women
Epidemiology Associated with psychiatric & pain disorders (eg, fibromyalgia)
Other clinical features include urinary frequency and urgency, chronic pelvic pain, and
dyspareunia. IC typically presents in women age >40 and is associated with other chronic pain
conditions (eg, fibromyalgia, endometriosis, irritable bowel syndrome), sexual dysfunction, and
psychiatric illness (eg, depression, anxiety).
A urethral diverticulum, an abnormal outpouching of the urethra, can cause urethral tenderness,
urinary frequency, and dyspareunia. However, it also typically presents with a tender anterior
vaginal mass, purulent urethral discharge, and increased pain with voiding.
Intraductal papilloma
Benign papillary tumor arising from breast duct lining
Unilateral, bloody nipple discharge (can be nonbloody)
Clinical features No associated breast mass or lymphadenopathy
On examination, intraductal papillomas are typically nonpalpable due to small size (≤1 cm) and
intraductal location. Although most cases of pathologic nipple discharge are caused by benign
intraductal papillomas, some breast cancers can also present with associated nipple discharge;
therefore, all patients with pathologic nipple discharge require further evaluation with breast
Certain antipsychotic medications (eg, risperidone) induce dopamine blockade in the pituitary.
Because dopamine normally inhibits prolactin secretion, use of these antipsychotics can lead to
hyperprolactinemia and subsequent galactorrhea.
Clinical features Hirsutism
Nodulocystic acne
Androgenic alopecia
↑ Serum testosterone
Skene glands are bilateral paraurethral glands in the anterior vaginal vestibule. Skene gland cysts
may form with duct obstruction but would be located lateral to the urethral meatus.
Placenta accreta
Morbidly adherent placental attachment to the myometrium
Placenta previa + prior uterine surgery (eg, cesarean delivery, D&C,
Risk factors myomectomy)
The tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap) vaccine protects against pertussis, which has high infant
morbidity and mortality. Maternal vaccination occurs at 27-36 weeks gestation to maximize
transplacental antibody transfer for fetal protection. Early (eg, initial prenatal visit) or late
maternal vaccination results in suboptimal fetal protection.
Nausea and vomiting are common during pregnancy. In women with mild nausea and vomiting
(as in this patient with nausea without vomiting), changes in vital signs, or weight loss, the initial
approach is conservative treatment with dietary changes or vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) prior to
prescribing antiemetic medications.