SCI SET I 0779680288
SCI SET I 0779680288
SCI SET I 0779680288
CANDIDATE’S SIGNATURE:..................................................................
SECTION A: (40marks)
1. Besides claws, name any one other weapon used by animals for
4. What first aid can you give to someone with a broken humerus?
5. Apart from keeping water in the soil, in which other way is mulching
important to a farmer?
6. Common salt gives flavor to food, give one other use of salt in the
WHAT’S APP 0779680288
7. Using an arrow indicate the direction of flow of electricity in the
11. Why is water not good for putting out petrol fire?
13. Give one useful piece of information that should be considered before
14. Name any one raw material needed by green plants to make food.
20. Why are electric wires left sagging loosely between poles during
23. The diagram below shows a common garden tool. What is the use of
24. How does draining stagnant water control the spread of malaria?
murram road?
26. State the role of the eye as a sense organ in the body.
32. Give any one sustainable way of using resources in the environment.
33. Name any one crop which is first grown as seedlings in a nursery bed.
38. State any one habit that keeps your body clean.
41. (a) Name any two insects that sting their enemies.
(i) ______________________________________________
(ii) ______________________________________________
important past?
(c) What can be done to change the pitch of the above instrument?
(d) Give any one way of storing the sound produced by the above
(i) _________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________
(b) How are the air sacs able to perform their function of gaseous
(c) Where in the human body does internal respiration take place ?
(i) _________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________
(c) Name one method used to produce clean water from dirty water.
(b) In which way are muscles useful to the muscular skeletal system?
(c) Give any two ways of caring for the muscular skeletal system.
(ii) ________________________________________________
(i) ______________________________________________
(ii) ______________________________________________
(iii) ______________________________________________
(iv) ______________________________________________
(i) ________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________
(i) Pulleys_________________________________________
(ii) Wedges________________________________________
(b) Why is it easier to drop a load from a lorry than lifting it back to
the lorry?
51. (a) Why do builders construct houses with a damp proof course?
(ii) Ventilators
Oviduct absorption
ileum diffusion
Cortex fertilization
alvaeoli filtration
(i) Oviduct ______________________________
(i) Advantage________________________________________
(ii) Disadvantage_____________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________