bakery siwes
bakery siwes
bakery siwes
This is to certify that this SIWES report written by BABATUNDE TOYOSI JELIL
with matriculation 23-01-06-0404 is the true industrial attachment report as part of his
practical experience with TEETOP BAKERY.
I dedicate this work to my dearest parents Mr. and Mrs. Babatunde whom through their
advice, love, care and financial assistance have made me to be where I am today. I pray that
Almighty God will continue to protect, guide and enrich them for me.
My gratitude goes to Almighty God for his infinite mercies and grace. I would like to
acknowledge my Parent and my siblings who have contributed immensely towards my
education. I also thank all my lecturers in the department of Accounting who through their
help and assistance has brought me to this level. I pray Almighty God bless you all
Table of content--------------------------------------------------------------------------5
CHAPTER 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
1.1 History and meaning of SIWES
1.2 Aims and objective of SIWES
1.3 Benefits of SIWES to students
1.4 Role of the student during siwes
1.5 The logbook
CHAPTER 2-----------------------------------------------------------------------------10
2.0 General overview of the industry
2.1 Establishment organogram
2.2 Units in the establishment
2.3 Procedure for production of bread
CHAPTER 3-----------------------------------------------------------------------------13
3.1 Major activities during siwes
3.2 Ingredients used and their function
3.3 Basic processes in bread production
3.4 Flow chart of bread production
CHAPTER 4------------------------------------------------------------------------------20
4.1 Problem encountered during SIWES
4.2 Recommendation
4.3 Conclusion
The student industrial works experience scheme (SIWES) is a skills development program
establish by the Industrial Training Fund {ITF} in 1973 to bridge the gap between theory and
practice among Engineering and Technology in Institution of Higher Learning in Nigeria. It
provides for on- the job practical experience for student as they are exposed to work methods
and techniques in handling equipment and machinery that may not be available in their
institution. The scheme also prepares student for works situation they are likely to meet after
graduation. The ITF solely funded the scheme during its formative years. But due to the
elevated rate of financial involvement, it was withdrawn from the scheme in 1978. In 1979,
the Federal
Government of Nigeria handed the scheme to both the National University Commission
(NUC) changed the management and implementation of SIWES fund to ITF. It was
effectively taken over by ITF in July 1985 with the funding being solely borne by the Federal
The Federal Government, ITF, the supervising agencies – NUC, NBTE, NCE (National
Commission for Colleges of Education), Employers of Labour, and the Institutions contribute
it one quarter in the management of SIWES. The various responsibilities are as follows:
To provide adequate funds to the ITF through the Federal Ministry of Industries.
To make it mandatory for all ministries, companies and parastatals to offer places of
attachment for students in accordance with the provision of Decree No. 47 of 1971 as
amended in 1990.
Formulation of policies and guidelines on SIWES for distributions to all the SIWES
participating bodies, institutions and companies involved in the scheme on a regular
Organizing programs for the students prior to their attachment, receive and process
master and placement list from the institution and supervising agencies i.e. NUC,
NBTE, and NCE.
Supervise industrial attachment.
Disburse supervisory and student students allowance at the shortest possible time.
Provide insurance during student attachment/Training.
Ensure the establishment and accreditation of SIWES units in institution under their
Co-ordinate the appointment of full-time SIWES unit in all the institution.
Ensure adequate funding of a SIWES unit in all the institutions of the Federation.
Vet and approve master and placement list of students from participating institutions
and is been forwarded to ITF
Monitor and review jobs-specification in collaboration with the Institutions towards
national minimum academic standard for all the programs approved for SIWES.
The Students Industrial Work Experience (SIWES) is a skill training program,
designed to expose and prepare students of different tertiary institution to real life
work/situation after graduation.
The scheme exposes students to industrial based skills necessary for smooth transition
from the classroom to the world of work. It affords students of tertiary institution the
opportunity of being exposed to the needed experience in handling machinery and
equipment which are not available in the education institute.
The major benefits according to students who participate sternly in industrial training are the
skill and competencies they require
1. Opportunity for students to blend theoretical knowledge acquired in the classroom with
partial hands on application of knowledge required to perform work in the industry.
2. Exposure of students to the environment in which they will eventually work thereby
enabling them to see how their future professions are organized practice.
3. Provisions of an enabling environment where students can develop and enhance personal
attributed such as critical thinking, creativity, initiative, resourcefulness, leadership, time
management, presentation skills and interpersonal skills, among others.
4. Enabling set students appreciate work methods and gain experience in handling equipment
and machinery which may not be available in their institution.
5. It provides students with an opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge to real life
6. Preparing students for employment and making the transition from school to the world of
work easier after graduation.
7. Making set students appreciate the role of their professions as the creators of changes and
wealth and indispensable contributors to growing the economy and national development.
10. It helps the students to be self independent SIWES helps students to be self independent
based on the various practical they carry out on their own.
My role as a SIWES student was to stay focused and learn from practical knowledge being
impacted by my industry based supervisor and also take part in all the processes involved in
production of bread as a final product. Also as a SIWES student, I am obliged to comply with
the rules and regulations binding on all the workers in the industry and to take appropriate
record of all training activities and other assignments during the SIWES program in my
Logbook is a book which is designed to assist the student to keep accurate record of their
training during SIWES. It shows the department / section of the industry / company where a
student has worked and the period spend in each department /section. The logbook must also
WEIGHING UNIT: this is an extension of the store unit where the weighing process is
MIXING UNIT: this is a production section, the equipment are of mechanical mixer
and a mixing bowl for mixing all ingredients.
KNEADING UNIT: this is also a production section, whereby the mixed dough are
MOULDING UNIT: here the dough is scale into different size and mould.
PANNING AND PROOFING UNIT: these consist of a large space where creamed
dough is being apply to the baking pan and expose to proofing.
BAKING UNIT: A section that is equipped with one of the best oven that is
recommended by NAFDAC.
twist, nylon, slicer and shelves with which bread is properly arranged before
distribution are placed here Deformed bread is also rejected here.
MARKETING DISTRIBUTION UNIT: this is a place where package bread are sold
to the wholesaler retailer and final consumer
The major activities during the SIWES program are majorly on the production of bread.
Bread is the final product of dough. The equipment used in bread production are Listed
Mixing Bowl
Kneading machine
Molding Machine
Oven and Paddle
Slicing Machine
Baking pan
This is a bowl used in mixing of ingredient before kneading or milling. The mixing machine
makes use of electricity for it operation while the bowl is protected against rusting through
anti-corrosive paint in order to avoid contamination during mixing. The mixing bowl is
operated manually by hand and is used only in the absence of the mixing machine, because
mixing machine makes work faster and easier.
This machine is very sample and faster. It divides the dough into same size as require.
Large dough is cut, weighed and spread into the divider plate.
This is a machine used for folding dough into the require for form
Oven is equipment that provides the thermal energy needed for the baking of bread.
There are different types of oven base on the material with which it is made of Earth oven,
ceramic oven, metal oven, etc and there are many other ovens that are equipped with
computer applications, thermostat, thermometer etc. It enables it to perform more functions.
The thermometer helps to detect the temperature of the oven. Paddle is the tool that is used in
loading and offloading an oven
This is a machine used in slicing of bread after baking. The machine used electric
current in its operation.
Molded dough are put into the baking pan for proofing, and later loaded into the oven.
The shape and size determine the shape of the bread.
3.1.8 SCALE
The scale is used in weighing of ingredient before mixing. It is also used after milling
to get the accurate measurement of the dough.
1 Flour
2 Yeast
3 Salt
4 Sugar
5 Butter
6 Water
7 Improve
8 Enzyme dough conditioner
9 Preservative
FLOUR: This is the main ingredient used in production of bread, flour is a powdering
substance which is been obtained from wheat (which is the most common), cassava, corn etc
it has various brand names: like golden penny product, dangote flour etc the net weight of a
bag of flour is 50kg
YEAST: This ingredient brings about fermentation which causes the dough to rise. It is
natural yeast. Its biological name is Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This is applied to the dough
during mixing of ingredient; the amount of yeast needed for bread production depends on the
weather and season
SALT: its main function is the add taste to the production although bread at times can be
baked without salt but it will not be good as the product that has it. Industrial salt are used in
baking, its chemical name is sodium chloride (Nacl).
SUGAR: This is one of the important ingredient used in bread production, its react with heat
in the oven during baking produce a brownish colour at the crust of the bread, such reaction is
known as criminalization reaction.It helps infermentation it also aid taste of the product.
BUTTER: It is used during various stage of bread production. During the mixing stage it is
added as an ingredient and is also added during milling to ensure a smooth operation while
using the milling machine. Butter is added to the molded dough and also in the inner part of
the baking pan to ensure it smooth removal from the pan without being broken or rough.
WATER: Water hydrates the yeast and the flour. It dissolved the sugar and the salt. The full
stop amount of water in dough depends on how much water the flour can absorb.
IMPROVAL: This is the ingredient added to bread during mixing period, its functions are
Increase water absorption.
Reduction of dough stickiness.
Simplify the work of the baker
ENZYME DOUGH CONDITIONAL (EDC): It helps in speeding up of the reaction of the
yeast with dough. It is a liquid ingredient used in warm water.
1. it improves dough yield and increase loaf count
2. it helps in the improvement of gas oxidation in dough
3. it strengthens all dough and prevents it from falling
4. it strength the gluten structure of bread
PRESERVATIVE: This is an additive that helps in preserving the bread after baking. It
increase it life span for about seven (7) days
The entire raw ingredients to be used for production are to be measure in order to get accurate
weight of the product. Raw material weighed accurately will give good Palatability, nutritious
and presentable product.
The apparatus used in weighing is the weighing balance or scale which may be digital or
analog and may be graduated in kilogram or in gram.
This is the second stage in bread production. It is a process in which the whole ingredient is
mixing together. The solid material are first mixed together for about 7-10mins before the
liquid ingredient which would have been mixed in a bowl will be added later, the ingredient
may be mixed by hand using mixing bowl, but for higher productivity the mixing machine or
mixer is used.
This process is done after mixing. The more the dough is mixed, the less kneading it requires
and vice versa. The gluten is developed by kneading of the dough, also co 2 are evolve In
kneading the dough, the dough is flattened with heel of the hand and folded over with the
other hand. If the dough is soft as it should be, it is easy to knead, if the contain much flour, it
becomes stiff and hard to fold, butter is added during kneading to enable a smooth operation.
After kneading, the smooth dough would to be divided depending on the size of the bread
require. The dough is cut, weighed on a scale; at times a divider is used. There are various
size of bread;
i Large
ii Medium
iv Small
The material or instrument used are; knife, scale, pan and divider
After cutting, weighing and dividing moulding is done. These take place in same
section.Moulding give shape to bread. The dough is pressed to allow air to escape, it is then
folded from the side to form a rectangular shape, after which it is folded toward the front side
and pressed firmly to seat, it is folded again and rotated to the desired shape. Moulding of
dough can also be used by the aid of molding machine.
This is the process whereby a mixture of butter, groundnut oil and some other liquid
ingredient are being rubbed on a moulded dough purposely to have a good texture flavor and
removal of bread easily from baking pan after baking.
An aluminum pan is used for baking because it is a good conductor of heat, the pan has to be
cleaned by removing all dirt. The cream dough are carry into a pan and cover
‘Cap it up’cover are mainly used for the bread not to over rise during baking.
After panning proofing takes place when the dough rise after it has been left in a dry place for
some time due to the action of some enzymes with Co 2gas.These enzymes are known as
starch enzymes convert maltose to glucose and finally convert glucose to ethanol.
3.3.9 BAKING
Baking is an essential process in bread production. It is the process by which proofed bread is
exposed to heat. The heat is supplied by an oven. An oven is thermally insulated chamber
used for the heating, baking of a substance are commonly used for cooking. There are
varieties of oven based on the materials which is made of Earth oven, ceramic oven, concrete
oven, metal oven, etc and the fuel with which it operates, gas, coal, electricity, etc Oven also
varies based on how it is controlled, modern ovens are equipped with thermostat which
switches it On/Offat a particular temperature and some switching On/Off when the bread is
baked to a desired degree or by considering the moisture content. The pans are set into the
oven with a paddle to arrange then accordingly.
Having completed the three months industrial training, I realized that it is beneficial
for all students to undergo such training to assist them acquire needed practical knowledge
which will guide them to working or establishing an industry.
(a) There should be a proper supervision of the student concerned by both ITF officials
and the institute based supervisors.
(b) Sending students specifically to establishment where the stipulated aims and
objectives of SIWES would be achieved.
(c) Payment of befitting students allowance to assist in student’s finances during the
period of training.