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“An Organization Study at Shri prabhulingeshwar sugars and

chemicals Ltd.Siddapur”

A Project Report Submitted to the Karnatak University Dharwad

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree in


During the Academic Year 2022-2023

Registration No:PO2CT22M015034
MBA II Semester


Internal Guide External Guide

Prof. Bartesh Dhupadal Mr.Veeresh sarganachari
Assistant professor store manager
IEMS, Hubli Shri Prabhulingeswar Sugars&Chemicals Ltd
Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.


This is to certify that Miss Ratanlaxmi Alagur WithRegistration No:PO2CT22M015034

student of Institute of Excellence in Management Science, Hubli studying in MBA has
successfully completed his/her Summer In-Plant Project on in our organization from 05
December 2023 to 05 February 2024 (60 days).

During the period of project, his/her conduct and behavior was found good. We wish the
good luck in his future endeavors.

Place: Siddapur External Guide


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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.


I hereby declare that the project entitled “Project Title” submitted to the
Karnatak University Dharwad is a record by me under the guidance of Prof.Bartesh
Dhupadal, Assistant Professor, Institute of Excellence in Management Science, Hubli
in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree “Master of Business
Administration” by Karnatak University, Dharwad. I have undergone Summer In-Plant
Project for Period of Eight Weeks. I further declare that this project based on the original
study undertaken by me has not been submitted for the award of any degree /diploma
from any other university /institution.

Date: Name: Ratanlaxmi Alagur

Place:Siddapur Registration No:PO2CT22M015034

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.


I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to all those who were involved in

completion of my project entitled “Project Title”

First of all I wish to express my sincere thanks to our Director Dr.Veeranna

D.K. Institute of Excellence in Management Science, Hubli who has fully
supported and encouraged me in this venture.

It is my privilege to have accomplished this study under the guidance of

Prof,Bartesh Dhupadal Assistant Proffesor Institute of Excellence in
Management Science, Hubli my guide, for taking keen interest and full
involvement, dynamic motivation and valuable guidance extended to me
throughout the project.

I wish to thank Mr.veeresh sarganachari as my external guide and all the

employees of the organization for guiding and helping me in completing this
project successfully.

My sincere and affectionate regards to my parents for the immense support

which encouraged me to conclude this project on time. I wouldn’t forget to
thank all my faculty members of the Institute, friends and everybody for their
kind co-operation and help in this matter.

Ratanlaxmi Alagur


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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.

Chapter Contents Page No
1 About the organization
1.1 Nature of business
1.2 Products/services
1.3 Financial information (revenue, net profit for latest
1.4 Competitors
1.5 Area of operation
1.6 Awards/Achievements
1.7 Future plans
2 About the Industry
2.1 Introduction to Industry
2.2 Industry Size/Value
2.3 Competitors
2.4 Michael Porters Five Forces Model (Optional)
Porter's Five Forces is a framework for analyzing a
company's competitive environment. The number and
power of a company's competitive rivals, potential new
market entrants, suppliers, customers, and substitute
products influence a company's profitability

3 Details of reporting authority

4 Nature of work assigned/job responsibilities (including

targets if any)
5 Relevance/importance of job to the organization

6 Strategy/method/work-flow pattern adapted to do the


7 Performance/achievement (against targets, if allotted)

8 Learning experience

 Internship offer letter
 Certificate/Appreciation letter (if any)
 Details/evidence of incentives or stipend
received (if any)
 All weekly reports

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.

‘Executive summary’

My internship experience at Shri Prabhulingeshwar Sugar and Chemical Ltd,

Siddapur, as part of my MBA SIP, provided valuable insights into the efficient functioning of an
industry leader in the sugar sector. The organization boasts a well-maintained and productive
department, offering a practical perspective on management, organizational operations, and financial
dynamics within the industry.

During the internship, I observed that the plant strategically locates itself in an
economically friendly environment. However, some challenges were identified, including manual
record-keeping, aging machinery, and financial health concerns. The communication channels primarily
rely on telephones and the internet, indicative of a blend of traditional and modern practices.

In light of these findings, several recommendations have been proposed to enhance

the organization's overall efficiency. Emphasis is placed on improving record maintenance, adopting
modern techniques for interpretation, and optimizing the combination system, particularly in
transportation. The suggestion to computerize all departments aims at streamlining day-to-day
transactions and facilitating successful business operations.

The conclusion underscores the pivotal role of sugar industries in national

development and acknowledges the corporate exposure gained during the internship. Notably, the report
affirms the organization's commitment to an eco-friendly environment, as evidenced by the planting of
environment-friendly trees and transparent dealings.

Additionally, the company's history, authorized capital, and activities are outlined,
showcasing its growth trajectory from a modest beginning to a significant presence in the industry. The
executive summary encapsulates the essence of the internship, highlighting key observations,
recommendations, and the broader context of the organization's operations.

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.

This internship has not only provided practical knowledge of organizational

management but also instilled a deeper understanding of the sugar industry's intricacies. The exposure
gained has equipped me with invaluable insights into effective management practices, fostering a
holistic learning experience during my MBA SIP at Shri Prabhulingeshwar Sugar and Chemical Ltd,

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.


Shri Prabhulingeshwar Sugar and Chemical ltd which was started on 25th may 1995
with an authorized capital Rs 100000000 preference share capital, divided into 500000000 Equity
shares of Rs 10 each and 100000000 preference share of Rs 10 each

Shri Prabhulingeshwar Sugar and Chemicals Ltd has many,, firsts’’ to its credit. Led
by a team of dynamic professional the company strives to establish itself as a market leader in the
sugar industry. Prabhu sugars constant endeavor to that,, extra mile” to contribute in marketing the
environment eco-friendly (planting 10,000 environment friendly trees not only in the premises but
also in the surrounding areas ) has won it may laurels. The company encourage an ethical
environment and promotes transparency in its dealings.

Shri Prabhulingeshwar Sugar and Chemicals Ltd has been consistently coming up
with impressive figure on all parameters including production, finance and power exports positions.
Our crashing capacity and recovery rate are growing on a regular basis with higher end. The
successful professional personnel are the core of corporate management and are from different
fields, specialized in respective field of engineering, technology, finance, and agriculture. The
company has been promoted in making payment to the farmers for the cane purchased, and to
harvesters and transporters. This has resulted in establishment of goodwill among the farming
community, which is ensuring the company the adequate cane supply of very good quality.

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.

Figure 1.1 Shri Prabhulingeshwar Sugars & Chemical Ltd Fcatory

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.


Name of the company Shri Prabhulingeshwar Sugars and Chemicals Ltd

Business Type Manufacturing

initial Investment 140 crores

Land 186 acres

Chairman and MD Shri Jagadish. S. Gudagunti

Main Product Sugars and Power

Location At-Post: Siddapur,

Tq: Jamkhandi,
Dist: Bagalkot

First crushing on 29th December 1999

Phone 08353-238200, 238204

E-mail prabhusugars@gmail.com

Number of employees 850

1.2 Company profile

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.


Sl.No Name of the director Occupation

1. Shri. Jagadeesh S. Gudgunti Chairman and managing director

2. Shri. Veerupakshayya J. Gudagunti Executive Director

3. Shri. Dharmalingayya J. Gudgunti Director

4. Shri. Rajendrakumar S. Gudgunti Director

5. Shri. Deval. A.Desai Director

6. Shri. Nagappa G. Sanadi Director

7. Shri. S.P. Hiremath Independent Director

8. Shri. M.C. koti Independent Director

9. Shri. Sudeer S.Gudgunti Director

10. Shri. Sateesh S. Gudagunti Director

11. Smt. Ishwari A. Gudgunti Director


Sl.No Name Occupation

1. ShriJagadeesh.S.Gudgunti Chairman and Managing Director
2. ShriVeerupakshayy. J. Gudagunti Executive Director

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.



 Customer delights through quality production service

 To encourage the farmers to grow sugar cane for the production of sugar and it’s a byproduct
 Total customer satisfaction


 Encourage the agro-based industry.

 Manufacture to the highest quality standards.
 To develop industrial movement in the rural sector
 To be the largest sugar exporter in India.


• We are committed to produce and supply products to meet our customer’s needs.
• We shall continually strive to improve the effectiveness of our quality management system.
• We shall train and motivate our employees for continual improvement.
• We are conscious of our responsibility towards safety, health and environment.
• Quality is what we think, act and believe in

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.


This organization comes under manufacture sect shree Prabhulingeshwara Sugars and
Chemicals Ltd produce white crystal exposable quality sugar they have 3 grades in sugar quality are
M.SI, and 52 and generates the power by using bagasse which is the by product of the sugar.SPSCL
generates 38.5 MW power. They use only 16.5 MW and remaining 22MW sold to state electricity hard.
The business came is seasonal one this business is control by the central govt of india. Sales of the sugar
are done as per introduction of central government; know the company can sell sugar upto 90% open
market (non levy) in total production of sugar and 10% to central government introduction (levy). Only
in the distillery section is under Govt of Karnataka.

Shri Prabhulingeswar Sugar and Chemical Ltd, Founded by Mr.Jagadish S Gudgunti, is

an integrated company primarily engaged in the manufacturing of sugar and allied products. From a
humble beginning in 1999, when they commissioned their first plant capacity of 2500 TCD and
17.5MW cogeneration plant in siddapur village,jamkhandi, Bagalkot district. Today plant is fast
growing industrial group with capacity of 8500 TCD and 41.5 MW a strong presence diversified fields
such as sugar manufacturing power and molasses, Press mud production. Shree Prabhulingeshwar Sugar
and Chemical Ltd have many “firsts” to its credit lead by a team of dynamic Professionals. The
company strives to establish itself as a market leader in the sugar industry, Prabhulingeshwar constant
endeavour to go to that ‘extra mile’to contribute in making the environment eco-friendly has own it
many laurels.

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.



Main products By products

1. Sugar Power
Press Mud
 MAIN PRODUCT – White Crystal sugar :

Figure 1.1 White crystal Sugar

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.

Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars is known for its high quality, hygiene and good taste,
Sugar manufacturing process at plants takes place under strict quality control measure and produced
sugar is now here touched by hands. They are always among the first to adopt latest equipment
technology to ensure that product quality is nothing but the Best. Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars is crystal
clear is known to be sweeter and healthier than many other sugar brands.

The main product of the sugar manufacturing process is white crystal sugar. This white
sugar is categorized in the following grades:

M – 30 [Large size sugar]

S1 – 30 [Small size sugar]

S2 – 30 [medium size sugar]

The white plantation white sugar is produced at Prabhusugar by double solicitation

followed by syrup clarification by phosphor flotation process. The polarization of sugar produced is
99.8%. The comas (color value) of sugar one of the main quality criteria sugar is used not as
constituent in goods produced at home and industrially foods, but also as the raw material in
fermentation to produce ethyl alcohol butyl alcohol, glycerin and citric acid. Sugar is also an ingredient
in some transferring soaps and it can be converted to esters which yield tough insoluble and infusible

Sale of white crystal sugar is done through a central government process in which quota of
free sale sugar is allocated to individual sugar mills. For now, Sugar mills are not allowed To sell at on
go the part of the production which they can sell in the open market. This is expected to change. The
sugar mills can 90% of their total production in the open market, compared with 60-70% earlier. The
rest has to be sold the government at levy prices it decides.

Sugarcane is the main raw material. Sugar cane is obtained from the farmers within 40 km
radius. Sugarcane is crushed in Sugar mill and the juice is sent for Clarification. Clarified juice is
decanted out and sent for evaporation through the Multiple Effect Evaporators (MEE) to obtain
concentrated syrup called massecuite. This syrup is crystallized and cooled to form sugar crystals.

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.

Sugar crystals are separated from mother liquor in high-speed centrifuge. Sugar thus
separated is sent to driers which are graded, bagged and stored for shipment. Non crystallizable matter
from the syrup, called the molasses is sent to storage tanks.

Figure 1.2 Sugar Process typical Flow Chart

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.

1.Power :

The bagasse is the raw material to generate the power. Power generation Increase the 28 MW
to 38.5MW. know SPSCL generate 38.5MW power they use only 16.5MW and remaining 22MW sold
to Indian Energy Exchange (IEX).

Steam is required for both power and sugar plant. The boiler is fired with the bagasse
generated in the sugar plant. The flue gas from the boiler is passed through Electrostatic Precipitator
(ESP). The steam from the boiler is passed through steam turbine. During crushing, steam is exhausted
from the turbine and is used in sugar plant to meet its process requirement.

2. Bagasse :

Bagasse is the one of the byproducts obtained during the process. It is used As fuel for
boilers to produce steam through which electricity is obtained. The bagasse produced after extracting the
juice from sugar cane as fuel to generate steam in factories. Increasingly large amounts if bagasse are
being made in to paper, insulating board, and hard board, as well as furfural, a chemical intermediate for
the synthesis of furan.

• Power generation

• Paper production.

3.Molasses :

Molasses is a delicious by product which extracted during the sugar cane refining process
used to make sugar crystal. The sugar cane is crushing to remove the juice which is than boiled
vigorously. Machines utilize centrifugal force to extract the sugar crystal from the syrup. The remaining
syrup becomes molasses. It is used in the production of industrial alcohol, organic and chemical.
Molasses used as measure content in production of wines and other alcoholic product.

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.

• Yeast

• Industrial alcohol

4.Press Mud :

Press Mud is given to farmers to use it as fertilizer to grown sugar cane at lower cost. It
is prepared by the remaining by products after the production of sugar. Press mud is also called as filter
cake. It is the suspended during the process of cane juice clarification by the sulphitation process. The
material is used as manure and the factory managers to sell the filter cake to the cane growers at
concessional rates & achieves recycling of the matter back to field.

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.




Balance sheet as at March 31, 2021

S.No Particulars Note Year Ended Year Ended

No 31/03/2021 31/03/2020


1. Shareholders Funds : 466,185,950
1 466,185,950
a. Share Capital
2 (3,262,600,278)
b. Reserve & Surplus

2. Non – Current Liabilities :

3 1,525,024,583 1,718,745,2298
a. Long term Borrowings
b. Deferred Tax Liabilities 4 169,868,384 169,624,025

c. Other Long Term Liabilities 5

185,978,596 185,978,596
d. Long – term Provisions 6
96,694,331 96,573,683

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.

3. Current Liabilities :
7 2,481,584,438 2,175,664,924
a. Short – term Borrowing
b. Trade Payable 8 2,166,080,085 1,890,213,480
c. Other Current Liabilities 9 487,624,694 241,152,182
d. Short Term Provisions 10 45,243,326 40,320,085

Total 10,886,884,665 10,311,796,255


1. Non – Current Assets :

a. Fixed Assets 11
5,536,665,686 5,652,108,108
i) Tangible Assets
274,871,456 339,334,624
ii) Capital work in progress
54,216,950 53,466,950
b. Non – Current Investments 12
7,775,341 7,601,341
c. Long – Term Loans & Advance 13
45,023,641 45,106,002
d. Other Non – Current Assets 14

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.

Current Assets :
a. Inventories 15 3,251,535,904 3,232,688,302
b. Trade Receivable 16 807,899,266 320,265,976
c. Cash & Bank Balances 17 165,837,129 53,554,428
d. Short Term Loans & Adva 18 743,059,292 607,660,524

Total 10,886,884,665 10,311,796,255

Statement of profit & Loss For The Year Ended 31st March 2021

S.No Particulars Note No Year Ended Year Ended

31/03/2021 31/03/2020

1 Revenue From Operations 19 5,003,541,399 4,341,902,480
Less: Excise Duty 5,003,541,399 4,341,902,480
2 Other Income 20 18,382,942 53,866,666
Total Revenue (A) 5,021,924,341 4,395,771,146

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.

1 Cost of Materials Consumed 21 3,814,149,442 3,130,023,476
2 Changes in Inventories in F/G,
WIP & Stock in Trade 22 (41,479,903)
3 Employees Benefits Expenses 23 189,118,042
4 Finance Costs 24 525,895,080
5 Depreciation & Amortization 130,839,355
6 Other Expenses 25 209,203,968 219,930,889

Total Expenses (B) 4,957,856,854 4,382,505,365

III Profit Before Tax (A-B) (64,067,487) (13,265,781)

IV Tax Expense :
Current Tax 8,546,699 2,214,324
Deferred Tax 244,362 33,601,119

V Profit (loss) For the Year (55,276,426) (97,178,685)


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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.

VI Earnings Per Equity Share :

 Basic (1.19) (0.48)
 Diluted (1.19) (0.48)


Balance Sheet as on 31 March 2022

Sl.No Particulars Note no As at As at

31March2022 31March2021


1. Shareholders Funds :
1 4,661.86 4,661.86
a) Share Capital
2 32,437.22 32,626.00
b) Reserves and Surplus

2. Non-Current Liabilities :
a) Long-Term Borrowings 3 18,700.97 15,250.25
b) Deferred Tax Liabilities 4 1,533.59 1,698.68
c) Other Long Term Liability 5 1,859.79 1,859.79
d) Long –Term Provisions 6 966.85 966.94

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.

3. Current Liabilities :
7 42,417.43 27,085.88
a) Short-Term Borrowing
8 27,225.83 21,660.80
b) Trade Payables
9 1,664.06 2,606.21
c) Other Current Liabilities
10 575.15 452.43
d) Short-Term Provisions

TOTAL 1,32,042.74 1,08,868.85

1. Non-Current Assets :
a) Fixed Assets 11
• Property, plant & Equipment 59,866.63 55,366.66
• Capital Work-in-Progress 385.10 2,748.71
b) Non-Current Investments 12 394.17 319.17
c) Long -Term Loans and
-Advances 13 - -
d) Other Non-Current Asset 14 73.44 77.75

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.

2. Current Assets :
a) Inventories 15 44,347.90 32,515.36
b) Trade Receivables 16 16,736.09 8,078.99
c) Cash and Bank Balances 17 1,647.46 1,658.37
d) Short-Term Loans and 18 7,634.28 7,430.59
e) Current Investments 19 501.55 223.00
f) Other Current assets 20 456.11 450.24

TOTAL 1,32,042.74 1,08,868.85

Statement of Profit And Loss For The Year Ended 31st March 2022

Year Ended Year Ended

S.No Particulars Note No 31/03/2022 31/03/2021
A. Income:
1. Revenue from Operations 21 63,755.10 50,035.41
Less: Excise Duty - -
63,755.10 50,035.41
2. Other Income 22 179.17 183.83

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.

Total Revenue: 63,934.26 50,219.24

B. Expenses:
61,104.78 38,141.49
3. Cost of Materials Consumed 23
4. Changes in Inventories of
Finished Goods, Work-in
(11,888.77) 414.80
5. progress and Stock-in-trade 24
2,434.03 1,891.18
6. Employee Benefits Expenses 25
5,969.83 5,693.58
7. Finance Costs 26
8. Depreciation and amortization
1,358.63 1,345.47
27 3,930.35 2,092.04
9. Other Expenses

Total Expenses: 62,908.84 49,578.57

C. Profit Before Tax (A-B) 1,025.42 640.67

D. Tax Expenses:
Current Tax 179.16 85.47
Deferred Tax (165.10) 2.44

E. Profit /(loss) for the year 1,011.36 552.764


F. Earning Per Equity Share:

• Basic 2.17 1.19
• Diluted 2.17 1.19

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.



 Nirani sugar Private.ltd,(Mudhol) :

The Nirani Sugar is near at the Mudhol and it is very neat to the SPCL.It Has
15000TCD capacity is a Private ltd company.

 Nandi Co-Operative Sugars (Galagali) :

It is co operative sugar factory. It is located at Galgali,Bijapur district. it has 10000TCD

 Jamakhandi Sugars Pvt.ltd, (Hirepadasalagi) :

The Jamkandi sugars is at Nagnur the way of Bijapur.Ithas the 10000 TCD capacity.

 Godavari Sugar mills Ltd,(Sameerwadi) :

It is situated at sameerwadi,Mudhol taluq,It have the 10000 TCD capacity.It is a private
Ltd Company.

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.



 Cane receiving and unloading :

1. Reception Area:
The sugarcane is brought to the mill by trucks, trailers, or other transport means. At the
reception area, there are often weighbridges to measure the quantity of cane being delivered.

2. Weighing and Sampling:

Upon arrival, the sugarcane is weighed to determine the amount delivered. Additionally,
samples may be taken to assess the quality of the cane, including its sucrose content. This information is
crucial for optimizing the milling process.

3. Cleaning and Removal of Impurities:

Before unloading, the cane may go through a cleaning process to remove leaves, soil, and other
impurities. This step ensures that only clean cane enters the milling process.

4. Unloading:
The sugarcane is then unloaded from the transport vehicles. This can be done through
mechanical systems such as conveyor belts or other equipment designed for efficient unloading.

5. Storage:
After unloading, the cane may be temporarily stored in designated areas. This storage allows for
a continuous supply to the milling process, even if there are fluctuations in the arrival of sugarcane.

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.

6. Feeding into Milling Equipment:

From the storage area, the sugarcane is fed into milling equipment where it undergoes crushing
and extraction processes. These processes separate the juice from the fibrous material, and the juice is
subsequently processed to extract sugar.

 Cane preparation :

1. Cleaning and Washing:

Sugarcane, after being received and unloaded, may still have impurities such as dirt, leaves, and
other debris. The cane goes through a cleaning process to remove these impurities. Washing may also be
done to ensure cleanliness before further processing.

2. Cutting and Chopping:

The cleaned sugarcane is then typically cut into smaller pieces for easier handling and
processing. This can involve cutting the cane into uniform lengths or chopping it into smaller segments.
The size of the pieces may vary depending on the specific equipment used in the milling process.

3. Shredding or Crushing:
After cutting, the sugarcane undergoes shredding or crushing. This step breaks down the fibrous
structure of the cane and extracts the juice. Shredding can be done using heavy-duty rollers or shredders
that crush the cane, releasing the sugary liquid.

4.Fiber Separation:
Once the juice is extracted, it is separated from the fibrous material, often referred to as bagasse.
This separation is crucial to concentrate the sugary liquid for subsequent processing.

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 Juice extraction :

1. Milling or Crushing:
The cleaned and chopped sugarcane is passed through milling equipment, which can be a series
of heavy rollers or crushers. This mechanical process breaks down the fibrous structure of the cane and
extracts the juice. The pressure exerted during milling is crucial for efficient juice extraction.

2. Diffusion Process (Optional):

In some modern sugar mills, a diffusion process may be employed as an alternative to milling.
This involves extracting juice by diffusing crushed cane with water. The diffused juice is then separated
from the bagasse.

3. Multiple Extraction Stages:

Sugar mills often use a series of extraction stages to maximize juice extraction. In a tandem mill,
for instance, the crushed cane passes through several milling units successively, each exerting additional
pressure to extract more juice.

 Juice clarification :

1. pH Adjustment:
The first step in juice clarification involves adjusting the pH of the sugarcane juice. Lime
(calcium oxide or calcium hydroxide) is commonly used for this purpose. The addition of lime helps
neutralize acidity and promotes the coagulation of impurities.

2. Addition of Coagulants:
Coagulants, such as polymeric substances or natural polymers like flocculants, are added to the
sugarcane juice. These coagulants promote the agglomeration of fine particles and impurities, forming
larger particles that are easier to separate.

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar sugars and Chemicals Pvt Ltd,Siddapur.

3. Flocculation:
The coagulated particles undergo flocculation, where they come together to form larger, more
easily separable masses. This process is facilitated by the interaction between the coagulants and
impurities in the juice.

4. Settling or Clarification Tanks:

The clarified juice is then transferred to settling tanks. In these tanks, the flocculated impurities
settle to the bottom, leaving clearer juice at the top. The settled impurities form a sludge known as
"mud," which is removed from the bottom of the tanks.

5. Decantation:
After settling, the clarified juice is decanted or drawn off from the top of the settling tanks. Care is
taken to leave behind the settled impurities.

6. Filtration (Optional):
In some cases, the clarified juice may undergo additional filtration to remove finer particles that
might have escaped the settling process. Filtration can involve the use of filter presses or other filtration

7. Second Clarification Stage (Optional):

In larger sugar mills, a second clarification stage may be employed to further improve the clarity
of the juice. This involves repeating the pH adjustment, coagulation, and settling processes.

8. Return of Clarified Juice:

The clarified juice, now free from a significant portion of impurities, is returned to the sugar
processing line for further concentration, crystallization, and sugar extraction.

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 Juice evaporation :

1. Pre-Heating:
Before entering the evaporators, the extracted sugarcane juice is often pre-heated. Pre-heating
serves two main purposes: it minimizes the risk of heat damage to the juice during evaporation, and it
improves the efficiency of the evaporation process by starting with a warmer liquid.

2. Multiple-Effect Evaporation:
Juice evaporation is commonly achieved through a multiple-effect evaporator system. This system
consists of multiple evaporator units (effects) arranged in series. The steam generated in one effect is
used to heat the juice in the next effect, creating a cascading effect that enhances energy efficiency.

3. Boiling and Vaporization:

The pre-heated sugarcane juice is introduced into the first effect of the evaporator system. As the
juice flows through each effect, it is subjected to progressively lower pressures, causing it to boil at
lower temperatures. The boiling of the juice leads to the vaporization of water, leaving behind a more
concentrated syrup.

4. Condensation:
The water vapor produced during boiling is condensed back into liquid form. The condensation
process releases latent heat, which is then used to heat the juice in the subsequent evaporator effect. This
heat recovery mechanism significantly improves the overall energy efficiency of the evaporation

5. Concentration and Fractionation:

As the juice progresses through each effect, its sugar concentration increases, and water content
decreases. The final effect produces a concentrated syrup with a high sugar content. The concentration
achieved depends on the number of effects in the evaporator system.

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6. Controlled Temperature and Vacuum:

Evaporation is conducted under controlled temperature and vacuum conditions. Lowering the
pressure in each evaporator effect allows the juice to boil at lower temperatures, preventing thermal
degradation of sugars and other components in the juice.

7. Product Separation:
The concentrated syrup, also known as thick juice, is separated from the evaporator system. This
thick juice is then sent to subsequent processing stages, such as crystallization, to produce sugar.

 Syrup clarification :

1. pH Adjustment:
Similar to juice clarification, the syrup clarification process begins with pH adjustment. Lime
(calcium oxide or calcium hydroxide) is commonly used to neutralize acidity and promote the
coagulation of impurities.

2. Addition of Coagulants:
Coagulants, such as flocculants or polymeric substances, are introduced to the syrup. These
coagulants facilitate the agglomeration of fine particles and impurities, forming larger particles that can
be easily separated.

3. Flocculation:
The coagulated particles undergo flocculation, a process where they come together to form larger
masses. This aids in the separation of impurities from the syrup.

4. Settling Tanks:
The syrup is then transferred to settling tanks, where the flocculated impurities settle to the
bottom. The clear syrup is drawn off from the top of the settling tanks.

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5. Decantation:
After settling, the clarified syrup is decanted or drawn off, leaving the settled impurities behind
as sludge.

6. Filtration (Optional):
Some sugar mills may employ additional filtration after clarification to remove any remaining
fine particles. This step ensures a higher degree of purity in the clarified syrup.

7. Second Clarification Stage (Optional):

In larger sugar mills or when aiming for very high purity, a second clarification stage may be
employed. This involves repeating the pH adjustment, coagulation, settling, and decantation processes.

8. Return of Clarified Syrup:

The clarified syrup is then returned to the sugar processing line for further stages such as
crystallization, where sugar crystals are formed, and separation of crystals from remaining liquid.

 Crystallization :

1. Seeding:
The crystallization process often begins by adding tiny sugar crystals, known as "seed crystals," to
the concentrated syrup. These seed crystals provide a starting point for the formation of larger sugar

2. Cooling:
The syrup is slowly cooled under controlled conditions. Lowering the temperature encourages the
sugar molecules to come together and form crystals. The rate of cooling is crucial in determining the
size and quality of the sugar crystals.

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3. Supersaturation:
The syrup is intentionally maintained in a state of supersaturation, meaning it contains more
dissolved sugar than it would normally hold at that temperature. This supersaturation is achieved
through the combination of cooling and the addition of seed crystals.

4. Continuous Stirring:
Continuous stirring or agitation is often employed during cooling to ensure uniform crystal
formation and prevent the crystals from clumping together. This promotes the growth of individual,
well-formed sugar crystals.

5. Nucleation and Growth:

As the syrup cools, sugar molecules gather around the seed crystals, creating nuclei for crystal
growth. Additional sugar molecules attach to these nuclei, causing the crystals to grow in size.

6. Crystallization Vessels:
The crystallization process typically takes place in specialized vessels designed to allow
controlled cooling and crystallization. These vessels may have agitators to maintain uniform conditions.

7. Controlled Crystal Size:

The size of the sugar crystals is controlled by factors such as the cooling rate, agitation, and the
presence of seed crystals. Smaller crystals are often preferred for certain sugar applications.

8. Separation of Crystals and Mother Liquor:

Once the desired crystal size is achieved, the mixture of sugar crystals and remaining liquid,
known as "mother liquor," is separated. This separation is often done using centrifuges, where the
crystals are spun out, leaving behind the liquid.

9. Washing (Optional):
The separated sugar crystals may undergo a washing process to remove any remaining
impurities or residual mother liquor. Washing contributes to the purity of the final sugar product.

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10. Drying:
The washed sugar crystals are then dried to remove any remaining moisture. This can be done
using air-drying methods or specialized drying equipment

 Centrifugation :

1. Loading:
After the crystallization process, the mixture of sugar crystals and molasses is transferred to a
centrifuge. Centrifuges are high-speed rotating devices that use centrifugal force to separate components
based on their density.

2. Rotation:
The centrifuge spins rapidly, creating a strong centrifugal force. This force causes the heavier
sugar crystals to move outward and settle on the inner surface of the centrifuge drum, while the lighter
molasses remains in the center.

3. Batch or Continuous Operation:

Centrifuges can operate in batch or continuous modes. In batch centrifugation, a specific quantity
of the sugar-molasses mixture is loaded into the centrifuge for each cycle. In continuous centrifugation,
the process is ongoing, and the sugar crystals are continuously separated from the molasses.

4. Centrifugal Separation:
The centrifugal force causes the sugar crystals to pack against the inner surface of the centrifuge
drum. Simultaneously, the molasses, being lighter, is displaced toward the center.

5. Draining and Washing (Optional):

In some centrifugation processes, there is a draining phase where excess molasses is removed
from the sugar crystals. Additionally, washing may be performed to remove any remaining molasses
from the surface of the sugar crystals, enhancing the sugar's purity.

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6. Discharge:
After the separation and optional washing, the sugar crystals are ready to be discharged from the
centrifuge. This can be done manually or through automated systems.

7. Recovery of Molasses:
The separated molasses, which still contains some dissolved sugar, is collected and often
subjected to further processing to recover any remaining sugar. This helps maximize sugar yield and
reduces waste.

8. Repetition (if needed):

Depending on the desired level of purity and the specific sugar production process, the sugar
crystals may go through multiple rounds of centrifugation and washing.

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In his regular guidance has received the awards as bellowed :

 First prize in “Best safe power boiler” by Karnataka State safety institute, department of factories,
boilers, Industrial safety & health, Bangalore for the year 2016-17.

 “Life time achievements awards” by Sugar Technologists Association of India (STAI),new

Delhi.(season 2015-16)

 “Best Sugarcane Development Award 1st Prize” for thr season 2009-10 in Karnataka –given by
SISSTA at Chennai.

 “Best Performing Sugar factory” in South India –given by SISSTA, Chennai at Hyderabad.

 “Best Co-Generation Platinum Award” (Season 2013-14) given by SISSTA at Visakhapatnam (A.P).

 “UdyogRatna” from Institute of Economic Studies, New Delhi.

 “VanijyaRatna” from Karnataka Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Hubballi.

 “International Gold Star Millennium Award” from Indo-Nepal Friendship & Economic Co-
operation, Nepal.

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The SPSCL’s has some future growth as below :

a) To encourage employee, thrift and co-operation amongst members.

b) To promote agriculture and well begins amongst members.

c) To manufacturing sugar and their by products from sugarcane by its members and to sell the some to
the best advantage.

d) Interested in getting connected to internet and e-mail connection.

e) It is interested doing such other things, which are incidental and necessary for running the society and
for fast growth and development.

f) To promote lift irrigation projects.

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Mostly sugar industries are located in U.P, Bihar, Maharashtra, A.P, Karnataka and T.N.
the sugar industry is one of the largest organized industries with total capital investment of more than
500 cores. It employees more than 2.5 lakhs of workers besides creating extensive inidirect employment
over 25 to 30 million cultivators of sugar cane, dealers in sugar and confectioneries. When the sugar
industry was granted tariff protection the history sugar industry started before again 1932 which gives
limpe us (driving force) to the growth of he industry. Again the government in 1951 provided incentives
b fixing minimum prices of can and maximum price of sugar. This incentives scheme increased the
production of sugar discouraged cane production. We will see later how the contradictory government.
Policies have adversely affected the growth of the sugar industry. Unfortunately, government policies
have been of that control and recontrol from time to time creating an environment inimical (untrendy) to
the growth of sugar industry. Up to 1957-58 both consumption and production of sugar rose to 20 lakh
tones each. During 1969’s production of sugar rose to 35 lakhs tones during the 1970’s is was in
between b40 to 50 lakh tones during 2000-01 it was between 80-90 lakhs tones.

Sugar cane is tropical grass belonging to some genus as sorghum and maize. The trash
free mill able sugarcane stalk contains about 73% solids. The solids, in turn, comprise of soluble solids,
mainly sucrose and fibers, the woody fibers of the cane is known as bagasse and are about 30% of the
weight of sugar cane. Bagasse is being used as the fuel for the boilers in the sugar mills The industry is
following above mentioned scheme related to industry employees and also it updating every year about
industry related schemes and government policy.

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The world’s second-biggest exporter of sugar, India has emerged as the top
producer,user,and exporter of sugar globally. India’s 2 nd largest agro based business after cotton is the
sugarcane and sugar industry. 50 lakh hectataresor 2.57% of the total planted area are taken up by the
crop. Around 50 million farmers grow sugarcane,and there are 5 lakh workers in sugar mills. But
still,the Indian sugar industry faces many challenges.

India is the major sugar producting country in the world , the first three being Brazil India
and Cuba. Sugar industry occupies an important place among organized industries in India. Sugar
industry,one of the major agro-based industrial in india, has been instrumental in resource mobilization,
employement generation,income generation and creating social infrastructure in rural area.indeed,sugare
industry has specilited and accelerated pace of rural industrialization. At present, there are 553
registered sugar factory having capital investment of Rs.50,000 crores and annual production capacity
of 180 lakh metric tonnes (ISMA Report,2004). The annual turnover of industry is to the tune of
Rs.25,000 crores. The central and state government recive annually Rs,2500 crore as excise
duty,purchase tax,and cess. More than 4.50 crore farmers are engaged in sugarcane cultivation and about
5 lakh rural people have got direct employement in the Industry.

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Mckensy’s 7S framework provides a useful framework for analyzing the strategic

attributes of an organization. Strategy, structure, and systems can be considered the “hardware” of
success while style, staff, skills and shared values can be as the software. The SPSCL has these elements
to the successful at the implementation of strategy.


Michael porter developed a model which explains that the industry of a firm is affected by
five forces. The strategic business manager can use porters model to analyze an industry on these five
forces and then judge in strength and weakness of his firm based on his industry analysis. The five fours
perspective is associated with its originator, Michael E Porter of Harvard University. This framework
was first published in Harvard Business Review in 1979.

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1. Threat of new entry:

The Indian sugar industry is characterized by modest entry and exit barriers. Integrated
business model and increasing capital requirement in the industry restrict new entrants. The GOI has
also put a restriction on setting up of two sugar factories within the radius of 15 km.

2. Threat of substitutes:
Being an essential commodity the demand for sugar is not elastic. Alternate sweeteners to
refined sugar in India are gur and khandsari. But with increased per capital income and easy availability
of sugar at competitive rates, use of gur and khandsari is seeing a downward trend and is mostly
confined to rural areas. Hence, the threats up substitute is low in the industry.

3.Bargaining power of buyer:

Indian sugar market is highly regulated by the Govt. Influencing the distribution
purchase price of levy sugar and the free sale quota releases for sugar. Hence buyer’s power is highly
restricted in this sector.

4.Bargaining power of suppliers:

Allocation of the area from where the sugar cane be produced is allocated by the
government. The sugar mills have no choice but to purchase all the cane sold to them, even if it exceeds
their their requirement. Sugar producers are not allowed to own cane fields in India. Though recent
sugar de-control is likely to give higher pricing power to the mills, the government still can influence the
prices with its PDS system.

5.Industry rivalry:
Competitiveness among Indian sugar players is high. With around 50 units engaged in
the production of sugar, the industry is highly fragmented. Private individual players do not give a big
market share. Co-operatives are relatively high as the account for more than 50% of the industry’s

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THE origins of the SWOT analysis technique is created by Albert Humphrey, who led
a research project at Stanford University in the 1960s and 1970s using data from top companies. The
goal was to identify why corporate planning failed.

I have found some strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities to the factory during my
internship period at that plant. Factory is facing some problems regarding sales of sugar under
government restriction. How much government permits to sell the sugar that much only factory has to
sell not more than that it sell through the quotations.


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 Proper availability of cane in the operational area.

 Factory is managed by a high qualified and experienced management team.

 A proper planned layout with reduction in cost of industry.

 Well-equipped plant layout and machineries are their in the industry.

 Mainly the company has been prompt in making payments to frame for the cane purchased and to
harvest and transports. This has resulted in establishment of goodwill amongst the farming community,
which ensuring the company the adequate cane supply of very good quality.


 Large number of sugar factories available with radius 0f 30-35 km from the factory.

 Labour turnover

 As a company is seasonal it always exposed to the risk of under utilization of capacities.

 Lesser irrigated area may also adversely availability of raw material.

 Company doesn’t have proper human resource development.

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 Expansion of plant capacity from 6000 TCD to 10000TCD.

 Expansion of co-generation plant capacity.

 Expansion the units for paper production.

 Full automation of the company.


 Heavy Competition is there by other factories like Nirani Sugars, Nandi Sugars, Godavari Sugars and
other factories.

 Interference of government on all policies on sugar industry is more.

 Liberalization in sugar policy is required.

 Uncertain policies of government may add some threats.


SWOT analysis is strategic planning technique used to help organization identify strengths,
weaknesses, opportunity and threats related to business competition or project planning. The SPSCL is
facing some problem regarding sales of sugar under government restrictions.


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Name Veeresh S Saraganchari

Designation Store Manager

Expirience 25 Year

Date of Appointed 1999

Native Place Siddapur

Education Qualification Bsc

Skills Basic

Duty Store Maintainance

Mobile no 9845722683



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 Manage incoming and outgoing inventory.

 Utilize tools to track and control stock levels.
 Maintain accurate and complete documentation for incoming and outgoing materials.
 Verify that received materials meet required quality standards.
 Maintain organized records of stock movements and transactions.
 Ensure the safety and compliance of stored materials.



• Inventory management - Track stock levels to prevent shortages/wastage.

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• Materials requisition - Promptly process requests to supply production needs .

• Procurement & stocking - Order and receive goods to maintain availability.

• Safeguarding assets - Control access and movement to prevent losses.

• Enables smooth operations - Makes sure materials are on hand when required.

• Supports efficient sugar production - Plays crucial behind-the-scenes role.


1. Product Knowledge: Stay informed about Raw materials products.

2. Customer Service: Assist customers and address concerns.

3. Stock Rotation: Rotate products to minimize waste.

4. Expiration Date Awareness: Check and monitor expiration dates.

5. Cash Handling: Handle transactions accurately.

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6. Promotions and Upselling: Promote special offers and upsell when possible.

7. Cleanliness and Hygiene: Maintain a clean store environment .


The individual exhibits exceptional performance in managing incoming and

outgoing inventory, with timely coordination and smooth operations. Their excellent use of inventory
management tools ensures real-time tracking and automated alerts. The maintenance of accurate and
detailed documentation receives an outstanding rating, contributing to consistency. While quality control
measures are in place, there is room for improvement in documenting deviations. The individual excels
in organizing stock movements and conducting regular reviews. Adherence to safety regulations is
commendable, but there's a need for more proactive efforts in staying updated on evolving compliance
requirements, earning a good rating in this aspect.

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Shri Prabhulingeshwar Sugars & Chemicals Ltd, Siddapur is having good and efficient
department, which is well maintained. I learned about organization as to how it works in management
from the practical perspectives and I got practical knowledge about organization and its functions,
methods, policies and systems and also industry financial position. Totally it was highly useful training
for me in the company.

The main purpose of the organization study is to make the students acquainted with the
practical knowledge about the overall functioning of the organization. It given me the opportunity to
study the human behavior and also makes one ready to face different situations.

And the SPSCL has Separate Manager, Deputy Manager, Purchase Officer, Assistant
Officer and Supervisor. It was really great experience while working in the organization. Employees
from every corner of the department helped me in getting the required information for the successful
completion of his internship. They cooperated well when we had to disturb them with so many queries
in our mind to be cleared from the concerned person during the visits to the respective departments.

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