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Toda.y, brerzy in thl! moming, panfy

"Ali the News dood~ high 50. Toni.ght. pa11ly
That's Fit to Print" doudy to mostly ck:ar, iow 39. T.,,.
<47. W9lhcr map is on Page 28.

VOL. CLXXIV . .. No. 60,362 SUNDAY, DECEMBER8,2024 S6.00

National Chain TYCOONS OF TECH

OFDrug C/inics
Deals in Deceit
Acadia Fakes Records,
Times lnquiry Finds MANY CONFLICTS SEEN
By KATlE ntOMAS and
Touching Nearly Every
E''ery d.ay at dawn, tens ofthc>u- Departmenl, Despite
sands O( peopk! begin lining up at
Acadia Healt.hearc'S addietion Little Experience
c:links to get a c:up or lnf'thadone.
The daily ~ staves oer opiOid
withdrawal and keeps many from Thrs artKW u: by Theod~
turníng to dangerous street drug~ Scltkifer, M~ie H aMrma11 and
like fentanyl. Jonathan S•'an.
The for-profit cha.in ol 165 1lM! week a!ttt the Novembtt
methadonedinics- thecountry'S t"kct:Km,President-elect Don.aldJ.
largest - has gttteratOO more lrump gatben:.'d tús top adviSft"s
than Sl.3 billion in revcnue smce in Lhe tearoom at his Florida re-
2022. lt is ~a business that we con- SOrt. Mar-a- Lago. to pl.an the tran-
tinue to fed g~:it about," Aca<tia's sition to bis seoond..r.enn gO'Vffn-.
chie! executive tol.d investon¡ this mcnt.
}'ear. Mr. Ttump had brought 1~ of
lbat business has l:>een built in tús most \'alucd hooseguests to
part. on dcttption, a New York the meeting: the billionairc Tesla
Times in\~tigation foond. boss ElOn MUSkandthebillionaire
Methadone is a narootic, and oo-founder of Orade, Larry EJJi.
lhe clinícs are hcavily regulatt'd son. The pr~~t~l~l lookM:
by federnl and sta~gavttnmm.ts. aroond tht" confol"\!fK:e table and
In addition to handing out
mcthadone, the dinics are n!'-
quired to provide ('OUnS('ling and
ISSUC'!d a jok:ing·not-joking dial·

"'I brought the N"O richcst pt':C>

other SttVices, like drug testing. ple in tbe wor1d today.• Mr. Trump
But Acadia oCtcn. fails toprovidc told bis advisef's, acrording to a
In a littlc over fivc ycars, 2.000 laboren havc prcparcd Notrc-..Damc CathcdraJ for its grand rcopcning. C.Overngrc bcgi.ns on Pagc 10. tha.t counsding, acoonfin& to fi\'C person whO was in the room.
doz.en current and formcr empk>y· "What dld you bring?"
ees in 22 ol the 33 stntes where the Mr. 'ttump has delighted in a
company has dirúcs. lnstcad,rm- aítieal 3ddition to bis transition
ployctt at times falsif)• the medi· tcam: t.he Si!K:on Valley bifüon-
AL-ASSAD AT RISK How a Centuries-Old Parisian Jewel Was Reborn cal rtt:Ol'ds that Acadia uses IO bill
insurers, according to the cmploy·
air'M and millionairt's who have
bttn ali O\'er the t:rans.ition, shap-
oo Sauuday, Notre-Dame was ees and intemal emails. il\!; hiring decisK'lns and even con-
PARIS - ~embersol.Not~
A Da unting Deadline to prcpared 10 reopen its doors 5un·
day ror !.he millio1u: oltourists and
Sometimes a counSt'lint: ses·
sion m::orded In a patimt's medi·
ducting interviews ror senior·lev-
cljobs. M:myoflhosewhoarc not
pilgrims Who annually viSiL cal chart is simply a chance en· fonnall)' invotved,likc Mr. Ellison,
Damecathedrnl in Paris were still Save Notre-Dame count~. For rxamp!e. medical have been happy to sit in on thc
hot whm Pn-sident Enunanuel The light deadline was "netts-
A Strategic City Is Said to sary," Phílippe Jost, thc head of rtt:Ords for a patient in Iowa Show mectings.
Macron \'O\\'t!d that Frana wouJd the recon.Struction task fOrtt, told she had a .O·minute counseling lltcir invoh·-emcnt. to a degree
rebuik! it to be ..rnc>n! bcauliful spire aashing thmugh lhe stone
Be Under Attack lhan.,,,.,.. vaults below. Sorne called thr us during a tour or the work in session in Dcccrribe:r 2023, bu1 the far deepcr- than prn'iously re-
progres.s in JUIM'. 1lle da.unting
patieru said in an lntttVk-w that it ported. has made this one o( the
~ the French leadtt gave a Cleadline (easible. Othcrs said ít was actually a hall"'' ªY chat that most pot.entially conflic:t-riddt'n
deadline so ambitious ít took was wildly unrealistic. goal ~rvCld to unite ovtt 250 com· lasted less lhan five minutn.
By RAJA ABDULRAHIM presi<ienual transltions in modem
rnanyaback : •1 vrtant lhistobefin· Now, after fi\'t': anda half years panit-sand2,000v.'Orkenandarti·
Acadia's business is built on \'ol· history. lt also carries what rould
Pres~t BaShar al-A ssad's po- ished in fh't! years," Mr. Macron and about S900 million in dona· SánS fn:xn ali O\'tr Francc whó
u~. lts counsclon c;1rry be vast impl.ications for the Trump
litkal survival was under threat said. tions., France is on lhe ve:rge of knt!w the world was watching.
i;;ascloads that 3re sometimes administration's polideioo is~
on Saturday as the Syrian govem- 11 was April 2019. and names success. and drm-e thcm to xive thdr ali for- more than double tM: limit set by including taxes and tht': regulat ion
ment battkd rebels around lhe had just tom through the 860.. Renovations to the rar.hedrn.rs thc pro;cct of a lifctime. state regulatoB, according to em- ol artificial imelligence, not 10
country and the stratcgk city oC year-Old Golhic monument, oblit· exterior will C(l(ltinue, but the bulk 1be day or the toor, afier taking ployees and inspection record.s.. meotion cl:ishing mightily wtth
Homs was breachcd by the main erating its andent wood and lead of what was desllt'1yed has beer1 a clangi.ng clevator to the top o! a With so many patients, lhe dinics the notion lhat Mr. Trump's. brand
rebt':I co;tJ:ition. accordin_g to the roofmg and sending the tip ol il5 ttStored. Follov.ing a ct.remony Con!inued on Po8e JO can become assembly lines. offer· of populism Is all about hclping
Hghters and a war monitor. ing littk> more than a oup of theWOl'kingman.
The rebels then dedar«t carly m<thadon<. The presen<:eoftheSilicon Val·
on Sunday t hat they had fu11y cap- Clinic: directors can gt'l bonuses ley c:rew dwing tritícal moment.s
tured thc city, not klng after lM whcn thcir patienr enrotlment also rencas somettung larger. SiJ.
Syrian dt:fttise ministry denicd goes up, an incentive that has led K:on Valley was once seen as a
lhat rd:>els had entettd Homs. Acadia to tre:at peop4e who do not Democratic stronghoJd, but the
Which is about 100 mí~ rrom the have opiOid add.Ktion~ but are de- new generation of tec:h leaders -
~ato( Mr. al-ASsad's power in lhe penden! on other drugs, ac:coro. epitomized by Mr. Musk - often
capital. OamMCuS. Thc minístry Continwd on Page 20 Conlinued on Pag~ 23
5aid in a statement that thc situa-
tiOn n:>maineod •stable and secure.~
Antigovcmment protests took
place near Damascus on Satur-
day. and Mr. al-AsSad's !orttS
withdrcw from severa! o( its subo
South Korean Leader Survives
urbs. according to war monitoring
groups. lmpeachment Vote in Assembly
The Syrian militAry denied that
its forces had withdrawn lrom ~
suburbs. Yet Mr. at-Assad's auto- By VICTORIA KJM
c:ratic goyernment, wttieh h.ad un- South Korcan lawmakers' at-
tíl about a Wtt:k ago ~to lt"mpt to impeach PYTs.ident Yoon
have a firm grip O\'er much O!~ Suk Y~ t"nded in failutt on Salur·
rountry, now Sffmrd to b<> fac:ing day nlght, pn>IOnging tht': politica.I
a possible breac:h or !.he capital. Making Sweet, Sweet Memories uphea\'alllnd uneertainty that haS
1bt ~ uprisings present tht U:mony tunneric and boazy almond add to thc Aavor oí our Cookie Wcck rccipea. Special Section. roiled the country s ince his short·
gr.west chaUenge in years to Mr.
al-AsSad. lt is unclear whal rc-
sourctS he can marshal to defend
11\~ imposition of martial law lasl

1lX!' failed vott': was a revenion

the rapidly shrinldng territory un· to politkal dt"ad.loc:k in the deeply
dcr his control, espcdally wkhout
!.he M:lp or one of his si:aun~t
lnfluencer v. lnfluencer: Can a Vibe Be Sto/en? dMded country, dcspite taq:e-
scale pn)tes~ callingfor the presi-
allies, tran, v.'hich bcgan to evacu· shared a phoc.o v.ith her thou- Ms. Gifford claims that Ms. de:nt's rttnoval. lt was a rontrast
ate its military oommandtt5 and By SANDRA E. GARCIA sands of followers that was vlrtu· Sheil. 21, not only started to mimic to tht". bñd moment early
personnd on Friday. Runia. his aily identical. Thc woman in this her online persona but also 3ppro- WOOnesday wht"l1 lawmakerS
otM:r impon.ant ally through The O\TrSiu beige c:ab~knit ncw pboto was a fellow infiue~. priated her entire IOOk. was put to a vote, making the ef.
across the political spectnun
nearly 14 ~arsol. civil war, hasof. sweater. The ccntcr·parted ha.ir. And now Ms. Gifford is suing. fon moot cven bdore the first ba.I·
Alyssa Sheil. with whOm She had carne togethtt 10 vote swtftly and
íered lim:itcd 3Kl. lbe right knee pointed oot, creat· gone shopping and done: a photo Ms. Gifford COpyrighted severa1 unanimously against the p~ totwascast.
1be Brilish-based war monitor inga~atherk'fthip. Thc opposition tlft!.w out thc
shoot months earlitt. ol her $Ocial media posts in Janu-- dt"nt's martia1 law dedaration.
Syrian Observatory for Hwnan Prnctical.ly dl"tail in thc
t!\'tt)' A1 the time, she thottg.ht their ary after no<icing the similarity Saturdáy's mo'~ by lM opposi-- \'ote over sn-eral hours, urging
Righu said goYemmem rarees photo - light dówn to the match· interactions had bet:n merely bdween M.s. Sheil's posts and her tion to impcac:h Mr. Yoon was Jawmakers to retum to t.ht': cham·
had pulled out ol a numbtt ol sub- ing shon set - Jooked familiar to awkwant. But as .she scrolled own. Severa! photos were sub- fOíled by his conservati\'t! Peopie her to panicipate in tht" dcmoc:rat•
ur'bs of the capital, including Sydney Gifford. throu.gh Ms. Sheíl'S photos on ln- miUed as e\'idence in the lawwit Power Party, which boycotted the k process, in the very building
Moadamla aJ..Sham and Daraya. Sodidthe woman post':d in front stagram fcwUN' first time in nearty Ms.. Gifford fil~ this ~ar In a fM· vote and prevented tM nccessary that had bttn stomtro days urli·
and the nearby Melldt militruy of the nondescript White wall a year. She sa.id, M s. Gifford sus-- eral roun in Texas accusing Ms. quorum. AU but one me:mber (1( er by hund~s of so&dicrs acting
airport. That could not immedi· Days earlier, Ms. Giftord, a 241· pmcd those meetings had been Shdl ol copyright lnfringement. the party walked out ol tht" room undcr martial law on:k-rs..
Conlínued on ~ 13 year-otd lifesryle influcncer, had some kind ol aesthctk: espionage. Continued on Page 26 ~ore: the impcachment motion C.orrtinuftfcmllagl'J6


An Ancient Answer in Athens Harris Staffen Went Rogue The City's Housing CrUi.s Easy Rawliru on Real Estate W.J . Hennigan PAGEi
Fi'M:'«I v.ith a water shonage, thc Grtdt Worricd that thc campaign was negklct- Soaring rents and fcw options ha\'t': A fictional <:harac:ter - in this case,
, WJll!l,I . ~1~11rn1111
capital is r'C\-iving Hadrian's Aqueduct, i~ voters ci color in Philaddptna and made ít hard for- pooplc to !h-e \&/alter Mosley's private im.'CStigator -
OW:r 1,800 )'(':ars old and ~ly aban· oth~ bauk-ground c:ítit':&, orgaruttn in New York. Even "affordabie• unitl ha.s matt than a littk! to tead!. ttaders
doned. PAGEi launched a awert inftiative. PACEl7 often rost too much. PAGEi about landkrding. PAGE4

---·---~bt bltlsbington post
Partly cloudy 61/ 40 • Tomorrow: Rain 53/ 44 C8 Democracy Dies i n Darkness SUNDAY, DECEMBER B, 2024 · $5

Once-spurned Trump is feted in Paris Syrian

Weeks before taking office, president-elect is a guest of honor at Notre Dame
BY CAT ZAKRZEWSKI not survived Trump's election
victory last month.
In a short appearance with
reporters inside the Élysée Pal-
PARIS - As flames engulfed The president-elect returned ace, Macron told Trump, "Mr.
Notre Dame cathedral more than to Paris on Saturday not as a President, it's a great honor for
five years ago, the French civil punchline but as a guest ofhonor French people. We welcome you
defense agency seemed to mock for the reopening of the ca- - five years later.... 1 remember

President Dona.Id Thl.mp, who thedral whose guardians had the solidarity and your immedi-
had tweeted to suggest using once had a laugh at his expense. ate action so welcome back
"'flying water tankers" to pul out Trump arrived at the Élysée Pal- again."
the blaze. The agency warned ace about 40 minutes late amid Trump in turn emphasized the
Trump that using aircraft: to drop rain and blustering winds. He "'great relationshipn between
water on the centuries-old build- patted French President Em- France and the United States,
ing "could lead to the collapse of manuel Macron on the back and praising the French as "talented" BIGGEST CHALLENGE
the entire structure of the ca- shook hands with him on a red and "extremely energetic peo- WDOYICMARIN/POOl/EPA.f:Ff,ISHUTTERSTOCK
thedral." carpet befare briefly posing for ple." From left, ftrst lady Jill Biden , Brigitte Macr o n , Preside nt-elect
That sort of unfriendliness has photos. SEE TRUMP ON A 15 Donald Trump and French President Enunanuel Macron in Paris.
Fighters seize territories
in the north a:nd south

Boycott This articf,e is by Loveday Monis,

Mohama.dEl Chamaa., LizSly,

foils vote Susanrw.h George, Mustofa Salim

and Suzan Haidamous

to impeach Syrian President Bashar al-

Assad faced the most acute threat
to his 24-year rule Saturday as
rebels pushed into the strategic
in S. Korea hub of Homs, seized a sweep of
southern cities, and closed in on
Damascus, the capital.
Rebels accumulated regime
territory at lightning pace as an
Calls for president's offensive from the north, led by
ouster likely to rise after the Islamist militant group Hayat
Tuhrir al-Sham, ignited opposi-
ill-fated martial law edict tion factions elsewhere in the
country. Syrian troops fled en
masse, according to Iraqi offi-
BY MICHELLE YE HEE LEE cials, who said at least 1,500 en-
ANO JULIE YOON tered Iraq.
Groups in the south seized
SEOUL - South Korean President Daraa., the birthplace of the 2011
Yoon Suk Yeol will remain in protest movement to oust Assad,
office even after bis extraordinary the southeastern city of Sweida
and ilHated attempt to impose and Quneitra, near the border
martial law last week, after the with Israel.
National Assembly on Saturd.ay HTS, which has made stunning
failed to pass a bill to impeach gains in the north over tbe past
him following a boycott by the week, said Saturday evening that
president's ruling party. its forces were conducting opera-
Yoon rescinded bis martial law tions inside Homs, Syria's third·
decree after only six hours largest city, around 90 miles
Wednesday when a majority in north of Damascus. Sham FM, a
the assembly - including 18 news radio station that backs
members ofhis conservative Peo- Assad, reported that the Syrian
ple Power Party - voted to over- military was "repositioning itself
turn it. But party lawmakers ral-
lied to support their president
Saturday night, apparently more
concerned about a retum to pro-
Drownings rose amid crackdown to the outskirts" of the city -
language it has u sed previously to
describe witbdrawals from cities
and towns that have fallen to the
gressive leadership than about Eagle Pass has become a focal point, for Texas border policy - and migrant deaths SEE SYRIA ON A16
Yoon's actions.
The motion required support lslamist takeover?: Rebels·
frum a lwo-lhird!:i majority, or 200 successes stoke U.S. fears. A15
votes, to pass. Because Yoon's F.AGLE PASS, TEXAS - Angelica had jour- 1ñisarti.cle is byArelisR. Hernández, trated.
party controls 108 of the 300 seats neyed with her parents, older brother, aunt MelissadelBosque, Sarah Cahlan, The news organiza.tions collected death
in the Democratic-controlled Na- and uncle by foot from South America Jack Sapoch, Charl.es Boutaud, records from every Texas county and Mexi·
cional Assembly, at least eight
lawmakers from bis party needed
to cross the aisle for the motion to
through a muddy jungle, ridden atop sooty
train cars and slept in noisy city plazas
hoping to reach the United States.
Monica Camacho and Míriam Ramírez can state that borders the Rio Grande since
2017, when President-elect Donald Trump
first took office pledging to crack down on
pass. Now it was dawn and the 4-year-old wrong. Panic set in. The Farías family illegal migration, to examine the effects of
On Saturday, ali but one PPP
lawmaker initially boycotted the
girl's family could see their destination
from across the Rio Grande. The adults
disappeared in to the water.
This stretch of the Rio Grande has be-
enforcement and migration policies on
asylum seekers, and whether these factors
teens, Al
vote by leaving the chamber.
Then two members returned to
cast their ballot. The speaker of
sent messages to relatives back in Ven-
ezuela befare stepping into the river with
the two children.
come a graveyard as the number of peo ple
dying while trying to cross rises. An investi-
gation by The Washington Post; Llght-
have increased drownings.
The data shows that at least 1,107 people
drowned trying to cross the river in the
bots actas
the National Assembly pleaded uva no aguantamos más," wrote Robiet house Reports, an investigative news or- seven years from 2017 to 2023. The deaths
with PPP members to retum,
saying it was critica! to South
Farias, Angelica's uncle, saying he could
not bear waiting anymore to enter the
ganization, and the El Universal newspa-
per in Mexico found that hundreds more
peaked in 2022 as the number of people
trying to enter the United States soared. A
a therapist
Korea's democratic process. United States. people have drowned than the U.S. and rising number of women were among the
But no other lawmaker re- The family held one another's hands and Mexican governments have reported. And dead. ln 2023, more than 1 in 10 drownings
turned to the chamber, forcing an formed a chain with other migrants cross- nowhere in Texas have more people died SEE BORDER ON AS
end to the vote three hours after ing the Rio Grande in Eagle Pass that than in Eagle Pass, where Republican Gov.
Despite known dangers,
members began casting ballots. November day in 2023. But as they got Greg Abbott's $11 billion border security Obstacle for Trump: Nearly half slated to companies offer artificial
Only 195 lawmakers cast ballots, deeper into the river, something went initiative, Operation Leme Star, is roncen- be deported can·t be, ICE data shows. A3
five short of the number needed
companions to millions
to open the ballot box and begin l\figrants wade i n to U.e Rio Grande in Eag1e Pass, Texas, on Sept. 28. N owhere in Texas h ave mor e p eople
counting. d ied Utan in Eagle Pass, wher e the b orde r security initiative ofGov. Gr eg Abbott ( R) is con centrat ed.

An array of popular apps are

offering Al companions to mil-

A 40-year war to curb federal power lions of predominantly female

users who are spinning up Al
girlfriends, Al husbands, Al ther-
apists - even Al parents - de-
Charles Koch's network helped usher in seismic ruling on Chevron deference spite long-standing warnings
from researchers about the po-
BY J USTIN JOUVENAL, boat captains upset by federal Chevron deference, which for 40 tential emotional toll of interact-
J ON S WAINE regulations that would soon re- years had required judges to give ing with humanlike chatbots.
AND ANN E . MARIMOW quire herring fishennen to pay federal agencies significant lati- While artificial intelligence
for onboard govemment moni- tude in implementing laws in companies struggle to convince
The 2019 Seafood Expo North tors. areas where Congress did not give the public that chatbots are es-
America in Boston featured an The outreach demonstrated specific guidance. sential business tools, a growing
oyster-shucking contest, whole the unusually broad coordination Other Supreme Court deci· audience is spending hours
squid on ice and sorne surprising by the Koch network to challenge sions last tenn garnered more building personal relationships
attendees: attorneys from the a bedrock legal precedent that attention, including on abortion with AL In September, the aver-
powerful political network of had touched many aspects of pills and presídential immunity. age user on the companion app
Charles Koch, a billionaire who American life - from drugs and But many legal experts say Chev- Character.ai spent 93 minutes
has spent decades and millions the environment to banking and ron could be one of the most per day talking to one of its
fighting government regulation. workplace safety. significant rulings ofthis genera- user-generated chatbots, often
They weren't there for the sea- That effort culminated in June tion beca use of its sweep. based on popular characters
food samples. They were fishing when the Supreme Court struck The legal precedent had been A w o rker inspects herring in New Bedford, Massachusetts. The from anime and gaming, accord-
for fishermen, seeking stories of down the principle known as SEE KOCH ON A6 p rincipie h ad required judges to give feder al agen cies wid e l atitude . SEE A I ON A17


D.C. Council renames Coppola, Ra itt among Karl Ove Knausgaard OBIT\JARIES. -···- --···--····-·-·····--···- ·-·C4
WORLD NEWS.-........·-····- -··· - ·-····- -·····A12
bil is to avoid scrutiny Kennedy Center shows us the books he OPINIOH PAGES--···- ·-- ·······-·--- -···.A1B

from Tru mp, Congress. honorees this weekend. laves (and hates).
COKfENT C 2024
TbtW~1111Pou / Year148.Ho.S4059
Georgia overcomes Lab-grown diamonds are Getting an airport Uber
Texas in overtime to win getti ng popular. See how has become an absolute
the SEC championsh ip. t hese gems are created . obstacle course. 0 1111 ~ ~IJ~~ll ~~~ltl~l 1117
[) oow JDN•s 1 N<-<~ • • • • • • • • SATU ROAY/ SUNOAY, OECEM BER 7 - 8, 2024 - VOL . CC LXXXIV NO. 135 WSJ.com U.5. Edition

What's Johs Rehound Eases Concerns Appeals

News November recovery line with expectations.
The S&P 500 and the Nas-
clase. That report was also
hurt by the Boeing strike,
change from a month earlier
Courl SayS
fo llows October pa in
Business~ Finance from hurricanes and
daq Composite both rose, hit-
ting records. The Dow Jones
which ended Nov. 5-early
enough for 33,000 returning N"ember
227,0 0 0
Industrial Average slipped workers to be counted in Fri- 500thousand
a st rike at Boeing day's report.
•A federal appeals court
ruled t hat TikTok can be BY JuSTIN LAHART
about 123 points, or 0.3%.
The report provided some-
thing of a relief, confirming
Economists polled by The
Wall Street Journal had ex-
banned in the U.S. over na- that October's softening was pected Friday's report to show
tiona l security concerns, up-
holding a federal law requir-
ing the popular socia l media
The labor market bounced
back last month, as workers
sidelined by storms got back
the result of storm and strike-
related distortions, rather than
a more fundamental weaken-
a gain of 214,000 jobs last
The largely as-expected re-
U.S. Ban
app to shed it s Chinese own- on the job and thousands of ing. The general picture is that port reinforced expectations A federal appeals court
ership to keep operating. Al striking Boeing employees re- the labor market has slowed that Federal Reserve policy- ruled Friday that TikTok can
turned to work. but is still doing well. makers will cut rates when be banned in the U.S. over na-
• The U.S. added a season-
ally adjusted 227,000 jobs in
The U.S. added a season- The October jobs count had they meet later this month. tional-security concerns, up-
November, the Labor Depart-
ally adjusted 227,000 jobs in been depressed by Hurricanes PleasetumtopageA2
November, the Labor Depart- Helene and Milton, which By Jacob Gershman,
ment reportee!, salid growth
that was roughly in Hne with
ment reported Friday, solid forced many businesses across + Nasdaq and S&P 500 hit Meghan Bobrowsky
growth that was roughly in the Southeast to temporarily record highs .......-.............. 810 and SarahE.
expectations. Al
• The S&P 500 and Nasdaq
rallied to set new records holding a federal law requir-
Friday following the jobs re- ing the popular social-media
port, adding 0.3% and 0.8%, app to shed its Chinese own-
respectively. The Dow ership to keep operating.
slipped 0.3%, and bond yields A three-judge panel in
and the dalla r fell. 810 Washington, o.e., said Con-
gress has the power to take
• Hong Kong has seen a
action against Tik.Tok to pro-
pickup in f undraising this
tect U,S. interests. The deci-
year even amida s lump in
initia l public offerings glob- sion relied heavily on warn-
ings from U.S. officials that
ally, but there is sorne skep-
the Chinese government can
ticism over whether that can
exert its will on the app's par-
be sustained. 810
ent company, Beijing-based
+ The Consumer Financia! ByteDance, potentially giving
Protection Bureau has sued it the ability to access U.S. us-
Comerica Bank over its al- ers' data and manipulate what
leged mistreatment of fed- they see on the platform.
eral benefits recipients. 810 The U.S. Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia
+ Consumer confidence Circuit rejected arguments by
surged this month on a bet·
TikTok and severa! of its star
ter assessment of the U.S.
users that the ban was an un-
economy, though opinions
constitutional infringement on
continued to diverge be·
free speech.
tween Repubticans and Dem-
"The First Amendment ex-
ocrats, with inflation expec·
tations also t icking higher. A4 ists to protect free speech in
the United States. Here the
Government acted solely to
protect that freedom from a
World- Wide foreign adversary nation and
to limit that adversary's ability
to gather data on people in the
+ Senate Republicans have United States," Judge Douglas
pushed back against Donald Ginsburg wrote for the court.
Trump's most controversia! The sell-or-ban law-signed
cabinet picks, but there are by President Biden in April-
limitsonhowfartheycan passed with bipartisan sup-
go without risklng political ANGER: Demonstrators protested in Seoul on Friday over President Yoon Suk Yeol's decis ion to briefly declare martial law. port after lawmakers received
self-dest ruction. A1 Yoon promi sed not to do s o again in an apology on Saturday morning. His wife has also been a lightning rod fo r criticism. A9 Please turn to page AB
+ The U.S. Naval Academy
can use race as a factor in
admissions, a federal judge
ruled, rejecting a bid to ex- TrumpPicks A 'Reverse Aging' Guru's EXCHANGE
tend the reach of a Supreme
Court ruling that banned the
practice at universities. A3 Force GOP Trail of Failed Businesses
+ Trump's nominee to lead
the NIH wants to take on
campus culture at elite uni- Senators
versities, wielding the power
of tens of billions of dollars
in scientific grants. A3 lnto a Test Harva rd geneticist Davi d Sinclair ai ms to develop treatm ents
fo r ag in g, but his compan ies have strugg led to deli ve r
+ The person of interest in
the killing of a UnitedHealth
Group executive has likely
OfLoyalty BYAMv OOCKSER MARCUS, Ail:x JANIN or have run only small-scale trials that make it
left New York City, said NYPD ANo SHANE SHIFFLETT difficult to know whether a drug will work
Commissioner Tisch. A3 WASHINGTON-Senate Re- Yet none of that has dented Sinclair's status
publicans made clear they Harvard geneticist David Sinclair's seduc- as the longevity business's brightest star and
+ The Agriculture Depart- won't rubber-stamp Donald tive notion that aging is a treatable disease chief salesman. Not only has he turned ideas
ment sald it would launch na· Trump's most controversial has helped companies he founded to raise from his own Harvard lab into commercial INSIDE INTEL
tional testing of cow's milk for cabinet picks, pushing another more than $1 billion. The investors have al- ventures, other entrepreneurs, attracted by his How a CEO
the presence of bird flu. A3 most nothing to show for it. clout with both consumers and other scien- destroyed $150 billion
+ Musk poured roughly a By Siobhan Hughes, Four companies trying to develop longevity tists, have brought him in as a co-founder of
Brian Schwartz and drugs have gone bankrupt or largely halted op- theircompanies. of value in
j quarter of a bil1ion dallar~
] into two pro·Trump polit 1cal Natalie Andrews erations. Another four either haven't yet Sinclair also has co-fotmded companies that four years. B1
~ groups during the recent tested their drugs or gene therapies in humans Please turn to page AJO
~ election cycle. A4 of the president-elect's
choices to the brink this week.
..!, + Syrian rebels were dosing But there are limits on how You Can Make $100 an Hour
!: in on Homs after seizing two
~other major cities in a ligh_t-
j ning offen~i~e that has re1g-
far they can go without risk-
ing political self-destruction. Scratching Someone's Back
Swift's Eras Tour
Senators' cool reception
l nited the c1v1I war. A6
{ + The danger of lran choos·
sank fonner Rep. Matt Gaetz's
bid for attorney general last
month, and now defense-sec- Pros say they provide service that is beyond
Was Taylor-Made
i] gence
:~~n~~:a~:~g~ ~huec~~- ~~=f¡¡~n
community said. A6
retary pick Pete Hegseth is
teetering due to allegations the reach of a spouse or wooden spoon To Upend Concerts
~ about sexual misconduct and
- ~~~~~~~ drinking. If the former Fox
~ News host and others stay in BY JosEPH PrsANI sleepy state, George said. "And BYNEILSHAH Swift ever again," said
NOONAN the running, skeptical GOP then," she adds, "we have Miranda Reinert, a host of the
A bipartisan slippage lawmakers have to decide When Toni George's clients other people that really give lf Taylor Swift were her music podcast Endless Scroll.
] in standards A13 whether they want to risk need relief, they visit her spa, sounds of ecstasy." own genre, she'd be bigger "l think Taylor is the last."
publicly rejecting the nomi- plunk down $130 and lay A small but growing field of than jazz. What transformed this 30-
i~~~~~~~ nees, touted by Trump as key down on her mas- ~ scratchers are mak- The pop-music sensation something country-turned-
i~~~~T~n_ 69 ~~~l~-~~
to shaking up the federal gov- sage table. George :, ing a living off accounts for nearly 2% of the pop singer into a musical de-
~:~s t:~~s ~~:/~~ ~~=~~·~ªi!s, hhe°!i!~~
ernment "swamp" but viewed U.S. music market, according ity? The Eras Tour.
~ iRs91 & D«oc.D8-9 SportS.....__Al4 · .
by critics as unfit. to data-tracker Luminate- The global, stadium-sized
~ =~~6~ ~~& Fashwln~~ "Pete's a fighter," said Sen. work. market of people more than any other artist. odyssey has fueled the most
~ He.ln:lonStreeL811 US.Nl'WS......_Al-4 Kevin Cramer (R., N.D.), who The 55-year-old - who will pay $100 Even in tcxiay's splintered me- inescapable, all-consuming

r¡·-1i 1l1l~1i
~~:~:r ~:;r ~~~~~ ·~ ~~ r:°~!tª~ ~~~~!~
says he thinks Hegseth is right dia landscape, where top acts music mania of the 21st cen-
for the job. "There's risk in all can go unnoticed by swaths of tury. Sunday, after five conti-
of it, given that it could go ei- nails across the di- Serious scratch or wooden spoon the public, she is a cultural nents, roughly 10 million tick-
ther way." ent's back, legs and will do for free. phenomenon on par with Mi- ets and revenue that could be
So far, no Senate Republi- arms. She works her way back Professionals contend chael Jackson in the 1980s around $2 billion, based on
Pleaseturn topageA4 up, scratching the scalp before they're not just scratching and the Beatles in the 1960s. ticket-sales figures from Wall
slipping the top of her nails itches. They say they're help- "I don't know that anyone Street Journal reporting, the
~ C 2024~~~~~~, lnc + Musk placed quarter·billion
dallar bet on Trump ___._.... A4
inside the ears.
Many customers drift into a
ing people achieve a level of
will ever be as famous or as trek finally comes to a clase
hugely successful as Taylor Please turn to page A2
UK íS.10; Republic of lreland €5.10

Gothic reviva!
Bringing a castle back to life
TheFT's25 HTSI

most injluential
leaders, creators

'Winning is everything'
Finding freedom Zaghari-Ratcliffe
Romania poll shares her ordeal behind bars in Iran
Melaren chief Zak Brown

scrapped after
Russian claims
• Alleged backing offar-right candidate
Christmas special
• Court orders rerun of first- round vote
The joy of tinsel and baubles
Rornania and its western allies. His first- HOUSE &HOME
round victory carne despiLe his daiming
Romania's Lop court has cancelled lo ha ve spenl "zero» on bis campaign,
tomorrow's presidentiaJ election follow- which pla yed out mainly on social
ing allegations that Russia used TikTok media. According to the documents,
to promoLethe leadingcandidaLe. 100 paid iníluencers with more than
The decision to scrap Lhe run-oIT vote Smn follower promoted Georgescu's
and annul the füst- round victory of pro- videos on TikTok. The video app said
Putin candMate calin Georgescu carne Lhisweekthatittookdown a "cluster" of
afte.r Romanian authorities pubUshed pro-Georgescu accounts.
documents this week indicating Mos- Romania's President K.laus Iohannis
cow sought to undennine the election. sought lo reassure investorS and allies in
"The electoral process for the election a Lelevised address lasl night, promising
of the president of Romania will be lo slay in office unlil a successor is
repeated in itsentirety," thecourtsaid. sworn in ... Romania is a stable a.nd
Opinion polis had given the far-right securecountty," hesaid.
Georgescu a comfortable lead over The ruling is the íirst time a western Merkel: liberalism at its worst
Elena Lasconi, tJie second-placed liberal court has inlervened to overturn an
presidential candJdate, ahead of the election because of an alleged Russian
Janan Ganesh
now-canceUed vote. Lasconi labelled attempttoswaytheresult. LIFE&ARTS
the court's decision "illegal, immoral", But it comes after a series of bids by
adding tJ1e ruling "crushes Lhe es ence Mo cow to in.fluence votes in countries
of democracy - the vote". She vowed to well beyond its traditional sphere of
stand again and win the presidency. inOuence.
Georgescu called the move .. a coup Maia Saadu, presiden! of neighbour-
d'étal", saying Romania "took democ- ing Moldova, secured re-election last
racyand trampledon it". lt wasalsocrit- month after what the country's officials
i<:ised by analysts and politicians. Cos- said was an attempt at vote-buying by
tin Ciobanu, an analysl al Denmark's Moscow-aligned politicians.
Aarhus University, said il raised "seri- The head of Germany's domestic
ous concerns abouL the strenglh o[ intelligence agency has aJso warned thaL
Romania1s institutions and democ:ra.cy". Russia may try to interfere in his coun- Nazanin Zaghari-Ratdiffe, wbo was imprisoned in Iran Cor six years, shares her insights into
Georgescu's recent rise has stunned tty's parliamentaryelection nextyear. how repressive states work - and how she escaped through books. Life & Arts essay a.nCJbe.Stmhlfl

Hitachi chair warns UK train factory

at risk unless HS2 northern leg revived
HARRY OEMPSEY ANO for Lhe first leg of HS2 and the longer- of HS2, which has been unaffected by
DAVID KEOHANE - TOKYO term uncertaintyoverdemand. tbe cancellation of the ex:tension.
PH ILIP GEORGIADIS - LOf\OON Former prime minister Rishi Sunak Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer yes-
The chairofJapan's Hitachi has warned cancelled the Birmingharn to Manches- terday said a new .t500mn order from
thatits UK train factoryisatriskunless ter leg of HS2 ayear ago dueto costs, First Group for 70 train cars wou ld help
Scottish estates face hard the government revives the north.e rn sparking outcry arnong regional leaders secure Newton Aycliffe's future and take
and businesses, who warned the exten- away "anx.iety» far workers. But whlle
times with grouse shoots leg of HS2 or launches other signillcant
sion wasvital foreconomicgrowth. the order, which is noL backed by gov-
infrastructure programmes nex:t year.
Grouse-shooting revenues this year While in opposition, the Labour party ernment funding, is a significanl boosL
could hardly be described as glorious. In an interview with the Financia! ruled out reviving the project - a posi- to the plant, iL will not be enough to fiU
Scottish estafes have held about Times, Tosbiaki Higashihara said 750 tion it has conlinued Lo hold since win- production gaps, people witb knowl -
30 days of driven-grouse shooting jobs at the Newton Aycliffe site near ning the election in juJy. However, in edge of the business said.
since the season kick:ed off on August Durham were under threat unless October, senior officials confirmed thal Higashihara said he had meL Starmer
12. Extreme. unpredictable weather has demand increased. ministers would launch a feasibility and discussed resurrect:ing the northern
createdchallengesacrosstherural "If [the northern leg] stays cancelled, study for an alLernative non-high-spced leg of HS2, which "would be betLer for
landscape, induding hitting the then the volume of work at Newton raiJ route north ofBirmingham. the development of the UK".
breeding success of ground-nesting Aycliffegoes down," he said. Hitachi, which employs 6,000 people The Departmenl for Transport said it
birds anda fall in population. In " tf the Labour goverrunenLdoesn'Lre- in Lhe UK, was one of Lhe companies set remaioed "fuUy committed Lo deliver-
addition, the industry is having to tace examine plans within one yeac, it'sgoing to benefit most from the high-speed raíl ing HS2 from Euston to Birmingham,
offcriticscallingforlandreform. to be a problem," he added, referring to project. Tbe group's joint venture with which is what Hitachi and AlsLom have
Estatesunder fjre t Pª GFJ the drop in demand before Hitachi French manufacturer Alstom received been contracted for rather than the
starts construction next year of trains an order for 54 trains for the fírst phase northernleg".

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Edición Madrid
3,50 euros
Fundado en 1976
Año XLIX Domingo
Número 17.300 EL PERI ÓDICO GLOBAL 8 de diciembre de 2024

Especial Navidad: Ana Mena tiene un plan

Los rebeldes
sirios llegan a
la periferia de
Damasco tras 11
días de ofensiva
La agencia oficial
desmiente que El Asad
haya huido de la capital
El régimen sirio se desmorona.
En 11 días, las fuerzas rebeldes lo-
cales han obligado al ejército de
Sachar el Asad a replegarse en
buena parte del territorio, se han
hecho con el control de ciudades
simbólicas como Homs o Daraa,
y han Uegado a las puertas de Da-
masco. La agencia oficial asegu-
ra que el presidente continúa en
la capital y desmiente así las in-
formaciones que aseguraban que
Emmanuel Macron saludaba a Dona Id Trump en presencia de su esposa, Brigitte Macron, ayer a las puertas de Notre Dame. c. PETITTESSON IEFEI había huido. - Ps v 1

Macron exhibe la grandeza de La Complutense

de Madrid, una

Notre Dame con un país en crisis universidad

en los huesos
• El presidente francés, aún sin Gobierno y con su liderazgo muy debilitado, inaugura la catedral Madrid
cinco años después del incendio• Trump y Zelenski acaparan el protagonismo en la ceremonia La Universidad Complutense de
Madrid se ahoga económicamen-
te. Lo acusan alumnos. profesores
DANIEL VERDÚ grande que nosotros que puede go ucranio, Volodímir Zelenski. nunca por el resultado de las y también el personal administra-
París desaparecer cada día", dijo Em- El presidente francés vive sus elecciones legislativas que ga- tivo y de limpieza, porque el tije-
Francia exhibió ayer ante el mun- manuel Macron durante los fas- horas más bajas. Cinco años des- nó la izquierda y acabó en un retazo afecta a ámbitos tan dis-
do con la inauguración de Notre tos de reapertura, a los que asis- pués del incendio que destruyó Gobierno conservador. "El ma - pares como las prácticas o el pre-
Dame la grandeur de la que no tieron el presidente electo de EE parte del templo gótico, su lide- cronismo ha muerto", señala un supuesto de limpieza. El campus
puede presumir hoy el macro- UU, Donald Trump, y su homólo- razgo est á más cuestionado que analista. El presidente francés en el que han estudiado siete de
nismo, y olvidó por unas horas el quiso convertir ayer la reaper- los ocho premios nobeles patrios,
bloqueo político que ha sumido Jean-Luc Mélenchon Líder de La Francia Insum isa tura de la nueva Notre Dame en ejemplo más dramático de la as-
al país en una grave crisis. "Nues- metáfora de su capacidad de re- fixia del sistema universitario pú-
tra catedral nos dice que somos "Macron terminará yéndose; no aguantará construirse. -1'2 A 5 blico español, se resiente y pierde
los herederos de un pasado más nombrando gobiernos cada tres meses" -EDITORIAL EN P18 alumnos y prestigio. -1'38 v 39

Isabel Rodríguez 500 números de Ideas Crónica

Minist ra de Vivienda
Los socios de
"La empresa Los 10 pensadores más Gobierno ignoran
estatal de
vivienda es
influyentes del mundo las denuncias de
inminente" De Slavoj Zizek a Martha Nussbawn o Byung-Chul Han, deAldama -P22 Y 23
sus obras han determinado el pulso del pensamiento
J. L. ARANDA / S. LÓPEZ LETÓN contemporáneo. El suplemento recoge su visión
Madrid Tribunales
La ministra de Vivienda, Isa-
bel Rodríguez, asegura que Judith Butler Fi lósofa Los agujeros en
la empresa estatal de vivien-
da será "realidad de forma in- "Si sacrificas a una minoría como las personas la declaración del
minente". - P34 v 35 trans, operas dentro de una lógica fascista" empresario -P24 v 25
111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~unbay 11111111111111111 1111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

gº~·~ng~\~$ mitl1!~
rule lets
skirt food
A decades-old system
allows producers to
determine whether an
ingredient is 'generally
recognized as safe.'

It's a Food and Drug Ad-

ministration rule that most
Americans know little
about, yet gives corpora-
tions the license to add po-
tentially hannful ingredl-
tory oversight or public no-
l 'hoto&rapha b)' BRIAN YAN DER Bau a Lol An1~k• Timu For decades, the FDA's
MINE SHAFTS in Randsburg in Kern County, where gold was discovered in 1895. Today it's called. a u living ghost town." "generally recognized as
safe," or GRAS, designation
has allowed food makers to
decide fo r themselves

A MOJAVE GOLD RUSH whether certain novel ingre-

dients are safe or not - even
without providing evidence
to agency scientists
Consumer advocates say

SPURS A LAND BOOM the system has allowed com-

panies to add harmfUl
chemlcals, including sus-
pected carcinogens, to such
products as cereals, baked
k the price of the metal hits record highs, prospectors are buying up goods, Ice cream, potato
chips and chewing gum.
claims in the desert. But it's real estate agents who have the sure bet. Now, President-elect
Donald Trump's nomina-
tion ofRobert F. Kennedy Jr.
By Jack Flemming to lead the Department of
Health and Human Services
lt'sabriskdayinJohannesburg,a demand Cor Randsburg·s craggy promises to elevate the is-
tlny mining town tucked among the land has been reawa.kened. sue. Although Kennedy's
Rand Mountains in the Mojave "The market is heating up," said penchant for ampllfying
Desert. David Treadwell, a real estate agent medica! conspiracies and
The landscape is vast and rug- based in Hemet. "'I get two, three his anti-vaccination activ-
ged, a mishmash of rock, dirt and leads per month on buyers looking ism have alarmed many
creosote bushes, swaths ar gray and for patented mine claims. If you ean public health experts, his
brown under a deep blue sky. The get the gold out or the ground, vow to crack down on che mi-
terrain appears completely un- there's moneyto be made." ca! additives in food has
touched by man, but acloser look re- Treadwell has carved out a niche resonated wit.h consumer
veals dozens of cavities pocked forhimselfin tite desert, sellingmul- health advocat.es.
across therollinghills. They looklike tiple gold-mining propertles over The problem, crttics say,
monst.er snake hales. the Iast few years. He helped his un- is that a GRAS determina-
Those curious hales are aban- cle sella47-acre property in 2017, buy- tion is supposed to follow a
doned mines, and they're driving a ing ad space in a local miningjoumal scientiflc assessment, ideal-
real-estate boomlet in a place that to spread the word. ly one conducted by inde·
hasn't had one in more than a cen- ENTREPRENEUR Sean Tucker founded a "From there, people would call pendent experts
tury. As the price ofgold climbs, the gold-mining opera.tion a mile from Randsburg. [See Gold, AS] Underthe Iaw, however, it.
is entirely optional for com-
panies to share their assess-
ments with FDA reviewers.
That means the FDA and
American consumers are in
the dark about hundreds of

Sorne health officials raise compounds in processed

"FDA carmot ensure the
safety of our food supply if

concern over Trump picks it does not know what is in

our food ," said Thomas
Galligan, principal scientist
for food additives and sup-
plements at the Center for
Vaccine skeptics may soon be shaping federal policy Sctence in the Publlc lnter-
pivota! in combating the infectious threats When the agency does
then-raging pandemic. There's Robert F. Ken- learn about a new com-
But as his second admin- nedy Jr., Trump's pick to pound, it evaluates tite com-
President Trump once istration takes shape, sorne Iead the u.s. Department or pany's safety report to see
celebrated the COVID-19 are sounding the alann re- Health and Human Serv- whetheritagrees.IfFDAsci-
MTtJ NO J. CH ON l.uaAn &f'U.& Tlmff vaccines relee.sed at the end garding Trump's picks to ices, who has called the entists see problems and re-
WORK begins on a $24-million apartment and rete.il ofhis flrst tenn as "one ofthe Iead major public health COVID-19 vaccine the "dead- quest additional informa-
building at Crenshaw Bouleva.rd e.nd 54th Street. greatest achievements of agencies, concemed that the liest vaccine ever made" and tion, the company doesn't
mankind," echoing the sen- nominees' skepticism, ifnot said that "titere's no vaccine have to provide it. It can

Old gives way to new timents ofmainstream med-

ica! omcials who praised
their rapid development as
hostility, toward vaccines
could jeopardize the na-
tion's ability to respond to
that is, you know, safe and
[See Public hcalth, A9]
simply withdraw its GRAS
notice and use the ingred.1·
[See FDA, A10]

but stays in the family

been demolished to make Butler prepares The essence of
Black siblings choose room for something new. to exit Senate dining in L.A.
But the mundane scene Bla.ck LGBTQ+ Demo- Our annual dining guide
to develop site of belied an unusual story in crat will be succeed.ed. by is included in today's
their mother's shops Los Angeles real estate: In- Schiff e.mid the heated. newspaper for print
stead or selllng it, a Black
instead of selling ir. family with deep roots in
deba.te over identity subscribers. lt is also
politics. CALIFORNIA, B1 ava.ilable for purcha.se a.t
South LA chose to hold on latimes.com/store.
BY ROOER VINCENT to a property they•ve owned Galaxy capture
for decades and develop it Weather
The comer lot at Cren- themselves into a $24-mil· sixth MLS Cup Notaswa.rm.
shaw Boulevard and 54th lion apartment and retail Ste.r forwa.rds Paintsil L.A. Ba.sin: 70/ 50. B8
Street looks like any other building and Joveljic score goals
For the latest news,
construction site. Inside the They marked their prog- in the firsthalfina.2-1
go to latim.es.com.
chain-link fence encircling ress with a formal ground- win over the New Yor k

thc propcrty, nn cxcnvntor brcllking ccrcmony Thurs- R ed Bulls. SPORTS, D1
Iast week was moving a pile day, arare instance ora ml-
of rubble - the Iast remains
of an old building that had
nority property owner par-
[See Crenshaw, A 7J
=~y~~~~~ o 7 9

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Download now to experience all of The Time s.
Borensztein Kirschbaum Fioriti VanderKooy


Milei echó a la
Investigan cientos de jefa de la ex AFIP
y dice que fue
viajes y propiedades por un impuesto
a los intluencers
del senador detenido El Gobierno desplazó a Florencia
Misrahi de la titularidad de la ARCA,
el organismo recaudador que reem-
plazó a la AFIP. Asumirá en ese pues-
to Juan Pazo, un hombre del minis-
Edgardo Kueider nunca declaró departamentos ante el Estado entrerriano. tro Luis Caputo. Misrahi no había re-
ducido su salario de más de 30 millo-
La Justicia paraguaya cree que el legis- Ciudad del Este. Los registros migrato- bién fue a Colombia y a Estados Uni- nes de pesos como le pidió el Gobier-
lador peronista sorprendido con más rios indican que en los últimos diez dos cuatro veces. Una empresa que se no. La Casa Rosada dijo que fue
de 200 mil dólares no declarados en la años Kueider pasó la frontera con Uru- le adjudica tiene departamentos en echada porque ARCA anunció que
Triple Frontera iba a comprar un de- guay 119 veces, 23 con Brasil y 11 con Entre Ríos, pero Kueider nunca los de- gravará la actividad de influencers y
partamento en un barrio privado de Paraguay, seis de ellas este año. Tam- claró ante el Fisco de su provincia. P.& streamers en las redes sociales. P.1s

Ajuste muy duro,

dólar quieto y la
inflación en baja,
en un año de
gestión libertaria
Javier Milei cumplirá el martes un año
en la Casa Rosada. Llegó con la prome-
sa de bajar la inflación, y consiguió re-
ducirla hasta menos de 3 por ciento
mensual, que es el número de noviem-
bre que podría anunciarse esta sema-
na. La brecha entre el dólar oficial y el
blue desapareció. A su vez, el durísimo
ajuste fiscal se sintió mucho en la pri-
mera mitad del año, pero la recesión ya
está dejando paso al rebote. P.20

Perdió Vélez, todo

se define en la
última fecha y hay
tres equipos en
la pelea por el título
La caída del líder en Santa Fe ante
Unión (1-0) prolongó la definición del
campeonato. Le lleva 3 puntos a Talle-
Mar del Plata le da En la principal ciudad turística argen-
tina se preparan para un verano 2025
empresarios marplatenses en los dis-
tintos rubros quieren seguir apostan-
res, que hoy visita a Gimnasia. Y tam-
bién Huracán -que está a 5- intentará
pelea a Brasil con un marcado por el éxodo de turistas al ex- do a los jóvenes, que en los últimos acercarse mañana, al enfrentar a Pla-
terior tentados por el dólar barato. Pa- años redescubrieron la ciudad y reno- tense. Racing quedó sin chances al per-
llamado a los sub-30 ra defenderse frente a la tendencia, los varon la cara de sus playas. P.42 der anoche ante Central Córdoba. P.54

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