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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of

Master of Business Administration




Accredited with Grade “A” by NAAC I 12B Status by UGC I Approved by AICTE
Jeppiaar Nagar, RAJIV GANDHI SALAI, CHENNAI - 600 119

April - 2021
Accredited with “A” grade by NAAC I 12B Status by UGC I Approved by AICTE
Jeppiaar Nagar, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Chennai – 600 119



This is to certify that this Project Report is the bonafide work of

S. ARAVIND (39410021) who have done the Project work entitled A Study on

Consumer Buying Behaviour towards Green Products under my supervision from

December 2020 to February 2021.

Internal Guide External Guide

Dean – School of Business Administration

Submitted for Viva voce Examination held on _______________.

Internal Examiner External Examiner


I S. Aravind 39410021 hereby declare that the Project Report entitled A STUDY ON
under the guidance of Dr. BHUVANESWARI G. is submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of Master of Business Administration degree.




I am pleased to acknowledge my sincere thanks to Board of Management of

SATHYABAMA for their kind encouragement in doing this project and for completing it

successfully. I am grateful to them.

I convey my sincere thanks to Dr. BHUVANESWARI G., Dean, School of Business

Administration and Dr. PALANI A., Head, School of Business Administration for providing

me necessary support and details at the right time during the progressive reviews.

I would like to express my sincere and deep sense of gratitude to my Project Guide

Dr. BHUVANESWARI G. for his/her valuable guidance, suggestions and constant

encouragement paved way for the successful completion of my project work.

I wish to express my thanks to all Teaching and Non-teaching staff members of the School

of Business Administration who were helpful in many ways for the completion of the




1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Industry Profile 2
1.3 Company Profile 3
1.4 Need for the Study 6
1.5 Scope and Significance of Study 6
1.6 Objectives of the Study 6
1.7 Limitations of the Study 7
2.1 Review of Literature 8
3.1 Research Design 18
3.2 Sampling Technique 18
3.3 Sources of Data 18
3 3.4 Structure of Questionnaire 18
3.5 Sample Size 18
3.6 Period of Study 18
3.7 Hypothesis 19
3.8 Analytical Tools 19
4.1 Percentage Analysis 20
4 4.2 Correlation Analysis 54
4.3 ANOVA 58
4.4 T - Test 61
5.1 Findings of the Study 65
5.2 Suggestions 68
5.3 Conclusion 68
APPENDIX – I (Questionnaire) 73
APPENDIX – II (Article) 81

The model that integrated the value attitude behaviour hierarchy and the theory of
planned behaviour had the highest fit with both sets of data than other models of
consumers' environmental attitudes and eco-friendly product purchase intentions,
according to survey data collected in vadalur. The attributes of green products have the
greatest influence on purchasing behaviour and customer satisfaction. The goal of this
paper was to better understand the factors that influence consumer purchasing of green
products. According to the study, demographic factors have no influence on green
product purchasing behaviour. A consumer's purchasing behaviour is determined by his
or her level of satisfaction with the product. Incorporating the effects of various types of
perceived values of eco-friendly products (e.g., environmental, functional, and economic
values) into the model did not improve model fit, despite the fact that the environmental
value of the products had significant interaction effects with some of the non-
environmental values.
Keyword: Eco – friendly, Survey, Green Products, Demographic factors, Consumer



4.1.1 Showing Gender wise classification of respondents 20
4.1.2 Showing Age wise classification of respondents 21
4.1.3 Showing Marital Status wise classification of respondents 22
4.1.4 Showing Qualification wise classification of respondents 23
Showing Work Experience wise classification of
4.1.5 24
Showing respondents that being environmentally friendly is
4.1.6 25
Showing that respondents buying eco-friendly approved
4.1.7 26
Showing that respondents purchase green products more
4.1.8 27
than common products
Showing that respondents buying the products based on
4.1.9 28
info given in product’s package
Showing that respondents pay excess money for green
4.1.10 29
Showing respondents concern about the environment
4.1.11 30
impact your daily decisions or purchases
4.1.12 Showing respondents about recycle 31
Showing respondents required to provide their own
4.1.13 32
shopping bags at grocery stores
4.1.14 Showing respondents about banning plastic shopping bags 33
Showing respondents constructed their building using
4.1.15 34
required guidelines that concerning the environment
4.1.16 Showing respondents having a hybrid or eco-friendly car 35
4.1.17 Showing respondents used green products before 36
Showing respondents believing that green products are
4.1.18 37
more expensive than non-green products
Showing respondents believing that the price of green
4.1.19 38
products affects my decision to purchase
Showing respondents believing that the quality of green
4.1.20 39
products affects my decision to purchase
Showing respondents believing that green products are of
4.1.21 40
better quality than non-green products
Showing respondents recommended their green products
4.1.22 41
to friends based on their quality
Showing respondents switched to green products if it
4.1.23 42
available more in local store
Showing respondents switched to green products if it
4.1.24 43
available more for discount coupons in local store

Showing respondents more likely to buy a certain product
4.1.25 44
because it has a brand name
Showing respondents will recycle electronic devices or e-
4.1.26 45
waste as opposed to discarding them as trash
Showing respondents will recycle electronic devices or e-
4.1.27 46
waste if there is an easy way
Showing respondents had the choice of discarding an old
4.1.28 47
electronic device I would use a drop-off recycling facility
Showing respondents would recycle electronic devices if
4.1.29 48
more drop-off recycling facilities were available in my area
4.1.30 Showing respondents can recognize green product by
packaging color, size and shape
4.1.31 Showing respondents think of green label first when thinking
of green products
4.1.32 Showing respondents that products with green packaging
are more attractive
Showing that respondents would like to pay more for a
4.1.33 product if the packaging is less harmful to the environment 52
and human
4.1.34 Showing a respondent purchasing product that has enough
information and instruction on the packaging
4.2.1 Showing respondents had the choice of discarding an old
electronic device
Showing respondents can recognize green product by
4.2.2 55
packaging color, size and shape
Showing that respondents pay excess money for green
4.2.3 56
Showing respondents switched to green products if it
4.2.4 57
available more in local store
Showing that respondents buying eco-friendly approved
4.3.1 58
Showing respondents that products with green packaging
4.3.2 59
are more attractive
Showing that respondents pay excess money for green
4.3.3 60
Showing that respondents buying eco-friendly approved
4.4.1 61
Showing respondents that products with green packaging
4.4.2 62
are more attractive
Showing respondents believing that green products are
4.4.3 63
more expensive than non-green products
Showing respondents that think of green label first when
4.4.4 64
thinking of green products



4.1.1 Showing Gender wise classification of respondents 20
4.1.2 Showing Age wise classification of respondents 21
4.1.3 Showing Marital Status wise classification of respondents 22
4.1.4 Showing Qualification wise classification of respondents 23
4.1.5 Showing Work Experience wise classification of 24
4.1.6 Showing respondents that being environmentally friendly is 25
4.1.7 Showing that respondents buying eco-friendly approved 26
4.1.8 Showing that respondents purchase green products more 27
than common products
4.1.9 Showing that respondents buying the products based on 28
info given in product’s package
4.1.10 Showing that respondents pay excess money for green 29
4.1.11 Showing respondents concern about the environment 30
impact your daily decisions or purchases
4.1.12 Showing respondents about recycle 31
4.1.13 Showing respondents required to provide their own 32
shopping bags at grocery stores
4.1.14 Showing respondents about banning plastic shopping bags 33
4.1.15 Showing respondents constructed their building using 34
required guidelines that concerning the environment
4.1.16 Showing respondents having a hybrid or eco-friendly car 35
4.1.17 Showing respondents used green products before 36
4.1.18 Showing respondents believing that green products are 37
more expensive than non-green products
4.1.19 Showing respondents believing that the price of green 38
products affects my decision to purchase
4.1.20 Showing respondents believing that the quality of green 39
products affects my decision to purchase
4.1.21 Showing respondents believing that green products are of 40
better quality than non-green products
4.1.22 Showing respondents recommended their green products 41
to friends based on their quality
4.1.23 Showing respondents switched to green products if it 42
available more in local store
4.1.24 Showing respondents switched to green products if it 43
available more for discount coupons in local store

4.1.25 Showing respondents more likely to buy a certain product 44
because it has a brand name
4.1.26 Showing respondents will recycle electronic devices or e- 45
waste as opposed to discarding them as trash
4.1.27 Showing respondents will recycle electronic devices or e- 46
waste if there is an easy way
4.1.28 Showing respondents had the choice of discarding an old 47
electronic device I would use a drop-off recycling facility
4.1.29 Showing respondents would recycle electronic devices if 48
more drop-off recycling facilities were available in my area
4.1.30 Showing respondents can recognize green product by 49
packaging color, size and shape
4.1.31 Showing respondents think of green label first when thinking 50
of green products
4.1.32 Showing respondents that products with green packaging 51
are more attractive
4.1.33 Showing that respondents would like to pay more for a 52
product if the packaging is less harmful to the environment
and human
4.1.34 Showing a respondent purchasing product that has enough 53
information and instruction on the packaging



1.1. Introduction

Indian literate and concrete client is obtaining additional aware of the deserves of green
product merchandise. However, it's still a replacement construct for the lots. The buyer
must be educated and created tuned in to the environmental threats. The new green
movements got to reach the lots which can take tons of your time and energy. By India’s
piece of writing heritage, Indian shoppers do appreciate the importance of exploitation
natural and seasoning beauty merchandise. Indian client is exposed to healthy living
lifestyles like yoga and natural food consumption. In those aspects the buyer is already
aware and can be inclined to simply accept the green product merchandise.

Asian country is already one in all the biggest economies within the world, and can
continue its speedy urbanization and economic development over ensuing few
decades. This is often a cause for celebration, however one tempered by the popularity
of challenges this growth presents: rising consumption and demand for energy, increasing
greenhouse emissions, and constraints on essential natural resources like land, water,
and oil. Like all alternative countries, Asian country must realize how to confirm energy
and atmosphere property while not compromising its economic and social development.
Despite India’s robust policy framework and a few successes, environmental degradation
has not been inactive on an outsized scale. While method continues within the full speed
across the worlds, this method has additionally brought some issues with it.

Leading one in all these issues are environmental issues that have an effect on all living
beings negatively. These aforesaid environmental issues have begun to return to the
agenda additional and additional on the recent years and folks have started worries
concerning the longer term of the planet and as results of this principally like
environmentally friendly merchandise. In returns to those attitudes of the shoppers,

corporations have begun to form of their promoting methods therefore, on attractiveness
increasing awareness of this environment-friendliness. These promoting methods,
named as green product promoting, have caused corporations to adopt inexperienced
policies in their evaluation, promotion, product options and distribution activities.

Taking into thought that corporations or socio-economic entities, it can’t be expected that
they continue to be unresponsive to the "Environmental Awareness that will direct client
behaviours. Significantly promoting managers encounters with shoppers wise to
environmental problems. The recent perception on, however businesses or institutions
with no alternative objectives. However, to profit leaves its place speedily to a
replacement perception that defines corporations as institutions that or wise to social
issues. Aside from manufacturing atmosphere friendly merchandise and choosing
environment — friendly markets, primarily understanding of “Environmentally Friendly” is
needed to be integrated into the company culture.

1.2. Industry Profile

In India, the concept of Green Marketing has been utilizing right from the use of biogas in
the Villages to using environment-friendly products like bamboo furniture, CFL, etc. In
fact, the Pottery made from earthenware and the use of traditional Surahi and Matka for
drinking cool water Rather than the refrigerator is another motivating example not only
this most of all sectors are implementing green products for future well-being. Utilize of
steel utensils which is reusable, rather than disposable plates can also be viewed as a
green initiative. The use of Coolers rather than air conditioners goes a long way in
reducing the carbon footprint. However, these traditional items seem to be gradually
losing their sheen, with more and more people Using modern gadgets and gizmos.
According to Google report 2007 on a comparative basis and supplementary searches
for green Marketing originated from India and any other country from International Journal
of Research in Finance & Marketing. If companies are charging a premium for their
product and many environmentally preferable Products cost more due to economies of
scale and use of higher-quality ingredients, make sure that consumer can afford the
premium and feel it’s worth it. The rural marketers give their customers an Opportunity to
participate this means personalizing the benefits of your environmentally friendly
performance, usually through leasing the customers take part in positive environmental
action. Taken by Some Companies in India. Many companies in India are adopting green
for capturing market opportunity of green Marketing. Listed below are examples of some
Indian companies which have taken a green Initiative. This shows a loyalty of companies
as a part of their corporate social liability or otherwise to do something valuable in this
direction. Idea Cellular is implemented its national campaign “Use Mobile” and “Save
Paper”. The company Organized Green Pledge campaigns to save paper and trees. Idea
decorated bus shelters with potted plants and tendril climbers to communicate the green

1.3. Company Profile

Nokia’s policy is to reduce the environmental impact of its products. It has taken the
proposal to take back, recover useful materials and organize of waste in a manner that
causes least harm to the environment. IBM is selling green solutions to corporate data
centers where energy constraints and costs are limited their capability to grow with the
undertake that the energy costs would be reduced by half. Wipro InfoTech (Green It) was
India's first company to launch environment sociable Computer peripherals for the Indian
market. Wipro has launched a new variety of desktops and laptops called Wipro Green
ware. These products are RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) compliant thus
reducing e-waste in the environment. Samsung offers a host of eco-friendly products. It
was the first to launch eco-friendly Mobile handsets (made of renewable materials) –
W510 and F268-in India. Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited (TNPL)was awarded
the Green Business Leadership Award in the pulp and paper sector for the year 2009-10,
based on the EVI (Emergent Ventures of India) Green Business Survey conducted by
Financial Express and Emergent Ventures of India. This was given in recognition of two
clean development mechanism projects implemented by the EVI. There are number of
Opportunities of green marketing in India, around 25 percent of the consumers prefer
environmental-friendly products and appears that all types of consumers, both individual
and industrial are suitable more concerned and aware about the natural situation. Firm’s
marketing goods with environmental distinctiveness have realized an aggressive
advantage over firms marketing non-environmentally accountable alternatives. There are
many examples of firms who have strived to become more environmentally accountable
in a challenge to better satisfy their consumer requirements. For Example, the Surf Excel
detergent and powder which saves water Social liability playing through many firms are
starting to realize that they are members of the wider society and therefore must behave
in an environmentally accountable fashion. This translates into firms that believe they
must attain environmental objectives as well as profit associated objectives. This results
in environmental issues being incorporated into the firm's corporate culture. Firms in this
position can take two perspectives: 1) they can use the information that they are
environmentally accountable as a marketing tool; or 2) they can become accountable
without promoting this fact. The HSBC was the world's first bank to go carbon-neutral last
year. Other examples consist of Coca-Cola which has invested in different recycling
activities. Walt Disney World in Florida, US, has a widespread waste management
program and infrastructure in place. There are number of governmental forces of the
companies such as; Governmental regulations connecting to green marketing are
considered to save from harm consumers in several ways, decrease production of risky
goods or by-products, amend consumer and industry's use and/or utilization of risky
goods, ensure that all types of consumers have the capability to assess the environmental
composition of goods. These governmental systems are considered to control the number
of dangerous wastes produced by firms. Many products of production are controlled
through the issuing of different environmental licenses, thus modifying organizational
activities. In some cases, governments try to encourage final consumers to become more
liable. For example, some governments have introduced intended curb-side recycling
programs, making it easier for consumers to take action sensibly. In other cases,
governments tax individuals who act in an irresponsible fashion. The Indian government
has to industrial structure of legislations to decrease the production of risky goods. These
are diminishing the industry's production and consumers' consumption of damaging
goods, as well as those harmful to the environment; for example, the prohibited of plastic
bags in Mumbai, prohibition of smoking in community areas etc. There are many lessons
to be learned to keep away from green marketing myopia the short version of all this is
that effective green marketing requires applying good marketing principles to make green
products more sustainable services will depend on credibly communicating and delivering
consumer-desired value in the market. Only then will product dematerialization push
business onto a more sustainable path.

Some of the opportunities in the green marketing trends:

Landscaping professionals can now focus on reducing pesticides and chemical fertilizer
while returning valuable organic material to the soil through composting and mulching.

Energy Auditing can help home and business owners reduce monthly bills and lower
reliance on the traditional energy grid. Increasingly in demand, efficiency experts help
modernize and green existing structures.

Cleaning Services provide traditional services with eco-friendly products and processes.
Opportunities exist for pet cleaners, maids, car washes and more.

Solar Installations are growing as panels are becoming smaller and more efficient. From
rooftop installs to small data transmitters to decorative displays, solar energy use is one
the rise.

Restaurants using fresh organic produce are serving up nutritious meals in

environmentally efficient settings to attract health-conscious consumers.

Home Improvement can be a combination of several services such as increased energy

efficiency or the use of environmentally-friendly building materials.

Organic Food Production can take place on large and small scales. Franchisees focus on
installation and cultivation within homes, schools and businesses.
Printer Ink Recycling franchisees provide a valuable service to their community while
significantly reducing environmental waste.

1.4 Need for the Study

The problem states that encouraging environmentally friendly goods and a sustainable
world where consumers can say that.
Business now-a-days flaunt the “green” attributes of their goods and services in virtually
every sector at every opportunity they have.
This research was carried out to understand the factors that affect the buyer’s decision to
buy green products at vadalur.

1.5 Scope and Significance of Study

The present study is an in-depth study confined to green products. The green products
defined paper made products, jute products, solar products, CFL bulbs, paper plates /
leaves and coir products and products which are eco-friendly. Thus, the present study
would focus on consumers buying behavior towards selected green products in vadalur.
Studies reporting the effect of demographic variables were beyond the scope of the
paper. Studies were collected by gathering information through Questionnaire.

1.6 Objectives of the Study

1.6.1 Primary Objective:

• To study the buying behavior of the respondents towards green products at

1.6.2 Secondary Objective:

• To examine the buying motives and the level of awareness of the consumers
towards green products.
• To study the factors that influences the willingness of consumers in the purchase
of green products.
• To offer various suitable suggestion to increase the usage of green products.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

For this research, the authors tried to be very systematic and accurate in selecting
articles, but some shortcomings remain that could be overcome by future studies. The
variables identified may have different impacts on individuals from different cultural and
social backgrounds. Focus on exploring additional factors influencing/causing the
reported inconsistency in green purchase behavior and identifying the influence of factors
that have been studied comparatively less in extant literature.



Ben-Akiva, M. and Lerman, S. (1985) says that modeling travel behavior could be a key
facet of demand analysis, wherever combination demand is that the accumulation of
individuals’ choices. during this chapter, we tend to specialize in “short-term” travel
choices. the foremost necessary short-run travel choices embody selection of destination
for a non-work trip, selection of travel mode, selection of point in time and selection of
route. it's necessary to notice that short-run choices are conditional on long travel and
quality choices like automobile possession and residential and work locations.

Anderson, R.C. and Hansen, E.N. (2004) is states that’s objectives of this explorative
study were to: 1) verify the relative importance of 5 wood CD rack product attributes; and
2) determine demographic and psychographic variables related to the respondents WHO
rated environmental certification because the most significant attribute in forming their
product preferences. The results indicate that respondents viewed environmental
certification as a good product attribute. though our sample wasn't representative of the
final population, these results give insight concerning potential selling implications. First,
since environmental certification was a comparatively unimportant purchase call criterion
for the common respondent, CFPs marketed in thought distribution channels. However,
since disposition to pay was greatest among those that placed the best importance on
environmental certification, CFP value premiums is also potential through market

Furlow, N.E. (2009) in her article has given the standing of the market currently flooded
with “green products” that are literally dishonorable within the name of atmosphere
protection. Within the wake of attracting an inexperienced audience, corporations usually
use claims that sound atmosphere friendly, however are literally imprecise, and now and
then is also false. As a result, “Green washing” has become commonplace within the

marketplace. The priority over inexperienced laundry isn't solely that it misleads
shoppers, however conjointly that if unscrupulous marketers still claim to be
environmentally friendly, then corporations faithful their environmental mission lose their
aggressiveness. Additionally, overuse and misuse of the “green” claims will saturate the
market to the purpose that the greenness of the merchandise might become nonsensical
to the patron. In the end, inaccurate environmental selling won't solely hurt shoppers and
corporations, however it'll conjointly hurt our surroundings. Environmental claims should,
therefore, be honest, sincere and a mirrored image of the organization’s mission.

Ali, A., Khan, A.A., Ahmed, I. & Shahzad, W. (2011) in their analysis
article has examined the Pakistani consumers‟ intention to shop for environmentally
friendly product. The prime focus of this analysis paper was to look at and investigate the
hypothesized relationship between predictor and criterion variable i.e., inexperienced
purchase angle (GPA) and inexperienced purchase intention (GPI). The second was to
see the link of criterion variable and outcome variable i.e., inexperienced purchase (GPI)
intention and inexperienced purchase behavior (GPB). The third objective was to
determine the alleviative impact of perceived product value, and quality (PPP&Q). The
tests unconcealed there's not solely a correlational statistic between criterion
and GPI however conjointly a person’s criterion had a major impact on his GPI.
Similarly, GPI is absolutely related to with GPB. The results have shown that buyers with
intentions to shop for inexperienced product exhibit higher actual shopping for rates than
those that demonstrate no intention of shopping for. The upper the offerings of
inexperienced product with competitive value and quality as compared to ancient product,
the stronger the link between purchase intention and get behavior.

Tiwari (2016) in her study entitled, "Green selling in India: associate degree
Overview", increasing awareness on the varied environmental issues has crystal rectifier
a shift within the means shoppers acts their life. There has been an amendment in
shopper attitudes towards an inexperienced life-style. Folks are actively attempting to
scale back their impact on the atmosphere. However, this is often not widespread and
remains evolving. Organizations and business but have seen this modification in shopper
attitudes and try to achieve a footing within the competitive market by exploiting the
potential within the inexperienced market business. Within the epoch of economic
process, it's become a challenge to stay the shoppers in fold and even keep our natural
atmosphere safe which is the biggest want of the time. Inexperienced selling could be a
development that has developed explicit importance within the trendy market and has
emerged as a very important conception in Republic of India as in different components
of the developing and developed world, and is seen as a very important strategy of
facilitating property development. During this analysis paper, main stress has been
fabricated from conception, want and importance of inexperienced
selling. Knowledge has collected from multiple sources of proof, additionally to books,
journals, websites, and newspapers. It explores the most problems in adoption of
inexperienced selling practices. The paper describes the present situation of Indian
market and explores the challenges have with inexperienced selling.

Khan and Mohsin (2017) in their paper entitled, "The power of emotional value:
Exploring the consequences of values on inexperienced product shopper selection
behavior", victimization the speculation of consumption values, this analysis proposes to
explore the patron selection behavior for inexperienced product in The
Asian country. Purposeful price (price and quality), social price, conditional price,
epistemological price, and emotional price and environmental price were accustomed
study the patron selection behavior for inexperienced product. It conjointly gauges the
extent to that emotional price moderates the impact of different consumption values on
inexperienced product shopper selection behavior. Supported a sample of 260
respondents, the results indicate that purposeful price (price), social price and
environmental price has a positive impact on inexperienced product shopper selection
behavior, whereas conditional price and epistemological price has a negative
impact. Purposeful price (quality) and emotional price don't influence inexperienced
product shopper selection behavior. As a moderator, emotional price
contains an important impact on the role of purposeful price, social price, conditional
price, epistemological price and environmental price. This confirms and considerably

adds to the literature of inexperienced product shopper selection behavior during a
developing market.

Antil, J.H. (1984) says that ethics are vital thing about these days business. the aim of
this paper to search out the case within which client behaves unethically in Asian nation.
The study shows that completely different customers behave otherwise in term of moral
purpose of read. Our study shows that customers similar in terms of autocracy they show.
Limitation during this paper is that the study was conducted solely in metropolis. Another
downside is that time; disposition and mood of the purchasers conjointly have an effect
on the responses. this can be associate wildcat analysis and therefore the results aren't
claimed to be generalized. So, the additional analysis ought to be created on social and
political issues that have an effect on the moral behaviors and take a look at to generalize
the results.

Balderjahn, I. (1988) states that an off-the-cuff model of ecologically involved customers

is analyzed by the LISREL approach. Demographic, socioeconomic, cultural,
temperament, and attitudinal variables are specific to predict 5 completely different
patterns of ecologically accountable consumption. The results recommend that every
activity pattern has its own cluster of predictors, though the ecologically involved client
belongs to the higher social categories. The results given will offer a foundation for market
segmentation methods and for instructional programs of policy manufacturers.

Bigsby, H. and Ozanne, L.C. (2002) states that we tend to analytically study a offer chain
model wherever a manufacturer produces a inexperienced product and sells it to the tip
customers through a merchant. we tend to formulate the analytical model as a
Stackelberg game. we tend to derive and compare the equilibria underneath 3 business
situations, as well as decentralized offer Chain with Non-information Sharing (Scenario
N), decentralized offer Chain with data Sharing (Scenario I), and Centralized offer Chain
(Scenario C). we tend to provide social control suggestions to the manufacturer and
therefore the merchant on a way to promote the inexperienced merchandise and bring
home the bacon structure property goals. we tend to conjointly analytically illustrate a way
to coordinate the channel, and highlight the crucial role contend by data within the
inexperienced product offer chain.

Banyte, J., Brazioneine, L. & Gadeikiene, A. (2010) in their article has given the
interpretation of the conception of an inexperienced shopper supported the investigation
of each foreign and Lithuanian scientific works. Once describing an inexperienced
shopper, its profile is generalized within the article. It encompasses each demographic
and psychographic activity characteristics of a shopper. The article has introduced the
findings of inquiry into the demographic and psychographic activity profiles of feminine
shoppers of eco-friendly food product in the Baltic State. So as to decide on effective
solutions of inexperienced selling, it's necessary to analyze their numerous
characteristics (demographic and psychographic) as solely knowing inexperienced
shopper attributes, their temperament and life-style, the motives to shop for ecological
product, quality and angle. The survey was conducted with one hundred and five girls, all
shopping for eco-friendly food product with the assistance of a form. It was detected that
four-hundredth of the respondents are to be attributed to less devoted inexperienced
shoppers per their disposition to contribute to environmental conservation. Although they
were involved concerning the environmental problems, they were too busy to alter their
life-style. Majority of respondents same they continually browse the labels of eco-friendly
food product and study their marking in search of knowledge. Such shoppers were found
to be having an associate degree expressed ought to amendment. Half the respondents
attributed themselves to the kind of health
fanatics regarding motives. Additional educated shoppers understand environmental
problems higher and are additional sensitive to them. The respondents WHO are inclined
to contribute to environmental conservation and WHO are sensitive to ecological issues
tend to pay additional for eco-friendly product.

Blamey, R.K., Bennett, J.W., and Louviere, J.J. (1999) states that selection modelling
could be an explicit preference technique that has been wide utilized in selling and
transport applications, and has recently been utilized in many environmental applications
preponderantly involving use values. There are many reasons for the interest shown in
exploitation selection mode Hing for non-market valuation. First, selection modelling has
the potential for providing a lot of bigger data concerning people's preferences than
contingent valuation. Second, selection modelling seems to be notably suited profit
transfer due to its capability to permit for variations in environmental enhancements once
transferring benefit estimates. Third, some proponents contend that selection modelling
could also be less susceptible to many of the biases that have an effect on the contingent
valuation technique. This paper presents the results of analysis designed to check the
validity of exploitation selection modelling to estimate non-use values, and for-profit
transfer. It's found that selection modelling will be wont to offer valid estimates of non-use
values. selection modelling is additionally shown to be a lot of suited to learn transfer,
notably transfer of implicit costs.

Blend, J.R. and van Ravenswaay, E.O. (1999) says that buyers concern with
inexperienced problems could be a worldwide subject that ceaselessly changes their
modus vivendi into turning into a lot of environmentally accountable. Consumer’s
surroundings responsibilities are associated with the interest towards the biophysical
environment and its issues associated with the patron and therefore the surroundings.
This analysis provides a quick review to spot the inexperienced values of the customers,
their level of awareness concerning environmental responsibility, inexperienced
merchandise and practices. The study was conducted on 162 respondents. knowledge
has been analyzed by exploitation to check, regression toward the mean, paired
comparisons check and weighted average. analysis finding shows that there's a medium
level of environmental responsibility towards inexperienced consumption practices and
merchandise was found among the customers still customers have shown positive angle
towards inexperienced merchandise. This has given smart insights for the policy
manufacturers and suggests planning a lot of intensive awareness campaigns promoting
inexperienced merchandise because of high inexperienced worth among the customers.

Cary, J., Bhaskaran S. and Polonsky, M. (2004) states that fashionable farming in
Australia isn't any longer easy. Farms are massive, multi‐enterprise businesses
underpinned by pricey capital investments, ever-changing production technologies,
volatile markets and social challenges. The complexness of contemporary broadacre
farming results in the question: what's the character of the link between farm business
complexness and farm gain? This study uses bioeconomic farm modelling and employs
eight measures of complexness to look at the profitability and complexness of a good
vary of broadacre farming systems in Australia. A normally acknowledged feature of farm
business complexness is that the annual employment of the farmer, nonetheless the
trade‐off between farm profit and this employment is found too not be massive. A case is
made public wherever the farmer’s annual hours worked may well be reduced by nine per
cent for a three per cent reduction in farm profit. If farmers workloads are proving
problematic currently, and within the future, then agricultural R&D, service delivery and
policy development can have to be compelled to focus a lot of on being extremely enticing
to more and more farm managers.

Chan, R.Y.K. (2001) states that this study examines the influence of varied cultural and
psychological factors on the inexperienced purchase behavior of Chinese customers. to
the current finish, an abstract model has been planned and subjected to empirical
verification with the utilization of a survey. The survey results obtained in 2 major Chinese
cities offer affordable support for the validity of the planned model. Specifically, the
findings from the structural‐equation modeling make sure the influence of the subjects'
man–nature orientation, degree of collectivism, ecological have an effect on, and
marginally, ecological information, on their attitudes toward inexperienced purchases.
This study conjointly discusses however the current findings might facilitate the Chinese
government and inexperienced marketers to fine‐tune their environmental programs.

Cooper, D.R. and Emory, C.W. (1995) states that a review of previous analysis within
the computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) field found that the nomenclature and
definitions employed by researchers were inconsistent, with some terms being outlined
otherwise then again used interchangeably. An acceptable technique for distinctive
inconsistencies and structuring nomenclature for bigger clarity of nomenclature use in a
very given analysis field wasn't known. This paper presents a replacement technique, the
hierarchal nomenclature technique (HTT), that could be a style of qualitative content
analysis method that extends idea} of concept mapping. HTT was developed for this
analysis downside to structure a hierarchy of terms to reveal the link between the terms.
this method includes nomenclature identification, analysis and presentation to point out
the scope of the analysis field, and to gift nomenclature and definitions to enhance
consistency. this method may well be utilized in alternative fields of study.

Crosby, L.A., Gill, J.D., and Taylor, J.R. (1981) states that Digital Eco selling has
emerged as a necessary idea in Asian nation as in alternative elements of the developing
and developed countries. because of this shift from ancient selling to Digital Eco selling,
corporations of late face several new challenges. This abstract study discusses the
initiatives of few elect companies towards Digital Eco selling in Asian nation and abroad
conjointly. Their initiatives are completely different however the goals are similar and
therefore the initiatives have resulted in competitive advantage for these organizations.
That paper describes the varied initiatives introduced by elect corporations for promoting
Digital Eco marketing-revolution.

Dillman, D.A. (1978) says that to developed a in theory primarily based system radio-
controlled by principles of social exchange and administration that guarantee prime
quality surveys at low value. This Total style technique (TDM) approach depends on a
theoretical read of why individuals do and don't reply to questionnaires. It's supported the
premise that to maximize each the amount and quality of response, attention should tend
to each body detail that may have an effect on response behavior.

D’Souza, Taghian, Lamb, and Peretiatkos R. (2006) states that it's apparent that the
study is all concerning inexperienced selling and specially to assess the consumer’s
perception concerning the merchandise and types, that are environmental-friendly i.e.,
whether or not inexperienced selling extremely impresses a personal to shop for the
products/brands than a product/brand, that doesn’t promote environmental-friendly
positioning. This study focuses the Asian market, that is challenged by economic
development and chance because of gain in energy costs, terrorism, environmental and
climatical changes and consequences. A spare sample of 2000 users of inexperienced
merchandise were elect via judgmental sampling and inquired via on-line structured form.
it had been discovered by multiple correlation check that the associate variables of
Consumer’s Environmental Consciousness, that are Social Influence, Environmental
Concern, and Perceived Seriousness of Environmental issues, so an individual’s whole
Perception/Preference. While, Environmental angle, that is that the associate variable of
Environmental angle and whole’s Environmentally Friendly Perception doesn't have an
effect on Brand Preference.

Fisher, A.B. (1990) states that the advancement of inexperienced idea studies has
triggered some vital disarray concerning the style of the build and rendered it tough for
everything except the foremost fanatic peruses to stay responsive to advances during this
space. the shortage of analysis to look at inexperienced idea makes things worse. this
text reviews the notion of inexperienced in relevance associated ideas and empirical
consequences discovered within the existing sphere of data. Researchers accompanied
literature review because the primary methodology for reviewing current empirical
information to construct abstract content to help the recommended directions for the
study. The findings of the study offer insights into however empirical results are mirrored
in literature reviews that connect the inexperienced idea with associated concepts and
consequences. supported the discussion, conclude future study directions in line with the
gaps in empirical information discovered at intervals.

Glegg, Richards, Heard, and Dawson, (2005) states that the polychlorinated aromatic
antimicrobials triclosan and triclocarban are in widespread use for killing microorganisms
indiscriminately, rapidly, and by nonspecific action. whereas their utility in tending settings
is undisputed, advantages to users of antimicrobial attention merchandise are few to
none. Yet, these latter, high-volume uses have caused widespread contamination of the
surroundings, wildlife, and human populations. This feature presents a timeline of
scientific proof and restrictive actions within the U.S. regarding persistent polychlorinated
biocides, showing a possible path forward to considered and property uses of artificial
antimicrobials, as well as the planning of greener and safer next-generation alternatives.

Hallin, P.O. (1995) says that to a particular extent, on-line social selling campaigns will
be hold to blame for the shift from associate flighty behavior to associate environmentally
friendly behavior. To elucidate however on-line social selling campaigns will influence
consumers' intention to behave in an environmentally friendly manner, we've got used the
speculation of Planned Behavior (TPB) as our analysis framework. the fundamental
variables of TPB were developed and custom-made for the aim of our study. The model
work indicates that TPB could be a viable analysis framework once attempting to
elucidate and predict consumers' environmentally friendly behavior. Conclusions and
implications are additional careful.



3.1 Research Design

In this project, Descriptive Research Design is used in research topic.

3.2 Sampling Technique

Stratified sampling is used as sampling technique in this project.

3.3 Sources of Data

Survey method has been followed for the study. Both primary and secondary source of
data were used.


In this project, primary data is collected through Questionaries.


In this project, secondary data is collected from journals, magazine, websites and
research papers.

3.4 Structure of Questionnaire

Multiple choice questions and Likert’s scale questions.

3.5 Sample Size

The present study covers buying who have using green products in vadalur town only.

3.6 Period of Study

The period of study is carried out from January 2021 to March 2021 which is three months
of study.

3.7 Hypothesis
There is no significant difference between decision towards green products and the
demographic factors.
There is no significant difference between level of consumer’s buying satisfaction in green
products and the demographic factors.

3.8 Analytical Tools

The applied statistical tools to process the collected data: Percentage analysis, ANOVA,
Chi-square test, T-test, Correlation analysis.




Table 4.1.1: Showing Gender wise classification of respondents

Gender No. of Respondents Percentage
Male 88 62.86%
Female 52 37.14%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data


40.00% 37.14%




Chart 4.1.1: Showing Gender wise classification of respondents

From the above table it is interpreted that 62.86% are Male respondents and 37.14% are
Female respondents.

Majority of the respondents are Male.

Table 4.1.2: Showing Age wise classification of respondents
Age No. of Respondents Percentage
below 25 59 42.14%
25 - 35 years 39 27.86%
35 - 45 years 37 26.43%
above 45 years 5 3.57%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data


30.00% 27.86% 26.43%





5.00% 3.57%
below 25 25 - 35 years 35 - 45 years above 45 years

Chart 4.1.2: Showing Age wise classification of respondents

From the above table it is interpreted that 42.14% respondents are below 25 years,
27.86% respondents are between 25-35 years, 26.43% respondents are between 35-45
years and 3.57% respondents are above 45 years.

Majority of the respondents are below 25 years.

Table 4.1.3: Showing Marital Status wise classification of respondents
Marital Status No. of Respondents Percentage
Unmarried 103 73.57%
Married 37 26.43%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data





30.00% 26.43%



Married Unmarried

Chart 4.1.3: Showing Marital Status wise classification of respondents

From the above table it is interpreted that 26.43% are Married respondents and 73.57%
are Unmarried respondents.

Majority of the respondents are Unmarried.

Table 4.1.4: Showing Qualification wise classification of respondents
Qualification No. of Respondents Percentage
High school 33 23.57%
Under Graduate 28 20.00%
Post Graduate 47 33.57%
PHD & Above 32 22.86%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data


23.57% 22.86%
25.00% 20.00%





High school Under Graduate Post Graduate PHD & Above

Chart 4.1.4: Showing Qualification wise classification of respondents

From the above table it is interpreted that 23.57% are High school respondents, 20.00%
are Under Graduate respondents, 33.57% are Post Graduate respondents and 22.86%
are PhD & Above respondents.

Majority of the respondents are Post Graduate.

Table 4.1.5: Showing Work Experience wise classification of respondents
Occupation No. of Respondents Percentage
Student 43 30.71%
Self-employed 39 27.86%
Employee 24 17.14%
Other 34 24.29%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data

30.00% 27.86%


20.00% 17.14%




Student Selfemploye Employee Other

Chart.4.1.5: Showing Occupation Status wise classification of response

From the above interpretation the 30.71% of respondents are students, 27.86% of
respondents are self-employed, 17.14% of respondents are employees and then 24.29%
of respondents belong to other.

Majority of the respondents are Student.

Table 4.1.6. Showing respondents that being environmentally friendly is
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 3 2.14%
disagree 7 5.00%
undecided 21 15.00%
agree 57 40.71%
strongly agree 52 37.14%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data

45.00% 40.71%
20.00% 15.00%
10.00% 5.00%
strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.6. Showing respondents that being environmentally friendly is

From the above table it is interpreted that 37.14% of respondents are Strongly Agree,
40.71% of respondents are Agree, 15.00% of respondents are Undecided, 5.00% of
respondents Disagree and 2.14 % of respondents are Strongly Disagree.

Majority of the respondents are Agree.
Table 4.1.7. Showing that respondents buying eco-friendly approved products
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 3 2.14%
disagree 13 9.29%
undecided 32 22.86%
agree 44 31.43%
strongly agree 48 34.29%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data

35.00% 31.43%




strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.7. Showing that respondents buying eco-friendly approved products

From the above table it is interpreted that 34.29% of respondents are Strongly Agree,
31.43% of respondents Agree, 22.86% of respondents are Undecided, 9.29% of
respondents Disagree and 2.41% of respondents are Strongly Disagree.

Majority of the respondents are Strongly Agree.

Table 4.1.8 Showing that respondents purchase green products more than
common products
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 7 5.00%
disagree 15 10.71%
undecided 30 21.43%
agree 43 30.71%
strongly agree 45 32.14%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data

35.00% 30.71%

25.00% 21.43%


15.00% 10.71%

10.00% 5.00%

strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.8 Showing that respondents purchase green products more than
common products
From the above table it is interpreted that 32.14% of respondents are Strongly Agree,
30.71% of respondents are Agree, 21.43% of respondents are Undecided, 10.71% of
respondents are Disagree and 5.00% of respondents Strongly Disagree.

Majority of the respondents are Strongly Agree.

Table 4.1.9. Showing that respondents buying the products based on info given in
product’s package
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 2 1.43%
disagree 12 8.57%
undecided 36 25.71%
agree 41 29.29%
strongly agree 49 35.00%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data

30.00% 25.71%



strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.9. Showing that respondents buying the products based on info given in
product’s package
From the above table it is interpreted that 35.00% of respondents are Strongly Agree,
29.29% of respondents are Agree, 25.71% of respondents are Undecided, 8.57% of
respondents are Disagree and 1.43% of respondents are Strongly Disagree.

Majority of the respondents are Strongly Agree.
Table 4.1.10. Showing that respondents pay excess money for green products
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 6 4.29%
disagree 14 10.00%
undecided 20 14.29%
agree 43 30.71%
strongly agree 57 40.71%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data

45.00% 40.71%
35.00% 30.71%
20.00% 14.29%
15.00% 10.00%
strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.10. Showing that respondents pay excess money for green products

From the above table it is interpreted that 40.71% of respondents are Strongly Agree,
30.71% of respondents are Agree, 14.29% of respondents are Undecided, 10.00% of
respondents are Disagree and 4.29% of respondents are Strongly Disagree.

Majority of the respondents responds Strongly Agree.
Table 4.1.11. Showing respondents concern about the environment impact your
daily decisions or purchases
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 6 4.29%
disagree 12 8.57%
undecided 27 19.29%
agree 46 32.86%
strongly agree 49 35.00%
TOTAL 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data




strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.11. Showing respondents concern about the environment impact your
daily decisions or purchases
From the above table it is interpreted that 35.00% of respondents are Strongly Agree,
32.86% of respondents are Agree, 19.29% of respondents are Undecided, 8.57% of
respondents are Disagree and 4.29% of respondents are Strongly Disagree.

Majority of the respondents are Strongly Agree.

Table 4.1.12. Showing respondents about recycle
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 10 7.14%
disagree 12 8.57%
undecided 29 20.71%
agree 35 25.00%
strongly agree 54 38.57%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data



30.00% 25.00%
25.00% 20.71%

7.14% 8.57%


strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.12. Showing respondents about recycle

From the above table it is interpreted that 38.57% of respondents are Strongly Agree,
25.00% of respondents are Agree, 20.71% of respondents are Undecided, 8.57% of
respondents are Disagree and 7.14% of respondents are Strongly Disagree

Majority of the respondents responds Strongly Agree.

Table 4.1.13. Showing respondents required to provide their own shopping bags
at grocery stores
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 9 6.43%
disagree 19 13.57%
undecided 24 17.14%
agree 28 20.00%
strongly agree 60 42.86%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data

25.00% 20.00%
20.00% 17.14%
10.00% 6.43%
strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.13. Showing respondents required to provide their own shopping bags
at grocery stores
From the above table it is interpreted that 42.86% of respondents are Strongly Agree,
20.00% of respondents are Agree, 17.14% of respondents are Undecided, 13.57% of
respondents are Disagree and 6.43% of respondents are Strongly Disagree.

Majority of the respondents responds Strongly Agree.
Table 4.1.14. Showing respondents about banning plastic shopping bags
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 6 4.29%
disagree 21 15.00%
undecided 24 17.14%
agree 42 30.00%
strongly agree 47 33.57%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data

35.00% 30.00%




strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.14. Showing respondents about banning plastic shopping bags

From the above table it is interpreted that 33.57% of respondents are Strongly Agree,
30.00% of respondents are Agree, 17.14% of respondents are Undecided, 15.00% of
respondents Disagree and 4.29% of respondents are Strongly Disagree.

Majority of the respondents responds Strongly Agree.

Table 4.1.15. Showing respondents constructed their building using required
guidelines that concerning the environment
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 4 2.86%
disagree 19 13.57%
undecided 28 20.00%
agree 43 30.71%
strongly agree 46 32.86%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data




strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.15. Showing respondents constructed their building using required

guidelines that concerning the environment
From the above table it is interpreted that 32.86% of respondents are Strongly Agree,
30.71% of respondents are Agree, 20.00% of respondents are Undecided, 13.57% of
respondents are Disagree and 2.86% of respondents are Strongly Disagree

Majority of the respondents are Strongly Agree.
Table 4.1.16. Showing respondents having a hybrid or eco-friendly car
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 3 2.14%
disagree 19 13.57%
undecided 21 15.00%
agree 36 25.71%
strongly agree 61 43.57%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data

30.00% 25.71%
20.00% 15.00%
strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.16. Showing respondents having a hybrid or eco-friendly car

From the above table it is interpreted that 43.57% of respondents are Strongly Agree,
25.71% of respondents are Agree, 15.00% of respondents are Undecided, 13.57% of
respondents Disagree and 2.14% of respondents are Strongly Disagree.

Majority of the respondents responds Strongly Agree.

Table 4.1.17. Showing respondents used green products before
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 9 6.43%
disagree 22 15.71%
undecided 25 17.86%
agree 32 22.86%
strongly agree 52 37.14%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data



15.71% 17.86%


10.00% 6.43%

strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.17. Showing respondents used green products before

From the above table it is interpreted that 37.14% of respondents are Strongly Agree,
22.86% of respondents are Agree, 17.86% of respondents are Undecided, 15.71% of
respondents are Disagree and 6.43% are Strongly Disagree respondents.

Majority of the respondents responds Strongly Agree.

Table 4.1.18. Showing respondents believing that green products are more
expensive than non-green products
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 9 6.43%
disagree 22 15.71%
undecided 25 17.86%
agree 32 22.86%
strongly agree 52 37.14%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data

40.00% 37.14%

20.00% 15.71%

10.00% 6.43%

strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.18. Showing respondents believing that green products are more
expensive than non-green products
From the above table it is interpreted that 37.14% of respondents are Strongly Agree,
22.86% of respondents are Agree, 17.86% of respondents are Undecided, 15.71% of
respondents are Disagree and 6.43% of respondents are Strongly Disagree.

Majority of the respondents responds Strongly Agree.

Table 4.1.19. Showing respondents believing that the price of green products
affects my decision to purchase
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 6 4.29%
disagree 20 14.29%
undecided 29 20.71%
agree 34 24.29%
strongly agree 51 36.43%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data

40.00% 36.43%

30.00% 24.29%
25.00% 20.71%


strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.19. Showing respondents believing that the price of green products
affects my decision to purchase
From the above table it is interpreted that 36.43% of respondents are Strongly Agree,
24.29% of respondents are Agree, 20.71% of respondents are Undecided, 14.29% of
respondents are Disagree and 4.29% of respondents are Strongly Disagree.

Majority of the respondents are Strongly Agree.
Table 4.1.20. Showing respondents believing that the quality of green products
affects my decision to purchase
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 7 5.00%
disagree 26 18.57%
undecided 23 16.43%
agree 35 25.00%
strongly agree 49 35.00%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data


30.00% 25.00%
20.00% 16.43%


strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.20. Showing respondents believing that the quality of green products
affects my decision to purchase
From the above table it is interpreted that 35.00% of respondents are Strongly Agree,
25.00% of respondents are Agree, 16.43% of respondents are Undecided, 16.43% of
respondents are Disagree and 5.00% of respondents are Strongly Disagree.

Majority of the respondents responds Strongly Agree.
Table 4.1.21. Showing respondents believing that green products are of better
quality than non-green products
Products No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 18 12.86%
disagree 10 7.14%
undecided 22 15.71%
agree 49 35.00%
strongly agree 41 29.29%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data



20.00% 15.71%

15.00% 12.86%


strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.21. Showing respondents believing that green products are of better
quality than non-green products
From the above table it is interpreted that 29.29% of respondents are Strongly Agree,
35.00% of respondents are Agree, 15.71% of respondents are Undecided, 7.14% of
respondents are Disagree and 12.86% of respondents are Strongly Disagree.

Majority of the respondents responds Strongly Agree.
Table 4.1.22. Showing respondents recommended their green products to friends
based on their quality
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 6 4.29%
disagree 28 20.00%
undecided 20 14.29%
agree 37 26.43%
strongly agree 49 35.00%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data


30.00% 26.43%


strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.22. Showing respondents recommended their green products to friends

based on their quality
From the above table it is interpreted that 35.00% of respondents are Strongly Agree,
26.43% of respondents are Agree, 14.29% of respondents are Undecided, 20.00% of
respondents are Disagree and 4.29% of respondents are Strongly Disagree.

Majority of the respondents responds Strongly Agree.
Table 4.1.23. Showing respondents switched to green products if it available
more in local store
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 8 5.71%
disagree 16 19.29%
undecided 32 22.86%
agree 27 11.43%
strongly agree 57 40.71%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data

45.00% 40.71%
25.00% 19.29%
15.00% 11.43%
10.00% 5.71%
strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.23. Showing respondents switched to green products if it available

more in local store
From the above table it is interpreted that 40.71% of respondents are Strongly Agree,
19.29% of respondents are Agree, 22.86% of respondents are Undecided, 11.43% of
respondents are Disagree and 5.71% of respondents are Strongly Disagree.

Majority of the respondents responds Strongly Agree.
Table 4.1.24. Showing respondents switched to green products if it available
more for discount coupons in local store
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 8 5.71%
disagree 26 18.57%
undecided 13 9.29%
agree 36 25.71%
strongly agree 57 40.71%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data

45.00% 40.71%
30.00% 25.71%
25.00% 18.57%
15.00% 9.29%
10.00% 5.71%
strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.24. Showing respondents switched to green products if it available

more for discount coupons in local store
From the above table it is interpreted that 40.71% of respondents are Strongly Agree,
25.71% of respondents are Agree, 9.29% of respondents are Undecided, 18.57% of
respondents are Disagree and 5.71% of respondents are Strongly Disagree.

Majority of the respondents responds Strongly Agree.
Table 4.1.25. Showing respondents more likely to buy a certain product because
it has a brand name
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 8 5.71%
disagree 20 14.29%
undecided 20 14.29%
agree 39 27.86%
strongly agree 53 37.86%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data




20.00% 14.29%

10.00% 5.71%

strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.25. Showing respondents more likely to buy a certain product because
it has a brand name
From the above table it is interpreted that 37.86% of respondents are Strongly Agree,
27.86% of respondents are Agree, 14.29% of respondents are Undecided, 14.29% of
respondents are Disagree and 5.71% of respondents are Strongly Disagree.

Majority of the respondents Strongly Agree.
Table 4.1.26. Showing respondents will recycle electronic devices or e-waste as
opposed to discarding them as trash
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 4 2.86%
disagree 21 15.00%
undecided 24 17.14%
agree 26 18.57%
strongly agree 65 46.43%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data

17.14% 18.57%
20.00% 15.00%
strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.26. Showing respondents will recycle electronic devices or e-waste as

opposed to discarding them as trash
From the above table it is interpreted that 46.43% of respondents are Strongly Agree,
18.57% of respondents are Agree, 17.14% of respondents are Undecided, 15.00% of
respondents are Disagree and 2.86% of respondents are Strongly Disagree.

Majority of the respondents responds Strongly Agree.
Table 4.1.27. Showing respondents will recycle electronic devices or e-waste if
there is an easy way
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 6 4.29%
disagree 22 15.71%
undecided 19 13.57%
agree 37 26.43%
strongly agree 56 40.00%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data



30.00% 26.43%

20.00% 15.71%

10.00% 4.29%

strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.27. Showing respondents will recycle electronic devices or e-waste if

there is an easy way
From the above table it is interpreted that 40.00% of respondents are Strongly Agree,
26.43% of respondents are Agree, 13.57% of respondents are Undecided, 15.71% of
respondents are Disagree and 4.29% of respondents are Strongly Disagree.

Majority of the respondents responds Strongly Agree.
Table 4.1.28. Showing respondents had the choice of discarding an old electronic
device I would use a drop-off recycling facility
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 6 4.29%
disagree 24 17.14%
undecided 26 18.57%
agree 23 16.43%
strongly agree 61 43.57%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data

17.14% 18.57% 16.43%
10.00% 4.29%
strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.28. Showing respondents had the choice of discarding an old electronic
device I would use a drop-off recycling facility
From the above table it is interpreted that 43.57% of respondents responds Strongly
Agree, 16.43% of respondents are Agree, 18.57% of respondents are Undecided, 17.14%
of respondents are Disagree and 4.29% of respondents responds Strongly Disagree.

Majority of the respondents responds Strongly Agree.

Table 4.1.29. Showing respondents would recycle electronic devices if more drop-
off recycling facilities were available in my area
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 7 5.00%
disagree 25 17.86%
undecided 33 23.57%
agree 24 17.14%
strongly agree 51 36.43%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data

40.00% 36.43%

17.86% 17.14%



strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.29. Showing respondents would recycle electronic devices if more drop-
off recycling facilities were available in my area
From the above table it is interpreted that 36.43% of respondents responds Strongly
Agree, 17.14% of respondents Agree, 23.57% of respondents are Undecided, 17.86% of
respondents responds Disagree and 5.00% of respondents responds Strongly Disagree.

Majority of the respondents responds Strongly Agree.

Table 4.1.30. Showing respondents can recognize green product by packaging
color, size and shape
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 8 5.71%
disagree 30 21.43%
undecided 23 16.43%
agree 23 16.43%
strongly agree 56 40.00%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data




20.00% 16.43% 16.43%


10.00% 5.71%

strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.30. Showing respondents can recognize green product by packaging

color, size and shape
From the above table it is interpreted that 40.00% of respondents responds Strongly
Agree, 16.43% of respondents Agree, 16.43% of respondents are Undecided, 21.43% of
respondents responds Disagree and 5.71% of respondents responds Strongly Disagree.

Majority of the respondents responds Strongly Agree.

Table 4.1.31. Showing respondents think of green label first when thinking of
green products
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 5 3.57%
disagree 18 12.86%
undecided 31 22.14%
agree 33 23.57%
strongly agree 53 37.86%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data


25.00% 23.57%

15.00% 12.86%

5.00% 3.57%
strongly disagree undecided agree strongly agree

Chart 4.1.31. Showing respondents think of green label first when thinking of
green products
From the above table it is interpreted that 37.86% of respondents responds Strongly
Agree, 23.57% of respondents Agree, 22.14% of respondents are Undecided, 12.86% of
respondents responds Disagree and 3.57% of respondents responds Strongly Disagree.

Majority of the respondents responds Strongly Agree.

Table 4.1.32. Showing respondents that products with green packaging are more
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 12 8.57%
disagree 39 27.86%
undecided 14 10.00%
agree 24 17.14%
strongly agree 51 36.43%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data

40.00% 36.43%


20.00% 17.14%
8.57% 10.00%


strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.32. Showing respondents that products with green packaging are more
From the above table it is interpreted that 36.43% of respondents responds Strongly
Agree, 17.14% of respondents responds Agree, 10.00% of respondents are Undecided,
27.86% of respondents responds Disagree and 8.57% of respondents responds Strongly

Majority of the respondents responds Strongly Agree.
Table 4.1.33. Showing that respondents would like to pay more for a product if the
packaging is less harmful to the environment and human
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 7 5.00%
disagree 26 18.57%
undecided 26 18.57%
agree 31 22.14%
strongly agree 50 35.71%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data

40.00% 35.71%


18.57% 18.57%



strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.33. Showing that respondents would like to pay more for a product if the
packaging is less harmful to the environment and human
From the above table it is interpreted that 35.71% of respondents responds Strongly
Agree, 22.14% of respondents responds Agree, 18.57% of respondents are Undecided,
18.57% of respondents Disagree and 5.00% of respondents responds Strongly Disagree.

Majority of the respondents responds Strongly Agree.

Table 4.1.34. Showing a respondent purchasing product that has enough
information and instruction on the packaging
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
strongly disagree 12 8.57%
disagree 21 15.00%
undecided 21 15.00%
agree 34 24.29%
strongly agree 52 37.14%
Total 140 100.00%
Source: Primary Data

40.00% 37.14%


20.00% 15.00%


strongly disagree undecided agree strongly
disagree agree

Chart 4.1.34. Showing respondents purchasing product that has enough

information and instruction on the packaging
From the above table it is interpreted that 37.14% of respondents responds Strongly
Agree, 24.29% of respondents Agree, 15.00% of respondents are Undecided, 15.00% of
respondents responds Disagree and 8.57% of respondents responds Strongly Disagree.

Majority of the respondents responds Strongly Agree.



H0 (Null Hypothesis): There is no significant difference between Gender and The choice
of discarding an old electronic device.

H1 (Alternate Hypothesis): There is a significant difference between Gender and The

choice of discarding an old electronic device.

Table 4.2.1: Correlation between Gender the choice of discarding an old

electronic device
The choice of
discarding an
old electronic
Gender Pearson Correlation 1 -.227**
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.007
N 140 140
The choice of Pearson Correlation -.227** 1
discarding an old Sig. (2-tailed) 0.007
electronic device N 140 140
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).


The p-value is 0.007 which is lesser than the alpha value (0.05), hence alternate
hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Therefore, there is a significant difference between age and
stress level of employees.


H0 (Null Hypothesis): There is no significant difference between Age and Recognize

green product by packaging color, size and shape.

H1 (Alternate Hypothesis): There is a significant difference between Age and Recognize

green product by packaging color, size and shape.

Table 4.2.2: Correlation between Age and Recognize green product by packaging
color, size and shape

Recognize green
product by
packaging color,
size and shape
Age Pearson Correlation 1 .193*
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.022
N 140 140
Recognize green Pearson Correlation -.193* 1
product by packaging Sig. (2-tailed) 0.022
color, size and shape N 140 140
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).


The p-value is 0.022 which is lesser than the alpha value (0.05), hence alternate
hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Therefore, there is a significant difference between age and
stress level of employees.

H0 (Null Hypothesis): There is no significant difference between Qualification and

Pay excess money for green products.
H1 (Alternate Hypothesis): There is a significant difference between Qualification and
Pay excess money for green products.

Table 4.2.3: Correlation between Qualification and Pay excess money for green

Pay excess money for
green products
Qualification 1 -.242**
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.04
N 140 140
Pay excess money for Pearson
-.242* 1
green products Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.04
N 140 140
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).


The p-value is 0.04 which is lesser than the alpha value (0.05), hence alternate hypothesis
(H1) is accepted. Therefore, there is a significant difference between Gender and Having
fulfilling Personal Life & perform my Work Responsibilities.


H0 (Null Hypothesis): There is no significant difference between Occupation and to

green products if it an available more in local store.

H1 (Alternate Hypothesis): There is a significant difference between Occupation and to

green products if it an available more in local store.

Table 4.2.4: Correlation between Occupation and to green products if it an

available more in local store

To green products if it
occupation an available more in
local store
Occupation Pearson Correlation 1 -.173*
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.41
N 140 140
To green products if it an Pearson Correlation -.173* 1
available more in local Sig. (2-tailed) 0.41
store N 140 140
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).


The p-value is 0.041 which is lesser than the alpha value (0.05), hence alternate
hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Therefore, there is a significant difference between Gender
and Having fulfilling Personal Life & perform my Work Responsibilities.

4.3. ANOVA


H0 (Null Hypothesis): There is no significant difference between Buying eco-friendly

approved product with Between Groups and Within Groups.

.H1 (Alternate Hypothesis): There is a significant difference between Buying eco-

friendly approved product with Between Groups and Within Groups.

Table 4.3.1: ANOVA on buying eco-friendly approved products

Buying eco-friendly approved product
Sum of Mean
Df F Sig.
Squares Square
Between Groups 10.326 1 10.326 4.728 0.31
Within Groups 301.417 138 2.184
Total 311.743 139


The p-value is 0.031 which is lesser than the alpha value (0.05), hence alternate
hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Therefore, there is a significant difference between Buying
eco-friendly approved product with Between Groups and Within Groups.


H0 (Null Hypothesis): There is no significant difference between the products with green
packaging are more attractive with Between Groups and Within Groups.

H1 (Alternate Hypothesis): There is a significant difference between the products with

green packaging are more attractive with Between Groups and Within Groups.

Table 4.3.2: ANOVA on products with green packaging are more attractive

That products with green packaging are more attractive
Sum of Mean
Df F Sig.
Squares Square
Between Groups 10.841 3 3.614 2.786 0.43
Within Groups 176.381 136 1.297
Total 187.221 139


The p-value is 0.043 which is lesser than the alpha value (0.05), hence alternate
hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Therefore, there is a significant difference between the
products with green packaging are more attractive with Between Groups and Within


H0 (Null Hypothesis): There is no significant difference between respondents pay

excess money for green products with Between Groups and Within Groups.

H1 (Alternate Hypothesis): There is a significant difference between respondents pay

excess money for green products with Between Groups and Within Groups.

Table 4.3.3: ANOVA on respondents pay excess money for green products

Pay excess money for green products
Sum of Mean
df F Sig.
Squares Square
Between Groups 16.727 3 5.576 3.234 0.24
Within Groups 234.444 136 1.724
Total 251.171 139


The p-value is 0.024 which is lesser than the alpha value (0.05), hence alternate
hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Therefore, there is a significant difference respondent pay
excess money for green products with Between Groups and Within Groups.

4.4 T-TEST


H0 (Null Hypothesis): There is no significant difference between Buying eco-friendly

approved products and Qualification.

H1 (Alternate Hypothesis): There is a significant difference between Buying eco-friendly

approved products and Qualification.

Table 4.4.1: Independent Samples Test on Buying eco-friendly approved products

and Qualification

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test
for Equality of t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. (2- Std. Error
F Sig. t Df
tailed) Difference
Buying eco- Equal
friendly variances .389 .534 -2.174 138 0.031 .259
approved assumed
products and Equal
Qualification variances
-2.254 119.222 0.026 .249


The p-value is 0.031 which is greater than the alpha value (0.05), hence null hypothesis
(H0) is accepted. Therefore, there is a no significant difference between Buying eco-
friendly approved products and Qualification.


H0 (Null Hypothesis): There is a no significant difference between the products with

green packaging are more attractive and Age.

H1 (Alternate Hypothesis): There is a no significant difference between the products

with green packaging are more attractive and Age.

Table 4.4.2: Independent Samples Test on the products with green packaging are
more attractive and Age

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test
for Equality of t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. (2- Std. Error
F Sig. t df
tailed) Difference
The Equal
products variances 1.317 .256 3.025 118 0.004 0.288
with green assumed
are more
variances 3.035 118.000 0.004 0.287
not assumed
and Age


The p-value is 0.004 which is greater than the alpha value (0.05), hence null hypothesis
(H0) is accepted. Therefore, there is a no significant difference between the products with
green packaging are more attractive and Age.


H0 (Null Hypothesis): There is no significant difference between green products are

more expensive than non-green products and Age.

H1 (Alternate Hypothesis): There is a significant difference between green products

are more expensive than non-green products and Age.

Table 4.4.3: Independent Samples Test on green products are more expensive
than non-green products and Age
Independent Samples Test
Levene's Test
for Equality of t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. (2- Std. Error
F Sig. t df
tailed) Difference
Green Equal
products variances 13.681 0.000 2.428 118 0.017 0.231
are more assumed
than non- Equal
green variances 2.516 118.000 0.013 0.223
products not assumed
and Age


The p-value is 0.017 which is greater than the alpha value (0.05), hence null hypothesis
(H0) is accepted. Therefore, there is a no significant difference between green products
are more expensive than non-green products and Age.


H0 (Null Hypothesis): There is no significant difference between think of green label first
when thinking of green products and Occupation.

H1 (Alternate Hypothesis): There is a significant difference between think of green label

first when thinking of green products and Occupation.

Table 4.4.4: Showing respondents think of green label first when thinking of
green products and Occupation

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test
for Equality of t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. (2- Std. Error
F Sig. t df
tailed) Difference
think of Equal
green label variances 0.026 .873 2.871 56 0.006 0.319
first when assumed
thinking of
green Equal
products variances 2.860 49.004 0.006 0.321
and not assumed


The p-value is 0.006 which is greater than the alpha value (0.05), hence null hypothesis
(H0) is accepted. Therefore, there is a no significant difference between think of green
label first when thinking of green products and Occupation.

5.1 Findings of the Study

1. It is found that 62.86% of the majority respondents are Male.
2. It is found that 42.14% of the majority respondents are Below 25 years.
3. It is found that 73.57% of the majority respondents are Unmarried.
4. It is found that 33.57% of the majority respondents are Post Graduate.
5. It is found that 30.71% of the majority respondents are Students.
6. It is found that 40.71% of the majority respondent responds to Agree and need
eco-friendly environment.
7. It is found that 34.29% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and
buying eco-friendly approved products.
8. It is found that 32.14% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and
purchasing green products more than common products.
9. It is found that 35% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and
buying the products based on info given in product’s package.
10. It is found that 40.71% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and
pay excess money for green products.
11. It is found that 35% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and
concern about the environment impact your daily decisions or purchases.
12. It is found that 38.57% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and
recycle their products in intervals.
13. It is found that 42.86% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and
required to provide their own shopping bags at grocery stores.
14. It is found that 33.57% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree for
banning plastic shopping bags.
15. It is found that 32.86% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and
constructed their building using required guidelines concerning the environment.

16. It is found that 43.57% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree
because they don’t have a hybrid or eco-friendly cars.
17. It is found that 37.14% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and
before they used a green product.
18. It is found that 37.14% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and
believing that green products are more expensive than non-green products.
19. It is found that 36.43% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and
believing that the price of green products effect my decision to purchase.
20. It is found that 35% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and
believing that the quality of green products effect my decision to purchase.
21. It is found that 29.29% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and
believing that green products are of better quality than non-green products.
22. It is found that 35% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and
recommended their green products to friends based on their quality.
23. It is found that 40.71% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and
switched to green products if it available more in local store.
24. It is found that 40.71% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and
switched to green products if it available more for discount coupons in local store.
25. It is found that 37.86% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and
more likely to buy a certain product because it has a brand name.
26. It is found that 46.43% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and
respondents will recycle electronic devices or e-waste as opposed to discarding
them as trash.
27. It is found that 40% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and
respondents will recycle electronic devices or e-waste if there is an easy way.
28. It is found that 43.57% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and
had the choice of discarding an old electronic device I would use a drop-off
recycling facility.
29. It is found that 36.43% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and
respondents would recycle electronic devices if more drop-off recycling facilities
were available in my area.
30. It is found that 40% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and can
recognize green product by packaging color, size and shape.
31. It is found that 37.86% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and
think of green label first when thinking of green products.
32. It is found that 36.43% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and
Showing respondents that products with green packaging are more attractive.
33. It is found that 35.71% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and
that respondents would like to pay more for a product if the packaging is less
harmful to the environment and human.
34. It is found that 37.14% of the majority respondent responds to Strongly Agree and
purchasing a product that has enough information and instruction on the
35. The p-value is 0.005 which is lesser than the alpha value (0.05), hence alternate
hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Therefore, there is a significant difference between
age and stress level of employees.

36. The p-value is 0.005 which is lesser than the alpha value (0.05), hence alternate
hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Therefore, there is a significant difference between
age and stress level of employees.

37. The p-value is 0.019 which is lesser than the alpha value (0.05), hence alternate
hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Therefore, there is a significant difference between
Gender and Having fulfilling Personal Life & perform my Work Responsibilities.

38. The p-value is 0.019 which is lesser than the alpha value (0.05), hence alternate
hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Therefore, there is a significant difference between
Gender and Having fulfilling Personal Life & perform my Work Responsibilities.

39. The p-value is 0.000 which is lesser than the alpha value (0.05), hence alternate
hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Therefore, there is a significant difference between
work takes up time to spend with family and organisation.

40. The p-value is 0.000 which is lesser than the alpha value (0.05), hence alternate
hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Therefore, there is a significant difference between
work takes up time to spend with family and organisation.

41. The p-value is 0.000 which is lesser than the alpha value (0.05), hence alternate
hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Therefore, there is a significant difference between
work takes up time to spend with family and organisation.

5.2 Suggestions

1. It is suggested to increase the satisfaction of the green products among

respondents by taking several measures.
2. The promoters must meet the respondents' expectations for purchasing green
products and increase their level of satisfaction.
3. The government should raise public awareness in order to encourage people to
buy green products.
4. Due to good market potential in green product, it is suggested to increase the
number of customers to get profits.
5. To be included in student’s curricula regarding the importance and benefits of
green products in achieving environmental sustainability.
6. It is recommended that appropriate media be used for advertising the purchase of
green products because it plays an important role in decision making.
7. Consumers should be prepared to buy green products that are environmentally

5.3 Conclusion

The modern customer is well aware of his or her social, economic, and environmental
responsibilities. Green products are those that are both environmentally friendly and safe
for customers to use. One thing that has been repeatedly stated is that current
consumption levels are excessive and unsustainable. According to the study, educational
background has no significant influence on the purchasing decision of green products,
and the main limiting factor for purchasing eco-friendly products is a lack of access to
green products. As a result, the marketer should make these products available in locality
stores. It will almost certainly increase the demand for the products.


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1. Name:

2. Gender:
(a)Male (b) Female

3. Age:
(a)Below 25 Years (b) 25-35 Years (c) 35-45 Years
(d) Above 45 Years

4. Marital Status:
(a)Married (b) Unmarried

5. Qualification:
(a)Diploma (b) Under Graduate (c) Post Graduate (d) Phd & Above

6. Type of Organization:
(a)IT Sector (b) Banking Sector (c) Education Sector

7. Work Experience
(a)Less than 2 Years (b) 2-4 Years (c) 4-6 Years (d) Above 6 Years

8. Is being environmentally friendly important?

(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

9. Are you buying products that are approved environment friendly?
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

10. Do you purchase green products more than common products?

(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

11. Do you buy the products based on the information given on the product’s package?
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

12. Will you pay excess money for the green products?
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

13. How much does your concern about the environment impact your daily decisions
or purchases?
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)

1 2 3 4 5

14. Do you recycle?

(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

15. Should people be required to provide their own shopping bags at grocery stores?
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

16. Should plastic shopping bags, be banned?

(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

17. Should buildings in your country be constructed using required guidelines

concerning the environment, i.e., Leed certification?
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

18. Do you have a hybrid or environment friendly car?
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

19. I have used green products before.

(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

20. I believe that green products are more expensive than non-green products.
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

21. I believe the price of green products effect my decision to purchase them.
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

22. I believe the quality of green products effect my decision to purchase them.
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

23. I believe that green products are of better quality than non-green products.
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

24. I would recommend green products to my friends based on their quality.

(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

25. I would switch to green products if they were more available at my local store.
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

26. I would switch to green products if they were promotional deals such as TV ads
and discount coupons available at my local store.
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

27. I am more likely to buy a certain product because it has a brand name or I have
used in the past.
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

28. I will recycle electronic devices or e-waste (products such as computers,

televisions, stereos, fax machines, cellular phones) as opposed to discarding them
as trash.
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

29. I will recycle electronic devices or e-waste if there is an easy way.

(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

30. If I had the choice of discarding an old electronic device, I would use a drop-off
recycling facility.
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

31. I would recycle electronic devices if more drop-off recycling facilities were available
in my area.
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

32. I can recognize green product by packaging color, size and shape.
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

33. I think of green label first when thinking of green products.

(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

34. The products with green packaging are more attractive to me.
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

35. I would like to pay more for product if the packaging is less harmful to environment
and human.

(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5

36. I prefer purchasing product that has enough information and instruction on the
(1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neither Agree or Disagree, 4-Agree, 5-
Strongly Agree)
1 2 3 4 5







The model that integrated the value attitude behaviour hierarchy and the theory of
planned behaviour had the highest fit with both sets of data than other models of
consumers' environmental attitudes and eco-friendly product purchase intentions,
according to survey data collected in the vadalur. The attributes of green products have
the greatest influence on purchasing behaviour and customer satisfaction. The goal of
this paper was to better understand the factors that influence consumer purchasing of
green products. According to the study, demographic factors have no influence on green
product purchasing behaviour. A consumer's purchasing behaviour is determined by his
or her level of satisfaction with the product. Incorporating the effects of various types of
perceived values of eco-friendly products (e.g., environmental, functional, and economic
values) into the model did not improve model fit, despite the fact that the environmental
value of the products had significant interaction effects with some of the non-
environmental values.
Keyword: Eco – friendly, Survey, Green Products, Demographic factors, Consumer

Indian literate and concrete client is obtaining additional aware of the deserves of green
product merchandise. However, it's still a replacement construct for the lots. The buyer
must be educated and created tuned in to the environmental threats. The new green
movements got to reach the lots which can take tons of your time and energy. By India’s
piece of writing heritage, Indian shoppers do appreciate the importance of exploitation
natural and seasoning beauty merchandise. Indian client is exposed to healthy living
lifestyles like yoga and natural food consumption. In those aspects the buyer is already
aware and can be inclined to simply accept the green product merchandise.

Asian country is already one in all the biggest economies within the world, and can
continue its speedy urbanization and economic development over ensuing few
decades. This is often a cause for celebration, however one tempered by the popularity
of challenges this growth presents: rising consumption and demand for energy, increasing
greenhouse emissions, and constraints on essential natural resources like land, water,
and oil. Like all alternative countries, Asian country must realize how to confirm energy
and atmosphere property while not compromising its economic and social development.
Despite India’s robust policy framework and a few successes, environmental degradation
has not been inactive on an outsized scale. While method continues within the full speed
across the worlds, this method has additionally brought some issues with it.

Leading one in all these issues are environmental issues that have an effect on all living
beings negatively. These aforesaid environmental issues have begun to return to the
agenda additional and additional on the recent years and folks have started worries
concerning the longer term of the planet and as results of this principally like
environmentally friendly merchandise. In returns to those attitudes of the shoppers,
corporations have begun to form of their promoting methods therefore, on attractiveness
increasing awareness of this environment-friendliness. These promoting methods,
named as green product promoting, have caused corporations to adopt inexperienced
policies in their evaluation, promotion, product options and distribution activities.

Taking into thought that corporations or socio-economic entities, it can’t be expected that
they continue to be unresponsive to the "Environmental Awareness that will direct client
behaviours. Significantly promoting managers encounters with shoppers wise to
environmental problems. The recent perception on, however businesses or institutions
with no alternative objectives. However, to profit leaves its place speedily to a
replacement perception that defines corporations as institutions that or wise to social
issues. Aside from manufacturing atmosphere friendly merchandise and choosing
environment — friendly markets, primarily understanding of “Environmentally Friendly” is
needed to be integrated into the company culture.


Ben-Akiva, M. and Lerman, S. (1985) says that modeling travel behavior could be a key
facet of demand analysis, wherever combination demand is that the accumulation of
individuals’ choices. during this chapter, we tend to specialize in “short-term” travel
choices. the foremost necessary short-run travel choices embody selection of destination
for a non-work trip, selection of travel mode, selection of point in time and selection of
route. it's necessary to notice that short-run choices are conditional on long travel and
quality choices like automobile possession and residential and work locations.

Anderson, R.C. and Hansen, E.N. (2004) is states that’s objectives of this explorative
study were to: 1) verify the relative importance of 5 wood CD rack product attributes; and
2) determine demographic and psychographic variables related to the respondents WHO
rated environmental certification because the most significant attribute in forming their
product preferences. The results indicate that respondents viewed environmental
certification as a good product attribute. though our sample wasn't representative of the
final population, these results give insight concerning potential selling implications. First,
since environmental certification was a comparatively unimportant purchase call criterion
for the common respondent, CFPs marketed in thought distribution channels. However,
since disposition to pay was greatest among those that placed the best importance on
environmental certification, CFP value premiums is also potential through market

Furlow, N.E. (2009) in her article has given the standing of the market currently flooded
with “green products” that are literally dishonorable within the name of atmosphere
protection. Within the wake of attracting an inexperienced audience, corporations usually
use claims that sound atmosphere friendly, however are literally imprecise, and now and
then is also false. As a result, “Green washing” has become commonplace within the
marketplace. The priority over inexperienced laundry isn't solely that it misleads
shoppers, however conjointly that if unscrupulous marketers still claim to be
environmentally friendly, then corporations faithful their environmental mission lose their
aggressiveness. Additionally, overuse and misuse of the “green” claims will saturate the
market to the purpose that the greenness of the merchandise might become nonsensical
to the patron. In the end, inaccurate environmental selling won't solely hurt shoppers and
corporations, however it'll conjointly hurt our surroundings. Environmental claims should,
therefore, be honest, sincere and a mirrored image of the organization’s mission.

Ali, A., Khan, A.A., Ahmed, I. & Shahzad, W. (2011) in their analysis
article has examined the Pakistani consumers‟ intention to shop for environmentally
friendly product. The prime focus of this analysis paper was to look at and investigate the
hypothesized relationship between predictor and criterion variable i.e., inexperienced
purchase angle (GPA) and inexperienced purchase intention (GPI). The second was to
see the link of criterion variable and outcome variable i.e., inexperienced purchase (GPI)
intention and inexperienced purchase behavior (GPB). The third objective was to
determine the alleviative impact of perceived product value, and quality (PPP&Q). The
tests unconcealed there's not solely a correlational statistic between criterion
and GPI however conjointly a person’s criterion had a major impact on his GPI.
Similarly, GPI is absolutely related to with GPB. The results have shown that buyers with
intentions to shop for inexperienced product exhibit higher actual shopping for rates than
those that demonstrate no intention of shopping for. The upper the offerings of
inexperienced product with competitive value and quality as compared to ancient product,
the stronger the link between purchase intention and get behavior.


To study the buying behavior of the respondents towards green products at Vadalur.

4.1 Research Design
In this project, Descriptive Research Design is used in research topic.

4.2 Sampling Technique

Stratified sampling is used as sampling technique in this project.

4.3 Sources of Data

Survey method has been followed for the study. Both primary and secondary source of
data were used.
In this project, primary data is collected through Questionaries.
In this project, secondary data is collected from journals, magazine, websites and
research papers.

4.4 Structure of Questionnaire

Multiple choice questions and Likert’s scale questions.

4.5 Sample Size

The present study covers buying who have using green products in vadalur town only.

4.6 Period of Study

The period of study is carried out from January 2021 to March 2021 which is three months
of study.

4.7 Hypothesis
There is no significant difference between decision towards green products and the
demographic factors.
There is no significant difference between level of consumer’s buying satisfaction in green
products and the demographic factors.

4.8 Analytical Tools

The applied statistical tools to process the collected data: Percentage analysis, ANOVA,
Chi-square test, T-test, Correlation analysis.


H0 (Null Hypothesis): There is no significant difference between Gender and the choice
of discarding an old electronic device.

H1 (Alternate Hypothesis): There is a significant difference between Gender and the

choice of discarding an old electronic device.

Table 5.1.1: Correlation between Gender the choice of discarding an old

electronic device
The choice of
Gender discarding an old
electronic device
Gender Pearson Correlation 1 -.227**
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.007
N 140 140
Pearson Correlation -.227** 1
The choice of discarding an old
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.007
electronic device
N 140 140
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).


The p-value is 0.007 which is lesser than the alpha value (0.05), hence alternate
hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Therefore, there is a significant difference between age and
stress level of employees.


H0 (Null Hypothesis): There is no significant difference between Buying eco-friendly

approved product with Between Groups and Within Groups.

H1 (Alternate Hypothesis): There is a significant difference between Buying eco-friendly

approved product with Between Groups and Within Groups.

Table 5.2.1: ANOVA on buying eco-friendly approved products

Buying eco-friendly approved product
Sum of Mean
Df F Sig.
Squares Square
Between Groups 10.326 1 10.326 4.728 0.31
Within Groups 301.417 138 2.184
Total 311.743 139


The p-value is 0.031 which is lesser than the alpha value (0.05), hence alternate
hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Therefore, there is a significant difference between Buying
eco-friendly approved product with Between Groups and Within Groups.


H0 (Null Hypothesis): There is no significant difference between Buying eco-friendly

approved products and Qualification.

H1 (Alternate Hypothesis): There is a significant difference between Buying eco-friendly

approved products and Qualification.

Table 5.3.1: Independent Samples Test on Buying eco-friendly approved products

and Qualification

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test
for Equality of t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. (2- Std. Error
F Sig. t Df
tailed) Difference
Buying eco- Equal
friendly variances .389 .534 -2.174 138 0.031 .259
approved assumed
products and Equal
Qualification variances
-2.254 119.222 0.026 .249


The p-value is 0.031 which is greater than the alpha value (0.05), hence null hypothesis
(H0) is accepted. Therefore, there is a no significant difference between Buying eco-
friendly approved products and Qualification.

• It is suggested to increase the satisfaction of the green products among
respondents by taking several measures.
• The promoters must meet the respondents' expectations for purchasing green
products and increase their level of satisfaction

The modern customer is well aware of his or her social, economic, and environmental
responsibilities. Green products are those that are both environmentally friendly and safe
for customers to use. One thing that has been repeatedly stated is that current
consumption levels are excessive and unsustainable. According to the study, educational
background has no significant influence on the purchasing decision of green products,
and the main limiting factor for purchasing eco-friendly products is a lack of access to
green products. As a result, the marketer should make these products available in locality
stores. It will almost certainly increase the demand for the products.

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