3 Learning outcomes
The purpose of this course is to provide students with knowledge and understanding
of the English Phonology system and English Phonetics features, as well as the
ability to analyze them. This course provides students with a grasp of the English
Phonological Process as well as the fundamentals of sound creation, segmental and
suprasegmental systems for English Speech Sounds.
1. Students are able to demonstrate responsibilities in promoting academic norms
based on religion, morals, and ethics in the context of scientific activities in the
field of language, literature, and culture.
2. Students are able to display self-reliance, endeavor, and entrepreneurship values
in cooperating with the society and environment
3. Students are able to take parts in communication skillfully by using proper
English and utilizing the latest technology
4. Students are able to analyze the development of linguistic, literary and cultural
phenomena in society to construct various critical perspectives and ideas in
the global and digital era.
5. Students are able to elaborate their ideas in both spoken and written forms by
using proper English in academic and non-academic contexts
6. Students are able to maximize the use of media and technology into their learning
and research activities in the fields of language, literature, and culture 7. Students
are able to compose critical analysis of various scientific texts in the fields of
language, literature and culture in English properly
8. Students are able to propose ideas in the form of scientific articles or creative
writings based on the phenomena of language, literature, and culture in
proper English independently or collaboratively
On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Explain the fundamental principles of phonetics and phonology
2. Apply basic phonetics and phonology concepts
3. Analyze sound, including the capacity to detect and exhibit vowel and
consonant pronunciation.
4. Analyze Segmental and suprasegmental features of English
language 5. Analyze the English Phonological Process
4 Subject aims/Content
2. Vowel sounds
Analyzing, detecting and exhibiting vowel sounds production and pronunciation
3. Organs of speech
Knowing and learning the place and the function of the organs of speech
4. Production of Speech
Recognizing speech sounds, their types and classification, and recognize
sound symbols
5. English Consonant
Analyzing, detecting and exhibiting consonant sounds production
and pronunciation
6. Phonetic transcription
Analyzing data in the light of the English Phonetics and Phonology and decode
sound symbols and transcribe words and short texts using IPA.
8. Phonological processes
Defining aspects found in connected speech such as assimilation, linking,
elision and insertion.
5 Teaching methods
lectures, discussions, case studies (individual and group work), project work
(group work)
6 Assessment methods
1. Class Participation
In order to maximize the learning opportunities in this course, students are not only
required to be present for all class sessions, having completed all necessary readings,
but they are also expected to interact with peers and the topics as directed in class
discussions and activities.
2. Test
There are going to be summative test at every end of 3 units
Assessment Summary:
Assessment Task Task Type Due Weighting Test – Speech Organ
Summative Week 3 15% Summative
Week 6
Test – Vowel And Consonant
Week 9
Test – Midterm
Note that attendance at lectures is compulsory and that 10% will be awarded for
attendance and participation in lectures.
Assessment Detail
Assignment 1 is an individual test of the speech organ in the first weeks of the
course. Assignment 2 is an individual on Vowel And Consonant Sounds
Assignment 3 is an individual Midterm assessment for half of semester coverage units.
Assignment 4 is a Final Project. This assignment is marked as a group assignment
and each member of the group is expected to contribute to the completion of the
8 Module Coordinator
9 Resources