• Highly active for excellent soldering and low Conveyors, fingers and pallets should be cleaned.
defect rates. Bioact SC-10 Solvent Cleaner has been found to be
• Low level of non-tacky residue to reduce very useful for these cleaning applications. When
interference with pin testing. foam fluxing, do not use hot fixtures or pallets. Hot
• Cleaning is not required which reduces operating fixtures/pallets will deteriorate the foam head.
• Reduces the surface tension between solder FLUX APPLICATION - RF800 is formulated to be
mask and solder to significantly reduce solder applied by foam, wave or spray methods. When foam
ball frequency. fluxing, the foam fluxer should be supplied with
• Meets Bellcore requirements for long-term compressed air which is free of oil and water. Keep
electrical reliability. the flux tank full at all times. The flux level should be
maintained 1 inch to 1-½ inches above the top of the
APPLICATION GUIDELINES stone. Adjust the air pressure to produce the optimum
foam height with a fine, uniform foam head.
PREPARATION - In order to maintain consistent A uniform coating of flux is essential to successful
soldering performance and electrical reliability, it is soldering. When using the foam or wave method of
important to begin the process with circuit boards and application, an air knife is recommended after the
components that meet established requirements for fluxing operation. An air knife will help ensure that the
solderability and ionic cleanliness. It is suggested flux is uniformly distributed across the board and will
remove the excess flux.
When spray fluxing, the uniformity of the coating can piece of tempered glass through the spray and then
be visually checked by running a piece of cardboard through the preheat section.
over the spray fluxer or by processing a board-sized
FLUX SOLIDS CONTROL - If foam, wave, or soldering performance, dispose of spent flux every 40
rotary drum spray fluxing, the flux solids will need to hours of operation. After emptying the flux, the
be controlled via thinner addition to replace reservoir and foam stone should be thoroughly
evaporative losses of the flux solvent. As with any flux cleaned with flux thinner.
with less than 5% solids content, specific gravity is not
an effective measurement for assessing and RESIDUE REMOVAL - RF800 is a no-clean flux
controlling the solids content. Monitoring and and the residues are designed to be left on the board.
controlling the acid number is recommended for However, if desired, RF800 residues can be removed
maintaining the solids content. The acid number with Alpha 2110 Saponifier.
should be controlled to between 17 and 19. Alpha's
Flux Solids Control Kit #3, a digital titrator, is TOUCH-UP/REWORK - Use of the Cleanline Write
suggested. Request Alpha's Technical Bulletin SM- Flux Applicator with NR205 flux and Telecore Plus
458 for details on the kit and titration procedure. cored solder is recommended for hand soldering
When operating the foam fluxer continously, the acid applications.
number should be checked every two to four hours.
Over time, debris and contaminants will accumulate in
recirculating type flux applicators. For consistent
Parameters Typical Values Parameters/Test Method Typical Values
Appearance Pale, yellow liquid pH (5% aqueous solution) 3.4
Solids Content, wt/wt 4.1 Recommended Thinner 800 Additive
Acid Number (mg KOH/g) 18 Shelf Life 18 Months
Specific Gravity @ 25°C (77°F) 0.794 ± 0.003 Container Size Availability 1, 5, and 55 Gal.
Pounds Per Gallon 6.6 Bellcore TR-NWT-000078, Issue 3
Compliant Yes
Flash Point (T.C.C.) 56°F (13°C) IPC J-STD-004 Designation B (RO/L1)
The information contained herein is based on data considered accurate and is offered at no charge. No warranty is expressed or implied regarding the accuracy of this data. Liability is expressly
disclaimed for any loss or injury arising out of the use of this information or the use of any materials designated.