Forex AS 11
Forex AS 11
Forex AS 11
Com.i SEM
The Accounting Standard 11 :Acoounting for Effects of changesin Foreign Exchange
commencing on or after 1-4-2004 and
This revisedstandard ) Accounting1is
into effect in respect of accounting periodssupersedes the earlier (1993)A standardiASY mandt
nature from that date.
Themain provisions ofthis AS are as follows :
Objective :
involving foreign exchange i.e. it may have
An enterprise
foreign currencies. carry
may In include foreign currency transactions in the financial| statement
enterprise, transactions must be expressed into the
enterprise's reporting currency. transactiensy
Issues :
currency transactions are to decide which
The principal issues in accounting for foreign statements the financial effect of changesin
rate touse and how to recognize in the financial
Scope :
transactionsin foreign currencies.
1. The Statementshould be applied in accounting for
in the nature of fir
2. This Statement also deals with accounting for foreign currency transaction
exchange contracts.
3. This Statement does not specify the currency in which an enterprise presents its
statements. However, an enterprise normally uses the curTency of the country in which ts
domiciled. If it uses a different currency, this Statement requires disclosure of the reason fr
using the currency. This Statement also requires disclosure of the reason for any change in te
reporting currency.
4. This Statement does not deal with the restatement of an enterprise's financial statements from i
reporting currency into another currency for the convenience for users accustomed to that curensy
or for similar purposes.
5. This Statement does not deal with the presentation in a cash flow statement of cash flows arsy
from transactions in a foreign currency and the transaction of cash flows of a foreign opera
(see AS 3, Cash Flow Statements).
6. This Statement does not deal with the exchange diference arising from foreign cur
borrowings to the extent that they are regarded as an adjustment interest costs (see parag
(e) of AS 16, Borrowings Costs.
Definitions :
7. The following terms are used in this Statement with meanings specified:
(a) Average rate is the mean of the exchange rates in force during a period.
(b) Closing rate is the exchange rate at the balance sheet date.
(c) Exchange difference is the difference resulting from reporting the same number ofunits
foreign currency in the reporting currency at differentexchange rates.
(d) Exchange rate is the ratio for exchange of two
(e) Fair Value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or aliabilitysettled,
knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm's
) Foreign Currency is acurrency other thanlength transaction.
the reporting currency of an enterprise
(g) Monetary itemns aremoney held and
assets and liabilities to be received or
determinable amounts of money.
(h) Non-monetary items are assets and
liabilities other than monetary items.
() Reporting currency is the currency used in
presenting the financial statemeh
*Tutorial Note : Though the syllabus does not
topic is to be explained in the light of AS I1. specifically mention AS 11, Uis
Accounting of Transactions of Foreign Currency
Eoreign Currency Transactions
Jnitial Recognition :
&.Aforeign currency transaction is atransaction which is denominated in or
foreign currency, including transactions arising when an requires settlement in
enterprise either:
(a) buys or sells goods or services whose price is denominated in a foreign
borroWs or lends funds when the amounts payable or receivable are currency.
currency: denominated in a foreign
(c).becomes a partyto an unpertrformed forward
iA otherwise acquires or disposes of assets, or incurs or contract; or
foreign currency.
settles liabilities, denominated in a
Aforeign currency tran saction should be recorded, on initial
hy applying to the foreign currency amount the exchange recognition
in the reporting currency.
rate between the reporting currency
and the foreign currency at the date of thetransaction.
10 For practical reasons, a rate that approximates the actual rate at the date of the
transaction is
often used, for example, an average rate for a week or a month might be used for all transaction
in each foreign currency occurring during that period. However, if exchange rates fluctuate
significantly, the use of the average rate for a period is unreliable.
Reporting at Subsequent Balance Sheet Dates :
Ateach balance sheet date :
11. (a) certain
foreign circumstan
currency monetary items should be reported using the closing rate. However, in
ces, the closing rate may not reflect with reasonable accuracy the amount
in reporting currency that is likely to be realized from, or required to disburse, a foreign
currency monetary item at the balan ce sheet date, e.g. where there are restrictions on
remittances or where the closing rate is unrealistic and it is not possible to effect an exchange
of currenciesat that rate at the balance sheet date. In such circumstances, the relevant monetary
item should be reported in the reporting currency at the amount which is likely to be realized
from, or required to disburse, such item at the balance sheet date;
(b) non-mon etary items which are carried in terms of historical cost denominated in a foreign
currency should be reported using the exchange rate at the date of the tran saction; and
(c) non-monetary items,which are carried at fair value or other similar valuation denominated in
a foreign currency should be reported using the exchange rates that existed when the values
were determined.
12.Cash, receivables, and payable are examples of monetary items. Fixed assets, inventories, and
investments in equity shares are examples of non-monetary items. The carrying amountcertain of an
item is determined in accordance with the relevant Accounting Stan dards. For example,
or at
assets may be measured at fair value or other similar valuation (e.g., net realizable value)
value or other similar
historicalcost. Whether the carrying amount is determined based on fair
valuation or at historical cost, the amounts so determined for foreign currency items are then
The contingent liability
reported in the reporting currency in accordance with this Statement. using the closing rate
denominated in foreign currency at the balance sheet date is disclosed by
Kecognition of Exchange Differences :
on reporting an enterprise's
3.Exchange differences arising on the settlement of mnonetary items orinitially
they were recorded during the
monetary items at rates different from those at which be recognized as income or as expen ses
Penod, or reported in previous financial statements, should
in the period in which they arise.
change in the exchange rate between the transaction
An exchange difference results when there is a items arising from a foreign currency transaction.
ate and the date of settlement of anymonetary accounting period as that in which itoccurred
When the transaction is settled within the same period. However, when the transaction is settled
allthe difference is recognized in that
in a exchangeaccounting period, the exchange differenceexchange rates
recognized in cach intervening period
p to the period of settlement is determined by
change in during that period.
FinancialAccounting (T. Y,B. Com..:
144 SEM-V),
Disclosure of exchange
diferences included in the net
disclosethe amount profit
15, An enterprise should
loss of the period. country in which
currency is different fromthecurrency of the disclosed, the enterpri
l6. When the reporting reason
for using a diferent disclosed.
should be The reason for
is domiciled, the
currency should also be
change in the reporting
concern may enter into the following transactions in foreign currency:
or payable in foreign currency):
(a) import goods (where price is paid
receivable in foreign currency);
(b)export goods (where price is received or
in foreign currency).
(c) purchase fixed assets (where price is paid or payable purchase fixed assets or for any othe
cy) to
(d) take loan (and repay such loan; in foreign curren
AS 11 defines Exchange Difference, as the differen ce resulting from reporting the same number df
units of a foreign currency in the reporting currency at different exchange rates.
Atransaction recorded in terms of rupees is quite simple in nature. Thus, in case of credit purchase
of t50,000, purchases are recorded at 50,000; payment, ifmade, is recorded at 50,000; and ifne
payment is made, the balance of creditor is shown in the balance sheet at 50,000. Howeve, 4
Similar purchase in foreign currency may give rise to exchan gedi fferences. Exchange differences
arise because different exchange rates are used at different stages to record a transaction and o
report the balances at the year-end. Thus, in case of an import of goods for USS 1,000; purchases
may be transl ated and recorded at 50,000 (ifUS S 1 = 50 on date of purchase); payment may
recorded at R51,000 (if US SI =*5l on the date of payment, leading to a loss of 1,000 due te
exchange rate differen ce); if, on the other han d, no payment is made, creditors may be reporteu
49,500 (ifUS S 1=49.50 on the date of balance sheet, leading to a gain ofB 500 due to exchaie
rate difference). Exchange difference on foreign currency transactions/balances should be revu
in the accounts in the following manner as laid down in AS 11.
(1) Difference on Settlement : Exchange differences arising on settling foreign currency transactions
shouldbe recorded as inconme or as expense in the period in which they arise.
llustration 4:
31-05-2012 ox
Refer llustration 2 above. Assuming that the actual rate paid by the importer on recommenced
purchasing dollars for remittance was ? 45.50 per $ state the accounting treatment
under AS 11.
Solution :
The import was recorded at ? 4,50,000 (by using the average rate), The actual be debited
Z4,55,000 ($ 10,000 x 45.50) The loss due to exchange difference of 5,000 Would
the profitand loss
(2) Difference on Balance Valuations : Exchange difference arising due to translalio lossdue à
8ainoc the
balances is also recorded as income or expensein the relevant period. Thus account or
translation of balances asat 31-3-2013 would be transferred to the profit and loss
year ended 31 31-32013(he
Illustration 5 : recommended
Illustration 2above. Assume that tthe amount was not paid by the importer
Refer exchange rate was $1=44.75. State the accounting treatnent
year-end) when the
under AS 11.
Accounting off Transactions of Foreign Currency
Solution 147