4.0 SET UP
12.0 RANDOM EVENTS NOTE: To remove the rules from this magazine, carefully and slowly peel them from the
subscription card to which they are attached by peeling from the top and then the bottom,
13.0 REINFORCEMENTS and meeting in the middle. The card is not intended to be removed.
These rules use the following color system: Red for critical points such as errata and
14.0 AMBUSHES exceptions, Blue for examples of play. Check for e-rules updates to this game at
BONUS COUNTERS & Rules, Chechen War: 1994-1996 is a simulation of the 1st Chechnya War (1994-1996) wherein the
Errata for MW 1, 17, 18, 21 Russian Federation under Boris Yeltsin attempted to directly and forcibly put an end to the
Chechen independence movement. The game begins in December 1994 when the Russian
Credits armed forces haphazardly invaded Chechnya. Unpopular among the Russian people and
Design: Javier Romero even the Russian armed forces themselves, this lackluster invasion (despite overwhelming
Developer: Eric R. Harvey materiel and manpower) quickly degenerated into a quagmire. Despite initial predictions
that the campaign would be quick and surgical, the appalling performance of the Russian
Managing Developer: Doug Johnson
military proved to be an embarrassment to the Yeltsin government, and it also revealed
Playtesters: Damián Giménez, Ty Bomba, JD
serious weaknesses in Soviet-era technology, doctrine, and morale. It can be said that the
Mould, David Moseley, Terry Rooker, Stephen
emergence of Vladimir Putin, Yeltsin’s successor, is a direct result of these failures, and is
Wagstaff, Maurice Fitzgerald
largely responsible for the Russian military reforms and posturing since then.
Final Proofing: Hans Korting, Terry Mays,
Brendan Whyte There are two players in the game, the Russian player and the Chechen player. The
Counter Graphics: Eric R. Harvey Russian player must deal with low morale at the front and at home to win the war to keep
Map Graphics: Joe Youst Chechnya within the Russian Federation; thus preventing the entire Russian Caucasus
Production: Chris Cummins region from fragmenting into numerous independent republics, which would be a disaster
Special Thanks: Igor Luckyanov (Moscow) for the Russians geostrategically. (Imagine, for example, if the Caucasian states began
for his help with the Russian order-of-battle. to seek ties and even cooperation with NATO!) The Chechen player is outgunned and
outnumbered, but can wage an effective guerilla campaign to bog down the entire Russian
effort in the attempt to achieve independence.
© 2019 Decision Games There is a total of nine game turns covering two years of conflict, from December 1994 to
Bakersfield, CA.
Made & Printed in the USA
December 1996. Each game turn (except the first) represents three months. The first game
turn represents only one month, because it represents the suddenness and pace of the
initial invasion (until the war began to grind down).
Note: There are eight bonus counters for Green Beret (Modern Mechanized/ Light Armored/ Parachute-
War #18), four bonus counters for Kandahar (Modern War #21), Combined Arms Recon Infantry
seventeen bonus counters for Red Dragon/Green Crescent
(Modern War #1), and three errata counters for Dien Bien Phu
(Modern War #17).
Front Back • Units not deployed in the instructions, may enter play as
reinforcements during later game turns.
2.9 The Map
A hexagonal grid is superimposed over the map to regulate placement, 4.2 Variable Set-Up
movement, and combat. Each hexagon encompasses about 5 kilometers
from side to side. 4.2.1 Russian Variable Set-Up
Map Errata: On the Chechen Reinforcement Table, delete the word • All 15 Russian regular army at start units are deployed on or adjacent
“previous” and insert “current” in the last two entries under Die Roll to the following towns and cities:
Vladikavkaz (1632)
Note: The borders (internal or international) have no affect on Mozdok (0731)
movement factor costs or combat. Pervomaiskoye (0617)
3.1 Sudden Death Victory • All nine Russian MVD at start units are deployed anywhere on the
map, outside of Chechnya and Georgian territory.
• The Russian player wins the game if he eliminates every Chechen unit
on the map at any moment during the game (even if reinforcements • All 21 remaining Russian regular, Pro-Russian Chechen, and MVD/VT
are due to arrive but are not yet on the map) and Russian morale units are placed to the side and are part of the Russian Reinforcement
level must be one (1) or higher and Groznyi is occupied by at least one Pool. These units may be recruited during each turn’s Reinforcement
Russian unit. Determination Segment.
• The Chechen player wins the game if at the end of any Russian Morale • Place all 12 Russian support markers in the Russian Available Support
Segment the Russian morale is at zero (0) and Groznyi is not occupied Markers Box.
by Russian units.
4.2.2 Chechen Variable Set-up
3.2 End of Game Victory
After the completion of game turn nine: • All 16 Chechen regular units (those with NATO symbols) are placed in
an opaque container (e.g. a cup).
• The Russian player wins the game if all five Chechen cities are Russian
occupied and the Russian morale level is one or more. • The Chechen player randomly picks eight units and deploys them
face down (so that their rear question mark side is face up) anywhere
• The Chechen player wins the game if the Russian morale level is zero. within Chechnya.
• If neither of the players have achieved their victory conditions, the • The above units may not be examined (by the Chechen player) until he
game ends in a draw (tie game). has completed his set-up. They are not revealed to the Russian player
until the units are engaged in combat for the first time, and even then,
they are not revealed to the Russian player until all support markers • The above units may not be examined (by the Chechen player) until he
have been committed. has completed his set-up. They are not revealed to the Russian player
until the units are engaged in combat for the first time, and even then,
• The eight remaining Chechen regular units remain in the cup. They they are not revealed to the Russian player until all support markers
may be randomly picked as reinforcements later in the game. have been committed.
• All 16 Chechen militia units (those with the AK-47 symbol) are placed • All remaining Chechen regular units are placed in a cup. They may be
in a separate cup. The Chechen player randomly picks all 16 units one randomly picked as reinforcements later in the game.
at a time (do not examine them) and places them face down anywhere
in Chechnya. They may be placed in the same hex as Chechen regular • All 16 Chechen Militia units (those with the AK-47 symbol) are placed
units. Stacking limits must be adhered to (7.0). Militia units are in a separate cup. The Chechen player randomly picks all 16 units one
revealed in the same manner as Chechen regular units. at a time (do not examine them) and places them face down anywhere
in Chechnya. They may be placed in the same hex as Chechen regular
• Place all Chechen leaders in the Chechen Leader Underground Box. units. Stacking limits must be adhered to. Militia units are revealed in
the same manner as Chechen regular units.
• Place the two Chechen artillery support markers in the Chechen
Available Support Markers Box. • Place all Chechen leaders in the Chechen Leader Underground Box.
4.3 Historical Set-Up • Place the two Chechen artillery support markers in the Chechen
Available Support Markers Box.
4.3.1 Russian Historical Set-Up
Designer’s Note: There is very little information as to the location
Northern (Север) Group: 131st Mech Brigade, 74th Mech Brigade, of specific Chechen regular formations, other than they were in
81st Mech Regt, 276th Mech Regt, 4 x MVD Regiments. On or adjacent urban areas (towns or cities). Militia units, by their very definition
to Mozdok (0731). were even more “shadowy” (thus the random free set-up). Russian
reinforcements were fed in as required, with some units being
North-Eastern (Северо-Восток) Group: 255th Mot. Rifle Regt, sent into the area piecemeal as needed. Since units were never
33rd Mot. Rifle Regt, 68th Recon Battalion, 3 x MVD Regiments. On or really destroyed, eliminated units can be “rebuilt” with the victory
adjacent to Pervomaiskoye (0617). They cannot be placed in Chechnya conditions based on the control of cities and the level of casualties
territory. suffered by Russian forces.
West (Запад) Group: 693th Mot. Rifle Regt, 503rd Mot. Rifle Regt, 4.4 Marker Set-up
76th Airborne Regt, 2 x MVD Regiments. On or adjacent to Vladikavkaz Markers are set-up in the same manner for both 4.2 and 4.3.
• Place the game turn marker in the Game Turn 1, December 1994 Box.
Eastern (Восток) Group: 129th Mot. Rifle Regt, 106th Airborne Regt,
98th Airborne Regt. On or adjacent to Khasav-Yurt (1418). They cannot be • Place the Russian morale level marker in the nine nine box of the
placed in Chechnya territory. General Data Track.
General Reserve: 245th Mot. Rifle Regt, 324th Rifle Regt. Anywhere in • Place the Russian casualties and collateral damage markers in the “0”
Russia outside Chechnya. box of the General Data Track.
Reinforcements: Remaining Russian regular, Pro-Russian Chechen, and • Set aside the kidnapped civilians, ceasefire game turn, and helicopter
MVD/VT units are placed off to the side. These units may be recruited move markers for later use.
during each turn’s Reinforcement Determination Segment.
4.5 Hex Control
Russian Support Markers: Place all 12 Russian support markers in the Keeping track of who controls Chechen city hexes and town hexes in
Russian Available Support Markers Box. Dagestan, or Ingushetia Oblast is important for the effect on Russian
morale and victory conditions. Control of hexes has no other effect
4.3.2 Chechen Historical Set-Up within the game. There are no supply rules. If a Chechen city hex is not
occupied by a Russian unit, the city is considered under Chechen control.
• All Chechen regular units (those with NATO symbols) are placed in an
opaque container (cup). 5.0 SEQUENCE OF PLAY
Each game turn is composed of three phases; a Russian Phase, a
• The Chechen player randomly picks eight units and deploys them Chechen Phase, and an End of Turn Phase. Each phase is further divided
face down (showing the question mark) in any city or town hex within into segments which each player must follow in strict order.
6.0 RUSSIAN MORALE Kidnapping Civilians: Once per game, during the Russian Morale
Russian morale represents the war weariness of the Russian civilian Segment (after all other adjustments have been made), the Chechen
population and the Russian military in general. player may declare that he is kidnapping civilians. To do so, the Chechen
player announces he has kidnapped civilians. Place the kidnap civilians
Designer’s Note: The war in Chechnya was truly unpopular in Russia. marker in the game turn box as a reminder that the event has taken
Even some of the Russian Army commanding officers resigned in place. Both players then roll one die. This may take place during the
protest. ceasefire game turn.
6.1 Russian Morale Level • Subtract the lower die roll from the higher die roll and halve the result
The Russian morale level starts at nine when the game begins. (round up).
• Certain game actions, such as the capture of Groznyi, losses suffered • The result is the number of levels the Russian morale level marker is
by the Russian Army, and raids may increase or decrease Russian moved.
morale level.
• If the Russian player had the higher die roll, the marker is moved up
• The Russian morale level may never go below zero, nor above 13. the track (Russian morale increases).
• If at the end of any Russian Morale Segment, the Russian morale level • If the Chechen player had the higher die roll the marker is moved down
is at zero and Groznyi is not occupied by Russian units, the game ends. the track (Russian morale decreases).
The Chechen player is declared the winner.
• If the die rolls are equal, there is no effect (the kidnapping was a
6.2 Adjusting Morale Level failure).
During the Russian Morale Segment, the Russian player rolls one die
modifying the result by the die roll modifiers (DRM) listed below the Designer’s Note: This rule is intended to simulate the unknown
Russian Morale Table. He then cross-references the modified result (left consequences of kidnapping civilians. This kind of tactic could just as
column) with the Morale Adjustment (right column) and applies the result easily backfire on the kidnappers and their cause, but the rule serves
to the Russian Morale Level. Die Roll Modifiers are as follows: as something the Chechen player can try if he wants to, which may
work to tip public opinion decidedly against the war (especially if, as
• If the current Russian casualty level is from three to six, subtract one actually happened, the rescue attempt is botched, and many people
from the DR. are killed). Or, alternatively, it may be barbaric and thus actually
galvanize the public to want to punish those responsible for the
• If the current Russian casualty level is seven or greater, subtract two murder of women and children. In short, it’s a risky move, the kind of
from the DR. risky move that insurgencies are known for, and it could, in one fell
swoop, win the war or lose the war.
• If Groznyi is currently occupied by at least one Russian unit, add one
to the DR.
6.4 Russian Casualty Adjustment Exception: Russian units using helicopter movement (8.8) may pass
After all other actions during the Russian Morale Segment are complete, through, but not end their movement in enemy occupied hexes.
set the Russian casualty marker to zero.
Having more than one friendly unit in a hex at the same time is called 8.1 How to Move Units
stacking. Stacking limits vary by terrain type and are printed on the Units may only move during their own side’s Movement Segment.
Terrain Effects Chart (TEC) in terms of units, and each unit in the game
(no matter its organizational size) is one unit for stacking purposes. • Each unit has a movement factor (MF) printed on it.
Important: A friendly unit or stack may never enter a hex containing an • A unit is moved by tracing a path of contiguous hexes along the map’s
enemy unit or stack. hex grid, expending movement factors to enter each hex until all that
unit’s printed movement factors are expended (or until the player
7.1 Stacking Limitations decides to cease moving the unit, whichever comes first).
Stacking limitations apply for all units of both sides at the end of each
segment. • Some hexes require more movement factors to enter than others.
Consult the TEC printed on the map to determine the movement cost
• Friendly units may move through hexes occupied by other friendly units for each type of hex on the map.
at no extra cost; there is no limit on the number of friendly units that
may pass through a single hex or cross a single hexside during the • Retreats conducted because of ambushes are not considered
same Movement Segment. movement and thus do not use movement factors.
• If, however, at the end of any segment, one or more hexes are over Note: No e nemy movement occurs during your own player turn.
stacked, excess units (of the owning player’s choice) in each such
hex must be eliminated by the owning player. Units eliminated in this 8.2 Movement Restrictions
manner are returned to their respective reinforcement pools. Unused MF may not be accumulated from turn to turn, nor may they ever
be transferred from one unit to another.
7.2 Free-Stacking Units
Markers and leaders are ignored when determining stacking limits. • All Russian (including Pro-Russian Chechen) units are free to enter all
hexes of the map, if not otherwise restricted by stacking limits or the
7.3 Stack Movement. presence of enemy units.
To move as a stack, units must begin their movement already stacked
together. Units are never required to move together merely because they • Chechen units may not leave Chechen territory.
started the Movement Segment in the same hex. Units may be moved
together, individually, or in smaller sub-stacks. Exception: Chechen militia units only, are free to enter Dagestan and
Ingushetia oblasts to conduct raids (6.3). While in the above oblasts
Exception: Units moving by helicopter movement cannot be moved as they operate normally, except they may not conduct attacks, however if
stacks (8.8). eligible they may conduct an ambush (14.0).
8.7 Bridges
A river hexside that is crossed by a road line is called a bridged hexside.
Bridges negate the movement effects of rivers when units cross such
• Units being transported by helicopter may not move by regular (land) • All units project a ZOC into all six surrounding hexes, regardless of the
movement prior to and/or after being moved via helicopter movement terrain there, and regardless of the presence of other enemy units or
that segment. enemy ZOCs (EZOCs).
• The Russian player can track the use of helicopter movement by Example 2: Both the Chechen unit and the Russian unit project ZOC in to
placing the helicopter move marker in the four box on the General hex 1129 and 1230. The presence of each does not cancel out the other.
Data Track at the beginning of each game turn. Each time helicopter
movement is used, move the marker down one on the track.
Important: Leaders are not units and thus do not project a ZOC (11.0).
• The Russian player then traces the path the unit is moving. The path
may be through hexes occupied by enemy units. • Multiple ZOCs projected into the same hex do not have a cumulative
• Units utilizing helicopter movement may be in any hex on the map. The
hex may be in an EZOC.
• The unit may end its movement in any hex anywhere on the map
except those hexes occupied by enemy units. The hex may be in an
• A unit or stack may leave an EZOC, if the unit or stack began its own
Movement Segment in that hex.
Movement Segment in an EZOC and can then only move one hex directly • He may resolve them in any order he wishes provided the resolution of
into another EZOC. It must stop its movement in the first hex within an each one is completed before the next is begun.
Note: No attacking unit may attack more than once per Combat
9.3 Chechen Ambushes Segment, and no defending unit may be attacked more than once per
During the Chechen Ambush Segment, the Chechen player may attempt Combat Segment.
an ambush against any Russian unit or stack in a Chechen ZOC (14.0).
10.5 Stacks Attacking
10.0 COMBAT Attacking units stacked together need not participate in the same attack;
some may attack into one hex while others attack other hexes, or not at
10.1 General all. Units in the same stack may all attack the same hex if desired.
Combat occurs between opposing units in adjacent hexes during the
Combat Segment. A unit is not required to attack just because it is in an 10.6 Fog of War
EZOC. Units cannot attack an enemy unit located in a hex into which the The Chechen player may examine all Russian stacks anywhere on the
attacking unit(s) cannot move. map at any time he desires.
Example: In the diagram below the two Chechen units are in Chechnya, • The Russian player may only examine Chechen stacks after he has
however the 68th Russian Armored Cavalry unit is in Stavropol. Since declared an attack and committed any support markers he wishes to
Chechen units cannot enter Stavropol, they could not attack the 68th (nor add to the attack.
could they conduct an ambush against it).
• He is obligated to carry out that attack, regardless of the combat odds.
Example: If two Russian units with combat factors of 3 and 4 attack two
Chechen units with combat factors of 1 and 1, the odds are 7:2 or 3.5:1,
which rounds down to 3:1.
Note: Ambushes are conducted during the Chechen Ambush Segment • Consult the resulting odds ratio column on the Combat Results Table
and are not considered combat in the context of 10.0. (CRT) and roll one six-sided die.
10.2 Multiple Attackers • Cross-reference the die roll result with that odds ratio column
Enemy-occupied hexes may only be attacked once during each Combat (including all column shifts) and determine the result (10.11).
Segment, however, a hex may be attacked by as many attacking units as
are in adjacent hexes. Important: Attacker results must always be implemented before
defender results.
10.3 Indivisibility of Units
If a unit is adjacent to multiple enemy occupied hexes, it can only attack 10.8 Column Shifts
one enemy occupied hex in a given Combat Segment. The odds obtained in the calculation process given above may be
modified (shifted) by the terrain in the defender’s hex and/or around its
• No single attacking unit may have its combat factor divided and used surrounding hexes (TEC).
in more than one attack.
• Column shifts are cumulative. All applicable shifts are determined, and
• No unit in the defending hex can decline combat. All units in the their effects calculated before the combat die is rolled to obtain the
defending hex, must be attacked as a single entity. combat result.
10.4 Attack Sequencing • If both players have shifts, subtract the lower number of shifts
There is no limit on the number of attacks that each player may conduct from the higher number, the result is the number of favorable shifts
during his Combat Segment. awarded to the side with the higher number.
• A player need not declare all his attacks before commencing them (he Note: If both sides have an equal number of shifts, neither side
may declare and announce one attack at a time). receives any shifts.
• The Russian player may select one or two support markers. He is not
required to allocate any support markers. Front Back
• The Russian player may keep the type of support marker secret from Designer’s Note: Although the Russians call it Heavy Flamethrower,
the Chechen player. the TOS-1 Buratino is a thermobaric projectile launcher that can
deliver devastating firepower. It has been widely used by the Russian
• After selecting (either one or two) support markers, he informs the Army in the two Chechen Wars, as well as other post-Cold War era
Chechen player how many support markers he has committed to the conflicts.
combat (but not what type).
Russian Support Markers: After the resolution of a combat where
Exception: The Russian player may not use support markers the first Russian support markers have been used, place the used support marker
time that he conducts an attack against the Groznyi hex. This does not in the Russian Used Support Marker Box. They are returned to the
include gunship support against any ambushes out of Groznyi. Russian Available Support Markers Box at the beginning of the next
game turn.
• The Chechen player then allocates, none, one, or two support markers
and/or leaders to the combat. The total number of Chechen support Chechen Support Markers: After the resolution of a combat where
markers and leaders may not exceed two. Chechen support markers are used, roll one die for each support marker.
Exception: The Chechen player cannot commit support markers outside • On a result of six, the support marker is permanently eliminated. If not
Chechnya (i.e., when conducting a raid). Leaders can be committed. eliminated place the marker in the Chechen Used Support Markers
There are no restrictions on Russian use of support markers. Box and at the beginning of the next game turn place it in the Chechen
Available Support Marker Box.
Example: The Chechen player may allocate one support marker and one
leader, or two support markers and no leaders, or he may allocate two 10.10 Other Column Shifts
leaders, if the total does not exceed two. • The first time that Russian units attack the Groznyi city hex, the
Russian player receives a one leftward column shift. The second and
• The number of shifts provided by support markers are printed on the all further attacks on the Groznyi city hex award the normal two shifts.
back of the support marker. Leaders provide one shift per leader.
Map Errata: The above special case was not included on the TEC.
• Some support markers have restrictions.
• Consult the TEC for shifts awarded for terrain in and/or around the
Armor Support: Armor support can only be used if Russian units are defending hex.
defending (not in the attack) in clear terrain (no city or town may not be
present in the hex). Note: For the defender to receive the river shift, more than half of
the total attacking combat factors must be attacking across a river
Example: Armor support marker can only be used in the defense, thus it hexside.
has an arrow pointing to the left with a number indicating the number of
shifts awarded. 10.11 Combat Results
- (Dash): No Effect (The attack ends without either side being affected).
Front Back Ax: Attacker eliminates or reduces his units by a number of steps equal
to or greater than total number of steps comprised by the defending
TOS-1 Support: TOS-1 support may only be used if the Russian player is units.
attacking and the defenders are in a town or city hex. Each time the TOS-
1 support marker is used the Russian player must roll one additional die. Example: If the defending units comprise a total of 3 steps, the attacker
If the result is one, the collateral damage marker is increased by two, must lose 3 steps in total.
rather than the normal one (10.13).
Ex: The side with the weaker face value (total combat factors) is 11.0 CHECHEN LEADERS
eliminated. The stronger side (total combat factors) eliminates a number Leader counters represent historic Chechen leaders such as President
of steps equal to the number of steps the weaker side eliminated. If no Dudayev or Shamil Bashayev. Chechen leaders may only exist in the
defending units remain, the attacker may advance into the defending Chechen Leader Underground Box, or in a hex with Chechen units.
hex. Leaders are not units, they:
Note: In the case of an Ex result where both sides are equal in steps, • Cannot move (11.2 & 11.3).
both sides are eliminated.
• Do not have an independent combat ability.
DE: All defending units eliminated. The attacker may advance into the
defending hex. • Do not project a ZOC (9.1).
• Eliminated Russian units (all types) are set aside (at full strength) with • Do not count when determining occupation of a hex.
any units not yet placed (those units with an “R”) and become part of
the Russian Reinforcement Pool. 11.1 Chechen Leaders & Stacking
Chechen leaders can freely stack with Chechen units. There is no limit to
• Eliminated Chechen units (all types) are placed in the cup with the the number of Chechen leaders that can be deployed in the same hex.
Chechen regular units that were not picked during set-up. The units in
the cup are the Chechen Random Reinforcement Pool. 11.2 Placement & Use
The Chechen player receives six leader counters that are placed in the
10.12 Advance After Combat Chechen Leader Underground Box at the beginning of the game.
If an attack eliminates all the defending units in a hex, any or all the
attacker’s units may be moved into that just-vacated hex (stacking limits • They are available to the Chechen player to be used during any
apply). This movement does not cost any movement factors. Combat (Russian or Chechen) or Ambush Segment.
Important: Remember a unit cannot attack into a hex it could not legally • They may be placed in any hex on the map containing Chechen units
enter. (regular or militia) where a combat or ambush has been declared (10.9
& 14.0).
10.13 Russian Casualties & Collateral Damage
Russian casualties and the use of Russian support markers must be • A maximum of two leaders may affect a combat and only one leader
tracked each game turn. The tally for each of these items is reset to can affect an ambush.
zero at the end of each game turn. The step loss tally is reset during
the End of Turn Phase and collateral damage is reset after the Chechen 11.3 Removal
Reinforcement Arrival Segment. Any Chechen leader(s) that are on the map may be voluntarily removed
by the Chechen player during his own Movement Segment and returned
• Whenever a Russian unit suffers a step loss (is reduced or eliminated) to the Chechen Leader Underground Box. Removed leaders are eligible
that step loss must be recorded as a casualty on the General Data to be placed on the map in the immediately following Chechen Combat
Track. A Russian casualties marker is provided to indicate the quantity Segment.
of Russian step losses that have occurred during the current game turn
(regardless of the casualty or reason). If Russian casualties become too 11.4 Leader Elimination
high, it will affect the Russian morale die roll (6.0). When a Chechen unit is eliminated for any reason, he is permanently
removed from play. Chechen leaders are eliminated if:
• Whenever a Russian player uses a Russian support marker during
a combat in which either side occupies a town or city hex (whether • All Chechen units in a stack containing one or more leaders are
attacking or defending), it must be recorded as collateral damage on eliminated, roll a die for each leader.
the General Data Track. This is done no matter the outcome of the
combat. • On a die roll of 5-6, the Chechen leader is eliminated. On any other
result, the Chechen leader is moved to the next Game Turn Box. At
• One collateral damage point is added for each such Russian support the start of that game turn, the leader is placed in the Chechen Leader
marker used (use of the TOS marker may incur two collateral damage Underground Box and is immediately available for placement on the
points (10.2)). A collateral damage marker is provided to indicate the map.
quantity of collateral damage that has occurred during the present
game turn. If collateral damage becomes too high, it facilitates • Chechen leaders that are on the map (not in the Chechen Leader
Chechen recruiting (13.0). Underground Box) may be eliminated because of a random event
• During the End of Turn Phase, in the Reinforcement Determination 14.0 AMBUSHES
Segment, each player rolls one die and consults his respective
Reinforcement Table. 14.1 Ambush Eligibility
During the Chechen Ambush Segment, the Chechen player may declare
• Apply all applicable modifiers. All die roll modifiers are cumulative. one ambush attack against each Russian occupied hex in a Chechen ZOC.
• At the end of the End of Turn Phase, the Russian collateral damage • Only one ambush may be declared per Russian occupied hex, and
marker is set to zero. each attack must be resolved prior to declaring and resolving the next
Note: The die roll modifier for Chechen leaders applies to the current
turn only. • Each Chechen occupied hex is eligible to conduct only one ambush (no
matter how many occupied Russian hexes are in its ZOC).
• The pool of available reinforcements consists of all units (of any
type) that are not on the map. Reinforcements may include units that • The Chechen player may designate a second Chechen occupied hex
have been eliminated. Selected reinforcements are placed in the adjacent to the ambushed Russian units, that will support the ambush.
appropriate Recruitment Box. A single Chechen occupied hex may either conduct an ambush or
provide support for an ambush by units in another hex, but not both.
• The Russian player may select units as desired from any of the
available Russian regular, MVD/VT or Pro-Russian Chechen units. Exception: Additional ambushes triggered by Russian retreats.
• The Chechen player randomly picks units from a cup containing all • A single Chechen occupied hex may support only one ambush.
available units (those units not on the map). After picking the units
randomly, the Chechen player may look at the units that he has drawn. Exception: Russian retreats may permit additional ambushes (14.3).
Note: Some Russian Regular units have two steps (2.7). 14.2 Russian Gunship Threat
The Russian player may allocate gunship support
• The Russian player may, instead of selecting a reinforcement, flip back markers to the map, thereby making it impossible for
over one of his reduced units on the map to its full-strength side. Chechen forces to create an ambush. To designate a
gunship threat hex:
• Each unit of reinforcement, entitles the Russian player to choose a
reinforcement unit from his pool or flip back over one reduced Russian • At the end of any Russian Movement Segment, place either or both
unit on the map. gunship support markers (they must be in the Russian Available
Support Markers Box) in any Russian occupied hexes. The markers
• A unit to be flipped may be in an EZOC. remain there until the completion of the Chechen Ambush Segment, at
which time they are placed in the Russian Used Support Markers Box.
Note: It is possible during the Reinforcement Determination Segment
of a given turn, that no units are available are available to be chosen • The hexes containing the gunship markers may not be subject to a
as reinforcements by one or both players. In such a case, the affected Chechen ambush.
players(s) cannot receive any reinforcements. However, the Russian
player may still return units to full strength.
The Chechen player rolls one die with a result of 4. He subtracts one
from the die because his unit is in a clear hex, then he adds one for the
leader and one more because he has declared a second unit as support.
This gives a modified die roll of 5 (4 +1 -1 +1 = 5) achieving a Retreat
result. The Russian player then rolls a die with a result of 1 and halves
the result, but since he has to round up, the result remains a 1, indicating
he must retreat one of the two units in the hex. He chooses to retreat the
33rd Mechanized Regiment into hex 1227.
At this point the Chechen unit in 1226 can conduct an ambush against
the 33rd even though it supported the initial ambush. He also declares
that the Chechen unit in hex 1126 will support the ambush. He rolls a
6, the die is modified by plus one for the support unit and minus one
because the Chechen unit is in a town hex. Final result remains a 6. The
Russian player must lose one step.
14.3 Ambush Procedure d) If the ambushing Chechen hex is in a clear or town hex, subtract
During the Chechen Ambush Segment the Chechen player identifies one from the DR.
the Chechen occupied hex conducting the ambush and then identifies
the Russian occupied hex being ambushed. The Chechen units are not • Consult the Ambush Table and cross reference the modified DR with
revealed. the results column and implement the result. If the Russian player
receives a retreat result, he must retreat half (round up) the number of
• The Chechen player may then remove one Chechen leader from the units determined by an additional die roll.
Chechen Leader Underground Box and place it in the ambushing hex.
• The Russian player determines which units retreat. Additional units
• Support markers may not be used by either side. may not retreat.
• Roll one die and modify the DR as follows: (all modifiers are • If the retreat results in a possible ambush, that ambush does not count
cumulative). towards the one ambush attempt per Chechen occupied hex (i.e.,
even if that Chechen unit has already conducted or supported another
a) If the ambushing Chechen stack occupies a rough or mountain hex, ambush, it is an additional free ambush attempt).
add one to the DR.
• There is no advance by either side after an ambush.
b) If a Chechen leader has been allocated to the ambushing hex, add
one to the DR (maximum of one). Important: If a result calls for halving a die roll, always round up.
c) Add one to the DR if any Chechen units are supporting the ambush.
Do not count the ambushing Chechen hex.
BONUS GREEN BERET COUNTERS • The LAW (Light Anti-Tank Weapon) game piece, a Vietnam-era one-
There are eight extra counters for the game Green Beret: Vietnam shot rocket, was still being manufactured and issued in Afghanistan.
(Modern War #18). Soldiers found it to be ideal for destroying Taliban strongpoints, but
also portable and very quick to deploy in the heat of battle, which is
• The two flare equipment game pieces are improved artwork and are reflected by its zero noise and movement ratings.
meant to replace the originals that came with the game.
• The two armor equipment game pieces represent field modifications CRESCENT COUNTERS
that often occurred in Vietnam (Slat Armor, or otherwise known as The seventeen additional game pieces for Red Dragon/Green Crescent
Cage Armor, et cetera). (Modern War #1) are to be added to the game as appropriate to the
• The two smoke equipment game pieces represent smoke grenades,
something that had been included in the Commandos Europe version of • The three Japanese aircraft carriers are those being fielded presently
the game (World at War #55), but was absent in Green Beret: Vietnam. by Japan.
• The MG34 and Bren weapon game pieces are included as among the • The additional U.S. units are indicative of the technological shift that
types of weapons that the Green Berets could have procured. They are is employing more drones, rail-gun armed ships, and the new electric
included to be a comparison to other similar weapons like the M60. (sans steam) system class of aircraft carriers.
The MG34 may be regarded as a deadlier machine gun than the Bren,
for instance, but you may notice the subtle characteristic that it’s also • The three U.S. F35 aircraft units are noticeably less effective than
noisier, too. Any machine gun is noisy, but there’s nothing quite so previously featured F35 game pieces; the F35’s teething problems,
distinctive as the sound of 800 rounds per minute. on good authority, are immense, and it is still anyone’s guess how
well the over-budget boondoggle will actually perform when all of its
BONUS KANDAHAR COUNTERS problems are finally hammered out. Therefore, the three F35 game
There are four bonus counters for Special Forces: Kandahar (Modern War pieces included in this game are meant to replace, not augment, the
#21). F35 game pieces that were included in the original game. Players
should feel free to use the original F35 game pieces if they prefer.
• The two AK-47 weapon game pieces are included because they are so
easy to come by and commonplace, so much so that the two counters • The four additional Chinese units are included to reflect the ever-
are not printed with any cost value. They are free to purchase. increasing Chinese military buildup.
• The M25 CDTE (Counter Defilade Target Engagement) weapon ERRATA DIEN BIEN PHU GAME PIECES
game piece is the new weapon being fielded by the U.S. Army in Three replacement game pieces for the Dien Bien Phu game (Modern
Afghanistan. Its actual expense is reflected by the high cost of seven, War #17); the originals were misprinted on their back sides.
but its effectiveness is unmistakable.
MFG Title Price MFG Title Price MFG Title Price MFG Title Price
CPA 1866 79 GMT Ivanhoe (Reprint) 25 33-35, 60-67, 68-76, 78-79, 80-93, 43 Chattanooga 35
CPA A Las Barricades 75 GMT Kutuzov 65 95-108, 110, 111, 113-115, 116 6 44 Dark Victory & 2nd Front 35
CPA African Campaign 57 GMT Labyrinth 60 121-127, 136 7
CPA Battle Hymn 79 GMT Labyrinth Awakening Expan 35 Strategy & Tactics
CPA Blood on Ohio 59 GMT Leaping Lemmings 35 The General 37 Scrimmage 60
CPA Brezhnevs War 69 GMT Liberty or Death 82 13.5 20 49 Frederick the Great 60
CPA Command & Colors Tricorne 109 GMT Manoeuvre 55 14.5-6; 15.1-2, 4-6; 16.1, 3, 4, 6 15 55 Breitenfeld 50
CPA End of Empire 99 GMT Manoeuvre: Distant Land Exp 46 17.1-6; 18.1, 3-6; 19.1-6; 20.1-6; 21.1-2, 56 Revolt in the East 45
CPA Fall Blau Army Group South 140 GMT Newtown 65 21.1 4-5; 22.1-2, 4-6; 23.1-2; 24.2-3, 5-6; 58 Conquistador 55
CPA Fatal Alliances 134 GMT Next War India-Pakistan 85 25.1-4, 6; 26.1-4; 27.3-6; 28.1-3, 5;
62 South Africa 45
CPA Fornovo 69 GMT Next War Poland 89 29.1-3, 6; 30.1-3 10
63 Veracruz 1847 40
CPA German Fleet Boats 30 GMT Next War Supplement #1 (zip) 20
64 Raid! 40
CPA Guam Return to Glory 135 GMT Next War Taiwan 85 MOVES
33, 34, 39, 49,56 20 67 Stonewall 55
CPA Korea Fire & Ice 84 GMT No Retreat: France & Poland 60
CPA La Bat. France 1940 80 GMT No Retreat: Italian Front 65 89, 90 12 68 Kharkov 55
CPA Lion of Judah 69 GMT No Retreat: North Africa 65 6-8, 12-29, 31-32, 35-38, 40-48, 69 Tannenberg 40
CPA Montellimar Anvil of Fate 139 GMT Operation Dauntless 59 50-55, 57-59, 62 10 71 Battle for Cassino 50
CPA Nine Years 69 GMT Pericles 85 61, 63-77, 79-88 6 72 Armada 50
CPA On to Paris 89 GMT Pendragon 95 91-98, 101-108 7 73 Panzer Battles 40
CPA Operation Skorpion 55 GMT Rebel Raiders 69 77 Paratroop 50
CPA Paths to Hell 80 GMT Risorgimento 65 MAGAzines with games 80 Wilson's Creek 60
CPA Prelude to the Rebellion 109 GMT Silver Bayonet (1st edition) 45 Against the Odds 81 Tito 40
CPA Raiders of the Deep 99 GMT Skies Over the Reich 89 3 Kesselschlacht 35 83 Kaiser’s Battles 45
CPA Red Poppies 2: Limanowa 65 GMT Space Empires Replicators Exp 59 4 Napoleon at Ibe Berezina 35 84 Operation Grenade 60
CPA Saipan 125 GMT Talon (reprint) 59 5 North Wind Rain 35 85 Fighting Sail 60
CPA South China Sea 79 GMT The Supreme Commander 65 8 Fortress Berlin 35 86 Cedar Mountain 60
CPA Sovereign of the Seas 110 GMT Time of Crisis 65 12 Chennault’s First Fight 35 87 Desert Fox 60
CPA Spanish Eagles 65 GMT Triumph & Tragedy (2nd ed) 95 15 Cactus Throne 35 89 Sicily 40
CPA The Fall of Third Reich 79 GMT Twilight Struggle Deluxe Ed 60 18 Golden Horde 35 90 Monmouth 50
CPA Triumph of the Will 69 GMT Welcome to Centerville 59 30 Lash of the Turk 35
91 RDF 50
CPA War in the Wind 57 GMT Wild Blue Yonder 89 34 Right Fierce & Terrible 35
92 Iwo Jima 60
CPA Yalu 59 GMT Wing Leader: Bliz Expan (zip) 36 36 Defeat to Victory: Burma 1944 35
94 Nordkapp 45
GDW Battle for Moscow (zip) 15 GMT Wing Leader: Supremacy 79 37 Bloody Honor: RCW 35
39 Brave Fellows: Durrenstein 1805 35 97 Trail of Fox 60
GMT 1846 Race to Midwest 69 GMT Wing Leader: Victories 69
GMT 1960 Making of President 85 GMT Zero 45 40 Liliburlero: Battle of Boyne 35 98 Central Command 50
GMT Arquebus 65 HEX By Shot, Shock & Faith 56 41 Circle of Fire: Siege Cholm 1942 40 99 Thunder at Luetzen 45
GMT At Any Cost: Metz 50 HEX Liberty Roads 59 42 Thunder Upon the Land 40 102 Monty's D-Day 60
GMT Battle for Normandy Exp (zip) 59 HEX Ligny: Last Eagles 65 44 Vercingetorix 40 103 Road to Vicksburg 70
GMT Battles of Warrior Queen (zip) 20 HEX Med Sirocco 35 ANN #5 Four Roads Moscow 45 105 Ruweisat Ridge 50
GMT Bomber Command 67 HEX Op Roundhammer (zip) 22 ANN #7 Folorn Hope 45 106 Pleasant Hill 50
GMT Cataclysm 79 HEX Sparatcus Imperator 51 ANN #8 La Bataille de Vauchamps 50 107 Warsaw Rising 50
GMT Cmd & Color Napoleonic Basic 70 HEX Tenkatoitsu 63 ANN #9 Set Europe Ablaze 50 109 Target: Libya 45
GMT Cmbt Cmd Stalingrad Pack (zip) 35 HEX Victory Roads 70 110 Hastings, 1066 65
GMT Churchill 89 HEX Waterloo: Fallen Eagles (zip) 50 C3i 112 Patton to War 55
GMT Colonial Twilight 75 TPS Battle of Marne 35 29 Plan Orange 30 113 Battle of Abensberg 40
GMT Comancheria 60 TPS Battle of Stalingrad 30 30 South Pacific 36 114 Battle of Eckmuhl 45
GMT Conquest of Paradise Deluxe 57 TPS Battle of Tours 30 31 Wakefield 40 115 Kanev 35
GMT Dead of Winter 79 TPS Metaurus 35 116 Manchu 35
GMT DiF Sqdrn Pack#1: Fighters 10 TPS Poltova’s Dread Day 30 Command 117 No German Plain 55
GMT DiF Sqdrn Pack#2: Bombers 10 TPS Saratoga 1777 35 1 Blitzkrieg ’41 P85
118 The Tigers are Burning 50
GMT Dominant Species Card Game 29 TPS Siege of Syracuse 35 2 Sunrise of Victory 100
119 Horse Soldiers 60
GMT ECA: Doolittle Raid 60 TPS Teutoburg Forest 35 5 Hamburger Hill P75
121 Indian Mutiny 40
GMT Fading Glory 60 TPS Valmy Campaign 1792 35 6 Krim P30
9 Inchon P40 123 Campaign in Valley 35
GMT Fields of Despair 99 TPS Arbela: Gaugamela 331 BC 35
GMT Flagship: Coyote (cards) 15 TPS Hastings (1066 A.D.) 35 11 Hougoumont 25 127 Rush for Glory 20
GMT Flagship: Promo. (cards) 15 TPS Invincible Armada 35 15 I Am Sparatcus P50 128 Africa Orientale 40
GMT Fort Sumter 42 TPS Sadowa Campaign: 1866 35 16 Storm in West 1918 P60 131 Donau Front 40
GMT Gallipoli 105 TPS Tours 732 A.D. 30 19 Port Arthur 30 133 Baton Rouge 20
GMT Gathering Storm 105 21 Blood & Iron 40 137 Men at Arms 60
GMT GD: Fighting Formations 85 MAGAzines 23 Sekigahara 45 138 Eylau 25
GMT GD: Fighting Formations Expan 45 Fire & Movement 24 Czech ’38 P40 140 Objective Tunis 20
GMT Genesis 69 1 40 26 When Tigers Fight 50 142 Red Beach One:
GMT Here I Stand 500th Anniv Ed 89 2-10, 21 25 29 1914: Glory’s End 40 Tarawa (solitaire) 20
GMT Hitler's Reich 69 12-20, 37, 38, 41, 45, 48, 53, 83, 37 Mukden & Moscow Option P25 143 Rio Grande:Valverde 20
GMT Holland 44 55 137-139, 143, 145, 149, 150 15 38 Great War in Near East 35 144 Chad: The Toyota Wars 20
GMT Illusion of Glory 65 22-27, 29, 31, 32, 36, 39-40, 42-44, 40 Buena Vista & Moscow Burning 35 146 Italian Camp: Sicily 25
GMT Iron & Oak 59 46-47, 49-52, 54-56, 59, 73,77 10 42 Hell B4 Night/Blitz 40 35 147 Holy War: Afghanistan 35
Desert Fox Games • PO Box 21598 • Bakersfield CA 93390 • 661/587-9633 • Fax- 661/587-5031 • shop.decisiongames.com
MFG Title Price MFG Title Price MFG Title Price MFG Title Price
148 Cropredy Bridge 15 255 First Battle Britain 25 279, 291, 293-299, 301-313 7 World at war magazine
150 Italian Camp: Salerno 50 256 Marlborough's Bat: Ram & Malp 25 293 with Waterloo Map 10 w/ Games
151 Vittoria/Friedland 35 257 Chosin 26 300 with War in North Africa Map 10 7 Greek Tragedy 25
152 Case Green 25 258 San Juan Campaign 25 *Not all issues available. 8 Arriba España! 25
153 Felix/ZAMA 30 259 Battle for China 1937 25 9 Destr Army Grp Center 25
155 Italian Camp: Anzio 25 260 Black Prince: Crecy & Navarette 25 Strategy & Tactics 11 Afrikakorps: Decision in Desert 30
156 White Eagle Eastward 40 261 Kaiser's War 30 Quarterly 12 1940 What If? 30
157 Roman Civil War 85 262 Frederick's War 30 Magazine with Map Poster 14 Invasion Pearl Harbor 30
158 Red Sun, Red Star 65 263 Cold War 2: Wurzburg & Kabul 30 1 Caesar 15
159 Zeppelin 60 264 Shiloh: Bloody April 30 15 Soft Underbelly: Italy 1943 30
2 America in World War I 15 16 Partizan! 30
160 Italian Camp: MedWar 25 266 Julian 30
3 Battle of Stlaingrad 15 17 Leningrad 41 30
162 Clontarf/Saipan 25 267 SE Russian Civil War 50
166 Savage Station 75 268 When Lions Sailed 30 4 WWII What IF? 15 22 East Front Battles, vol II: Minsk 30
167 Austro-Prussian War 85 275 Koniggratz (M&S folio system) 30 23 Pacific Battles 1: Guadalcanal 30
169 Battles of Atlanta I 75 276 Op. Anaconda 2002 30 Modern War magazine 24 Sedan 30
170 Battles of Atlanta II 75 277 Ticonderoga: NY Campaigns 30 w/ Games 25 Keren, East Africa 30
171 On to Moscow 60 278 Tobruk 30 2 Oil War: Iran Strikes 30 26 Race to the Reichstag 30
173 30 Years War 100 279 Reconquista 30 3 Somali Pirates 30 28 Green Hell: Battles in Burma 30
175 Germania 85 280 Soldiers: Trenches 1918 30 4 Six Day War 30 29 Norway 1940 30
176 Blood on the Tigris 55 282 War of the Pacific 30 5 Drive on Pyongyang 30
179 First Afghan War 20 283 Fail Safe 30 30 Hinge of Fate, Pol & Fr 1939 30
6 Decision Iraq 30 31 EFB, vol III:
180 Reinforce the Right! 35 284 Jackson: Shenandoah Valley 30
7 Vietnam Battles: Iron & Snoopy 30 Crisis Ukraine-Dubno 30
183 Byzantium 100 285 Duel on the Steppe 30
8 SE Holy Land 50 32 Pacific Battles 2: Nomonhan 30
184 Twilight's Last Gleaming 75 286 Sparta V Athens 30
186 Over the Top: Mons & Marne 95 288 SE Hindenburg's War 50 9 War by Tv 30 34 SE Guards Armoured 50
192 GWIE 75 289 War of Austrian Succession 30 10 Target Iran (solitaire) 30 35 Strike North 30
193 Crimean War 75 290 Angola 30 11 Greek Civil War 30 36 EFB vol IV: Winterstorm 30
196 Vietnam Battles 85 291 Warpath 30 12 Dragon V Bear 30 38 Ghost Division 30
197 GMB: Bannock & Tamburline 60 292 North Cape 35 13 Next War in Lebanon 30 39 France Fights On 30
199 Forgotten Axis: Finnish 45 297 1863 35 15 SE Red Tide West 50 42 Pacific Battles 3: Shanghai 35
200 French Foreign Legion 125 301 Kaiser's War in the East 35 16 Visegrad: Coming War-Europe 35 43 Patton's Third Army (solitaire) 35
201 Crimean War (SPI) 45 302 Great Northern War 35 17 Dien Bien Phu (solitaire) 35 44 Night Fight (solitaire) 35
202 Taipei 125 303 Yugoslavia 1990 35 18 Green Beret: Vietnam (solitaire) 35
208 Back to Iraq 25 304 American Revolution in South 35 45 Panzers East (solitaire) 35
19 Red Dragon Falling 35 46 Yamato Unleashed 35
212 Rough & Ready: Mex-Am. War 25 305 Armies of White Sun (solitaire) 35
20 Race to Baghdad (solitaire) 35 47 Crete (solitaire) 60
214 Marathon & Granicus 30 306 Agricola 35
216 Asia Crossroads: Great Game 35 307 Cold War Hot Armor 35 21 Kandahar (solitaire) 35 48 Duel in the North 35
218 Chancellorsville/Plevna 22 308 War of Jenkins' Ear 35 22 New World Order 35 49 Op. Gertrud 35
219 Span. Civil War Bat, vol 2 25 309 War For Turkish Liberation 40 23 Fallujah (solitaire) 35 50 SE Zhukov's War 60
221 7 Years World War 70 310 American Civil War 40 24 LZ Albany 35 51 Pacific Battles 4: Malaya 35
223 1918 40 311 Pacific Subs (solitaire) 40 25 SE October War 60 52 Sealion 35
224 Sedan Campaign 30 312 Alesia 40 26 Invasion Afghanistan 53 Strike & Counterstrike:
226 Middle East Battles 22 313 Windhoek: SW Africa 1914-15 40 1979-89 (solitaire) 35 Moscow (solitaire) 35
227 CBI: Vinegar Joe's War 75 314 Last Stand Isandlwana 40 27 Kaliningrad & Mosul 35 55 Commandos Europe (solitaire) 35
228 Old Contemptibles 22 28 Objective Havana (solitaire) 35 56 Bastogne (solitaire) 35
230 Downfall: Op Olympic 30 S&T MINT Game Only- 29 Putin's War 35
233 Dagger Thrusts: Patton/Mont 50 No Mag 30 Op Enduring Freedom (solitaire) 35
57 Escape Hell's Gate 35
234 Lest Darkness Fall 50 117, 137, 150, 159, 200, 220, 227 50 58 Stalin Moves West 40
31 Combat Veteran 35 59 Luzon Campaign (solitaire) 40
235 Cold War Battles: 267, 274, 288 44
Angola & Budapest 30 253, 312 35 32 Op. Musketeer (solitaire) 35 60 Eisenhower's War 40
236 They Died w/Boots On!: Vol I 166, 168, 186, 203, 204 30 33 ISIS War 35 61 Peaks of the Caucasus 40
Custer & Quebec 30 64, 152, 160, 191, 223, 224, 226 34 Opaque War: Ukraine 2014 40 62 SCW: Belchite & Teruel 40
237 No Prisoners! Camp Lawrence 23 228, 241-243, 245, 248, 264, 266, 35 Mike Force-Vietnam 40 63 Central Pacific (solitaire) 40
239 Winged Horse: Vietnam 65 23 268, 271, 273, 275-278, 282, 284-286, 36 Cold Start: India-Pakistan War 40 64 Rats of Tobruk 40
241 Twilight of Ottomans 24 289, 291, 295, 297, 301-307 28 37 Putin Moves South 40
242 They Died w/Boots On!: 140, 143, 146, 148, 153, 192, 199, 38 Soyuz 81 40 WaW magazine w/o Games*
Vol 2-Pershing & Mad Anthony 24 201, 208, 212, 214, 216, 218, 234, 39 Axis of Evil: Iran 40 1 5
244 SE Drive on Moscow 125 235, 247, 249, 252, 256, 257 20
28 6
245 Triple Alliance War 24 251V Variants: 227, 241, 243 8
MW magazine w/o Games* 30, 31, 34, 35, 39, 42-45, 47-63 7
248 First Blood, Second Marne 24
3, 10, 13, 17-26, 28-39 7
249 Nap Forgot Btls: EC & RSW 24 S&T magazine w/o Games* 37 with Normandy Campaign Map 10
252 New Mexico Campaign 25 *Not all issues available. *Not all issues available.
246, 255 5
254 Hannibal's War 25 260-262, 266, 270, 274, 275, 277 6
Desert Fox Games • PO Box 21598 • Bakersfield CA 93390 • 661/587-9633 • Fax- 661/587-5031 • shop.decisiongames.com
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Desert Fox Games • PO Box 21598 • Bakersfield CA 93390 • 661/587-9633 • Fax- 661/587-5031 • shop.decisiongames.com