Abstract Background: Oral submucous fibrosis (OSF) is a precancerous condition predominantly seen in people of Asian
descent. About 7%–12% of OSF patients develop oral squamous cell carcinoma. Morphological features of OSF,
especially fibrosis, suggest a possibility of hypoxic environment in diseased tissues. Neovascularization and
increased glycolysis, represent adaptations to a hypoxic microenvironment that are correlated with tumor
invasion and metastasis. The adaptation of cells to hypoxia appears to be mediated through hypoxia‑inducible
factor‑1α (HIF‑1α). HIF‑1α is said to be associated with malignant transformation of epithelium in other sites.
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the expression of HIF‑1α in OSMF
and its role in malignant transformation.
Materials and Methods: A retrospective study which included 20 histopathologically diagnosed cases of
OSF was conducted. A qualitative evaluation of HIF‑1α was performed. Statistical analysis was carried out
using the IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences 20.0 version (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY, USA).
Results: Results showed an increased expression of HIF‑1α in OSF.
Conclusion: HIF‑1α appears to play a role in malignant transformation of OSF.
Keywords: Epithelial dysplasia, hypoxia, hypoxia‑inducible factor‑1α, malignant dysplasia, oral submucous
Address for correspondence: Dr. Treville Pereira, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and Microbiology, D. Y. Patil Deemed to be University
School of Dentistry, Sector 7, Nerul, Navi Mumbai ‑ 400 706, Maharashtra, India.
Submitted: 05-Aug-2019, Accepted: 18-Dec-2019, Published: 08-May-2020
106 © 2020 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
Pereira, et al.: Role of HIF‑1α in malignant transformation of OSF
BioGenex antigen retrieval system and heated for 15 min. mild (+), and cases in between the two extremes were
The system was allowed to cool to room temperature by graded into the moderate (++) category.
placing it under running tap water, and later, the slides
were washed with distilled water for 5 min. With an Statistical analysis
intention to block endogenous biotin, the sections were Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were
incubated with a blocking agent (BioGenex Life sciences carried out in the present study. Results on continuous
Pvt., Ltd., CA, USA) for 15 min. Excess power block measurements were presented on mean ± standard
solution was drained, and the sections were incubated with deviation, and results on categorical measurement were
primary monoclonal antibody of HIF‑1α (BioGenex Life presented in number (%). The level of significance was
Sciences Pvt., Ltd, CA, USA) for 1 h and later thoroughly fixed at P = 0.05 and any value ≤0.05 was considered to
washed with citrate buffer. For further enhancement be statistically significant.
of the staining, the sections were then incubated with
the anti‑mouse secondary antibody (super‑enhancer) Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to find the
significance of study parameters between the groups
for 30 min followed by two consecutive buffer washes;
(intergroup analysis). Further post hoc analysis was carried
each for 5 min. Horseradish peroxidase (BioGenex Life
out if the values of ANOVA test were significant.
Sciences Pvt., Ltd., CA, USA) was added to the sections and
incubated for 30 min. The chromogen diaminobenzidine
The Statistical software IBM Statistical Package for Social
was prepared just prior to use by mixing one drop of Sciences statistics 20.0 (IBM Corporation, Armonk,
chromogen to 1 ml of the buffer in a mixing vial and later NY, USA) was used for the analyses of data.
added over the sections. After 5 min, the sections were
washed in buffer followed by water and counterstained OBSERVATIONS AND RESULTS
with Harris hematoxylin, air dried, cleared and mounted
with dibutyl phthalate xylene. The study comprised of 20 OSF (study group) and
five healthy controls (control). The study population
Assessment of the hypoxia‑inducible factor‑1α staining comprised of 16 males and four females with a mean
intensity age of 29 years, and the control group comprised of
Cells positive for HIF‑1α were regarded as fibroblasts and three males and two females. The study group as well
blood vessels. Fibroblasts and blood vessels were counted as control group showed a male predominance. Clinical
using a Leica research microscope with provision for staging of the patients was made depending upon the
photomicrograph (Model no. DM1000 LED, Germany). mouth opening as suggested by Lai et al. There were
The stained sections were first screened at low power seven cases in Stage 1, five cases in Stage 2, seven cases
(×10) to determine the areas of most intense staining in Stage 3 and one case in Stage 4. We observed that the
(Hot spot method). Fibroblasts and blood vessel counting majority of the study group falls in Stage 1 and Stage 3.
was then performed under high power (×40) magnification. We further did a comparison of staining intensity with
Five high‑power fields (HPFs) with the highest number grades of epithelial dysplasia (P = 0.199), comparison of
of these cells were chosen. The representative areas epithelial dysplasia with clinical staging (P = 0.283) and a
were carefully scanned from left to right of every slide comparison of epithelial dysplasia with histopathological
to avoid recounting of same areas. The cells for each grading (P = 0.283). All the above values were statistically
case was the average of the number in these five chosen insignificant.
HPFs and expressed as the number of fibroblasts or
blood vessels per HPF. The mean of 10 values was The collected data were then statically analyzed to find
calculated and expressed as mean (standard deviation). All a significance of the blood vessels in correlation to the
immunohistochemistry (IHC)‑stained slides along with the different grades of staining intensity. Among the 20 cases
corresponding H & E slides were evaluated by two qualified with respect to staining intensity, nine cases showed
observers to minimize the subjective bias. mild staining intensity with a mean of 7.13 (4.267), six
cases showed moderate staining intensity with a mean
The section was considered either as negative or positive of 6.50 (3.779) and five cases showed a severe staining
according to the absence or presence of brown staining in intensity with a mean of 7.49 (6.316). The P = 0.594
epithelial or stromal cells. The positive cases were graded [Table 1 and Figure 1]. When the data were analyzed to
into three categories depending on the intensity of staining. find the significance of the fibroblasts in co‑relation to
Homogeneous dark brown staining was considered as the different grades of staining intensity it was observed
strong (+++) and light faint staining was considered as that among the 20 cases with respect to staining intensity,
108 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology | Volume 24 | Issue 1 | January-April 2020
Pereira, et al.: Role of HIF‑1α in malignant transformation of OSF
Figure 1: Comparison of blood vessels in terms of (mean [standard Figure 2: Comparison of fibroblast in terms of (mean [standard
deviation]) among different grades of dysplasia using analysis of deviation]) among different grades of dysplasia using analysis of
variance test variance test
nine cases showed mild staining intensity with a mean Table 1: Comparison of blood vessels in terms of (mean±standard
of 13.26 (8.792), six cases shows moderate staining deviation) among different grades of staining intensity using
analysis of variance test
intensity with a means of 45.20 (25.652) and five cases
Staining intensity n Mean±SD F P
showed a severe staining intensity with a mean of Mild 9 7.13±4.267 0.536 0.594
70.16 (13.723). The P < 0.001 which was highly significant Moderate 6 6.50±3.779
[Table 2 and Figure 2]. Severe 5 9.32±6.316
Total 20 7.49±4.590
DISCUSSION SD: Standard deviation
HNSCC is the sixth most common malignancy worldwide. Table 2: Comparison of fibroblast in terms of (mean±standard
deviation) among different grades of staining intensity using
OSCC remains a significant health burden across the analysis of variance test
globe.[12] It usually arises from a preexisting malignant Staining intensity n Mean±SD F P
disorder, and occasionally de novo; but in either case from Mild 9 13.26±8.792 20.002 <0.001**
within a field of precancerized epithelium. Important risk Moderate 6 45.20±25.652
factors related to the carcinoma itself that are associated Severe 5 70.16±13.723
Total 20 37.07±28.684
with a poor prognosis include large size of the tumor at the **P<0.001: Highly significant. SD: Standard deviation
time of diagnosis, the presence of metastases in regional
lymph nodes, and a deep invasive front of the tumor.[13]
disease is a genetic process that later becomes evident at
Despite advances in therapeutic approaches, percentages
the cellular level and ultimately at the clinical level. The
of morbidity of OSCC and mortality have not improved
use of molecular markers allows diagnosis and staging of
significantly during the past 30 years.[14] Oral cancers arise
tissue change before changes in cell morphology occurs
from sustained, stepwise accumulations of mutations
and certainly before tissue changes become clinically visible.
resulting in the transition of normal mucosa to dysplasia
to invasive carcinoma over time.[15] Ultimately, the use of molecular markers in diagnosis may
lead to survival and less treatment‑associated morbidity
Furthermore, many OSCCs are believed to develop through early recognition of and intervention for at‑risk
from oral premalignant disorders (OPMD) and early oral lesions.[16]
detection and diagnosis of these premalignant lesions
should be possible. Identification of high‑risk OPMD Hypoxia is a common feature and contributes to local and
and intervention at premalignant stages could constitute systemic cancer progression, resistance to therapy and poor
one of the keys to reducing mortality, morbidity and outcome.[17] Oxygen concentrations are markedly reduced
cost of treatment associated with SCC. There are several in many human cancers compared with normal tissue,
OPMD that precede the development of OSCC. The most and major mechanism mediating adaptive responses to
commonly encountered are erythroplakia, leukoplakia and reduced oxygen availability (hypoxia) is the regulation of
OSF.[12] Several potential markers of molecular changes in transcription by HIF‑1α.[18] Hypoxia is a state of reduced
oral premalignant lesions and conditions have been studied, oxygen availability or decreased oxygen partial pressures
and interest in the genetic changes associated with these below critical thresholds, and it restricts or even abolishes
lesions is increasing. Progression from benign to malignant the function of organs, tissues or cells. In solid tumors,
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology | Volume 24 | Issue 1 | January-April 2020 109
Pereira, et al.: Role of HIF‑1α in malignant transformation of OSF
oxygen delivery to the respiring neoplastic and stromal cells and ulceration of the epithelium by inducing apoptosis. In
is frequently reduced or even abolished by deteriorating addition, the overexpression of HIF‑1α is seen in OSF,
diffusion geometry, severe structural abnormalities of which indicates changes in cell proliferation, maturation
tumor microvessels and disturbed microcirculation. and metabolic adaptation, increasing the possibility of
Neovascularization and increased glycolysis represent malignant transformation. [6] On degradation, HIF‑1
adaptations to a hypoxic microenvironment that are becomes inactive and the cells lacking oxygen supply are
correlated with tumor invasion and metastasis.[19] unable to survive and undergo apoptosis. However, under
hypoxic conditions as in OSF, HIF‑1α is stabilized and on
The development of hypoxic microenvironment is caused stabilization, it translocates to the nucleus where it forms
by the imbalance between oxygen consumption and oxygen the functional transcription factor HIF‑1. The functional
delivery. The rapidly proliferating HNSCC has insufficient HIF‑1α helps in cell survival under hypoxia and thus helps
vascularization with poor blood supply. The hypoxic stress cell proliferation promoting tumorigenesis.[25] HIF‑1α is
stimulates solid tumors to upregulate the expression of a rarely expressed in the normal oral mucosa. However, a
variety of oncogenes such as HIF and endothelial growth significant HIF‑1α expression was found in OSF in the
factor which enhances irregular vascular endothelial cell basal and suprabasal layers of epithelium. This indicates
proliferation and differentiation. The adaptation of cells the role of hypoxia in malignant transformation of OSF.
to hypoxia appears to be mediated through HIF‑1α which Thus, the upregulation of HIF‑1α is an early event in
is said to be associated with malignant transformation of carcinogenesis.[26]
epithelium in other sides. It appears that HIF‑1α plays a
significant role in both prostate and cervical carcinogenesis Dunkel et al.[27] found that the CD44 low HIF‑1α high
at early stages.[20] signature was associated with poorer disease‑free survival.
Uehara et al.[7] found expression of HIF‑1α in OSCC is
Little is known about the role of HIF‑1α in early events likely to be of great value in treatment planning and to
of carcinogenesis in the oral cavity. Therefore, the aim of predict the prognosis of OSCC. Lee et al.[28] found that
our study was to evaluate the expression of HIF‑1α in HIF‑1a expression is significantly upregulated in areca
OSF by IHC. quid chewing‑associated OSCC. Zheng et al.[29] in their
reverse transcription‑polymerase chain reaction study
Hypoxia is a common environmental stress factor measured mRNA levels of HIF‑1α and found HIF‑1α
and is associated with physiological and pathological mRNA levels were significantly increased in carcinoma of
conditions related to cancer invasion and metastasis.[21] the tongue, and a positive correlation was observed with
The process of tumor cell invasion involves degradation pathological differentiation grade. On the contrary, dos
of extracellular matrix and matrix metalloproteinases Santos et al.[9] showed a significant relationship between
which play an important role in invasion in OSCC.[22] The strong HIF‑1α protein expression and lower local disease
higher incidence of metastasis could also be explained relapse (P = 0.002) and increased local disease‑free survival
by the fact that the glycolytic products lactase and acid (P = 0.013). In a recent study on prostate carcinogenesis, it
induce secretion of matrix‑degrading hyaluronidase and was reported that the upregulation of HIF‑1α is an early
metalloproteinase by tumor‑associated fibroblasts create event.[30] They showed a gradual increase in the expression
a tumor microenvironment favorable for tumor cell of HIF‑1α from benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatic
migration.[23] intraepithelial hyperplasia to prostatic cancer compared
with normal prostatic epithelium.
OSF is histopathologically characterized by fibrosis of
subepithelial connective tissue. Collagens are the major In the present study conducted, we hypothesized a
structural component of extracellular matrix; hence, precise possible role of HIF‑1α in progression and malignant
regulation of collagen metabolism is essential to maintain transformation of OSF and to investigate the role
the normal integrity of connective tissue.[24] of hypoxia in OSF and its relationship to epithelial
dysplasia. We have demonstrated the evidence of marked
With the progression of the disease process of OSF, upregulation of HIF‑1α in a reasonably large number
the production of collagen type 1 is increased, and the of OSF samples by conducting IHC and then by using
degradation of collagen is reduced by up to 75%. Extensive the hot‑spot method, the counting of the stained blood
fibrosis of the connective tissue causes a reduction vessels and fibroblast was done. Although this finding was
of vascularity, resulting in subsequent hypoxia in both not consistent as in few cases, staining was restricted to
fibroblasts and surface epithelium. Hypoxia causes atrophy the dysplastic zone only. In the past literature, increased
110 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology | Volume 24 | Issue 1 | January-April 2020
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